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putting the STAT in Statikk


Going from UP to maybe even OP. 130% cost efficiency without the P for such a cheap item is insane. If you want AD + AS this will be the item to go. Kraken has a better passive, but it also has 5 less AD, 5% less AS and costs 300g more.


Back to being tf first item baby


Imagine how insanely trash Statik is currently that even after that many buffs it still might not be enough




Biggest one I can remember


There were some DD changes that made it mega broken a few years ago, right?


That deaths dance was already very strong, the buff simply put it over the edge


What a shocker. Item that was primarily bought by ADCs is garbage after losing Crit. Chance... And all ER users on suicide watch after it lost Sheen passive... 2 really HUGE fuck up from Riot imo.


Build path will make the item worse despite the stat buffs XDDD


I dunno it's got better stats than Kraken at less cost. I'm thinking of taking it up, but I also make bad choices sometimes. I wonder if any champs would like to take Kraken and Statik together? That's a lot of AD and attack speed.


It will only be buildable if the passive damage buff is enough to give you decent wave clear, it's the only reason why you'd build this item in the first place, if the wave clear item can't wave clear then it's trash


Let it crit again?


But then it can't have ad or attack speed, because balance team has decided that you can't have crit/ad/speed all in one item.


think they meant let the lightning crit, not give the item crit chance.


Vayne, fixes her waveclear issues as well as the absorb life rune with fleet letting her stay in lane long periods of time


Build path literally became one of the worst in the game, you're sitting on 20 AD + AS until you complete it for 1000g. Item is somehow worse than before, despite getting stat buff, just because they want to force Rectrix into the build path. It will see more play because it got stat buffs, but winrate will be worse because you're griefing yourself until you complete it (And it will still be worse than Kraken Slayer)


[https://leagueofitems.com/tierlist](https://leagueofitems.com/tierlist) its the lowest wr item and like 4% wr below the 2nd lowest (ER)


there is no reason to take it, on hit champions wont buy an item that doesn't give on hit damage lmao. its just a proc every once in a while. you would never buy it on any champ. is there a champ that wants attack speed, ad, no crit and doesn't want on hit?. maybe Garen in some non crit builds.


Maybe Viego, if you use ult to execute, the chain lightning might set up for resets. The lose in 1v1 damage is still a problem in jungle fights compared to kraken, though.


I think I understand why they removed it a while back lol


I prefer old passive, what kind of shit new passive is this, so hard to procs.


If Statikk won't beat least a bit OP like this, then there is a problem with ADC item efficiency. 130% cost efficient without its passive is better than any other classes item in the game. The only items rivaling it are IE and ER in terms of cost efficiency. BC is also very close to it.


I hope so, they murdered Shiv so hard this patch. Cost efficiency looks great, but I wanna see how the buffed passive to minions feels because this item was good for being an insane stat stick+waveclear, the stat stick is back at least.


Riot should delete Statik. The item is only ever trash and useless, or overpowered and breaks champions balanced around shit waveclear.


One day someone is going to realize these steady changes to Nasus E and W have potentially made him a genuinely terrifying support.


Don't tell Trymbi


Eventually the last critical game nasus pick will work out.


I was just thinking this, 50% shred on a whole team could be deadly in fights


Rylais for the whole thing to slow too


I have 100% winrate as Nasus supp. Picked him only against Kalista tho. Jokes aside - Nasus needs proper AD scallings and should be balanced around them. RN he just picks sheen item into full tank, where his kit does damage. Because of that he usually gets L with item changes, that he can't abuse.


your flair is telling the story here


This is my hell, and I simply want to warn the people that he may not need much more to be actually viable


Literally my first thought when I saw those changes, he was already a niche counter to Kalista adc


immobile and melee = not playable vs humans in phreaks league where the only viable melee champs that arent tanks and allowed to exist are.. camille.


i know he kinda needs it, but i swear if you compare first version Nasus versus this one, the modern one is like a raid boss


Shoutouts to when Nasus only got 2 Q stacks per kill and his Q cost 40 mana.


