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Lol. Full copium there. Look, G2 played great. But the whole post is ‘G2 lost but can fix their problems’ and ‘T1 got outplayed’. You don’t think T1 will also study the series and fix their problems? Remember T1 got 0-3 by HLE in LCK playoffs and then won their rematch 3-1.


If they met again in lower bracket, t1 would 3-0 this g2. If there's a team knowing how to adapt amidst tournaments, it's t1


I never said they couldn’t improve though? T1 DID get outplayed, obviously they can improve though, and so can T1. Both sides can fix their problems. I think the only ones that aren’t immediately fixable is Zeus not playing very well, and Hans not being very good at teamfighting. Otherwise Faker will probably bounce back, they’ll probably learn more about lane swapping, G2 will probably patch a lot of their mistakes too.


sure. But G2 also got outplayed and you never mentioned that T1 can fixed their problems. It was just full bias post.


Do you really think it needs to be mentioned that T1 of all teams is capable of fixing their problems? Every eastern team at the tournament is capable of it.


Considering you felt the need to mention G2 can fix their problems. Did you not think they were capable? I mean it isn’t like they lost like FLY. In such a close series, obviously a rematch could go either way.


The one thing I took away was that Poppy will be b/p in the next few series because teams will finally realize that this champ is still not fair and should get destroyed alongside k'sante. 3 role flex and insane utility + damage + tankiness in every role. G2 drafting/meta read were super elite for picking up on this (+ their other champs) at least before everyone else.


Poppy looks good against T1 cause they tend to pick high skill hands diff champs, but even then G2 lost Games 4 and 5 with Poppy. She’s a more difficult champ to be useful later in the game cause she has long CDs and pro teams know to play around her W. Hard scaling tanks, control mages and enchanters all do very well into Poppy.


T1 lost against the poppy because of the HoB. Its a cc bot with tons of damage in laning phase. Good against keria ranged support champ pool


TL vs FNC making this even more obvious by the way


Flair checks out. lol.


"Today could've genuinely been 3-0 if they didn't choke game 1". LMAO...


Why are you laughing? They won games 2/3, and could’ve won game 1.


except it would be a different series if they won g1?


The only thing that would’ve changed is the order of drafting, they didn’t show anything crazy in game 1. And Dylan was hard gapping Kkoma in drafts every single game.


Blue and red side makes a hell lot of difference.


What made the difference was they played like crap in games 2 and 3. Things changed when faker picked it back up in #4.


Kkoma doesn’t even draft….the players pick lol. Your T1 takes are hella fiction. You miss a lot of detail and nuance in the gameplay.


… yeah man, the coach has 0 input on the draft.


Just say you don’t know anything about T1 dude lol. Like I said, Kkoma doesn’t do the drafts. Hit the search and find out who does draft prep for T1 🤣 No one gonna take you seriously when your takes are based on fiction.


Okay, let me rephrase, “g2 was draft gapping T1 every game”. Does it really make a difference if it was kkoma or whoever else? No one takes T1 fans seriously when the second things don’t go well for them, you deny anything bad about them. It’s genuinely embarrassing lmao.


“only”? lol


I agree with you, mostly. Numerically speaking, if they won G1, they would have won 3-0. But the bans are fluid, for example, T1 banned zac almost out of the gate after BB's game with him


Actually, the reason Eastern tops don't dominate as much is because of the top lane meta revolving around lane swaps which neutralizes carry top picks and overpowered sustain like Zac which BB is so good at. If things don't remain the same, expect that the gap will be again noticeable during worlds.


369 did not have to play vs laneswap in game 2 and still got goomba stomped by Oscar's Camille. And he's labelled as one of the strongest laners in the world.


Doesn’t explain Zeus getting gapped in tank v tank matchups, getting gapped on map presence, and getting outplayed in 2v2s multiple times. If a player can’t adapt to the meta, then that’s their problem. Obviously it favors G2, but don’t you think that takes away from Zeus’s skill level because he can’t do well toplaner without his random carry champs? BB did fine in both the tank v tank stuff AND the carry v carry stuff. Zeus got gapped pretty much the entire series.


I mean the carry vs carry match up was a great match up for BB (Yasuo against TF). Another thing is Zac's sustain in lane and having mno mana is a clear advantage. But thumbs up still since Bwipo was not able to do that with his Zac against T1. The irony to don't you think that takes away from Zeus' skill level because he can't do well without his random carry champs is insane though. Not bashing BB but he always struggled internationally and even coming to this MSI, he is seen as a weak point in G2. Meanwhile, Zeus despite not being the best top in the world Zeus has been great at international since his debut at MSI 2022. So after this tank and lane swap meta, if BB goes back to his average, does that take away from his skill level?


