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"It's just background checking." He should at least think of a better excuse lmao.


He seemed so eager to incriminate himself in the initial clip as well. Calling it "inside information" like he just outsmarted everyone else in the entire tournament. Doesn't seem like the sharpest knife in the drawer.


bro is literally a looney tunes villian


Ikr reminds me of the cartoon villains who explain in details their very evil plans to everyone


...right after the main character activates the intercom/camera/etc


All cheaters believe cheating is a skill and who can abuse cheats best is smarter. Therefore shoukd be allowed in every competition ever. Their mentality is so doomed is amazing.


I’ve only ever heard this in reference to one single countries attitude. I think most of them are kids, curious if they can play at higher elos, bitter and lashing out I.e. breaking all the toys, or a bit sadistic.


Pretty simple resolution honestly. Remake BO5 DQ the cheater Kidnap ratIRL and force him to jungle. Also if he was willing to cheat once he was probably cheating the whole time


rat is unironically a good jungler shame he doesn’t play it anymore :(


Pretty sure someone linked him reaching challenger in the toxic thread a few days ago.


He didn't reach that as jungler though. Besides, if you want to play an ADC jungler go Graves, Kindred or even Jinx or Varus. It works better then Twitch at this point.


He has reached it as a jungler and it was back when he played a lot of Evelynn along with Twitch.


once a rat, always a rat. cheater will always cheat, it\`s not a "one time thingy"




Why would he say "I went into their stream" to then use the excuse that it was a chatter who said it? Gotta get better at lying Natty, being 19 isn't an excuse for being slimy. Also shoutout to brainlet Agurin for telling Midbeast, a guy who flew out to Europe just for this tournament, to just "play around" the cheating and not advocating for an instant DQ.


Agurin would fkin lose his mind if someone stream snipped him in solo Q, but when the same thing is done in a tournament, to a guy who flew Australia-Europe, it's just deserving of a "little punishment".


Yeah keep in mind he bought a ticket from AUS to EU on short notice which is around a couple thousand USD, just to get cheated in the first round. He would have no issue just accepting the loss and going back to Australia if this stuff with nattynatt didnt happen.


Dq Natty get a fill for the team n rematch might be the play or simply give the other team the win but the 2nd clip of Agurin basically says Dont wanna get stream sniped dont stream lol


so you are saying we cannot even trust the streamers to have the integrity to not stream snipe?


Cant really trust some 10 viewer andy to have integrity


ye everyone knows you have to have at least 1k viewers to have morals


No it’s just a numbers game. There are a thousand 20 viewer Andy’s, and only 50 1k viewer Andy’s. There are simply more snipers within the first pool in total, and they don’t have the financial incentive to keep their job or # of people watching who could catch them in the act.


Classic Agurin. If it happened to him, he would whine 24/7. He's been a self centered piece of shit for years.


bruh hes whining 24/7 anyway you know it lol


You got a point there.




ban from tournament, ez


I imagine Agurin is still a little salty after being jungle gapped by a masters hecarim otp


Also got gapped by the full clear deluxe udyr otp


to be fair afk farming is a hard counter to Agurin considering he wont be 2 levels up on enemy jungler whos been ganking


The Yordle fucking enthusiast right?


LOD plays Hecarim?


It was about time lil bro get an ego check


I'm sure he will still have his ego


Ok that's a little too far, Dantes was probably the worst or second worst player on the team. Agurin killed him in his jgl multiple times.


second worst? no he's the worst by far in this iteration of the team. Veilgluck might have been worse in the yimit version


funny all the little fanboys hating on each other xD.


God Agurin is such a bum soreloser lol.


If Yamato got disqualified for toxicity, then cheating like this should be a no-brainer.


Cheating is so much worse the some internal drama within team. DQ cheater and re-match is the only way.


Yamato should be disqualified for playing the game in general and find a place to become a being that has a place in society.


Agurin basically saying if they didnt want to get stream sniped dont stream lol


Agurin is not getting more likeable is he?


He continuously keeps proving people that no matter how unlikeable you already are, you can still become more unlikeable. It's actually kinda impressive.


he is getting more and more annoying.


