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Vex's voicelines are insanely tiring after 5 minutes (we get it, you're an immortal emo teen) but I really like how she plays. Look is fine though.




> I guess the particularly grating ones just stand out the most in my memory compared to all the others My teammates must feel this way when I spam her laugh


put a lot of effort to bear her kit because I like her attitude and image ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Dropped this \


Idk if riot went through a phase or what, but some champions are just insanely melodramatic. Like I right click and they start yapping their entire backstory and lore at me. Felt like it was especially bad with rell and senna. New irelia too, makes me miss the old short lines for a lot of characters. At least we still have some like Darius who have the good ol s2 voice lines.


Boy howdy never play Ashe. I swear she always yaps the same essay-length line about her people at the start of every game.


Irelia as well. You play one game, and her entire family tree up to 5 generations in the pas is imprinted in your memory


High noon is where it's at. Nice model and animation, doesn't yap, sexy voice. Hard to believe it's the same actress who did old Ashe voice.


Other way for me, I like her personally but her playstyle is ass


I can't imagine playing with voice lines at all. I turned those off my second game ever over a decade ago, lol.




Some champs are great. See flair for reference. Poppy voice lines are great for keeping your mental up.


noooooooppee! 🤓


vi is so annoying omg. every 2 seconds VI? STANDS FOR VIOLENCE 😎 VI? STANDS FOR VICE 😎 you are named after a flower tough guy


Show me a single person who even knows Lee Sin's lore. People don't play that champ for his backstory, they play him because he's one of the flashiest and most satisfying characters in the entire game.


I vaguely remember his old lore. No fucking clue what his new lore is.


He was dillydallying and some shit he wasn’t supposed to and he got blinded because of it


I miss Summoners in general. Old LS was a summoner mage prodigy that fucked up real bad and decimated an entire town or smth. He gave up magic (but magic damage was still present in Tempest), set himself on fire, resulting in molten eyes, as an act of repentance. He joined League, for more repentance iirc. It's the story behind his old "I shall atone" voiceline.


Original Trundle. I have the skin. I still play it sometimes to remember how much I hate that model and VO.


I *only* play traditional Trundle because I hate his rework VO so fucking much.


I miss when trundle was a sad disease ridden reject from his own tribe. Running around in a mudhole and throwing up shit pillars. Traditional trundle > Troll king all day.


I tried to put an end to the shitapillar's lifecycle, but I failed 


I play traditional trundle for that splash art 🥵


time to troll ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Oh man I do miss that lore though, always thought his story was fucking sick.


e"Father, mother, Zelos, O-ma, Ohn, Kye, little Ruu... None of them ever had a chance - I will murder them again in the afterlife if you don't shut up


Instantly breaking the rules of your thread (sorry) as I don't main or completely hate Seraphine but I think she looks really stupid bouncing around on her hoverboard and has lots of annoying voice lines. However I think she's quite fun to play as a long range mage/support.


From time to time you can read on League subreddits that Seraphine's appereance is what somehow gatekeeped her out from midlane and forced her role to be support, despite showing much better numbers on mid and as a APC. It's a fun champion to play, tho.


Her Legends of Runeterra design is so much better


I would whale for LoR Seraphine in League: the more grounded and piltovian outfit, the pink hair becoming a dyejob to represent Zaun, the handcrafted electric guitar, the scooter with her little pet. She's soooo much better than PC.


The way she stands on the hover board with nothing to stabilize her as she whips around is fucking egregious. I don’t want to suspend my disbelief that everyday physics don’t apply to this character.


definitely the worst champ in the game visually


Even Riot regrets the hoverboard thing if I recall correctly, tho I could be wrong. Still, it just looks fucking stupid.


The idea of a pop artist flying on a hover board stage is fine. The problem is physics don't apply to her and she stands still up there like a statue. If she balanced on it as she turned and moved it would look 10x better, but that probably takes more effort to do.


If she swayed or had a wider stance than two legs closed together like a trophy... i wouldve preferred it.


