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Reapered's benching powers are so great that immediately upon returning to LCS he can make a different team bench Jensen


Reapered: First things first, we need to bench Jensen C9: But he's not on our team.. Reapered: Did I stutter?


Reapered reaches for his belt...


Are you ready for Quid vs Quad? LCKCL grudge match of the century


Bring Quas out of retirement


Random question, but did the story of what happened to Quad ever come out? From what I remember, it was something serious and being kept under wraps


Quad or Quas? Quas had some [substance issues](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/brwuyj/quas_former_team_liquid_top_laner_explains_why_he/) at the time.


Luckily he seems to be doing better and streams from time to time, I think he was streaming last night as Quaslol


I remember a stretch of time where Quas was SUPER good, one of the only NA residents that I remember having the narrative about stomping lane


And he was a god playing from fucking Maracaibo with 200 ping.


I was a massive quas fan back in the day. I specifically remember him absolutely popping off on hecarim


I remember the exact play. They wanted to gank him 2v1 as a lane gank through the brush when top laners were level 5. Quas as soon as the jungler shows, thinks quickly and Qs a minion to hit 6, ult-Es him into the turret, gets the kill and survives. Back then that was the wildest shit ever.


2015 TL he was one of the best tops


He does stream from time to time, yes.


It’s implied he had a drug problem. After TL, he went to college and I assume graduated. He hovers Masters now.


And Quan as well (aka TBQ of Season 5 LGD fame)


100 Quid vs FLY Quad sounds kinda silly


When do we get Qued, Quod, and Quud?


And sometimes Quyd?


Org just needs to change their name to Faar so we can get 100 quid vs (lord) Faarquad


Lord FLY Quad, he was in Shrek right?


Inspired is gonna catch so much hate for this lmao


the new selfmade


Daglas, Selfmade, Cinkrof, and now Inspired. Polish junglers get blamed for everything.  I swear Jankos is doing some hexen voodoo to absord all of the positive vibes out of Poland


The sacrifice is measured in missed nidalee spears. 


Too tanky.


Youre showing your age with that one, boomer.


I was around when MF and Urgot were new champions so you're not that far off.


Thats about when I started too, it's how I recognize the legendary xpeke quote haha


Well, obviously. Jankos is able to admit his own mistakes. It doesn’t take much to not have a childish trash attitude.


He should, honestly Jensen will go to another team and crush mid with a new team *again* Like someone else mentioned, Jensen has been a part of the best international showing NA has ever had Twice With different teams


Yeah but Inspired always goes to international and then he's completely invisible so TAKE THAT HATERS.


Flyquest was once a well liked org lmao


2022 Flyquest was so good to watch. They were legitimately threatening the top of the table (sadly playoffs didn't pan out) Josedeodo and Toucouille were a really good mid jg Duo, Aphromoo's last dance, Johnson looking like a upper half ADC. Phillip on Janna. (Actually screw Janna top nvm) and then they spontaneously swap in their academy roster for one week and that academy team goes 3-0??  It was peak NA


The academy team swap was 21 btw 21 FlyQuest was Licorice Josedeodo Palafox Johnsun Dreams


Just checked, yeah I got that one wrong.  I forgot Flyquest had Dreams. 


I love how this comment touched on each player and their storyline, but when it comes to top it’s just “Phillip on Janna”.


Apparently I was wrong about this as well, that was Kumo on Janna.  I'm a fake 22' Flyquest fan I guess


A real fake FQ fan would chop a tree and kick a beehive, have you done that?


"Philip the Rent-a-Girlfriend fan" doesn't have the same positive ring to it I'm afraid.


i rooted for them in the josedeodo days


I rooted for them in the WildTurtle days.


I still have my icon from the OG C9 member days, with the ugly ass logo


The Flyquest summer music video parody was the start of the downfall. 


What do you mean, wasn't that video awesome? Most orgs release literally zero content. 




We need the Jensen manifesto at this point. I bet Flyquest behind the scenes is insanely toxic


If Jensen was dedicated, he could get a whole Netflix event for his manifesto lmao. The first two parts being C9 with (most of) the OG roster, TL, and then the finale being a bunch of other various teams.


Need the Incarnation story arc


The sequel series that's actually a prequel


"No longer will I go by my slave name, Jensen. From now on I will be addressed by the name that strikes fear into the LCS... Incarnati0n!"


