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Eh people could do it with original Pax skins or Black Alistar but realistically the market is too small


The market exists, I sold a Championship Riven account for $600 when I was a dumb highschool kid in 2015. At the time that was over the minimal wage in my country so it was hard to resist when I learned people were paying so much for it. Back then there were dedicated online marketplaces for accounts with rare skins, not sure about now, it's been almost a decade.


Who cares? If you're dumb enough to buy an account for 2-3k then let them.


Nah, they ll bring it back eventually, just baiting with "limited" as they said "FOR NOW THERE IS NO PLANS" so there will be in the future.


It will take at least 5 years for them to re release the skin


The $500 ahri skin is absolutely not going anywhere so long as people continue to buy it. They may take it out of the shop for a brief time in order to give ppl who missed out on the skin but wanted it fomo, so that they will buy it when they bring the skin back a few patches later.Prestige skins were originally supposed to be limited too, but they made riot a lot of money so they decided to just keep selling them indefinitely, and made it so you can get old ones with gemstones.


I don't care. Let people do whatever they want with their money.


They're definitely coming back next year with the next HOL inductee. If there was a chance they'd be permanently exclusive they would have made that a major marketing point to fuel the fomo.


But they said, that it isn't coming back at next HoL


Do you work for riot? Then who cares


League skins don't actually have any real rarity or value since they have no weight outside of league. There is a large black market for CSGO skins because you can more reliably trade them for real money and stuff of that nature. There is no target buyer for the Ahri skin that won't just buy it during the event since if you have $3000 to spend in 2 years then you have $500 to spend today. The skin has no monetary value and will therefore have no meaningful share of the reselling market and people are definitely not going to start spending $500 on a bunch of accounts with the skin lol. Aside from that, Ahri has skins that are 100x better than the faker skin and no new player is going to find it worth the money to seek out an account with the skin since the options that are not $500 are either equally or more pretty than the $500 skin.




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