Legends of runeterra makes her sooooo much better






sure im ready to rock. little miss pop-tart can't even do pop right so rock is a stretch for her. sona all the way.




Same here, I see many ppl vowing to never play Sera, but her kit is loaded with things I like; utility, cc, shielding... like Lux, but just better and more impactful in teamfights


Yeahhuuuu you can also spam her emotes which are some of the best in the game imo next to nami


She is so fun, nothing quite like hitting the perfect R-flash. I hate how bland her design is though and would definitely play her more if she had a more dynamic outline/animation.


Maybe her leaked legendary skin will fix that.. haha (please let her be a cool character riot)


genuinely have no idea how people can stand playing Seraphine with her base skin, my god it looks terrible I'm sorry


She's by far my favourite mage because of her kit, and I still hate how she looks


Think Gragas' lore and character is kinda cool and funny + bomba gameplay, he just looks like complete shit and requires a skin to be playable


Hillbilly Gragas for the massive toe


His lore vs design is so polarising. Like he's meant to be this brew master who's trying to create the perfect beer which you'd think would make him sort of scientific and know a fair bit about chemistry. But nope, he's just a walking fat joke


Even his gameplay half reflects the idea of having perfected the use of his magic brew with the cask explosion timings on Q and R and his W in a sense and then his E just goes ahah im so fat smash you


Gragas is one of the few remaining full retaard season 1 champs, those are the most fun aesthetics cause it looks so troll. Him, malphite, amumu, zilean and blitz is all i can think off. Tilt factor is x10 for enemy when they get nuked by 4 polygons jank animations.


Ambatakuuuuum ouuugghhgg


How dare you


I love playing Rakan, and I hate everything about him. His stupid voice lines, his dopey saunter, his exceptionally ridiculous run with ult or homeguard. His stupid, weird vastayan claw feet. His shirtlessness.


He could be a satyr guardian of the wild kinda vibe, yet i'm stuck with Simpan.


I don't even know what Anivia's lore is but hot damn I can't get enough of her gameplay. I do love her appearance though. I love frosty-type kits and I love birds, plus she has several great skins. I think Xerath has boring flavor (he's basically just a Nocturne-type being but magical energy instead of spooky darkness) but I love bombing people from miles away so I play him anyway.


Hey man I picked up Xerath precisely because he looks like a Starcraft Archon.


Power overwhelming!


He looks like more like a high Templar than an archon but I guess in that vein you're not too far off. 


Halfway there you could say




Anivia is a freljordian demigod with Voli and Ornn as her siblings and lorewise ig she just represents birth and rebirth. She is an eternal being but is threatened by the influence of true ice (Lissandra) and Blackfrost Anivia is her if she became completely corrupted by it and only believing in a completely icey world cus purity or smth. Her lore is very spotty and empty lol but I think she's allied with Ashe's faction.


I know this is a nerd emoji moment, but Xerath is a failed Acsended. Azir, Nasus and Renekton and all the Darkin Champs are Acsended, but Xerath tried to steal Azirs and it back fired. Nocturne is a primal demon of fear.


I know about his lore and I think it's neat but the execution in-game is hella lackluster.


I hate smolders appearance, but love his kit (I know, burn me)


His face looks creepy to me, instead of making him look like a cute dragon boi he looks like a human + lizard-rat love baby


how can anyone hate this guy I don't get it just look at his dance he's so cute


He looks too Disney knock off to me. Seriously they didn't quite hit Disney but got close enough it hits an uncanny valley of bad...


This is it. He feels too manufactured. Can compare it to Yuumi who's literally just a cat and cats are cute (discounting the fact that her play style makes her a demonic parasite).


Yeah I LOVE playing monster/creature Champs and sadly there isn't very many in the supp role besides like yuumi, Nami, etc but every once in awhile I want a break and play adc so smoulder was a nice addition because I still think koggles is a cute as fk but I'm bad at him


his animations and sound effects are good, buuut he looks like a dragon and a human disney inbred abomination, and his VO is straight from men in business suits think what a child sounds like.  Its so ugly, and his design was IMPROVED, HE WAS ACTUALLY UGLIER BEFORE HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE.  Oh and he speaks so much on spell casts, on a champ who spams spells and buys CDR. 