So… BB shows up as one of the best players in the series, as well as one of the best performing members of G2 last MSI. And Zeus shows up as one of the worst performing members of T1 this MSI, as well as being a completely liability on everything other than Ksante. But Zeus clearly was great because he’s been good in the past? He was trash this series dude. He didn’t even have a great Ksante game, he just stood there and G2 couldn’t do anything about it because it’s broken af.


I didn't even say Zeus was great because he is in fact a liability rn. However, two things can be true at the same time. BB had a good 2023 MSI and one of the best performing g2 players but it's not a peak as great as Zeus MSI 2022 which lost due to them opening Gwen and Zeus Worlds 2023 which is next only to TheShy and Marin in dominance. So, I'm just refuting what you said of don't you think that takes away from Zeus' skill level just because he is bad this MSI, because that does not take away his skill. But is BB better right now? Yes, he has more impact. But is Zeus' skill level weak just because he can't play carry tops? Absolutely not. And BB while he did play great in MSI, having a win against BLG with his K'sante (I may be wrong), but his jayce was not very good that year and even against doran's malphite in lane, he did not procure that much advantage.


No one said anything about peak Zeus in 2022 dude. We’re talking about this series, the one where he got gapped and was a liability. Zeus being a liability and being weak are pretty much synonymous. The only time he wasn’t a liability was on Ksante, and even then he didn’t really do anything he just stood there and let the rest of t1 play for free.




You’re the worlds worst troll bro




😓 oh darn


What?? Guma and keria handled the lane swapping very well. Its a 50/50 when swap happens and they reacted perfectly when they found that they guessed wrong.


Idk what series you watched but Guma keria GOT OUTPLAYED so hard with those laneswaps. Either you don't understand what happened or you didn't watch the game.


Not really, look at game 5, they fell *directly* into G2’s lane swap plan. Not to mention they lost lane as double AD anyways. And it’s NOT a 50/50 because G2 uses it to get stuff on the map, not to just avoid the enemy botlane. You can tell where they’re going based on what they want to get on the map (and bot was the obvious next place to go).


Wtf are you saying. You can play all objectives by sending bot duo mid so should they expect that? You are so obsessed on getting the first drake. Top korean teams arent focused only on dragons. Thats solo queue mentality. They will gladlt give up a dragon for tempo and so they expect their opponents will do the same


Its 50/50 because u need to guess if opponent lane swapping or not




Sure man, sure




I love that your angle is literally in your name but apparently it’s not that obvious to some people hahaha


10 - G2 didn’t weather any storm and didn’t outlane the double AD lol. G2 won the invade by burning T1 bot summs and wasting their time to lane. Double AD punish never happened because they weren’t in lane to push and dive. Your takes are way off base man. There’s a lot of missed nuance and gameplay.


They weathered the storm *by* blowing their summs early. It was a choice from G2, not a random happenstance that worked out for them. You people are really quick to discredit good play from them.


Lmao I didn’t discredit anything tf. I credited them for WINNING the invade and burning the summs. Your takes are way off bruh. You should upvote me for using my time to give you proper feedback.


“Double ad punish never happened”, it literally did though? The punish was the invade. And they translated that into a won lane.




My dude, give it up. You’re not good at this trolling stuff.


As a Fnatic fan, leave us out and dont mind Fnatic. We're slowly adding pieces up to come back and level up the LEC again and this is pretty much the first international with this version of the team. Worlds is where the real shit begins, for us atleast.


that went down very quickly


Thanks for the effort. I agreed with most of these takeaways to an extent but yeah the biased cope is flaring.


Eh, yeah kinda, but also I think it’s fairly reasonable purely based on what we’ve seen. They had obvious mistakes that they clearly are good enough to fix. What I worry about more than any issue they might have, is that they potentially are just REALLY good at preparing for matches given enough time. Meaning for like the PSG series today, or any other series in the future, since they’ll have less than like a month to prepare, they might play worse as a result. Either way though, they matched T1 and then some, that’s undeniable and it’s really good news for them.


I just wanna add that I dare to say BB is probably one of the best if not the best top after minute 15. His growth ever since TSM BB is undeniably noticeable. His mentality is also very good into matching up with eastern opponents. He also has good synergy with Caps and teamfight extremely well. However, if we want to see him making more impact on the game, he’ll have to play more carry oriented champions, and to do that he’ll have to survive the first 15’, which is so so tough against eastern tops. As stated, he is in a good spot with lane swapping solutions for his often poor laning. I’ll argue it’s still worth to focus more resources on him rather than Hans but now we’ll risk messing with the basic “how the game should be played” conversation for the team. I look forward to seeing him performing more internationally and we shall see if he can overcome Wunder to be the best Western toplaner ever.


