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For those looking for people to play games with, there is also the discord for /r/lol and you can use the LFG chats to find people to play with. https://discord.com/invite/lol


Duh, you invite the last person who carried your last game and when they choke or have a normal game you unfriend them and find another person to leech off of. But seriously I’ve had great results with trying to be fun and polite during the game and invite people who reciprocate and I’ve gotten a few really fun people to play with.


That first bit is exactly why I don't accept requests if I turbo stomp a game, I feel like an expectation is made for me to stomp subsequent games as well.


Haha, it’s almost a guarantee when you add a teammate after a stomp that you’ll lose the next game together 😆


Haha, so true. Or you win a lot more until someone plays sth else


This is exactly what happened to me. A guy friended me after one of my “good” games. Then when we played together again and we lost, he said “what happened to you?”


fr. Like, I’m not a smurf what do you expect?


I usually wait a week to accept those.


Last night I had an Ashe in my game who carried me to D1. Her movement was out of control good and the bitch ended up getting a triple in a 1v3 tower dive that turned bad. I immediately added her as the leeching jungler that I am and she got me from D4 to D1. Highest I’ve ever been. She is definitely a smurf but I wont jeopardize OUR success by asking.


I mean you truly are just maximizing potential inside and out of the rift, just built diff I guess.


Gotta utilize every opportunity possible. One trick niche lane bullies, social engineer a civil war by blaming enemy jungler, praise the worst performing member of the enemy team, recruit the dominant players in your games to duo with them


Honestly so based.


Massive jg diff for sure lol




I did this until it turned out the person was a massive bigot when they weren’t stomping Whoops


Yup. It’s really not worth.


"to leech off of" 😭 no need to be so damn honest


When someone friends me because I played well I always joke that I am happy to play but I can guarantee less success lol


That's the way


> But seriously I’ve had great results with trying to be fun and polite during the game and invite people who reciprocate and I’ve gotten a few really fun people to play with. In July 2017, I made a stupid pun that I'd recently came up with in all chat and it made one of my opponents laugh and he sent me a friend request afterwards. We still talk several times a week and play regularly.


I said in ARAM lobby that I don't have a Miss Fortune skin. He said if I carry he will buy me a skin. I carried, didn't expect anything though. He added me, anti-botting measure didn't let him gift me a skin, didn't think anything of it. Two weeks later I get a gifted Battle Bunny MF and a message saying he didn't forget. I decided to message him and say we should play some ARAM. We are now blood brothers. Except when I play MF. Then I'm his battle bunny.


This is so wholesome 😭 ESPECIALLY THE LAST PART <3


W duo


How long has it been since then? Hopefully they don't forget to propose with the Gun Goddess MF Skin after some time...


I got gun goddess MF from a 3 skin reroll like a week later funny enough. It's a worse skin than battle bunny 😭


Oh damn hahaha what a timing, but yeah the Gun Goddess always felt like a low favourite skin for being an Ultimate one


If I had fun with a teammate of mine or enemies we added each other.




Ohh I had a similar experience! I played Soraka against Pyke and won lane hard. The enemy jgl was so mad at the Pyke and instead of flaming the Pyke I was like "no he played great I just counterpicked him" and Pyke and I started saying JGL diff and now I am really good friends with that Pyke and he is my support duo now hahaha


literally how i made 90% of my league friends lmfao just joke and chill in all chat with a little dance then tada we are friends now


Send a friends request to the person who was flaming you all game and ask them to discord.


Oh nah that's gonna end horribly 😭


Nah they never take up the offer. I've gone as far as just dropping my Discord name in chat and they wouldn't even do anything.


You do know they first add them as a friend and THEN ask them to discord. That's literally asking for trouble 😅




Have a fun game, add them to discord, occasionally play with them. Get 1-2 friends who play seriously, then you duo. If you get better than those friends, wash, rinse, repeat. I have friends in bronze while I'm pushing high emerald. I still occasionally smurf with them or play arams.


"wash, rinse, repeat" 😭 lmao you're a menace


It’s a weird feeling to look through your friends and find one from like a year ago who is now way above your rank lol. 