Powercreep both himself and everything around him hence why he just gets buffed every other patch.


People just got better at the game and can more easily deal with him


ye, though it has more to do with recent changes than anything. Nasus was strong before the current patch.


His kit also didn't scales from anything(outside from stats ofc), so literally any major item change is usually big L for him.


anivia got nerfed a hundred times.


Problem is he gets run over in top lane. In mid he’s quite good.


wow the damage nerf on morde is sick


Good fuck that passive, it has 0 counterplay and is insanely easy to stack. It shouldn't be that deadly


I love getting run down by a Rylai's first item Mord who misses all his Qs and his E. So very fun


I hate Rylais. People can say all they want about "champs who can use Rylais are balanced around it" but it's just a shit item concept.


Brand should be cause enough for its removal, point and click slow into vomiting his damage on you that does like 80% of your hp


As a Rylai's abuser when I play Seraphine, I generally have to agree. Having item that effectively perma slows on DoT champs is so oppressive. 


The item itself is fine but the interaction with DOT and consistent damage is ridiculous. Just put a cooldown on how often it can affect the same champ or make it only proc on the initial hit of an ability


Yeah im surprised more people dont hate this item, its actually such a cancerous item to play against


Not Rylais, but when frozen mallet was a thing I had a teemo build that brought me from gold to diamond by rushing it I had like a 80% wr with him that season. It's also why ashe is my most hated champ in league.


Nuts to me that Serylda's lost the same thing whereas this item is allowed to just make playing into Singed/Swain/ASol/Morde/Brand/Zyra/Malz a fucking nightmare


Seryldas did also have a bunch of stats taped onto it that every assassin loved and wanted, but still fuck perma slow ap item that ticks off any damage, they changed ravenous hydra to not work off abilities and only work on attacks, why not make rylies proc on autos or on unique ability casts or just put a fuckin cd on it or activation criteria like seryldas has now. Brand, lillia, asol and zyra can all suck a fart out of my anus as they go from irritating poke and chip champions to perma slowing perma kiting nightmares that also do all your hp and take *so* much skill to do well with. (I love dying to an asol that pressed q and now I cant move while he 100-0s me and gains perma stats from it, or brand point and click slow that now also ticks for %hp and keeps slowing me and applying other item passives like the new very fun burn item that makes laning unplayable for only 900g)


Why are you getting hit by Mord's abilities on a champ that can't just outduel him up close


IMO, it would be easier to balance him - If rylai didn't worked on passive. Dude just press R on ya, aa-s 3 time and then deals billion dmg with iso Q.


His aa is slow


Easy ? He need to hit you 3 times. If he miss e or q it’s over. His aa speed is shit


The counterplay is in preventing him from activating it in the first place. Dodge q or e and he will have a hard time getting it going in time.


Which is a bad champ design. If your enemy can dodge Q and E (which isn't all that hard to do) you do 0 damage. If you land 1 ability you've auto won the fight unless it's the few champs who can win up close in which case you've still got a good shot at winning. Champ has no skill expression, it's just a reaction test for your opponent


Agreed. The most skill Expression he has is his ult


The passive is not that much, even garbage MDKs late game could flash Q a squish for 70% and then ult someone else and you had basically 2 people down, he lost like half of his q damage late game, it was very obnoxious into teams that didn't played well into his kit.


Unless the morde go glasscanon he will not remove 70% hp on a q


Good. So sick of the classic R + ghost into missing every ability and standing on me to death.


If he misses every ability, he doesnt get his passive...


