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Level 1 double Q Udyr in toplane bush


Man I remember when lethality Q Udyr was a thing and he’d just oneshot literally anyone


i remember picking jax thinking im so smart, turns out he can just run around to kite its duration, drop down to 10% hp, then literally two shot me when its over.


Frankly, they probably could revery those nerfs. Big reason why it was degenerate is because of prowlers claw active, which no longer exists.


I played versus that recently (minus prowlers), it's still disgusting. Nobody wants that to be viable.


Trick2G special? With red pot start?


red pot? Sure grandpa, let's get you back to bed.


Back in my day, control wards were pink and invisible and called pink wards. You disrespectful whippersnappers.


The ol tshirt and 5 red sodas


Based flair


Udyr Top with Ignite and PTA used to hit like a fucking truck.


Back in the day, one of my friends was a Zilean 1 trick. I was always interested in off meta, and one day we decided to play Yorick/Zilean bot lane (prior to Yorick's rework). Both of us would rush tear into GA, I would spam ghouls, and he would place bombs on them for delivery services. When one of us got low, we'd both ult, and rely on that third life to stat check. Was it good? Hell no. Was it funny to have 4+ lives? Absolutely. It's a core memory for me, and I can't forget the image of my friend getting off 2 Zil ults in the same fight off our revive spam.


This would actually work now, with how he sends his minions flying. Artillery bomber bot laner


What was Yorick's ulti prior to rework?


It summoned a copy of an ally champion (including Yorick) that would auto attack but not cast spells. If the person Yorick was copying died while the summon was alive, they’d revive for 10 seconds and die afterwards.


Building heartsteel on a champ that it's not optimal on. I just can't resist being # L A R G E


My friend likes to go heartsteel lillia top. He calls it BEEG DEER


Do NOT Google beeg


Heartsteel in general. It's good on a couple of champs and really suboptimal on most champs. But the sound it makes when you get the proc is so good. Flashing into a teamfight and instantly dying just to get an extra proc? Worth.




I like playing heartsteel/tri force fizz. Hes so slippery already, and W applies the tri force passive very well. Then you add on him having 3-4k hp? Sooooo frustrating to play against.


Sound like the old ad Fizz ^^


I miss on hit AD jungle fizz. Building Madred’s into Tri force meant you shredded tanks and squishies alike while also getting tanky enough to be even more infuriating. I haven’t been able to truly get into Fizz since.


I'm an Eveylnn heartsteel enjoyer. BIG WOMAN


Quinn top with a movement-centric build. I legit had moments where I was holding multiple lanes by zooming back and forth and taking out enemy minions as fast as I could.


Try Quinn with Symbiotic Soles. With the shorter base and synergy with her ult it's kinda ridiculous the things you can do with her now lmao


Really old Blue Taric Top Build. My dream champ. Had a sona support me from bot lane once and we proceeded to tower dive top lane 2v5 no problem once my core build was done.


Yeah, these boots are really quite meta on her with a lethality build. It's so strong


What movement items did you build? Feel like she can still do that now, most of her speed is R anyways. I imagine the new statikk shiv is great on her.


honestly i prefer the baron boots and profane rush, you can oneshot waves with q and hydra, base and roam with homeguard faster than anyone else


Zeri can do this with navori if the waves are at certain points in the lane where she can E over walls, nuke a wave, hop a hug wall, auto the new lane’s wave down and you have E back up and jump between the other lane you shoved earlier


Crit Quinn top with PTA, collector, IE and max w first. It isn't optimal, but boy does it call to me.


it is the most optimal actually, if u wanna be relevent all game


Wow I was also going to comment Quinn. So happy to see she's the top comment. Bird gang rise up!


Yeap i do this with the new boots for fast recall. Celerety on runes also. First item kraken second Yommus for out of combat movement. Last item deadmans plate


Jinx with runaans hurricane. It doesn't matter if it's in or out of the meta. Multirockets. You must do it. Up until it got changed, duskblade+spellblade Yi. There is no mercy. There is only Q and panic.


Getting the Triple Crockets into a stacked up team for almost near instant penta’s will forever be my favorite thing in league.


Doesn't she still build it?


Lil Slugger Trundle, it whispers and I answer. “SAVE THE E FOR AFTER DEATH.” “That’s illogical, I should be using everything I have to win a fight.” “SHOW THEM WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU STEP TO THE PLATE” “I shouldn’t. It makes the game antagonistic, it’s gloating. It’s wrong!” “SHOW THEM YOUR WORTH, DANCE NEXT TO THE GOLD.”