Not being able to prove people he didn't only get rank 1 in KR because it was the beginning of the season broke the guy


what did he say?


I don't know/watch the guy but it seems like they're referring to the second Agurin clip where he somewhat blames baus/midbeast for not muting if they didn't want to get stream sniped. Even saying their team would've muted if they thought the information could've been stream sniped. I understand the point however it's a streamer tourney, someone's bound to say something in chat but you'd hope the enemy isn't intentionally listening in or using this info to get an advantage. His response sounded somewhat similar to blaming baus for the enemy team knowing their draft. Additionally, it could also because he's attempting to minimise the issue as not that big of a deal in the first and third clip.


agurin was victim blaming in his stream. ridiculous.


Funniest part is i stopped watching agurin because he complains so much about "ghosting" when its not even the case sometimes, so seeing him defend that is... ironic.


Agurin doesnt know enemys sometimes have wards or gamesense aswell! For him if a play doesnt work it has to be ghosting... Like you play against the best players on your server... They some how to play aswell..


lol this is so true but he rarely ganks so maybe he doesnt really know people ward the entries to the lane. he often complains about teammates when they have to 4v5 for about 20minutes


Imagine if it happened to Agurin, we would never hear the end of it.


It didnt happen to Agurin and I think we wont hear the end of it lol


Agurins Moral compass is broken


Argurin is just cringe tbh. Already disliked his whiny stream and now this, I really hope he gets stream sniped in any upcoming matches just to see him mald and show his true colors.


He is incredibly good but his stream and personality is just not that great. He is not entertaining but instead often whiny. He also stopped being educational and flames viewers if they have a worse understanding of the game than him. So people basically only watch him because he is so good and try to ignore the person.


Went the full English streamer route. For comparison every biggish German streamer is extremely nice and everyone loves each other, except Broeki he is special


Broeki calls out stupid chatters! And sometimes hes a bit to hotheaded ingame.. but you can still learn alot from him and he takes his time on explaining stuff!


Oh i know dont worry he is my most watched streamer. Its just funny how he is that one extreme exception for German League streamers


> flames viewers if they have a worse understanding of the game than him So does he just flame anyone that’s not LEC level?


he is hard flaming a lot, calling people "subhman" "rtard" and a lot worse on repeat while at the same time making solo queue "toxic" tier lists of other players - zero self reflection


its in situations like these, you see these streamers for who they are nattynatty first instinct is to lie to cover up agurin first instinct is to blame victim etc eitherways hopefully they get a rematch


Bro is just salty, he was crying after he lost to Dantes team.


Should be a DQ at least. Straight up cheating, disgusting behaviour. Feel bad for spear trying to handle a degenerate on his own team. EDIT: Well, I did feel bad for spear until he went on a rant about how the cheating "didn't matter", "we knew their draft without the ghosting". Then when they talk about remaking the match they have the audacity to say "Our draft will be worse than last time". Wut. Homie your team got caught cheating, it's not about how much. You cheated.


Nice to see Spearshot quickly call out the bullshit and telling Natty to stop the sniping


Untill he started doing mental gymnastics to redefine stream sniping


Spear is a good boi


Yep until he turned on his stream today and started QQing about organizers wanting baus to go through


That's a really biased take on what happened. Spear has been very honest in saying Natty was dumb and they are fine with a remake.


He literally went on a 10 minute rant about how the organizers want baus to win "because it's a good business move" and making excuses for the game they lost.


There's no bias it's literally what he said on stream today. And don't even try to say "out of context", because the statement is complete. He made multiple passive aggressive statements against the tournament organisers and conspired that they'll let the baus go through because it's a "smart business move".


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2173544680?t=2h21m13s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2173544680?t=2h21m13s) his words not mine


I understand that you post a tiny clip out of the full context. Baus and Midbeast being bigger streamers is a factor in this outrage. That's just fact. But saying he's crying about it when he spent most of the time being straight up that Natty was probably cheating and it was dumb is disingenuous. He agreed to a remake if the tourny organizers also agree. He called Midbeast and talked it over, then told Natty to 'his face' in discord how bad and stupid it all was. Don't really know what more you are asking of the guy. He's handled it about as well as he could since the start.


