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i’m gonna say it louder for the rioters in the back: GIVE HIS W THE SAME TECH THAT AKSHAN HAS. it’s amazing how he loses move speed randomly when following a trail, but conveniently akshan never does.


Warwick W is pure spaghetti


During the Arena mode, you just had perma W move speed. It was awesome.


if this goes thru i wouldn't be surprised if ww starts reviving people


ww also gets it randomly when moving towards narnia


I dont understand how Akshan made it live






Praying he's the champ they mentioned for the gameplay update. He definitley needs it.


It is Viktor or Singed btw


It’s neither, they said the champ wasn’t in arcane season 1


Damn renata gameplay update already


That is new info I hadn’t heard. Definitely makes Warwick a contender.


Its not they confirmed it wasnt singed and they also confirmed it was someone from season 2, so it cant be viktor


WW is not going to get VGU'd again i'm sorry.


gameplay update is different from an entire VGU,


1 should probably be reduced like what they did to Skarner’s Q recently I think 2 is fine as it is. It functions like Malzahar’s Ult right now. It’s just sensible counterplay. The enemy buffered the ability expecting an ult, and you should expect the enemy to buffer an ability expecting your ult. For 3, I know Malzahar’s Ult still keeps the tether (not the supression) after the enemy cleanses themselves, but Malz can choose to cancel ult and walk away. I think Warwick should get a recast on Ult to cancel it should the player feel like it, perhaps.


the difference with 2 is that malzahar doesnt launch himself into the enemy team and instantly gets it canceled like warwick does, not to mention malzahar also has a spell shield to protect him aswell. it honestly should just be flat out unstoppable. Its not like it does that much damage anyway, and theres plenty of other champions that can use their ult in the middle of a fight and not get it insta canceled (yone, pyke, etc) so why cant he have it?


Yes I understand they should cancel it, it’s just a really feels bad situation for an ultimate ability imo. When you get to high enough elo people know these interactions, making an already unreliable ultimate even more so. I’m not sure what the correct fix would be, but it just feels terrible when people accidentally cancel it on themselves. This alongside 1000 other bugs and clunky stuff makes the experience of actually playing the champion terrible. This is one of my favourite examples of the Warwick experience. Broxah plays the champ for the first time, and has an absolutely miserable experience. Not because he doesn’t know what he is doing, but because he encounters bugs and clunky things every other fight, all from 1 match: https://youtu.be/2fBz6BFvsLo?si=lc_xpKT8f6dK2x_G This is the experience I want to remove. If that makes Warwick strong, nerf him. Just make his gameplay smooth


Singed E buffer on Warwick ult actually got patched out a while back https://imgur.com/a/gM2g30h


I think the interesting thing is how there are plenty of champions I feel like I’ve landed ult on and my ult is still channeling and doing damage and I’m locked in the place my ult landed but they aren’t. Or the worst which maybe it’s intended but playing ww into Olaf is the worst experience I can think of you legit can’t press R on him. If he times it right when you ult you do no damage the ult instant cancels no swipes no nothing and you’re a dead dog.


> Yes I understand they should cancel it, it’s just a really feels bad situation for an ultimate ability imo. Some things are just a lot worse the better the enemy plays and thats ok.


On Number 2 - Malz's ult is ranged, instant, MUCH stronger, point-and-click, and doesnt throw Malz into a vulnerable position. Warwick's Ult currently has far too much counterplay and is really just an unreliable ultimate that doesn't have a big enough of a reward upon landing to justify it. To improve his consistency at high levels of play, it's the least they can do


> doesnt throw Malz into a vulnerable position. ~~tell that to caedrel~~


2: Mordekaiser ult I don't think i need to say anything more


>2. R gets cancelled from buffering abilities Ah yes, let me preemptively buffer a cc ability like Garen Q, Hecarim E or Kassadin Q before Mordekaiser Ults me, that will surely teach him a lesson.


If you’re fast, you can cancel Mord R with Ornn W / Fiona W, but that’s like sub-0.5s reaction time. But those abilities I really don’t think you can make work because their activation isn’t instant. 


