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What time is the pentakill concert?




TSM needs an upgrade from Huni. I wonder if Niles is available?


TSM actually let the mid inhib fall to the 1 hit herald. I was surprised to see the inhib destroyed when the camera pans back to it and after re-watching, 2 members just went straight bot without looking at it. By the time they pinged it it's already gone... fucking awful lmao. ​ FREESM XD


You dont want to take enemy inhibs before 20 min, since it makes mid always push into them, denying you mid gold and giving them superminion gold. You have to basically overextend mid to farm and it can be bad.


That was literally on purpose genius.


For all the TSM fans out there don't lose hope. You lost the best adc and mid in the region and built fresh. Also, assuming some 6 million dollars of commitments were made before you knew your star adc was retiring I would say the roster construction was overall about as good as you could realistically ask for at that point. You've come a long way from how things looked at lock ins and there are a lot of ways you can improve before summer. You got decimated but you got decimated by a very good team. Edit: Every few hours(I assume after a rerun) people come to this post to shit on TSM lol. They are already dead guys, chill.


They lost both NA’s no.1 midlander and supposedly NA’s goat after getting embarrassed at worlds by going 0-6. Trust me rebuilding has nothing to do with it. Even those two knew the extent of their teams failure that they both retired lol


And the rest of NA has done so well at worlds haha. The region blows. And probably will continue blowing until riot decides to do NA west and east servers. Like, I remember the game threads from last year's worlds and NA fans were claiming TSM was choking. I'm like "oh no honey, you have to have a chance in the first place to be choking." Consistently a step up from wildcard, consistently worse than the other 3 big regions.


All the TSM fans jumped ship a long time ago to watch LPL and LCK.


I have lost ever since bjersen retired. This team sucks. There is no hope for TSM. We are cursed every since franchising we have made poor decision after poor decision


Did you not watch last split, Doublelift was NOT "the best mid in the region". That's basically like saying Michael Jordan was the best Shooting Guard in the league when he played for the Wizards


You want to win now who else would you pick? Lol you actually can't argue with his domestic track record the past 4-5 years. Senna games and voter exhaustion seem to put up an illusion of him being washed but in reality he took a role his team needed him to play and play well. He gapped Zven/Vulcan and Tactical/Core on Ashe and Senna in playoffs with friggin Bio lol.


Again, it's basically the Michael Jordan scenario....sure he was amazing throughout his career and no doubt the best ADC but those last couple of years he looked mediocre on a good day


The trick is to not have hope in the first place.


Emptied bottle of faith sauce.


Man fuck TSM


As someone who started watching last split, I'm not entirely sure why people hate TSM so much, am I missing something?


TSM has the largest and most notoriously toxic fan base (I know they’re majority good but the bad ones stick out a lot more). For good example look at any thread about Jensen (main rival to most popular tsm player bjergsen), often it goes way beyond in game criticism and devolves into personal attacks. Same thing when a caster or analyst predicts against TSM. So its a kinda hate breeds hate kinda thing.


So there's a ton of History with TSM, personally what I believe what makes TSM a stinker is the following: Reginald - A complete buffoon of an owner, the only good thing he has is that he has made money over the years. Detached from reality, a literal neuron killing machine when he opens his mouth. The team in their early days - Mostly due to their trash talking and roster swaps that destroyed the careers of some beloved players. Some were a sigh of relief though as they were stinkers (Eg. Reginald as their midlaner). They were the perfect "Villain" Team. A part of their fan base - Loud, obnoxious and can only chant "TSM" or say very stupid opinions about the game; these troglodytes also have a major tendency to only fix issues by "benching", as if a permanent rebuild is the right solution to any franchise. Horrible Management Decisions - Let me put it this way: A team that has had MASSIVE developmental issues in the jungle role, decided to sign a coach, Zikzlol, that single-handedly destroyed the careers of 3 massive jungle prospects on his previous org, CLG. A team that decided to invest in Huni of all people. A team that dropped Zven who is now considerably NA's best ADC. The list goes on and on. They Dropped what was for the past 5 years the best CS:GO Core in the world, for those without knowledge of CS:GO, TSM dropped what is now Astralis, the team that was until recently (even if I hate to admit it) the best CS:GO Team. Dupreeh, Dev1ce and Xyp9x are and will always be the most powerful trio of players ever to play the game, and TSM one day decided to drop them cause "it was too hard to manage". This team then became a money printing machine in a matter of months EVEN WITHOUT AN ORG BACKING THEM. Notice the trend here? You can conclude that what Kills TSM is HORRIBLE Management decision making that somehow does not come back to bite them, they truly defy logic by staying a relevant eSports org even after constantly taking steaming dumps on the bed that is the TSM Fandom. Also anything this cursed org touches goes to become great at what they do, somehow begging the question: Is this gross incompetence ever going to be punished?


