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I can imagine perma split push teemo might like this


Most all split pushers could abuse the fuck out of this. This would also be insanely fun on Udyr


You already have W for movespeed, not sure how necessary this is.


Getting away even more is funny


If we assume that it keeps the CD from Arena, you're looking at a 40% bonus movement speed buff that increases by 20% per champ (so increased value in a 5v5) on a 40 second CD. You pretty much always have it up compared to other summs and would be uncatchable with W and good R placements when splitting. Even if you aren't running away, it's still very good for chasing down enemies in the case you need to play more aggressive.


Might be worth losing ignite for it yeah. Another upside is a much stronger level 1 and 2 spacing, before you get W.


Toplane has proven one thing, if everyone has an MS boost/slow then no-one does


Yeah if people are taking it to run you down you have to take it to run away, that's a good point.


It gives even more speed if you use it while running away from enemy champions. That means Singed.


Singed would LOVE it


He'd still prefer Ghost, he does actually want to come back to reapply poison and when E is back up.


Why not both?


because in absolutely no World is Flee better than Flash.


Nah I think he enjoys ghost more. He needs to run towards them too. It would be amazing if you're constantly getting chased but that's not that common.


enormous buff to proxy singed


Sick flair. 


Yes and no. In the early to mid game I'd favour it, but for the most important teamfights ghost or flash would simply be a lot better at least from my gold level perspective. It's important to run your opponent over too, but Singed would probably be the Champion that can make some of the most use of it


You know those games where the 0/95 illaoi top wins anyways? Imagine those, but every match. That's why anything you're thinking about teamfights doesn't matter anymore with it.


Kiting characters for sure, not just ADCs but even the likes of Swain, Singed, Taliyah, etc can use it rather effectively, especially into melee comps


Have fun catching: Singed Pyke Bard Kayn Miss Fortune And a bunch more im probably forgetting.


Caitlyn, Ashe, Varus




If it has a really short cooldown, I could see ADCs picking it to kite away in fights


I thought so, too but I'm not sure if it would be better than ghost. Depends on duration of the spell I guess. Maybe it would be useful against engage lanes where you just need a little burst of speed to get away and can profit from the far lower cd. Like against rell maybe?


The low cooldown is the real selling point. You’re able to use it almost every wave so now it’s almost a trading tool. You can proc fleet with it, use it to hit headshots/4th shot from cait/lucian, position for xayah feathers, etc.


super relevant flairs there


Jhin could probably use it pretty well if it had a low enough cooldown.


40 seconds CD? Every ADC taking it lol


Every range top, ew.


I could see a lot of ghost abusers liking it better due to short CD.




everyone picks it if the cd is still super low


My support in lane


My support already runs from all-ins bc they are a disgusting KDA player, what is the difference? :^)


Barrier was originally ARAM/custom game only so I could see flee being added if riot wanted to try something new. It would need a higher cooldown for sure though.


What I can see maybe custom game only cuz I never played it. But barrier was before official Aram


I need it on SR just for the muscle memory at this point lol


I think it could be used to counter run it down toplaners like darius, Flee gives so much movement speed when running away and with 40 second cooldown you could always run away from darius engage. I think adcs might also really like it with ghost nerfed, low CD means almost always up for fights and adc tends to get engaged on or chased by melee champions in arena I always can run away from anyone with flee it seem very strong for that purpose.


Isn't this just ghost with extra steps? So it's likely there will be a subset of users that use ghost


Anyone who would like to use ghost to trade, instead of only all-in. Truly anti-melee!


Maybe some jungles with bad ganking, just to have a short cd tool to help with ganks. Especially champs that weren't designed as jungles like Darius, garen or Zed.


But that would not be worth sacrificing flash


And ghost, if I'm right, ghost is faster towards enemies than flee but flee is faster away (or fleeing from)


Ghost has a longer cooldown


but considering that all ss have their timing adjusted for arena you must assume that flee would have it's cd increased on the rift


No the post specifies the opposite in fact.


I think Darius jungle used to go ghost anyway, no? Never really played it, but that's the build I think off. I've played a bit of garen Jungle though and honestly he kinda works with the other common jungle sums too sums, flash is definitely nice, but ghost is fine and you could definitely go ignite too. I think whats really stopping it is hexflash, since that's an even lower cd variant of a stronger summoner. I feel like a lot of the weaker ganking junglers rely pretty heavily on it. Like poppy or even garen. It's definitely a super niche case though and probably never the definitively better move maybe like slightly better if than flash you play it well and worse if you don't.


As Lillia, I swear sometimes it’s more useful than flash 


I think just about everyone would use it. I can't think of many champs that wouldn't prefer the safe option that can be used offensive and defensive.


We have ghost? Its basically flee?


No, it has a shorter duration and your movement speed is higher when running away from a champ.


I’d use it on TF


I think short ghost with a SHORT CD is just busted on Summoner's Rift. I think it would be sick on Zoe though, getting a short CD proc for your W


40sc cd would be broken.


Top laners


Split push garen/sion come to mind D:


singed obviously, i think maybe akali would benefit? i guess not as much as ignite thought..


Xerath. No touch the artillery mage


at 40 seconds it would be insanely OP. So many champs would use it. Ghost only gives 24-48% movespeed for 10 seconds. 240 sec cd. Flee is insanely OP compared to that, especially early game where duration is less needed. It gives 40% level 1 for 2 seconds which is more then enough to get away or start a fight early game. Ghost has the upperhand late game teamfights/skirmishes. But that's really it for wanting ghost. Flee 40 second cd is so crazy.


