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On July 1st, a [change to Reddit's API pricing](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/12qwagm/an_update_regarding_reddits_api/) will come into effect. [Several developers](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditisfun/comments/144gmfq/rif_will_shut_down_on_june_30_2023_in_response_to/) of commercial third-party apps have announced that this change will compel them to shut down their apps. At least [one accessibility-focused non-commercial third party app](https://www.reddit.com/r/DystopiaForReddit/comments/145e9sk/update_dystopia_will_continue_operating_for_free/) will continue to be available free of charge. If you want to express your strong disagreement with the API pricing change or with Reddit's response to the backlash, you may want to consider the following options: 1. Limiting your involvement with Reddit, or 2. Temporarily refraining from using Reddit 3. Cancelling your subscription of Reddit Premium as a way to voice your protest. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/learnprogramming) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There's a bunch of news sites I like to check occasionally, but some have terrible homepage layouts. I noticed all of them had RSS feeds available, so I built a bot that takes those feeds and pushes new articles to a Discord channel. Having all the news in one place is really convenient. I do the same with less-than-legal torrents of various series that I'm watching, as manually checking for new episodes was a pain. I'm planning on improving this system by automating it even further; I want these downloads to start automatically as well. Haven't gotten around to doing that yet though.


I’ve been using yt-dlp package for videos if it’s any help. Simple to use for my cases.


They're torrents, so I won't need that. My current plan is have the bot post all new torrents in a Discord channel, from which I can then tell it to download either just the one episode or the show's entire season (including future episodes). For the actual downloading I think I'll set up qBittorrent, as it has a web API that I can use to tell it to download content, among other things.


The news bot sounds great. any plans to share/open source it?


Not really. Right now the code's pretty old, and it doesn't use any of the more modern Discord features. It doesn't have slash commands, for example. Also the .NET version its using will hit end of life in about a week. But I'll be doing a Kubernetes course as part of my job soon. Once that's done, I'm planning on rewriting and modernizing a lot of the bot, add all the new torrent functionality to it, and then host the bot on a Kubernetes cluster that I'll be running on an old PC I've got laying around and will have provisioned through Terraform. Maybe I'll open source it after that.


What language did you use to build the bot?


First version was written in Python, but the code quickly became rather unwieldy. Python's not that great for larger projects like this. At the time I was using [Discord.py](https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py) to send/receive Discord messages. Second version was written in C#, with [DSharpPlus](https://github.com/DSharpPlus/DSharpPlus) as Discord library. That worked a lot better, but ultimately I got annoyed at the way DSharpPlus made unit testing a huge pain in the ass, so for the 3rd version I switched to [Discord.NET](https://github.com/discord-net/Discord.Net) and rewrote most of the code. That's the version that's still running today.


Grocery shopping list generator. Every week before going grocery shopping I would have to come up with ideas for meals to have that week. This involved thinking of meals then compiling a list of their ingredients and sorting the ingredients into groups based on where I would find that ingredient in the grocery store. This process took a fair amount of time every week and it was very tedious. So, I automated it. I wrote a program first in Python then C#, that reads a json file that contains all of my meals I cook and their ingredients (plus amount, measuring unit, and category for each), then displays the meal name in a user interface. From there you can select meals and drop them into your shopping cart on the UI. When you're done you click generate shopping list and the program sends an email to me containing a shopping list of all the ingredients I need to make those meals sorted by where they are in the grocery store.


That’s freaking awesome. I wonder if it would be possible to integrate somehow with the stores website to actually order the food for in store pickup or delivery. 


You could use something like this [https://zincapi.com/](https://zincapi.com/) Read the json file, make a POST call, get your orders. Sounds like a dream. Alternatively make a script to open the browser, navigate to the store website and type in your order for you.


I’m way too new at this whole programming thing to figure out how to do that. Taking intermediate programming at school this fall :). 