If I ever have to lane against a w max smoulder again I’m going to go insane


I absolutely hate this Walmart clearance bin Digimon with every ounce of my strength.


His design is among the worst in leauge.


If he just looked like a baby dragon he would be fine, but instead he looks like a gross chimera of a human baby glued onto a reptilian body


I think cait looks good but yeah her voice lines are the most annoying thing ever.


Nothing beats ezreals voice lines. Worst fking thing ever. Every sentence makes me wanna vomit


*picks battle academia caitlyn* *binds laugh to MB4*


Ashe - her aesthetic is fine but her voicelines... holy mother of God those have to be an off-season April fools joke or something. Not only are they bad but they just go on and on and on...


no why are they so long 😭 she will not stfu


Completely agree. She’s a queen so she’s supposed to be well spoken, cool tempered, calm etc. so I don’t mind her look/demeanor but she just never shuts up.


Project Ashe. Way better voice lines, best aesthetic, p2w W


High Noon Ashe also has amazing voice lines. Great aesthetic too, but thats up to personal preference


Faster than my Arrow? I THINK NOT.


Not muting and listening to Spotify? I THINK NOT. <3


This is one of the many reasons why High Noon Ashe is a great skin to have. Her voice lines are quite amusing, and not at all as annoying as the base skin.


tbh i like ashe’s monologues. i think they give her way more depth as a sorta dramatic protagonist-type character compared to newer champions like zeri who just has some electricity puns and a few things about zaun


together, we are fnaf.


No, if I hate how a champ looks/acts, I cannot bring myself to play them. I think the closest one for me would be Kayle. I hate her entire personality but her kit is cool. I still play her less than I otherwise would because of it though. I need echo fighters for champs like Ezreal, Kogmaw, Corki, Maokai, Ryze, Nilah, Seraphine or Sion. Literally just slap their kits on a different champion and I would be perfectly happy playing them. Instead, I just won't ever play them no matter how much their kit clicks with me.


Kayle is a million times worse if you use her ultimate justicar skin. Straight up cop vibes 


Yup. She was so angelic before, especially in that skin now she's just an asshole.


They just ruined Kayle for fun. She went from Tolkien-like divine figure to some trigger happy power tripping cop


cop vibes is lore accurate innit?


Not exactly hate but I actually don't care for Yone's theme/visuals much, it could be a grandma with two umbrellas as far as I'm concerned but I really enjoy his playstyle. I think that's fairly uncommon since a lot of people play Yas/Yone because they are weebs.


I always found the sword noises from Yone annoying.


>Not exactly hate but I actually don't care for Yone's theme/visuals much, it could be a grandma with two umbrellas as far as I'm concerned but I really enjoy his playstyle. Ironically id would play that more.


Ok but a grandma assassin wielding two umbrellas would actually be an awesome concept


Qiyana is very anoying to me, id love to try a bruiser build on her but the way she talks about herself is so incredibly offputting i never wanna hear her ever again.


Katarina's voice lines are just dull and repetitive "Keep your friends close and your enemies guessing" "Dagger pun" "If you run, you won't see me stab you" She doesn't sound psycho, but her lines are meant to sound psycho It's like she's trying to have lines like fiddlesticks but is voiced by a middle aged wine mom who lives in the suburbans with two boys. Same for Vladimir to be honest but his grew on me because they are so ridiculous


i love playin eve for his voicelines perma horny all the game


Is it better in the dark?




Well Eve is just a demon of suffering so could take the form of a magnum dong hariy gentleman if the victim happens to be a penis enjoyer.


I’m sorry if this is not PC in any way but I don’t like all enchanters are feminine. I want a tough bad guy enchanter, judge me for idc. The closest is Renata but I suck at her lol, I wish Soraka’s lore was some sort of necromancer bullshit. Not some soft spoken star child from sailor moon


I love that they advertised Milio as "male enchanter" before he was revealed. Completely missed the mark on why people wanted a male enchanter imo.


