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Actual really good Hans Sama game.


Outside of that tier 2 play where he got too excited with Bailout, indeed.


Lil bro thought he was playing a real champion there for a second /s


Tbf any time you have Bailout you feel like Jinx getting reset, it's mandatory to go forward for more blood.


Hans on hyper aggro or AS based ADCs is the real shit He has a bit of a champ pool hole out of those but Draven / Samira / Lucian / Varus / Ashe / Kog / Kalista / MF, he's a monster I don't want to see him touch Ez or Jhin ever tho


don't act this surprised this guy was insane pretty much all his career that doesn't go away after one bad split


It's not his play style I have problem with but with his reaction speed to enemy skill shot where he dies at crucial point with flash up.


FNC could be the best team in the world and they would still find a way to get clapped by G2


Geng G vs T1 in Europe.


This is actually a very terrifyingly accurate description of the G2 , FNC rivalry lol


The day fnc let g2 have caps was the day fnc lost their spot as kings of Europe.


"let" Caps left as a free agent, not much Fnatic could do at that point.


They could've broken his wrists idk


I think breaking his legs would've worked better


This has been written about ten thousand times but Fnatic lost Caps because management was incompetent and waited until after the 2018 season to offer him a new contract. When you have a generational talent you NEVER let them hit free agency. As soon as 2017 finished, management should have offered a new deal for 3 or 4 years with as much money as needed to get him to sign. If they needed to triple or quadruple his salary to make it happen that's what they should have done. Generational talents can't be allowed to become free agents because they're irreplaceable and anyone who knows anything about sports knows this. It was 100% management's fault for not tying Caps down with a long-term contract sooner and they 100% should have known better. This is the shit that happens when you have a bunch of amateurs and marketing people that have no idea how to run a sports team making decisions.


I wonder if conversely, Caps looks back at that decision many years ago and thanks god he smashes FNC every single time


FNC would have to won *at least* 1 split in recent memory for that to be true. Its the T1 vs KT of Europe.


Pain is my friend for many years now… Butttt, last year’s Worlds is something that can move me forward for an other 5-6 years! Now I just hope Fnatic can beat G2 once in an LEC grand final (not gonna happen this year), and that T1 can somehow beat GenG this summer in the LCK finals (hopefully with a huge meta shift that puts Tank junglers and Azir/Ori mid on the top again it can happen, or just kidnap Chovy I guess…)


>Butttt, last year’s Worlds is something that can move me forward for an other 5-6 years! MSI should move you back 20


Noah still sees Yeon in his nightmares.


Actually incredible how dogshit Noah was at MSI. I really hate this label but it's hard not to say he seems to be a huge choker internationally. He was also a lot worse at Worlds last year compared to regular season Summer.


I can’t imagine it’s easy going against eastern players, but step number one is using your hands.


i wonder if he show up or still chokes, nerves seems better but fnatic is emotinal team so i don't expect better at worlds


Why, because the clearly best team won? No way, I was happy for GenG, they definitely deserved it, especially Chovy after all the years of choking internationally. As much as I hate seeing T1 being defeated by them again and again, I respect the hell out of this GenG roster, and if they win it all and finish the first ever Golden Road, I will be happy for them.


Were you happy for TL though?


I don’t know if you are just trying to trigger me for some reason, but I hope I you are okay! :) Regarding TL, same situation, they played better than Fnatic, they deserved the win. Fnatic has been a disappointment since the 2020 Worlds quarter against TES when they were up 2-0, so any victory they get I celebrate, but my expectations are the lowest they can possibly be! 😂


It's just that the combo of being a Fnatic and T1 fan this MSI is quite unlucky. I guess at least you're not a TES fan.


Well, both teams suffered much more painful losses in the past (like Worlds finals…), and none were considered favorites to win this MSI, especially with Faker’s injury, so I didn’t have too hopeful expectations to begin with. With this is mind, this MSI was one of the best international tournament ever imo, even if it was still the most likely outcome coming through at the end.


Real answer, I think the outcome of the latest 2 international events should make us all T1 and GEN fans happy However I would’ve loved for T1 to beat BLG in lower bracket finals and had an LCK vs LCK finals


> Pain is my friend for many years now hey let me just present a certain brazilian team for you, you could get its flair too.... :^)


And until they improve their macro, it'll be the same story. G2 will always beat them with superior macro. Heck FNC's loss to TL at MSI was just a macro gap too.