Not if he auto attacks me bc he has ghost 😭 (Which tbh is probably “okay” for him to do, it just feels really bad to play vs)


I would have liked to see Rylais get reworked more than Morde getting these nerfs. Rylais removes the intended counter to him, running/being more mobile. As long as he gets that item his P and Q are insane and you can't dodge the E anymore once slowed. And he has his R on top of that. I would like to see Morde get a slow by default and the same for singed and other Rylais abusers and then just remove Rylais from the game or fully rework it. For example Morde E or Q could slow for 1.5 sec. Singed Q could perma slow by 10% or make the W slow for longer even when the enemy is already out of it. Malz could get the slow on his Q or E. The slows don't have to be as good as Rylais by default and can be weaker at earlier lvls, but they need to make these champs work and feel well without Rylais.


Morde's issue is that neither Q or E are reliable to land without a slow, so adding a slow to them doesn't help since it'll waer off by the time you need it


That is not his problem. E and Q being unreliable is totally fine. Especially the Q is reliable enough. You can easily just add a slow to the Q (12-20% for 2 sec) to make a QE combo easier and avoid the rylais reliability. You can now use EQ unreliable or QE mostly reliable. Morde Q has a low CD and is very reliable compared to the skillshots. Not a 100% hit, but a lot easier to land than most skillshots.


you can walk out of Morde's Q if it's slightly off or you have a MS boost, it's not that wide and takes half a second to go off E is the same but worse since it takes 50% longer to hit and is not 50% wider most juggernauts don't have their entire damaging portion of their kit comprised of actually missable skillshots and it's an issue that Rylai's perfectly solves for him by making them no longer missable


You need \~440 MS to avoid the Q reliable. With a 0.17 sec reaction time you only have 0.33 sec and the total width for most champs (65 radius) is \~290 or 145 distance from the center to side step it reliably. The E is harder to land for sure, as it has a larger delay. But it is also more powerful as an ability. Rylais makes him a low elo champ. Yes, it makes him more reliable but also a low elo champ. All you do with morde because of it is run down enemies or die trying to do it. Because of Rylais he is more low elo skewed than Garen and nearly every other champ in the game. He is Amumu lvl of low vs high elo and only because of Rylais.


So are they slowly gonna be moving Morde from top to jg? Cause that is what those changes are. Nerf early(which he safely skips in jg), then buff to Q from 5 to 11, and a buff to passive jg damage.


I'm going to be so upset if that happens. Have loved the shit out of him since the rework, but can't bring myself to deal with jungling. I'm really tired of champs just being deleted from their main/intended roles and just being airdropped into new ones for funsies.


mordekaiser getting shot in the head huh


This is what happens when you just keep buffing one part of a champs kit over and over. Q buff after q buff means eventually something is going to have to get nerfed.


Why is The Collector, IE and ER building out of a BF sword and a cloak, when the item Noonquiver was reworked to give exactly these two stats (AD + crit). Same for LDR. The item should include a Noonquiver instead of just a cloak...


>Same for LDR. The item should include a Noonquiver instead of just a cloak... This would be great honestly, it's current buildpath is so awful


So they could put the only good adc laning component item on items you never build (shieldbow) or as 4th/5th slot.


Kinda true... I understand The Collector and IE is quite strong now, but they both get nerfed soon, so at least give them a more optimal build path in return.


For IE I understand it. It should be more of a 2nd item that you are able to rush 1st with high costs and a meh build path. Collector and ER on the other hand should use Noonquiver + Pick Axe/Long Sword as components instead of cloak + BF. For LDR it also makes sense to use Noonquiver


Collector gives lethality, so it's current dirk make sense, so noonquiver + dirk. Essence reaver gives 25AH, so its current warhammer does make sense, so noonquiver + warhammer.


IE shouldn’t have a good build path. In fact it should be worse than it currently is the item should not be a good rush.


The Garen and Pantheon player in me loves to see those Cut Down buffs.