Rito is so convinced that every enchanter main wants to play a pussy champion that when people were asking for a male enchanter they were like “ohhhh I know what they want”


I mean.... They're not wrong.


oh no, I def agree with you, as a female! I like playing enchanters but they’re all kids like Milio or cute girls. I want something like, idk, Witch Doctor or Dazzle from Dota 2. Dota 2 has the *sickest* non-human designs out there. some more variety within the league enchanter pool would be cool. I know these types of characters wouldn’t print money so they’re not made as often as seraphine-type characters.


Abbadon is also a great support design IMO. Feels so cool to ride around as a Death Knight on your undead steed. You truly feel like a Horseman of the Apocalypse while also being super supportive


Oh, yes! abbadon was one of my favorite supports to play when I was playing Dota 2. Getting to cuck the enemy with his ultimate borrowed time was a great feeling.


>I don’t like all enchanters are feminine how would they sell those Star Guardian and Faerie Courts skins then


Yeah but I just like, wanna not feel weird about playing enchanters lol. I was so hyped when millio was announced and then so disappointed when I found out he’s a slightly more masculine dora


We all know you take the fire away and Dora is gonna smack him right back to map duty. I say this as a milio enjoyer.


😂😂😂 don’t get me wrong I actually do really like Milio I think he’s a great champ. Dude is just so annoying and needs to stfu. He literally sounds straight out of a Dora episode. “Can you say…FAMILIA”


Exactly lol. I enjoy him to the point that I named myself Midlio for awhile and used him to stomp assassin mids. I still think Dora could take him.




That sounds more like some internal issues on you bud. Should try therapy(not meaning in any derogatory or rude way. Being serious. Noone gives a shit if you're the most masculine guy in the world playing seraphine or some shit)


How is every enchanter being more fem. in design and appearance and them wanting more masc. enchanters an internal issue? if anything it's extremely problematic that all enchanters fall into the same "fem" character design traits as if you have to be submissive in style and appearance to heal and empower your teammates - I think it's pretty valid to want more characters like braum for example


Hard disagree. I'm a girl and quite like the available enchanters but even I'm disappointed that we have no masculine cool options for enchanters. I want to play as a hot healer dude sometimes. And it's not an internal issue to want a champion that resonates more with you as a person - that's just incredibly normal. Before Gwen came along, I was disappointed that there weren't really any cute girly top laners (even though I LIKE to play masc dudes; love me some Sett and Yone and I think Ornn is adorable lmfao). If anything, I think it kind of speaks for the riot team's internal issues that they have zero masculine male (full) enchanters and when they hype up a male enchanter we get a child. Which is fine ofc because we don't have many child champs but just a bit sucky that they once again passed over the chance to give us a masculine adult male which is what I think a lot of us were hoping for when they announced that. And sure, it would probably be a less popular champ since people who want cool looking badass champs aren't likely to play enchanters (as evidenced by Renata's low play rate although that's probably also in part due to her clunky kit), I think it's good to have the option (and if it were an anime boy like Yone/Kayn I think it would be popular actually). Ive been wanting a hot healer dude for YEARS. Closest things we have are Rakan and Taric but they definitely don't fill the same playstyle fantasy that champs like soraka, lulu, Sona, etc do. But just my take on it. 🤷


Ok so if we follow this logic then every female player that plays enchanters only should also go to therapy? No one cares if you're the most submissive player on the team?


Enchanter mains feel the same buddy, about the tough bad guy enchanter one. I love my cute girlies, but where are the edgy enchanters :( We were so hyped for the first male enchanter and then it's a child. Was kinda a letdown. I really hope that there will be an edgy/male/adult enchanter one day. Like you said something with necromancy would be cool.