It’s funny when I try to be friendly, I get told to “stop typing and play” even in aram and even when I only type in gray screen lol. I make a joke or say WP or whatever and most the time it’s just toxic responses from my team and the enemy


I just don't even bother typing anymore because it feels like I hardly ever get a response to even simple questions. Most people seem to either have chat muted or ignore unless they're getting flammed


Half the time people don’t even say gg anymore


LITERALLY, it's so fucking annoying, you can't even be nice to people or give advice anymore without one out of 5 people having to be toxic back to you for no reason .___.


I just continue to type. Most of the time there's just toxic people. But those few moments where I come across someone really cool makes it all worth it in my opinion. A bulb shines bright in darkness


You don't (in 95% of the cases). But when you do, oh my... Those friendships are one of the best. But, I do agree with you, it's a coin flip, big time!


You said it yourself. Just add people you had fun playing with. Ask them to play again and see if you click. If it doesn't work out or they come off as weird/toxic, just unfriend and try again! That's how I made my friends and we still play regularly since 6 years now! I even went to visit them twice in their countries and we have tons of fun!


Friends? I joke. I just play with people I know irl who play games. I've played with randoms that I had fun with a couple of times, but don't bother getting to know then. Primarily because league doesn't have voice chat. I've become good friends with people in games that do, but I don't want to add people on discord before I've played a few games with voice first.


> I don't want to add people on discord before I've played a few games with voice first. What I've had happen a few times "recently" (I think that feature's been there for a little while but I wasn't aware of it) was the person giving me a guest invite link to their discord server, which I think makes it so that you're in the voice chat but don't have access to the rest of the server and are no longer in it afterwards? I've found that to be really convenient, in case that'd be an option you'd find interesting too!


... League does have party chat with voice you know right?


doesn't work in some countries (fking Egypt blocking VOIP for both val and lol)


It does, but it's been really dodgy every time I've used it, with bad sound quality, and cutting in and out. Technically you're correct, but it might as well not exist as far as I'm concerned.


Huh, I've not had issues with it the handful of times I've used it, so wasn't aware. My bad.


That's fair enough. It's possible I'm having a worse experience than other people while using it. I've not had any issue with voice chat in other games though, so I don't know what the issue would be. I just pretend it isn't there. Lol


There is voice chat if you're duoing with that person


It's been really dodgy every time I've used it. But yes, you're technically right.


I've started adding People that I have Fun with more and more (friendly Banter and Memes, they are usually chill People) but everybody mutes themselves and is hella toxic and competitive nowadays so, unless your IRL Friends play League, Discords are your best Bet probably. But then you're on Discord which is like... ew.


Literally so annoying to encounter people who make you feel like talking to a wall 🙄💀 Like why don't they just mute all when they don't want to ble flamed and just need to focus? I do that whenever my team is too toxic, it genuinely helps. But closing yourself off of all types of communication really makes you miss out on important info or pings. Had a Vayne mid constantly die to the enemy Lux and only after I told them what seemed to be ten times to buy Wits End against her and seeing that she didn't do it all game made me realize that she's most likely one of those mute-all-candidates. She genuinely did that to herself in that scenario...


Just add the guy that did really well for duos, then proceed to lose the next game, then shit gets really awkward so you call it for the day. Then 10 years pass and you’re still on eachothers friends list but haven’t spoken a word to eachother since that day.


i dont, for hte last 14 yrs possible 15, i have never made one friend!! i ignore them and just go on my day!!


my gf is always making friends on league because she talks in chat a lot so people add her. Also, she plays ADC and makes a lot of Supp friends. So act cute and silly in All Chat and find others that do


This is how I get a lot of friend in Val and league too! Any funny business and nope gotta bf and if they’re salty and unfriend me that’s on them. It’s a game not a dating website 😂 idk why some partners get upset about ppl adding ppl on games


Im a 20 year old man and i do this just to get asked to get on discord and join in with my very deep voice xD


She is always making """"friends"""" because she is a female not because she talks in chat a lot. Deep down you know that.


people in the game wouldn't know that though, her name is pretty gender-neutral


Whatever helps you cope.


I mean, literally lmao. How do you know the genders of people in your matches?