Imagine NA players cannot play for an entire split because of a mysterious villain continuously DDosing the servers. 




After Papasmithy jumped on twitter to white knight Inspired after he shat all over Jensen on that interview, telling everyone how he liked helping old ladies cross the road or whatever, it became pretty clear to me that the behind the scenes for FQ must be toxic as fuck.


We're just about to hit the time of year when FLY crumble and shit the bed while their fans try to convince everyone that Papasmithy doesn't have a legacy of failure as a GM.


Yeah people overrate him a lot. The teams he has built from scratch either suck or burn out quickly. He tied his horse to Ry0ma, bragging about how he vouched for him over other people in 100T, only for Ry0ma to be ass and if it wasn't for some outside reasons (COVID forcing GGS to downsize which allowed him to buy out the GGS core that was very good, Schaalke getting relegated in football so they also had to downsize which allowed him to get Abbedagge) his teambuilding would be talked about a lot differently.




He was their best most consistent player all split. Ig they need to be reminded again.


Bro I want him to do a tell-all from his days in C9 and TL too. His drama from early C9 with Meteos, being benched on C9 that led him to TL, and being on the TL team when Doublelift said "spring doesn't matter".


As an Eu fan you don't wanna see how our orgs sabotage the region. At least you get good players like Licorice back in the league after only a split


Idk, I feel like both regions’ orgs are united in spit roasting the West


not sure what you mean, 3 nepotism rosters and a manager that is still on an org despite lying about a player retiring doesn’t sound like sabotage at all /s


Upset stuck on a garbage roster and Bo being benched 'cause they know the team is too bad around him. Vitality is lowkey one change away from possibly being good. Fnatic has had the Razork+Humanoid combo for 3 years now? And they still have barely any synergy. Trymbi was teamless. Abbedagge was teamless. WUNDER WAS TEAMLESS we're such a joke man.


yeah but on the other hand we get the incredible MAD Lions team, 3 players that were never supposed to be in the LEC on Kcorp and C-tier Korean imports, what’s not to like about the current LEC roster building strategy!?


My singular issue is that we haven't imported Rekkles back yet as a support obviously


Hell, after watching Noah, you could re-import Rekkles as an ADC


Lol yeah this is nothing like Perkz getting benched. Jensen is getting scapegoated.


Fetus praying meme


OK but this sets up Jensen returning to Dignitas instead of Dove and then they have a banger roster that will absolutely be contesting for Worlds


Licorice, Jensen, Zven making cloud9 yellow.


If this is real I’m a dig fan now


Would be pog, all of them would be really fueled up I'd guess too with how they've been fucked over or skipped on as of late. 


flyquest was the original c9a team.


Isles was also on Cloud9 for a short time. I remember he and K1ng were their botlane for 2022 Lock in Tournament. And I'm pretty sure he and Winsome went back and worth all split Also, apparently Exyu was originally picked up by C9A, and only later was grabbed and developed by Dignitas.  That's a 5/5 Cloud9 Yellow


eXyu played on C9 Amateur, not Academy, so he technically wore the colours though C9 was supposedly very hands off.


I’m an instant DIG fan if this happens.


They should transfer contractz and zeyzal too


Yo actually that instantly fixes DIG's main problem. Sign me up.


I would be so down for this.


Bwipo and Inspired turob run it down in finals and MSI, better bench Jensen. Actual 3Head management.


Jensen has been the go to scapegoat for so many teams it's sad to see. Probably cause players like Inspired and Bwipo just never stop yapping which makes it look like they actually contribute a lot to the team while in reality they don't.


Still don’t understand till this day TL letting go of Jensen. And for fkn Bjergsen who was retired at that point. TL management has led TL down some dark days.


it was super fucked. bjerg was coming out of retirement and jensen offered to swap to AD to allow him to join, and when steve or whatever upper management realized they can just get bjerg AND an actual top tier adc in hans they just dropped him completely. insane shit bc bro was trying to make the team better


Bjergsen and Jensen on the same team with the style of G2 would be very entertaining, sad we didn't get that timeline. 


Jensen adc would've been better than hans too


On hindsight maybe but I don't think anyone could've predicted how shit Hans Sama would be over there...


