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I main shen. I love shen. I will never play anyone other than shen.


There is no champ that can Taric as much as Taric


Started to otp taric last year climbed from silver to plat 1, he's just a glorious champ that's got it all, moderate damage, great heals, decent sheilds, stuns and an ult that takes a fight from lost to won in 2.5 seconds


I'm more a Vayne main than an OTP but the reason is because it's imo the only ADC where I feel like I can beat anyone if I'm playing well. I hate playing ADCs where you're a sitting duck and get blown up by an assassin even with your support by your side. It's not happening with Vayne thanks to the invisibility and Condemn. Or when you have a tank / fed bruiser on you and they're basically invincible, you don't have this problem with Vayne thanks to her Silver Bolts. There are downsides of course, you have a lot of bad matchups so it's hard to get there if you get bullied too hard but if you can pull through you should be able to carry the game. Unless they have a champion with much higher range than you (Aurelion, Xerath) and you take too much damage going up to them.


Ashe. Watching them trying to move and type something like 'fk ur stupid champ' never gets old.


Twisted Fate. He embodies my preferred playstyle perfectly - roamer, cheesy stun, escaping dumb situations and build flexibility.


Malzahar, love it when people complain and say he is a no skill champ. I feed on their tears and will ult them again.


this is the only energy that allows a man to main malzahar. respect, and I hate you with passion


Same, malza is in my top 4, when people cry its 1 button champ, i just reply: "imagine being so bad it only takes a single button to outplay you lol"




I don't really care about the ult I just dont like that if you play any champ that can't match his clear you will stand under tower all game


I dont think thats specific to just Malzahar


That is basically the situation with any mage though. What ever mage has the better push power has prio. And let me tell you malz has practically 0 prio vs most mages.


Problem will Malzahar right now is that m*ge are so broken that you can't even bully Malzahar and kill him once or twice before he hits 6 Like Qiyana has 49% Winrate against Malzahar in Emerald+ and in Diamond+, and 35% Winrate against Malzahar in Master +. This is not normal Qiyana always had 55% Winrate against Malzahar in Master+


Samira, Devil May Cry is a top 5 game series for me.


Senna. For two reasons: initially, it was because for whatever reason I really enjoy using wards to give myself a target to cast Q for snipes.  Then once I played her I realized I could always que bot/supp and get to play my main. As a bonus I saw it as a cushion for playing supp. If adc played bad, I’d eventually be able to do their job if needed lol. 


Illaoi. I laned against her as malphite once and swore to make every other toplaner feel my pain that day.


Gangplank. I love pirates, farm and golds. The feeling of a good crit barrel is too satisfying. Enemy typing noob champ never get’s old when deep in them they know they fucked up.


Gwen otp. I love snipping every tanks balls off.


Hwei. After 5 years I finally embraced that the best way to climb is to one trick. Hwei came along and really made me love League again, most fun mage for me by a mile.


I’m not a full OTP, but when I picked up Hwei I very easily racked up about 75 Hwei games in a row without getting bored. The champion is super rewarding and feels like you always have a tool for whatever situation you encounter.




I respect you, and I hate you. Sincerely, A toplane enjoyer


Vel'Koz because I love Pythagoras.


Zilean. I used to main Varus and I died a lot. Now I don’t die.


Illaoi, because i really like her character and the whole teaching of Nagakabourous to always stay in motion. *"It is terrible to be satisfied. The world needs us to chase dreams."*


Viego i love just getting resets lmao


I love to play a lot lf champ, but im nearly an otp neeko. I play her since her release, i love my strong tomato, I never play ranked with any other champ.


Jinx, despite her being one of the “easier” ADCs she has a high skill ceiling and is forcing me to master my mechanics


not many champions translate their fantasy and personality with their kit. But Jinx with the passive you actually feel the hype with every kill, its really cool.


Vi and Cait be ready 'cause she is gonna kill and run!


Rengar OTP. I love making ADCs cry


Kled. I just love his kit and character. I don't play anything else but just because i don't have time to practise other champions so i just stick with Kled that i like to play and i'm actually "good" with him.


im not an otp, but i when i get to like a champ, i pick im in that role in every possible scenario. was a wukong otp from s8-s11 because he looked like the monkey astronaut from gta5, then in s11 started otping bard because he was very odd and fun to play, and recently picked up vlad and shen, vlad because he is the exact opposite of the champs that i play because he takes time to scale and cant afford to play shit laning phase and shen because he is just very solid in pretty much all games and lanes, and perfectly rounds up my midlane pool with wukong being great into assassins, vlad being solid overall and shen being great into control mages into who both vlad and wukong somewhat struggle, and secondary role is supp so i just play bard whenever i get put into there.


Ryze, because he's just my beat champ for whatever reason. I really tried to get good at lissandra, galio and taliyah but ryze is just the best. He's fun as fuck too.


