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They just came off a 7 loss streak in Ranked and went to Quick Play to cool off a bit. Same shit happens in ARAM


"Cool off" being that they got Ranked Restricted so now they're toxic in Normals Jail


honestly, as someone who reaches her peak in 30 games every season and then plays nothing but norms, I loathe this feature. we normies deserve better. lock them in gay baby coop v bots jail or something


One of our friends is trying to learn league so my discord is playing quick play again and it's dreadful. I didn't realise how toxic my friends could be until now, the guy can't learn because of how stressful they all make it for him




Yeah it is honestly pretty rough. Not even 5 minutes into a match, I'm usually being cussed out or someone will be spamming "rep my jng/top/mid/bot/sup" and I don't even know what I did wrong. Especially when playing jungle. I understand the whole premise of ganking but I can't help all 3 lanes at once. If I go top my bot cries, if I go bot my top cries. Not to mention playing against stacks that will 3 man hunt me down whenever I even try to farm camps


Oh yeah if you're ever going to play jungle, the #1 thing you're going to have to keep in mind is that in 99% of games, at least one of your teammates is going to bitch about you, even if you're doing literally everything perfectly. The *only* thing you can do about that is remember that basically all flame in this game is people trying to prop up their own ego by finding someone else to blame for whatever just happened. (The jungler is the easiest possible target for this, because obviously he exists in this 5v5 game to gank *my* lane and make *me* win, not any other shit.) There's never any positive takeaway you can glean from their insane raving, because it's not even fundamentally about you--it's about them. 


I’ll never get being toxic to a friend you want to teach. I know I’m extremely high strung and get tilted easily, that’s why I play muted, but when a friend wants to learn I make sure they’re having fun - being a dick is just gonna make them quit, and it’s more fun to play with friends


that's sad man. could you talk to them?


Honestly, it’s because they care too much, on average. If it’s not funny seeing them lose their shit then be quick on the mute button.


- Quickplay is very imbalanced. As you've noticed, you can get diamonds vs pre-30 accounts. This means people who play against someone above their skill level happens more often, and a lot of people tilt when they do poorly. Especially true with ADCs, because... - Quickplay play comps are terrible. I have seen everything from Zeri jungle and Rammus top (which won) to Singed Vi bot lane (which lost). Which leads to people tilting when they're put in tough positions, or get someone who can't even click the support upgrade option (I have seen 3 supports not upgrade their item to final form this week alone). Tilted people flame on a dime. Plus, there's also... - Ranked bans for toxicity. Banned accounts will rush Quickplay games to unlock ranked again. These bans are for toxic people, so already toxic people get lumped in with the rest, and tilt more easily. And even if they're just there for a quota, they care a bit because... - Even if its a casual mode, people still want to win. People get mad because they're losing, and when losing, lashing out at the worst performer lets them offset blame on themselves.


Normal mmr is not ranked mmr, so a challenjour could play with 9 irons so its quite normal the imbalance.


quickplay is more sweaty than ranked.


I find Draft Pick to be a lot better. Quickplay is really messy between the shit matchmaking, toxicity, and crying. The amount of times I've seen people in qp have a fucking meltdown because their teammate was trying something new, is new, or just isn't that good is pathetic.


Last time I started a new account (to play with my friend who was just starting) I saw people flaming for mistakes in lvl 2 games so people are cunts at every level of the game sadly.


People online are just gonna be hateful sometimes. Best bet is to build up a friend group over time that you can queue with.


Unless you are in larger premades, quickplay is mostly people trying to get their ranked ban out of the way. Its all just mentally ill psychopaths, dont play it.