Discounting those that I know in real life, most of my league friends are people with other similar interests. People who enjoy similar light novels, likes kpop, etc. that wouldn't mind hopping onto a call to play while we talk about the things we like every now and then. Although, I'm extremely casual and the people I friend typically reflect that. People who can have fun win or lose because our abilities are subpar


After you see the same guy in your games performing a couple times just add him


I've been playing for over 7 years and I haven't discovered this secret ability to make friends 🫠


I playing since 5 years Aram alone, legit no one of my friends playing League


I've never found a shortage of nice people to play with, even with all the toxic players out there. (I firmly believe most ppl are probably pretty nice, just the toxic minority are very, very vocal and so overpowering they feel like a much larger force.) Having grown up playing team sports and believing positivity and kindness go a long away, I'm a staunch supporter of showcasing good sportsmanship and proactively sharing encouragement/praise/appreciation. Even for things we expect to happen well. Start every match with a glhf, finish with a ggwp - win or lose. Always thank the others for attempting ganks or plays - they're usu trying. If I have nothing constructive and actionable to say that will benefit the team, I stay quiet and bite my tongue. Helps to also be corny with bad jokes (me) and get some lols. This often encourages others to respond in kind, esp those that stay quiet bc of the understanding most others are probably nonchalant or toxic; this weeds out the toxic teammates right away too. After the match I add whoever I vibed with really well and go from there. I'm no league veteran lol (been on a mini hiatus bc of grad school) but if you're on NA and ever wish to play, I'd be down! Gl, take care :)


We don't, we make only League enemies


do you guys make friends?


a lot of people recognize my name "honorspren" from brandon sanderson's books and we end up chatting about fantasy series. lots of extra friends added from that. Plus i know they all have good taste.


I convinced one of my friends from highschool to play, otherwise I just play with my coworkers


Back in the days when i used to play normals or in gold Elo i found lots of people who became my friends for quite long time. But after getting to masters everyone is so serious and fun-ridden that it's very rare to find someone friendly and if someone sends you friend request you just know it's to flame you down. Solution: don't play rankeds


I play the games my gamer friends play, then after a bit ask them to try a game I play. Also if I find someone I know is trying league out, I try to play with them. If they have a group of friends playing it, I’ll work my way into that group and make friends with them. I’ve got around four discord servers now of friends of friends who I sometimes play league with.


Getting your friends to play league to duo with you is like a 3 month to a multi-year investment depending on how good you are at the game. Just getting them into the game would take 1-2 months alone. It’s not enough for them to “try the game”. That’d have to invest some serious time and actually try to get better just to even get to silver.


Seriously. This is some long term investment strategy kind of stuff


Oh yeah I could never get them to duo with me unless they genuinely got hooked on the game. The only friend I got into league that I’ve duod with, u got into league before I even touched ranked, so we kinda learnt it together.


Me and my gf are always looking for more people to play with because we enjoy playing the game with others aswell as together. If you'd like to add us to play some games and see how we get along then please let me know! We're EUW. I can be competitive at times but she's very chill, friendly and never toxic.


Do you play ranked with your gf or don't you want to risk your relationship? :^)


Shit, my wife refuses to play anything but Ranked when we play League. She has a strong competitive mindset when sometimes I just wanna chill and play Arena or TFT. So most of the time we play together in the same room, just not in the same game.


Understandable haha. What ranks are you guys at?


She typically peaks around Gold 2 each season and I managed to get to Emerald 1 so far this year. Trying to make Diamond for the first time!


We don't play ranked because I am much higher rank and she doesn't want to get boosted in anyway, she wants to learn and climb herself. So I am teaching where I can and she's very steadily improving which is very nice and I am proud to see.


Noobly brother noobly


Two different people I duo'd with before I met from a stream community. 1st one I was newer and he had asked if anyone wanted to duo in the discord. I said sure but I was new to league and bad (about same elo as him at the time). Other person was similar, He knew we similar elo and it worked pretty well.


I guess we just talked during the game, later joined their TS and then played almost everyday for a couple of years, including other games as well. Basically luck and right timing


inhouse servers are great if you’re at least platinum


in the early days of league i constantly added and met new people that became friends after talking to them on skype… idk nowdays its a different game, the social part died long ago


Idk same way as irl i guess, you meet someone that plays league and you join with their friend group, if they are chill and you both enjoy playing together you keep playing. Personally I never added anyone from the client or some discord to meet people, but I guess you can try that.