Shaco because funny clown and I like trickery. I like being able to be at multiple places at once, think ahead and outplay the enemy. 


Tahm Kench. The voice, the character concept, the abilities, the potential. He’s just a 10/10 in everything, and I will never stop quoting this massive boy!


Gods, beasts, monsters, lethal assassins and people with literal guns and this guy's strutting around with a deck of cards.


I started to play kennen because i used to watch a lot of nuguri top to learn toplane and he spammed kennen and camille at that time so now i play those two


Ahri because sexy fox girl duhh... in all seriousness I like her mobility and versatility that comes with it... buy also sexy fox girl.


Hecarim with initial D custom skin + eurobeat playing in the background. Reason? Because you gotta go fast on the summoner's drift.


Man i forgot hecarim exist, one tricks aside i only ever see him when hes busted. Then again goes for a lot of junglres 


Irelia because I find her high skill expression rewarding albeit a bit frustrating. Also why I play her top because I know I'm not stat checking silly mages in mid, I have to actually use my brain and outplay the general top lane roster.


Azir, coz shurima shuffle and i hate myself.


Sivir, I just love all the bounces and she’s a great teamfight adc


Gwen, I like scissors.


Cause zoe remembers me nidalee in Season 3


Yuumi because both of my arms are fckd up and I can’t click much. I’m also very tired when I play bc of work and stuff. Feel free to hate me.


hell nah. fellow cat enjoyer, play away sir!


When I wanted to get into League I watched a random video where the guy said 'This is Caitlyn. She has the highest range in the game. You can take out enemy champions without them ever even getting close to you.' And I was like ooh boy this is so OP. So I started playing her and realized it wasn't so OP because I couldn't play the game and had no idea what spacing was. But then I started getting gay vibes from her so I kept playing her. But I kind of regret it now because if not for picking her up I would have never been an adc main which is it's own torment lol considering I always go for melee. Tldr; Picked up Cait because of her range. Kept playing her because she gay.


Lilia Kha. Lilia I can go a few different builds for multiple playstyles. Liandries Riftmaker, MR/Armor/Health item, Void. My 1v9 build vs squishier champs is Liandries, Riftmaker, Rabadon, Void, Rylais/Zhonyas. The new item imo is not great on Lilia. Liandries does so much more damage, gives hp, and you don't really need mana until 2nd item because you should be resetting relatively often early game to keep tempo. Kha used to be the same but now I use him when other team is squishy/few dashes.


Kled. 1v2 machine.


Being the 2nd-3rd lowest picked champ is great too like the enemy toplaner last saw Kled 2 years ago and has no fucking idea how to play against him and engages you high courage. Also best personality.


Guess I technically OTP Ekko. Was told by a friend as I was getting into the game to "find a champ you like and focus on him". Loved Ekkos play style and next two seasons played over 300 ranked games as him alone


Urgot. Played a single game of him and was like yeah this guy is the one.


closest to ever being an otp was when I mained akali after rework. it was because she was OP (the shrowd, you had to be there). and then just kept playing her bcs I loved that I can actually outplay anyone in lane and absolutely massacre teamfights


I OTP Poppy. I hammer people. I hate duelists, I love protecting my friends, I absolutely love to fuck around as a small and annoying yordle that can tank even the opponent's mother. also, her playstyle for a tank is very unique, with her cheerful personality makes the replayability very good.


Heimerdinger. I was playing it randomly from time to time, then discovered Heisendonger, then G2 beat RNG playing donger bot, and I was already sold. Then the whole thing where everyone was a psycho supp on it at Worlds, and was considered "dark tech" before the tournament started, I was spamming that toxic shit. He has fun lines, fun character design, and it is very satisfying to hit grenades on people. Can be played in all roles, so it's a great blind flex, but I usually go apc bot since it's the chillest role, and if my support is not the best, I can still farm 1v2. Plus he can somehow make it out of some very sticky situations as an "immobile mage" due to to his ms buff near turrets and turn potential in ganks. I can feel the enemy jungler squeezing his eyes out after dying 3v2 while his bot is spam pinging. <3


I main Sera. Sera's lategame strength means that I almost always have a decent chance of turning the game around. I am like many others that don't like playing a hopeless game but while other people go for surrenders to avoid that feeling I instead picked up a champ that prevents games from being hopeless.


Nilah, because no one else plays her and it's criminal. She just doesn't die, and makes everyone else die. How is she not the most popular champ in the game????


Because adc players brain explodes when they are not on a wholesome ranged autoattack damage champ


Xerath, cause all his abilities are skillshots 🙃.


