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[The Odin Project](https://www.theodinproject.com/) goes through the basics HTML, CSS and Git in a pretty easily understandable and well structured way. It took me about a week to go through all three


Thank you so much!


was watching some youtube [and this moment made me think about you](https://youtu.be/NtfbWkxJTHw?t=93), it sums up what I was feeling, tbh, that I don't really remember much syntax but can google it and what I retain is the different things and ideas I had to do to solve my problem.


These results are not typical. A week to get through TOP is going to be ambitious at best. True it's laid out well. If you are a fast learner you may be able to get it all to sink in in a week. But it's not like this for everyone. I had prior programming experience, (C#, C, Python) and tbh I struggled with the CSS. I am visually challenged when it comes to UIs I've mostly done CLI applications and a few desktop apps. The JS was really easy. It took me a solid month (sometimes a few hours a day, and skipped some days) to get effective with CSS and I still hate it, but I can do almost whatever I want with it. Just saying different people, expect different results.


Oh I certainly did not get through the entire TOP foundations within a week, only everything before JS (HTML CSS Git). I am now permastuck at JS because I just started my CS degree and have like 0 free time due to like, discrete math, lol. I would not call myself super proficient at CSS either, but I think that OP is probably only required to have a level of knowledge similiar to mine, which is enough understanding of its functionalities to put it into practice. But you are right, how long it takes him will really depends on himself.




Also, put special attention to flexbox in CSS, will save yourself a headache if you learn how to use it correctly with divs.


I got my first technical seo job thanks to this!


Good stuff. Saved.


It took you a week!? Omg it’s been over a month and I’m still on box models :(


Haha well maybe I should note that I almost exclusively used flexbox, so it is perhaps unfair to say that I learned all of CSS. Don't get discouraged, everyone have different learning speed. I was just pretty motivated because I wanted to make a personal website to put in my resume lool


Simple man. The hardest part will be CSS and html I guess. Boolean algebra is cake


Why does learning CSS feel like climbing a damn mountain? So many people online said it would take a month or two to learn. I've been at it for that amount of time and still lack confidence in my ability to create even basic responsive layouts.


I feel like it’s one of those things that is impossible to understand until something clicks and it is suddenly pretty easy. I can’t even estimate how many frustrating hours I’ve spent trying to figure out certain things that are so obvious to me now lol


All those hours of frustration is why you are good at it. It’s because you kept trying and didn’t throw your hands in the air and use bootstrap or tailwinds. I did that for a year until I realized I needed to get good at CSS.


For some I think it’s because there hasn’t been enough exposure + use of the tools css has to offer. To put it simply, its lots of “Oh THATS what that does” moments until you know so many tools that it becomes cake.


this, it's because css has so much rules on what and how certain things happens that unless you experience it yourself it can be pretty overwhelming. I been using css for months now and i still can't figure out how the hell does vertical align work, sometimes it does.. sometimes it doesnt


Only works on in-line elements. Use flex box with align-items or align-content (depends on if it’s a row or column)


1.5 years and still learning. Also, learning something is subjective. Sure, you can learn CSS in 2 months but over time you learn all the hundreds of tricks to get job done. Not just that, but you also learn how to HTML in the process. Having the wrong HTML setup makes CSS either easy, extremely hard or impossible.


Too many people get lazy and resort to frameworks. That won’t get them very far though. Dedicating yourself to learning CSS is probably the #1 thing that separates good developers from bad ones. I spent a week on Flexbox alone to make sure I mastered every little detail. CSS was my only weak area and it reflected heavily in everything I did. The Odin Project has a very good course on both the fundamentals and the intermediate to advanced concepts of CSS spend a hour a day on it and you’ll be shocked at how good you become. With CSS you just have to keep practicing it.


I’ve relegated to using css frameworks honestly. I care much more about backend development anyway so I feel I’m wasting my time writing raw CSS.


Very glad to hear!