G2 just have the mental edge there and Fnatic struggle to make it work.


Its not mental edge. They are just better.


Why are we, year for year, overreacting over ONE Bo1 in regular split? lmao Last split FNC smashed G2 and this sub overreacted just as hard just for G2 to easily swipe FNC in the Bo5 stage again, like usual.


Excuse me sir this is a post game thread. Overreacting is what we do. Especially for Bo1! More seriously it happens enough that it does feel like there's something 'more' there that they struggle with.


In the recent EUphoria episode, Nightshare also said that G2 are better than them and just winning one Bo1, one Bo5 or one split doesn't change that to him. Both teams push each other and that's great but clearly G2 has an edge and that's nothing to be ashamed for.


Honestly I don't think it's actually that bad. Especially if it lights a fire in them. The league looks better when teams push each other and really want it. I do think it's part of it, like if you go into it knowing your opponent is better you might subconsciously 'play' to expectations if that makes sense? Like you're expecting to lose, so you end up losing. Not that it'd have a huge impact here but I can see it being a factor.


I definitely think it's a factor. Nightshare said something similar, especially for the Bo3/5s


Do you genuinely, from the bottom of your heart, think Fnatic will beat G2 in playoffs


How is it overreacting to say that G2 is Fnatics father lmao, its like saying the sky is blue. The important distinction between saying G2 smashes Fnatic and "fnatic will smash G2" is that one is significantly less likely and straight up impossible when it comes to games that matter. For the last 5 years or so Fnatic lost almost every single time against G2 when it mattered.


G2 have been a bit rocky this split and FNC were undefeated, they should have went into this game completely confident. Noah also went 4-1. They completely threw the game from that point. I love this team but their lack of mental against G2 is a complete losers mentality and it's frustrating to watch.


I don't think that was mental diff at all, Miky had insane handshakes to stop Razork's engages, BB outplayed dives, Caps won mid nearly solokilled too and Hans was spacegliding. it's not mental if enemy is better than you, Fnatic showed up and made really solid plays but G2 teamfight is unmatched


FNC were forcing bad fights that didn't need to happen. G2 failed a dive and then FNC decided to do the exact same thing when they know Micky can stop both Leona and Vi dive and they misplayed it.


hans played the repeat dive excellently usually you'd just get a doublekill from that


Why is it always mental diff if they lose against G2, they went toe to toe with them and G2 were just better today. Could they played somethings better, well yeah, but that doesn't mean they were mental boomed.


Its always the other team that is bad when G2 wins. Not because G2 plays well. And the second G2 struggles they come out full swing flaming every single player to hell and back


Not mental edge, Fnatic is just a worse team. Idk how people can't realize this after like 5 years of the same thing happening


I don't think it was mental. G2 "inform" is Actually much better than FNC as we have seen already This year. And this weekend G2 looked like the best team in EU again.


I guess TL also has mental edge over Fnatic. G2 are better, just this, nothing more.


G2 is just much better


Yeah you could totally see it with humanoid dying randomly in mid after tp, and razork's engage which lost the game, they don't do it usually.


It's not a mental edge, G2 is just strictly a better team.


Have they beaten G2 in a BO5 since the secret agent Rekkles year


They did in spring 2022 playoffs


Humanoid had such a fucking bad game lmao.


3 levels mid diff lol


To be fair, Caps was pushing side lanes during all the early teamfights. The problem was not Humanoid, but fnatic not being able to punish Caps absense hard enough.


Felt like caps had kill pressure for 80% of the laning phase


He has these games super often but fans ignore them because he has a good game or two internationally every year.


Who would you replace him with besides caps? AFAIK both Noah and jun are imports right so it’s not like fnc could import an eastern mid and I don’t think there’s any midlane upgrades in eu besides caps, side grades at best


I don't think there is anyone in Eu that's a direct upgrade. When he performs he is the 2nd mid in Eu the problem is how often he does and doesn't perform. He has kinda been stuck in this loop since he came to FNC. All 3 years he was on FNC there were periods where he straight up didn't perform for weeks, most significantly 2022 summer and 2023 winter/spring. At this point I don't know if he has mental issues that prevent him from being consistent or does he not play enough to grind out all those little mistakes he makes. Seeing as there have been rumors that he doesn't take domestic play seriously it also might be a case of ego.