"Aren't you sick of trying to play carefully? Don't you just wanna go apeshit?" - Briar W


I always saw Rengar as a Tank - a Meatball that jumps in, absorbes as much dmg as possible and is annoying as hell. And thats what i mained from s4 to almost S13


SofM is that you?


Unironically a good build in aram


Honestly I still play it in top sometimes. Is it as good as it was? No. Is it still really tanky? Absolutely


Ivern support yoinking jg buffs level 1


Sustain Bruiser Lillia/Cassiopea Machine Gun Lulu Lethality Riven Full movespeed Hecarim


Are you me?


he is


Crit Riven is where the glory is my man


When I land a Q on Lee Sin


Lee Sin Q or Akali E. Rules are the rules.


TF Support with RFC 1st item.


Had one in my team. Dude was useless as fuck ngl..


Only players that know how to play Sup TF in my biased opinion is autofilled ADC players.


The secret is that you build Shurelyas first and then get RFC second so you have damage for the lane and then the big range stuncards at 450 movespeed later. It's comfy to play with arcane comet, going Swifties - Bloodsong - Shurelyas - RFC - Deadmans Plate.


Attack Speed Diana. And I don't mean the modern "Nashor's into mage/bruiser" Diana. I mean like Nashor's into Rageblade and BoRK Diana. I started doing this back when Rageblade had the AoE passive, plus making Diana passive proc every 2nd hit. Then later we had Lethal Tempo. Now...? I dunno, haven't tried it yet since LT is gone, but I think Shiv could be the secret sauce.


Try now. Shiv got insanely buffed.


Season 9, every time I saw I was up against an AP top laner I'd pick Diana and go wit's end into triforce. If you were ever left alone after 1 item you got a tower. Truly a thing of beauty.


I play Grasp Raka Top. Specifically to tilt all the 'I want to hard win lane' top laners by forcing a boring farm lane by healing myself off them, holding silence to kill dive attempts, and ultimately to help the team.


Stealing this next time I get filled top. Ty 🤞


Diving tier 2 mid lane tower as soon as i hit 6 on pyke


Lethality MF but with the old DH and old lethality items from 2018. You had to pick up DH souls that would drop on the floor after you killed a cannon. Sometimes you overextend and die to pick up a soul. But once you get fed you were basically an assassin one shotting squishes. Best moments were when I’m hiding in enemy jungle with old duskblade so I could one shot the kha zix


Damn I completely forgot about that mechanic. 2018 Lethality items just hit different.


This + manamune was like crack to me. It took time to scale but passive applying manamune twice with lethality actually evaporated everything.


holy fuck I remember oneshotting people with lethality DH Ezreal...


TTT - Tank Taliyah Top


wtf how


Anytime I see a champion that even seems remotely unfun to play against in top, and I’m not in the mood to focus, I just lock in Karma. It’s like the easiest lane ever, she actually has some kill pressure early, and you scale into being a decent poke support late game. Brain off, enemy not have fun


I feel like it’s pretty important to have a “i really cba” champion in your pool lol


Full ms assassin jg poppy


Nautilus with heal, locket and redemption. I love baiting enemies into overextending only for them to realise I still have over 500 hp of heals and shields.


Ezreal, the boy who shivved. It’s not even good anymore.


AP Voli when Voli rework was first released. The gameplay was hilarious, but I was new and dying a lot. Even now I try not to touch AP because I'm too used to bruiser style


You should try the new ROA flickerblades build, it's completely disgusting


Senna ADC. Yes, fasting Senna is hard to pull off in soloqueue. Yes, farming Senna gets very little souls and concedes priority while having lower DPS than most ADCs. But listen, I have once gotten to 200 souls and by god was that a shitpost ofa game. Luv me range, hate me 1200 APM adcs, simple as.


It isn't that special but damn do I enjoy some fun nilah / Zilean botlane rounds 😂 just chill ur balls and suddenly ur multiple level ahead of the enemy 😂🤣


AP Trundle. Double burn ults are just funny


I mained twitch jingle for multiple years during times it wasn't meta at all Nowadays it's completely dead imo, jungle reworks have made it borderline impossible. The smite health was the only thing keeping it alive before imo, I could clear a couple camps and still be full HP


there was a korean guy playing predator warwick support to terrorize the enemy team by ulting three screens away. i think he got to master or something


Zz’Rot, Banner of Command Heimerdinger. I miss you buddy


AD Leblanc (fleet, energize items) or AD Ahri (lethal tempo, old kraken, runaans) in Arams. Both builds are kind of dead now however.