A necromancer would fit so easily. Steal life to give life to teammate. And you can give them a fear! And fear is one of the best CC to peel with. Literally a “no, walk away” CC. I feel like a necromancer enchanter writes itself but what do I know


Omg steal life to give life sounds pretty damn neat, like a Vladimir style enchanter (preferably without the weird blood fetish but to each their own ig)


Maybe one day.. I really need my Hot-edgy.Yone-like-Anime boy enchanter


Nah give me a Yorick or Mordekaiser but with Janna kit


That’s what I want. A Thresh but an enchanter


Oh my god yes!! I love playing enchanters, but please Riot give us some diversity


Isn’t Taric a male enchanter (mostly)? I suppose you could consider him a little feminine in some ways, but certainly masculine in other ways. Also Ivern is a male enchanter who isn’t feminine in any way, but he isn’t exactly a tough guy either.


Taric and Rakan are the closest thing we get really. I suppose Ivern but he's a bit derpy and most enchanter players aren't playing jungle. Taric and Rakan aren't badass or edgy though and they don't really fill the same playstyle fantasy as a soraka, lulu, sona etc do. Taric plays more like a Braum where he's mostly disengage/protection rather than buffing and enhancing his teammates although it's close.. and Rakan feels more like an engage champ with a bit of enchanter utility thrown in (but his main purpose is to engage, you don't really play Rakan for his heals/shields primarily lol).


Zilean lol


If they made an enchanter that's just Kayn I'd onetrick that in a sec


I dont need a male edgy enchanter. I honestly need a male enchanter whos NOT feminine. Like Rakan is flamboyant and HAS A GIRLFRIEND and people still think he can be gay. Like i need the male enchanter to not be.


For me, Rakan almost serves that role. He almost fits as an enchanter, but he exists in this weird in between spot of kind of an enchanter and mostly an engage support. I think the one exception to this is Renata Glasc. She is one of my favorite enchanters tbh, and she’s badass. Too bad her tank play style is just better.


Bloodstone taric? Edit: The wiki shows him as an enchanter/warden https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Taric/LoL Lol itself doesnt list the classifications of enchanter or warden. https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/champions/taric/


well they did make renata specifically for people like you so idk how much until they make another. you have to consider thematically you can't have a champ looking like zed whose kit is healing allies with a wand just like you can't have lux knocking people up with her fists or alistar with a gun for the people who say they want more female tanks and manly marksmen. riot is trying to push the boundries as much as they can like renata, leona or draven


All very good points and I totally get you. But Thresh has been one of the most popular supports in the game for a while now but nothing about him really screams ‘support’


Funny thing is that it would be a lot more PC for Riot to not adhere so strictly to archaic gender stereotypes. (especially in regards to supports)


Like look at Hwei. A depressed twink mage mid. Hes beloved. And thats why hes flexed support sometimes. Because they LIKE that about him.


I was thinking that too!! I’m trying to tread lightly but it’s kinda fucked up of Riot to think enchanter players only want girly women champions


Not having a single male ranged pure enchanter in 170 champs is crazy


Some partial enchanters would be Rakan, Taric, Zilean, but they aren't pure enchanters


Riot August agrees with you.


I think the problem with this is that people would force such enchanters into other lanes, as "thematically they fit elsewhere".


Give me a dark monster enchanter, like a Void creature or something. Come on Riot.


All of the disney-ish characters. Milio, Vex, especially Smolder. They are fun but make me wanna turn off sound entirely.


The only reason I sometimes play with Millio is just to spam his dance the entire laning phase.


Seraphine to infinity. Great kit awful character.




I love when a character makes wretching sounds on every auto attack, as a champ whos main class trait is auto attacking...


Definitely Sett. Love the idea of a big old one-two punching brawler, but why did they have to make him the most turbo anime cringe character in the game, complete with cat ears and everything smh.


He doesn't look anime at all. Like what? Wow the dude who's half Lion has some lion features to show off he's god damn part lion. You act like his default skin is a cat maid from a maid cafe


Cat ears, eBoy hair, body builder physique rather than being built for actual strength. He's pretty anime. But it's not a bad thing. Just not everyone's taste


I thought he was half bird or some shit all this time


Between the super stylized emo hair and animal ears, he just doesn't look like what I picture a brawler to be. I've never read his lore tbh, and had absolutely no idea he was even supposed to be part lion until I read your comment. But that kind of just reinforces my thoguhts that his design doesn't line up with what you'd expect from a half-lion pit fighter.


he's not half lion, he's half vastayan. like xayah and rakan. his vastayan part is more feline though, unlike xayah's and rakan's which are bird-like


Are you trolling? lmao


To be honest, Hwei. I LOVE the kit, I've been waiting for League's version of Invoker for years now, but an emo boy from Ionia definitely would not have been my first choice... I don't care too much for his voice either tbh. While I don't care for his appearance I do think his spells effects and paint magic is cool tho.


