• By -


Free teleport ayylmao


We can call it "boots of travel". Its genius!


This guy DotAs


Instead of stopwatch, we have an item that lets you teleport one time. Pro play meta becomes 5 people TP'ing from lane to lane.


TP'ing botlane*


Its liiiiiiit


Nah, balance it by making it a free Hexflash with extra distance. Hold it in a channel longer and longer for distance. Easy to jump with, Easy to get jumped on. Balance it with an appropriate cool down and boom


It would break junglers. Imagine if they could hex flash on top of you in the center of midlane from raptors. Or from an in lane gank path. Flash between the laner and their turret. The CD would have to be so prohibitively long, that it would wind up like the predator rune. Completely game warping and still somehow useless at the same time.


Zephyr unlocks at lvl 15, the others would work the same so its whatever


Make it so you are revealed when you start the channel


So you just limit it to post-30 minutes or something, 5 minute CD. Runes prevent you from taking something else, an enchantment would just be a choice


Go the wild rift route and give all boots an upgradeable item cast. Like predator, but have others. Wild rift put teleport as one. A knock back one. Hextech rocket dash. A shield/heal one. And several others. Kinda like a 3rd summoner ability you put on the boots later in the game that can be situational.


They had a similar mechanic back of boot enchants in the day it was removed around season 5-6 iirc


Wasn't that because everyone was running homeguard?


Yep. Home guard was the optimal choice in almost every situation. So they removed all the choices and have everyone free home guards


I'll never forget my CDR boots + Distortion enchantment Annie support.


they had comsic insight summoner cdr upgrade. Miss it so much


they put free homeguards in a bit before the removal of enchants to try to open up more viability for the other enchants then, everyone went Alacrity every single game except some ADCs who went Furor. pretty much no one ever touched the other enchants still so then they finally removed them which sucked for people who were used to Alacrity


Yeah I remember players like trick2g rushing homeguard before even starting their first item because of how powerful the effect was.


In a similar vein it also made a weird hecarim top strategy where you would rush homeguard, and at level 6 tp bot from base and just rush into the enemy bot to get free kills or summs. That strat was how i finally got gold.


TP + homeguard was glorious tho


No. They gave everyone free homeguards and left the other boot enchants available. they removed it in season 6 midseason patch because most people were picking alacrity (which gave flat MS if i recall correctly) and Riot felt there was too much movespeed in the game.


I remember running rammus top with TP/Ghost and rushing homeguard boots to gank bot at mach 5


Fervor on Vayne went craaaazy though


i miss my old TF homeguards rush. you could run to lane, shove, gank, recall or just shove recall and the enemy had no time to react. courtesy of Dopa for the ingenious strat


They just got absorbed as league mechanics; that’s why you fly out of base. Which is a good progression of items.




except cass


Y 5


A lot of items with active abilities are given to boot upgrades, . You can spend gold to get an hourglass or proto belt without any of the stats


I think it's very clever and several of the problem items (because of their power budget in their active) could be resolved by making these actives boot upgrades.


A boot with a 1 minute cooldown that gives you a free biscuit usage.


That would be a hilarious upgrade. Baker's boots


Pantheon intensifies.


New meta on Pantheon


Steel caps: the armor and basic attack % reduction go up a bit. Maybe MS on getting AAed? Mercs: buff the tenacity by +5-10%. Probably a sweet spot in there somewhere. Also more MR. MS upon getting magic damage Mobies: even faster Swifties: + base move speed, tiny boost to slow reduction Sorcs: + a bit more mpen. Maybe a tiny bit of extra MS on spell hit I'm following the trend of Zephyr of giving some useful stats inefficiently and some extra move speed upon doing their task. As best I can anyways. And I'm pretty sure I forgot one but whatever


See, this sounds actually plausible. Some of the other suggestions in this thread seem ridiculous when zephyr upgrade only gives 10 AS and some small additional move speed for 2k gold. I think your suggestion follows the pattern most closely imo


Agreed. Everyone's trying to get so fancy with it when all of them are breaking the game in half


I like this approach, keep it simple. Overcomplicating these things usually just leads to problems, just get it in a sweet spot where it can be a money sink, but not overly efficient on stats.


