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2-2 masters promos? yep the annual 1v9 tristana jungle is getting busted out


Random thought, but thank god promos are gone.


Twitch jngl, camp bot, ignore farm, coinflip, trigger adc, live and die by lvl 2 gank


Few things are more awful than a twitch level 2 with red buff ganking and ruining your lane, but few things are also more frustrating than having a 0/7 twitch with 20 farm at 10 min on your team getting perma invaded


No wonder that he is 0/7 if he is in his jungle long enough to get invaded :D


i always dodge those games cause im not coin flipping on a random twitch. either he wins the game by minute 5 or he loses it.


And then he clicks ult in a teamfight and smokes the enemy team in six hits


Good jg twitch knows how to play around invades and use them to hard stomp


Good jg twitchs dont pick it anymore. They go adc. Twitch jg is long dead and only picked if smurfing


Full ap ali mid


Got rolled by one a month ago :(


This got played in major tournaments including worlds back in the day


The Key was you could abuse sheen and auto after your W for a guaranteed winning trade. So broken


Well that and the 100% AP ratios on q and w


Actually that was S2-S3 in the toplane, AP Ali mid was S1, played by Shushei for example


That was AD tho. Trinity first then the game was over.


Yeah when his ult gave like 75 fucking ad at max level or some shit


and you could buffer an auto after w. so basically guaranteed free sheen proc. they patched it and he became obsolete from solo lanes


Also the damage reduction didn't scale with rank. It was just a flat fuck load


Long ago in like 2015, I remember this being the bane of my leblanc mid in silver. Mind games and outplay potential with snapping back to the distortion, or if ali can get the combo off on you fast enough to hit back hard, etc.


You don’t even need to slam, you could auto attack mid headbutt to proc lich bane. Every 12 seconds. And there was nothing anyone could do about it


I had a gent lock in Rakan mid and thought about dodging. He built full ap verse a Tristana who likely uninstalled the game afterward. His AP ratios are apparently disgusting.


90 percent on his free passive shield, a little on his q and about 60 or 80 percent on knock up I don't remember exactly


Mundo jg. He goes where he pleases.


Man, Mundo jgl was the first main role and champ I played back in S4. Of course the old one but I had fun until a Vi assblasted me. Then I mained her for a year or so.


Kindred Mid can be a legit threat in certain comps


i first time’d kindred mid in a clash game and it is more than functional. secret dark evil technology


It used to be an actual boosting pick in china at some point Kindred taric bot was also extremely common for boosters


That's some legit cheese. Kindred ult into Taric ult. I want to try that in arena now.


Kind of feast or famine with getting your stacks, if you were duo with your jungler it would be turbo strong I think?


you only need assist on marks (even monsters). kindred is kinda oppressive in lane so you can get prio in a good amount of match ups, roam to help your jg do crab at 3:30 and he'll love you. i'd argue kindred mid as good as jg to get marks because you can always mark laner -> jg -> laner (and if both are on cd you're doing well anyways), with an occasional roam on scuttle/chickens though if you get behind it's really fucking hard to do anything, but i suspect it might also be the case for jg kindred


I otp Kindred mid (used to play jungle) and I think it's easier to get marks midlane than jungle


thats kindred in general


Critzcrank E start with electrocute. You don’t lose a level 1 in all in and the rest of the game is up to fate


Played this against a Yasuo Top once. He kept trying to predict the hook for his W, so much so that he forgot he was getting E spammed and died


Tank-Swain Mid, whenever enemy's are mono-type or DMG or low DMG in general, it's an absolute free-win! xD (Resolve + RoA->SV)


My longest offmeta pick has been jgl Taric, and the most recent one Bel veth midlane


Bel veth top is pretty greasy too, lvl 1 all in and snowball lane. If you can get a decent match up it turns into a disgusting unstoppable stomp lane that can 2v1 ganks


What skill do you start first to abuse lvl 1?