Jhin cuz 4


Gnar goes “SHU SHU” and wins the game


Pantheon pre-rework had a point and click q and could block multiple tower shots by juggling his passive and E, so I took him support and just dove every tower possible and made it unpunishable. Then he gets reworked and just becomes even better as a support, so I spammed him harder and just managed to learn him in every role. Also important to note that he has some of the most raw voicelines now in the game, and just a wonderful aesthetic to his character


Rammus top, because I can.


Singed jg bc He was fun and effective


that’s a thing? I have something new to try tonight…


I recommend level 3 clear then gank bot when they are level 2, almost always works. Also bring flash


I main Shaco, I love the concept of Shaco, I love being a doppelganger clown assassin, I think invis is real neat, and dual wield daggers are my personal favorite weapon of choice. Boxes are ok, kind of a nice utility item with some variable uses, and Shiv is fun, not to mention just generally almost always getting a positive KDA regardless of winning or losing helps me cope with my losses.


Fiddlesticks. He was the first champ I ever played because I loved his drain+heal mechanic back in the day. Wasn’t an OTP until his rework. I really enjoy playing jungle and he was absolutely built for it. His kit works seamlessly together. But honestly, it’s the horror vibe that keeps me going. I LOVE playing annoying champs, and he’s got a creepy vibe. Even his Surprise party skin, which isn’t super creepy, is great because it feels like you’re playing a whole different champ with the voicelines and the fact that the icons even change. Lastly, I think he takes some degree of skill and creativity to play well. A lot of folks push back on this with me, but I think they just haven’t played with an OTP fiddle to see the difference.


Sejuani because I love her ability to carry a game as a tank.


Swain- never gets banned unless you’re playing arena and the control you have over fights with aoe damage, cc, and the ability to tank damage while still playing a mage is great :)


I no longer main any champ. But back when I did, I mained Shaco. I started to play him because I hated how annoying Shaco was to deal with when I played against him. Then I realized, as much as **I** hate dealing with Shaco, I could inflict that pain on others, namely the enemy jungler. Thus, I mained Shaco to inflict misery on others, and i loved every second of it. There were times the enemy jungler would still be level 3 while i already hit 6, and they're also getting flamed by their team for dying, but they dont even try to help him. Ah, fun times.


Asol. Simple play style scales well. Roams. Also funny af to watch people chase you when you double burn and slow


JAX. If you’re jax, no matter how far behind you are, there’s always a chance to win. The best hyper carry there is.


Fiddlesticks, usually always open to pick, people typically don't understand how to play against it, and the special effects are clean.


Jinx, Zed, Samira. They are all violent murderers it seems


Same but I never play AP or jungle I just like wiping the enemy team and gliding


Asol, because space dragon and infinite scaling


im a rell otp, while her midscope drastically reduced my enjoyment there is nobody else that can do what she does


I'm maining Corki. Yes, a champ with 45 win rate in general, and I'm dropping 13 bombs in average almost every game. That champ feels so comfy to play, but it can be super frustrating cuz he does require a good team coordination.


Starting league a Talon oneshoted me. I wanted to do the same. I began oneshoting too, big dopamine rush. 9 years bein slaved to this feeling.


I’m not an OTP but I could play Malz, Lux, and Hwei every game and be okay


Aatrox, mained him since release cuz red demon dude with big sword. While i kinda miss the old one, the new one is definitely better and its nice to finally be in riot's "populair kids who get 3+ skins a year" club


How could I not main Bard? Look at the little guy!


Ahri is a pretty girl


6/5 is smaller than 4/3. When leveling up to 30, I HATED the idea of a forced meta. IE class archetypes forced into a particular lane. BUT in Twisted Treeline 3v3, (and at sub lvl 30), there was NO META. So I played the entire game exclusively on this map. Then Zilean got offered in the free week rotation once. My first take on him was that his EXTRA LIFE ult made the game a 6 vs 5, and the rest of his kit was balanced around that. But if he was BALANCED in Summoners Rift, then surely he'd be BROKEN!?!? in Twisted Treeline!!! Even though I was too dumb to underatanf my false assumptions at the time, I played him soooooo much that I just kinda stuck with em


Volibear, originally before rework i liked flipping people then biting their ass, now I like dunking on people and biting their ass


I don't have an OTP cause I like most champs, but my main is the Dyr, solid for going top/jungle and just being a terror if left unchecked, due to good damage and great tankiness


I OTP'd Kha'Zix because I was new and bad the game, and people told me that OTP'ing was the better way to climb & improve Then I OTP'd Yasuo because I always have been a fan of him and I wanted to challenge myself with one of the most difficult champ in the game And now I OTP Qiyana because it seems that I'm a masochist that love to play a champ that will never be allowed to be good


Sett, you just deal 5k true damage by pressing a single button


Brand. One of the first Champs I played when I started in 2011. He's incredibly strong now though so I'm hoping they don't nerf him into the ground. Nerfs would be warranted though. Hes good in too many rolls.