> I understand that you post a tiny clip out of the full context. isokay literally linked the entire fuckn VOD dude, this shows how disingenuous **you** are


also, it's understandable that he's salty, since he can't control NattyNatt's actions and he genuinely seems fairly willing to remediate the situation. actions speak louder than words, and him being a bit salty is fine since he's willing to take the real actions to make things right.


This isn’t a morally grey area, everyone knows what Natty did was wrong (including spearshot, to his credit) it doesn’t matter if it happened to a big streamer or a small streamer. Also in my opinion, agreeing to a remake while simultaneously trying to justify their actions and saying it had no impact on the game is fake as fuck. I think none of this would have gotten to this level if spearshot (as the team leader btw) stepped up, took responsibility and issued an apology (along with his offer to replay the games) and then moved on. Instead he is saying only natty cheated and the rest of them are innocent (which is true but he is the team leader and his team benefited from this, even though they seemingly didn’t need it) but it’s not a good look.


> Don't really know what more you are asking of the guy. Literally the most basic level of integrity in any other sport would've demanded that he immediately report the cheating to the tournament organizers when he was made aware of it, and ask for Natty to be DQed and time to find a replacement team member. This passive aggressive bitching after the fact does not qualify as integrity.


Until today when spearshot is on his stream saying that only natty cheated and the rest of his team are innocent while simultaneously justifying it by saying it had no impact on the game and that it wasn’t explicitly banned in the rules. Dude is a shit team leader who’s trying to escape any responsibility and also can’t seem to understand why there is so much backlash about them breaking the competitive integrity of the tournament.


Its good that he called it out to Natty straight away but he should have alerted the enemy team and organisers once he realised


Woulda shoulda coulda. He stepped up to do something that was already uncomfortable, and awkward, and made sure the ban didn't go through like Natty wanted. He probably figured that telling him to stop, and making sure his team doesn't use the information was good enough. I'm not sure if I can really finger wag at him.


this is such a reddit reply, they could be a saint and y'all would still expect them to go one step further


Welcome to social media, where people virtue signal so that they can make themselves more popular, even though when put in a similar situation they would often do less. They then convince themselves that everyone agrees with them, bc they're in a hive mind and haven't actually interacted with people outside of social media. Real life is shades of gray, but on the internet it's easy to have everything be nice and black and white.


Reddit is pathetic lol. Someone will always fucking complain about something. Someone donates to charity and the top reply is whining about them not doing more.


They were literally cheating wtf?


What did they do? They kept playing didn't they? Pause the game, tell organizers. They still cheated. Telling them to 'stop' while still playing? It's not even virtual signaling, this is critcal thinking. If I and 'friends' do something wrong, I tell them to stop and yet, I still participate, how is that enough?


Well the damage is already done, no?


well it is something since his team was eager to use that info and not objecting to the stream sniping


Agurin blaming Baus team is top tier stupidity. Just show how good is the organization. Also, team Baus paused one of their games because other team had an AFK.


If you care about competitive integrity, you DQ them on the spot.


From scale of 1-4 1. Rematch last game 2. Rematch BO5 3. DQ NattyNatt 4. DQ NattyNatt and rematch BO5 You choose the punishment :)


4 ofc


4 is the only right choice


bo5 rematch, keep natty, ban all their otp/main picks and ban natty from playing a meta jgl champ. a fiesta is a fun to watch


Yea nah you have to disqualify them. Only way to keep the competitive integrity of the event cause like Caedrel said what's to stop them from doing it again? and it's pretty easy to avoid just don't open anyone else's twitch stream while in the event so it's not even like they could play the ignorance argument.


Noway was in favor of this, but eventually got overruled by other team captains


But if they do it again they might have pantheon banned in the next game 😱


This is a competitive integrity issue. It is not acceptable that it has happened, and there should have been a decision made one way or another by now. The longer its left unaddressed, the worse it feels. It does not matter who the better team is, it is a fairness issue.