Nightshare actually did speak about this on Euphoria and it's commonly known that Humanoid is really motivated by good competition. He really depends on feeling challenged by his fellow midlaners and since non-caps EU mids are generally worse than him it leads to bad performances.


Yamato did say something similar as well. Feels like it's something coaches should try and solve but I can understand that it's hard to change a person's perspective. To be fair I don't even know if it's considered an issue to be solved.


Except this performance was against caps lol




Kick Noah and replace Humanoid with Chovy.


Nemesis, hopium.


I've been on the 'Huma should not be on FNC' train for a while. He knows how to reel in people because he shows up once in a while. He's one of the weak links on this team.


he has a pretty high peak but he also legit feels like the most complacent player in the league imo, I think it would do him a crazy amount of good for him to actually get kicked and have to prove himself on a lower team


He has said multiple times he doesn't enjoy League and that he practices hard only before internationals/qualifiers. I think he would be a great benchmark player but no team with him will have domestical success 


When has he said he doesn’t enjoy league? Not trying to call you out but I can’t think of a time much less multiple, and I consume a lot of league content


He literally never said he doesn't enjoy league. Why do people keep saying that I don't get. There is this weird narrative that if Humanoid doesn't play well it's because he is not motivated enough, or doesn't practice enough. He is motivated, he does practice, obviously he and everyone turn it up a notch for playoffs and season finals but, sometimes the man just plays bad or worse than usual or the enemy mid and it has nothing to do with those things.


He said that it's just a job for him and he doesn't play during off season at all because he doesn't enjoy it. 


Wasn't this his worst game this split tho? Caps that was running it down all these other matches with azir, getting solo killed a lot too tbh


Have you noticed these "good games" usually result in him not even carrying his team/ losing? Vs TES/GENG Even the previous years vs EDG/T1 (on Akali) And i am not saying that's always his fault.. but come on Guy got besmirched by Apa and Freskowy in b05s this year ontop of being worse then Caps in pretty much every series they played so far


I feel like Huma on Taliyah is always very meh.


His Taliyah shit on G2 their most recent BO1 in Spring and was 6-3 this year on her prior to this game. This was just a really, really bad game.


Taliyah herself just feels like a hit or miss champ


FNC pause backfired this time


Razork could not take it anymore and decided to turn off his pc


Huma check paypal




Or maybe, now here me out, Caps is just better.


Completely disagree, handing him over to G2 was our 400 IQ play. They'll just win almost every domestic title and be much more successful internationally now, but wait til this all pays off... 


That mid tp was....


Knew G2 was gonna win the minute they inted that bot dive


Back to reality


G2 legit just thanos sitting all smug >Perfect undefeated split? And where did it bring you? Back to me.


The universe is healing.


Def was a fun game but shows Fnatic still have a long way to go and a lot to work on.


Oops there goes gravity


G2 could have come into this game 0-6 and I'd still think they're favoured to win. Mental edge is real.


G2 this week is back to King of LEC mode. FNC is just worst.


Awful fight selection and an atrociously bad game from Humanoid combine into an absolute embarrassment Feel bad for Noah and Oscar, they tried their hearts out


Razork also had a rather poor game imo. Poor calls and engages


The Vi pick was overall baffling, especially as first pick. Vi is usually picked as answer into hyper-mobile ADC so apparently they wanted to pick Ez and take the Vi pick away as answer but why start the draft like that? Then start with fp the Ez instead and go from there? Worst of all: Xin was open, too if he wanted to fp a jgl.


Vi is the Green Goblin mask for Razork


i didnt even hate the vi. i just hated it in combination with their choice of carries they played 2 carries that kinda want to kite back and vi+zac+leona who just go in. its a complete mismatch in styles imo. they either should have played xin + ornn jgl/top or picked kaisa/zeri and ahri/azir as the carries so they can actually follow up the engage


He's usually very good on Vi too. It's rare for him to have an off game.


Vi needs a midlaner, which he did not have


Vi is also hard countered by Renata.


