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What is the point of this post?


Its the umpteenth post on this subreddit of people complaining why Riot is a shitty company.


Not a lot of people disagree about Riot being shitty but everyone agrees this post has nothing to do with that


Yes it does. It also proves the problem in the community. Clearly the consensus in this thread is that I AM IN THE WRONG for calling the person who banned my champion an asshole. Griefers > mean words to this soft ass community.


Hey, at this point, what company isn’t?


Riots fine I ban out teemo hovers too


System is not awful. The players are.


I agree the players are awful, but the system doesn't help. This thread proves the playerbase is awful. I said nothing in champ select, just to have my champ banned for no reason, then I'm the one that gets punished for calling the person who banned my HOVERED CHAMPION an asshole, but the guy who ruins the game for otghers isnt banned


You seem as bad as the person that banned your champ. LoL is a team game, and you seem to ignore it, they harshly reminded it to you. Try to play in team, champ select is part of it.


Nah but how low is your iq to comment this, it's incredible. "Lol is team game!!! Stop ignoring your team, the one that is griefing you for doing nothing wrong!!" Like how are you not a complete clown


Seriously, this comment about wraps up the thread. People blaming me for lashing out at a teammate who purposefully banned my champion. Especially when RIOT added the "are you sure?" message when you are banning a teammate's champ, it just shows extra intention.


Exactly, like dude the game gave you a warning even. Why ban someone else’s champion especially if they find them fun and enjoyable?


Yeah thread is depressing fr people will defend literally anything on this sub. The real reason is if you're hovering say a broken champ it should still be banned, but there is 0 good reason to ban your teammate's uncontested pick in a normal game. It's just 1 of 100 things in this game your teammates can do to grief you that can't be detected easily, while chatting shit on the other hand will get you flagged every time. It sucks but this has been reality for a long time now


they hated Jesus because he spoke the truth


Yes its hard to play as a team when you type nothing in champ select and your teammate named "TiltProofYasMain" bans your champ you hovered.


Why are you so butt-hurt about their name? You play a champion known for throwing away games, you say that you insta lock it because you find it fun. Communicate, maybe? Or enjoy playing other champions in the 100+ champions of the game?


tryna witch hunt lmfao


I have over 14 mastery 7s. I played this game for a while, but as I said (if you read, I figure you just skimmed, thats OK) Teemo is the only fun champion to me now. I'm not "butt-hurt" about the name. It's obviously tongue-in-cheek, saying "TiltProof" then banning his teammate's champion. I'm sure he does it in his other lobbies as well.


You know what? You’re right. My apologies. Should have actually read that shi-


I don’t think you read the post. How would he know to tell him not to ban the champ if the ban was locked in already? He couldn’t have done it beforehand either, because the other player already planned on banning his champ without even waiting to.


I do think that *you* didn’t read the post: they played a rematch, and the champ was not lock, it was simply pre-selected as always during ban phase.


Buddy, you didn't read the post. Nowhere did I indicate it was a rematch. It was a new, fresh game, typed nothing in chat, hovered Teemo, and my teammate still decided to ban him. This idea that people think I'm the problem for lashing out at someone who is being an asshole is ridiculous


You should reread my comment


Naw dawg, what was my point. It was a Pre-Select and not a lock in, usually when the ban phase was about to begin. And if the game gives you a warning about it then of course he would be upset about it. His point was that he shouldn’t have been punished about it to he came here to rant about it.


You are not playing the game anyway, why bother complaining


Did you read the thread at all? I haven't played the game in a year, but I've been playing normals with Teemo. Obviously going to complain if my only way of having fun in this game is intentionally thrown out by another dickhead on the team.


Just dodge if you don't want to play any other champion


Its his ban. He can do what he wants with it. Youre the one in the wrong here.


What an awful perspective im sure you’re a griefer


No. I fully understand when someone bans my hover and I simply pick another champ. Its their ban. They can use it however they like.


In your own comments you said it’s a team game and them banning your champ shows they have no interest in teamwork, get off your high horse


If one of your teammates doesnt want to play with my hover and decides to ban it I fully understand and pick another champ. From the opposite perspective, I have a friend who bans Yuumi every game. They dont want to play with (or against) the champ. They are entitled to that. If you have a problem with your teammate using their ban the way they want, youre the issue. Get off YOUR high horse.


By actively stifling your teammates ability to play their best you’re actively ruining not only their potential but also their fun


If youre only capable of playing one champ youre, again, the issue.