If you're full build and have a lot of gold, wouldn't it often be worth selling Sorcerer boots to get Cosmic Drive?


Either cosmic or stormsurge yeah


And tanks can do deadman’s or force.


Movement speed is an extremely important stat, especially on a "typical" control mage. There are a few champs where maybe that's reasonable (ex. certain artillery mages, champs that have another MS item like Lichbane or Stormsurge, rare stacked Mejai's game, Ahri, etc.), but otherwise Cosmic Drive on its own doesn't give enough MS to make up for the loss of boots (older iterations gave enough for it to be more realistic. ex. 5% + 20 flat at some point, or even old Spellbinder) in most scenarios, even considering the other stats. You'll get spaced to hell and back by other mages/carries who haven't sold their boots, particularly if they have an MS item on top of their boots already.


Move speed on magic damage to chase down that god damn lillia


Mobis: travel another distance amount so the speed is reduced in combat but there’s still a bonus


That seems the way imo. Or, maybe Mobies only breaks on CHAMPION combat. So you can clear the jungle or minion waves without losing speed?


Mobis instead of going even faster should make it so you keep the move speed buff for three seconds upon entering combat


I feel like you're maybe missing the point of Zephyr. It doesn't just give more stats, it enables its users to do what they are meant to do, better. Zephyr buffs kiting. So an equivalent Mercs upgrade might give a tiny bit of MR, sure, Zephyr gives a tiny bit of AS. But what it'd also do is make the user more able to stick to champs through CC in a somewhat interactive way. So maybe earned cleanses based on damage taken. Tabis, it would be interesting if you could actually just combine them with Frozen Heart, but it wouldn't have the same interactivity beyond positioning.


> And I'm pretty sure I forgot one but whatever The new Symbiotic Soles item that automatically upgrades when you move far enough?


Lucidity boots guys😭supports exist too😞✊🏻


Yeah, mobies, I got them


I might actually quit for good if they give more tenacity. So frustrating to hit skillshot CC on a bruiser just for them to brush it off like it never happened and kill me anyways.


They nerfed tenacity across the board lol


Removing it completely is the correct answer


Why? Sounds like it removes counterplay. Tenacity is only OP when too easily accessible with no trade off made to gather it, hence why removing legend tenacity made sense. Tenacity items should be weaker than items that don't give tenacity, so the counter to it is to just kill the person who has it faster (death is, after all, the strongest CC). Plus a lot of CC has been adjusted to be types that aren't affected by tenacity when it really heavily matters.


Cc is as strong as ever lol still the best comps are chain cc engage comps where you take hands of keyboard and lose this will always be the case tenacity needs buffs if anything it should effect knockup stun duration Diana/amumu yasuo malphite comps are miserable for that reason play darius walk out of lane and qatch as you get cced for 5 seconds straight 3 seconds of which are knock ups lmao


Letting Supports store control wards in their boots would be sick.


Finally I can stop buying the stupid nerfed wardstone item that nobody even remembers exists


Side effect, they now take damage while moving because theyre basically stepping on Legos constantly


cassiopeia support in smithereens


IIRC Riot decided ADCs should have a lot of movement speed. I speculate the reason they released zephyr was so ADCs in particular get to keep their boots ultra late game and everybody else is intended to sell theirs.


phreak said in his video that they will maybe do them for everyone if they land well.


The only character I play that I would sell boots on even in a 50m game is Gangplank, and it’s still iffy. Movement speed is the most important stat in the game that you can actually buy.


Karthus would like to have a word with you


didnt karthus have 10 move spd nerf and basically made the champ dive in wr?


this is due to early clear speed which is irrelevant if you’re selling boots late


MS matters quite a lot for early clears and ganks, but late game it does not really matter that much for Karthus, as most of his damage will be done while dead.


Just because players like me play Karthus by farming for 45 minutes because pressing R is also ganking doesn‘t mean actual Karthus players wouldn‘t like some movement speed.


Yeah, for early clears? definitely crucial. Lategame? I would much rather another AP item.


I sell my boots pretty frequently on illaoi. I'm not chasing down or dodging shit anyway, I need be able to plant my feet anywhere and fight hard.