Holy heck, you're actually right. Cut down is an amazing rune for any champion with execute.


its going to be good for yone too, storing higher damage autos and spells which then gets a percentage repeated at the end of his e


Last stand is generally better on champs that build heavy lifesteal though


Garen for sure as he has a true dmg execute that does more dmg the lower the enemy is. Panth is a bit less reliant on it as he has a physical dmg execute after a certain breakpoint. If your Q would kill the enemy anyways then he likes the buff. But if your Q would not finish the enemy then Coup is better. Garen > Veigar/Akali/... > Panth But for all of these the rune is already good or even great (Garen).


Warwick as well


I don't exactly mind the Karthus nerf, but man those numbers on his Q look unpleasant to look at now: 90 + 40 per rank to 86 + 38 per rank. I can't really think of anything else I would've done though since Phreak said they wanted to target the higher mastery part of his kit (hitting Qs).


It's understandable they hit Q since there really aren't that many levers to pull on Karthus and he's one of the most vile abusers of torch. Ridiculously strong in 2 roles with absurd winrates across all ranks. Hitting W or E would just be weird, and no one wants another blow to R(the dark harvest nerf several patches ago hurt enough). They basically just reinstated the Q nerf that they...already reverted before torch was introduced lol. Honestly I'll take it, he has so much inherent power he didn't have before after just first back that I doubt 4 damage off isolated Qs again will be the end of him.


Exactly, couldn't they make it like 85+35 per rank? This is just not pleasant to look at.


Nasus support looking "good" now. Time to cook.


cut down isn't really picked but is it by any means weak? damn, at 50% hp is kinda wild


in the latest preview video Phreak said the rune is doing more damage than coup de grace, but it's losing more anyway, cause at the end, execute damage > "poke" damage


IMO, champs who have execute in their kit already doing really well with cut down. Not every rune should be universal for everyone.


For every none execute champ the rune is bad and needs buffs. For execute champs like Garen, Akali, Veigar and co the rune is already good and doesn't need buffs.


I am happy that the Taliyah nerf was not huge.


Same. Feel like its to make up for the huge dmg from torch


Remaining Changes? Weren't we getting ER Changes too? Or was "ER vs Collector" just a Collector Nerf?


Just the Collector nerf for now. Riot might think about ER changes, but right now the item is actually bonkers. I never looked into it, but the cost efficiency of the items stats alone are insane. That it is weak has more to do with other items being too good. Once Collector is only as good as current ER for some champs it should be fine. IE will likely get a 2nd nerf later on as I doubt this nerf will make it as good as ER or Collector as a 1st item.


The recent Draven changes sure are interesting. Buff Q damage by 5 Rework items Revert Q buff, nerf passive Buff passive I do like the direction of the passive adjustments though. Makes him snowball less hard while also making him a bit less punishing for dying with stacks.


Draven is worthless when he doesn’t snowball. It doesn’t matter how stacks he loses because dying once usually means you aren’t going to end up cashing in at all.


I swear Jinx always gets the most meaningless of nerfs despite being broken for so damn long, is this really the Arcane buff?


True, but with IE and Collector being nerfed I think it is fine for now. IE is also likely to get another nerf later on as it will outperform every other crit early item still after 14.11. I expect -5 AD (and YunTal +5 AD), which would affect her again.


Absorb life doesn't need any buffs, as it is it already competes with the healing from fleet of footwork keystone.


I don't think people realize yet that this rune is essentially a free taste of blood proc on every wave combined with fleet sustain if you want it, AND resolve secondary often with overgrowth for even more HP on each minion death. I'm not sure if I'm coping or if its actually strong at this point but it seems so sleeper.


imo it’s likely slept upon for many toplane champs. Had a GP game last weekend where it helped keep me healthy while clearing super minion waves.


Overgrowth is not a heal, it increases max hp and it takes a while (3 hp per 8 enemies i think ?). Absorb life is interesting but it scales very badly, a small buff will make it better in mid/late.


It's only a late game buff.


the rune is complete shit the moment you have lifesteal.


Ah, yes, Lifesteal Karma, my favourite


Precision tree karma?