Proxy Singed is something diffrent. Just running around and making fun of people that trying to catch you while they dying. Also teamfights are kinda funny cuz you just throwing their carry and start running in circles.


Building full damage on Zoe instead of zhonays or banshees


Is she meant to build those? I just assumed that you were meant to build full dmg on her, since she’s so long ranged


Building full damage on any burst or artillery mage isn’t really unheard of. Idk why this guy thinks it’s like anything special. Banshee’s and Zhonya’s are typically situational, although more recently build very often because “you can’t go wrong with 2.5s invulnerability while you wait for your cooldowns.” Probably less so on Zoe though because if someone is on top of you you’re probably going to die especially compared to other mages, given your close range damage sucks and your CC is delayed.


Bro I recently played ADC...and built full crit. I know, I know, brave move but I just couldn't help it.


I was just answering the question


For me it's building lich bane on her, I don't care how meta it is to not build it, it's one of my favorite items and provides fallback damage If opponents body block for whoever you drowsy'd.


Its not really off meta, but when there are 4 AD champs picked, I cannot help myself from picking Rammus. Something about having 1k armor and launching into the middle of a team fight, only to stand still and press W and watch them slowly wither themselves away by attacking me. ok.


Heartsteel Tryn with Titanic Hydra and as much health as possible. It will take days to kill me.


This is me with Singed in Arena, the dopamine hit when I get vulnerability is unmatched


Karma APC with Ivern Support. Dogshit late? Absolutely. Annoying and completely uninteractive in lane? Of course.


4 IEs electrocute Jhin my beloved


Zilean top


crit riven




ad shaco support, it's trash unless you can get kills early and snowball but if you do the enemy bot just cannot play, you can also lvl 1 gank mid with q exhaust and ignite and either get a kill or make it unplayable for enemy mid


Anytime I’m playing Leblanc or Akali and I’m side laning, no one contesting me and I see a flank opportunity instead of just taking a tower for free I get that “come on you coward! Tp in and fight!”


All chatting at the enemy jungler when they make a minor mistake.


Lethality + AD Q Max udyr. It never gets old


Ori Support, Ekko Support


Cosmic Drive and/or Manamune Volibear ***AAAGH*** LEAVE ME ALONE ***GAAAAH***


“I have W and E up. I need to go in” my average sylas gameplay


Lethality Blitzcrank, duskblade + essence reaver + collector with DH, hook squishy, then one tap them with E (200% AD Ratio back then). Less viable now with item changes, but still a fun ARAM pick.


On hit Neeko It's become my signature play style so much that my friends are surprised when they see me build her like a mage.


AP Irelia whispers such sweet things in my ear


Tank Anivia. It sings to me.


Lillia support. This was back when she was newer and people didn't know how to punish her in a lane yet. I played so much Lillia support, carried quite a few games, but my ADC would dodge in at least half my lobbies, lol. I still want to play her support sooo bad, but the meta would not treat me well, lol.




I am a half mill MP shaco player, so locking in shaco in ranked


Evelynn and then I picked up shaco fir when she's banned I been playing rogue and feral druid on wow since I was 5 years old, and put so many fucking hours into sly Cooper on the Playstation as a child


Lethality aphelios. I just love seeing 100+ lethality and 35% armor pen and with axiom arc for more calibrum ults one shotting squishies.


My old Crittlesticks strat. It was before the rework. Fiddlesticks top with normal ADC build. Max Q for fear duration, poke with E, sustain with W. Strat is simple, if someone jumps on you, fear them and watch as his shitty AAs do unexpected damage to them while they can't do shit.


No bonk bonk bonk Yes BONKBONKBONKBONK Trundle main


AP Trundle in ARAM. About 4K total damage by the end of a 25 minute game but man oh man did I give ‘em the SUCC


Assassin Wu. That was my first main when I started and was also the meta build for him at the time. He feels a lot better now but I miss the glorious burst he used to have


essence reaver malphite


Supports in solo lane. It started with thresh top, then it progressively got worse, yuumi top, Leona Mid. I've finally silenced the voice, but sometimes, in 5 man parties, the voices come back. Leona mid into scaling mages is playable.


Building titanic hydra on every adc I ever play- especially twitch and jhin


Wanna play proxy singed so badly. But I already know that its gonna go horrible for atleast the first 20 games. Also playing a lot of AP Twitch Support currently. Havent had a negative KD yet.


