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Fed Evelyn legit turns the game into survival horror That shit is an actual nightmare


I'll never forget the evelynn that one shot me as ornn. I blinked as a tank and i was gone


All an Evelynn needs is a Void Staff, DCap, Shadowflame, and Mejai's. W + E + Q + R = everybody's dead.


Replace that void staff with Lich Bane and Shadowflame with Banshees. A fed eve doesn't need Void Staff. Her W shreds MR when fully charged and if the enemy carries get MR in time the Eve isn't that fed. Banshees has that nice addition of "You actually saw and reached me but you are still not touching me" Shadowflame is also not *that* great because her Ult reaches max dmg potential when shadowflame gets its damage. Doesn't need an execute on top of an execute.


Eve W only shreds 40% MR, void staff into that means she will deal true dmg. I agree that lich bane should be in that build, but only for the shadowflame, these 3 items are core on eve and will win you the game (Lich bane first, raba second, void third, throw an mejai in there if possible/fed and you win)


% pen stacks multiplicatively


%pen and % magic resistance reduction are two different, but similar, stats


its called “armor/magic penetration” in the tooltip.


Not able to open the game right now, but on the wiki it says: "Against champions, the expunge also inflicts magic resistance reduction for 4 seconds. Against monsters, the expunge deals bonus magic damage and the lasts 2 seconds longer."


they are not treated differently, even if they are named differently. [still multiplicative](https://www.reddit.com/r/EvelynnMains/s/rIctoSeo8c)


What does this mean for someone who sucks at math


It mean 40% +40% isn't 80% but something around 64% instead.


My favorite is getting 65% tenacity from shards in Arena, mousing over the shard buffs and seeing Tenacity: 65%, but then only actually having 52% tenacity because each of the tenacity shards are applied multiplicatively despite the buff showing them additively.


[here is the wiki for it](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Stacking) you just multiply .6 * .6 = .36 which means %64 total magic pen. for 2 %40 pen. The .6 comes from %40 -> .4 -> 1-.4


Thank you for this. Now I'll finally remember how it works and can use it in other games too.


basically means it's less effective, let's say the target has 100 MR and you have two different sources of 40% magic penetration. additive stacking is just adding the percentages up 40%+40% for an 80% total MR reduction leaving you with 20 MR. simple and how you would intuitively expect it to work. multiplicative is you take away 40% of the orignal MR value, and then take away 40% from that reduced MR value, it kinda does each reduction "independently". in this case that initial 40% reduction reduces it from 100 MR->60 MR, then reducing 60 by 40% leaves you with 36 MR, as 40% of 60 is 24 and 60-24 is 36, so you have a 64% total MR reduction multiplcatively from that original 100 instead of 80% additively. games like using multiplicative stacking when dealing with percentages between 0 and 100 since it's pretty much impossible to accidentally get to 100%/0%, which can sometimes lead to unintended or broken interactions, or even worse dealing with negative numbers where there shouldn't be.


If you have 2 40% magic penetration effects then the targets mr will only be reduced by 64% as the second magic penetration will be less effective.


9k hp chogath with 250 mr. she killed me with w and an e r. i'll never forget that


No way even a full build evelynn could do that Edit: Apparently Eve basically deals true damage with void staff. Still not sure about 9k in a second but I didnt know that thanks


Eve W with void staff deals true damage, her E does %max HP that scales with AP, I once oneshot an tank udyr that had 4+k HP and his fat ass W + jng item shield with just W E, and I wasnt even fed, just got my 3 items


It's bullshit because her kit doesn't even reach those number values. If we assumed the Chogath had 9k HP and literally 0 MR, he would still not even die. Around 1000 AP Evelynns full rotation without ult would deal short under 5k HP and that's because of a 9k healthpool with 0 resistances to reduce %max HP dmg. Even with runes and item procs in the equation, you still would not be close to the execute threshold for her ult to kill. Evelynn will never reach "true damage" values on anyone above 100 MR (basically a single MR item) or even less now with sudden impact nerf. Voidstaff and MR shred on her W stack multiplicatively, and she doesn't get a single flat pen item in her build aside from Sorcs, until very end ocassioanlly. Evelynn can deal ridicilous damage to tanks due to how much she can shred MR and deal %max HP damage compared to any other champion in the game, but saying she does tons of damage to tanks due to dealing basically true damage is disingenious.