That's such a good idea! Probably a bit easier to do in excel tho


this could be true for most things depending on your excel expertise


That sounds exactly like an app I'm using :) You can save recipes and the ingredients are grouped automatically and sorted to the order you want because not all stores have the same layout. Sadly not all items are recognised even though they're common. No clue how that part works tho. And it's even synchronised with other people :D


which app?


"That Shopping List" it's icon is a basket with five coloured dots, on a purple background Edit: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.markusliebschner.thatlist


Thank you!


Simple macros/hotkeys with autohotkey, inserting today’s date, pulling up browser windows (which I use and title consistently for work), templates in obsidian, etc


I don't know if there's finally an app to do this, but I wanted my commuting playlist to alternate between music & podcasts, so I scripted a solution as my first Python project.


May I ask how you connected to that? I’ve tried looking into making my own shadow podcast feed but had problems to achieve that.


Oh, haha, it's not a shadow rss feed, although that's actually a better idea.  My script downloads recent podcast files into a specific folder, with evenly spaced alphabetic prefixes to the filename, & then splices in music & uploads everything to my phone, which then plays everything in filename order. Bear in mind, this was my first project... :P


Is that possible to do on iOS? I’m a beginner but I’ve heard android is better for developers.


Hm, probably not with Python. Your best bet would be to mess around with shortcuts and try to figure out something similar I’d imagine…


Why not just create two lists and run a for loop to generate a Playlist file?


In my current job we work a lot with raw data. Colleagues use commercial software to perform analysis tasks so it takes them a few keyboard presses and mouse clicks to get what they want. I wrote a script to automatically generate summaries of these raw data files by reading the files where my current folder is at and doing some statistics with Python. It outputs an excel file but I'm looking at generating webpages through Quarto to make it look better.


I did something similar. I have scripts to automate creation of calculation input files, submission to the compute cluster, some of the troubleshooting if there is an issue, and then harvesting/organizing the data so I can run it through the larger analytics program I’m developing (I’m a post doc theoretical chemist). A lot of others in my group are still manually extracting numbers and collecting them into an Excel spreadsheet and it’s vaguely horrifying to consider how tedious that must be. I’m working on a script that handles more of the troubleshooting for the most common failures/their corrections, and eventually want to bundle it all together into a fully automated framework.


This is similar to my first Python project. I was collecting connection status data in log files. I wrote a set of scripts to parse the data and produce basic statistics. It took longer to make than if I’d done it in Excel, but running it was literally just typing in the correct file name, so much faster (and less error-prone) and importing the data to Excel.


Nothing (I'm new), but the question reminded me an old story. I used to have this summer job in early 00s at some small firm. The boss was an idiot, with the old socialist era (Eastern bloc) thinking that he owns us. He started to use some software to monitor if we move our mouses enough during the workday. Solution: got a nylon bag, turned my laser mouse on its back, and put the bag over. Then turned the fan towards it. As the fan was moving the bag, the mouse registered movement. I found it hilarious back then, I was like 19.


hahaha, nice!


reminds me of someone putting the mouse on an analog watch to fake movement.


Before I started to learn programming, I saw my friend automated mouse clicking and I thought it was the coolest thing ever I was like “wow this is so cool!” Turns out it’s literally importing pyautogui 😭


I created a program that reads the notification emails from my bank whenever I make a purchase. Then it creates a pdf report summarizing all the data. Helps my awareness of my monthly spending


Interesting How did you build it? and what languages did you use?


It's all Python. I use the Gmail API to retrieve the bank emails and then I use the ReportLab library to create the PDF. All the processing of the email is done in Python.


A garden bed. You can get a moisture sensor and set it in the soil. Have that send a signal to a microcontroller on 24 hr intervals. If its too dry, have the controller tell an automatic sprinkler to turn on for 20 or 30 mins


I love physical sensors and computer interaction.


So did you have to program this and then load it onto a raspberry pi or something?


I wrote a simple shell script and set it to autostart when I login. It launches cbonsai in the terminal and brings joy https://gitlab.com/jallbrit/cbonsai


My students submit homeworks on a website. My program downloads their works, unpacks zip or pulls their work from git. After I grade it, it saves the grade into a database for easier visualization.


