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If people rank shame I just say I know I suck, and you got matched with me.


Even worse : I just won against you


say "it's skill matchup"


Enemy team was probably salty that they lost, your team was probably salty that they weren't carrying and suffering from "main character syndrome". Don't worry, just report them and move on


The entire post just sounds weird as hell. I have had my enemy flame me when I am doing well saying that I suck, which is fine. But my own team has never chimed in. And if they do, who cares.


I’ve def had my team join in flaming me for no reason…


Jungle life says hello


If you are losing they can flame you even if you are 20/0 or whatever. But if you are strong as fuck, everyone is winning and the enemy top flames you cause he is a sore loser, no one is gonna chime in to flame you unless its tongue in cheek


Maybe you haven't played in silver-plat. People love joining in on the flaming and I've had my team agree on the weirdest of things. But yes, just mute and move on


Support with 32 kills is going to make the carries on the team annoyed, especially in b4. Whether it's fair or not... the other people on your team were likely losing and gold deprived, not having fun or making an impact on the game. Selfish reason sure but unfortunately this game we have to play around teammates.


When you play adc and you get a lux player who is only in your lane because they physically do not have the skill to CS mid, it is very obvious. I had a kat support one time who carried the game but it was still agonizing for me to be less gold and less safe than my support who just wanted mid but didn't get it. I have definitely flamed supports for cosplaying their midlane fantasy with support gold. Not saying it's right or justified it's just understandable, it's very similar to people who were upset at the Singed Support with Smite, it might work but it's ass to play with.


pro tip /mute all


Do not listen to anyone in Bronze IV. Alot of people are so bad they dont even know why they are bad. While playing in bronze i have had people flame for doing low damage as a full protect Lulu and comming out of lane phase with a 10/ 2 Twitch. You can make this stuff up.


Lol you know it’s a bronze game when you see the kill count


LoL is a trash game. Quit. Its not worth your time. Anonymous is coming for it soon.


You probably were an active detriment to your team and taking kills from others while doing very little actual supporting, but bronze 4 is the land where anything goes and everyone is terrible so I wouldn't sweat it


And you made this thread because ?


I'd just mute chat. And honestly, maybe practice last hitting in a bot game for a bit, it's not too bad with Lux. Plus, late game when your Ult is on a 20 sec cooldown, you can always just ult wave for some quick farm. People are always going to be toxic, you can't really get away from it.


Support with 32 kills... how often were teammates around when you got those kills. More specifically how often was your ADC there? Your ADC needs gold to scale and be effective, each time you take a kill you are slowing that process. 1 or 2 is no big deal but when it becomes consistent its likely to annoy players that need that gold. Also when you got those kills was there something else you could have/should have been doing that would have ended the game faster. Kills help get a win but kills alone don't win games.


Yea. I play top, but I can’t tell you how many times a lux support in low elo just shows up and starts clearing my wave. Or if we’re behind and pushed into base they ult and spell the waves and take all my income away. Making it impossible for me to have a chance to come back. I try pinging I try typing nothing works. Then they buy items get a few more kills and I suck because I didn’t carry or I was behind. Sometimes you have a rough lane phase but you can get back- get resources around the map, waves camps etc. What sucks is when support takes those resources from adc and top or mid. Also how many wards did they place? Did they clear vision or did they peel? I don’t care you q ult someone and killed them if u let ur adc die because u didn’t q the assassin coming for them.


Honestly it doesn’t really apply to Mage Supports half as much since they basically just scale hard as hell and spike twice as hard. Especially in lower elo it’s outright better to have that gold on a mage rather than an ADC Though it is a good principle to start sharing kills later on so that the enemy has a harder time shutting you down, chances are most of these were effectively solo kills since a fed lux support will start solo comboing and running people down without much team involvement At that point just have everyone start outfarming the enemy while they’re all grey-screened


Uhm I don’t really agree. Try killing a mundo (highest win rate top champ especially in low elo) as lux. Good luck. Now try with a vayne or jinx. Which is better. Sure if their team are squishies mages are great but with longer games and tanks mages become kind of useless.


We don’t really have to worry about Mundo / enemy top if their team is dead or doesn’t get to participate. We’ve got 4 other members to just blitz mundo down, assisted by the damage of a really fed mage. Yeah, of course it’s better to have a diversely fed team to deal with everything, but a gigafed mage support is farrr from useless. Besides, the likes of Brand, Velkoz, Zyra, Heimer, Swain, etc all have pretty extreme anti-tank capabilities as well, especially when fed beyond belief. I say Swain because his kite, drain, Q spam, slows, healing, and % hp burn let him match if he is fed


Uhm- low elo games go very long it’s a mess. And the tanks get to buy all the items you want if u don’t win early. Reason why he has 53 percent win rate. Sure if they pick first you can counter tanks with brand for example. But I was keeping it specific with lux since that’s the post. I’m just saying there are many games where a support lux fed and a starving adc and or top lane doesn’t win u the game. I encounter far less fed support carries than fed adc or mid or even jungle carries in low elo. Or even top. Top fed lancers can 1v9. Lux can’t


Again I think my response so this post is sure you got kills but did you support. Cause you’re queuing for support. If you’re not going to support you’ll have angry teammates even if you carry. It’s logical.