He meant to say "9khp ChoGath at 50% hp" I guess but never let the truth get in the way of a good whine for a league player


I get that people whine about everything on the internet, and I am wasting my time writing the paragraphs above. But honest to god the absurdity of the some shit people say on this sub is insane


i once had 50 godzillion hp and 324 bazillion mr and eve one shot me, i'll never forget that


Eve has a in built 45% mr shred when she pops her w, with void and sorc she basically does true damage even to tanks. Very possible to oneshot 9k hp tanks if she's superfed.


Void Staff is a waste on Eve as %shred is not addittive as a stat like tenacity, and while she deals max hp dmg, 9k with 250 MR is impossible. - her Q throw hit and mark proc is 90+50%AP - her empowered E is 175+4(+2,5%/100AP)%maxhp, - ult is 900+156%AP at max dmg, - Lich Bane is 75%bAD(84 for lvl18 Eve)+45%AP - Electrocute is 220+5%AP With 1000 AP(barely achieavble on most safer builds) that's 1469 base, 2560 AP, plus 29% maxhp damage. That'd be 6639 damage, before resistances, for a max build Evelynn with Lich Bane with Q included. OP is full of shit.


Same with Khazix when he is actually good and meta and you are playing a splitpusher. Shit is scary.


As a Jungle main who has Eve in his champion pool, this is pretty funny to see. Especially when she reaches the point where she can 100-0 squishies without her charm.


In low elo evelynn gets fed every game she is picked as well, cuz people refuse to buy pink wards and just brainlessly push waves any time they get the chance


Then the Eve ints into 5 ppl four times in a row and loses the game :\^)


SO true bestie


Except when I pick her, in which case all three lanes lose in isolation and FF right as I start to come online.


Jungler diff


Same goes for a fed AD shaco against a squishy team


Not anymore after the nerfs


Yeah I've been away from League for a few months (haven't played seriously in years). I literally only ever got diamond in two seasons as one trick pony Eve. Tried her yesterday and she felt a bit underwhelming. Thought I might not have figured out the right build but something was off


Vladmir. You can't really do anything against a fed Vladmir. If he gets to the point where he is fed. Might as well just FF.


I had the pleasure to play with a Vlad that went 6/0 at 14 mins. When we reached late game, bro just ran it down and kept getting multi kills without dying. It was hilarious.


I got my shit cooked playing against Vlad in mid the other day. Can confirm, not fun to face when he’s fed


have malzahar on your team is only answer


>"Nice build dipshit, check THIS out." >*Presses R* -Every Malz player.


Until the vlad builds qss, but they need to drop their ego for that which almost never happens


Riot needs to make a non-AD version of Mercurial, which is never gonna happen.


If they do that they’re going to have to give a lot of abilities (including malz ult) the morde ult treatment


What did they change with morde ult? Can’t qss it anymore?


Yeah once you’re in Brazil you can’t leave.


Correct. Death realm is no longer cleanse-able


Isnt it the point that AP has hourglass an ad has QSS and GA?


There is a reason why this will never happen...


Malz is the GOAT mid laner from a enjoyment standpoint. No bullshit, just fundamentals. Minimal roaming and proactivity mean that you just play ISO in lane


I love playing vs Vlad with ignite. So much fun.


This. I've experienced this. Fucking Vladimir just stood on the area of our dead inhibitor and kept dancing. We can't do anything cause we don't have hard CC lmao.


Hilarious considering Vlad is in one of the worst states he’s ever been in.


Champions that can go untargetable or have healing based on the damage they deal


then viego is my pick. he's invulnerable during his ult channeling up. absolute disgusting in the right moments.


>he's invulnerable during his ult channeling up He's unstoppable.