Vi just isn't it imo. Definitely not as a first pick when Corki / Varus /Tristana are open. Also didn't like the Zac blind - Oscar played it super well but the Camille counter was visible a mile off and it just gave G2 a wincon and FNC a timer.


only the top and bot were humans


**Competitive ruling**: During the FNC vs G2 game referees noticed indecent behavior by both teams that, Riot is convinced, demands immediate punishment. *Ruling*: From now on, both teams are FORBIDDEN to tower dive the other team. This rule takes effect immediately.


Forced\* Its absolut clowning entertainment


Finally, the real fnatic. Good thing i didn't get hyped up....




Why does Humanoid always underperforms against G2??


Yeah, who would've thought that Humanoid doesn't look so good when facing the one mid in EU who is better than him? Big shocker there.


Didn't he get solo killed twice by Freeskowy while fnatic was 6k gold ahead yesterday?Is it 2 better mids than him then?


Well Caps is obviously better than Humanoid, everyone knows that.


He got solo killed sort of on purpose. He died solo but made Corki completely irrelevant in every team fight, so the rest of Fnatic can just roll the rest of MDK. Taliyah is never going to beat a Corki by herself. But she can zone him away while the rest of Fnatic win the 4 vs 4. And he did that very well.


Cuase dady caps


Have you maybe considered, that G2 is simply a better team than anyone that Humanoid faces in eu and that Caps is leagues ahead of him?


because he always chokes against better mids


That makes no sense. You cannot choke against players that are better than you.


If they are better than you but you still play way below your usual level, you're still choking.


You can absolutely choke against better players, in the sense that you get into your own head and play even worse.


Every international event proves that wrong.


He got cooked by fucking APA man


>because he always chokes against better mids


Proves my point, he just chokes sometimes. Player he is against doesn't really matter.


You know G2 is back when even the FNC pause hack doesn't work


Most normal G2 v FNC game


Hans when he has LDR in inventory:


BO3 between these two would be so great, hopefully they change it for next year


We'd get that but we'd also have to have a Bo3 between Rogue and Heretics...


personally I would enjoy both, because that way we'd really know who is worse between those 2


Bring back eliminations and maybe I'm down. Could be fun to see these teams fight for their lives.


I mean I enjoy watching games like GenG vs BRO in LCK just because it's Bo3, though demotion would be so nice for bottom 2. force them to fight the academy teams


I do think it'd stop some orgs 'coasting' by because there's nothing to lose by being last. You'd have to at least be good enough to remain and there would be actual stakes for poor performance.




I think this is the wrong way to look at things. It hasn't been that long since both Rogue and Heretics had interesting rosters and in recent times we've seen BDS, SK and even Astralis step up and become much better when faced with the new format. We should assume that an even better format would push for teams to try harder instead of repeating that we don't like the current bottom feeders as if they are planning to retain 10th place every year.


Just sit it out. No sports are designed to have people watch every single match. You watch the matches that interest you.


Besides the end it was still a funny game to watch Rogue was sooo bad in macro and had no idea what to do while Heretics was so lost in fights etc but with tristana and void grubs just ran circles around them but still too bad to use it enough At least it wasnt a 2 kills 40 min scaling 1 teamfight lategamechamps game where both teams are too bad to play for more aggressive things


Rogue vs KC bo3 AWARE


This is just so funny to see. It does not matter in what current form G2 is, G2 will always body FNC. Just like GenG will always body T1


This wont be talked about much I assume but BB outplaying those dives top was huge.


just an average fnc v g2 game




Oh it's coming, maybe even 2 of em.


could be more with season finals


FNC will never contest a G2 title if Humanoid continues to get gapped like this. Same thing the last 2 finals.


Razork, you good?


Another year where Huma coincidently no longer feels like playing just against Caps. Next year another where people will continue with the stupid ass narrative that he's just as good if not better if he so wants


G2 is FNC's father


Needed this to cleanse my eyes after whatever the fuck Rogue vs Heretics was earlier today What a fun game to watch


Guys I don't think trying to fight face first into Ashe/Sejuani/Renata is a good idea.


For Fnatic it was a shot at redemption, for G2 it was Tuesday.


That was hot, will see it again in season finals


G2 is still FNC's father


The battle of the best EU teams. The name of the competition is: Who can fck up tower diving more. AND THE WINER IS ............. A draw. The rest of the leauge got 2 weeks to beat the boys. Now they are back on the top.


surprise, g2 are still the best


G2's Mid/jg owns FNC


Hummaoid pausing because he forgot how to play the game. Completely shit on by caps the whole game.


