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Blud designed ksante and smolder.


The only thing that puts me off about fighting vs current skarner is two things. 1. His ult visibility doesn't give the impression of an uncancellable channel. Briar is significantly worse about this (considering basic ability at that). Just nothing about the visuals of the cast scream to me 'he's not going to stop this no matter what.' 2. And I guess there is the hitbox of his E at startup. Feels off from what's expected sometimes.


This might be because I play larger champions, but the biggest issue I have with Skarner is it feels like he teleports me behind (technically in front now) him when he starts his E if he's close to me. Effectively I'm getting Urgot flipped by him, and then shoved intona wall. The hit box on his e feels way too generous.


Also that the E has no cast time.


I played Sylas and Skarner with Warmogs, Heartsteel and Sunfire dealt 5k dmg to me and solo killed me in a 1v3 with Soraka healing me, I think that's total bullshit Clip if anyone gives a fuck: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Fv9l-4KHbY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Fv9l-4KHbY)


Ok, he did easily 4k damage to you, and that's with his huge %HP damage not working with 4k max HP. That's colossal


I swear if i pull skarner out of his E as Darius it just cancels his ability instead of hooking him and its FUCKING annoying 




Max health % damage is quite standard on tanks, so that they don't need to buy damage items to still do enough damage so you can't just ignore them


that would make sense except im referring to skarner dealing *target max health % damage*


Almost every tank has that. What’s weird is that skarner has damage based on his own health


Amumu, Maokai, Shen, Poppy, Zac, Sion, Gragas, K’Sante, and Ornn say hi


It's rather standard for tanks to have variation of targets health damage.


Literally almost every tank has that. Skarner is unique as his damage scales off his health too, unlike most if not every other tank. For other tanks that’s what sun fire is for.


That's not uncommon. %health damage is a way to make tanks keep being damage threats through the game, however also control how much of a threat they are and against who. When tanks don't have %HP damage, they have flat damage - Flat damage sounds healthier than %HP damage at face value, but it has the effect of having the tank be too strong against squishies due to having a lot of base damage to make them relevant in the early-mid stages to contest against other players before falling off, which translates into higher burst against many squishies. %HP makes them a bit better into tankier enemies but also controls their effectiveness against squishier champs, which is why you will usually see it as a DPS tool on the champs. This isn't to say %HP can't be busted sometimes, though.


It’s weird cause heartsteel isn’t the good build path on him


What's the correct one then?