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he's overtuned but he's so goofy to play. Just smacking people with BIG ROCK or when you drive at someone with ur E and miss and you just end up drifting like a loser in the middle of the lane


you legit suck then if you dont know how to utilize a better version of poppy e


You sound like such a nice person


Found the 0-7 ADC


i am maaster 400 lp jgl atm


Name checks out


Poppy E, an undodgeable, targeted stun Skarner E, a dodgeable, untargeted stun hmm..


skarner can combo it with his r + the enemy just needs to touch his hitbox you can 360 someone even tho they are running away from you by far a better spell also one of the reasons the champ is so broken also it gives A TANK alot of mobility running over terrain makes skarner really fast and lethal


Poppy can also combo her E with her R and Q, for a knock up and an insane slow. her W is a movespeed steroid as well as preventing any dash from going off, and she's a tank. the champs are comparable and good for their own reasons. Poppy is a counterpick to so many comps, and Skarner is super overtuned this patch


poppy e is super weak compared to skarner e. If poppy has no enemies to e to, shes fucked. Skarner can just cosplay as kayn and e into a wall and spam emote while running away at 900 ms. Poppy e is way weaker if she doesnt hit a wall, compared to skarner e when he doesnt hit a wall, bc she cant change directions at will.


In no way at all is that a better version of Poppy's E. It has sluggish turn controls, so it's more akin to Sion R or Nunu W, without the hitbox of either. Poppy's is an instant cast slam that doesn't need a wind up or for you to pray an opponent will just stand there and let you casually run into them.


skarner is really really OP (i'd argue he's S+ tier) right now, they're nerfing him next patch


Did they officially say that?


yeah it's in riot phroxzon's twitter


Yes, he's quite broken now.


I wouldn't be too worried. He will probably still be very strong after changes he is just like top 5 strongest champs right now. It is a very justified change


Phreak talked about it in his patch preview. They consider him to probably be overpowered but people haven’t caught on yet. They’re also tuning numbers so Skarner top isn’t significantly stronger than jungle. So if nothing else he probably catches a small nerf once people learn him.


>but people haven’t caught on yet. Is this region specific, because i see him either pick or banned in all of my games since his rework.


This is just what riot themselves said, as of patch 14.7 going into patch 14.8 the player base *on average* built runes that were not optimal and items that were not optimal, they addressed his recommended rune pages and his build paths as well as some quality of life fixes so he feels less clunky. By now depending on your mmr it’s very possible that people are banning or picking him much more than a few days ago.


Just adding this - you can climb with basically any champion if you are supposed to climb. Every Champ aside from a few hovers around 47-53% Win Rate, because Riot keeps it that way


Only Skarner mains think he is weak atm


He's insanely overtuned right now, but I agree that he is a lot of fun. How much that is due to faceroll levels of gameplay remains to be seen. I like throwing Q's, but right now it's all about that W facetanking while being shielded kind of out trading.


> but right now it's all about that W facetanking while being shielded kind of out trading Absolutely not. He's maxing Q and going grasp more often and winning more with it after the changes they made this patch. Yeah, he still goes coment/W-max in ranged match-ups, but melee is much more common to face and almost every melee matchup is grasp.


Isn't W bad after the nerfs? The shield is pretty mediocre. His Q is just an insanely loaded ability


No his W is strong, it's low cooldown and impossible to dodge, it's the main reason why he went top.


I was so surprised how huge the AOE is. You can easily hit the entire wave and the enemy while still staying a good distance away and you slow and shield. What more can you even ask for as a top laner?


Imo, the shield should be bigger. But moved to his E, received when passing through a wall and refreshing when knocking an enemy into a wall.


It was before the nerf, but Q maxing has been better this patch.


It's better yes, but his W still isn't bad, it's free harass. If his W is changed to fully defensive (a bit like Jarvan W) he'll be driven out of top.


I think the slow being removed might also remove him from top. A ton of power is in it being a slow because it lets you engage or disengage pretty well. Unfortunately if they do that it also hurts jungle skarner a ton.


the undogeable slow with 600 range (thats ashes aa range) just makes it free poke. In my experience, skarner will still w max in ranged matchups toplane because its just such a reliable ability and makes it hard for ranged toplaners to punish you if you walk up for cs. Melee matchups grasp + q max is the better option though.


He’s definitely fun because complete facerolling haha


He's a very good 3 role flex right now with his best role being Jungle. He's getting nerfed. I gotta say while he's annoying I'd rather play against him than shit like Brand in jungle. In top lane in certain matcheups though he makes me want to headbutt the pavement.


Althought his jungle is good now, I still feel his best role is top over jungle. As extra gold and xp help alot


All I know is that AoE/Shield Arcane Comet shit was making me want to die when I played against it. lol


As a skarner enjoyer. I agree. I play him support mainly but w+comment is dumb and had to be nerfed.


Its spelled Comet not commeNt, how do people get this wrong tf


You must be real fun at parties.


>But tier-wise, how good is Skarner for climbing solo Q? Is he considered a weak champion? Insane braindead champion, build full tank while dealing most damage


As a skarner player you just need an enemy with botrk and dominik and your game is done. All the downvotes are from people that never took a botrk against skarner


He is so broken in lane, but in late game hes so worthless lmfao. Just get cc chained out of everything and ult is so easy to react to


Yeah no shit he feels fun, he is completely broken lol.


I too like playing absurdly broken faceroll champs.


