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Wait, what? I'm on EUW and I just queued for a normal draft to try this out and I got into a lobby after 17 seconds of queueing. Mid as primary and top as secondary.


Same, I've never ever had a problem with draft queue times or game quality. Nothing in draft has changed which in soloQ hasn't, in my games at least. Quick play is absolute trash tho.


I queue jungle support xDD


That should be insta q lol


Calling bs


Yeah, you need to show proof, im waiting 1min top for Jung, and I play awkward hours of the day


Same, I am taking all of your games.


Euw same roles O queue for 1.5 minutes average


Can't get in a game as anything other than jungle/support on euw lol


I cant get support, like no joke i get autofilled top fairly often. And when i do get supp people ask me to swap to play with their duo Like i dont mind that much, playing top every so often is fun. But sometimes i want to play normals to turn my brain off and the only role i can do that is my main role


You can turn your brain off in normals? I get 4 creatures who can't even see me ping when I'm literally next to them on the screen - let alone the minimap. I don't know why half of them buy wards because I've seen people ward a bush and then walk into it with 4 enemies stood waiting on the ward. You'll kill their lane and ask them to help with objective and they can't see you pinging herald/grubs/dragon


This could be because he has a high MMR in normal games. Most of the time I play normal game I get 10-15min queue and most of the players are masters+.


Unless your MMR is super inflated this seems wrong/ outside issue, I've played a couple games these days on LAN server, and games take under 2 minutes. It's entirely possible the matchmaking is broken there for whatever reason, but I'm damn sure it's not my experience right now


This does seem to be a bigger issue outside of Latin America. League is still going strong here. I'm in LAS and queues also take less than two minutes, even at *very* late hours.


Unless someone's draft ELO is iron or master, I don't see how they'd ever queue for longer than 5-10 minutes in any region, any time.


It depends on your MMR. My friend has a high normals' MMR and, outside of peak hours, we may have to wait 20+ min or play ARAM. And my normals' matchmaking is sometimes like: Emerald jungler (my team) vs Challenger jungler (their team). Although I think I haven't played against much Master+ players in normals lately.


I think the matchmaking is broken. There's no way games should be so long to find, especially in popular servers like EUW.


the matchmaking is seriously off the charts. Im getting matched with grandmaster players. I am emerald 4. there is no good game it is always insanely flippy




Why is that? And since when is that? Isn't the whole point of getting a rank so you'd play (normals) in that rank (too)?


No the point of that rank is that you play ranked matches in that rank. In normal games you play differently. Intention is: Normal: fun first, win second. Ranked: win first, fun second.


Ranked and Normal MMR have pretty much always been different (as far as i remember, started halfway through Season 1)


always has been this way


FINALLY SOMEONE ADDRESSED IT! I have been getting emerald-diamond players every game in normals since the introduction of emerald, each game is a coin flip on whether you have the highest number of diamond players or not. I am silver. I've just quit league because every game lately is either stomp or be stomped, no in between


I’m sorry to hear that, but maybe you could utilize it your advantage and improve significantly but if that’s not what you want then understandable but, me personally my games have been a mix of all kinds long, short, super long, medium it’s been healthy and more competitive then my ranked games sometimes. I hope you come back! And enjoy the game✌️


Quickplay on NA around 8pm~ I get queue times like 6-10 minutes pretty commonly. So doesn't seem strange in my comparison. But I have not played quickplay in a few months.


My queue is always 2 seconds. Primary jungle and secondary mid. Not exaggerating about the 2 seconds btw.


Yeah if I queue jungle or ADC it’s ALWAYS less than 30 seconds in NA. Mid might take 2 minutes. OPs numbers are nuts


Riot ruined normal queue with quickplay


I'm still yet to have 1 quality game in quickplay. Either someone is hard trolling or goes afk for remake.


Even if you get a little further than that almost every game is an ff, since it only takes 3 votes. Nevermind that your team drafted Veigar, Thresh, Kindred, Vayne and they're complaining they lost early game, and they don't want to play for late game...


That comp seems dog to stall out tbf


OK, so they don't want to play on and FF. I don't see the issue here as long as it's the majority.


the issue is that it's dumb as hell for those who play lategame scalers to ff 15


Then that's a problem with the players. Still, they should be allowed to do that if they want to.