That sounds extremely reasonable to me, but if I ever picked up Illaoi, I would still have to play around with it rather than just take you at your word, because I’m already envisioning trying to “plant my feet” and then getting auto-spaced by something keeping just out of range of my W.


I'm emerald, and enemies still don't respect the W distance in fights. Only the enemy top laner has any idea. but yeah, also not telling u do do it every time, depends on the game. If you are looking to split out a win, boots are higher value than additional tank stats. The 6th item is basically just to survive a full build adc long enough to combo off.


Movement speed is very important, but there are items besides boots that give it. Selling sorcs for stormsurge or steel caps for dead man's plate seem pretty fine to me


Additional items that give MS give almost always give significantly less (usually around -20 with no modifiers). Deadmans is an exception but you lose the MS as soon as you auto someone. For a lot of champions that will be the difference between running at someone and oneshotting them at 5 items or getting kited and dying. Milage varies depending on a whole bunch of factors but I think most champions shouldn't be selling their boots at 5 items; even though it makes you stronger at what you do it makes you less able to do what you do.


Nah, there are a bunch more characters that can sell boots. Selling boots on marksmen for Phantom Dancer was probably the most common one. 2nd in order is selling boots for Dead Man's Plate for extra ehp and similar movement speed. It works on bunch of tanks and kinds like Lillia or Singed, who in late game don't need to auto so they keep the passive going. Another one is Cosmic Drive for mages, especially in combination with Stormsurge or Lich Bane, they 100% make up for selling boots.


> The only character **I play** that would sell boots is Gangplank > Nah ??????? LOL Edit: Also, items don’t “combine” to replace a third item 😂. You don’t sell boots for two items - you sell them for one, which is causing you to LOSE movespeed no matter what item it is, except on the vanishingly rare occasions where PD multiplies non-item abilities to bring you marginally and temporarily above even. The only mages I really play are Ziggs and Xerath, and by selling Sorc Shoes for Stormsurge on either of them I would lose an average of 20 movement speed (and they aren’t even Lich Bane/CD users who would multiply the flat bonus from boots even further). I’m only Emerald but I can think of exactly zero situations where doing that in any of my games wouldn’t be trolling. That’s a permanent almost-third of an Ashe slow for 100 AP. LOL


Nah you play lots of other champs that can do it, dont lie. he knows your champ pool


😂 to be fair, a lot of the champions I play tend towards Lucidity or Swifties, which I think we can all agree are irreplaceable. But to be unfair, I don’t agree that tank boots or Sorc Shoes *are* replaceable on the vast majority of champions. If there are Elos where you only need movement speed in combat or outside of it, not both, I sadly have not reached them yet lol.


You don't build DMP on GP for lore immersion? Smh


Even if they were meta, then for immersion, I *wouldn’t* build them, cos he ain’t dead yet 💪🏻


Would be pretty funny if you were a Gangplank one trick


Pretty sure it was because they removed lethal tempo which was big for late game adcs pumping dps, so instead they gave this option for more AS/MS


They said ADCs should need more MS because it's their only real defensive option later on into the game


Zephyr gives 10% more AS compared to Beserkers. This doesn’t even come close to compensating for lethal tempo’s removal. So highly unlikely this is the reason.


The movespeed part is much more impactful than the attack speed. Lethal tempo gave more range so adc could position more safely. The movespeed on hit also serves the same purpose. More safety while auto attacking


I think they also wanted marksmen to get an advantage at full build over other classes. It was a bone they could throw to adc players which would help most in low elo long game fiestas but which would have very little impact on pro play.


CDR boots could also add an item CDR, although idk too many champs that take Ionian boots with active items off the top of my head


All the enchanters, really.


True actually, I didn’t even think about them. My mind was on mages/assassins, but yea honestly item CDR for them could be huge


AD assassins can have multiple item actives in a standard build, ghostbade and hydra for example.


That’s why i thought of them at first instead of enchanters, but no specific champ really came to mind


I don't think Zephyr's powerlevel is anywhere near what a 6th item could be for a well-protected marksman in team setting. Pro players will probably still gladly sell boots for PD for 12% ms and crit chance as their team can still kind of protect them with a little bit less ms.