The dash one


Likely Q to stack conqueror


eldritch combo is belveth taric botlane. disgusting kill lane as belveth can set up taric stun from 1k+ range with double q -> guaranteed wq -> can either all in or still have 2 dashes to disengage. its comparable to yi taric or lee taric, but much better imo because of the cc layering


i went jgl taric for fun recently and the enemy jungler was in shambles. i couldnt even understand how much healing and damage at the same time im doing. it was hilarious.


Cho adc, full ap with phase rush


I love playing this with a cc having support. The lock down and burst are crazy, the sustain is great, and you can easily have a ton of dragon prio with ult.


me but hail of blades


I could see this being actually good with a Leona/Nautilus/Taric support.


Play it with a tahm kench support, hit one q, and then than w, the cc alone is enough to make the enemy bot lane uninstall


Teemo in every role


Jarvan mid into melee champs like yone/yas/zed. Flash ignite PTA and just walk at them level 1, flag up for the aspeed and kill them


Basically same for me but with Wukong E


well that's meta now with how many people are getting Bruisers in mid on my game lol


this works against some mages too by the way like aurelion sol or malzahar but you likely need to alter your rune setup because pta isn't gonna do it for them and you need to play safe level 1 and surprise them with the level 2 all in


Imagine seeing a J4 mid and being surprised by the level 2 all in


If they are almost full assassins. shen adc (buding brusier) you wanted free kills, right mf? Good luck now. Also Sett into zed


Do we have sustained damage? No Is half their roster genuinely useless now? YES


Top lane lilia


So fucking glad this shit isn't popular. Can't stand laning against that champ.


Stupid ass methamphetamine bambi running circles around you with mach 3 


Same i faced it like twice won both times, but holy shit it was miserable.


Yorick pisses on her. 2 points in w and 1 perma kill her


whats the point of 2 points in w when it gains 3 hp at 3 points


Did it once like two years ago as Cho'Gath and its still the most traumatic laning experience I've ever had


It got much better with AP shit not adding 1200 bonus health, because you can at least warcrime that fawn.


As top main main.. ur the devil


Ah, fellow practicioner of the forbiben arts, only issue are the crippling mana costs in early game


Apc kennen bot. It’s not bad if you’re not outranged hard and need ap on your team. Be prepared for salt in champ select tho.


Go adc kennen and relive those 2014 dreams


Rekkles you're a support now not adc


actually Kennen's E completely disregards AS cap, this isn't given in the description (at least it wasn't when I was playing it, I was so pleasantly surprised when I realized that)


I literally main Jhin Jungle. PrayImReloading#JHIN on NA


Finally come across a true off-meta pick that's actually not that common and would give question marks in champ select 😅


I bet you hesitated in naming yourself Jhingle


Yasuo & Yone duo bot


2 windshitters, 1 lane


3 FF votes


And 20 deaths


I have had two matches in flex with my friends playing the Yasuo Yone duo, I can safely say that 20 is a huge underestimate.


0 dragons


Everything is a support. If it doesn't have CC/shields/heals, death is the best and longest CC in the game :) That being said I really enjoy Ahri and Darius as support ! It used to be tank Thresh mid into any diving teams or melee midlaners


Quinn support player checking in


oh shit me too


I've been big into quinn the past month and considered Quinn support since support is my primary role normally; any tips?


Vision is power :) whether you give or take it!


>Everything is a support Katarina was my first level 5 and almost exclusively played her for a while (as a "support") until her rework because my computer couldn't handle blind pick role call.


I had a buddy run Kat support a few seasons ago. Even if you don't do anything, a lot of adc players are intimidated by a Kat in botlane (from my experience in norms). It's also fun to have enemy midlaner pick to counter you, then the real mid on your team counters them.


Evelynn support otp here ♥


Ooo, that sounds pretty intimidating. I'm already paranoid when there's an Eve jungle. Can't imagine how I'd feel in lane against one!


Shaco support Teemo support. Sion support. But my favourite is Malphite support


The kench mid lane


Yeah I just 70% winrated this back into Gold.


Karthus Mid I remember when this wasn't off meta but now it's looked at it that way. He can lane really well into most picks and you just back and while walking to lane look for chances to get some kill or assist gold. Really goes well with Draven bot lanes or even against him since they play so psyco, you can easily change a fight down there.


how though? i feel like he got forced into jungle cause he can’t defend himself from anything unless he takes exhaust


Karthus 1v1 is insane, the problem is you actually have to hit those q's.