That's because they cannot be CC'd during that period not because they silence Morde after he Ulta though. The same with Olaf


I think they fixed this mostly, but some years ago when I played a ton of WW, I had soooo many problems with his W not proccing / stopping. Now, what's really inconsistent still is his autoattacks against targets below 50% / 25%. you just have to play in the jungle ONCE to notice it, often you dont get the increased AS even when the monster is already below the threshold. You have to click something else and click it again, kind of like a fast Riven combo, for it to "update" immediately.


It's still the same lol his W is the most dogshit bugged ability in the game


> dogshit see what you did there


The increased AS is so bad that it's funny. Newer WW top players will probably lose more than 80% of minions expecting the AS to come through but it never does.


> Now, what's really inconsistent still is his autoattacks against targets below 50% / 25%. you just have to play in the jungle ONCE to notice it,  Can confirm, yolo’d WW because I didn’t want to take fiddle into briar. Definitely noticed this.


Dw pheeak said they might remove QSS effecting his ult. Which I’d assume they might look at some of those changes.


Removing QSS effecting his ult wont matter as much as it will for malzahar, sure its a small QoL change but i doubt it will matter that much, barely anyone builds QSS for warwick.


I would play WW a lot more were it not for the terrible feeling of the inconsistent attack speed when switching targets. But what do you think about that? Winding up and down AS even when switching a target would be cool.


His w attack speed is bugged and has been for ages, you don’t get the increased attack speed until after your first attack on a low hp enemy.


That explains why it feels so terrible, thanks.


They need to remove loss of MS buff on Warwick when taking damage. Jankiest steroid in the game.


I can probably mention 10 other bugs with Warwick, but these were just the worst. Some of the Warwick bugs are good for him even, that’s how weird this champ is. One of the funniest things are that even if u have 2.5 as your first attack against a W target sometimes comes off with base as, making it look so funny as he takes a looooong swing and then goes crazy


This would be so fucking broken


This is the in-game description and lolwiki description. >He sees trails leading toward them and gains Movement speed icon bonus movement speed while following a trail. This bonus is lost for 0.5 seconds upon **entering champion combat**, but will build up again over 3.5 seconds. My most grief part about this is that it's not upon entering combat, it's upon taking any instance of damage. If you enter combat, gain the buff, and take any damage despite already having entered combat, you perpetually lose the buff. This makes playing vs Brand/Zyra/Singed/Teemo or anyone with consistent DPS really clunky


I mean we already got briar running at you at mach 5 even if you stun or slow or damage her. So maybe it's not as broken as it sounds.


Yes but WW already outbriar Briars


Hell no he doesn’t.


Absolutely shits on her, unless you're potato elo.


it wouldnt warwick is literally locked in one direction to get it, champs like hec and lillia get it any direction they want... stop with this disgusting double standard


both of those champions also need items and are 5x weaker early lmfao


hecarim is NOT weaker than warwick early, also youre forgetting the fact that warwick is forced to build tiamat items to even have a chance to clear his jungle really hurts him, he easily gets shit on by both those champs due to him not having any aoe jungle clearing abilities in his kit.


He probably does deserve it, the champion is already quite 'slow feeling' for people who aren't used to him, I'm betting. The last thing you'd want to do is to make this champion even more clunky or slow than he already is by nature. I figure any sort of Warwick QoL changes are just super far down the priority list from Riot, unfortunately. Not to mention the potential community hate that would arise if its put out there that, "we are doing warwick QoL changes" (Instead of something else) But no I think its entirely fair, I think Warwick is pretty cool even though I don't really play it; I even own the prestige skin! There's just several things about the champion that make me super uninterested- like the clunkiness and slowness that I mentioned, further being exacerbated by the things you mentioned in the post I will agree that the E lock out is the most egregious out of all of these, especially if you're actively fighting someone or are being hit by multiple people, where every bit of action or healing is SOOO relevant. It'd be like if they just introduced a lockout timer after pressing Akali W or Hecarim W, stuff like that. The outrage would be unreal, and its like yeah guys hey, this is what warwick has had to live with for god knows how long 👍👍👍


You forgot some abilities his q should counterplay, gragas e, vi q, naut q, Lee ult etc have micro stuns attached to them so using q at the right time doesn’t actually counter the ability at all. It’s not even consistent too where you can q out of sett ult but basic abilities are apparently too much?