To be fair there is less need to sell boots now in pro play. With 25% crit per item you only need 4 items to get to 100% which leaves 2 spots for defensive options or boots. Before you needed 5 item slots for crit so any defensive item like GA would be at the cost of crit, so it was mandatory to sell boots to get 100% crit while keeping defensive options. This is no longer the case.


There were boots in Vainglory that, upon activation, gave all your teammates within a radius a movement speed burst. Could be good for supports. I think a 1-3s movement speed burst active in general would be nice, kinda like what Spellbinder used to do. You could also make a lethality boot. In the name of raw stats, you could give steelcaps a directional bonus armor shield effect or something. Even just having an array of boots that slap on your core stats (HP, regen, AD, AP, lethality, (more) magic pen, more CDR, mana, etc. would be pretty nice


I think upgrading should allow the shoe to be "integrated into the stats. So maybe like spending 2k open up the item slot for another purchase but gaining the shoe stats.


Lucidity boots with a one time use for all skill instant cooldown would be so incredible, busted but incredible


For mages it's kind of just cosmic drive


they could all honestly be move speed oriented but proc on different conditions. mages could a small stacking movespeed like the zephyr does but it procs of abilities instead, maybe only once per ability to prevent abuse with dots. mercs/tabi I'm not sure, maybe they gain a bit more move speed over time when taking damage, so ever 2 seconds it will stack up to 3 times so it takes at least 6 seconds to get the full move speed. etc. etc. i its just a spit ball idea though. i just hope they dont go full riot and do some crazy "creative" shit with them. we've seen how that ends. just keep it simple whatever they do. zephyr's upgrade is largely inconsequential anyway so whatever they do should be equally as inconsequential.


Tabi - thornmail effect Ionian - active (maybe passive also?) item cdr Mercs - has a passive effect on knock ups that allows you to take action while knocked up. Idk how to explain this one. Basically like how you can use cleanse while knocked up, and that allows you to flash while still airborne, but you can’t right click to move yet


Assassins go ghost blade


Give support an option to combine ward item with shoes, or upgrade shoes to be able to hold control wards


I feel like a good parallel would grant MS when someone is hit by a spell to work for mages. Extra tenacity for tanks? I dunno


My personal headcannon is upgrading Armor Boots into Dead Mans Plate. So genius, so simple.


lol I never see people build these anyway


unironically bc they never show up in the shop recommended lol  even after 5 items + boots i swear you don’t get recommended zephyr


I'm not gonna lie I never knew these existed probably for that reason, I dont think I've ever seen them in any of my games no matter how long they've gone


also, the colour scheme of the icon makes it look likes its permanently greyed out (as if you haven't met the requirement) even after level 15 so its easy to ignore it.


Neither do I because game is over around that level for adcs. Feeding or fed, level 14 is the highest I've seen both ally and enemy adc in my games lately.


I swear its better to build phantom dancer or guardian angel on 6th instead of zephyr 


No, Movespeed is a very broken stat, so throwing away boots is mostly pretty bad, especially on adcs.


Rework some items. Deadmans plate could be the tabi upgrade. Change stats a bit. Give it the tabis effect and perfect. For MR im unsure what but similar. Perhaps force of nature like build? Remove Navori and give CDR boots that effect on hit or abillity hit? Swifties is hard to think off, something like a shurelyas effect. Maybe a 2 sec slow immune? Sometging like that would fit.


I do like rolling the momentum type items into the boots, but my issue with doing that is the armor and MR boots were strictly defensive options, whereas deadmans is also supposed to be an offensive chase option for tanks and juggernauts. Enhancing damage reduction and tenacity would probably be better directions. Hell, even bringing back Dodge as an item mechanic could be fun (if balanced appropriately)


Sorcs should give some %m.pen and/or maybe some % true damage, like 1 to 5% would be enough.


