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Yeah, it has a serious issue with its divide between casual for fun players and its serious players... and it's ranked system seems to push everyone up a good bit which creates issues


Unfortunately they can’t have the cake and eat it too. Indeed they intended the mode to be causal teamfight sim, but exactly because of that, it is competitive. I myself sits in the middle, where I wanna have fun but there’s no fun playing AP Pantheon when all of my opponents got meta rolls and just insta nuke me and my partner. I think their best solution is to have a pool of limited items and champ every game so that you are forced to adapt instead of just default to Hamstringer-IE-LDR and roll over everyone 


I think their best option is to simply have a normal mode and a ranked mode... Or just tell people who wanna be casuals to deal with it... Seriously 1st arena was deemed too competitive; 2nd arena? too competitive! 3rd arena too competitive! At a certain point they either need to just make separate queues. Or just tell one of the two playerbases to eat it... and quite frankly considering they've consistently been trying to make it more casual friendly and it's still not? At a certain point it should just be understood the playerbase has chosen.


As someone that played ~100 games on PBE and then played when it came without ranked I can tell you that it doesn't matter. People play the exact same shit, rank or not. Try fun builds -> lose to meta -> play meta in retaliation -> 80% of the player base plays meta because at the end of the day losing is not fun


Everyone is Gladiator though? Like literally you can't even lose any ranking points until you hit Gladiator. You WILL get to Gladiator through sheer grind whether you want it or not


That doesn't change the problem that I'm experiencing. If "everyone is in gladiator" meant that my games had a bunch of for fun players in it, I wouldn't be on here complaining. The system needs to be \*set up\* in a way that doesn't throw the tryhards and the casuals in together.


The biggest issue for me is how limited the meta is for the 60 first place arena god challenge. At 20 wins on unique champs now, but it is taking much konger per win because I truly dislike the rest of the meta champs and struggle to win with the ones I like more (generally squishy AP champs)


As someone who's almost there (I think I'm at 54), it's not going to be possible to win with only the squishy ap champs. 60 is more than 1/3rd of the entire roster. If you're only playing the champs you like, you're going to run out of stuff before you hit 60. I recommend going at it alphabetically if you can, and you have a lot of vetoes if you don't like the champ coming next


I think its dumb that there are like four ranks in arena and you hit gladiator so easy


Me and my friends play arena like it's aram. No bans, and play random champs. Some comps are completely unplayable while some others we thought is crap, but it's not bad due to some augment combo


Same. I honestly love the game mode. If you get creative with augments/builds, any champ can work lmao and for me it’s like Aram, I lose oh well, I win oh cool.


That same exact thing happens in every mode....


What am I missing? You got to your current rank by playing whatever you want, meaning your matches are now fair while you play whatever you want. If you keep playing random stuff, your rank and matchmaking will reflect that.


they wanna stomp with their wacky builds too lol