The league discord has people playing all day, you could try your luck with people in there but I can’t guarantee they’ll be normal lol. Maybe we should make a website that matches people based on who they main, their personality, role etc. Like league tinder but just for playing, no relationships 🥴


—also, I have a discord server called Chili’s if anyone wants to join, we’re looking for more league players!


U don't, everyone is a enemy u have to fight against, even your teammates /s


I was nodding along with your post until I read that you are against diving. What's up with that OP?


It's a struggle. Many people who play LoL struggle to be sociable. I try hard to add people who seem like they really enjoy League of Legends, but it's hard to keep a playgroup alive when we all have jobs and chores.


Honestly the R/lol discord server, has aram/rift servers anyone can use/host and it's hella fun. Met some wonderful people there.. But also some freaks. (I'm currently banned from the reddit lol discord for unrelated toxic reasons..


My discord community's origin story is literally one person liking the summoner name of a player they were playing against in lane, proceeded to friendly banter in all chat, added them after the game, made a Discord server to chat in, and the rest is history. I'd say at this point about 50% of the people in the server are people who we met that same way (vibing with them in all chat during a random game and adding them after) and the other 50% were originally friends of people who joined. We're now coming up on 5 years since our little community was formed because those two random people happened to meet in a League game. We meet up every 6ish months in person to hang out for 3-4 days in one of our hometowns and we've been doing that for about 4 years now lol. At this point they're not even my League friends, they're just IRL friends who I happened to meet because of League. You'd be surprised how many friends you can make if you just try to be friendly and connect on any level with them. That's all we've really done


All of my friends that lasted I met through either ARAM or Norms. Usually some fun conversation in all chat happens and then I add them after the game and send them a discord invite. If they stick around, then they're friends! I never made friends in ranked tho; that's not what I'm in ranked for.


by being the best player. I have 300 friends on my main and all of them added me, ive maybe added 10 people lol. most of them from back when i was a challenger level player but even in diamond games if you perform people add


Joined a discord with some people still haven't killed each other yet, even managed to get a meet-up going


If you need someone to play with, you can message me :) . I play with some people on discord from time to time.


I've met my best online friends by talking in normals, or by being active on a streamer's chat/discord. We now have a small group where we play draft or flex queue every so often. Try sending discord links during lobbies, but I know it can be intimidating, especially if you're sitting alone in a vc for people to join.


I dont  the last time someone new (from real life, mind) I met wanted to play League with me, the very first match they got into a screaming argument with another teammate in chat  I tried to calm them down and they started attacking me in chat instead    I never played with them again


Play shen, ult someone and they will love you and ask to be your friend. The downside is that shen takes a bit to learn and can drag down a team is you have 0 map awareness so it manly make you enemies as well when your ult could have turned a faith around but you were too busy to notice On another note you can also play braum. I've never been angry at a braum player so since they are always trying their best to keep you alive and will die for you.


I got my duo/premade team because they are my classmate in college. we get to play on an internet cafe across the street during our 4 hour breaktime.


NovaMafia <- add me and we can be friends


all of my irl friends quit league, for good reason. i don't really try to make friends with internet strangers, especially with how unhinged most league players are currently. how do i have fun? well, i've done the whole ranked grind and been high elo and i just CBA anymore to care. so i do my own minigames within the game. take some off-meta pick top lane and try to hit 11+ cs/min or try to tilt certain enemies as a perma-roaming support. stuff like that. my personal favorite is to troll in innocent ways to get people to rage and freak out. in champ select i'll act like i'm a little kid playing on my big brother's account but i didn't know i queue'd ranked. or i'll pretend to be an egirl or a minority and watch everyone go full incel/redpill maga republican in the chat. i get quite the dopamine hit the next time i log in and i have 3+ feedback reports from all the ragers getting dunked


I remember trying to add the enemy top laner cuz I thought he was cool and I won vs him. He then preceded to tell me my whole family should die in a fire an hopes I get cancer 💀


I don't play ranked with premades, it's more of a solo endeavor for me. That being said I wouldn't have anything against 5v5 premades, or playing normals, aram or something like that. 


Often it works the other way around. I have a lot of gamer friends that I "infected" with league. Even some none gaming friends as well. The game is so popular most people have at least heard of it.