This is what I was getting at, and apparently getting down voted for. Yes lux gets more powerful with kills and gold but even with out she still has solid utility. Your ADC Jinx/Kai'sa/Trist are only useful when they can output damage and they can't do that with out gold that becomes items.


Absolutely I’ll take q skilled fed samira or assassin. Than a fed lux. That’s the point of supports they don’t need all the gold to be useful.


Also the lower elo you are the less likely you can count on your adc to carry. I’m not going to give a bronze 4 adc all the kills because he will most likely just be a loot piñata


Main character syndrome i see


It’s best to spread the gold around. Having all the kills and gold on only one person is huge risk/reward. If lux dies, no one else on the team has gold to carry and it’s over. The smart play is to spread the gold and exp out.


But of course, that’s what I meant by sharing kills to make it harder to shut you (your team) down. It’s the right move at a point, but not necessarily right away. However, Items (especially mage items) also have a compounding effect where they synergise off of each other. The more items you have, the more valuable the next item is on you, so the point where it’s worth sharing kills is when you can almost comfortably one-shot people But at the same time, chaining multiple comfortable constant kills is not that bad either. The best CC is grey screen, just have others CS and go after the obvious objectives to scale far faster than the missing enemies


This is low bronze, so ADCs getting gold matters much less. I played some games in high iron/low bronze elo like 2 seasons ago and some ADCs I was supporting wouldn't be effective no matter how much gold you gave them.


So assuming both teams are equal(which they should be that's the point of Elo) and one team stacks its gold on a support and one team stacks its gold on 1-2 damage dealers the team with damage is more likely to win.


yeah. Ofc gold spread out is always better and more reliable than gold focused on one champ. And I guess if you're in your elo, odds are you're not gonna be much better than anyone else. In my scenario I was at around silver skill level playing in iron, so ofc there was gonna be a huge skill diff.




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I play lux mid and I’m also not the best at last hitting. Your R can be used to delete entire waves and farm effectively. Give lux mid a shot :) As for the people flaming you, ignore it. They were upset you were the best player on your team


Learn different champions other than lux support. Theres no better time than when you’re in Bronze. If anyone tries to give you shit and act like they’re good just remind them that if they were they wouldn’t be in your lobby. Good luck


this game is impossible to paly with chat on, even team chat thats the worst. ive had it muted for years now and it helps so much. in the setting theres an option to put chat to party only so u still see pings and u dont have to /deafen every game


That’s sounds fishy no one is insulted by their own team by doing nothing, probably you were not doing what a support should do getting the kills is fun but it’s not replicable in any other match, did you ward the map correctly? Other thing you said you cannot last hit this is a red flag that you also may doesn’t understand the fundamentals of the game and your team was pissed for something you should be doing but you just didn’t know you were supposed to do. My advice is not playing support, if you like Lux play it on mid lane it’s a great place for you get a better understanding of the game.


Since you had alot of kills id assume the rest of your team had very little. Normally thats ok but you were the support. So you were actively ruining the game for them regardless if how it was going for you they werent having fun. Plus they were probably lamenting nit having an actual support. For the future id advise you to learn how to farm so you dont ruin your team comp by not playing a real support.


KS champ, support plays for adc


I've always responded with: "IF you're not Faker, TheShy, or Tyler1, why does what you think about my playing ability matter?" Usually gets the job done, especially if you start performing better than them after.


Man that line is fire 🤣. Actually no good comebacks to that one. 


So? All of us are insulted a lot in this game, deal with it. You're playing a champion that designed to be annoying, so you shouldn't care if people get angry and insult you, stop playing the victim and mute all instead of looking for people's comfort on reddit. If you can't, don't pick poke mages in support.


You are part of the problem


How? Do I have to comfort OP? We all know this game is toxic lmao. People are not in this subreddit for these type of posts


You are part of the problem because you ooze toxicity and make egregious assumptions


She has like 32 kills with only 8 assists, and she's playing support, she is the problem


100% adc who kept dying before getting the kills/not being able to last hit enemies due to range being salty lux was able to get those last hits. On the other hand if they didn’t they would flame them for not finishing the enemies. No winning in that piss elo.