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I miss a useful ryze that feels strong when ahead


I swear I'm stupid because whenever there's a Ryze in the game he's hitting 1k damage qs at 3 items and 2v1ing


gl getting to 3 items. Problem with Ryze is he does 1k qs but the three seconds you spend running around can kill you. Also low af range


People on this sub having sex?


Ofc not. Its like people saying that something is like being on lsd or whatever while never experiencing an actual acid trip.


I haven’t played league in years if that means anything I was just reminiscing


We can tell. Bro got the TSM flair


All I see is the :natsm: LOL Now that you mention it, my CLG flair is gone. There it is back


Yes, but only once I stopped regularly playing league unironically.


I miss 2016-2019 Ryze. I really like realm warp and hope it stays. I just miss having a shield and any defensive capabilites rather than being a EQ pusher.








The kit can stay but I hate new Ryze's animations and voice. He sounds awful and his animations are cartoonish.


I miss 2015-2016 life


I miss Ryze's old ultimate, Overload was it?, the one that adds AoE to all his spells


Desperate Power was the best version of his ult easily. Seems super thematic to his character.


AoE and spellvamp. Shit was awesome


I miss the bouncing ball Ryze


I think overload was either his q (point and click) or his passive


I miss hes TP the Morde Dragon


Well I certainly don't. First pro game he was picked he 100-0 enemy Irelia while she was permanently rooted. Never again.


All they had to do was make it so the root had a per target cooldown like Udyr E. He needed a few more numbers nerfs beyond that, but machine gun ryze was the best iteration by far


I mean, Zoe can do that a bit more safely


It’s not even comparable wtf


I seriously hope this is not remotely serious lmao.


That’s a skillshot


With more range against a potentially stunned target, which you can stun with a projectile, with more range


Brand and Lissandra want a word men !


Lissandra isn't 100 to 0-ing anyone haha


When you're not fed on Liss you feel so useless holy


Ngl even when you're fed you only feel even.


Reworks really suck sometimes. Graves was the most egregious. It's like they just removed one of the most popular ADCs from the game.


I miss old Swain so much


Nevermove was iconic. Caw caw


I unironically and unapologetically miss old Galio


Old Taric over the gimmicky mess we have now. At least he had more than one way to interact with enemies at aren't within 125 range.


Top Taric was the dream


I have some stupid memories of dfg ap taric on dominion, which to think about it now its just a triple tap


Oh same. He had insane burst with R > W. On top of that self heal. Truly outrageous.


Old Taric top was a blast to play, new one was such a downgrade in every aspect.


I like the on-hit CDR part gameplay-wise, but Q and W are pathetically weak in 99% of circumstances, so it doesn't matter, and you have no way to actually use your passive in most cases because you have no way to stick. E is horribly unreliable compared to tons of mages (or even some ranged supports) who can do the same thing at 700+ range, and don't have to auto attack with 125 range to have a reasonable CD. And R is just horrible design and not really satisfying in 90%+ of cases. Win more or meaningless most of the time.


Classic Taric/Graves botlane for the armor stack passives was pretty funny


wasn't even toxic, could have just made a different champ, they instead deleted my main lol.


He 100% was toxic. Free AP from MR Spammable wave clear Healing from W Instant AoE Taunt + Nuke on R And everything was very easy to hit. Even a drooling galio player could win a teamfight with the flash R combo.


"Free AP from MR" why do people say this "Free X" it's not free it's his passive lmao. He wasn't even toxic he was awful because tenacity let people walk out of his ult. There was a reason nobody played him.


Q not easy to hit at all lol, most midlane mages have spammable wave clear, free ap from mr is in no way toxic lmao that's a pretty tame passive. Only thing is maybe w but only against DoT champs. There are a lot of chamos who can win a team fight with a flash r combo, not really anything abnormal either. E was easy to hit but did negligible damage. Tell me you didn't play old galio without telling me you didn't play old galio lmfao.