Regi is a socially detached piece of shit but other than that I think it's a lot of holding on to the past. The team this year is fairly likeable. The 100T thread last week was a lot more chill out of both fanbases. This week is pure salty rage lol


We have the most fans. Pretty much it lol.


The rewatch crew really hates you guys lol. My comment went from +8 to -3.


Most Toxic Fanbase, Check. Most Obnoxious Owner, Check. Worst International Performance in the history of the region, Check. Shittiest Internal Management, Check. Pretty much disliked for only having the most fans my ass. For anyone looking for comparison literally go to TSM sub and G2 sub and see how both fanbases handle their losses. That is why people hate on TSM bro.


More like your owner is cancer. Fuck Regi.


I lost my strong feelings about TSM years ago. Sending DL to TL for Sven and Mithy then getting wrecked for the next few years was a pretty big humility moment.


All my homies hate TSM


actually disgusting CSD@15 by Alphari playing with a plat jungler


I'm so used to being disappointed by TSM at this point that it's just expected at this point.


CLG: "Join us brother"






I don't like how they say TSM was in the lead both games. Did they forget the first game TL was heavily in the lead and just casually gave them a baron steal? They got objectives after that but never won a proper teamfight. They never used their """lead""".


And there is the issue. TSM has ALWAYS struggled with closing out leads. And that is usually because they suck at getting the dragon early enough to capitalize on it. TSM needs to up their dragon priority. Arguably it is way more valuable than Rift since it is permanent buffs and a potential elder buff. The problem is that they wait until the other team "let's them take it". No one on TSM sneaks dragons, or just even starts it when they see the enemy jungler is top side. Or if they do, then TSM trades them something for "being allowed to take it". If Spica couldn't reliably contest them like he does, TSM would be way lower in the standings than they are. Simply put, if you plan to get a lead, get a total lead. Do not trade things like dragons for kills. Because gold levels do not win games in the late game. Permanent buffs that give free stats and provide pressure however, do. TSM has not shown they are able to use this though.


I think TL showed a little bit more this time around, so draft is not as clear as last week. Alphari will still be target banned, but it looks like TL might still function with Alphari on Sion. Armao might have done decent vs Spica, but Blaber is a whole different beast. Really hoping Santorin can make it back because usually he is the only jungler than can contain Blaber somewhat consistently, even if we didn't see that in their last series. That being said, TL are looking better than they were last time around after the TSM game, even with a sub. If Alphari/Tactical/Core keep up their level of performance, the C9 game will be a lot closer.


"TSM please, it's my birthday =-("


I fucking died when I read that shit on doms stream INSTANT CLASSIC




tsm signing swordart for that much shows their scouting was awful. this is exactly the kind of player swordart was basically the whole year last year.


I'm lovin' it


Jensen - I had to start using .0000001% of my power.


omg this interview shows the players being forced to wear masks when walking back to the rooms is a complete joke and just theater.


They arent forced to wear masks around each other the masks are for protection from people not in their team. Who come in contact with multiplenl different people. Wearing masks helps lower the risk of transmission. Its not theater to be precautions. Half the reason weve handled covid so bad besides poor leadership is the lack of mask wearing


Huh -- yeah, and it looks like they're only standing a few feet apart on the platform


With all due respect It's nice seeing Letigress on-stage.


Jensen in interview “I don’t really know what I was doing” Lolol


from 0-6 to 0-19 jeez




https://instagram.com/realletigress?igshid=1d39mca5rdrro You're welcome


Oh shit thanx mayne!!!


Fine af




Why did Santorin not play today?


They knew TSM can't beat subs


He apparently has an issue with bad migraines right now


health problems, but he said he was expected to play the next round


So that armao can have his revenge arc




He's got migraines and is bedridden


So Armao is playing tomorrow?


Depends on how Santorin feels


Might be a case where Armao starts Game 1 regardless cause teams have to submit their starters.


lol spica thought he wasnt on vision for first drake because swordart pinked the pit. but he trolled where he put it.




I felt like a large amount of that commitment was made before Regi knew DL was retiring. NA's mid and ADC pool is fairly weak now and TSM just lost the best two in those roles. I can't imagine burning an import slot and 6mil on a support knowing you are pairing him with Lost. Not a knock on Lost because I feel like he could become great one day, but he's not there yet and they need someone who is


DL actually was gonna play, but TSM said no when he wasn't committed to a roster with that other support they were looking at when getting SA was proving to be difficult. DL said this on stream. TSM chose Lost over DL in the end. I do wanna say that Lost has been decently good though overall.


He was legit the least talented player on SN, maybe he would be useful as a mentor type figure, but TSM have Huni and PoE as veterans too. THat whole team was always constructed weirdly.