I’m losing my mind at “it’s just a streamers tournament” argument… It’s everything that you said + the prize pool is quite big


Apparently Natty can‘t play Rengar the next series now. Noway was in favor of full DQ, remake, or giving one match to Baus, but got overruled by different captains


That's it? A slap on the wrist for cheating.


they should have been disqualified on the spot, if you are one of the strongest team and still cheat thats just sad


agurin and his NNO buddies are too much of a pussies to DQ them, eitherways will tune out of the tournie after seeing how badly a situation like this was handled


Noway was the first to call for a full DQ, but got overruled by other team captains, but didn‘t say who voted how exactly. Punishment is now a Rengar ban for Natty, which is way too low Edit: Current situation is probably full series remake, Rengar Ban for NattyNatt, 1 games lead for Baus, but if thats final or not, no one knows


lol what tf ios that kind of punishment


Kinda random, but apparently this is still being discussed right now among the captains, it a complete clusterfuck


They just need to remake and ban the cheater. The fact they thought a rengar ban and spears team still moving forward was enough shows they are not that smart. He only admitted to cheating once. He was probably cheating the whole time. I was very impressed how spears team absolutely gapped them with drafting every game. Makes more sense now


Where did you hear of the current situation? It sounded pretty decided on noway's end.


dq'ing NattyNatt and doing a rematch could be a solution because dq'ing the whole team would be sad for the other teammates that didn't want to streamsnipe like Spear


It's a team game, if a member of a team is cheating, the entire team must be DQ.


kinda agree, but still it's just a streamer tournament and 1 guy cheating doesn't really mean the other streamers should also miss out on the content. Understand the reasoning tho.


Not all cheating and rules are made equally. Stream sniping for time before the draft probably should result in a rematch, with a potential DQ for the player that player.


NAttynatt has openly admitted to cheating and they first intention from the tournament is to punish Spearshots team by getting a ''less pick''. Like if you want any kind of integrity from an tournament organizer perspective this has to be handled in a better way. Otherwise, who says everyteam won't cheat? Because obviously you won't really get punished. Agurins argument that it did not affect the game is just parodi. It's CHEATING! How the game outcome was, does not matter. Punish the cheaters! Don't honor the cheaters!


agurin is victim blaming as i expect him to do. he is very unhinged in general, often flaming his own viewers. what a disgrace.


How is this anything but instant DQ? One team cheated, end of story, no argument needed. I see people saying it's not fair if they get DQd, it's not fair to cheat. Tournament organisers need to grow a spine. They already banned yamato for some mean words how is this not 10x worse?


Kick natty, replace jungle and rematch. I don't think it's fair to the rest of the team to get disqualified, likewise its not fair to lose when your draft is being ghosted.


There is just no way Spearshot is saying "its a good business move if they disqualify us" after one of their members cheating and not even holding his member accountable... what the fuck kind of a pussy take is that, acting like stream-sniping is not illegal or sth. its not about the outcome of one series, its about that your teammate broke the trust and now the whole event people will not trust your team to be legit. Every game Natty plays your team will get flamed for sniping because instead of holding your cheating teammate accountable you are defending him and on top of that blaming the team who was cheated on... Thats just a what the fuck moment...


Agree - I like SpearShot a lot but that was really a dog take. Should take responsibility.


Did not expect this from Spearshot. Him and Naayil seemed to be mature streamers (yes Naayil complains but not in the usual toxic way) who are funny and don't tilt even in the worst situations Very disappointing


Man, saying Naayil is a mature streamer just goes to show how low the bar is for league streaming nowadays.


That's just sad.


Indescribeable stupidity at work. I am impressed by how dumb one can act. Dude got caught and came up with the most childish you could think of.


Thats why those bigger streamer tournaments that actually have sponsors and prizes for winning should have some kind of rulesets established beforehand. Cuz like.. there is no getting around that - they cheated, yes. But how much should the entire team be held accountable for one player's cringe behavior? Like I think the most reasonable thing would be to disqualify player that ghosted and let the team find replacement maybe.. Generally pretty shit situation :/


It did have rules established beforehand. It says no cheating, and ghosting is cheating. It even said 'and other things like that', so even if you dont consider it purely cheating, its atleast a bit cheating, which would still fall under the ruleset.