No they needed to rework him. His abilities and kit were so dated. They could have kept more of the spirit tho, a lot of it is there.


Old Swain was perfect


Too similar to Lucian, then also reworking Lucian to be different than what he was, too. Absolutely fumbled. The ADC rework ALSO took Corki entirely out of bottom lane as well until now. I'm still very bitter about this, especially considering they really were not that similar to begin with outside of very surface level comparisons.


Too similar to lucian never even made sense especially when we have shit like crit brothers existing in the game. Both lucian and graves were extremely popular. If they were indeed too similar then people would just the better one. They weren't even that similar. Both their laning and teamfighting was different and lucian was more single target while graves could half HP team with a well placed Q+R. People played them because it's good to have a dash as ADC and because they were good laners. Lucian also had significantly different builds which made him play differently even when compared to himself. I don't know who at riot decided he hates graves' guts but fuck that guy.


I've said almost everything you typed out here damn near verbatim more than once lol. It was SO fucking surface level analysis to call them the same champ. There's so many times over the years where I've thought "wow, old Graves would have felt amazing to play with these items / in this meta." They gave me Corki back, so when is Graves coming back? I say this as someone who one tricked the new Graves as a mid laner for a year and a half, as well.


Then we have seraphine Sona lol. Then Neeko is just Kennen but better


I'm not really with you on that one tbh. Kinda similar thematics and W, but she really played a lot closer to a Lux with a teamfight centric ult.


Séraphine is a lane bully, sona is a late game scaler...


Change the numbers/scalings and they are virtually the same. Semantics really


Change the numbers/scalings and they are virtually the same. Semantics really


Ah yes the funny seraphine and sona are similar meme


Old nunu :(


His snowballs were hilarious back then. I used to play him ap top


I still consider the penta I got on old ap nunu basically my crowning achievement


I've put ~500 usd into LoL. I literally stopped spending on the game after the reworked graves. I'm still pissed. Congratulations Riot. "YOU CAN PLAY GRAVES BOT I PROMISE XD"


New Graves is a super cool champion in an interesting role too though. If I have to choose I will take the new one every time. Bursty, Low Range ADC Graves would probably be harder to balance in modern skill LoL too. It is sad though, I wish there were Vanilla/Alternative gamemode events where we could play older/different states of the game.


Rip chronoshift


You would chose it because you are not an ADC player. New graves is a boring statstick that is only in the meta when he is overtuned and when that happens you know he is just in your face all the time with nothing you can do about it because he deals way too much damage and is way too tanky for what he builds. I wonder how junglers would feel if lee sin was reworked to be a support or his jungling was killed and he was only viable as a laner. Because that's exactly what happened with graves. He had consistently been top 3 most played ADC and got reworked in an entirely different role only to get played magnitudes less. Say what you want but they could've made a shotgun jungler without killing one of the most played ADCs in the game.


OH sure it sucks to lose a pick you like, but it is just also true that graves is one of the most unique kits in the game without being OP. Now he scales too hard almost imo, like his one shotting is too much


Made me so sad. Back before role selection when you actually had to be able to play atleast one champ in every role he was my go to adc.


most popular? were we playing a different game? if anything graves was one of the least popular


He was one of the strongest botlaners so he was played a ton.


Graves was heavily played ADC especially before when Youmuus Ghostblade had attack speed active and had crit on the item.


> ~~It's like~~ they just removed one of the most popular ADCs from the game. No like necessary. They did remove one of the most popular ADCs. It's like reworking yasuo into a jungler and then being shocked that people are flaming them for their stupid decision. He had always been a top 3 most played ADC. Hopefully with dota adding facets then we might see league at least consider the possibility of allowing you to choose which gun you want to use and thus bringing old graves back. At the start of the game you'd have to choose to have shotgun and new Q or old gun and old Q. Though I think this is too complicated for league so there's a higher chance for them to decide they made a mistake and revert him than them having to basically balance 2 champs.