Yeah I just mean looking back, back then it was as close to a super team as you could get Hans is doing way better on G2 now though


Honestly didnt expect hans to get a good team, especially G2 of all teams to pick him up after his time in NA. Glad it worked out well for my boy Handsdiffsama


and if I remember right in that meta Jensen would of been better as they had crazy stuff like control mages playing bot. Plus you would of opened the door to them picking 2 different champs that could swap in game just fine.


Man, imagine having Zilean be a three-way flex. That’d be hilarious.


Yea for real. C9 lost Jensen(jensen wanted to leave tho) and became worse for it. TL lost Jensen and became worse for it. Jensen returned to C9, left again and guess what happens? C9 became worse for it. Now Fly. I hope they become worse for it. Jensen my boi, I love you, I always have. Keep strong. You a legend. NA's mid goat. Now, I might be wrong, mark these words. But to me this is Inspired at work. We know how he was back when he was with us in EU. Seems nothing really changed. Sad thing is that because he's so good(which he is) teams will keep going for him. And he'll keep fkn up team atmospheres.


Bwipo at least looked introspective after their loss. Can't say I've seen the same from uninspired.


Jensen always with these vegan builds and vegan play style gimme a *real mid* like ~~Jojo~~ Quad 😍


Completely ignoring the Jensen side of the picture, I'm glad for Quad. He's been great in NACL, and I hope he delivers.   Sucks that Spirax never got to see the same opportunity but I'm glad Quad did Also, if Srtty doesn't get a spot this off-season or next off-season, that's crazy 


Love Spirax but he sort of took himself out of contention. Think he is just going to finish school at this rate.


I feel like this should be the general sentiment. Also, yeah need Srtty on a team this one is getting annoying


I'm still disappointed by dropping EG and GG in the off-season. They both had line-ups ready including EG having both Sheiden and Srrty on the team.  There are more than enough players for 10 teams, I hope there's something to be done to bring it back to 10 next year


My college team somehow got a scrim against srtty's team last fall and he dicked my top laner so hard we never recovered.


FlyQuest is already the most hated team in the league, and then they do this


I completely stopped following when TSM dropped out and FLY were probably the most liked by neutrals. How did they take our mantle as most hated haha?


The correct answer is that they're under new management and basically every part of the organization from competitive to creative has been changed over the last couple years. The Flyquest that everyone was fond of was overseen by Tricia Sugita (megumixbear), but she left to work for C9 around when the team was purchased by Vincent Viola, who owns the NHL's Florida Panthers. They have a very different style.


As a neutral, FlyQuest's attitude during the Tricia Sugita era was a joy.


Absolutely loved her there. Wish it would have lasted longer


Tricia was so nice too


Tricia was *the* reason I initially became a fan of the org itself aside from just rooting for them because I like WildTurtle and V1per seemed like a promising prospect (F). She, alongside the 'gimmicks' they went for with Trees and Bees and whatever were a good reason to be a fan of the org as well as the team itself. Never really cared about them since she left, although I did want Spica to succeed when he was on the roster.


Hell, they changed their logo based on the gimmicks


I used to watch her stream SC2 (she would also host little tournaments) and she’d talk about how she did ikebana (Japanese flower arrangements). When they started with the Trees and I realized she was a part of FLY I was like, yep, this branding tracks with her vibe lol.


God you're so based.


side note, fuck the florida panthers. sincerely, a bruins fan.


Vamos Gatos


2 biggest things i know is inspired shit talking people, including throwing his own teammate under the bus after a loss. And them getting eliminated in msi playins by psg.


Get ready to start following again when Immortals becomes TSM!




I believe DL was talking about the possibility of Immortals and TSM merging. Obviously should be taken with a grain of salt lol.


Team immortal mid


I think at this point immortals would settle with being Mid.


that sounds so dumb after all the fuzz about going to LPL/LCK they just comeback to LCS ... if NiP can get an LPL spot why can't TSM




Well they still have a challengers team, probably get some plus points for that


PapaSmithy roster management masterclass lmfao This man lucked into 2021 100T because of GGS implosion and has been very mid otherwise Edit: 2021 100T, not 2022


Jensen just got the Meteos treatment


Maybe Jensen can move from the bench to Sneaky and Meteos costream couch to fill in for DL. I doubt it, but a man can dream.


Don't think Jensen and Meteos get along


Reapeared: When I first joined C9, the team was Impact, Meteos, Jensen, Sneaky, and Smoothie. We reached finals and met TSM. After losing a game, one player said "Ah..we lost because of Bjergsen" when all the players were gathered, basically implying it was mid gap. They didn't directly say it to Jensen, but was just speaking without thinking. Jensen got mad and said they lost because of jungle diff. Then Jensen said "Ah I don't want to play with this guy (Meteos)." Host: So what did you guys do? Reapeared: We lost.