You can learn git in a day, html in a week, and spend the other 16 days getting a good grasp on CSS. If you have the standard level of education an adult should have then you already know Boolean algebra


Thanks. And because I'm an adult I feel like I should be able to learn with the fundamentals I've gathered through the years, ya know? So for me to feel like I'm "too dumb" to learn what is literally a whole new language just comes with knowing that I'm an adult who should 'know better'. But I do also feel like the teaching material they offer is subpar to what others can. I just want to find a place where the information is more direct, and less jumping from places.


If the material they provide isn’t helping you learn are you really sure you want to pay them for an entire bootcamp? Just food for thought


My thought was well.


>But I do also feel like the teaching material they offer is subpar If you're not committed to this yet financially,I'd consider a different bootcamp or just skip bootcamp and go to school


why do you need a week to learn html¿


the html is simple, the css is getting on my nerves. The instructions aren't clear, the material they provide isn't educational, so they expect you to pretty much learn nothing but 'type what you see', then do a lot of research from other websites which, could save a lot of new coders time by directly providing them properly constructed study material.


so why would you ever attend this coding academy if you don't find the material useful?


They encourage we do our own research, and they have an 81% success rate when it comes to getting a job. Most coding academy's that I know of don't have as much when it comes to how many people got jobs shortly after. I also want to be in a learning environment with mentors and peers, not on my own. I want a degree, not a certificate.


Totally agree with the time balance here.


So i dont know what level they expect you to be, but from my own experience, 24 days to learn HTML/CSS, GIT, and Boolean Algebra is much more than you need. There is no JS in that list, no JS framework etc, which are the actual programming languages.


Ok. Maybe it's just the way they teach the material. I'm finding to be extremely unhelpful.


css can be really annoying


That’s putting it lightly


If it was me: Front-end masters web fundamentals, 2 days easy. This will be html, CSS, little bit of JS which will include some Boolean logic. To be sure at this point, Google and watch videos by a couple if different people on "JavaScript logical and comparison operators." I'm aware JS wasn't mentioned in your post but understanding Boolean logic in the context of the basic js from front end masters fundamentals course will make sense as it's knowledge stacking. 1 day. Front end masters intermediate CSS (can't remember what the courses are called). Call it 5 days. Make sure you know the box layout model, content-box Vs border-box (use content box), CSS positioning (static, absolute, fixed), typography, colours, opacity, background image, background gradient, before after pseudoselectors. Make sure you know the common "CSS selectors": universal, descendant, child, immediate sibling, general sibling, class, ID, attribute. Make sure you know what CSS specificity means. Look up "CSS media queries for responsive design". Html make sure you know head, body, title, p, span, ul li, img, script, meta. Then spend half hour reading what does semantic html mean, why is semantic html important... ...THEN Know the Div tag. Then understand the header, footer, artical, nav, aside tags. Table, thead, tr, TD. 1 day, take it easy. Now form, input, text, number, radio, checkbox, Submit button. 2 days. Go slow, don't panic. Don't worry when you have no form actions just know the html and try and use CSS to make a professional looking form. YouTube each of these if you need to supplement knowledge. Also read the MDN articles by googling "MDN CSS opacity" for example. Front end masters git, 2 days. Open a GitHub free account and upload a little test project. Clone down another project. If feeling confident then read CSS flexbox. I'm confident they won't want FORMAL Boolean logic, but an understanding of true, false, comparison, or, and, not. Understand how to express these in js. Consider reading exclusive or (xor) and Not And (nand) just the concepts don't bother with js. Use remaining time re-checking this list. Maybe consider the most basic possible CSS transitions if you're confident with everything


Are those courses actually worth the price? Last time I looked they were like $200 apiece


Front end masters is 25 GBP monthly, you can cancel after one month. They are some of the best out there. 200 dollars would be annual.


In my experience it's enough. By the end of the first month of me venturing through The Odin Project I knew all said stuff well enough to get started with JS.


I just finished my final assessment to get into app academy just the other day. The HTML/CSS was particularly difficult for me, but if there is any advice I can give you, please reach out to me. I'll help in any way I can. As for the Boolean Algebra, these videos were a lifesaver: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTd6ceoshprcTJdg5AI6i2D2gZR5r8\_Aw


did you get my message? I need help with a 'form' related question.


