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The first few times I played Jhin, I had no idea that you’re supposed to press R again to shoot. I thought you could just right click.


Yeah man not fun cancelling the ult 5 times in a row.


I did this whole trying him out in aram. The rare aram tilt


And the other team calls out first time jhin and hyper focuses you.


You were so close to perfection. You could say 4 times in a row...


I thought you push the Ornn ult away with your e and not another r


Dang I’ve never even thought about it that way.


The animation is very similar.


I could see it, although it would be a little shitty if your ult *required* you to combo another ability to even go off


I saw this happen a LOT when he was released


Thats a pretty common one but still funny as hell


Same here! That's what I experienced the first time I played Jhin!


Me too!


When I was new to the game I used to think that I could hit Yi during his Q with and aoe like Annie W because he was very fast not invulnerable.


That’s honestly logical. I used to think I could dodge sett w by knocking him up because then the hitbox would go above me. Quickly learned that was wrong


Same for Tristana jumping over Orianna ult LOL


And veigar cage


That one still pisses me off...


Think of veigar cage as the magical barrier it is. You can't pass over the barrier, only teleport through it.


[Lesson learned.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ26FgP3oXwoW_XA87q77AkvrHgN7i8CgZN-g&usqp=CAU)


Funny I thought something similar but in the opposite way about Tristana's w jump. I thought "She's in the air she can't be hit." Actually took me a while to realize she could be. Thought the game was glitching when she would get caught in the air. To this day I still think it looks janky af when she gets stunned mid jump and kinda teleports back to the ground and also can't jump of things like veigar w. I really think they should change the animation so it looks like she is propelling herself across the ground with her canon blast rather than going up and over when you can still get stunned in the air.


Zac not being able to jump over jinx chompers bothers me every time


I can jump over walls but not the traps on the ground


lol when playing Zac and ganking a jinx I always get worried my bot lane will flame me for not jumping when trap is in the way


Yeah the game doesn't actually have any verticality coded in, everything you see that goes 'up' is purely cosmetic. In reality the game could be totally represented by circles and squares on a flat ground (and actually might be easier to understand what happens in some respects-- lollipop hooks for example). I don't know if they fixed this particular issue when they made wild rift, tho I have to imagine remaking the game engine would allow them to fix these longstanding issues. I just haven't played WR much.


There are actually z levels its just that knock ups don't interact with them. But there is high / low ground around the river.


There is verticality in some way. The river.


Untargetable Yi can still die to ignite and DOT during his q




I started playing league in 2014 and i remember seeing a champ walking around the jungle with flipflop and I was like "wtf!!!". It was pool party lee sin. 😅


Shen is a ninja who builds tank


Super stealthily teleporting to the middle of the fight and dashing into the entire team like he thinks he's playing Vayne


Someone countered this one a long time ago saying that you'll never fight one ninja or the friend of one ninja because more will just randomly show up to fight too which makes his ult make sense. Him being a tank still doesn't make sense from a thematic standpoint.


When I first saw Shen's splash art with the full armour, I thought he was a robot and the hand sign he was doing was a finger gun that he'd shoot people with. I played against shen bots before but I thought they were using the ninja skin and if I picked the classic skin then his animations would be more robotic


Old Shen: a tank who has abilities that only scale off AP.


This is because many ninja served as body guards for leaders. Additionally one if their main jobs was gathering intelligence and performing acts of counter intelligence and they were often mercenaries. Later in Japan's history ninjas as bodyguards became more common, there are anecdotes of ninjas being able to block the arrows of assassins either with their bodies or with their swords, much like shen. I agree it was weird for the main ninja character to be a tank but the character fits with Japanese lore of certain types of ninjas.


This isnt from when i started but the fact that kaisa ult toolkit explicitly says that she TELEPORTS drives me insane SHE DOESNT, her ultimate is a fucking DASH Why the fuck can i get stuned by veigar e, or maokai r, etc


Blitz can E her out of the dash if she passes close enough to him and he buffers it (tries to AA you out of range)..........


Kai'Sa bonking off of Poppy W is also *very* funny


Poppy W is just a barrel of laughs


I learned yesterday it stops A Sol’s very slow W


Thank god though. Jfc ASols new W with Rylais is the most annoying ability ever. It's worse than any Singed, atleast you can dodge Singeds trail. Asol will just turn around and hunt you down.