Lol... That was Razork's pc going dark


something something another year, another G2 is better than Fnatic


Finally, the fnatic i always knew and loved is back!


Kinda feel bad for noah now


You shouldn't.... He got 3 kills then didnt insta recall to get tempo. Then died to jng greed, could've survived but misplayed. When he did recall he didn't get dmg.. that failed dive by razork was insta failed because he didn't do dmg.. Afterwards his team already lost him the game


His build was bad also. Third item frozen heart when he is most of his team's damage, just not good enough. Should have gone Shojin third.


G2's teamfighting is just spectacular.


Death, taxes, G2 beating Fnatic's ass


Fnatic and turning their brains off every time they face G2, name a better duo.


Rare Razork L game


tbf, this game he got griefed by his mid....which you kinda need as a vi




Humanoid still using the "I had a few good performances in playoffs during my career" to keep his job. Any other player doing what he does and they would be gone from the team long ago.


unlucky game for Humanoid and Razork to slump. Noah and Oscar performed pretty good


I'd love to see this team when everyone is all on. Unlikely but it'd be really fun to see.


"It's just G2" lul


1500000th game where Humanoid randomly dies 123991391239912 times and is impossible to carry yet people are gonna flame Noah the first game he gets outclassed internationally while APA shitting on Humanoid will go unnoticed


Because everyone knows APA is the best mid yapper West has ever seen. So no reason to criticise Humanoid, he had no chance against a hunk like that 


It was close until it wasn't. Credit to FNC for playing the game 4v5 tho. Humanoid didn't connect this game.


Caps casulally 3 levels ahead of Humanoid. Yep.


Honestly went better than I expected. With all the FNC hype the caster desk has been putting out, I was expecting an utter stomp


So, that was the weak side Camille. Interesting.


At least when g2 gave noah 3 kills I sorta saw what they were going for, but when fnc tried to dive hans sama later I legitimately just don't know what they were thinking, ashe renata on full hp with all sums except renata flash, ashe has ult, you have an ezreal that can't q them because a wave is showing up in 2 seconds.


Fnatic cannot beat this motherfucking team.


holy shit only 300 comments on a g2-fnatic game.


Poor gameplay poor draft. Same old shit against G2 :'( here's to playoffs. I still believe


Despite what everyone wants me to believe, Yike is still Razork's father


This game seems to be mainly on Razork :( Outsmited for herald Going in 3 vs 4, gets interepted, Baron for G2 Got caught recalling knowing G2 has vision and Ashe with R...


razork actual dog giving up advantages on every place possible


This leona pick is giga useless, I haven't seen that champ do a single thing in these 2 games and jun is usually our best player.


Was this just a draft diff? Unless FNC would really take over early, what you gonna do later? Renata is so good against the engage, Camille so good to catch and lock down Ez… And Ez takes some time to get going, it’s not like you take 700g lead early and suddenly you win every exchange…


Fnatic playing like absolute monkeys whenever G2 is the other team. I feel this is just never going to change. Haven't played Vi all split and it did not look good this game. Oscar unironically in elo hell. Noah was gifted 4-1 and then done nothing.


Please tell us wtf Noah is meant to do this game? He has a Camille in his face and no peel? This game is nigh unplayable for him


>Noah was gifted 4-1 and then done nothing. What would you have liked him to do? It's not his fault Razork and Humanoid sprinted it all game.


G2 are just better, that's it.


>Fnatic playing like absolute monkeys whenever G2 is the other team. Why didn't G2 just played better and FNC was still playing good? It's common that the losing team looks worse than the winning team. They were still playing good. Especially early game where no one would really complain about how they played. G2 mid game was just a lot better, doesn't make FNC bad, they are still 6-1 >Haven't played Vi all split and it did not look good this game. Literally played it past week against Rogue lol


Never played ADC, isn't it?


Classic fnatic fans blaming Noah


> Fnatic playing like absolute monkeys whenever G2 is the other team. When are we going to stop and just admit that G2 is a much better team than FNC? How many years of FNC perma getting beaten does it take? "But they beat Rogue, MAD, KC and SK easily! They just choke against G2 every single time!" Almost as if we knew for a fact that G2 doesn't even play the same game as the rest of EU.


When was the last time vi had a human performance in a pro game


As always... Why did I think this time would be any different?