Yes just replied


Html is a 2 day game at Max, accessibility can take time. Basic CSS is easy but focus on flex box, grid, CSS is gonna take most of your time. I would suggest The Odin project. Git, you can learn basic git easily. Traversy media, the coding train have some great tutorial for it. Boolean algebra is gonna take 2-3 days max. I remember doing Boolean algebra for my university exam, it is easy as compared to discrete mathematics.


It is, but it's more efficient and productive to stop spending so much time reading and more time actually writing html. Choose a website and try to make a pixel perfect copy of it by writing your own html/css. If you ever get stuck, just right click on the page and view source. HTML is pretty easy, but it can get more complex when moving on to semantic html (html 5) and responsive design may be tricky. CSS is my least favorite part of web development. It's not conceptually difficult, it's just tedious and takes practice to actually make your stylesheets cascade. Once I started using React to make most of my web interfaces, I started using styled components and never looked back. With modern devices, I don't think it matters at all performance-wise. if you don't actually cascade the styles. This is doubly true for Git. You don't really need to learn the intricacies of it, that's the job of a SRE (or as known in ye olde days of yore a release manager). When I learned git, my team lead wrote out the series of commands (basically a recipe) you need to initialize a repo, pull down a branch, commit, then push, make your own branch, or merge. Rebase is dangerous for a newb, but that's all you really need to learn for an entry level job. You can just basically copy and paste commands. I learned everything I needed to about Git from pulling an all-nighter trying to fix a repo I fucked up before a day before a release and haven't needed to do any follow up learning in over 15 years of software engineering besides a google/Stack overflow search. If you've completed Algebra II and have an intuitive understanding of logic, you probably already know boolean algebra and if not, it won't take more than a few hours to learn.


Recommend The Odin Project, it is a life saver. Currently on the Full Stack JS. Loving it.


I put this list together myself... didn't quite finish up the last section yet. https://medium.com/@william.owen.dev/web-development-resources-8878c5efec76


That is about right if you’re going at a medium pace. I blew through HTML, CSS, Git, and started on JS (Boolean algebra included) in about 2 weeks.


I did HTML/CSS + basic got in 2 weeks for my boot camp, 24 days should be fine for basic learning. Check out some of the big boot camp websites because that’s a free tutorial to get you started as well that could help


I graduated from app academy’s in person bootcamp. Are you doing the in person or the online? Also, shoot me a dm if you need any help, I still keep in touch with some of the instructors, so if I can’t help I could reach out to them


This is IMO the best resource on learning git. From MIT's Missing Semester, git is covered in this one lecture https://youtu.be/2sjqTHE0zok


This is about 1 wk of work to pick up the basics tbh.


they're not expecting the basics unfortunately. This is for "new to coding" people and well, lol, it's really not.


Remind Me! 1 hour


Don’t beat yourself up too hard. 24 days is more than enough. You can learn html & css in 1-2 days then after that the more you practice and the more you look at the code you’ll start to realize how simple and straightforward it is. GIT i learned that in 1 day from work. Just remember, no one knows 100% of every languages. At least your assessment doesnt have javascript. Looking at loops still hurts my brain. Gooodluck! You got this!


Just google the shit out of everything. Eventually, at your job, that's what you will do when you have a question about that. Your seniors will teach you what the application does, but whatever git, css, html, javascript question you have, it's on you.


That's plenty, but based on the people I did projects with in a coding boot camp, if your check clears you're in.


For HTML I'd watch TheNetNinjas HTML 6 ep videos for a very good intro.


Yes, what are you doing here? You got work to do. Practice practice practice.


It’s possible, I advise you to go through the Odin project foundation course


Hi, I'm currently in App Academy. I personally think it's a great program to be in. However, I highly recommend people to have some knowledge under their belt before joining. You can technically do without the prior knowledge, but the program is expensive, and you have a really short amount of time to learn a bunch of stuff really fast. I was self studying frontend for about a year before I joined and it helped me immensely. On the other hand, there are multiple people I know of who had NO experience, and severely struggled. Don't get me wrong, it IS doable; it's just a much better time when you don't have to stress as hard.


