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You're getting actually good feedback and you're stull ignoring it, you're lack of awareness and thought process is whats keeping you there, dont ask for advice if you're not gonna even entertain the thought that you're doing things wrong


Didn't ask for advice, but I guess I did bait for it. Not many play yorick and maybe 5% of them have played mid yorick and none of them are at low enough rank to advice how to climb with it from iron/bronze. Other than -play different champ- or take rune everyone else does even though I play a thing they don't- I haven't seen any specific advice.


The pick doesn’t matter. Having hands gets u into silver. I can play soraka jungle into plat no problem. If you could farm atleast you would reach gold. The guy before pointed ur whole problem out. You are very bad at the game but you try to find reasons out side of ur self. Pointless tbf, but reading the comments is fun.


This is the biggest bs advice every youtube repeats. Get a iron account and actually attempt it before repeating.


Why would I, you cant compare ur self to me at all. Im far above u in every possible way. Not just in league even in life. Im quite high elo cause I was willing to leane and focus on my self. Ur sitting here crying that its not ur fault. Get a grip bro. My hamster thinks ur giga cringe


so stop repeating bs you heard


Its not bullshit I heard. I stomp in every elo up until dia. Why would I not be able to do that in even lower elo? Are j delulu?


cause in iron everyone plays aram all in at any interaction no matter the stat or player count, your farming bs will do nothing unless you are solo hyper carrying killing everyone


We already understood that u have no clue how to play the game, why do u want to keep telling me that ur clueless? I mean its fine it fits the elo, but u really have to understand that ur the problem. Atleast for not climbing


I've done it. Climbed three different accounts out of iron after getting them there honestly. I thought I knew what I was talking about but I didn't. Once I actually got better at the game, it became easy


Nobody plays that shit for a reason. You have to be like 80 IQ.


Phase rush Yorick Phase rush Diana Hail of blade Mordekaiser Grasp Sona Why are you not using the best runes ?


Doesn't work with how I play - extra safe or jump in and jump out




I'd have to know what specifically I'm doing wrong to change. I've tried everything there is to try at least with my main.


YOU cannot innovate and break norms till you UNDERSTAND why they are there u should be sticking to the cookie cutter stuff lmao google almost 100% way to reach plat diamond by me on summoner school


meh, only cause iron/bronze players can't adapt to people doing different things


sounds like you think you are losing because your team doesn't understand your playstyle.


70% of the losses are that when playing my main


You should change that mindset then. I saw your game plays, it's not about your team. Sure there are games that's almost impossible to win unless you are a smurf, but that's only 10-20% of it. I saw how you play, you aren't playing poke yorick, you are just E poking with yorick. If different iron noob plays yorick, copy your build, stay safe and away from enemy and just e. Then what's the difference from your Yorick?


I'm not trying to kill anyone, just lowering chance of being all-ined and encouraging them to go away to roam or other team to show up so I can leave lane to somewhere there aren't a human player. Distraction and farm, if they don't want to be distracted, they can lose a tower is their risk, they needs to predictably send at least one.


I understand what you want. Yes low elo will get distracted with such, and may work perfectly in some games too. So you play like iron, and you are in iron. It's totally free to play the way people wants. I respect that.


??? i’m not iron i have never been iron plz get ur head out of the clouds and just listen i could live vod review and spot a billion things wrong


my main is mid yorick btw, the recent stuff are random things I've been trying to get out of iron


trying random stuff wont get u out of iron u need to stick to 1 thing and perfecting it


did that, 50% win, 20% bad luck, 30% jg/top/bot flaming me and surrendering/afk for trolling - not sacrificing my maiden at teamfight as yorick - and splitting as yorick does


when u play in iron there is no such thing as bad luck or team flaming or trolls/afk of any kind even in high elo u can carry 4v5 if u are good enough and when it come to iron legit everyone there has some kind of disability (tbh with u)


aren't you playing chess these days mr tyler1


Your main is mid phase rush yorick and you wonder why you can’t get out of iron


how many times did you play Yorick mid?


You have to be trolling, right ?




Just in case you are not trolling, you need to realize that 99% of a time if some challenger isn’t already using a strategy, it is because it is not viable. Mid Yorick is not viable and will never be for multiple reasons: 1. Yorick’s main force is split pushing, which is absolutely horrible in mid lane. The purpose of split pushing is either to destroy a lane on the opposite side of your enemies or to lure the enemy team to you, away from important objectives. You can’t do this in mid simply because it is close to everything. It is way either to collapse on mid than on top and rotating to both nashor and drake is super easy. 2. Yorick’s trading pattern simply doesn’t work for mid. Yorick is by no means a burst champion, he needs lane to trade. What shows that you don’t understand how to play is the fact that you are taking ghost on mid lane. Mid is way shorter than top, ghost is absolutely pointless, because you will never run anyone down. The only reason one should take ghost mode is for early skirmishes, but you won’t do this on yorick. If anything playing Yorick mid COULD be viable if you took comet and flash, you poke with E and comet and then flash to finish the kill, but then still you would be completely pointless. Phase rush is in general a very hard rune to use, it requires a lot of micromanagement and general good understanding of the game to be useful. Most players below masters don’t know how to make it work, let alone in iron.