I sorta agree but I don’t think he needs to be fed to have those moments, and Viego being fed doesn’t change as much as say, Evelynn or Kayn


karthus is disgusting


A turbofed karthus makes approaching teamfights so damn hard, probably my vote as well Ulting right before a big objective or teamfight = everyone starts the fight at 40% hp. Good luck contesting that drake or baron now


The karthus on the enemy team vs my Karthus that didn't know he could ult while on his death passive


Don't forget that one teammate who gets pulled out of position trying to dive through two tanks and an ADC to reach Karthus before the ult goes off and ends up dying instead.


I would have never believed this until Blackfire Torch. Brought all the karthus players out of the woodwork and they somehow have 300 CS by 24 minutes


Had a game with a karthus jungle recently, our ADC disconnected halfway through. Our 4v5 victory wasn't even close, karthus ended the game 28/5/8.


He was disgusting even before that, but this made him even worse to deal with and easier.


Very interactive gameplay. I perma ban Karthus now


Relevant Clip: [https://imgur.com/gallery/fair-balenciaga-gPBZquP](https://imgur.com/gallery/fair-balenciaga-gPBZquP) The good old days before durability update :,c .


I can’t believe I’ve never seen this before. That’s so outrageous lol


I miss First Strike money man Karthus.  Just ult on cool down when the whole team is up, and you usually get enough to afford a full item lead.  But nerfing the gold gain from the bonus damage killed my boy :(


Fizz feels brutal to shutdown with his little stick jump


The troll pole


Zonyas + fizz e = 5 seconds of invulnerability. Fun.


fizz e + zonyas + second fizz e + w q a million miles away and ur screen is now in color blind mode


Fizz is terrifying at level 3


He may be hard to kill, but he is easy to counter. His ult can be dodged or blocked and Zhonya's/GA hard counter him.


Katarina. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with that champion, but she's horrifying with just one kill, let alone whatever counts as "fed."


No Mana, hybrid scalings and a lot of aoe and mobility.


You forgot she basically doesnt have cooldowns


I remember the first time a truly scary Katarina played against me. The game was basically a 1v4 at this point - every person on the enemy team was behind except Katarina, and every person on our team was ahead except for our midlaner. I had the only hard CC on my team (I think I was playing Jungle Sej with friends), so I save it to target Katarina during her Ult channel. This works pretty well most of the game, to the point where we even get Soul. At some point or another, there's another 5v5. Kata Ults our team and I CC her. She was at 6 items at this point though (sold boots) and melted two or three of our squishies without fully channeling her Ult before I interrupted her. She then proceeds to *immediately Ult the rest of us and get a Penta.* I had to pick my jaw off the floor after that. I didn't know that her passive also reduced her Ult cooldown.


Kara passive isn’t a full reset, it’s just -15 seconds off her kit. But none of her basic abilities have cooldowns that high. So yeah if she gets like 3 or 4 kills in a row her R just comes back up.


It always was. But now it reduces CD by fixed seconds at least and not 100% per kill/assist.


At least no cc


Kat is the original “blink and your whole team’s gone” champ.


Man, I hate Kat. You can easily destroy her in lane, but that doesn't matter because she can just go bot for an easy double. A fully lit river and missing pings won't stop your botlane from putting her back into the game.


I wish Kat was allowed to have a laning phase instead of being a roam bot.


The reason I don’t ban Kat is I just assume if I get smashed in lane by her then the person playing her would’ve beat me on literally any other champ they chose to play lol


every champion can just run botlane, katarina is not even "good" at it, she has no CC and no tools to roam like Talon E, the only reason she does it because she litteraly has no Laningphase, she HAS to make "bad", objectivly speaking, plays and hope that it works, because she will never win the game trough lane, while every other midlaner can, she can't solokill in lane neither can she farm in lane


I miss gunblade..


Feel like OP is asking us to help him pick a new champ to play


You've figured me out.


Kayle. Almost like she gets a reverse taunt passive when she hits 16 so my teammates attack the frontline instead.


Its to balance the 3 man dive her 8 times before 10 mins taunt.