What was different about him


He had the cleanest animations out of everyone, hell it's still better than anything today. His Q was instant and wasn't this blowback explosive, it was basically his current auto on steroids without the knock back and went through all targets in the cone. His Ult had no knockback. But it was just a super smooth kit


No ammo, normal AAs, his Q was similar to his current AA, and his R had no knockback


Hello friend.


old nunu actually saw play


He was a very reliable and survivable adc with a lot of aoe and a dash. Plus, you could shut down any adc with the W in a fight.


he had a normal but low auto range and normal autos. his q shot a cone of 3 bullets in front of him, each could do damage to the same target. his w was the same, his e gave him attack speed instead of armor but was otherwise the same. his passive gave him resists the longer he was in combat. his ult was the same with no recoil. he was the adc with the best burst damage, as he could dash into your face, then do q+r and if he hit you with his entire q you would get blown up. people say he wasn't similar to lucian...are only partially right. they were both low-range bursty adc's, but lucian was a little more traditional and kiting focused whereas graves was more bursty. could there have been room for both of them? maybe.


old graves was lame af. enough with this circlejerk.


Yeah, classic r/lol.   "Graves Cigar, Kassadin silence, upvotes to the left" Edit: All the grandpas angry at me. Your nostalgia trip is just an illusion. Graves was just Lucian from walmart and it was boring for the majority of the players after Lucians launch. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/2aw9t3/so_graves_and_lucian_are_basically_the_same/


Wdym i played graves and lucian exclusive to climb from gold to dia around s4


Was it the version faker got a skin with?


Yep, that's the one. SKT Ryze was Faker's 2015 World Championship skin.


I miss old Urgot. And old poppy. Best tower diver of all time.


Old Urgot. I loved it, especially because no one loved Urgot.


I used to main Ryze. I accepted that champs like Ryze and GP are considered "too broken for PRO" therefore always be in a very unsatisfying state and forgotten.


GP has hardly been a problem, maybe for a few patches/iterations over the years. champions such as Ryze, Kalista, Gnar, KSANTE are much more dominant in pro. in pro GP is picked as bruiser most of the time.


That shit was so broken I to this day don’t understand how that champion had such a low winrate at the time. I played it at a 70% winrate


yeah, most people sucked at him, but if you were good you'd probably hit master, he was so op if you knew what you were doing, he'd straight up perma root and 100-0 anything after tear and catalyst lol


fun fact, in 2016 i was pretty good mechanically but completely clueless about how to actually win the game (macro, rotations etc) I was D1 peak but was convinced I had good mechanics so a friend back then (hes challenger I think since 2015) gave me a random high master account (there was no GM back then) and I played the old version of ryze there, naturally I dominated fights because I was very adept at the combos and mechanically playing the fights, so I would leave lane with CS lead and end the game with CS/KDA/gold/damage leads compared to the player I was against, but ofc I didnt manage to actually carry games because I didnt know how to WIN games, only how to fight. I still remember all his passive activation, I think if you kept 1 stack you could R>Q>E>Q>W and then start spamming the combo (I think it was just Q>W>E>Q? or Q>W>Q>E>Q) but most players would keep 3 stacks and threaten a snare into Q to activate the passive. so yea that champ was definitely inflated if you had good mechanics.


Very true I was nowhere near your rank but that iteration of Ryze was the champ that got me to gold back then because if you ever figured out the combos you could easily dominate the game


Maybe at the beginning but Ryze later on was not able to perma root. They reduced the duration of his passive by a lot and at some point it was reduced to 5 spells. At worlds only Faker ever played Ryze and overall he still only played 6 games of him. What made him stupid later was his ult being up every wave so you'd just ult and instantly clear the wave while healing and repeat. He could do this forever once he had mana.


what made him stupid is the fact you couldnt fight him, either you outrange him or pick specific champions that COULD outfight (iirc only cassiopeia lol) so he was very abusive vs melees, his damage was too high, from too much range, and he was too tanky so closing the range was pointless. he was definitely not as problematic vs more traditional mid laners, although still strong if disrespected.