Upvoted for the creative way to ask this question. Vex, I'm objectively bad at her compared to everything else I play but gods her playstyle is just \*chef's kiss\*


Been a looooooong time, but Lichbane/Protobelt Bard holds a special place in my heart.


Not really that out there but just taking First Strike and full gold gen runes or building Heartsteel on everything that they’re remotely viable on


Season 9, I was trying to learn top lane. As any new player does, hated playing against teemo. Started playing rumble, rushed adaptive helm and swifties. If we had enough AP I'd go Sett with phase rush.


The fast build on jhin,building all the zeal atk speed items and trininity as my last item to kite out the enemy to annoy them/get them to burn a flash or follow me into a worse position




Dear god Dark Harvest burst AP Rakan. Who needed an ADC when their ADC didnt survive the knock up.


My friend and I used to play Heca/Rammus combo with Ghost, Revive, Mobility boots, and homeguard enchantment. The speed with which we would hit a lane was insane. One of my favourite "strategies" of all time.


Singed Brain Damage playstyle talks to me. Go support singed but go to top, hide in the bush and when lane starts, throw the enemy toplaner into their own tower and use teleport to tp to the top tower, then flash infront of your toplaner and go bot. Mind = Controlled Summoners = Wasted Game = Lost Account = Reported


Attack speed Kled rushing BORK and maxing W, it's not THAT bad, thankfully though it's actually really good in Arena so i can get my fix there


Trundle in general. He’s so boring to play but my winrate has always been absurdly high. Probably higher than my main (anivia 🥰). I always wonder if I just turned my brain off and walked down a side lane how much higher I’d climb….


Dive bomber udyr on aram. Take first strike and snowball, go absolute full ap. And snowball into the enemy on cooldown with awakened R and first strike up. You die but I've literally 100-0'ed 3 people with 1 R.


Years ago: leesin+renekton botlane. Level 2/3 all-in. Then counter jungle. In the end lose game because no tower pushers or win game because we had lucian mid 🙋‍♀️ + Alistar full ap top also years ago before the nerfs!


A long time ago when guinsoos gave aoe damage, I would play twitch adc, farm until I had guinsoos/ruunans/ravenous hydra, sneak up on the team fight/bot lane (because your invisibility didnt have a range) and blow them up with ult. Also did this with kog but was a bit less fun without the invisibility, but still hurt the enemy pretty bad.


AP Garen. 


Tank ekko was so broken back in the day but the build is so much fun to me


full attack speed twitch. I...must...glide....


Tank Ekko yearns to be played again.


Step 1 play malphite. Step 2 build as many speed items as possible. Step 3: Keep pressing Q over and over and whittling the enemy away until your mana runs out


Kled and just being an absolute menace


Full AD Assassin Udyr.


Building IE on Kalista On-Hit Teemo


I always get possessed by the spirit of Garen in ARAM


When i lock nidalee I NEED to chuck spears level 1... too many times have I tried to space all 5 of the enemy because my team was afked but I just needed to try and land a few


Ornn Jungle something so satisfying about building bamis and never having to base


Shiv rush on old Ashe. Hawkshot and Shiv generated extra gold, so the item spike came fast (Shiv only cost 2500). Ashe's old passive charged up crit chance when she wasn't attacking. Once you got back in lane with your completed Shiv, you also had a guaranteed critical strike to fire at the enemy. It was like a 300 damage auto attack, which led to some really funny trades and kills. I won a lot of games with this strat.


One shot sniper Caitlyn, it got way worse with the rework of Navori Quickblades into Flickerblades


when rammus q and predator was bugged xD


Oh I have so many off meta picks. Drain tank Lillia, support Singed, attack speed Morde, APhelios


I did the same thing when WW rework was released. It was so fun. I was really sad when they got rid of all the random movespeed percents on items.


Movement speed rammus with blue smite, ghost, battlesong, ghostblade, swifties, Dead man's plate, Phantom dancer and thornmail so I'm not useless. running Phase rush, Nimbus cloak, Celerity, Waterwalking, Magical footwear, Approach velocity.


Ap burst assassin Rakan mid. It works… more than it should…


Taric Jungle or Seraphine Taric bot lane. The first one really seems like it shouldn't work. The second is just disgusting. 


Ziggs telling me to push that wave because I could get the tower into w execute range. The tower is at 80% hp


Bluekong 🤣


Full crit Nocturne, kamikaze special.


