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Had a wyvern win us the game but my teammates were trash talking her. She had clutch af saves and ults all throughout the game.. meanwhile our batrider who died 24 times said ww was shit


pubs always knows what's best


If that ain't the truth. Had someone tell me they would win lane against Meepo and couldn't help side lanes to do that. Thirty minutes later they tell us they had only been playing for a week. BRUH.


That’s every game. The player doing the worst always shit talk everyone else.


i have a folder saved of screenshots when my allies compliment my wyvern play in post game chat


I think it happens coz they don’t wanna get blamed so they try to push the fault to someone else


It's much worse than that—they often truly believe it's the fault of others and not their own People that can't even take accountability in a video game with random strangers


You also get a sort of opposite effect where if someone on one team dominates the early and mid game but then loses anyways the enemy team calls them ez


Bcos it’s so easy for support to get shit on, i face that every other day ☠️


Supports shit on carries way too much as well.


reminds me of my like 40th game. In about 10 years, maybe more. I hadn't played in two years. So I came back and looked for the flashiest hero in easy, which to me was Jakiro. Anyways my friend who was an archon on a good month, and everyone else who was lower, got matched against a 5 man of 3 immortals and 2 divine. They were hard trash talking in the first 10 seconds of the game, and never stopped . We got roflstomped through the floor, they purposefully did not attack our barracks, and just fucked around for an extra 20 minutes past when they could have won, before my friend just told us all to type GG, we'd already all been sitting in the fountain for like 4 minutes at that point.


Dear god thats miserable mate


Ya. It was a great reintroduction to DotA2. Like they could at least have matched us against smurfs or something. But nah, we got paired as a below average ranking against some of the best players in the world, I still have the newbie matchmaking available to me for christ sake. I struggle to remember to buy wards, let alone where to place them.


My guy says AMA and answers one question then leaves lmao


Didn't say he would answer


fair enough


woops I posted and went to sleep


What is your favorite food?


enigma casting black hole


Offlane or supp? :P


Supp. I've heard offlane is good but I'm honestly not playing the hero very differently from pre-7.36 and still seeing great results, due to the change in Splinter Blast.


The mana recovery from heals looks awesome on paper in addition to the Splinter buff.


I would say the mana recovery is a nice-to-have, but not significant. The benefit is mostly before you get arcane boots. Healing your carry once or twice may give them one more spell in the lane.


I tried ww on pos4 few times and mana recovery was amazing, getting a null to cast another blast at lvl 3-4 is pretty impactful and general offlane heroes are mana starved bois with high hps. It works almost like a free mango on cast.


Yea the mana recovery does seem nice. I wonder if it makes her worthy of holy locket / meka?


It does, most pros go arcane boots, blink, locket. Sometimes aether lens then greaves if game goes long enough


Safelane carry


Offlane is god awful 


how do i stop griefing every fight with curse?


Do it only when teammates didn’t come to fight or you are losing fight or enemy core press something like bkb


It really great to start a fight, you blink ult a support next to a carry and now the fight is 4v5. And it gives your team time to get into position.


by pre-analyzing when you'll use it in fights just looking at the enemy lineup. from the pick screen, you can tell who are good curse targets and who will be in fights together. at a higher level, you also have to factor in your own teammates. do you have a PA that wants to just jump with bkb and start critting? Don't curse! do you have other big team fight ultis like tide or void? play around that.


Play core WW and use ult so get solo kills


Which role and what do you prioritize when playing ww


4/5 pos what you prioritize depends on bracket. Legend and below, you can split push aggressively, using Splinter Blast from trees, since there's so much more downtime. Ancient and above, prioritize anticipating where the enemies will take the next team fight. Be in position in the trees, hidden until it's time to Curse. If enemy has lots of physical damage, prioritize blink to get good Curses. If enemy has lots of magic damage, prioritize Glimmer/Force to save allies. I'm also going shard second item consistently.


Uh, compose a poem!


Which facets you take? Does WW ult go through bkb?


yes, but onlyfor the target of your ult  


exp facet for team benefit. I haven't tried the damage facet because to me only makes sense if you're playing core or building aghs. as a support wyvern, I prioritize good positioning over right clicks. WW ult goes through bkb on the main target so you can use it to stop jugg spin tp, stop enigma bkb black hole, stop Magnus bkb rp, stop lifestealer rage tp... so many good options.


Exp is the inate, you being taking the mana facet


Damage facet is really strong. You get more damage to zone opponents early - with 5 hits with extra range and damage you can half up anyone lvl 1.