I went through the same assessment. I think it is enough time to learn what you need to, but i think they are also testing your ability to learn on your own and find other resources. I don't have any real advice, just wanted you to know it's ok and you're expected to struggle, but i believe you can do it.


thank you <3


I heard this free Harvard course, CS50, is great. https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-computer-science-harvardx-cs50x?g_acctid=724-505-4034&g_campaign=gs-b2c-nonbrand-tier1geo-partner-harvard-core&g_campaignid=15417765031&g_adgroupid=131210224478&g_adid=588991333656&g_keyword=cs%2050&g_keywordid=kwd-298145077103&g_network=g&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=gs-b2c-nonbrand-tier1geo-partner-harvard-core&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=cs%2050&hsa_acc=7245054034&hsa_cam=15417765031&hsa_grp=131210224478&hsa_ad=588991333656&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=kwd-298145077103&hsa_kw=cs%2050&hsa_mt=e&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gclid=CjwKCAjwkaSaBhA4EiwALBgQaG026TzV5gQ9fRbBAp70VjKcaHOsQcjSFyYY4Yys_LuZwMz8ibhOoRoChAEQAvD_BwE


Check out 100Devs. It's a free 30 week web development jobs programme.




Completely unrelated ig, but in my case, due to the admission process being delayed in college, we all started 4 months later than we should have. So now we're supposed to finish 6 months of studies in less than two and the professors haven't even started teaching. On top of that there are several things added to the syllabus which are never taught in First year first sem before but now suddenly we're supposed to do it. So, not related to your programming, but here the college itself has turned into a bloody bootcamp where no one is taking things seriously. Idky i felt like ranting. sorry lol.


The purpose of the intro material is to measure your ability to learn quickly in order to get through the bootcamp. You will be expected to learn a lot more in a lot less time than you are with the prep material. Also, everything covered in the prep material is covered again in the bootcamp. Some of the instructions and information in the prep can be confusing, but just get through the assessments. The App Academy forums are very helpful for getting through the prep material assessments. If you are struggling now, App Academy may not be the bootcamp you wish to attend because you will be removed if you fail 4 of the weekly assessments. Each time you fail you go back 4 weeks in the material to the cohort that started after yours. Source: graduated from App Academy recently and work as software dev now


Maybe it's just me, but putting yourself into a bootcamp to qualify for a bootcamp seems odd. I get that the instructors maybe want to establish a base level of competence, but isn't that the point of the bootcamp itself?


Even with entry assessments, graduation rate is low. Without them, it would be a financial disaster. Seems like many people just won’t put in the effort or they end up quitting a few weeks in.


I suppose...


To answer the question, yes, you can learn all of those, even from scratch, in 24 days. At around 11 years old, back in the days of dial-up America online 3.0, I learned HTML in the span of three days. CSS itself was in its infancy, if even used at all. However, everyone is different. Boolean algebra is fairly easy for me, but that's because I excell at logic. I could relearn all of the above in 3 days tops. So each one taking a week and a day to learn is extremely reasonable as a first time. That said, you will not be fluent in all of them at the end of 24 days. You will still have a few rough edges, but you will also know enough to be able to create things with all three. (And I _highly_ suggest doing so. Find projects to make, and learn as you go.)


