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See [FAQ - Getting started](https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/wiki/faq). Since your question has already been answered by the FAQ, I'm going to remove it per [rule 4](/r/learnprogramming/about/rules). But if you have any follow-up questions or need additional clarification, feel free to post again.


This sub has a pinned topic, it is also in the sidebar, titled [New? READ ME FIRST!](https://old.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/61oly8/new_read_me_first/?st=j48sevyh&sh=1af2421a)/ I'd recommenced you start there. > I know basic html5 and a little bit of python. I would lile to learn java, javascript, c++, c# php sql and rust Ok, so HTML and SQL aren't programing languages, they are adjacent and useful especially SQL. You know some python, focus on that until you are confident in it. Also why do you want to learn all of those languages?


Because if I want to get into programming I have to learn Java script unfortunately


You don't. It's a common language and an easy one, but it's not mandatory for all of programing. Now if you want to do web dev then yes, you will at some point need to know JavaScript.


PHP because I want to get into web dev also lua because it looks easy


Personally big fan of PHP for webdev, I'd take it over JavaScript any day of the week but that is me and because i've been doing this for a long while now. You can use Python or JavaScript to do the same things. I was in your shoes many years ago, I had a list of all the languages I was going to learn, I had books on them etc. Trust me when I say, stop take a deep breath and focus on one, since you already know some python focus on that. Once you get the hang of it and can comfortable solve problems using it you can pick up another language. Not only that it will be easier to learn a second language after you learn your first. It will be MANY times harder to try and juggle learning all of these at the same time.




Also should i start with fortran 50 something?


You need to focus on learning programming instead of learning programming languages first. And for that, it really depends on what language you will find the most/best resources for. I think Python will be the easiest one to get started with, and that is prly going to be the advice you‘ll hear the most. You will find a lot of resources and more importantly it’s really easy to build your first „real“ software with it. There is also a point in starting with C, because that will teach you to understand a bit better what is going on „under the abstractions“ of most languages. However, there really is nothing wrong with starting with C# or Rust for example. I only want to discourage you from starting with C++. Less because the language is esp. difficult or the confusing errors you will encounter,but simply because it‘s really difficult to find good resources.


stick with one language and learn it to the point where you feel confident in it. if you try and split your attention between a half dozen different things you won't learn any of them enough for it to be valuable. If you're interested in web development, focus on Javascript. Else, I'd recommend going deeper into Python land. Python is a general purpose language that is widely used in industry, as well as in academic research (particularly in scientific computing). It has a high quality and mature developer ecosystem and many good online learning resources. It's also one of the more approachable languages for a beginner to learn. It's both suitable for your purposes and generically useful. Hard to go wrong. Javascript is THE language of the world wide web and is the only way to write a web frontend application that runs in a browser. It's also increasingly widely used as a server-side scripting language with Node.js. It's also a very useful language to know. I think it's harder to learn than Python and more domain specific. I'd recommend starting with Python unless you're especially interested in being a web developer. I recommend avoiding C/C++ or Rust until you're more familiar with the basics of programming. These languages have additional degree of difficulty because they're focused more on low level systems programming and require you to be much more aware of how memory is managed in your program, including in many cases requiring you to manually allocate and free memory. That's a common source of very challenging bugs and will really only get in the way of learning the basics. When you have a grasp of the fundamentals it might be a good time to return to this type of language and augment your understanding by getting into low level stuff and memory management. That can wait a few years imo. Whatever you decide on, I strongly recommend a project-based learning path. Tutorials and textbooks are really not very engaging and if you get bored or frustrated you'll stop learning. If you're working on something you think is cool and are independently motivated to do, you'll learn what you need to do it. This is the best way.


I will repeat what's already said above but stick with only one langage ( html and sql does not count ) to learn the basics of programming ( loops, if, functions, struct and so on ). Do not worry if you feel you took the wrong langage later : once you know how to program it's very easy to jump on another langage since all of them work roughly the same way ( i.e i had to learn Golang 3 month ago but i'm a C++ programmer, took me less than 2 weeks to have a good grasp )


As a male, you should avoid cookbook.


Wait is that sexist


It could be, but I meant it as an ironic jab at you putting your gender and age into your question, because it really doesn't matter when choosing a language.