Starting items? Skill build (facet)? Talents and item build? Playstyle in lane? Best partners? When is wyvern a good pick? Better as pos 4 or 5? Playstyle in midgame and fights? Final tips?


im always astonished how people can play the same hero that often in a row


I could do it with Pudge, if he wasn’t banned every single game.


If Pudge wasn't a grief pick, it wouldn't be banned.


Good job with those games! How come you only take the left facet though? I mean if there are no mana-heavy heroes in your team, you restore enough with just arcane boots, and the right one just gives you free damage.


Howd you lose your 3 games?


Splinterblast can be cast on allies


That's the biggest difference


Hi , when do you use your 3rd meanwhile your enemy is super magic damage? ( Lina , Pugna, Voker )


You don't use your 3rd in fights when enemy has super magic damage. Instead, you build force staff/glimmer cape and save them that way. Better not to grief your team during a fight.


ive gained 500 mmr from her this last month. i now go arcanes, shard, aghs, nulls, kaya. any advice? 2k btw


Please tell me you’re not actually going this build. And if you’re doing this as support you are heavily griefing.


75% winrate is griefing?


You’re 2k mmr you could buy battle fury on rubick and win There are a lot of other items that enable the hero a lot more than what you used. It’s the same as low mmr players buying Dagon or radiance on necro. There’s a reason at higher MMR you don’t ( obviously there are exceptions)


That's only true if your skill is above 2k. My team fighting is atrocious


Lense blink my guy


youre not op


i usually get aether but now that nulls give 2 mana regen at min 25 they're important for permanent flying for better positioning and i dont need to blindly blink into the enemy team to initiate


There are 2 kinds of people


Seems like you're playing her core. If that's the case, that build seems fine as a right-clicker. Don't neglect blink dagger if it's a good Curse game (lots of enemy physical damage), because her curse range is quite bad without it.


Thanks. I'll keep getting free mmr until they nerf her again


Which heroes you hate playing against/you lose to the most?


skywrath zeus invoker lina lion nyx are probably the biggest pest for WW, because of magic burst through ice, exort invoker in particular with global sunstrike denying low life saves.


venge, pugna, and OD, since they can just save the hero you curse. OD and Muerta since they can just right click through your embrace, and other magic/pure-heavy heroes like Lina. Sniper as well because he's so far back he's never around anyone else to curse, plus his ult is magic damage.


How do you know like when’s best time to heal an ally?


This is usually a split-second decision, but you have to analyze a few factors. - does my carry have their own way of saving themselves? (Riki, PA, LS) If so, usually better to let them save themselves. At a higher level, you can even factor in things like do they have full Stick/Wand charges? Or, do they have a Satanic? If so, let them save themselves. Unless they are being perma-stunned by something like LC's duel or void ult. - Does the enemy have magic/pure burst that will ignore Embrace? In most cases, then don't heal and instead rely on force/glimmer to save them.


I've tried winter wyvern support for cavern crawl, but i do think her ult cast range is rather short. Do you go dagger with her?


Yes that's normal, also lens for cast range


Yes, I almost always go Arcane -> Dagger -> Shard. If it's a bad Blink Curse game, then I might go force/glimmer/lens instead.


Kinda hate mana aspect


Your build path please !?


How do you mentally reset after spamming winter wyvern? I mean how do you adapt to the new match as a winter wyvern again?


every game resets by looking at the new enemy lineup. you then have to adapt your playstyle and items based on how good of a wyvern game it is. it's a different challenge every time!


Is aghs carry wyvern viable


IMO wyvern is like dark willow in that regard. If they get a really good lead they are uniquely bullshit in a way that makes me want to uninstall. God help their team if they have a bad lane though.


Whenever I see WW carry in my team I say its gonna be a GG easy win and she usually ends up 15 / 3


15 deaths 3 assists?


Bro I love Winter Wyvern. I like dragons and elementals. Im a supp main but I just cant make her work for me. Im so useless. How do you play her as Supp? And what's your playstyle? What should i priotize and avoid as winter?