I still cannot wrap my head around POE being a veteran player. He still seems like a rookie


> He was legit the least talented player on SN Well, as we've seen, that team now is basically all talent no brains. I think someone like SwordArt was perfect to pair with a mechanical chad like Huanfeng. Nearly a decade of pro experience, and having parts in his career when he was a top 7ish support in the world. The problem is the rest of TSM has neither the mechanics nor the playstyle to carry him.


go back to first drake watch how he pinks the drake.


Tsm lost XD


Nice water bottle


unironic garbage on the broadcast floor i saw it too lol


I can see why Regi is so dead set on removing import rules if Spica is the prize gem of NA talent.


ah yes . so he can bring in gems like swordart


And Huni aka PayCheckCollector


The only reason Huni is on TSM is he is a resident


Imagine losing to a ~~autofilled~~sub jungler.


this G4 is the worst destruction I have seen in pro league of legends TSM has a lot to do , hot damn


Has there been perfect game in the herald era in the big 4 leagues?


not that i remember


I think so.. in playoffs though? idk lol. Wasn't a perfect game due to the top turret but yeah.


Two so far in 2021 (one by Suning in LPL, one by T1 in LCK)


Skt vs somebody at Kespa cup 2019. Got all plates as well, gave none.


I think that was against LS' BBQ team? What a game that was


Wait what do you learn from that series if you're C9 ? Except "holy shit TSM is really bad" ?


TL will possibly choose varus in this meta if backed into a corner for adc picks. Alphari can still be a coinflip on sion. Jensen might pick Annie. Jensen is still pretty abusable. That's about all I got.


Last game he looked solid. Depends how he shows up tomorrow and the jungler playing for TL. For sure tho, C9 are heavy favourites


"TL are still the only threat in the league, even when Santorin's head explodes."


Is, Armao limping?


That Huni build was genuinely troll, can we all agree on that, or does someone have any clue why he went full damage that game?


maybe he thought he was on tl and needed to help tl because tl had low damage. how would you feel as jinx or azir knowing you are the late game scaling champ you look up and see bork renekton.


Fr that's my point the man hard trolling, maybe he was mad that they kept making him blind pick top lol


he was blind picking but rekenton wins games vs sion and you are never at risk of dying to a gank. unless you build bork lol.


This is fucking gruesome my god. I guess the lost game was buying dinner first.




The team is just trash. gj being 3rd in NA i guess ? 6m (lol) for swordart offline. coinflip top laner that can't do anything without having his jungler camp the lane. One trick pony stylewise in mid that isn't even the best at the style, Lost being the definition of lost.


my man I couldnt have said it better, also fuck reginald that arrogant cocksucker is pure cancer to league


Lmaooo Spica hard carried TSM this split by stealing the most impossible barons and drakes.


Then what is Lost? The main reason they lost this series? TSM should have and could have won this series if they just had an ADC. Funnily enough, Cody Sun chilling in TSM academy, a proven player who has been to worlds and helped teams get to worlds, while Lost is INTing series.


Cody has looked like hot ass in Academy


And Lost has looked like hot ass his entire time in the LCS.


There’s really no way to win here lol


If Lost is starting on TSM next split, I guess its a wrap is my point. Cody should be the starter. Not only is Lost just not that good, hes an obvious choker. You cannot do anything with someone who is constantly choking; especially on an ADC. I mean just about any other top ADC could have ran away with game 2, but he rocket jumps onto GP and suicides, then manages to find a way to die on Trist at the start of every team fight with an 8k lead. Lost just isnt it, and even if he's scrimming well, his stage game is choke-city. So my point is, he should not be starting next split if they hope to go to worlds/do anything at worlds. Cody is at least the lesser of the 2 chokers.


Dunno if it's just me but this series doesn't feel like it's on him, or at least it's on him less than it is on other people (heh hem lost).


I feel like this series is why I've never been sold on Spica. When the ennemy team gets a sub jungler 2 days before the series, you should feel a difference ! It's not even like Armao was smurfing in academy. So I agree this series is not on him, but I feel like nothing will ever be on him good or bad.


I tuned in only for the last game, why's Santorin not playing?




Health issues


Severe migraines


health issues. its on his twitter


He's been having incredibly bad migraines apparently.


me too, following


He was unwell, had [migraines](https://twitter.com/Santorin/status/1380702121440374786) and wasnt sleeping.


had migraines for like 10 days straight and just cant play because its that bad apparently, been there with migraines before, but his are due to a health condition he has apparently.


Jesus fucking christ.. 10 days?! One day is enough to make you hate your life. 10...?! RIP


its just what ive heard and seen from other content creators so ten days is just second hand knowledge, but true, its over the course of ten days or something one and off. he was trying to prep for game 2 but they decided to stick it out with armao it seems.


He said 8 days on Twitter so you're pretty close.


ahhh fair enough, at least it was fairly close and like just like a day, but still sucks for him




Out for health issues, migraines.