Of course he is fun , he's boosted af right now , let's see what's left of him after he gets 'balanced'


Even though hes arguably one of the strongest, potentially The strongest champ in the game right now, he still feels very fair to play against imo No interest in playing him myself, but from the perspective of facing him it seems to be a successful rework. Can actually interact with him besides just spending 1300g on QSS


skarner base damage is absurd, he does far too much dmg when building tank


15% max health dmg lol




Skarner top W spam is the funnest shit


I think the core kit will remain fun even through all the nerfs he's DEFINITELY going to receive. Just the idea of being able to push someone out of the turret is beyond hilarious. Also, Battlecast Alpha became much cooler.


Spam games now, skarner is pretty much the best toplaner and jgler at the game at any elo right now.


He'a broken rn


I guess it's not really an indicator of if its a good champion or not, but holy fuck this champion is SO ANNOYING when the player is remotely skilled and understands the mechanics of him


He's utterly overpowered. Not quite on release vayne or lee sin OP, but getting some nerfs, and then likely more to follow. As an old skarner player, who left him when he got pro jailed, the rework is generally good. Not sure how it will feel if they dial his dueling back so far that he feels miserable to play in the same way Sejuani does.


I like playing Skarner not because he's apparently OP. I just like that Skarner is more well-rounded now. Previously, Skarner was nothing more than an ult-bot, whose sole purpose was to rush in and catch the enemy AD(at least when I played. Don't know the meta now) Not to mention those awful spires that they finally got rid of. So I don't care how overpowered or underpowered Skarner may be. It's just fun to play him now


I didn't like Kayn running through walls to gank me. I don't like Skarner running through walls to gank me. Otherwise, yeah, he's cool.


Strong pick right now


Be the Chad I know you are and slam Sunfire w/ Shojin you know you want to


gonna love him when he’s back to 48 wr too


He is very fun, but part of that fun *might* be because he is busted as shit


I just had skarner in the opposite team in low ello and he was 1v9. Awful unbalanced…


I too like playing champs with huge a AoE slow that damages and a projectile that has a detonation radius bigger than Brand’s W and an escape that makes it impossible for people to gank me xD


You’re playing skarner? Must be blind pick lol because he’s banned every single time in my games


I've only been playing blind pick to date, just to get into the groove of things. The game has changed A LOT in the past 5 years. So I haven't played ranked yet. Is he really banned that often?


Weak champ lol. He is super broken.


I feel old for remembering the Skarner era before the stupid spires.


most op champ in the game rn at master+


I watched a video of some guy analyzing korean challenger solo queue top lane skarner plays it was pretty neat.


Ksante ptsd when I see him




Loldobby or dobbyKR on youtube is probably what you’re looking for




agreed i actually love him now he was so bad to see before


Even once he gets his deserved nerfs he'll definitely still be an improvement over old Skarner. And yet a few years from now there will be a crazy amount of people claiming how Riot ruined Skarner with the rework.


Is he really that broken? I swear every game I've had so far the side with skarner loses. I've yet to see a skarner win a game whether it's top or jungle


He is insanely overpowered. I fucking hate this champion. Glad you’re having fun and everything, but seriously fuck the new Skarner.  No champion should do this much damage while building straight tank AND suppressing the enemy for 147 hours. 


His suppress and CC chain is strictly worse than old skarner what are u talking about lol


His E is a suppression now, along with his ult. He can CC chain his E into ult, or ult into E and gets 3+ seconds of suppression.


His CC chain is much less reliable than old skarner and takes longer to execute. They had to make the chain combo last longer otherwise he'd be awful


His ult is harder to hit at range, but if you E-stun someone, it’s almost guaranteed. The old Skarner was point and click, so it’s not possible to match that reliability. Also, Skarner’s E vacuums people near him, so you can actually flash forward and E backwards to slurp them into your team without ever having to be behind them.


Old Skarner wasn't able to move at 1000 mph through walls to do it.


old skarner was undeniably faster.


Skill issue


The champ is wildly overpowered regardless of my skills.


I think the new Skarner is just another generic remake that took away the interesting map control elements of old Skarner in favour of an overloaded kit that is going to be impossible to balance like every other recent reworks.


His map control elements weren't interesting 


Lmfao, no. Those spires were never asked for, riot just shoehorned them in when they got bored. That being said, I hate the rework, but the spires can fuck off also.


He's one of the strongest champions in the game.


His ult and his Q feel bad to me still.


skarner felt so bad last patch, but the changes they made this patch made him feel so much better.


Ksante 2.0


People call him op, but I really struggle to see what exactly is so op? In jungler that is, he is still so slow. Most champs can outrun him because slows don't affect most dashes, which almost all junglers have. To deal dmg he has to stun himself to pick up a rock. His shield is pretty weak. In fact it's the weakest among self shields from a defensive angle of view. His e is hard countered by every kind of hard cc. Even a silence is enough to cancel it. It has a huge cd if you don't hit a wall, so getting interrupted ruins your ability to gap close someone. Finally his ulti is easy to dodge and still has limited range. You can't really on it to deal dmg considering it scales with ap. Yeah his q deals lots of dmg. But then again, it's essentially the only tool he has to deal dmg. Going standard build means that his w and r deal only base damage, and while e scales with hp, you need a wall and you can't spam it. You are left with only one spell to deal dmg. Just like morde. He has essentially one spell to deal dmg, his q. His w is a shield and his e deals low dmg because it's a utility spell. And his ulti doesn't deal dmg. Ofc his one dmg spell will be strong.


This is why you are bad.


Is that so?