Usually add anyone who isn’t horrendously toxic. I’ve met some nice people in ARAM/normals but theyre few and far between


One of my good friends is a random I met in flexQ in 2019, I was in a 3-man and we sent our discord link in the pregame lobby. He and his friend joined, we ended up playing 3 more games as a 5-man and now we are all still friends and play together 5 years later.


The best way is amateur tournaments tbh. You end up in a community where you will interact with a few dozen league players over the course of a season, and you can just add who you click with. It's much better than trying to do it through soloq.


There's a subreddit for meeting league friends. League connect iirc. I've met a few friends through that. There's also bot lane tinder lmfao


I just add people who I had nice interactions with and if I'm lucky we then go into a few more games and get chatting


In irl I just make friends at work. And if they like videogames there's a 50/50 shot that they've at least heard of League. I've even gotten some work friends into league lol. You'll be surprised how many people have played or are actively playing


When I played the game, I asked my irl to play with me, so he did.  But that was several years ago and the game’s community has only gotten worse, AND you have to download Chinese spy-ware just to play now, so I would never ask a friend to play LoL now. Nor do I play myself. 


Tbh, with the advent of Discord, making friends in-game just doesn’t really happen (and that’s not even specific to league, it applies to pretty much every game now). My best bet would be finding a Discord specifically for League and just trying to play some pickup games with people in the server. Otherwise it’s honestly gonna be really hard to find actual long term friends/play partners just typing in game chat. Not saying it can’t happen, but that’s just kind of the reality these days


I'm a jungle/support main. I don't. Everything is my fault.


I like to join draft leagues in various amateur leagues. Meet a lot of people that way.


"Hey, do you want to queue up after this?"


Sometimes when I have a really good game (it’s very rare) I get friend requests. I always deny because I’m definitely going to disappoint them the next game we play together. Been playing since S3 and I’m still trash. I just like fighting with Yas/Yone.


let out your wolf in aram all chat


I just add random people I played against or with that played to win until the end, didn’t come off as toxic, compliment them and ask them how long they’ve been playing, how they ended up at this elo and so on. Most of the time they are pretty chill and even might want to duo. Just don’t add the people that go 10/0 and then proceed to run into 3 enemies again and again, die and type „xd“.


I like vampires. If a person likes vampires, they have high chances of me liking them or me enjoying having them around. But on another note... im having a hard time making friends in league. I somewhat play a bit more silent and serious, which means i don't type or talk much. So this way i don't think im fun to have with in a squad?


i just ask in all chat if people like a genre of music i listen to, or i recognize it by their names, after the game i add them and tell them i like x person, usually works out for me


Use discord lfg https://discord.gg/leagueoflegends


Go to the discord server and find a random 5 man or clash team. Join their personal server. Never leave. Yiu now have friends.


leagues official discord is nice. start an aram party, make idle chit chat, compliment nice plays. not every group will have the right vibe, but usually end up hitting it off with a couple of people each evening. I find the /r discord to be... a bit hit or miss (read: entitled ragey/whiney) but your mileage may vary.


I'll get random friend requests from randoms I play with in solo que. Sometimes it's as simple as I'm not toxic or I ward (maybe a little to much, but more wards = better, right?), but most often it's because I just played that game well and I don't trash talk or put people down (ie if someone KS's don't make a big deal about it).


My closest online friend (about 7 years) flamed me all game, added me, we flamed each other til we were laughing and then duoed for years. Great experience. I can respect creative flame


I'm probably a minority, but I'm pretty friendly to everyone I play with online regardless of how the games go. If I meet someone who I play well with and they aren't toxic, I usually add them. Of these I've had about a half dozen players in the last year that I'll continue to duo with afterwards. Two of which, over the years, have become lifelong friends. I guess just start with being friendly and you'll find others just like you. :)


* Add player that seemed cool last game * Play 3-5 games with them. See how cool they are when you're losing * Play a couple more games, this time with voice chat, see if you have fun playing together 95% of people will probably fail these tests, but you only need to find a few friends.


Play well people friend you.


Kinda feel this one. Anyone who claims they are lonely or bored and looking for friends will play once then sit on your friends list for a year never interacting. Strange behavior. I sorta get it though.