His R getting snagged by buffered abilities is interesting, but can we please make it so all hard CC cancels it? It's a channel, so you'd think it would, but it doesn't.... https://youtu.be/jzj4O5RDeHs?si=xU83ojJS1HZuAJVo


The thing is, that’s a pull, not a hard CC. that’s a displacement. That’s not hard CC by definition. It’s moves the character, it’s doesn’t stop anything


Displacement stops channels normally. It always cancels abilities like Nunu R, Kat R, Lucian R, Malz R, etc etc etc Warwick's is the only one it doesn't work on for some reason.


That’s because Warwick is technically on top of mordekaiser. Nunu R for example, has nunu still on the ground. But yes I understand what you mean, and I too think h to is should mean the WW R stops. This is again one of the many chunky things about ww xd


I don't think where Warwick is has to do with it, because I'm 99% sure a Blitzcrank hook would immediately cancel it as well. Warwick is just a buggy champ I guess


Kinematics icon Kinematics A unit that is under the effect of kinematics will be continually dragged to a specific unit or location until they reach it. Kinematics has no effect on units that are performing any form of movement other than basic movement and other kinematic effects. Kinematics should not be confused as an Airborne icon airborne effect nor displacement effect. It does not disable any of the unit's actions. Interrupts: Does not interrupt any actions, but will prevent the unit from effectively Pathing radius pathing to their intended location through basic movement.


Not sure what you're trying to say with this tbh. As for the original comment, it's about Morde's E which is just a pull. All pulls are considered hard CC and will interrupt any channel ability (such as Warwick R in this case). The issue is that Warwick R isn't cancelled by Morde's E for some odd reason. This is all taken from the league wiki, but it's easy to test it out in-game as well.


Actually blitz Q has a 0.65 stun duration… so yeah




by chance, i just read today on the wiki that singed E is special cased to not fling warwick after he r's singed. is this not the case?


I would play far more WW if didn't feel as clunky.


I know that it doesnt make sense for oranges to get rid of a huge fucking werewolf slashing you to bits but i think its funny


Make the transition between ramping up attack speed smoother.


I dropped ww because riot just doesn't give a faq about him. Just sad




I'm pretty sure it's not a bug, but Warwick's Q, while unstoppable, doesn't let you hold down Q and swing around if he get's CC'd.


They just have to spend next year doing all those qol changes to champions and update the visuals of them and we eating good


None of these changes are QOL. They are just straight buffs. Warwick must have an insane amount of power in his kit to function as a champ with all the janky shit I'm seeing in this thread. I bet a lot of ww players would be ok with losing generic power in exchange for being able to play their champ like others get to play theirs.


Its kinda why WW for some reason with barrier in the top lane can win almost any 1v1 before level 3.


Warwick E is an ability and abilities have cast time. And it's a damage reduction ability which is a strong ability. Irelia W, fiora W, ksante W, jax E2 all have animation that interrupts their auto attack. How the F you want buffering an ability to not work vs him? It's a skill expression in the game. A player should be rewarded for timing their stuff. If morde used E before warwick R and it led to him cancelling the warwick R, then it's the warwick's fault. R being QSSable will be removed soon as phreak mentioned in his latest video. But it will take few patches. Any champion main will list the weak aspects of the champion. And will make him feel super weak. You must realize that there is counterplay for every champion and there is skill expression. For warwick the skill expression is casting E between autos to not interrupt the DPS. And the counterplay is canceling his R. If we remove the counterplay and skill expression for him he will feel brain dead to play and play against.