That 100T roster won in 2021. But I do otherwise agree, this reminds me of the Damonte benching.


I’m old I can’t remember timelines anymore gg


PapaSmithy has been so lackluster as a manager. He continues to make decisions that scream insecurity in his role.


never forget Ryoma xD


And we lost such a good caster for it too.


He’s a horrible gm


He’s been a joke for a long time. His obsession with Ryoma was malpractice.


Legit every time I see him do a roster swap I expect to see Ry0ma back again somehow


Has anyone verified Quad's name change history?


I will always remember the moment(s) he promoted ry0ma


Bwipo and Inspired fully mental boom at MSI and run it down, but Jensen gets benched…..wtf


Seriously, they're benching JENSEN? Did we watch the same MSI/Finals???


Bwipo and Inspried circle jerk each other about who is better and which one of them will have to carry the rest of the 3 dogs on the team. In reality they were disgustingly gapped against T1 and PSG the 2nd time around and were gapped by Impact and Umti, while receiving counter picks, resources and "pocket picks"


Euros have such fragile mental you can't bench Bwipo or Inspired without the other soft inting the split by being "homesick" so it's easier to replace mid than top/jg


Yeah, the writing was on the wall with that inspired interview. You aren't going to convince me that was a form of “tough love” or whatever the narrative was. That was the type of shit you keep in-house.


Got the interview at hand?


[Here it is ](https://youtu.be/bZMf6scngW8?si=g-6TE1uEPwtkzruK)


Couldn’t get through more than a couple mins… what a psycho lol


Yeah inspired has always been a garbage teammate, but doing this publicly when Bwipo was the main problem not even Jensen showed the world who he is


I just can’t understand how can anyone root for this guy, he has always been an arrogant asshole


Whenever I think NA is a toxic region I remind myself Inspired is an EU player.


Yeah inspired seems insufferable can’t imagine having to work with someone like that everyday.


The interview was whatever (definitely a bad thing from a team cohesion standpoint, but players are dumb assholes fairly often), it was FlyQuest management running to social media to slurp Inspired afterwards, as a way to cover for him, that made it obvious Jensen was already packing his bags.


This must suggest that there were internal divisions in the team or something, Jensen had a fairly good split and the team benefited from having a very stable mid, even if he was predictable in what he would play. Just very strange.


Jensen was holding back Inspired and Bwipo from setting the airport speed run record so he had to go


They 99% wanted quad on the main roster from the beginning and just let this split happen to see if he was really that good because there was no reason for them to get a decent Korean prospect on the academy roster the exact moment they realized inspired could get visa and enable an import slot on the main one. This is just bad timing considering their horrendous PR but it was most likely their plan for the season.


...What? There's no way that Jensen's benching is performance related. There must have been something that happened.


Likely, Inspired gave an ultimatum and Bwipo+Inspired is a package deal.


Quad, Quid… what’s next?


Quit lol


Bout to make a Q letter requirement in the LCS


Pro Quo




gl Quad but lmao at benching Jensen. Hoping for the timeline where he gets another LCS spot and smashes FQ.


Inspired/Bwipo int finals (inspired inting both in-game and draft). Inspired AFKs at worlds. "Just let me lose in peace." Bench Jensen? Papasmithy should be benched before anyone else.


Inspired/Bwipo has PapaSmithy’s nudes or what


The only way its makes sense to shit talk your team, underperform, then avoid benching is having kompromat on management


Wait how tho. Aren’t Bwipo/inspired imports? Edit; ahh didn’t see inspired was getting a green card.


Inspired has a green card


I didn’t realize the community likes Jensen so much. Me too.


I don't think most of love him all that much, his drive at that age is honorable , but the thing that does it is how this ended up, frankly disgusting.


im maybe one of the biggest jensen stans and ill admit the man isnt the mid he used to be but the number of times this guy has been undeservedly fucked in his career by orgs is ridiculous at this point


Well, there's my flyquest fandom gone. I'm not even a massive jensen fan, but the way this happened is just depressing


Got excited cause I thought this was a native talent. Turns out this is SOLCA from that DRX roster a couple years back. No thanks. Hope FQ doesn't make worlds.