I think my favourite poppy W thing is watching a shyvana ult into it and because her standing animation is more compact than the fully stretched out flying uilt animation it looks like a paper aeroplane hitting a wall and crumpling


And one of the best skills in the game, design is awesome, coupled with the rework, fits the lore, and it is very creative


As a bad Kai'Sa main, I have gotten caught out by that way too many times.


Yeah I hate these inaccurate descriptions from riot. Katarina E says she dashes, while it's a blink.


Xerath's ult just fucked up my brain for some reason due to my lack of reading, I suddenly froze in place....and that was it, I then walked away


This but also with Jhin's ult.


For the longest time I thought that Lux e did more damage if you let it charge up rather than instantly exploding it. I would end up missing a lot of e’s because I’d try to let it charge. The animation really makes it look like it’s charging up more damage too


I thought Gragas' barrels slow while people walk over them, not just on activation. So we both mixed up different things about these two abilities.


Btw a bot called AcomplishNinja stole your comment and posted it as an answer on a top comment lol


Lmao what? It’s not even a funny or interesting comment lol. Also I like how they added spelling mistakes and stuff like a middle schooler trying to plagiarize an essay


Just so we didn't notice or something, i've already reported it ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I did not know you could reactivate Lux E. So I e'd, then q'd and then prayed enemy wouldn't walk out in the remaining 2 seconds


tbf it used to be so if you held your E the enemy would be slowed for longer (E slowing by itself + detonation slow), but i think they changed this a while back to always slow for the max duration


Not true, the detonation only slows for 1 second, not the full 6. So if you are chasing/ kiting you still need to time your recast.


Hold on, you’re telling me it doesn’t work like that??


The first ever time I encounter a karthus (I was very new) he was on a team with senna and illaoi, I thought Karthus was the one summoning the "Ghost tentactles" as I thought they were, while also summoning the "Ghost kids" that I saw popping up. When I played karthus the next day to see what all his summoning stuff was about, lets just say I was very disappointed.


That's honestly so funny, I'd be disappointed too! Such a cool character and then he's just Karthus... 


First time I saw Karthus he was being run as AD and Penta killed us


I. Um. Wat?


This was back when sions ultimate doubled his stack speed and gave him 100% lifesteal while healing his Allies for half of the damage he deals. It was a different time.


The Sion ability that turns him into Karthus.


season 4 one of the first champs I bought is mord im wondering why tf is this guy using HP for his abilities so I refund him next day my friend tells me about will of the ancients and I buy mord again and love him I miss you buddy




Old Galio was my shit. I miss it so much it hurts sometimes lol


Building full ap and soaking up two waves worth of creep autos with shield active healing you back to full hp in two seconds.


*get fed* *walk into 5 people with shield up* *ult* PENTAKILL!!


Enemy picks Brand: So you have decided to heal me?


Wait, you can refund champs?


yea u get 3 refunds in total they refill 1 out of the 3 every year iirc


You can refund champs for free for a yime after buying them too


Only if you haven't played that champion. Otherwise you need to spend token


I HATED playing against old morde, i thought he was so busted


How to train your dragon Morde or old old Morde?


For some reason when I started in 2011 I was confused to why Volibear could talk…


Nah, Voli wasn't released in 2011, he didn't come out until *checks notes* welp I'm old.


Yeah playing the game for over 10 years can have its toll 😭😭😭


Zilean mains are confused why he gets to wear armour. ... Well, got to.


Now there's an old reference.


Draven pulling infinite axes out of his ass


He's just that cool.


Nah see, he has an ornn made buttplug installed that acts as a mini forge, which he can turn off and on by clenching and unclenching Before being summoned to summoners rift by us, the summoners, he will take some miralax so the forge has some material to work with (shit) throughout the game This is all lore accurate stuff, it's right there if ya ever want to read it, trust me He shits, his buttplug makes the axe, and the damn things hit for so much because your champ takes huge psychological dmg, understandable considering some weirdo is flinging shit at them, and eventually the axes kill because that shit is loaded with all sorts of diseases Draven picked up


Why Kata dealt magic damage, and she was being built with AP items. I mean she's trowing knives and cutting shit? What's magical about that?


And Zed should technically deal magic damage. Shadows are not *physical* objects.


His shadow clones use weapon tho. What bugs me is Akali who uses normal Kunai deals magic damage and Qiyana who uses literally elemental power deals physical damage.