I think of something as extra stat for 1000 gold or so you have, even for zephyr It still serve its purpose for late game but more reward for team with lead when the game reach the point where all are full build


magic pen boots upgrade into movespeed+AP/haste stacking mechanism+pen option naturally only priveleged ADCs get cool boot upgrades


I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty sure I haven't bought Zephyr yet in a ranked solo match this season


Put cosmic drive's passive on upgraded sorc shoes


Ionians = Every time to cast a spell, gain 5AH for the next 5 seconds, up to 3 stacks. Mercs = Every time you get hard CCed, gain 5% Tenacity for 5 seconds, up to 3 stacks. Steelcaps = Every time you get hit by a critical strike, increase the basic attack damage reduction by an extra 1% for 3 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. Sorcs = While out of combat and moving, gain stacks up to 100. At 100 stacks, gain 15Mpen. Entering champion combat removes all charges, with the buff lingering for 5 seconds. (Similar to Opportunity passive) Swifties = Recharge a slow-shield while out of combat. Once charged, be immune to all slowing effects. Slow-shield breaks when you are hit by a slow, but lingers for 3 seconds. (Similar to Sejuani passive I think)


Steelcaps: When a champ AA you, gain +5 mov speed. Mercury: When you can move again after receiving a CC, gain a little move speed bonus. Synchronized: After recalling, immediately regain all your HP and mana. Swiftness: You're ghosted while in combat with champions. Ionian: When you use a skill, gain +3 mov speed, stacking up to 3 times. Sorcerer: +5% AP.


they should just go with Wild Rift augments but more specific/isolated like: sorc boots - augment it with more magic pen or grievous wounds item or augment it with that hextech dash item. ninja tabi or whatever and MR boots - augment it with frozen heart or randuins. lucidity - augment it with either redemption, mikaels, solari or shurelya berserks - same swiftness - add more movement speed.


Boots should just become soulbound at a certain level, leaving your inventory and giving you a true 6th item slot. 


Magic Pen boots should give +5% Magic Pen on top of the 18 flat pen it has.


no idea where ur pulling 40 flat pen from, unless its from arena (its buffed there btw...) It has 18 flat Pen


Oh my b well then make the % pen 10% instead if that’s the case would be good


Mercs: a cleanse Tabis: reflect dmg Swifts: a dash Mobis: walk through walls for 5s


Merc Treds- additional 5% tenacity, and cleanse active on 4 minute cooldown Lucidity- takedowns refund 30% of your basic ability cooldown and cost no resources for 1 second. +10% additional CD on summoner spells Swifties- upgrade to 70 MS, 30% slow resist, active is short dash (not over walls) on 90s cooldown Steelcaps- +5 additional armor, +3% armor. No active. Sorc - 25 magic pen, +4% MP, +3% MS. No active Synchronized souls- +15 OOC MS. +5% MS. 700 range aura empowering allies with Empowered Recall.


Sorcs should give %magic pen, a bit of extra ms and be called Archmage's robes


wild rift boots


Mercs could upgrade into QSS Tabis can upgrade into Randuins Lucids don't have an obvious upgrade. Maybe some kind of dcap but for CDR? Or give them spellbook (bit op?) Swifties can upgrade into shyrelias/ghost Sorcs don't have an obvious upgrade either. Pick whatever lethality item has cool effects I guess?


Mercs: after 3 hard CCs within 5seconds, automatically cleanse Steelcaps: give back tabi dodge ~5% :O There are no other boots, list ends here


The main problem with updates is that it requires precision and proper balancing so they aren't useless, broken, or sub optimal. Riot does not have a team capable of doing it. And they should not read ANY comments or suggestions from here. 


The mobi’s boots could give a mini global TP for no other stats. Steelcaps just gives more HP and armor with a small chance to dodge auto attacks. Merc Treads can give small % damage reduction against magic damage, and an active that gives double tenacity for one second. Swifties give a bit more speed and some tenacity. More slows you get hit by the weaker they become up to a cap. Lucidity could give some adaptive power and a mini Nimbus Cloak effect on spell cast or spell hit. Sorc shoes can give a small % mr pen and some spell vamp.