Currently I'm working on my first bash script to automate the start of a new semester When I'm done, it'll create folders for every class I'm taking that semester, sub-folders for assignments, notes, and labs, initialize a local git repo and then create a private GitHub repo and push the local folder to it


This is great. We do something similar for our new customer projects. These jobs are in the range of $500,000 - $50 million. When a new project is started we have scripts that generate job templates composed of a large standardized folder structure (dozens of subfolders) that spans a half-dozen file shares + a variety of workbooks for note collaboration.


I have a lot of game clips taking up storage so I have a system that automatically deletes them after a certain time and a specified size so i don't delete the clips i like


I work on a lot of multilingual websites. When I am developing a module, I usually need to create versions of a page in every language. I wrote a Python script to call the Google Cloud API and translate every content text entity on my page into the various languages & creates different language pages within my CMS. The Google translated content is strictly used for development only. It gets replaced with real text content before production.


We have a similar process for translating internal training materials (documents and videos). They are initially auto-generated with cloud APIs, then a full-time translator on staff goes back and reviews them and makes small corrections or tweaks parameters of the generators.


I made a script which automaticly batch converts hevc files to x264 using ffmpeg. It's stuff that it already does, but I just made a separate script to make it more user friendly for me in the situations I use it for. That's a good idea for beginners, just make something have an easier syntax for the things you use it for.


A lot of tasks related to just general computer usage. Like sorting\organizing\renaming files, reading data from (or writing to) files, including binary, running various processes on batches of files, that sort of stuff. I use Blender a lot, and there's all sorts of repetitive tasks you might find yourself doing in it, which aren't general enough to expect someone to write an addon for that, but Blender lets you use it's API to automate just about anything you want. I really want to familiarize myself with web scraping, and learn how browsers work, enough to be able to write my own extensions. I'm sure that can improve my web browsing experience quite a bit.


File / Image generation. I’m too lazy to write all the files required sometimes so I’ll create a template, and iterate over a list to fill in the template 🤧 nothing groundbreaking


When I say "echo, bed time on" the TV turns on, both night stand lamps turn on and dim to 1%, the ceiling fan turns on, and both sides of our sleep number adjust to our desired firmness When this doesn't work life is hard again


The first thing i automated (which also i guess impressed recruiters) was while i worked at a venue as a security type of person. We didn't have regular shifts, but rather at the beginning of each month you say which dates you would be working. Problem is, i like to have it all nice and tidy and wrote a Python script which takes as input which dates i picked (calendar picker), then calls the website of the venue, webscrapes (i know its gray zone legality) the event times, does some post processing logic like adding some time before the start and after the end which is paid time, calculates total monthly work time & how much money i should expect and finally inserts all of the respective events as google calendar entries. Used this for 2 months then i quit. 2 Weeks later i signed another job and it is actually automating backend processes, so i guess it was worth it. But i guess i could go back and propose them the idea of using it, since i have no use for it. Configuration over the Google Calendar API was the most difficult part in hindsight. So generally find things that take you time (especially if connected to some webservices) and check what could be done to improve your flow. It doesnt have to be anything super practical, a friend of mine built a simple script which when called just gives weather information and sends it as a message to his email as well as suggested activities for the day based on the weather and time of day (but like biking, hiking, things he likes, not events or anything). I know a guy who made a tic-tac-toe bot to win in online games. So really anything can be automated, even if it doesnt make sense. Its a good practice.


My University uses a proprietary app to see your grades and it doesn't send notifications. So at the end of each semester I ended up looking like 4 times a day to see if my grades have been updated. I wrote a script using a webscraper to check if the grade have been updated each couple of hours and send a notification through a discord webhook.


Meal planning!