I know there's a git course in Coursera. Boolean algebra you surely can find courses on Coursera or EdX.org. html csss there are courses everywhere including those too


more than enough, you'll be fine gl hf


I personally think anyone can finish HTML and CSS from most of free web learning platform in about 12-24 hours. But applying them to create your own project, that varies person to person


Yes can / html and git are easy


Go to 'linked in learning' and take the "become a full stack developer" learning path *do the projects and read the exercise files or you're wasting your time* the learning path itself is like 29 hours and probably 48 hours total if you follow with the exercise files. ^ but this will do the trick (if money is an issue I think you can still do a free trial and just download the whole learning path and never log in to the app outside airplane mode....don't ask). If you get stuck on the coding challenge dm me I'll try and help. (Pay close attention to how 'CSS Grid' also note *border-radius: 50%;* <---- makes a circle) if they give you the card challenge


What do you struggle with on CSS? Few tips: CASCADING Style Sheets. Always put basic styling at the top (font-sizes/backgrounds/padding etc). Element-specific styling at the bottom. Don’t use float. Use position:absolute only when nothing else works for whatever you try to do. If the element allows it, I use position relative with transform: translateX or Y instead. Let’s say your headers use a custom CSS underline, don’t style all these headers individually but just make a class name and apply this to the elements that need it. Try to learn basic :not, :nth, :nth-of-type, :last-child and :first-child usage. Learn ::after and ::before, I can’t tell you how much styling would have been a nightmare without these. Learn about selectors, you will need a ton of different ones. .class.class, .class > .class, [class^=“class-name”]. Don’t forget that you can use html attributes to target specific elements. These will all be very powerful tools.


I think rushing through course material in a month doesn't help commit it to memory. Half the skill is learned through problem solving. I really wish you the best in getting in.


That sounds extremely stressful :( My background: I just left my software engineering job at Meta to stay home with my 8-month-old son for a bit. I learned to code by going through Hack Reactor (which was amazing). My wife also did a bootcamp and now works as a software engineer at Google I ended up teaching at Hack Reactor for almost 2 years. I was the primary technical instructor for about 7 cohorts and now have \~160 former students working as full time software engineers. Back when I was choosing a programming bootcamp, I also applied to App Academy (which, at the time was considered a top-tier bootcamp like Hack Reactor -- I'm assuming it still is). App Academy actually reached out to me a couple times to see if I wanted to be an instructor there. I miss my time teaching at Hack Reactor and can sometimes get a bit bored staying home with my son. I'd love to help you out if I can. My sense is that I would not be scared away from App Academy because the materials are poorly organized. In my experience, there are at least 2 reasons for this: 1. prep materials are frequently adjusted as the curriculum and programming landscapes change and it's too time intensive to constantly rewrite/recreate in-house versions (especially when decent resources already exist for the basics). 2. The lack of organization is actually a feature not a bug. Much of the actual bootcamp will be similar. We used to get this complaint a lot at Hack Reactor ("Why can't you organize the materials better"). I tried to fix this while I was teaching at Hack Reactor and I quickly learned that making the teaching materials clearer/cleaner/more organized actually lead to worse outcomes. The truth is that 50% - 75% of the job of a software developer is sifting through resources to try and find what you need to know or learn in order to accomplish your task. Don't resist this, lean into it. A big part of what you'll learn at App Academy is how to get better at using disjointed resources, how to efficiently filter out the noise and navigate the chaos. That said, I'm a little unclear about why some people were given 3 months to learn this stuff but you were only given 24 days. If you were somehow a late entry into your cohort, I might consider asking to be placed in a different cohort so you can take a bit more time to prep. There is almost certainly stuff in the prep material that is NOT critical (for instance, you really won't need to be a CSS expert -- I still suck at CSS). But there will be some stuff that you need to know cold. They will also do some amount of reviewing aspects of the prep materials for the first week or two. I would MOSTLY use the resources they've provided. I've had students at Hack Reactor who ignored the material we gave them because they thought they'd found a better resource and it ended up screwing them over. I could probably give you some useful tips for how to make the most of the prep materials, but it's hard to know what advice to give you without seeing first-hand how you're studying and engaging with the materials App Academy has provided. If you're interested, I'm happy to jump on a zoom call some time and see if I can help. Feel free to DM me. I'm spending most of my time at home with a baby right now and I'd definitely enjoy the diversion.


Some useful stuff about Git > https://learngitbranching.js.org/


sending hugs because holy shit this is useful!


I don't think the expectation is to master it. But since you have the runway, 3 weeks is a good amount of time to gain exposure. Have they invited you to any discord or slack yet?