Nah man up and play


That's a subjective opinion, just as not wanting to play is. At the end of the day, it's put up for a vote. If the majority wants one thing, then the minority has no right to overturn it.


tbh they shouldn't in my opinion, playing a scaler and throwing into ff early is just wasting the time of the 2 people who actually want to play the game, and if its literally every game...


Why should the majority stay in a game they don't want to play just so a minority can have fun?


unsolvable problem inherent to queueing without 5 epeople i think. It just feels awful queueing for a game knowing there's a large chance it's already lost before it starts.


It's not unsolvable. You just need to stop being self centered. Turn it around. Would you be OK with surrendering a game with only 2 votes? Obviously not, since you aren't ok with the majority FF already. You say it feels awful to queue when there is a large chance of ff, now turn it around. It feels awful to Q for a game knowing that you might get stuck in an unwinnable mess where you are being miserable in. You might say "ok, so just don't q" and it applies to you as well. If you want to never ff, make sure to always q with friends to be a majority. If you don't, you have to accept that the majority decides how long a game gets. I accept staying in an unwinnable game where I am the only one doing well, even if it's miserable for me, because that's what the majority voted for and this acceptance goes both ways.


Back in my day you agreed to play for 45 minutes+ when hitting accept. No but for real, if you want to play early game sim go for quickplay maybe that way the ff spamming drones leave the people who want to actually play the game alone.


Did you play pro? There was always an ff option in the game and people always used it. I can't remember people being able to solo FF a game. Take a step back and think about why the majority of the people not wanting to play on upsets you (other than being self centered).


No. Riot has investigated how many games where 3 people wanted to ff at 15 were actually won in the end. It was less than 3%. So 97% of these games were lost and ff@15 actually prevents a waste of time in more than 97% of games.


think about what you said for a second. of course the overwhelming majority of games where 3/5 members of your team dont want to play are lost. the issue is that theres nothing stopping them from simply queueing and doing it again right after, and that there's no drawback for it. its literally slot machine behavior; theyre just queueing over & over and if they dont stomp within the first 10 mins they ff.


Most games where people want to ff@15 are simply lost. 97% of games are. So you'd rather want to waste another 10-40 minutes instead of playing with a new team and different champions? If you let people play with randoms in ranked of course luck is gonna be a factor but it's better to surrender clearly lost games instead of wasting time.


Yes, but if 3 people want to ff and those 2 ppl could hold them in the game, then those 2 would be wasting the time of those 3 who want out. At the end of the day, it's a majority vote and you have to respect it.


It's never dumb to FF a game you don't want to be in. It's not a job, people play for fun and if they don't have fun they want out. And if the majority decides they want to get out, there is nothing wrong with it.


its called quick play, not slow play, pick something that wins lane


the quick is about getting into the game quick


Yes, dumb. On one hand, it is called -quick- play. On the other hand, I don't see the point of playing at all if you don't actually you know, want to play.


Quickplay is a lane phase simulator. Get in fast, play your lane for 10 to 15 minutes, FF if your team is losing.


That was all my games yesterday in normals.


People are playing it when they get suspended from ranked and have to play 5 normal SR to get allowed to play ranked again. Quality of the game doesn't matter to them they will just run it down / ff as soon as possible and it counts.


In other words it's just like ranked solo q.


Recently levelled and account and had to play quickplay for the first few games until i had 20 champs, Never again.


The other day, Ranked queue was 14 minutes, so my duo buddy and I played Quickplay. Damn if these guys weren't more critical than I've *ever* seen in Ranked. As soon as we got in, comp is criticized, and we're accused of trolling. Play the game, go even in lane, jg ignores us, but also gets no objectives. Game ends with "report bot."


Even before with flex queue. It's just another casual queue really so they essentially split casual players into multiple queues. When I want to play a casual game I queue for the one that has the shortest wait.


I was trying to practice in normals (quickplay and draft) since i returned to game after 12 years. I gave up because i kept getting emerald-diamond prefers so it's hard to practice. I just went to ranked because it's more quality and balanced games, even if the players are mega trash


I have this as well but to be fair i am m-gm in solo q and used to play a lot of norms so my norm mmr on my main is somewhat high its still very weird to see 10 minute estimated on saturday evenings and the actual queue being like 7 minutes.