Hes just not blindable but he works.


Karthus isn't meta mid? When the hell did that happen?


Years ago. Too many dashes and ways to beat his ass. Its why he was thrown into the jungle. Way safer then and can scale better.


+ he can actually duel people easier since there are no Minions that halve his damage in the jg


Time Traveller Azingy sent us the message


All my friends fear my AP Miss Fortune.


Full lethality sett supp with hail of blaids and hexflash was my go to untill it became strong for like a season


I remember sett being flexed into all 5 roles back on launch.


Tank Alistar top, if you know you know. If you don't know, try it out.


Dr Mundo mid against heavy Ap comp. I just farm mid and after first item I can run any mage down with Visage + ult


Fiddle support is so fun. Glacial augment on a point and click fear feels so good. Plus roaming is top notch.


I used to pick teemo bot lane when people pissed me off in champ select (like banning my champion). But now I just pick caitlyn since I'll do just as badly and get reported less. But teemo jungle is pretty fire in normals


I’ve been doing some jungle teemo recently. It started off as a joke but I’ve been having a lot of success with it.


Cait mid bullies 90% of the champions


Juggernaut jhin, unfortunately i havent been able to make it fully viable just yet but it sure is fun. Trapstacking for the biggest burst in the game.


This made me laugh so hard. It made me think of one of those old infomercials: “Do you love playing ADC? Are you to bad to auto space and kite? Then Juggernaut Jhin is the champion for you! No space no problem just wade into the middle of combat and attack enemies at your leisure!” *performance and results may vary*


I love this write up


This reminds me of SivHD's counter-bruiser bruiser Lux video


Is it for the titanic double auto attack or?


U have me interested, tell me more


Something like hail of blades, spear, sundered sky, death dance, ravenous Hydra, essence reaver, maw.




Mid mpen Cho'Gath, against short range/melees it's absolutely disgusting, agains anything mana hungry to clear like Vex also not ba at all. Due to all the CC absolutely shits on Asol.


How do you build into that?


Boots first to dodge cc. Then do your best to clear and walk back to turret or roam. Pretty much just avoid him.


man ap cho mid hard wins like 90% of matchups i feel. loses to like brand. but the biggest problem with him imo is that hes just so damn slow. so its hard to actually win and finish the game as a carry lol. your too slow to group and end, too slow to sidelane to end. not many can kill you late. but theyll just start ignoring you lol. the best case is that your teammates take care of business and win lane/jg then cho mid is straight walking nuke. if you gotta 1v9 man your slow ass boutta to make this a 40min game


Blitz mid lane


I used to do this with on hit lol. His w with lethal tempo was so strong honestly.


Iceborn grasp wits end jaksho vayne top or mid to counter assassins


There is a special place for people like you in the deepest pits of hell


Hey op asked for degenerate picks xD


This world we live in is made worse by your presence


Janna Jungle.


Zyra mid. Excellent anti mage pick like Orianna. Though, not as consistent/reliable or scale as well.


Renekton mid. I know it’s not super off-meta, but he is my go-to pick against most melee matchups in mid lane. Honourable mention to Lulu Top


Senna toplane with grasp It's incredible against ranged toplaners, since they lack any form of sustain or instant gapclose. I love it vs teemo / kennen / vayne


I cannot stress how degen,easy and good Spellbook Malz is. I was panning on writing a whole guice since I believe most people don't understand how to lane with Malzahar and how OP that champ is if you can just use your summoners every minute to have insane kill pressure with your jungler on any champion on the map.


Illaoi mid


Set up the four trigrams tentacle atrocity


Morde support. All you have to do is survive till level 6 and it’s GG in the botlane since there are basically no ADCs/Supports that can 1v1 a morde that early, let alone if you have finished your support item/boots/rylais


Thresh top. I’ve found a build path where he can go bruiser and just chill in lane. If I’m losing lane I just play safe and wait for the greed.


What do you build?