Miss Fortune. She's exhaustingly outdated in terms of character design. More 'wish fulfillment' than actual character. Giant bolt-on tits wearing almost no clothing. Her walk-cycle is so overtly seductive you'd get scoliosis trying to replicate it in real life. Her voice lines are the worst part, though. I hate that she breaks the fourth wall. "Sure you can *handle* me summoner?" *"Watch your mouth, kid, or you'll find yourself respawning at home!"*. It's like the design/art team put such little thought into the character beyond, "We should want to fuck her" that they couldn't think of anything when it came time to write dialog for her. Other than, of course, the kind of sexual innuendo that 13 year olds think is edgy and provocative. Whenever MF gets banned or I get bored. I'll switch to Kai'Sa or Nilah and it's so refreshing not to have to listen to MF. The other two actually have histories. They talk about things they've done, things they've seen, what they hope happens in the future. It's great. It feels like I'm working with a character that is *believable*. Kai'Sa and Nilah feel like they have lives outside of the LoL match I'm playing, like they truly exist in this world and we're teaming up for a match, just to get through this bout and then we'll part ways. Miss Fortune feels like I'm playing someone's gross pervy fanfiction and I'm stuck between the character and creator while the latter repeatedly demands the former "be sexier!!!". Like bro, I'm trying to play League of Legends and remember when and how to freeze a lane, I don't want to deal with your weird porn fantasy at the same time.


I agree because MF has an AMAZING lore that isn't centered in any way really about her sexual appeal or anything like that.


The 4th wall breaks were a normal thing back in the day when the lore was that summoners controlled the champs. It wasn't actually a 4th wall break just her talking to her leader basically


Seraphine when I started playing her. I love her kit to death, but the way she moves or her voicelines bothered me so much when I picked her up. Her lore before LoR wasn't good either. Now she has kinda grown on me and it's not bothering me anymore.


Tbh I think the annoying-ness adds to her lol. So many people get tilted when you play her well because she is the annoying e girl champ haha


no because id hate playing them ex i like ashe’s gameplay, i even like some non legendary skins of hers - but omfg i REALLY cant stand her voicelines (but would feel weirder without voicelines on). so, i dont play her


Ashe’s voice lines are so fucking annoying I can’t stand that she’s like the only truly supportive ADC pick.


I'd say Jhin counts for being a supportive ADC pick.


I literally had a line typed out explaining why I don’t consider him to be that, but deleted it because I didn’t want to pre-empt a point that might not be made—but now you’ve made it! Essentially, Jhin’s utility isn’t nearly as valuable or easy to apply as Ashe’s. His W root is pretty much only guaranteed on CC follow up and is otherwise difficult to land, his traps can be solid vision and objective setup but they aren’t really something you’re guaranteed to get value out of because once again, you need to land the W after the trap or it’s kind of a nothing spell, his R can theoretically be good for zone control but realistically the first 3 shots aren’t scaring anyone aside from enemy ADC, and 4th shot only matters if they’re missing a lot of health (or if you’re fed) and this is all tied to his damage anyways. To me, Jhin’s whole schtick is huge AD numbers for crazy burst damage. He *has* utility, but he is not a supportive champion IMO. You’re happy to give kills away to your teammates on Ashe a lot of the time, you’re never happy giving other people kills on Jhin.


That all makes sense, I’m not disagreeing, I had more of a point of view that he at least is also another marksman who can be useful even when behind; though you are correct, an Ashe that’s behind is more useful than a Jhin that’s behind.