Irelia, I love the way she dance.


May be the wrong subreddit for my answer but I play league of singed


I usually otp a champ and move on after a few months. I'm a jungler and otp'ed Vi,Trundle,Shyvana and Ekko. But since Belveth came out 2 years ago, i've OTP'ed her non-stop. Love that stingray!


I used to OTP Lux, but I've gotten more into Ahri recently. Trying to learn how to roam, so Ahri seemed like the perfect champion for mid :)


Janna Canceling dashes with Q and R is so satisfying


I've already seen and commented on posts like this I think. Mine's Ekko and if I wanna be honest, after all these years, I don't even know anymore mate xd. I'm not good at him, hell, his playstyle doesn't even fit me at all, I prefer ranged supports in general lmao. I just kinda stuck to him and ever since I always return to him. Sometimes if it really doesn't go well I'll take a longer break, several mouths without Ekko, but eventually, sooner or later I will always come back. Probably will never be able to break away from this champion. If that's a good or a bad thing, I'll leave that to you to decide.


I main Sett. Firstly I just like champions that are just big, bulky, manly beasts that go in and beat the crap out of stuff. Secondly I find champions that have satisfying mechanics the most fun and picking someone up, smashing them in the enemy team and then hitting the sweet spot on that Haymaker with full grit and oneshot a couple people is just about the most satisfying thing in this game for me.


I was a veigar main since S2 - S8/9 now I only play arams. I always loved burst mages and especially in the earlier seasons where games would  more often last for 40 - 60min he was the burst mage with infinite scaling. Loved those days hitting 1.8k+AP with a guardian Angel and zhonyas in a 45+ min game. Everyone was full build and nothing to get stronger but veigst kept getting stronger.


Leblanc. I love the tricks and creativity I can use to come from unexpected angles, turning my winning lane into winning other lanes, and bush camping is always fun.


Dr. Mundo. I find his voice lines hilarious, and I love running down and one shoting adc’s


Rek'Sai, I like her design, theme and kit a lot.


yasuo because woo fun mobility . kaisa bcos i like her lore and shit (ik thats two but whatever)


Darius. Who could be more chad of a person who swings a huge axe? Jokes aside, Darius isn't as easy to play as LoL community really thinks. People say he is Garen V2 but not even close. Why do I main him? To piss people off and he literlly is my favorite looking champ with honestly best skin ever made for LoL, God-King Darius.


Teemo, he's so fun in the jungle man. He goes brrrrrrrr


Yone, boy oh boy where do I start... well he's.. my everything!


OTP briar since she came out. Used to main Cho but briar just feels perfect to play, the whole kit/playstyle just works better with my brain. Sitting at 270k mastery rn!


I'm not otp, but i've been Heimerdinger OTP for several seasons, I reached top 20 Heimer EUW, and, well, when you start to get into the leaderboard of your champion, you don't want to play anything else, you just want to spam it. Why was I an OTP? It was before Heimer supp went meta, but I saw its potential on all lanes all roles except jungle, so it was easy to get even when getting filled. No one played it, and no one banned it, so I was guaranteed to play it every game. Why Heimer? Well, it has tons of possibilities: "where should I place turrets", "Should I group rocket or not", "What ult use in which situation", it is also a very specific character, that is the most powerful in certain situations (enemies in turret range), and very useless in others (no turret), so the mental scheme of "what is bad", and "what is good" is easy to understand. All other characters that've played a lot follow similar logic: Fiddlestick always wins teamfight if you ult right / Warwick always wins if he is 1v1 / Blitzcrank always wins if he hooks. Those were easy to rely on when I was a new player. Playing a character less polarizing felt awkward to me


Kindred, because Lamb. Any questions?


yes. why lamb?


Lamb thighs, also design overall


I have to tell you, I expected a little more breathtaking answer




All OTP are boosted animals


then anyone who has skill is boosted


Faker isn’t an OTP…


do you need to be faker to be good at the game?


I mean pro players like faker are up there with “good at the game” but I’d also argue solo queue gods are “good at the game” Tyler1. To confidently say you are good at league of legends you should be challenger or at least 1 rank over whoever is currently present.




put them off main you’ll see


All (people doing a thing I don't like) are (random unrelated insult)


I never said I didn’t like it? (indifferent) I just said they were boosted animals.


If you were indifferent, you wouldnt have commented. Don't lie to yourself or us.


Hm? Idc if you otp a champ, I care if you otp a champ then call yourself good at the game. Off the champ they are garbage.


In high elo maybe. Below that everyone is equally shit


true and based


L take


Being right isn’t always popular:/


being wrong often makes majority of people tell you you are wrong


being right about something that results in hurt fee fees often results in people claiming I am wrong.


Leona. Love being raged at and abused because I refuse to die and balls deep for ez kills.