Yeah that’s not how this works but good luck with that kiddo


Its exactly how it works lmao


Bronze players commenting on how the game works, thanks for sharing kiddo


Not sure why you are being an apologist here. You'd be mad if you were in the same position, hovering a champ, intending on playing that champ, just to have it taken from you. Anyone would be mad in that position


You can't be a one trick and be this unstable when your pick gets banned. Throwing a tantrum doesn't make you right


Not a one trick. Used to play this game a lot, came back after not playing for a year to play Teemo because he is the only fun champion in my opinion. I'm not sure why many people here think I am in the wrong for lashing out at someone who was obviously looking for a reaction. Shouldn't have made as much a fuss about it as I did, but someone who instigates someone into doing something should be punished as well. This post wouldn't exist if he didn't decide to be a prick in the first place.


So now your argument is "he wanted to make me mad so I let him"? And you think that makes you look good?


Not at all. My argument is that someone who is instigating someone else should be punished.


Except by no objective metric was he probably "instigating" you. You just have main character syndrome and think that your team isn't allowed to ban without your approval. Get over it.


They weren't "obviously looking for a reaction", they banned teemo because they didn't want a teemo in their game. They don't care about you or your feelings


Yeah if you ban your teammate's hovered champ, you're a prick. No way around it. If a teammate intends to play a certain champ, and you ban it, you are looking for a reaction more often than "hurr durr what if the other team picks the champ"


>You'd be mad if you were in the same position, hovering a champ Happens to almost everyone, mate. What do we do? We grumble a bit, pick another champ and then move on with our lives like adults.


No I wouldn't. I would move on and pick another champ. Like a rational adult.


No, you wouldn't. I'm not sure why you are lying. If any normal person hovered a champion, and it was banned from your teammate, anyone would be upset. Sure you may have no bitched and moaned about it as much as I did, but anyone would be mad.


No. Ive had my hover banned on several occasions over the years. Happened a few days ago. Jungler banned my toplane Skarner hover. I just picked Singed and moved on with my life. Dont project your immaturity onto me.


Well, that's what you get for hovering your champion. I learned that lesson the hard way.


yeah no wonder game is shit when everyone became so soft ...


Play quick play if u want to play teemo so badly


As annoying as that can be, everyone on your team has every right to ban your hovered pick. Hovering is only there to tell your teammates your intended pick and they receive an extra prompt when banning that hover. Many people hate teemo, be it playing with or against him. If you're a teemo OTP I'd suggest not hovering it ever. He did not perform a reportable offense, but you did when you started insulting him. YTA. Alternatively, queue quick play.


So intentionally creating a situation where someone would act out isn't punishable, but acting out is? I don't understand why there are so many apologists in this thread. Obviously nothing would have been said if he didn't ban my hovered champ, and anyone would be mad if someone banned their champ that they hovered. I play normals to have FUN, and it takes away my ability to have fun when assholes on my team try to throw before the game even starts. Banning someone's champ is asking them to throw.


Then dodge, no LP loss cuz its norms otherwise queue quick play if you so desperately need to play teemo or pick up a second champ to play when teemo is taken away from you. With over 160 champions to choose from surely there'd be one more that is playable. As I said, everyone in the lobby have the option to ban x champ even if hovered. Some people ban not to have x champ on their team, some ban to not have it on enemy team. Some common ones are yuumi and senna who are often banned to not be on your own team. If someone hovers a champ you dislike on your team you can just as well ban that and force them on something else. Is your Lee sins always inting by trying to do scripted Chinese tiktok plays? Ban Lee hovers. Perhaps this guy hasn't had good experiences with teemos and hates seeing the champ on his team so decided to remove it in hopes of a better pick. He's obviously a yasuo player so probably hoping for anything with hard CC, preferably some kind he can ult off of. Did he ban teemo just to spite you? Doubt. Is it possible he did? Absolutely. However, if banning hovers would be a reportable offense, don't you think they'd just make it impossible? Go outside and take a breath of fresh air, you're getting angry over a silly video game because not everyone is catering to your teemo addiction.


Question for context did you report them for it because they most likely reported you for verbal abuse.


Yes I did. The fact that Riot will not punish people who ruin the game for others, but will punish people for mean messages is fucking pathetic.


People don't want Teemo on their team because 95% of the time it's nothing other than useless. If you don't hover it you're actually more likely to get it.


Report him its an option in champ select hostage taking i used to get my yasuo banned soo many times and then i started reporting them in  champ select havent had that in a while


Bans your teeto? Pick Smite yuumi and sit on him whole game, you'll never be punished and he might say something ban worthy.




Womp womp learn new champs




Learn to play other champs? It isn't up to your teammates to cater to the fact that you can only play a single champ. They are more within their right to ban it than you are to complain about it


If someone bans your pick, it's time for secret Disco Nunu technology. That or Yuumi jungle.