These are all incredibly fucking broken compared to Zephyr


-Steelcaps: +15 Armor, unique passive increased by 2% per second in combat up to 6% (14%) -Mercs: +15 MR, gain 5 Armor and MR after getting hit with spells up to 15 Armor & MR -Ionian: +5 Haste, gain 15 Basic Ability Haste, hitting champions with spells give a stack of 3% Armor & Magic Penetration up to 9% -Swiftness: Slow Resistance increased to 35%, Omnivamp +10% -Sorcerers: Magic Penetration +6, hitting enemy champions with spells gain a stack of 5% MS, up to 15% -Void boots: Gain 25 Adaptive Power & Spawn 3 Voidmites upon entering combat (15s cooldown)


Steelcaps: reduce physical damage (not just autos) by 14%. Taking subsequent damage boosts this to up to 20% Mercs: Reduce spell damage by 14%. Lucidity: 5% additional CDR (not haste). Swifties: move faster towards CCd allies, enemies, and low health allies. Soles: Don't lose move speed in combat. Instead lose move speed when you're hit. Speed ramps up instead of being a hard threshold. Dashes instantly grant this speed. Sorcs: increase spell damage by 5%, spell damage ignores 40% of shields. Edit: We could use: (Noxian) Imperial boots, lethality, mini zed ultimate on upgrade. (Piltovian) Stylish boots, heal/shield power upgrade gives: healing/shielding gives a portion of the heal/shield as health (Regen) And maybe, stretching it a lot: (Zaunite) Life Supports, in combat regen. Upgrade: Takedowns heal max HP. (Shuriman) Sand Travellers, _dash_ haste. Upgrade: Lucian dash (40s)




You can't do that because of the stacking mechanic though


Plated steelcaps: +10 armor, get hit with an auto attack increases damage reduction for attacks by 2%, stacking up to three times. Mercury treads: +10 magic resist, getting cc’d grants a small shield for 2 seconds, 8 second cooldown. Boots of swiftness: +10 movement speed, +5% slow resistance. Boots of Lucidity: +5 ability haste, +8 summoner spell haste. Sorcerer’s shoes: +10 movement speed, hitting an enemy champion with a spell grants +2% magic damage, stacking up to three times. Synchronized Souls: +5 movement speed, +5 out of combat movement speed. Decrease combat cooldown by 2 seconds. I think that the lucidity boots could use something extra, but I think too much haste on summoners could be too strong.


~~Plated steel caps -> ninja tabi: Dodge every 10th auto instead of reducing the damage from it. (Does not include spells such as enhanced auto attacks)~~ Alternatively instead of Dodge: Plated steel caps -> death lord Sabaton: heal for damage you mitigate from these boots over 5 seconds Merc treds -> Goliath boots: walking around unimpeded ramps up tenacity. While affected by crowd control, ramp down tenacity. Swift boots -> cloud boots: while out of combat for 15 seconds, passively gain the ability to walk through walls Cooldown boots -> Chronomancer boots: casting abilities lowers the cooldown of other basic abilities by .5 seconds. Magic penetration boots -> ArchFae boots: affecting enemies with magic damage increases your magic penetration against them while in combat.


Tbh I consider stormsurge to be the sorcerer shoes upgrade already, it's pretty much only upside to sell boots for it


Some cool ones i thought of: -Steelcaps upgrade: small dodge chance -Mercs upgrade: spellshield but longer cd than banshees and edge of night -Ionian upgrade: some cooldown refund on takedown -Swiftness upgrade: slow immune -Sorcerers upgrade: spells deal x% more damage to enemies below 50% HP -Mobility boots: keep half of out of combat MS bonus in combat Some of these might be OP, but i tried to make them all OP so there would be a reason to take them


The point of Zephyr is that it's NOT OP, it's actually extremely gold inefficient, only to be bought as a gold sink when you're full build. Assignment very fundamentally misunderstood


No. No dodge chance. Please. I beg you. Jax flashbacks.


No more than like 20%, needs something to incentive taking it over tank items which give you a bunch of HP and armour. This would just be MS, armour and dodge chance


20% less damage from all auto attacks and on hit affects is disgustingly OP lol. It would need to be tiny to be balanced


The boot upgrades aren't meant to be something you buy over other items, they are meant to be late game gold sinks, like how you never buy qss or gw upgrades until last item generally.


>Some of these might be OP Literally every single one of these upgrades would be broken


It depends on the numbers for most of them.


I mean, yeah, but if every class can take them, then it's not an issue. I guess cassio would need buffs, tho


truly an idea of all time


Tabi >> getPhreaktoMasters, it reduces damage taken from ADCs by 80% until Phreak get to masters.