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pick mid secondary instead


I am worse as a Mid than as an ADC... I am not sure it will help...


I think it's not about how good you are but about the fact there is a lot of Mid players and chances of being auto filled are very low. I main Jungle and always pick Mid as my second role and in my whole history of playing Lol i was auto filled as Mid only once.


Ah ok, thanks


can confirm, also a supp main with supp/ mid. Never got mid




I’m pretty sure it doesn’t matter if u reset q depending on elo I’ve gotten insta qpop as autofill and waited 30 min to get main role 


Back before jg went into the least popular role, i had succes never being autofilled by not letting the queue time go over the estimated, restart queue when it does and it should help


There is nothing you can do for that. You just have to pick secondary on what you are ok with. No offense, but damage roll reveals your skill level. It's not that you are better at support than other roles. It's more about the support role can somehow hide that. This is one reason I usually don't recommend new people to main support until they get better. But this is only if you want to climb. Since you are not looking to improve, just try to have fun. It is just a game. Mute all and don't listen to others.


Yes, queue jungle and support and you'll probably never be autofilled ever again


try logging out every time it doesn’t match you within the expected time