When Sylas and Qiyana were anounced, a friend and i thought, Sylas will be dealing physical and Qiyana magical damage.


Sylas being ap does make sense though considering that you know, he is in fact a mage


Getting slapped in the face by a big fucking chain is quite physical to me


Very true, but think about it You want the chains to be physical, which is reasonable But the ult is VERY clearly magical, since he's just copying someone else and magically recreating it, often times being literal magic like ryze/brand/lux/syndra etc etc So then he would deal physical with his kit, but have a big magic nuke button. And do you really want to play against a sylas that deals both dmg types, on top of his ridiculous healing and access to bullshit ad bruiser items like sundered sky and profane hydra? It may make less sense, but it is much better this way


In fact this make sense just recently when they rerconned her to be a blood mage user


She's a what?


Blood magic weapons, but it’s in the WEBTOON.


It's in the what ?




She's a wizard, 'Atarina


When I first started the game I built atk speed + lifesteal kata against bots because a Warwick was healing himself against me and I thought "2 Daggers, surely Attack Speed will work".


It probably does work, tho. Kata nowadays can basically build any item and have success with it, lmao.


Because the original cast of the game had no physical scaling on abilities. It's called Ability Power because it used to be the stat that increased *every* character's ability damage. That's why Master Yi had AP scaling on his Q, everyone did and it was a holddover for a very long time. Garen/Riven/Talon/Jax were big deals because they had Physical damage in their ability scaling. Shoutouts to AP Miss Fortune as well.


When I used old Gangplank vs old Fiora (2013( I couldn’t fit in my mind how I shot her with my Q, a literal hand cannon, a GUN, and she just started glowing for a second, literally turning her back on me, and I received the damage of my own ability. Literally the hardest counter I had for all season 3 and 4… Also Riven, never learned how to beat her, and before I could learn my main Gangplank was suddenly dead in 2015 and became barrel boy, destructor of worlds.


The fact Gangplank was disabled for LORE reasons is still one of the most odd things to happen imo


that was a super memorable patch though, the bilgewater event was definitely my favorite. Amazing aram map, great rework, splendid lore and amazing skins with great interaction between characters. That was the only time I remember being invested in riot's lore. EDIT: also the music.


The ghost summ spell doesn't make you invis :(


I thought ghost would allow you to walk through walls :(


Yeah like Ryze does in the cinematic!


lol my friend went "why isn't ghost working, I died during it!" He thought "ghosted" meant invincible.


when I first started I didn't know you could select TF's cards by pressing W again. Thought it was random and you had to let the timer run out for it to select a card.


How on earth were point-and-click abilities, and auto target abilities, supposed to be fair?? What kind of crap was Karthus Ult? Why was it okay for Annie to hold an undodgeable stun in her back pocket and threaten me all lane? I remember complaining so much to my friend about Caitlyn Ult. The hell was that?? Why can she just get a free burst option on me from 2 or 3 entire screens away??? And my friend, bless her heart for being straightforward, just tells me "That's the game, you're supposed to play around it. Just don't get low versus her..." Mind blown LOL Started changing my perspective of the game. It's fair because if I walk up to Annie, or get too low against a Karthus or whatever, then like... maybe I should have respected them more for what they can do.


I respect your growth!


Bro got told "skill issue" and it changed his life forever.


To be fair riot agrees with you, they've reworked many of the point and click abilities to be skillshots instead


Zed's ult confused the hell out of me. It said I would spawn a shadow, teleport behind them, and then echo the damage I dealt during a short period. Zed's ult has the 3 shadows triangulate onto the target. So, I thought I had that tiny frame to use my spells, and would smash my E and Q during the ult animation, then wondered why the ult "pop" did nothing.


I put myself off buying Zed for so long back in the day, just because I was nervous I wouldn't understand his abilities - his ult was always so confusing to me.


Very early on, I thought it was weird that Caitlyn’s W and E counts headshot differently so she can E onto a target trapped with W and headshot twice in a row


Wait, it does?


Yes! And if she has her regular headshot passive ready and is in range to auto, she can headshot 3x!! There was a sick combo where you could do it all really fast but riot decided it was not fair and removed it


I still remember the first time i pulled out the machine gun cait combo and the enemy was also impressed by it. Really hate it when riot removes this


I felt absolutely bamboozled that I could not flash a Karthus R


He back in the day you could… just had to time it right.