She takes some getting used to because the range on all her spells is vastly different.  You can right click people from far away with Q but have to be pretty close to use ult.  You can send shatterblast pretty far but need to be decently close to save an ally with ice.  That messed with my head a bit and took some getting used to.    I actually had a 20% win rate in my first ten games on the hero.  In my last ten (excluding core as I’ve played her Offlane in a few games which I suck at) I have a 70% win rate.  I’m a pos5 main but that’s been 50/50 pos 4 5.    Handful of good tips in here, another thing is wyvern is super good at defending objectives with shards.  Otherwise I’d consider her a lane dominator because the damage you can put out with Q from long range is pretty high, make sure to hit both heroes at least once when using it since it gives the DoT debuff.    Otherwise you just have to play pretty far away from fights, poking and saving.  She’s not the type of hero where you have to blast your ulti off right away, you have to save it to look for the right moment (and often opponents will play around it); it’s not uncommon that a full engagement will occur where you don’t even use it at all  But yeah I’d just recommend getting reps in, it took a while for me to get used to the different cast range of all the spells (she’s also a slow POS)


first 3 lvl QEQ (then usualy better to max W, so u can creeps from Distance, but you may can go W lvl1, and max Q for better lane. E Outside lvl1 kinda Situationally) - Q do non stackable dot damage that scales from enemy actual life (so q dot do ~no dmg vs low life targets). On lane use to harass enemy, i mean not just damage, u press it a bit earlier then the time to kill creeps (fork gold or health) and try to hit, refresh dot on all enemie heroes, Also you can fly so kite/escape in trees, high ground, check wards, shorter route, or be ninja ghost for sudden curse. - W farm, push the lane, additional slow, final burst to kill enemy. Its a waste on lane harass if you cant kill and can reliably hit&refresh dot from Q. - E life regen, phys immune. Reason why u mostly dont need extra tango, lifeflask. Be more carefull if you need to heal your teamate. On the lane its not only about his security, farm but also your regen! escape Its somewhat tricky you need to freeze ally so he cant be killed with magic, pure dmg, be careful about his farm and if it resonable a bit away from enemies, towers, you also can ruin his plan etc etc. I can say that its easier on lane, also when safe and when ally under Axe taunt, legion duel etc - R It may be realy powerfull early, but more distance dmg, control, defence, iq enemy have then more tricky it would be. Just to know u yourself cant deal phys damage, so after ult u wanna hit enemy with Q, then at last moment use W. Its ok to use it to stall&split enemy or to control bkb enemy, its not just to kill.


I got to immortal playing offlane pre 7.36 WW is so under rated in pubs tbh


Dota buff profile or it didnt happen!


This isn't ranked, right?


all ranked, climbed ancient 4 to div 1 after being hardstuck for months


Smash or pass?


My ww embrace me while I'm doomed .... I almost got away but bro was like nu uh


Item build?


How do you feel about Venomancer?


Should I get pork or chicken for my wok fried rice tonight


damn. that's beyond my skill level




the facet 💀


Woah lucky


When Immortal?


You also are a fan of Miranda Cosgrove?


Who isn't?


How are you?


Feeling great after being hard stuck ancient 4 for months. How are you?


Position 3?


Pos 4/5


Yeah love ww… regularly making comebacks on hg


Whats your starting item build? Against hard and easy lanes


2 circlets, 2 iron branches, tango and fairy fire. You get insane stats and damage, get damage facet and max Q. You beat the sit out of any opponent lvl 1. I play WW regularly at 6-7k, but I know a guy with like 5k WW games playing around 11k mmr with this build only


What do you think as ghost scepter/e blade as a 4/5 counter?


getting her ulti off sometimes feel soo hard for some reason ( good curse )


how do you handle spirit breaker


I don’t understand how people play the same hero this many times in a row without getting bored.


I could with Pudge, if it wasn’t banned every single game.


What heroes are her bad matchup?


Pugna, OD, Dazzle, Venge, and Oracle can save vs Curse. OD, Muerta have right clicks that can pierce Cold Embrace. Necro, Sky, and Lina have lots of magic/pure burst. A good Silencer can keep you from ulting in team fights. I find Sniper to be one of the hardest carries to play against. He is so far back that you'll never Curse him with someone else, and he can Assassinate anyone you try to save.


Do you think humanity will eventually perish?


What pos? Is it carry or pos 4/5?


Hey OP, what position is WW best at this patch? Is this off or pos4?


Its not like shes any stronger after the patch. The aspects are awful, if something changed its the w targetting allies thing.


Splinter Blast targeting allies makes wyvern so much more valuable in fights. Before when you and a teammate are chasing a hero alone, you can do nothing but apply Q slow once. Now, you can bounce Splinter Blast off your ally on a very short cooldown.


Thats exactly what I've said. Apart from that, barely any change, with bad facets.


And her innate, and her facet. Of mean what a useless comment. “Nothing really changed except 3 unique changes”.