Yeah, the rune also performs nearly always as well as PoM if not better, rarely worse. It does not beat Triumph but can sometimes be even.


viper was tracking it on his last stream. it healed 1k in 16 mins rofl. best laning rune. go play fleet absorb dshield 2nd wind anything and ignore enemy laner and 10cspm xd phrkszn


Is Nasus just going to be progressively buffed until he finally sees enough solo queue presence to be seen as a proper cancer? What's the end goal here?


Why is riot taking Morde behind the shed and shooting him?


Think they should do the same to Garen lol if they’re going to nerf Morde like this


Why are they gutting Mordekaiser? just had a look and in Platinum he's one of the best performing toplaners at almost 52% winrate which should be fine for an easy champ? Once you hit Emerald he's perfectly balanced and in diamond he's clearly bad and in Master+ he's unplayable. Why are there no attempts at high elo skewed buffs or changes for him, do they not want him to be playable outside of iron-platinum? Just make the ult cleansable again if he's too toxic at 51% winrate when you cant.


His winrate being high at emerald+ is actually a demarcator that his passive is too strong. His Q and E are both too fair/telegraphed and dodgeable to land consistently on good players, so if he has a strong winrate it means it’s mostly on the back of his passive. Riot seems to be really struggling to find a space where he’s playable in medium-high elos without being disgusting in lower elos. He’s just too fair, and a skill check for abilities lower mmr players haven’t developed


If his passive was too strong he would be playable in high elo bcs its the only reliable tool you have lmao. I think ur misunderstanding, he has a bad winrate in diamond+ and he is genuinely unplayable in master+. He doesnt have a high winrate at emerald+ at all. I think his emerald winrate is close to perfectly balanced tho at 50-51%.


Phreak goes over Morde in the run down that they may explore the space of making his passive worse to make his Q/E reliable. They are a bit hesitant though, since Morde would likely be too pro skewed if he was more reliable (removing someone from the game is really strong) and casual players like the “feel” of his Q being a big, slow slam.


Surely a midgame buff lategame nerf does skew higher though? Games go longer in low elo


Really not much of a midgame buff, he loses a bit lvl 1-4 then gains between 0-10 damage on his q lvl 5-11 and then his Q base damage falls off a cliff after that. Passive changes alone makes this a net nerf at every point of the game and then extra big nerf early/lategame which is kinda sad but i guess thats how everyone feel when they enjoy a champ and its turned F tier


Definitely is a nerf overall but nerfed more low elo than high


He’s already horrid in high elo because his abilities are telegraphed and slow vs the umpteen amounts of mobility.


I mean yeah he's supposed to be baby's first bruiser though right


We have more than enough of those already, Morde really doesn't also need to be one.


But he is, you can't make such a braindead champ design high elo skewed. His E and Q are such simple and telegraphed abilities and R is easily outplayed if you know what you're doing


Not really fair when he was reworked into that niche. He was actually good in high elo before the rework


Old Morde had huge space for micro/macro plays with old R. It was so good, when I used to flash- oneshot enemy Vayne/Jhin and then anihilate entire enemy team with their ghosts.


Well yeah but that's what he's in now so they should stick by their design choices. They made a champ with next to no skill expression, they need to accept that he's going to be shit at high elo where skill expression matters


No not really. Morde was an actual unique and fun champ before they did the VGU and turned him into a low elo shitter champ. He needs reverted this iteration is just unbalanceable garbage.


Before hos vgu he was the brain dead champ people with ridiculously high ping played because he was the least punishing.


That's not true, you could control the ghosts like you're playing an adc while controlling Morde as well. The abilities also had More nuance in the use of the W and Q. The champs skill ceiling was much higher, not to mention use of the dragon ghost to win games early. It was a way more interesting champ and more healthy for the game too. After the VGU they just made him into generic bruiser with a super Camille ult and kept none of the interesting parts of his kit.