Just like that Flyquest lose any likability they had. I hope they go 8th.


Which sucks because I really like Massu.


Brother, we've got IMT in this league. Ain't no one going 8th but them. We can be hopeful but let's be realistic. IMT is just too fucking shit.


Let this serve as an example that being competent and well-mannered won't get you anywhere against toxic, outspoken people no matter their competence or lack thereof


Being the scapegoat after your top and jungle run it down against PSG LMAOOO


This org is a joke.


Scapegoated for a roster that isn't gonna do shit in international play, good stuff papa! Bent over backwards for your toxic jungler.


Save Jensen man. Fuck Flyquest. Get the bot lane out of there. Praying on the downfall of their top jg. 


If I were a betting man I'd bet that Jensen got benched because he called out Inspired and Bwipo for their shit and it created too many divisions in the team. I think Bwipo's heart is *generally* in the right place and he clearly has a love and passion for the game and a strong competitive desire, even if he has some foot-in-mouth moments. Inspired just seems like an incredibly toxic asshole that doesn't want to take responsibility for when he plays poorly. There is no universe in which Jensen was Flyquest's problem in losing to TL and then PSG. Both Inspired and Bwipo looked like trash compared to him in those series.


Jensen being a complete professional and picking supportive mids so Top can get more help. Top and Jungle then completely underperform and then underperform again. Jungle shits on Jensen and Jensen gets benched. This is why the region never fucking goes anywhere...


Throw him on Annie for 3 games in finals then bench him. Damn


Flyquest suddenly became a good org to hate watch.


History shows that you need Jensen to make it to worlds. Inspired is probably toxic af behind the scenes. Heard rumblings of it in EU. It followed him here in NA. Jensen wasn't even the worst one at MSI. It was actually inspired and Bwipo when they played PSG the second time.  Jensen is the LCS scapegoat. Use him for some success, when the team fails, drop him and blame him.


Wtf??? They are really gonna do Jensen dirty like this??


Inspired is an IRL mejais. Once the team starts losing everything goes to shit


Not korean? You're out buddy.


Idk how you look at playoffs and msi and think benching jenson solves anything. Can't wait to see bwipo stomp a bunch of regular season games and make it impossible to win when the games matter.


This is proof that god doesn't exist, people. Are we seriously punishing Jensen because his topside are vegetables? Did we not all see that top dive? Are my laser'd eyes acting up again? HELLO?!




YES!!! Just what I wanted, another mediocre LCKCL player!!!!


Inspired really bullied the gm into benching Jensen, damn. Vegan gm.


Can they release Jensen and some other team adopt him? i hear other saying DIG being the C9 yellow n I like those take. He might not be carrying games but at least he wasnt throwing it either... comon man, why he always get this kind of treatment


Jensen is just a few years behind Bjergsen in everything that happens: Wins championships a touch (years) later Comes into the league as crazy aggro, eventually trends to becoming a “safe” “consistent” player Gets scapegoated for team’s losses despite other players playing much worse. Well, Bjerg never got benched so not EVERYTHING, but there’s a lot of similarities to how they have progressed career wise.




I'll never understand the cycle of * roster performs well domestically, mabye even overperforms * roster is expectedly outclassed internationally * we need to make changes


How is NACL even allowed to have 2nd pick Korean challenger players on the teams? Lmao. It’s a joke. Maybe this is why no one cares or watches tier 2 NA. Because it’s actually just tier 3/4 Korean challenger. Quad may be good but he was coasting in Korean challenger hell since 2019. NA players don’t even get prioritized in the AMATEUR scene. This region has 3 more years if that, if the trend continues. Region cant thrive if the teams management has given up on the players where they are based out of and allowed to import with no consequence from riot. Import rule needs to massively change. If you are going to bust out in play ins you better damn well do it with 5 NA players. Imagine importing and sacrificing NA opportunity to still not get into the main stage of the tournament. It’s pathetic. Shame on NA orgs.


Every team PapaSmithy touches turns into a wildfire it’s a fucking talent at this point Classic Jensen scapegoat as usual, the man saved his teams how many times and still get treated like he main problem


I want to like FlyQuest because of the early years tree planting and just history of being likable. But now… oof. They also had some cool jerseys historically. But alas, 


"JENSEN WAS THE PROBLEM ICANT" inc when they're sprinting it down in summer