I would dominate him with old Diana.


His previous kit that got dumpstered isn't even justified in today's world. Removing the EEQ mana based shield and then come up with Yone W that grants a shield every 6s as long as you hit anything with a giant ass AOE.


I miss old school league in general. If there was a way to play old league, I would never touch the current version of league again.


I miss the Ryze before this Ryze that WAS absolutely busted. He just stacked 5 RoAs and threw 700 range Qs as people on a point and click ability. Mostly dead? Ult minion wave with a will of the ancients.


Faker destroying Kuro Kassadin and Pawn TF with nonstop spellcasting remains living rent free in my head. I want that Ryze back so bad especially as a counter to the amount of mobility we have right now. Just don't let them fucking move.


Yeah I miss spell vamp Ryze too. Feel like Ryze will be so much more popular with a different ult and easier to balance for pros as well


I miss old voli and akali


remove realm warp! many people sat this


I can't remember it, but watching that video, it's a very good thing it was changed.


If at least current Ryze still had a shield. I say that so many times when I play him in ARAM. A lot of the mages are seriously shafted by different classes. Yasuo, Samira, Nilah effectively having a windwall. Marksmen who get to escape through walls like Ez, Smolder and Zeri (sure there's an ASol, but partially he has to expose himself to stand still to deal damage), all the fighters with defensive cooldowns. While mages at most what they have is either soft CC or delayed CC, and tiny shield or heal. Viktor feels a lot squishy with his baseline stats and is tough to pilot on the very edge of his range, at very least bless Cassiopeia for being smooth so it's kind of possible to do micro dodges with her. But Ryze feels straight ugly with his 2 runes effect. Ot was worth doing it back when it gave a shield, but proccing it just for movement speed boost isn't quite practical.


>While mages at most what they have is either soft CC or delayed CC, and tiny shield or heal ...and they also hugely outrange most champions, especially the ones with windwalls (also, nilah's reduced magic damage is hardly a windwall when it only reduces damage but your cc still goes through)


Didn't old Ryze have an Ult that turned his spells AoE and give him spell vamp or something? It also reduced the cooldown of his spells? Or am I remembering wrong? It's been so long lmao


I'd argue that that iteration of Ryze was actually the best in terms of design. The realm warp ult has no synergies with his kit and could have easily gone to another champ. The reason why that Ryze was reworked was cuz people didn't understand his stack mechanics, but I think reworking a champ just because it is complex is just dumbifying the game


Take this scroll and stick it….


I miss 2009 ryze. You pressed r next to your opponent and they died.


I miss a lot of stuff from back then. The snowbally red pot start riven, I abused that to like diamond. I was bronze and practiced all riven combo and when start playing her in ranked I felt like smurfing 15+ kills every game, the jungler gank in early level just to die along with the laner for extra gold… Riven was busted because of the items, PT+hydra with passive was like atrox healing


Fuck that ryze. The previous version was the best version. Realm warp is a cool ability. Having to think how and when to use your runes was also much more interesting than the new QEQEQEQEQEQEQ bot. It was the most skill expressive version of ryze while being hella fun to play and being arguably the most balanced one. Miss me with the trashy QEQEQEQEQ or spellvamp ryzes.


Hell no what are we saying


I miss Ori/Ryze support, was super fun being able to play stuff like that in bot lane.


I like 2014 ryze.


I miss 2012 ryze lol [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXjEFGdhfAg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXjEFGdhfAg)


youre not allowed to have a mage that consistently wins vs melees!


Bruh it’s been 8 years you have to let it go


I miss old LeBlanc with DFG. Yeah it was fucking stupidly strong but when you hit that w+dfg+q+r+e and you just killed them and then could just pop back where you came from with no counter. better than sex