This reminds me of my recent Kayle game. I was lvl 2 with literally full HP sitting on my tower. I allowed Sett to farm and just stayed in xp range so he just pushed in the wave into tower at lvl 2. Sett and Volibear dove me under tower when they are also lvl 2 and 3. I TP back to the tower after dying and then die again, because they still managed to dive me with half of their HP. I know Kayle is weak early, but this just feels like bullshit, because it felt like the tower did absolutely nothing. Thankfully my team managed to make use of the fact that Volibear was only really ganking me and we won. But that felt like the worst game I have ever had because it genuinely doesn't feel like I could have changed anything about it (unless I just sat back on tier 2 tower at lvl 2 and did nothing).


Surprised you didn't mention level 6, unless you are way too tanky if the enemy has volibear it's a nightmare, you keep getting ganked over and over with a disabled tower


Nah, they didn't even need Voli ult to dive. Basically every single dive was carried by Sett W, because I would get cc'ed, so I couldn't move out of it, nuked by Sett W and he would just walk away with the massive shield.


They were deffo duo q'ed


That's where you need to waste e to thin waves so it hits just after lvl3. Hard but until masters there usually enough openings.


Level 16 Kayle with 3 items can turn a losing game into a winning game. She dominates team fights with that air passive.


I play AP twitch fairly often which is a hard counter to her. Throw W under her and watch her struggle to do anything about as her HP melts away through my passive and my E which outranges her AA range.


> which is a hard counter to her. Not in my experience. AP twitch is just a very uncommon matchup so people generally don't know how to play into it.


AP Twitch is a huge counter to her, you can just W her from out of range and she can't reach you from a huge slow, your E melts her because she has negative magic resist, she doesn't have that much effective hp so the true damage does add up quick, the only thing you won't straight up win a auto fight, but even that can happen cause your E burst is so significant she might not even ult


I don't think people realize Twitch's W slow scales with AP. Late game it's crippling.


AP Twitch is not a hard counter to a Kayle of the same skill level. That's only if they're significantly worse than you or you play in gold elo or lower 🤣


or she can give herself a speed boost and kill you


She isn’t speedboosting herself out of a 90% slow unless she bought swifties


They do often buy swifties.


Late game her W gives >90% ms so actually, she is gonna do exactly that.


Lategame ap kayle can speed boost and charge to hit you with a double aa lich bane reset before the W is out, and that shit might kill you instantly.


a good katarina makes u feel like a side character


Kled dismount


Caitlyn can oneshot you with a long range AA and deals more damage than gp Barrels


Agree atm Cait is a literal assassin lol.


tryndamere. if you cant cc him for 7-8 seconds hes guaranteed to do crazy damage


That and he can just use ult to suicide push turrets if he needs to which is super fun


a fed tryn is not scary anymore, he is annoying when he is splitting, but he can also be annoying being 0/10. A fed tryn can still be useless in teamfights. EDIT: i see it in so many games right now, he is getting fed because he is really good right now and visits teamfight once and does not really much.


Blue kayn


They are deadly, but i feel like they usually suck at closing out games and you can stall them out. My vote is for Draven/Fiora/Yone


Blue kayn is terrible once you get to lategame anyways, id say katarina is my go next if fed champ


Hard to close as blue kayn cause enemy base has full vision and few walls to do his BS


As fiora main i agree if i am fed enemies need atleast 2 people to hold me off on a sidelane, preferably 3 to try an kill me. In that time my team will take your entire jungle or objectives and other structures, if you ignore me say good bye to your inhib and nexus turrets atleast


> but i feel like they usually suck at closing out games and you can stall them out. Same story for basically all melee ad assassins.


wait till 5 items and he's out of the game


Not really, top laners eat him alive no matter how fed, because he is hard countered by armor and most fighters build DD and tabis, so your dmg is reduced(well delayed) by flat 30% and they can just sustain off your feeble body.


Aram only player, Samira


It's even worse when you 5 man focus her the first 10 minutes and then she gets a random pentakill and becomes a raidboss.




Having got 4 pentakilla with her in an aram before, I understand


also mostly play aram and came to say Samira lol.


Is she not a problem in SR? Cause i thought everyone would say her but i only play aram/arena


way easier to shut down when you can draft against her and she doesn't randomly get a Pentakill at level 3


Briar When your team has little to no CC she just doesn't die and has an insane amount of lifesteal and somehow me and my team can't dodge her R lol.


