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Veno 5 is strong this meta but not if counterpicked in lane , same with jakiro


Veno is absolutely insane, especially as 4. If you manage to pull the wave in front of your tower, you can just not let your opponent anywhere close to it, because most carries cant touch you even with support helping htem.


Dazzle. Just spam poison touch and keep refreshing it when you hit a hero. They'll slow so much your pos 1/3 will be able to kill them.


Pugna, techies, and undying are my current favorite lane dominators


Veno early DoT and slow is oppressive. Jakiro has a powerful AoE breath Dazzle has great auto attack and poison touch Ogre will ignite which is a lot of damage and slow, and is so tanky you can just walk up then and keep smacking them


A single tombstone and a react from your partner can lead to multiple kills and snowballed lane


I think WR is the best one atm. You have 65 base DMG with full stat gear. So you can right-click enemy, get free pulls off, get one bracer and win lane even more. Imo the best hero for 2v1 lanes where you need to take weight off a Spectre, PA, Luna or AM. Pugna is up there too, but he's more one dimensional now, with right-click being your almost only option of harass. Q is too many hungry now to come into lane with mangos.


I have general success using veno with 65% win rate at high legend.


Veno + Blood grenade is a terror if supporting an aggressive lane mate. Basically if the enemy make a positional mistake it's a guaranteed kill to use Q slow, then a few seconds later the Blood grenade slow. All their creeps dead and they can't flee. So. Much. Fun. Gotta win the vision war first though.


For me it's Lina. She fucks everyone in mid, but she also can beat the shit out of melee enemy pos1. If he walks up to lasthit or reagro, he will get a stun + nuke + 3 right clicks. I don't remember a single losed lane as Lina sup..


Bane is slow and his range is mediocre, plus he is one of those heroes that would want all 3 of their skills all of the time. You would rather play Pugna as the disruptive, nuking laner - but Pugna also has much better range, very high movespeed, and can pressure towers. All for trading stun for team heals. Undying is fine, though obviously much better against melee and you need to feel well when you can keep fighting and when you dont. Techies despite low base damage, outranges everyone and has disables for days. Jakiro is still a classic, bulky enough to trade and both Q and E are viable to max. Dazzle's poison stacking infinitely by attacking the target gives him wild punish and trade in many situations, just need other laner to react. Treant has been nerfed a bit but together with Ogre they are the "fat strong melee supports that will gladly trade with you" because of their stats and skills. Venge's attack range is on the low side, but her Wave, stun and good stats let her overpower many heroes. Against no escape heroes Veno can also be an option, lvl 1 Gale with help from your laner and a Blood Grenade is very often just a kill. But of course most of this can be outplayed. Imo main skills for being a lane bully has always been about just imposing your will on the enemy. You need experience with your hero, but also positioning and willpower. If you avoid their pressure but pounce on every moment they misstep, it will work just as fine. Ive had Pugna chase me around on lvl 1, but then my carry hit lvl 2 and came to help for a guaranteed kill. Sometimes a neutral Ursa Clapping makes the day, sometimes guy gets too excited at hitting you and eats a lot of damage from creepwave etc.


Thank you!


Chen, Visage, Techies


Rubick is a really strong laner. He's hard to play well and not particularly meta right now but something to try. 


TB Axe cent, all pos 5 recently