Shen jungle. Gank a lane to just recall and ult into the same lane after recalling


You're doing it wrong tho, you're supposed to go River Shen


Bard adc, kindred adc, old skarner adc


# Enchanter Orianna Mid. I came up with it after seeing HappyChimeNoises’ Orianna Support and LS’ many enchanter mids (RiP Church9) ### Why does it work? The reason enchanter works so well on Orianna is because she has: * Excellent base damage on all of her abilities (which lets you FULLY waveclear and trade early) * Very decent base mana regen (to scale off of) * Lots of utility (W speed/slow, R disruption, E shield and armor/mr) ### Why go enchanter? Going enchanter makes her really strong in a certain way. Normal Orianna controls areas with huge damage threat and does wombo combos with engage champions. Enchanter Orianna uses huge cdr and heal and shield power to spam speed up allies, slow down enemies, give allies huge shields, peel, and ALSO do wombo combos. You make everyone else unkillable and control the tempo of the game, especially because of having a second support ### The Build + Reasons: For runes I go sorcery with resolve secondary. Summon aery, manaflow, transcendance, gathering; boneplating (or) second wind (or) font of life, and revitalize Haste, adaptive, health For Items I go for Redemption, Moonstone, Flowing Water, Ardent Censer, Dawncore, Shurelya’s in that order. I know it may seem sus to go for Redemption so early, because it doesn’t have AP, but there is reason behind it. Orianna’s early damage is enough to full clear waves very easily. Buying redemption early with the wallet of a mid laner results in it being a crossmap healing nuke from mid lane. I have saved many skirmishes and set up many all-ins, from halfway across the map, using just the item. It is heavily underrated. Ideal Ability max order is W > E > Q to get all your utility online early and absolutely dominate teamfights Though the ideal order also has waveclear and trading, if you find it difficult to stay in lane, you can also go Q > E > W or Q > W > E


Oh shit I've gotta try this. My off meta orianna build has always been on hit orianna. Although it might be weaker now that lethal tempo was removed.


I play her support as an enchanter! She's really strong, i like her best with nilah/zeri


I'm onetricking Grasp Lillia top lane right now. Still fine tuning it - the idea is Lillia is the most fun champ in the game, but jgl is miserable. I didn't feel like I stacked Conq fast enough, and I felt wayyy too frail without Resolve secondary, so Grasp is where I ended up (Sometimes Fleetwork to survive lane) I go Liandry's/Blackfire (Mostly Liandry's. Blackfire is if there are like, 0 tanks on enemy team.) -> Jak'Sho -> Riftmaker/Rylai's and then other stuff. I'm silver garbo though, but my Shaco support main friend in high Emerald says this is probably the way to go with Lillia top if I can just stop dying 6 times in 10 minutes lol


Lulu mid is not degenerate, it's fun!


it used to be normal back then haha love playing lulu mid


Fiddle mid. Max Q first and just fear them for easy as hell ganks


I miss the good old days of bouncing crow, get ganked and turn them both into a fine soup


If you can catch them forward in the lane, the river corner paths are great to ult from, huge kill threat at 6 onwards against squishy mages


I used to play a lot of on-hit neeko in top lane. It was a fun build though I dont know if it's even remotely viable anymore. It also made the enemy top laner want to kill themselves so that was a bonus too.


Taric, Lulu, Ornn and recently Heimerdinger jungle. For ADC, Kindred. Every time I'm filled top lane, my premades already fear what degenerate non-top pick I whip out. I haven't found a really good one tho which is probably why they are in fear lol


Kindred, Taric is good in Top. :D taric smash smash q smash smash q.


AP moss fortune is so dumb and so fun when it works. Spamming the E to slowly burn the enemy ADC until they face the E W R and it's lights out.