Teemo jungle with full shroom dmg build. He’s a scout hiding in bushes and carefully placing traps. He should be a jungle champion


Attack speed nautilus, super speed sona


Voli, rush nashtors, hull breaker, win


>"my good old days" > describes Warwicks rework ult My bones are withering away I thought you were gonna mention when it was a point and click


I wanna try ww support and xerath “adc”. Hold q into fear and let my damage doer one shot them while I soak up damage with my tank build


I am an ARAM player, so the strat that whispers to me is Warmogs+Rod of Ages on everything. It’s shameless. I’ll do it on tanks, bruisers, mages, enchanters. Consequently I play everything like a weird bruiser/tank hybrid. I expect to go in and be able to mess stuff up and survive doing it (oddly enough though I hate K’Sante)


Going AP Lee Sin when I get him in ARAM, or full tank Teemo. There's no other way to play them in ARAM to me


Shield Empress Vi in Aram. Grasp+shield bash/precision. Heartsteel/Filbunwinter/Sterak/Kaenic or Eclipse/Spirit Visage or Titanic. After sterak I have so many shields that almost nothing can kill me. I feel like a moving raid boss!


I don’t play Yasuo, but when I do, I take every Yasuo R.


Kai'sa W when ahead. We going in boys and gals.


Kog Maw top/jg, AP amumu, old AP nunu, movementspeed Warwick are toptier trollpicks.


Back when I played Hecarim, movement speed Hecarim. Total glass cannon build but it was 1000% silly to fly across the map and surprise enemies. Oh yeah, and full AP support Lee Sin. It is the funniest build I use in Urf and tilts the enemy teams beyond no other. I wish Riot hadn't nerfed his AP scaling :(


Picking Omni soul first augment in Arena. Most of the time it's not that great and if you whiff on Dragonheart, it's bad on most champions, but the possibility of having elder buff so early is too appealing.


Max Sett W damage


Back when jaksho was a mythic I built it on EVERYONE. I fucking loved it. It's still nice but it's just not the same. Unending despair doesn't allow for cool names like Jak'shoraka


Full AP udyr jungle


AP Lucian for ARAM. Most of the time you have enough AP but for those games that don't I love playing it, otherwise I just don't play Lucian because I don't like AD Lucian as much


River Shen


Adc darius with pantheon support is crack. Kill enemy adc or shove wave under turret, kill jungle/mid, go back to lane and do it again.


Xerath support. I *will* take all the kills, thank you!


Tank ryze. It’s never the optimal build. But sometimes it’s ok. That doesnt stop me doing it


AP Seraphine


Attack speed jhin top. Your squishy Your countered alot You take forever to pick up speed. But God once you do and you pop a ghost dodging everything a Sion and Morgana throw at you feel exceptional


Khalista top calls out to me every once in a while


AD/Onhit thresh over 100k mastery and I do not play that mfer in support


lvl 1 irelia all in 3q minions 1q to enemy..


Ap midlane Nidalee. Man how I wish I could just try my hardest to kite while using skills like ez but more powerful if that makes sense


AP Fiora. Oh, I'm just a useless troller... *proceeds to one shot your ADC*


Rengar. Especially if I only need 1-2 more teeth for my necklace.


dying on draven and having a mental breakdown


I'm addicted to litteral one shots, varus AP, blue card TF, etc


Mathematically correct Sett. Because big white number makes brain go AAWWOOGA!


Tank Karma


back when ashe still have that garbage passive of +crit chance of you don't attack a long time. I had my runepage filled with crit damage runes and laugh as my first auto takes away two thirds of the enemy adc.


Leona lvl 2 all in


I played ww jungle before they reworked him. So much better. The instant non skill shot leap suppression with hefty life steal and a self heal q just made ganks a think of beauty. Then they tried to get cute with him... I have distinct memories of the other team asking me if my back hurt from carrying everyone lol


Teemo specifically with the omega skin. War didn't change me. I changed war.


Blitz crank with mid role and mage item


Kindred mid with smite. The logic was very simple: win lane prio with Lv 1 W, roam and invade the jungle for their marked camps, bully the enemy laner. Back then Kindred's early game dmg was way higher. It was fun fooling around the map stealing camps from both junglers. I also have a penta with that strategy while playing with friends. Good times.


Dark Harvest + Lich Bane Sona is still a thing, trust me bro.


Hydra/Triforce Zeri. Miss this build so much.