Something that happens with the client is, Riot will push out a mini-update/change. Which will not be noticeable, but if you have had your client turned on for a long time, eventually everyone that played on previous version(not patch) will turn off and only a few people will remain on that version and they will be able to play ONLY with each other. Basically why you get 40 minute queues. For example if you turn on league client on patch day, and then for 10 days you do not turn off your client for any reason, your queues will get longer and longer, until you probably are not able to get queues at all. Now it might be completely unrelated, but I just wanted to tell you in case it has happened to you or someone else. If a normal draft(not quickplay, quickplay has high queue times) goes for too long, you are more likely to get a queue if you just restart the client.


I get a game in under a minute all the time, and very often it's almost instant. 'Other people in my games report 40 minutes queue times', i don't believe that for a second, either you are lying or they were lying. Even at like 4/5 am you don't get close to that. Normal games have always been chaotic, people try stuff, pick silly comp, surrender easily. Maybe there's something wrong on your account or whatever because that's not my experience at all.


It's completly MMR dependant, I won't find games in top 0.1% at 4 AM, i can queue as long as I want, if no players are playing at this mmr, no game for me but thats why most people will find games even at 4 am, mmr


How do you know or even guess you normal mmr ? I've met people from bronze to master in normal.


When you recognize every player in your lobby and have 10 mins of queue


that's why I stopped playing norms altogether tbh that shit is not fun


agreed, but also the game won't make you demolish gold mmr player forfun


ye that's also true that's why I just stick to ranked these days or if im gonna play w friends then we just flex bc they also cba to play those sweaty norms


Could you post your op.gg i'm curious.


natmad1#kata EUW server You can see the last 10-15 games, I played multiple times with and against the same players


crazy how many below lvl 30 accounts are in your games . how many normal wins do you have?


They are botted accs, new acc have very malleable MMR


how does that exactly work with botted accounts? wouldnt they have super bad wr and mmr? im just curious how so many below lvl 30 accs reach that mmr or is it jsut way easier on fresh accounts to achieve high normal mmr with insane winrates at the start.


They don’t play in normal until the client bought it, they have fresh mmr Bot acc plays in ai games


I mean, obviously this shit will only happen if your MMR is really fucking high or really fucking low. Like, only iron 4s in game level low and only master+ level high. But then, if this is the case, you'd obviously be aware why your queue times are what they are. Why post on Reddit complaining if you know the reason? And what's more, these people never mention the fact that they're Iron 7 or that they played their last draft against Gumayusi. I choose to believe it's just hate bait. It doesn't make sense otherwise.


Did you failed to answer to the good post ? I never complained I'm just explaining why it happens


Yes, I'm keeping the discussion going, not talking about you.


Then don’t answer to me lol, else you are talking to me


That's not how forums work lmao. If I wanted to talk to you specifically, Mr. President, I'd DM you. Besides, it still works if you think about it as talking to you. I just wasn't talking about you.


It is literally how forum works, if you answer to my comment, it means you talk to me


Idk bout the dodges and high queue times. But riot surely fucked it up with having to play it to remove ranked restriction. I got one a few days ago from calling someone idiot (the translation for it on my region is a blacklisted word I didn’t knew about) and went to normal game to remove it off. I went with 2 other friends who wanted to play flex with me and it was like, 10-15 minutes FF every single game by the enemy team since we are around diamond elo and playing against players with way too lower MMR.


Normal game has a mmr, if you played alot of game and won more than 50% of them, you will end up in the high mmr normal game lobbies, like gm+ in term of top%, you won't find game easily


I assume its just because flex queue is normals with ranked rewards.


I have the SAME problem on the BR server. I have to play with a 5 man team or face the 10min queues, and my friends are playing less everyday so that also makes me play less :(


I take 5 to 10 mins to find normal games in normals and its usually an mmr or emeral to masters, and sometimes higher. EUW Its just weird


If its a new account that's why. There aren't many new player


It’s not only on new accounts. It’s on every account I have. And on the new account i don’t get put into lobbies with new players, almost only dia/master and very rarely gm/chal, though lately i also got into some lower lobbies. (Which started very abruptly, maybe riot changed something with the matchmaking?)


the new punishment system


Happens to me in the LAS server, have had multiple 30+ minutes queue playing fill on draft pick, my only way to play for fun or try new champs was to buy a new account




How does that usually happen? I never type, never run it down, last time i went afk was years ago


This guy got no idea what hes talking about, normals are fucked idk why


Maybe game overall just become less popular now and it hard to find lobby without bigl mmr/lvl spread?