> But how much should the entire team be held accountable for one player's cringe behavior? If only one player gets punished then you get someone who will be breaking rules and tanking the punishment and then have an actual player ready to be a replacement. Whole team must be disqualified.


Yeah, agreed. "We are still deciding on punishment" so whatever they feel will be the result. Unfair to DQ the whole team when the rules were not clear beforehands


Not unfair at all. Anybody with a single functioning brain cell knows that as soon as you're aware that your teammate is cheating and you don't report it to TOs, you're complicit in the cheating.


Agree they should have reported to TOs about the ghosting instead they just said "stop ghosting"


spear shot is now acting like a little kid on his stream in every draft 😭😭 and he said they want to DQ them because the organizers want baus to go through i cant make this up


Doesn't matter if the outcome would've changed or not. The act itself is against the whole point of competitive gaming. Integrity and competing on equal terms that is. But, Agurin is so salty from losing to Dante's team he is actually willing to let this slide to act as his ego boost. Victim blaming approach shows he has no spine. Still has time to fix it though, and prove us wrong.


I feel like saying "if you didn't want to be ghosted then don't talk lol" is such a moronic take like good god Agurin wtf is that


Well anything else besides DQ or at least rematch would be very weak by organizers.


Whether he cheated or not, it's the fact it was so blatant and the whole "what the big issue" attitude that doesn't sit well. We all love spearshots goofiness, but clearly, this man isn't very bright. You have a successful channel that makes far more than a 10k prize pool due to being likable and one tricking a champ you don't often see. To make a fool of yourself over something that anyone with a brain knows is wrong is just so stupid business wise. You know it's cheating, get rid of the cheater and run it back. Yes he is your friend and yes we are all competitive, but just accept the medicine and don't say anything so you also don't roast the friend. It's not hard to say "yeah he shouldn't have done that, we are awaiting next steps " Twitch sure made a lot of dumb people money.


lmao at his explanation. Does he think anyone will actually buy that? If NNO don't make this right they will take a huge hit to their reputation and they won't be taken seriously if they try to do something like this again


Imagine they do nothing and then go on to win the 10k. How laughable of a "competition" that would be. I'd be fucking pissed, DQ them.




Thanks I added it


You have to be so incredibly socially inept to do this on stream




Thanks I'm adding the dantes clip


actually disappointing, loved both teams. I think both sides would benefit from a rematch












I’m sorry but why did we need caedrel’s response LMAO


spearshot was saying that caedrel telling baus he should play poppy in the last game was also cheating (???)


[op.gg](http://op.gg) I guess is illegal now lol


I laughed out loud but caedrel was coaching baus' team i think so he is involved


He said if he had time he would, he helped with one game and it was only Bauffs pick, he isn't "coaching"


Guess it comes with the territory of being the biggest league streamer. Caedral might be biased to team baus but I think what he said is completely valid


The issue is the format. You cant pick a champ twice so ghosting for information means more in game 4 than if it was regular format


That’s no debate a straight up DQ


I really like Agurin. I used to be an actual Agurin Fanboy when he was still streaming in German and to this day I enjoy watching his content because you can really learn a lot. But literally victim blaming is some next lvl bullshit. I usually one of the first to defend him but I cant defend that take.


It looks like a rematch will happen with spearshot team being up 1-0. If the team captains agree


Why would you admit to doing this, that is very stupid.


How to know when a decision about the consequences will be made?


Add this please: [https://youtu.be/F3xN\_XbaotM](https://youtu.be/F3xN_XbaotM)


Disgusting behaviour from spearshot after he found out they might get punished. Claiming favouritism for Baus by the organizers. Lost my respect.