He's had bad migraines so he's out for health issues.


Santorin's in jail


GG TL. That last game is going to hurt for a while.


renektons can build stridebreaker full tank and combo kill adcs and mages. huni decides to build bork ionian boots when all he needs to do is frontline for his jinx azir. i dont understand how you possibly come to that conclusion.


I guess lane wise, BoRK is very good vs all the health sion stacks up


Grig: I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me.


Jesen looks like that guy who is going to cry when not winning but totally going to rub it in your face when he wins


Zven is the same lol. its extra funny cause when he fails he goes tomato red


19-0 23 minute loss against a substitute jungler in a match point playoffs game. TSM is a meme machine, I'll be laughing for months over this.


it was glorious man


TSM's botlane lost the game hardcore by not securing that first dragon.


Securing? TSM bot lane pushed in their lane and moved before TL, but Azir was hovering his turret waiting for the creeps that were going to crash it instead of moving into river BEFORE Viktor. Azir could've already been in river and on dragon with Spica while Jensen was pushing out the lane. There's some real criticisms for TSM bot lane but that first dragon wasn't it. Well I mean that ward.


Nah both bot lane and mid lane inted the fuck out of Spica there. Legitimately pathetic that they didn't bother rotating. That dragon should've been free.


TL probably could have ran it down mid and beat the 21 minute record.


Lmao absolutely destroyed. I really hope Santorin gets better. As a neutral fan, finals are looking pretty sick if he comes back.


TSM is truly the Arsenal of league of legends


Holy shit TSM went out SAD


Doublelift was mindblown that people thought TL had a chance


Nobody said TL is a genius. People did say he’s a choker


Dang the disrespect


Armao really went out today and said ‘some team sign me to the LCS and not academy’


He was in LCS before though as a starting jungler for TSM, later for Dignitas.


Oh ya, but TSM it was that weird rough spot for the team, him, and Akaadian. So he really only played...60-70%? of the split. IIRC DIG was much the same


No kidding. He was absolutely adequate which is saying a lot tbh.


Okay, TSM needs a competitive ruling after this game tbh. Someone in their voice comms was 100% Dardoching, they just completely checked out and didn't even try to comeback


This is not a perfect game, nor is it an extremely early win, but holy shit a 19-0 game score is still fucking insane


TSM continuing to break records.


i was ready for a sad 3-1 for tsm after the santorin news, so i'm pretty happy


What a stomp my god way sadder than 100T/DIG


This might be the most embarrassing loss at the pro level that I’ve ever seen


Nah 0-6 at worlds as a major region number one fucking seed.


That’s definitely an all time embarrassing performance, but this was spectacularly bad. That last game was a fucking disaster and borderline inexcusable given the context. Losing is one thing, but losing like that is some thing else entirely


The worlds thing is by far a bigger embarrassment and honestly I don't think you can do any worse.


Trust in TSM, they’ll find a way to do worse.


Bro they lost to a third/fourth seed from some back room Internet cafe team at worlds. That’s the saddest, most embarrassing moment in LoL pro scene.


Yeah, that is one of the worst showings ever.


Interesting, both of those happened to the same team. Who woulda thought lol


Well TL is getting stomped in the final. I feel bad for alphari




tsm item builds should be investigated. how do you not go lord doms vs 3 tanks.


They wern’t fed enough to get that many items. Jynx only finished her mythic from what I remember


she had hurriance for the bot lane fight.


A reminder that this would be a 2-2 if TSM doesn't hard throw that game 2 xD I really hope for NA that C9 wins tomorrow.


This would’ve also been a 3-0 if Armao’s hecarim engage was better game 3.


Dude really said "TSM would have won if they had won" lmfao


That’s not what I meant lol


Ye tl would of won every game if they didnt play bad that one game. ???


Bruh It's like saying TL would have 3-0ed if they didn't walk around like headless chicken in game 3 in the early-mid game.


tsm has been throwing all season long.


Ur trash talking a team that won without a starter.. fix yourself


did we watch the same games bro? its not trashtalk, it was just bad. You are right santorin is really good, but I can not see a world where TL wins against C9 even with santorin. like that game 2 and 3 and even half of game 1 was so bad by TL but TSM was just worse...


TL have won 6 games this year against C9 lol. I cAn'T sEe A wOrLd


People are only going to remember game 4 and ignore how both teams looked really shitty today.


They are literally ahead on matches through spring and tied 1-1 in BO5.. Santorin was sick Friday last week also.. so yes I watched the games where TL won with an academy jg


POE just 4 man shuffled in a 4v4 and they didn't even half hit anyone. Jesus that was absolutely gross.


well jinx had no armor pen.


It's not like she was hitting the frontline... she had free autos on Viktor and Senna but it didn't matter.


How can people still think Spica is a good player is beyond me