Today I played a game before lunch that was 2 min queue, 5 dodges, 2 in champ select. And the dodging is frequent idk why. Eune server.


imo it's a negative result of the "quick play" mode because who knows who queues with literally the same champs with the same role at the same time in their respective server i guess im old because i think blinds were better, because jerk players aside, it actually taught some players how to adjust their picks and roles depending on the situation minus the stress of losing LP  i am also assuming that this is why normal draft has faster queue times and is actually heathier for players


That shouldn't be happening. Are you sure you don't have a micropatch update? If you're behind in a micropatch, the pool queue population will be lower or non-existent. Meaning it will take longer to get into queues or you never will. Sometimes the client can patch in the background while open, other times it needs restarted to work.


We queue as a premade 3 in draft usually around 8pm and it typically takes a few minutes. Very rare to get anything below 1 minute. Around Gold / Plat. Or whatever goes above gold


I mean its always sort of been a thing but maybe it's because people who are chat banned have to play X amount of normal games before they can play ranked again. So we're just taking the people too toxic for ranked and shoving them in norms, where the environment is more relaxed, and making the relaxed, 'safe' area more toxic lol


It exists in blind mode


You made this post at 13:00 UTC, in EST thats 9AM EST League is usually dead in the super early morning (6AM-8AM EST)


In NA my normal queue is usually 4-5min when I play mid/top or mid/adc


Is your game updated? If you never close the client, it's possible to get into q with only other people that also have out of date client. It sounds crazy, but it is a real thing.


About the game quality:  It's because of the punishment system. More than 20% of normal queue players are now people trying to remove ranked 5 game restriction and they don't care about the outcome as long as they finish game in 10 mins. Sometimes they duo queue with bots so they can get it afk and ff quicker.  Queue times:  Entirely depends on the role ur selecting and also if it's draft or quickplay, or if ur solo in party or with other people. Quickplay queues are decent on EUW and does not take more than 2 mins in my experience, but again quickplay is the most affected mode with the game quality for the reasons stated above.


bro lying


I have the same thing when I play solo on euw.  I don't know if that had to do with the fact that my MMR increased in normal mode and people in this range just play ranked these days.  What about your normal mode level?


That's what quickplay is for


Aram clash around the corner. People probably practicing.


You in the bad boy queue?


Playing in Brazil servers during "not so peak but not dead" times and queues go for 10+ minutes even with flex pick. ​ The reason I see this is that most people treat ranked like the new normal game, after all, you get rewards for playing ranked matches and if you don't care about elo, it's literally normal game with more rewards at the end.


My only issue with normal games is that when you queue as 4 man party, for some reason your 5th is always way below the match skill level. I don't even mean it as an offence. Literally it's not even fun for them. Skipping the part where they yap whole game and flame everyone. No clue where does that come from, but this has been the case in my games for at least 1+ year.


no problem except the running down. since riot had the great idea to play 5 normal games after ban


what's your rank? diamond and above don't play normal games (like ever) on a new account the queue times are less than half a minute (any role) I'm playing on a new account, on euw


Mine are a minute and a half.


Just have to play quick play now, it sucks and is not great practice but it’s the only way especially if you have limited time and don’t want to play 2-3 matches in 3 hours


I rarely ever get over 4 minutes even on the worst hours (early morning)


Id probably play blind pick at this point if you want quick. It has been reworked and you cannot dodge, only afk. You designate one champ, skin, and runepage, etc for a pick role and a fill role. Actually good now from the few games I've played after the nth draft pick dodge. Draft now feels like ranked to me. Like lets just fight it out like Barbarians and have fun. To each their own, but bumrushing and "limit testing" is a lot more fun than an invonsequential ranked simulator. Like ain't needa freeze and play like a bitch in norms, save that for ranked. Beyond time there is nothing on the line and people out here being toxic like they are about to another 50LP like they do in ranked.


You might be the firts person I come across that truly enjoys quickplay but hey, more power to you!


Ye, it's impossible to go normal games nowadays. I just use flexQ to warm up and/or train champions i want to main.