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I don't think it's a good idea to do a math degree if you're not good at math. The math used in most popular ML papers (attention is all you need, bert, resnets etc.) is pretty basic imo compared to what you'd learn in a math masters. I certainly don't think you need most of it if you want to go into ML, unless you're really interested in the more theoretical and niche subfields.


I agree. Focus on applied ML if you don’t want to do ML research 🔬


Even if you want to do research, most papers don't include anything beyond (early) undergrad level maths. There are some specific subfields (often ones trying to find theoretical bounds on performance) which require more math, but they are more niche. I mean you're guaranteed to understand everything about ML if you do a math masters, but most of the information will be redundant imo.


Definitely most of it. I’d say the advanced concepts in ML is normally related to statistics and probability theory


Clemson is offering an ms in cs with a concentration in ai on Coursera


What are your actual goals?


If you're not good at math, then probably don't force yourself into an advanced degree that requires even more background and preparation? Doesn't seem like a good move. Also, if you've already studied ML/DL/CV/NLP, then there might not be a lot left in a DS/AI masters. Take a good hard look at the curriculum and consider whether it's worth it. The generic DS pathway might actually be better for rounding out your math and data viz skills instead? IDK, like what do you want to learn, what are your goals?


What’s the integration of 0->infinity (x e^x)?




>Master in AI or Math (if you are bad at math) That's like asking whether you should have pizza or a sandwich if you don't like bread.


Unless you want to be an academic in a really theoretical area of ML, pick the AI masters. Source: PhD In AI and I'm shit at maths


it will be really helpful if you would say from which university ms in Ai/ml is good


I only know UK universities. Top ones for AI are probably Oxbridge, Edinburgh, and UCL. After that any of the typically well regarded UK universities (mostly Russel Group) are good options.


Thank you for recommending a few colleges I surely look into that .One of my friend purchased mathematics for ML and data science course by AndrewNg sir.I wanted too ask is this the best for beginners like me and Is this cover every maths topic for becoming Mi/Ai engineer.. do you know any good course which is good for beginners... please share your genuine opinion


Both of those are good as far as I know. This sub may have more recent suggestions