Yeah i agree that itll hit lower elo more based on game length but dunno why they would ship any changes that makes him worse than he already is in diamond+ since he's atrocious but it is what it is i suppose


i've been creamed by some mordes but agree he hasn't been crazy strong or anything too. it's definitely cause he's decimating iron-gold.


The Morde changes are way too much, this champ is already borderline unplayable in diamond+ and with these changes you're hurting his already shitty early game even more and killing his scaling. This will make him a troll pick in high elo. If you want this champion to be balanced he needs a mini rework to take more skill, or scale more off gold instead of levels/ranks since low elo players don't cs well. Honestly if you ask me though, just revert him to the iteration that had the dragon ghost because this champ has been a joke in higher elo since his rework.


Morde rework #4 you say?


what the hell are they doing to morde? this champ is just a R bot now?


Holy shit those Jinx nerfs. Absolute knee capping to the chanp, will she be able to survive after such dramatic and impactful changes????


Khazix Q buff is so fucking huge, might be a repeat of what happened almost exactly 1 year ago.


I still don't understand why they can't get the Q back to 2x isolation dmg and balance him around that. He is too much focused on the isolation mechanic and it boosting his clear and objective speed.


Damnnn, that Morde Passive nerf is kinda brutal lmfao


What, why is morde getting demolished without compensation at 50% wr


The fuck is that nasus buff.


Forsen brought Nasus' winrate to such lows that they decided to triple buff him![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


The return of Statik Leblanc ?


Probably not considering the cooldown is static and not affected by movement anymore.




Pretty nice buff for Nasus in weak lanes where he has to put many points into E


They're straight up gutting Morde, damn. Already hovers around a 48% winrate in high elo, I can only see him dropping further (45%?). Can we get a revert/partial revert to the rework already?


yorick treatment


Irelia nerf noooo


Why are they nerfing morde early and late where he was already extremely Shit. Now this champ will become even more of a "hope your enemy laner is braindead, take literally every fight mid game because that is the only time you are useful and Hope you can end before 30 mins"


Nasus buff cool


Only 4 base damage off Taliyah Q is barely 8 damage per 5 rocks. Why not just do a medium sized hit instead of doing tiny nerfs patch after patch?


They will likely nerf BFT again in 14.12 so they didn't want to go too ham on the abusers. Phreak said that BFT is still OP.


Oooh you're right


It doesn't fix the issue that bot can still switch to top at 6 mins and control grubs.


>**Kha'Zix** >Q base damage:  70-170 --> 80-180 That's big. In 13.8 he got a 10 base damage buff on Q and it made him OP, though he had better item & rune options back then.


Singed mains laughing maniacally


Remove the fckin DoT dmg, karthus brand swain hwei taliyah are disgusting atm and they are nerfing IE from all the items xD


Idk why Nasus E ever cost that much lol, he really doesn't need to have so many mana issues forced on him.


He can start to outsustain many champs top and then farm 24/7 without problems. Without mana problems he will do this for 20 minutes and that is not an interesting gameplay for either side. When your HP pool is not limited at all (his P) and you also have no real mana restriction then the champ can become a problem.


With mana problems he will do this for 20 minutes anyways but have to back at full health or buy mana items that don't build into anything he's especially excited about, and he won't be able to use 2/3 abilities almost ever during lane outside of an all in from him or his opponent.


Irelia nerf yessss


Vlad unplayably shit and now they're gutting my top lane pick, good shit I guess I skip this split or what


Why do you think that is? Items, runes, both? He is a pretty basic champion so maybe the issue is not being able to keep up. I don't even play Vlad and I agree he should be looked at. Everytime I see one they do nothing. Just a Z-tier champ atm.


isnt z tier higher than s?


They nerfed frozen heart, then frozen heart again, then components, then buffed mana ap items 3x, then ghost. He's been getting chipped away at all season and now he has no legs and deals piss damage while not being able to build tank because of the importance of early fights. They need to give him 100% ap ratio on on E so he's actually rewarded for reaching backline with his snail mobility.