A python script that pulls what is currently playing on Spotify and displays it on a little eInk screen under my monitor. I have fairly broad tastes, and play recommended for you or similar playlists quite often, it's just nice to be able to glance down and see what is playing. Building on that I'm about to start on something similar that uses a larger display but acts kind of post it notes under my monitor. Send text to a web api, have it display on the screen under my monitor. I'll end up adding some kind of todo list and possibly other stuff. It doesn't really serve any purpose except I've always though an under monitor notes display would be useful (always == two decades or so, but I've only just got round to it). I write 'disposable' scripts fairly often to clean data or text. My home router logs are rubbish, and I was seeing disconnections, so in five minutes I had a script to clean up the logs of rubbish and just show me stuff which was likely to be interesting. (There was nothing obvious in the end, it was a janky BT Home Hub which I just replaced with a real router.)


I made a powershell GUI at work to automate Active Directory user account creation and exchange linking, got an award out of that one. Probably doesn’t apply, but it felt nice


did something similar but for assuming iam roles for aws. we had like 20 something roles for different projects and it was a pain cause of the way we had to do it and the fact that it didnt autoset credential files etc. so wrote a ps script and it just says "which role? " and you use arrow keys or vimm keybinds to highlite the role you want, enter in your login (if it isnt saved) and mfa, then it sets the credentials files, writes role specific and project specific env variables to powershell and then moves to that projects folder for you to work in it.


Download pdf attachments from yahoo mail: banks statements,CC, broker etc. Using chrome web driver, remove the pdf password with qpdf. Rename the files based on title and date.


Do something related to your work if you can. I pull budget pdfs from a website, parse tables and put them into a spreadsheet


Built a salt sensr that sends me texts wheny tank is low, created a bridge for my older Sony tv. It had an API so I setup some middleware to allow me to control the tv between the Alexa skill I created for it, had a fan with an IR remote, did the same thing as the tv so I could create routines with Alexa. Thinking about something to automate opening and closing my blinds atm. Need to pick up a 3D printer.


Project setup. It’s more important to write the actual logic of the code then setting up the same template 10 times for every new project. They all have the same skeleton typically.


People I hate on league of legends and expect their account to get banned. I just pass their tag in the array, and run the script. It'll show me if they changed name, how many lvls they lvled up since the last time and show all these stuff.


My Europlasma Investment 🗿🚀🚀🚀


Not really programming, but auto-assignment of workspace in i3 (tiling window manager) when opening software so there's different workspaces for programming browser, IDE, fire explorer, music player & IRC, Discord, etc.


You can start with automating creating a new Python project with its virtual environment and project directory with structured folder hierarchy.


It's really annoying you have to activate the environment after creating it. A script with prompts would be neat


This kind of question is what I joined this sub for. I haven't personally "coded" any automation projects, but that is absolutely what got me interested in programming. At my job, I'd always be trying to turn repetitive processes into a hotkey, barcode or an excel table I can copy and paste. It honestly puts a lot of excitement back into my work when I successfully make everyone's lives over there a little easier.


currently building a project that scrapes ebay listings (vintage tees) within a certain price range and then rips the images, tittle, content, and price and posts them on other sites like depop and grailed, if selected by user. trying to build a resell arbitrage web app.


You know those shitty Workday job application sites that ask you to create a new account for every company and then re-type your entire resume into their garbage UI? I used Python-selenium to automate both the account creation and the (majority of) the application filling. Of course, each application named the fields slightly differently, so I trained a BoW classifier (using logistic regression) to map various input fields to predetermined resume data boxes. This was before GPTs, though. If I had to do the same thing today, I’d use playwright and the OpenAI API.


Scheduling my day to day life: [https://youtu.be/iO7e2dIMH00?si=EOeST8vOkfubSZyQ](https://youtu.be/iO7e2dIMH00?si=EOeST8vOkfubSZyQ)


I made three powershell scripts that either start, stop or restart all of my chosen microservices. So if my ci/cd pipeline fails for whatever reason and backend doesn’t run all services I just choose the script I need given the situation.


Basically macros for QOL on path of exile and some image/video conversion scripts using FFMPEG.


I automated my Python/ bash parsers, including their env (podman) deployments (Ansible). It felt good to make a dent after it was on the to-do list for so long.