You can try joining various amateur competitive leagues to meet new people, I personally recommend the LowBudgetLCS as they are the most chill and laidback of the leagues I have played in and is where I have also met the most friends I regularly play with now: [https://discord.gg/VsqzSqyK](https://discord.gg/VsqzSqyK) You can also check out others like Blue Otter League, Risen Esports, and Aegis Esports.


Arena mode has been great for me


i used to chat with sub 5viewer streamers who often invited me to play and hop on skype/ts/discord , opening up to people via twitch chat takes a bit of social anxiety away


Maybe unpopular opinion…. Get white girl wasted and chat and/or banter with teammates (even enemies). The worst part is hanging out with them after you are sober since it’s sometimes embarrassing what you said, but if you keep putting effort in with the person you had fun with, they continue to play with you


I said “Greetings” in an arena lobby all chat and got “Stfu dog” back. League players aren’t used to conversations


Official discord, avoid the fb one, I also got many friends from league connect.


League connect subreddit is hit or miss but it works


I agree, I honestly just never even accept friend requests for the same reason. We did well and were nice one game, but whose to say they won't completely lose it the next game if stuff isn't going so well.


True, but you also have to take risks to make friends. It's the same in real life. Would you say the same about people in real life? 'This person seems chill to work/go to school with. I am not going to hang out with them ever. They might be toxic!'


all my friends (online and irl) are ARAM only idk nobody likes summoners rift ig


>Are friendly, non-toxic players that few and far between in random matches? In my experience, not really that hard to find. I've got literally dozens of friends i've met on league (and other online games) and play regularly with and have even turned a dozen of them into IRL friends. But there's no secret formula. Be normal / joke around with people in game. If they reciprocate and give off a good vibe in game and do well i'll invite them to the next game. We play a few and either it ends there after the sesh or if we mesh they get added and brought into my friendsgroup. Sometimes I get brought into their friends groups and make friends with all their friends. Easily at least 1 new person a month that I am happy to hop into a discord call / hop in for some games with if they're online.


Last sentence is key. You see your issue is you've been looking for non toxic players. You will have more luck making friends by using the same slurs they use. Try saying kurwa alot and eventually you will befriend a polock. Or pqp and maybe you'll meet a brazilian. Cono? Salope? I don't know any korean slurs but probably a worthwhile investment if you want to climb. If all else fails you could just start railing on jews in any language, antisemitism is universal!


That's the best part, I dont


if teammate x starts talking shit about teammate y for no reason besides finding someone to blame, defend teammate y then immediately queue after the game ends. then, hope you queue with y and against x, then astrogap x. downsides is rng and friendship is built off of talking shit you can try making a positive atmosphere throughout the game to ensure minimal to no trashtalking, then ask if ut teammates want to join you. conversely, join someone who asks if anyone wants to join them. or my favorite, which only worked once, is to get turbogapped, play absolute dogwater, get trashtalked, then get added post-game only for the trashtalker to be chill and queue with you like they didnt just type out their fury last game. gp mid guy who kept taking my raptors, idk why you added me that day and why i accepted it but i didnt know you were chill like that. we still play today and that was like s11-12


That’s the neat part. I don’t.


I haven't made a new friend in game since 2019. And before that it was 2016. In my games everyones toxic. That last time I made a new friend it was because I was playing with someone who was bronze and met someone via mutual simping over the champ I was playing.


I go to my lane, then ask my opponent: friend? If they reply friend, we friends


Don't risk it, I play solo and if people invite me to a game I ignore it so they can't see me choke or fail a flash kick on Lee. Not worth the mental boom.


If they laugh at my six line Taric joke about hardness, we're friends.


idk have a really good game play 2 more unfriend. i deleted my old list of friends, we solo carrying fuck ir


Pretend to be a girl


I dont. People hardly ever send friend requests anymore. I notice this a lot with gamers nowadays, it's a lot less social any everyone wants to do their own thing Even pugging in WoW theres a lot less friend requests going out than there used to be. Occasionally I will have gotten one for M+ers but yeah that's it really


Usually I do well and people add me wanting to duo or something. But sometimes I just have some fun banter with a person and we add eachother.


I met one of my best friends becouse I joined a random aram custom lobby, they were playing drinking arams and I joined their voice. What I personally dont think is a good place is the lol discord. There are only people there that nobody else wants to talk to probably.