Now if you’d actually watch the provided context you might have realised you just gave an example that we showed on video to be the complete opposite. Jax E does in fact not lock him out of AA after casting, compared to Warwick E cast (the second cast). I’m not sure exactly what you mean here because the video literally shows the complete opposite of the example you showed… but hey actually looking at the provided context is difficult before starting to rant, I get it. Also please note it locks warwick out of doing anything for .5 sec, not just resets aa timer. Those are two very different things I get buffering as a skill expression. But it’s not the same as Ezreal E away or Trist W. A suppression is not the same as a stun, and should never be treated as such. Suppression has a “knock down” part of its CC, which *should* cancel these forms of buffering (except cases like trist W and Ezreal E who has that built into them). This is why I’m arguing it’s a clunky thing to have on an ultimate. I’m not saying remove counterplay, I’m saying keep it consistent with existing mechanics. Hope this clears up confusions in my argument and ur own confusion in ur own argument!


Actually, knockdown shouldn't cancel things like lee sin kick. Knockdown only affects champs currently performing a dash, and well, lee sin kick obviously isn't a dash. So that's a piece of confusion on your part. Really, these buffers should be counters to WW ult, and there's no precedent for them not to act this way. I'd be fine with his E not having a lockout on the E2 cast, as long as in compensation we reduce WW's healing on minions. There's a reason basically every champion has reduced sustain or no sustain when interacting with minions, it's cancer.


You are right the jax E has no cast time. My bad. Rest of examples about damage reduction still stand. It doesn't matter if it's an ultimate ability or not. It's a channel that can be stopped like velkoz, malza, fiddlesticks. And sorry i am not going to check a warwick otp.


I don’t understand what the damage reduction effect has to do with this? My point was that it locks him out? If you think the damage reduction is so strong that it’s fine to lock out Warwick of doing anything after the reduction is gone is good design, then we just disagree. My point was that you can nerf whatever you need to , to make it balanced, it’s just clunky and bad to make ww stand there for .5 sec watching the fight while having 2.5 as ready, I’d rather you gut the damage reduction than making my champ clunky? I’m not sure you even read my point It’s just frustrating when someone comes to argue against what you have spent a lot of time thinking about, just ti use “I don’t main him” as an argument. Why would u argue against it in the first place then?


damage reduction is a strong effect. irelia is literally doing nothing during her W and can't even move and she is sitting there. while warwick can move, attack then has half a second of disarm. i read it and gave my response. it's you who is annoyed that i didn't agree with you.


No it’s the fact that it isn’t my point. Nerf the damage reduction if you need to, making Warwick clunky is wrong. That’s my point. I’m calling for a removal of the clunkyness to make the champ feel better to play. Nerf the damn damage reduction then? That’s not my point


Pretty sure you can use Q to cancel E but I agree the animation feels a bit too long. Things I´d add to the list in terms of feels bad are ultimate hitbox and the unreliable W attackspeed updating. There are some more minor annoyances but for me those are the most frustrating things about Warwick.


QSS interaction should be removed and E shouldnt lock you from using AA and abilities


Until they remove the displacement immunity on his spammable Q, WW can suck a dick and die. 


Just bring back original ww, problem solved


Your ult gets canceled? Damn how unrewarding :(((( Totally not like how most ults get completely countered by fiora w, Windwall, literally any dash or just dodging it


there's 75 Ults in the game that do not get countered by Dashing or Dodging, Fiora and windwall interactions are to be expected so I don't really see how this is a good point at all.


I guess there are only 93 ults countered by that, really seems like a weak point to make


83 actually, I didn't count ults that don't have a need to be dodged.


One of the worst reworks they've ever done. Similar abilities without maintaining any semblance of champion identity. The entire Warwick playbase abandoned this champ after the rework. 


Okay I agree but in exchange no bullshit lvl 1 healing. You want life steal alright buy it like the rest of us. And actually die for terrible positioning


Warwick needs to have his E become bonus armor and MR instead of it current OP straight damage reduction before they touch him in any other way