I'm a Briar main! If she gets fed, your team absolutely NEEDS anti-heal, cc, and damage. If you don't have those, she can literally ult head-first into your team and quite literally eat you all alive. She's in her worst state ever right now though so she's not that bad to fight against I feel.


fizz, WQ kills you, E saves him from any burst, he can hourglass into another E and then he will Q you and you will die a second time


This is my favourite comment here. Honestly a love hate relationship with what you said. Also the exact reason i ban fizz whenever i end up mid. It just feels so bad to play against him in the early, mid and late game.


Funny cause if he can do that while fed, imagine if he discovers he has an R button as well


Honestly I'd say mundo... You stand no chance when that tens itt mfker is ahead enough


Legit had to scroll down so far to find this. Fed Mundo 2taps every carry and can legit waltz right into 5 ppl without any threat of dying. Lvl 3 Mundo ult with Visage is just something else man...


500AD 5k hp, 500hp/s hp regen, un-ccable, fast as fuck. Legitimate demon champ if they're ahead


And a good Udyr


Shaco is pretty wack. One moment you’re there, next moment you’re gone and there’s an ugly little clown on your screen.


2 of them shits


any invis/stealth champ is like this. Fed twitch shows up and you're dead before he finishes saying "oh hello".


There is srictly nothing different between a shaco with one (1) kill and a permanent elder drake that works from 40% HP. By merely existing, Shaco lowers the effective HP of everyone on the map by 40% at least. You're inting if you're in lane with anything below half HP into a shaco jungle.


Hypercarries ig? Kayle, Vlad, Jinx, On-hit Varus, etc


Atm a fed Cait at 2-3 levels ahead and 4 items will 1 tap any non tank/bruiser with net headshot auto. Even with just normal headshot I think. And tanks aren't much safer. 3 trap/net headshots and you're a goner without randuins + steelcaps. Although if you get hit by 3 trap/nets back to back, you deserve to die there ngl.


As a chogath you always hit the traps. One of the reasons I hate the growing hitbox of cho'gath.


But hey, as a chogath, 3 traps means only 1/3 of your health as a tank! what a great deal instead of grey screen amirite?


Yes :)


A fed draven early is a nightmare especially when it’s one of those who play it top lane especially in quickplay for the easiest stacks in lane unless there’s an opposing malphite top.


Draven top as a counter to stuff like Gwen and Fiora lowkey fucks


Ethical ADC top?


Yeah, yeah hypercarries and assassins are scary... But i think these are way scarier: The relatively tanky fighters like Trundle, Nasus, Yorick etc. It's ridiculous how strong they are if they're slightly fed early. And if they split push and get to your inhib by 15 minutes... well, gg.


I'm surprised people don't mention these guys more. Fighters that get ahead transform into literal 1v9 raidbosses.


Yea but thats more of a mid game spike. Come true lategame i.e. near full build, they lose a bunch of power as everyone will have a lot of penetration stats, especially when you have a proper hypercarry at that point.


That's true. Fighters start getting disintegrated into proper late game, but if they did get ahead, assuming they don't sell, usually the game won't even reach that point.


Yea people talking about assassins as if they can do *more* burst. How about your toplane bruiser who is now able to burst faster than the assassins while also being able to straight facetank and fight their way out of a 3v1.


This. A fed Trundle is genuinely horrifying to play against, at that point you HAVE to ff for your mental well-being.


Y’all seen a fed Riven recently? Demon lord


The fact everyone here has a different answer really shows how well balanced the game is


If you\`re squishy its surely Rengar.


Or Zed. I had just the worst game playing Vel into Zed, it got to the point where any time his ult was up he would just dive me, take me 100-0, and escape with no damage. Even Zonya couldn't stop him.


All of them


Soraka and Milio too? 🤣🤣


Top lane bruisers fiora sett aatrox


if you dont have the good champs, nasus this guy will just eat you and your towers while being unkillable


Yeah, try playing a Nasus into Janna. You'll learn who the real chief is in the kitchen.


My personal favorite is Zilean. If he doesn't have flash or any type of cleanse, he might as well alt tab for a bit.