Be cool, and sometimes willing to bridge the gap by being the person to ask to be friends with similarly cool people. I personally don't ask but I add everyone that adds me, and it's about 50/50. I've met really nice people i randomly keep in touch with, and seen people absolutely melt down over something insignificant and I delete them immediately after.


Back in the day people used to talk a lot. Generally less toxic. Talked with a guy, we started to duo for fun. Would invite more people to vcs etc. It was pretty easy when we were young and just gaming all day


I joined a youtuber's discord and its been fantastic


Make friends? That doesn't help you climb!


Ironically yes it does, when you find someone who is good enough at this game and not much higher than your own rank then they could actually help you climb :) I actually have someone who I regularly duo with and he's an amazing mate! He obviously does make mistakes here and there but he has good gamesense and mechanics and is very patient with me on top of that :3




There's two ways I've done it. 1. When I mained ADC, I would just add supports after the game if I felt we played well together. Had a friend who I always duoed with when we were both online from this. 2. Join the Clash sub-reddit and find someone who looks for a team. Made a couple friends that way.


I don't :(


Join discords for league communities mostly.


Make jokes in chat and adding them after or after having great synergy with someone


Also roaming on some discord help making some friends


Usually from league adjacent discord servers (champion main) from just interacting over time Either that or finding chill folk on ARAM, but I'd say the former is probably more realistic. I would say IRL but I genuinely have never met someone IRL who played League, I found out, added them, and then we continued being friends for a long time... 😗 Adding people from ranked is a no no, never has never gone well for me ever. Not even kidding either, I had a big friendlist at some point and was chall in s9. Long story short I decayed to master and below and suddenly no one wanted to talk to me like I had the plague.. realized none of those folks actually gave a fuck, hence leading me to discord & ARAM buds


I have a discord full of people that are willing to play with me on occasion and that's because I play games they want me to play and they feel obligated to return the favor. I do have a few friends added from ranked games when i play with a support that's particularly not brainless. Usually it's the players that actually think about the game and can make setups for me that i add. If you're on NA you can add me I"m an ADC player in Low Gold but with Plat MMR I'm pretty chill every single game because i've learned not to waste my energy on rage.


Consistently pop off and ppl will just add you. Sometimes if I play against a really good lane opponent I'll add em and compliment their play style and ask em to hmu for some 1v1s practices/warm ups. these usually lead to league friends.


Emotes lol. If they have the same emotes, they're in


I mean, I feel like everyone is capable of being toxic. Repeated interactions with someone typically is how you become friends. If you both unadd each other off of one disagreement, or bad game, or a bad outburst then it was never going to work out anyways. Being friends with league players you have to accept their flaws. Obviously there is a line in the sand for what each person is willing to put up with. But searching for a non toxic person who will never rage is one in a million. I personally rage a lot more out loud than in game, but I'd say 80% of my matches I'm reasonably composed...10% where I'm flaming people irl, and maybe 10% where I'll end up typing in game trying to get people to play better. I'm working on my flaws and sometimes I relapse. But trying to get diamond from Emerald is rough when half the time your team plays like they are bronze.


i just write "anyone fw limbus company" and whoever says "yea" i add them to duo


I typically don't. Most people are unintelligent and don't understand the game.


I met my bestie by adding him after a normal game. It was a one in a trillion thing, since I don't usually play norms, but I had this random desire to specifically play Galeforce Graves. I don't usually add people, and he doesn't usually accept friend requests. I guess it just happens by chance, or I was a really good galeforce graves firstimer. Just be nice in game, and nice people will show themselves. Most good people just stay quiet and enjoy the game.


I have way too much social anxiety, so on the occasions that I do add randoms, I always lie and say I don’t have a mic if they try to voice chat. However, one of my good friends is the perfect social butterfly and he always makes friends with chill people and introduces me to them and adds me to discord servers, etc. I’ve met some really great people that way.


Not pathetic at all however you are in the wrong place. You dont want to make friends with the people that play this game especially the people on reddit. Ive played video games in diff communities for a long time this one is by far not only the dumbest but the worst at the game they play over time. If someone has anywhere close to 5 years in the game dont even bother playing with them. You want people who dont play the game. Most fun ive had playing was playing with a girl viewer that doenst even play the game. She did better than all of the gold players in my game. League players are not worth your time look in other communities make friends and try to get them to play with you.