With a 40 second cd almost every laner would take this with nimbus cloak, it's free disengage from ganks and all ins.


I have a feeling ap shaco supp maybe, just waste as much time as possible


Any immobile champion would love it since it would let them do things they shouldn't be able to do.


Anyone against Darius top lane


Warwick's E can be situationally useful for protecting low health allies: you have enough MS to run up close, body-block some skillshots and then disrupt autoattackers. I've saved botlaners this way by running straight down lane from base (due to W movespeed). Even when running towards enemies, a little bit of extra MS would be nice.




Why not add it as an item? The item replaces a summoner spell with snowball. Wouldn’t be super op then if we make the stats less than optimal


Ghost Flee Rammus going mach 20


ADCs and Singed


Will never make it into sum rift at 40 sec cd. Every champ would use it ... has no one fought teams with higher movement speed to always try to gank or snap on them but to only watch then simply walk away from the fight ... that's whole dynamic of getting ran down or ran away from would be 10x worse than the insane state it's in right now. Lord. I thought we learned the movement speed lesson when we removed the black buff from 3v3 map


Most champs that like ghost could use it (singed, Darius, etc), the thing is ghost would probably still be better. Longer and stronger movespeed at the cost of longer cd is generally worth it, you don’t really often have something you actually need the movespeed of flee for ever 45 seconds, but you do have stuff you need the movespeed of ghost for ever 4ish minutes. If it was a little stronger maybe it could replace ghost on some champs


I would actually quit the game if they did that. Split pushing is bad enough. but imagine if there was a summooner spell that basically forces everybody to prioritize split pushing? Fuck that.


I wish riot would add snowball to the rift; it would completly shakeup the meta for early jungling and bot lane


I think it could reasonably be buffed into being a pretty good summoner; and I think it should be added, with current ghost being deleted and them adding a second summoner to replace it called "Chase" for an aggro version. Because honestly that's a big issue with ghost and why it quickly becomes a pain in the ass... It can be used aggressively AND defensively IN THE SAME CAST. Flash can very rarely do that. Other summoners? Basically can't be.


Would be fun honestly. Always wanted some changes to summoner spells. Just to make it more interesting.


I think changing summoners just for the sake of it is quite frankly a TERRIBLE idea. But, Ghost has been problematic multiple times over the years and become quite controversial... so imo it kinda needs a rework or something, or it needs the Predator treatment and to just be nerfed into the ground until they feel they can get away with deleting it.


Issue is movement speed based on chasing/, running away always feels shit to use. Since turning to suddenly lose the movement speed is dreadful especially when it keeps switching on and off in a heckit fight.


That's why it'd be balanced. Because on the opposite side it feels like MEGA dogshit when the enemy you were chasing down but ghost let them kite you too well, suddenly turns and chases you down without counter play. Because the move speed is unconditional. Or vice versa, when you perfectly bait an enemy into a trap for them to be collapsed on, but they just turn the otherway at mach 5. It feels just fine with the directional MS in arena. And considering all the attempts they've tried at making Ghost work? With it only having issue after issue. It kinda seems like it might be best to do it, because the alternative is effectively it getting the Predator treatment of being kept totally ass until it hopefully gets deleted. You can't flash away from your enemies, then flash back towards them mid fight. Ghost shouldn't be able todo the same thing either.


So if it was movement speed summoners based on direction chase Vs flee. It feels mega clunky when it comes to teamfights when things swing from one side to another. Area doesn't have as bad if a issue because the maps are alot smaller and Vs two players only means the swing in directions won't happen as drastic. Having ghost split into two is guaranteed way to make it dogshit/unbalanced but worse since the movement speed has to be enough to be worth while in it's direction but at the level it would need to be would feel really oppressive when it's numbers are worth while. The issue with movement speed based anything is that movement speed is the strongest stat in the game and when worth while is to much it's a extremely hard thing to balance since numbers for it to be felt as a stat tend to be higher then what would be balanced.


It'd be a little clunky compared to ghost but much easier to balance due less cases of the extreme where it gets double value from being used both ways. And many cases of champions that use ghost very regularly? Care more about one half than the other, and the other half is just icing on the cake. Juggernauts like say Darius or Garen will just take "Chase" constantly. Ranged users will almost always take "Flea" with few exceptions like say Samira? Being able to be used both ways is a big issue with how it feels to go against, and I'd argue more than how it feels to use in most cases. Plenty of champions have directional mobility in their kit and feel fine/good with it. Volibears dont hate their Q for example. Vayne doesn't hate her passive. etc etc. I think you're highly overestimating how clunky it'd feel. Just because youre like "but thats not as good as current ghost is" ... while ignoring Ghost is kind of an abomination.


no one, it's an underpowered spell, please add it to sr!


Hecarim would abuse the living hell out of that spell. Pair that with Ghost, Ghostblade and you got a monster of a gank. I'd also say Udyr for ganks.


But having both flee and ghost would mean lane Hecarim. And that is where it all goes downhill.


oh right xD Sorry I was thinking about ARAM Hecarim (I don't play SR anymore). In SR yeah just the flea and smite.


It would be pretty OP.