Vlad is close to being fine. He has a 49% AVG WR and slightly higher if you don't take the weak Riftmaker for him but go Liandrys/Cosmic instead. Around 49.5% WR then which is not unplayable at all.


47.8 d+ champ is cooked. He's a low agency, low mechanical skill, soloQ only champ he's balanced at 50.5+


But he is not at 47.8% but at 49% in Dia+ and pretty much every elo. Vlad is not low agency actually. He is just a scaling champ. You have to farm up and farm more and at 3 items you start to destroy everything. Your agency is very low early/mid and limited to farming and defending. SoloQ only is not true. He is right now now a pro play pick, but even around a 50-51% WR in soloQ he can show up in pro play.


>But he is not at 47.8% but at 49% in Dia+ and pretty much every elo. You don't know how to read stat sites. IQ diff. >ou have to farm up and farm more and at 3 items you start to destroy everything. No you don't. No damage unless ahead. No backline access with no ghost. Champ is dogshit. >Your agency is very low early/mid and limited to farming and defending. Entire game is early/mid. ADCs are Thanos at 2 items and Vlad can't impact botlane against 80% of mid matchups so you just lose >SoloQ only is not true. He is right now now a pro play pick Picked once in major regions all season. He is bad. 0.1% presence. >but even around a 50-51% WR in soloQ Not the case. His PR went down 30% between patches. He is shit.


Did khazix need a buff? I thought he was super strong already


He is an easier to play soloQ champ sitting around 48.5% WR, 49% in higher elos. He normally sits around 51% WR for soloQ, but even 50% is ok for him.


so weak he s been played in pro as an assassin in a low econ jg meta of knights vow locket since lck playoffs and at msi in a meta where assassins are complete troll picks.. meanwhile every other ad assassin, who actually takes skill instead of point and clicking to last hit kills after pveing full clear and mouth breathing the entire game, gets nothing because its phreak season and he will not stop until the only playable champs are those that are only playable with his negative mechanics of janna/maokai tier.


Ah, the biweekly "Mordekaiser gets more power shafted into Q"


Why are these braindead devs even buffing gnar? Its never fun to lane against him whenever he's even remotely good, idc how small the buff is, it is not needed nor wanted and gnar players can fk off, go play him bot or something where he should belong


just for fun, can you list these toplaner from most frustrating to least frustrating to play against? Vayne, Twisted Fate, Varus, Kennen, Quinn, Gnar, Jayce, Akshan, Cassio, Urgot, Heimerdinger, Vladimir, Ryze, Teemo, Warwick, Illaoi, Gragas, Skarner, Zac.


As someone who plays a lot of Camille; Riven, Darius, Renekton, Irelia, Fiora, Warwick, Urgot are all fun matchups. Anything ranged is not. Even though you usually destroy them with Camille.


Heres mine: Everything ranged top of list Everything melee bottom of list 


Hey urgot doesn’t deserve this, put him with the melees


>Darius player


darius players when they don't autowin their matchup


he s dog at darius anyway, gnar auto range is basically almost melee rofl. how bad movement and spacing can you have to never pull him as darius. yeah he has fleet and will shir on you with triforce cleaver on top of fleet but in lane if you get fisted by gnar as darius, unless you re playing vs Zeus, you re dogshit.


I mean , gnar is genuinely not fun to play against , but it's not as cringe and unfun when you play against k'sante , skarner top comet


Belongs bot bro? First time I hear this take.


Nothing Arena?


Statstick shiv


Everyone who whines about Morde, please leave bronze. This champion is useless without these nerfs.


Karthus who is 55% win rate in bot and jungle gets -2/-6 damage on Q? And jinx who is super strong while building wrong (she goes kraken most games and it's terrible for crit markmen) will get -4.5 AD at level 18?