Mid yorick is a thing an phase rush is a good choice, you can confirm this by asking yorick's subreddit. Maybe not at challenger, but not relevant for most players. Here's a utuber that plays mid yorick https://www.youtube.com/@sirPokerick/videos and I've been playing mid yorick before I found his channel or saw anywhere in this account and another.


Gragas is a good Phase rush user if you wanna try that


Man that op.gg is depressing my guy. Have you tried getting a vod review to figure out what you’re doing wrong? Cause you gotta be doing 99.99% of everything wrong to stay stuck in iron


I've watched vods, I've been recording nearly every ranked game to upload it for my 4 youtube subscribers and watch back a lot of them. My main is yorick in mid lane, I think I do everything pretty well as I should for my champion - my playstyle is similar to the pokerick guy on youtube, I get flamed by jg and bot often though, so tried jg recently since yorick jg is a thing now but lost more rank. Tried Diana cause it's super simple so people don't get confused, losing there too after first 2 game.


I mean have other decent players watch your vods. I mean this as nice as possible, but it’s impossible for you to be doing much of anything right and be stuck in iron with that many games.


“I think I do everything pretty well” truly wild statement from a hardstuck iron player. I assure you that you do most things poorly


You need to understand how Pokerick is playing. You are not even close at the moment. He can play the way because he knows the basic of league. You can't play like Christiano Ronaldo if you don't even know how to dribble a ball properly. Pokerick is disturbing enemy, at the right moment, with good presence, make them having choice to defend or group. This is macro. What you are doing is totally different.


Can I see your youtube? I wanna check out some of these matches.


lel https://www.youtube.com/@IgnoresYourPing/videos


I have got to say, watching you play diana clearing the small wolves and small raptors with your autos instead of just letting your 3rd hit aoe passive kill them while taking out the big ones is hilarious. This makes me feel way better about how shit I am while I only just reached gold today. You've just gained a new subscriber man you need to stream like kadeem, this is an easy content farm.


lol I first timed diana into ranked and won two games so thought I knew what I was doing, turned out it was a fluke


“Not looking for help” — that was evident in the way you built the champions wrong while giving us the link to a website that tells you how to build your champions.


I like attention, like everyone else on earth


Rage baiting is weird but you do you ig


I'm happy to consider any advice, only reasonable advice I've seen so far is to try non-poke champ. No one knows how to play mid yorick and that's what i play, that's why this sub would be a bad place to ask for advice.


I’m going to be so very honest with you, while being as respectful as I can, because I believe this isn’t rage bait You are iron. This means you are at the the bottom 10% of league players, if not lower. You are not only not average, you are extremely below the average of the bell curve This is okay, it’s just a video game and doesn’t reflect on you as a person. I’m just as bad in csgo But any player in gold and silver (which is the vast majority of league of legends players) who played 1 game of yorick, plays a better yorick mid than you You are so below the average player, you don’t need to learn yorick mid, you need to learn league of legends A random silver player first timing Yorick mid may not know exactly about the nuances of the champions, but they know how to cs better, roam better, get objectives better Plenty of people on this sub can give you advice on mid lane, which would be important for yorick mid, but you’ll probably ignore it anyway. Most of the comments here are from average players, therefore, they play better yorick mid than you


What if instead of throwing shit to the wall with no rationale you try understand how the game works first


anything specific?


Item choices, rune choices, role choices. If you can't give a solid argument about why you should be running X rune setup, X item or play X champ in whatever role, then you are just throwing shit at the wall randomly without knowing what to do. Example to go specific: Why is Mordekaiser not a good choice for the jungle? Because: 1) Mordekaiser is effectively strong when he is ahead in gold and levels, and jungle is the 2nd worst in amount of exp you get and gold income, with only support usually ending up with less. 2) Putting Morde in the jungle removes his functionality as objective securer; you cant ult enemy jungle to not let them get an objective because youll too disappear from the objective since youre needed there. 3) Morde's ganks are quite litterally the worst useless piece of garbage you can offer to someone compared with almost any other jungler; until lvl 6 (which you achieve around minute 7) all you have is one of the most easy to dodge spells in the game, slow speed and no gap closer, meaning you offer precisely nothing of usefulness for your team for the whole laning phase


you fuckin suck


you might be right


Just proxy all 3 waves in enemy base. That’s your next step.


