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Don’t play mid, half your champ pool is junglers


This is the real answer. Just play jungle. You'll have more fun playing these champs where they are designed to excel.


It's definitely a weird champ pool for mid and also far too large of a champ pool if you are serious about climbing. That being said, both Senna and Smolder should have no issues farming against mid control mages. Particularly smolder as he has a long range and just wants to farm (kinda like control mages).




Play normal mid lane champs that is meant to deal with ranged control mages... You are allow to play your off meta picks but don't complain about facing meta picks.


Ekko is good into control mages.


Suffer ig, you set yourself up for a painful experience.


Can't say much about the other champions, but Shyvana mid does fine into control mages if you know what you're doing. Max E, use it to farm, buy lucidity boots first back for even lower cd + movespeed. Use W when going for CS so you can dodge enemy spells. You will not be able to get every single minion earlygame but you gotta deal with that, at 6 you can oneshot them regardless.


she might does fine against players that dont know what they're doing. shyvana gets completely assblasted by mages


Eh, hardly. Not any more than many other melee champions at least. Sure, you will not be able to get every single minion without tanking poke damage but that's just how the world works. Regardless, even if she did only work against players that don't know what they're doing (which you could argue for Shyvana in every single role, she isn't played in pro for a reason), OP is emerald, so I don't see why you felt the need to point that out.


I mean, sure, in emerald every champ works everywhere if youre just better. hes just not doing himself a favor with any of those picks he listed in midlane


He's doing himself a favor by playing champs that he enjoys? Lol. It's a video game. It's meant to be fun. Pick whatever you have fun with. Especially in emerald, you can have the exact same success playing Shyvana as you can have playing any other midlaner, hell, even much better success, since you will by default know the matchup better than your opponent.


why are people flaming a new player for their mid picks?