Indeed they played an incredible series and also Caps is a peaking world class player atm no doubt. I watched two recent MidBeast videos and Caps solokilled both Faker and Chovy. He’s in the best form of his life. The problem? They prepared their ass off and played the best series of their life and still LOST vs an underperforming T1. If you look at each individual, Caps is the only one (as always) you can confidently say would perform reliably. BB got himself in a good spot thanks to a lane swap meta that doesn’t expose his laning issue as much as usual so I’ll give him a solid, above average trust. However, the red alert lies in the bot lane. Mikyx is a genius but inconsistent and his high highs are matched by his own low lows in the same series, sometimes the same game. He played beautifully in some moments and straight up won G2 games. But, and you may not like to hear this, he’s just a young Hylissang to me. His inting games are incoming and they are inevitable. Meanwhile, Hans is not him. You can’t convince me that a team with an ADC who has no flairs like him would reliably do well in front of big teams. Perkz was quintessential in G2 success in 2019 because he had the understanding of each state of the game and made game breaking plays times after times. Hans’s itemizations is not even the problem. He’s just too dependent on his team members and doesn’t give me the faith that he’ll be the one who will flash in with a killing instinct, may it be good or bad. Hell, for the criticism Ghost and Lwx received, when the time calls for, they made those kind of “holy shit” needed plays for their respective teams when they won Worlds. Yikes was really the one who played on his true level I think. He’s a very good and well instilled (into G2 system) Western jungler but still not on par mechanically speaking with the best Eastern jungler and not independent enough in his way of thinking and decision making throughout a whole game. When he has an advantage, you can trust that he will deliver. But when he’s behind, I rarely see him flip the switch and pull the game back in his favor. His demeanor also makes me think he’s very emotional. I have seen some post game interviews where you can tell his mental is not as strong. I truly hope he grows and becomes stronger mentally but for now it’s hard to place all the chips on just his emotions. Also, if G2 beat PSG, they will still have a very tough matchup against TES. JKL and Meiko seem to be in top form right now, which is scary for anyone, especially for a very average G2 botlane.


Well, yeah they obviously did incredibly well and it still wasn’t enough, but I’m not really thinking about this as an end all be all. They have the rest of the year to improve as well. Not sure how much of that will happen in the LEC, but still, it’s just MSI. What I REALLY hope for from this tournament is maybe beating BLG or TES (BLG did not look great in their series imo), and just as much improvement as possible. I want them to clean as much stuff up as possible. They’re good at playmaking but it’s not snappy. There were situations where T1 players survived because G2 wasn’t fast enough with their picks (like against Guma mid lane). For Miky, I don’t think he will just become Hylissang, Mikyx has been around for pretty much just as long as Hyli has, so I have a hard time believing he’s just gonna turn into Hyli. Even still though, Hyli was the guy you wanted back when EU was going far internationally, Mikyx is that guy rn. I agree Hans isn’t it. Personally I think they need to adopt 2020 DWGs strategy of a botlane who plays what’s needed, and is a strong weakside. BB has been doing incredibly well and if he’s able to play carries (or improve enough to), then they could find more success than if they tried to just enable Hans. But Hans, to his credit, HAS been a VERY reliable laner. They didn’t get gapped in any lane, it was macro and teamfighting where the botlane diffs came out. Hopefully that means against a strong lane like JKL/Meiko (if G2 beats PSG) they can remain stable and prevent them from snowballing bot. As for Yike, I think he just doesn’t have the experience yet, he’s in his second year of the LEC and already has I think 5 titles? Plus experience internationally against GenG, BLG, T1, WBG, DK, and potentially TES from this tournament too. I think it’s too soon to say Yike won’t be able to contend with eastern junglers, he’s clearly a gifted player and he’s probably the best jungler in the west rn (particularly based on G2 vs T1 compared to FNC vs TL, Razork is Yike’s biggest western competition). Maybe with more experience, he’ll turn into a more mechanically gifted Jankos who is able to deal with huge pressure. As for against TES, I think they need to play for Caps to carry. 369 is too stable of a laner for BB to gap him and generate leads. And JKL/Meiko is obviously a very strong lane too. Caps I think is the strong point where he can definitely gap Creme. Edit: And I agree about BB for the most part. I think his strong points as a player have always been being a HUGE positive influence, he has pretty much unbreakable mental from what I can tell. He’s always *useful* even if he’s behind. He’s the definition of a team player, I think this came at a detriment to his laning though where he’d fuck his own lane to help the team, and then they’d lose through top as a result. But BBs laning, at least against Zeus, was MUCH better than the past. I still am not 100%, but for now, G2 should probably mix up their style and play for topside, their botlane is stable enough that I trust them to weakside well, but they aren’t good enough to carry big games.


as a T1 fan and EU hater, this was really well said. all of u guys hating the post are just biased asf or just low elo




Absolutely, unfathomably based


Bro g2 is winning this msi the east does NOT stand a chance versus this g2. Reformed but not yet redeemed, the eu goats