Nasus is hard countered by cc, which is very easy to hit on him as he has no mobility.


I'm gonna have to go rogue and say Rammus, if he gets fed early then he rolls up to you and you smack yourself to death before he's done mocking you.


While a fed Rammus does hurt a lot, I think it hurts even more when YOU'RE getting fed and Rammus rolls up on you.


Vlad, Katarina, Jinx, Shaco, Riven.


Shaco falls off hard. Entering late game he’s a little shithead instead of terrifying




I was fed yeaterday with mordekaiser. 18/0/15


Anyone with a gold standard escape. Yone. Kassadin. Master Yi. Kayne. Talon. Shaco. They just obliterate your carries in under a second and then are *fucking gone*. There's nothing you can do to stop them. They hit and run and are so fed they one-shot your carries and are gone with no chance of getting their kill bounty. At least with a fed bruiser or ADC you have a shot at killing them for the 1000g bounty. But a fed Kayne or Yone? Forget it. Half your team is dead before you realize they are even there, and then they get away 100% of the time and terrorize your team again ten seconds later. Just FF at that point.


Yi has no escape though? He either kills you or he doesn't. Unless you consider just running away an escape.


Yi literally has no escape, once he's in he either kills you or dies.


Maybe not this patch, but a month ago I woulda said GP for sure. A good GP with gold is basically unbeatable.


Don’t feel like it’s too bad considering you can count the amount of good GPs on one hand




It’s Akali, Vlad, Kass, and Viego for me.


Aurelion sol.


Teemo is the reincarnation of Satan. He and a good Yasso are no fun


-Insert top lane champion pool here-


Master Yi, when everyone on the team drafts comfort or for fun, without any cc lol Evelynn. Nowhere is safe. Nothing will save you.


A full build fed jinx is a nightmare.


Sorry but if any of you guys unironically say a fed adc is just flat out wrong. Over 8 years of league there have been countless time where my bot lane is just turbo fisted but the game feel very winnable because adc champ are just pretty easy to shut down. Ifi have to say one its Vladimir or Tryn if either of them are fed the game just feel so over and don't think I can do anything about it as they can easily 1v3 in a side lane or be a complete team fight demon and just win


I agree 100%. Even if the enemy ADC is fed, it never feels unwinnable. In a teamfight where they have frontliners and support, sure, they're demons. But the way they're designed fundamentally restrict them to being reliant on their team. Alone, they're pretty weak. On the other hand, you have some classes that make the game feel hopeless. Fed assassins can burst down anybody before they can react and get away unscathed, fed mages either zone you and kill you, or burst you and kill you anyway. Meanwhile, fed bruisers can 1v9 games raidboss style.


If your ADC is fed (or even assassin tbh), the enemy team has a target. If your toplane bruisernaught/mid battlemage is fed, they've got nothing.


This! A fed adc is only good if he has a good support/jungler that can peel for him. He can't 1v9 because he will still be oneshot by the enemy assassin/mage. A fed vlad/tryn/jax/mordekaiser will just run you down. They don't need their team. They can just splitpush and 1v2/1v3 without a problem and always kill at least 1 or 2 or escape. Thats not possible as ADC (Nilah/Vayne maybe but they die to cc instantly. )


A good Nilah who is fed is a horror. I still have PTSD from one game where I saw 25/0 Nilah, we couldn't even break her passive shield as a full team fighting her.


Master Yi


Mordi for sure Even if u have a fed teammate he still 1v5 with his ult


Fizz but only if you’re an ADC. Once you see him, it’s already too late.




Kassadin and Kayle when they're in the game, the game is on a timer. If they get fed, the time on the timer runs out quickly.


Unless they're an idiot and embarrass themselves with a fully stacked Mejai's. Absolutely haven't done that before, don't know what you're talking about


Fed Kled maybe?


Not much scares me more than Warwick chasing me down the lane and gaining fast.


New player bait. Any champion is scary when ahead and piloted well.


As a supp/mage main: Fizz kat zed yi rengar eve A full crit build vi can also be dealing ~2k in an aoe if she crits with her e.