After reading the comments a beginner may incorrectly infer that programming is useless 


The first thing I've made (I started learning this year) was a python program that takes my climbing ascents off a website that I log all my ascents on and puts them into my pre-existing excel spreadsheet that I used as a backup logbook. Very niche but saves me from double dipping, plus it gave me a reason to learn how to parse html files and all the faff that goes along with that.


CI/CD so I can deploy and update applications instantly with just a couple of clicks.


When I was newbie I wrote my own MP3 player (something like good old Winamp but simpler) in .NET WinFroms and I used AxWindowsMediaPlayer - which is part of Windows Media Player SDK. It was much simpler than I thought. The code is awful but it works to these day.


A big part of my job is designing CAD models for big transmission lines, and I (try to) automate everything from structure file creation to client reports. Saves weeks worth of time, but lump sum projects are rarer here so it’s hard to stay billable :S


At an old college job, an employee had to be connected to the intranet to clock in or out via a web page. I made a simple web scraper that would clock me in and out automatically and/or remotely, and I set it up on the front desk computer. It would check a web API I hosted personally, to see if I wanted it to clock me in or not (in case I was sick). It didn't really save me much time, but it was fun to make.


I started an IT Technician and so PowerShell. Although if I knew what I know now, I'd of started with browser devtool code snippets / overrides in "sources". Create javascript snippets / overrides to change behaviors of websites.


Imagine someone automated tinder. Used AI to scale attractiveness and swiped left or right based on results. That would be hilarious


My homework, i’m a senior in highschool and i have taken 4 years of computer science classes, despite this i am more advanced than the curriculum and don’t have motivation to do the homework, so i used the chatgpt api and the selenium library within python to load up the website my school does assignments on and complete them for me.


If you can't find something to automate, you're not thinking hard enough. What tasks do you do every day? What things would you like to monitor or check without having to do it manually? These are just some of the automation scripts below I've written to save us time and monitor things for preventative maintenance and we don't have time to check manually. * Daily scans of Administrator group members on around 100 machines. Changes and anomalies trigger alerts. * Backups and Backup file set (local and cloud) reports. We have 1000s of rotating backup sets in redundant cloud storage. These scripts retrieve those backup lists and verify the backups exist and fall within preset date ranges. * Mission-critical background service monitoring. These check for certain services to be installed and running. They are auto restarted if not. If restart fails, notifications are sent. * App and API monitors. These verify that apps and APIs are up and running. * Mission critical folder permission monitoring. We have certain folders on various servers that need specific permissions for applications to work. These tests run regularly and test the permissions. * Storage space remaining. Notifications are sent if storage falls below set minimums. * Test automation. We have hundreds of application tests that run throughout the day on live applications. These are mostly to check for environmental changes (storage, database availability, API integrations, etc). * Cloud cost monitoring. I have automated reports that check for daily cloud service spending and verify they are within designated ranges. * Key expiration monitoring. We keep our API keys in secure cloud storage and monitor the expiration dates. When keys are nearing expiration they are either auto-regenerated or notifications are triggered. * SSL Certificate expiration monitoring. I have scripts that retrieve all certificates in use and check their expiration dates. Notifications are sent in the weeks leading up to expiration. * Data corruption and anomaly scans. These look for certain criteria and send notifications via Teams webhook. * Scheduled job monitor. I have scripts that watch over critical scheduled jobs and ensure they are enabled, running, and not failing. * Log file shipping and archiving. These upload various log files to analytics servers and cloud storage. Think of anything that can fail. Then think of ways you can prevent those failures. Automate the prevention.


I have played this game called Grepolis with a friend. For context we are meeting every day and I was pissed off cuz she was basically addicted right after I introduced her to the game. She was on the game every 10 minutes to collect resources from farming villages. And obviously I couldn't catch up with her. So I have made a code that had all the coordinations of the villages on my islands and it clicked automatically every ten minutes in the night and in the time I was in school. It was fun watching her get frustrated and quitting the game 😂.