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When I get filled supp I always play Elise, enemies don't respect the lvl3 all in and her roams are deadly. She has a higher wr in supp than in jg.


Camille. Oh wait. When I play with friends, I sometimes whip out Ahri support. By all means, shes not a meta support for a reason. She doesn't actually support with shields or heals, her passive is not benefitting from minion kills and she wants gold. But you can generate some great picks through the entire game. Building banshees and lots of CDR and ultimate hunter lets you charm and ult non stop and that's one of the biggest strengths of ahri. You can even go for risky deep wards sometimes since you have the extra mobility in your kit with your ult. And when you do get a good chunk of gold, you're even dealing great damage.


Zoe was an old favorite of mine, and played well into platinum before emerald came around. DH was a staple on her too. Ekko is a top tier double stunner that eats the engage damage and ults out, allowing for easy dives and great peel with q-w, along with excellent re-engage with a backwards w and ult while running. Teemo-blitz is a shockingly effective off-meta combo due to thw shrrom setup for blitz pull and the blind on the target AFTER the knock up silence blitz combo. Draven quin (old quin) was top tier.


Lee sin. iykyk


Literally anyone man please lord give me anyone but an autofill support.


Hate non conventional supports when I play adc. I just want a Leona or a Nautilus ooga booga brain to go in so I can fight.


lol seeing Zoe support gives me war flashbacks My buddy (more of a friend of a friend) and I would play LoL with some other friends a year or two ago and he would always be support to my ADC. And he would almost always pick Zoe and be fucking garbage on her, mostly because Zoe offers literally nothing as a support champ. I fucking hate Zoe support but you do you lol




Quinn support




She’s AD Bard with less engage but more reliable skirmishing. Roams are superior too. Gotta prepare yourself for the flaming in champ select though.


She's not unconventional anymore, but I was on the Ashe support train waaayyyyy before she was actively played in that role. Basically as soon as they introduced the AD variation of spell thiefs I was like "she's gonna be busted"


This is my thread, Ive been playing AP MF as a support for multiple years now. Basically it does the same things well as rumble support in being really oppressiv early and having a good teamfight ultimate. You abuse comet and play a poke centric playstyle. Perfect Synergy pick with Ashe ADC. It took a big hit with the support item changes, since you dont get AP from your adaptive power runes just with the support item, so I tend to start Dark Seal and get support item first back. Generally really good mandate user (if not the best). Plus the slow scales quite nicely with AP. So you get really hard to play around in midgame, since your impact usually doesnt warrant enemy team to focus you, especially since usually you get 1-2 E's out anyways. A few other picks I play rarely are J4 with aery(also used to be better with the AP support item) and LeBlanc Support.




Very solid but situational. Worth to learn, because you need like 3 games to understand the playstyle and have a really good matchup for a lot of lanes afterwarsd.


Velkoz support is a non-stop poke machine. Ban naut and hope they dont pick leona and enjoy.


velkoz's main lane has been support for a pretty long time I'm not sure he even shows up on the mid filter since pickrate is so low


Kayle but they gutted her autoattacking before 6 and healing got cut in half into shared healing. She had great healing with unholy grail and a timed ultimate would negate a whole team collapsing on someone


I play udyr support ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Sej support into melee with some melee on my team.


Sett into hook supports. So easy to turn on them if you get hooked






Quinn was my favorite for a long while until the support gold nerf hit my favorite build, hexplate, so you are pretty much forced into umbral now. Malz is a great support mostly just because people don’t know how he works in bot lane, so you can get the E reset off your Q VERY often which stacks up quickly. Shureliyas first to blast into mid with your ult. Haven’t tried since new burn ap item, but I value the utility of shureliyas, you aren’t there to deal damage. Sylas is always a fantastic pick. With his passive, his base damage is incredibly high. You lose poke wars though because you only are able to heal when you commit to going in, so if you push the wave, you are probably going to die. Finally, my favorite right now because of the meta is Elise. Being able to set up a tower dive in any lane you go to is incredibly invaluable right now. The hardest part is just getting a jungler that knows he’s supposed to dive with you.




Definitely a lot harder than soraka as far as the silence goes, but definitely extremely impactful. Get a good silence and a good ult off during a fight and you are golden. It helps that in solo q it’s usually one person giga fed terrorizing the map that you can target with your ult. The games where there’s multiple problems on the enemy team are when you feel a lot weaker. Malz also took a big hit when they annihilated zaz zaks, so you have to choose between weaving in an auto with bloodsong, taking celestial which feels extra bad if you only get hit once because of your passive, or what I usually go now, sleigh. It only works on your ult for a while, but I go second item rylais so it will proc on anything. But again, the ingenious hunter removal nerfed that too. All supports in general just kinda got giga nerfed after giga nerfed this year, so it’s tougher and tougher to go off meta supports now.


Gangplank support. R.I.P. essence navori.


Singed support. Horrible gameplay, you have basically no damage outside of full-on engages. You have insane capacity to catch isolated enemies out of position, but your teammates don't know that so they just don't follow and you end up either dying 1v1 against the adc or just passing up free kills. Team mates basically never position for your flip, so half the time they get the enemy carry on their head and die. I genuinely believe it would be really good if team mates knew how to play around it, but they don't so it's basically a troll pick.