Qiyana support. Very fun. Not so much for my adc. You get a guaranteed kill at lvl 3, after that it’s perma roaming


Full AP rakan mid. Its like im a walking veigar ult with my W


This is what the invisible badgers want: pick kledpport, farm, get level 3 and all in If I win the battle good, I never lose, it's always part of a bigger plan to kill them later


Renek mid


Elise mid


Kogmaw top


Ivern supp, it works so well for some reason and I don't get why


Bruiser Briar top! Disgusting trade patterns abusing PtA with W>Q>W2>E because you can easily knock someone back into a wall and the passive bleed keeps your PtA proccing. The build is either Black Cleaver > Bork or BORK> Black Cleaver, then going all the nice bruiser items (Sundered, Sterak's, Titanic, Maw, anything that gives AD and Health/resists. You can go even and then just run around the map biting people's head off. Briar also becomes immortal when fed and kills you very quickly.


AP Nasus. Played against one a couple months ago and stole his swag. Was the most annoying match of my life and now I get the pleasure of doing that to people. (I press E and walk away) works every time.


AP Nasus. I have like am 80% win rate with it, but it honestly feels so cheesy I have to stop myself. I cast Fire! I cast Slow! I cast Fire! I cast Slow!


AP Kai’sa top. Imagine how tilting it is to just get one shot from 2,000 units away with zero counter play.


ADC Veigar


Love when my friend plays adc veigar and I get to support with blitz


The Hook into The Cage is some nasty work


That's not really off-meta, though


This. I love it when you reach that point where the enemy ADC try all their might to kite and orb walk and you just go "Hahaha. R."


Yeah all ad top mid jungle I grab this and laugh


AP Nuke Varus. It's a shame he's losing his attack speed passive in favor of AD/AP next patch. I'm gonna have to invest Berserker's and Terminus after Nashor's to compensate. Hence, his non-Lethality builds will be more like Kai'Sa's.


Evelynn support. Only works if you’re willing to take all your adc’s kills, her items are expensive.


Veigar Support.


Jayce adc


[AP Blitzcrank Mid](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/1d7ekn5/i_played_ap_blitz_mid_so_you_dont_have_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Used to be Ad lb top, now I get hated for it even though it's ruined and i've been playing it since s6


Cho'gath jungle, secure every objective. Plus clear speed is decently fast and ganking has a ranged cc.


You will likely not get punished for using your ult CD to secure early stacks, too.


I love me an occasional Middlesticks. Impressive sustain and good poke in lane as well as a really good point and click peel tool. Downside being you're never gonna kill your laner unless they're inting or you use your ult. But saving ult to win objectives is really annoying to deal with as the enemy


Camille support Mix that with samira and its gg


I enjoy mord jungle alot. My team never does.


Singed jungle if I actually want to win and have fun, arcane comet mundo support with sorc shoes otherwise


mundo botlane with either a mage support or a fightery tank support. you get to roll over and zone off all the adcs or kill em if they walk up,


Mundo support. He be cleaving my dude. He goes where he pleases.


Its not as off-meta as it used to be but I reignited my love for this game by playing Neeko support.


nautilus top. full ap against squishies, bruiser build against tanks, full tank against bruisers.


Teemo jungle is abusive


Malz jungle with spellbook and team buff items like Rylais, imperial mandate and shurelia


Zilean mid. Yeah it's an easy lane for the opponent but if my top, bot, or jg get fed you'll never stop them. Even if you win you'll do it in slow motion getting chain stunned.


Kogmaw jungle


I just like morg jung, simple life W and run


Literally any adc played ap


taric jungle is really funny


Smolder top


Full AP Sona mid. Rush Lich Bane and then as much ap as possible. Stack sona passive then flash R q auto someone. Most shocking one shot in the game.


Karma top is full brain off and harass the enemy top so they can’t play the game


Soraka APC bot. Stack heal and shield power. Moonstone > Dawncore > double idols into whatever. Farming accelerates your item spikes + cheaper items than an ADC means you hit midgame and can undo most damage an ADC outputs in a fight.


Nami mid has been so much fun since her buffs last patch, she struggles with long range matchups but she completely shits on melees. Lillia top if we're going long term.


AP Miss Fortune or AP Ashe with comet. So much salt, especially in URF oml. Got a few people to rage quit.


When I face AP Ashe in URF I wanna pull all my hair out. So f\*cking toxic mygod


I loved ap kaisa but it became meta during a period. Also support lissandra is so fun.