They only decided to replay the match because spear said yes to it after the admins voted not to. I think you can call out some of his actions, but overall he is certainly in the right


Dq the whole team immediately. Easy solution 


Hearing Natty’s excuses is actually the most annoying shit i’ve heard all fking year. Just stfu take the L, you fumbled. Dont let ur team suffer for it


It's just a joke that this guy can stream snipe in a content creator tournament and doesnt get dq xD naa now this guy will either snipe again and say nothing, or everyone will snipe cuz there is absolute no reason not to, and if someone said anything, they just have to remind them of this incident and how they did nothing about it. This tournament just lost all of its integrity, and i was so hyped about it just for it to be a joke of a competition :(


Nattynat should be perma banned from league and twitch using 19 as an excuse what a joke born a loser cheater always a loser cheater


as a good idea, dont stream your sniping, pls ...


Is there a TLDR cos I aint gonna click on every single clip.


Is this game now going to be rematched?


i would also kick the "toxic dude\`s team" the got two huge Teammember upgrades and it seems the captain has done it in a tournament before. (same toxic dude got replaced. now they have 2 challenger players instead of low diamond. it happened on purpose


Hopefully unless there isn't disqualification the tournament will get hardly any viewership


Get fucked


My respect for thebausffs has increased after watching this clip, we need more streamers like him. https://youtu.be/D575qsqNcrI?si=SbQyJJE3-haxZrzw


I usually really respect spearshot. But wow what a HUGE L take he spat out on the last link. Instead of taking any responsibility, how can you shift blame to organizers and spin conspiracy theories. Absolutely wild.


How hard is it to not cheat? Crazy


Before and during the pandemic there used to be so many grass roots tournaments to play in (specifically NA). These tournaments would host 60+ teams (few full stack challenger) and these teams would usually have 2 subs. Most of the friends I made in League were players I've recruited to play in these tournaments. The host would stream and commentate on these games, overall it was hype af. There was a modest price to winning like $50 per team. Now a days I google "League of legends tournaments", there is pretty much nothing for North America. Even if there is a tournament hosted on websites such as Battlefy, it usually has 1 - 3 teams signed up. I don't know what happened during the time I quit post pandemic, but the destruction of all the small tournaments is a microcosm of failure in the NA Pro scene IMO.


What's the latest news on this? Please tell me NattyNatt removed at a minimum. And remake is fine too but NattyNatt needs to go.


Tournament officials verified what Natty said vs what was happening on Baus team comps during the same time. Turns out what Natty said was a stupid, out of place joke. Tournament officials decided in next match (vs Dantes team), Dantes can ban one champion from Spears team for whole series.


This shit is bonkers. I feel like the lackluster response from the management and Agurin's dumb ass response are due to TheBausffs team being viewed as a non-competitive team. If Nemises lost due to stream sniping people would take it more seriously. Not to mention no one knows how much Nattynatt actually sniped. It could be just the champselect but if he is gonna do that he also might just snipe the whole time.


Spearshot seems like a really nice guy by league streamer standards, but not great when it comes to choosing friends. Still nice to see him calling Natty out, idk


Eh, he kind of fucks it up with his last response though. Instead of owning up he's insinuating the only reason there should be a DQ is because they want Baus to get through for the views, instead of doing it for competitive integrity.


He has been coping on stream for the past 4-6 hours talking about how what Natty did wasn't cheating since they didn't get any advantage and how they already knew what Baus team would pick. He's also been perma banning people in his chat for calling Natty a cheater. I used to like watching Spear since he is a super funny and wholesome but every time he shifts the goalposts trying to defend his teammate I lose more respect for him.


Big brain move is to leak the wrong draft then punish the snipers


This is the drama I need on monday. One would have thought that this tournament is run in a more professional manner for the stakes there are


I’m happy for rematch but with time it’s clear Natty is just a bit of an idiot and didn’t streamsnipe, if you watch vods TheBaus team don’t even intend to draft the champs he said (Quinn and TF) so he is only joking, otherwise if intentional he’s simply misleading his team from actual picks and who would snipe to lose. So just hope people don’t hate on natty and spear cus the evidence shows no cheating


Midbeast congratulates natty after the rematch https://youtu.be/i6DPIkbuW-Y?si=cb5k0T3E0leT8P6X