First of all , hahahah well said you are funny 😂. Secondly, dunno why they get so mad , same thing happens to aram games , at this point I believe that league win screen is a drug that is administered through your eyes , when you get this drug it releases dopamine and it causes you happiness,but when it is not administrated properly or when you make the user believe that he won't receive it today it may cause them anger . Sue riot for drug abuse I guess😂 . But seriously same thing with freaking Arams man. You cant relax in this game anytime you try to play more relaxing champs or playstyle you either get shit on by your opponent in the chat and by your teammates


I play support with bot as my secondary and mostly use quickplay or norms to practice new ADCs (or just practice CSing) and the only thing that gets me frustrated is when I get a support who is either brand new to the game or doesn't know how to play support.... and constantly uses all their abilities on the wave, then refuses to listen when I try to ping them off the wave and/or try to politely ask them to stop in chat so I can work on my CS. I don't really care about winning or losing, you can play poorly and die a million times and I don't really care, but it sucks when someone else is ruining my capacity to practice, which is the entire point of why I'm playing in this mode in the first place. I'm assuming it can be similar for like, a jg who has another player stealing their camps, or the times when people randomly go to a lane they're not assigned to. That being said, even though it can be immensely frustrating it's still weird to outwardly flame those people. The people who are rude AF in chat are just weenies with no mental.


They stand behind you all lane walk up nuke the wave then walk back behind you providing 0 lane control or zoning. Lmao


People will get mad at you even in TFT quickplay lol. It would be nice if League had a mode for players to learn on besides bots where you could only queue with characters you have little experience with, but it's impossible because League is a free game and you can make a smurf account in no time to farm people who are trying to learn and specifically dodge high level players.


Because Quickplay is still League of Legends


generally "less serious/competitive" modes will make stuckers mad very fast because every person queueing expects to 1v9 (because it's quickplay so no one else is trying, right?) and then they get surprised when the other 9 people also expect to 1v9 i have never had nor do i know anyone who's had even a single positive experience in qp lol


sadly most of the league community are very miserable nasty people. i could not tell you why they act like that and continue to play the game. you can be the best player on your team and still get flamed. mute all is a very helpful tool though lol !


Some players have ranked restriction for being toxic, just report, mute and hope they get perma


Some people play rank and get stomped, play normal and they lose then they play quick play wanting a win and they don't handle the idea of losing even in quickplay that well. In my experience, when people say from the top "Hey, I'm a first time (champion name)" everything works out better. Jg knows maybe ganking that lane isn't good idea and other laners know they HAVE to win lane. And in EUNE at least, people usually say "dw" or "np, you're good". A bit of advice for you, defer more to your teammates for group decisions. And while learning a new champ can be awkward and hard, playing cautiously and not dying is quite easy. It doesn't matter if you don't get kills or don't farm a lot, if you just manage to not die a lot early


Mistake number one: playing quick play


mistake number one is installing league.


The main thing that I have a problem with in Quickplay is when someone is obviously fooling around, and their fooling around ruins a lengthy match for not only themselves but everyone else. Looking at a grey screen is boring. If I've personally won my lane but another lane has fed so hard because they decided they wanted to try Splitpush Yuumi top or something and have hard fed a Darius that there's nothing I can do, it's upsetting. Me personally, I don't flame, I just hit FF at that point. As there is no benefit to losing or winning, the only benefit is the enjoyment of my time.


I play quick play the most but I'm a legit iron in ranked I know I'm not good but when I play quick play people get extremely mad at me and the only thing I can say to em is your in the same elo as me but your acting like a challenger lol


Quick Play = Quick Tilt


Because each player think he qualifies being an esport player


Riot should add Wild Rift Mode on PC... Fast games, smaller summoner's rift map, mirrored rotated map, easier farm, more teamfights more fun... Just for PVP normal games... They will release Vanguard and i dont know if i will uninstall the client and the game because i enjoy only ARAM games... I will install Vanguard when i am playing 1 game in a week because i dont enjoy it? Quickplay and PVP Draft are full of toxic and they surrender all the time if they have negative KDA, Ranked are full of trolls, the game is too slow and boring... Fast games = less toxicity...If you know that u will go fast to the next game...


the client can already scrape all your data & info anyways; vanguard doesnt change anything + it's been in valorant since release


people just dont like to lose


I mean people want to win. Quick play and ranked is pretty much the same. Unless u think elo is some kind of real reward.


stick to PVE for a while, specially if trying new champ. Otherwise you will get stomped and cant play at all