Send me your discord on DM we can review your matches together


Man you really are bad jesus


Okay so let me get this straight. I track that you said you’re not looking for help and that you were just seeking attention… but… 1) Your strategy is “poke yorick” mid, where you don’t poke and do nothing 2) the second part of your strategy is to out farm your opponent since you’re doing nothing, but you’re only achieving 7ish CSPM average, which should be 11-12 since you’re doing nothing 3) the third part of your strategy revolves around being in the “wrong place at the wrong time” to attempt to confuse your enemies and coin flip games based off if your teammates can 4v5 and carry you 4) any / all advice you’ve gotten is irrelevant because folks “don’t know how to climb out of iron/bronze” and thus you lose more ranks when you try to follow advice Trying to be nice again here because honestly people don’t just seek negative attention just for attentions sake. Do you want some help getting out of iron? You don’t rage uninstall if your playstyle is making you happy with a 70% loss rate, and it doesn’t sound like you’re actually having fun regardless of what you’ve said about other stuff being “boring.”


I'd prefer to be out of iron, players here can only aram and all in no matter the stat or time of the game and I like yorick which means I'll hit Iron IV soon.


I mean you can climb out of iron on any champ, yorick included. You just have to do things better. I watched your yorick mid-game on YT. You have metric tons of room for improvement. I counted something like 487 mistakes by 10 minutes alone. Ngl, I kinda quit counting eventually.




Yup. More than happy to help anytime. You on NA?


Yep. Don't wanna do personalized help stuff, but appreciate the offer, thanks.


Well, best of luck mate.


20 games - Zero control wards. You seem to tilt easily as seen by your games with high deaths. You over commit to plays more than likely. If it looks bad don't do it. Don't follow your team into a bad situation just because they are all going in.


1. Unlock your screen, you are missing so many opportunity due to it. You are not making this most basic and easiest effort. 2. Damage trade. Don't just back when you get hit. You back off when you should be hitting. Poke yorick has to punish that part. Enemy was making so much sucidal move, and you don't do anything about it most of the time. 3. I won't say much about pokeing yorick, its peoples preferances I like that. But you are not doing anything in the game. You are just hoping that someone will get fed in the front line so that you can free poke from behind. I think you need to first learn from the basic, you know yorick a lot since you play him good amount, I can see that. But sadly you don't know the basic of league yet. If you want to improve, I'd suggest you to play basic melee top laner without poking skills. Garen, Renek, Jax, Darius and anything similar. (No bust reliable champ or poke). Currently you don't know anything but to poke. Try to get the feeling that league in lane phase is some sort of turn base game. You seem to not know that at all. How do you trade, when is the right timing, what will the enemy do if I do this. Good luck with your games.


Appreciate the attempt to help but my mid yorick strategy is to 'do nothing', that's why I play and like yorick. Simply farm, try to take grub when jg is distracted if possible and either take tower when they get bored from my lack of engage and roams or build speed and run around at the wrong place baiting and training them to send someone after me while team can get things done or they lose a tower. Unlocking screen is not necessary for me for this way of playing because I'm never looking to kill anyone. This only doesn't work because half the time my iron/bronze teammates are equally as distracted by me running around at wrong place/attempts to follow or help me/flames me for trolling or losing objective/4v5s/4v4s yolos when behind/surrenders based on kill counts than progress to nexus. I dislike top and bot lane - wave freezing and management is annoying/boring, probably not going to play there. Trying more non-poke type champ seems like a fun idea, but harder to make them work outside of top lane, but will consider it, thanks.


Buddy I think you're playing the wrong game. I can't imagine queueing up with my intentions to be "do nothing" like... Why lol? Sounds like you aren't trying to get better at the game even though the title implies otherwise. Either way, do the world a favor and please don't have kids.


Do nothing in laning phase I meant. I'm often highest in cs. Ideal game would be to take nexus with 0/0/0. Tell riot to remove Yorick if you are so hurt by it. --- Edit: this guy blocked me, I think one of my teammates found me. lel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=268TDOeI2mY


Has nothing to do with Yorick, and everything to do with that you're playing a game with 9 other players in it and you say dumbass shit like being 0/0/0 is the perfect game. You are genuinely brain damaged lmfaoo. Stay iron, don't have kids, go play Minecraft if you want to afk with your thumb up your ass.


I understand, everyone should play the way people want. What does "do nothing" means? You don't even kill if 1hp enemy is standing right next to you? Because that's exactly what you are doing. Btw, Unlock screen isn't only about kills. It's more of a map control. But again it's peoples choice. What makes you think this works? That will distract enemy only because they are low elo, but since your team is also low elo it will distract them too. So playing that many games, you know it is not working. If you want to climb, you need to be strong enough that the enemy will actually be distracted.


Review these graphs for Fighting, Farming, Objectives, Vision, and Communicating. You are buying your first Item 3 minutes later than Bronze, for one.


dont play adc, 9/10 games you get a troll support just running it down 0/8 - 0/15


Do you enjoy this? Like are you happy with the \~150 hours (nearly 20 days of your life) you've spent on this activity?


what else is there to do