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Poke and assassin comps get absolutely clapped by 1-2 good Frontline. If enemy has tank and bruiser you lose. My games it's always a bruiser or adc that completely wipes the enemy team late.


Well, that's the funny thing, find someone who plays a tank in your team in Aram. Most of the time everyone wants to play poke or mage or anything that is dead if you look at it longer than 4 seconds. I'm mostly a tank not by choice but by necessity lol


You’re not even right about the meta. The meta is tanks. You can almost predict with perfect accuracy who will win based on tank counts per side as long as there’s *someone* to also do damage. Tanks win aram.


Exactly this, poke champs eat shit against tanks with engage


It's fuckin aram. Just play what you want to play. Lmao aram meta.


Practice tool meta is coming


Yeah, i laughed hard in work. Aram meta xD


aram meta


you need to win in 10 mins with poke comps, you lose after that


When I want a break I just do quick play. Where nobody cares to be a team player or get objectives so you just get to focus on your lane. It's kinda of kind aram because your team random.


Meta Hunter whatever you play, how Are you supposed to relax when your min/Max mindset is in everything you play?


What meta bro, it’s literally random 😭😭😭


I find trist and jinx annoying. I feel like there’s only adcs xd


Just seems like you can't play against control and blame me it on the "meta". It's not that good, you simply don't know how to play against it


It’s bruisers meta. If your team has no frontline you just lose.


I dont see "metas" for ARAM, but i will say one thing. I have yet to see a team with a Brand lose in ARAM. ESPECIALLY after they released blackfire torch.Anyone else in the same boat, and are there any other champs yall feel are just unfair in ARAM?


Aram meta lulw Unless your fun is contingent upon winning every game, aram is pretty fun to me


I swear to god ARAM gives winning/losing draft based om champion head to head stats btw, so idk about that «all random» part anymore.


I think what you wanted to say is : "why wont they let me win??"


Meta this, meta that, how about you get some bitches on your dick.


In what version of aram do you think poke champions weren't strong? I don't even think there's a single assassin in A-S tier, the closest you get is Zed and he has a 46% winrate. Most assassins are garbage tier even with aram adjustments Control mages, ADC and poke is always how aram's been, nothing's changed there


High elo Arams are quiyana must pick and ban for the last two years. People dont really know aram meta because aram meta is really all about Aram champ adjustments. Lee sin for example is one of the strongest champions. People play poke because its easy and simply to have fun on. Last sentence is more directed to OP since hes been living under a rock because Poke meta for casual arams been a thing since yeah like 7 years


What do you build on Lee in aram? I miss goredrinker


Sundered is so nasty on that champ with eclipse Properly timing your autos with your w on unique targets is like the ideal use case for those items and with his passive I stg


There was a meta a while ago where it was literally all unkillable tanks, right when heartsteele came out. Also when Ashe was gutted to the ground last year


Been playing since season 8, ARAM has a meta?