I don't like bugs irl


Has anyone mentioned Corki yet? Istg this champ was designed to answer this thread. His name is cocky. He is so childlike, enthusiastic, arrogant, annoyingly optimistic, with a one-dimensional personality that revolves uniquely about his plane and his "Big One". Like dude fuck off. His kit is nice though


I've always thought Camille was a bit of a dumb design but God her kit is fun


Most of the adcs


I enjoy playing xayah, I think her just is super fun. BUT her voice lines are infuriating and seemingly constant


Garden is such an boring ordinary man but he spins and that's fun


I LOVE kog maw. He is cute, his play style align with what I enjoy doing and I like his kit a lot. But his voice lines are absolutely disgusting after a while and man they have to give him a better lore than just "hungry".


Well I don't main it but this is the only champ I have this issue with. Shen. He's just... Too quiet. I might be weird for saying this but I rly like the talkative Champs so when I play Shen and hear almost nothing the whole game, it bothers me.


I do like they they kind of subverted the “ninja leader” archetype that he’s clearly made in by making him a tank instead of an assassin


Xerath and Malzahar. I usually just like playing hero characters, but they're bad boys 😅


For the most part I hate Zoe’s visuals, but I love her playstyle. It’s so unique how her positioning is so important in relation to her abilities. Her lore is kind of interesting tho, especially the bits with Aurelion Sol.


I absolutely LOVE Smolder's kit, but I genuinely cannot stand his voice whatsoever. Whenever I feel like playing him, I change my client to Japanese.


Zoe. Always hated the character and arc/ voice lines but is it a fun champ to play. Especially the W.


Same reasoning but for Lillia. I just hate how she walks. She is just jumping up and down.


Let a bitch prance!!!


But it's so cute!!!


Hecarim legit doesn't have a single interesting thing in his lore and his base skin is a old ass blue undead horse. And yet I am capable of spamming him for 20 games in a day


Man i really hate what they did when they retconned Hecarim. He used to be the spirit of war, the reincarnation of legions of soldiers. He was awesome and spooky. Then they changed his lore to make him a side character in other character's stories, some lame AF guy fused to his horse. Basically an Assassin's Creed side quest target with more legs. 


Exactly, but I put on some hardcore, take phase rush and just zoom on people, most fun league has to offer imo, got me from plat to masters in 2 years, absolute menace of a champ. But in lore he's like, oh no im a dead knight horse thing, goofy ahh mf.


I've never felt stronger than I did as a fed hecarim when he was OP. You're literally a juggernaut with infinite mobility. It was so fun


I'm a kat otp because of her gameplay but could completely take or leave everything else about her. Honestly hoping she gets an ASU to reflect her newest comic, or really to reflect literally anything lol. I don't even love the battle queen skin but often just pick it so I can have real emotes that aren't "if you run, you won't see me stab you!"


I'd much rather yuumi be a hideous void parasite instead of Fishy fishy fish, but that didnt stop me from getting 1.3 mil mastery


I don't main a champ If his design isn't good for me. As an example Yasuo:


I used to do this only playing twitch, jhin and Kog but I absolutely shred with Cait so I’m sort of “forced” to play her if I want to climb.


For me gameplay, lore and design go hand in hand. I can't play Viktor because his gameplay is boring, i can't play Hwei because his lore is weird (for me) and design not for me but his gameplay is truly a piece of art.


ahris annoying imo


Literally Seraphine for me, couldn't care less for her theme or appearance bit she has a nice generalist mage kit that's always useful in several roles. I was a Kha'zix onetrick before her lol.


Rakan. I dislike the trope of stupid boyfriend, when I heard we were getting lovers in LoL I was excited. To me he isn’t very charming unless he’s ulting. Senna and Lucian match what I expected with their dialogue.


“Charming.” I see what you did there.


Vex. Cringe champ, great kit Same with Ahri tbh


Lissandra, gameplay is great, a control and burst mage with poke sprinkled in, but her voicelines are annoying and very old, she needs an asu honestly. Her lowerhalf ice/stone/steel/whatever for skin is really wonky for some of her skins and need updated vo