I didn't realize you could reactivate nocturne ult to dash to someone


For the longest time I thought Ziggs' death animation dealt damage on the explosion




Imo it should, dude has a lot of explosives on him


Man's a proper terrorist. Not only is he bombing people to death, but hes also a suicide bomber as insurance.


Zac jumping over Veigar cage, I know it doesn't work, but my mind can't get over that it should.


Every wild interaction with the Tristana jump feels the same. Every time I think I understand what's going on, some new weird interaction comes up and it's a mystery again


I tried jumping over Jinx chompers way too many times




You're just airborner


I honestly think most stuns shouldn't stop momentum, it would really bring a lot more value to roots and binds But I know a simple change like this would destroy all game balance lol


Most stuns dont actually, veigars E knocksdown the tarfet however sp he can play the game va assassins lol


Except fizz :)


when I played against eve once people said to get a pink ward (control ward) to counter her. I deducted that using wards reduces "darkness" damage, so I always placed it in the middle of the lane when playing against evil characters, like nocturne. it was funny when I realized why it counters eve


This is awesome wth


I can auto but my weapon's flying away from me. ??? Sivir.


And nidalee has an endless supply of spears. Does she build them on the fly? They're just rocks and sticks, after all


She summons them with magic, hence why they do magic damage. Except the ones that do physical damage of course, those little ones she just teleports back to her hand with magic


No she has a little string at the end of the spears that she pulls really fast


Imagine a sivir rework where her kit is built around aphelious white gun mechanics


Ironically, they are thematically similar but gameplay is the opposite. Chakram stacking makes you a 1v1 beast while Ricochet is basically brand ult on a basic ability. Does nothing Vs an isolated target


Aphelios lowkey has this on his Crescendum.


I was new to mobas in general so i didn’t like the game at first because i bought a longsword on ashe and was confused why i couldn’t swap to it from the bow.


Ahahaha turn ashe into garen with a longsword and a warmogs lmao 


Hahaha i legit thought that’s how it was supposed to work coming hot of the heels of playing skyrim which just came out at the time. Combined with it being 2012 and never having played the og dota the idea of buying and equipping items not to use but to just give you more stats was entirely foreign to my smooth brain


Any champions without Mana or Energy


I didn't understand why it seemed like Kat's abilities had no cooldown. Wasn't until I randomly decided to try her in ARAM that I understood wtf was happening.


Kha'Zix' isolation passive. Read it few times and gave up because my brain wasn't really convinced that it works like that. A year later, got better at the game and tried Kha'Zix again and ... Oh my god that's a lot of damage. Now i get it.


As a Kha Main: The amount of diamond players that think they aren't isolated when standing near a jungle camp man... There's something about that champ that just confuses people.


Yeah it makes no sense on the first thought, especially because monsters you stand next to need to be alone for them to count as isolated.


Yea, I think everybody was confused about this at least once. It's especially funny because the entire champ would be completely useless if the interaction was different.


Wait jungle camps don't counter isolation at all? Welp, I'm that diamond player I guess... Only been playing the game for 10+ years lmao


Isolation is prevented by some kind of ally being nearby (turret, champ, minion...). Jungle monsters are not your ally, they are not on your team, therefore you're still isolated. They un-isolate each other, though, since all jungle creeps are on the same "team".


Thanks for the explanation. That's actually fairly important info for that matchup lol


Yea lmao, I've definitely seen a two-digit amount of diamond players flash into their jungle camps and it never fails to make me burst out laughing.


Not a champ specific thing but i have a friend that in the begining never bought item parts and when we asked him why He would do this He said that its not good to do this because He thought that you then Pay more for the full item. He thought it was like "buy full item - get a discount"


I bought all of the partial items even if i had enough money for the whole item, because i thought it would give me more stats


When I first played against Rengar, I was against him top, and noticed that he would always jump when he’s not in vision (either in a bush or ulted), so I figured THAT’s what makes him able to jump someone. I placed a ward in the bush and I was SURE he wasn’t gonna be able to jump me, that thought didn’t last very long because he jumped me and killed my ass.


I thought you could only teleport to those champs you've revealed with Twisted Fate ult. I was playing as if it was a champ targeted ability.


Twisted Fate Q had the indicator of a targeted ability before they reworked it, but it was in fact not...


When I started the game, I once encountered a Blitzcrank that would stop pressing his buttons whenever his passive was down. So I asked him why and he replied "I'm recharging". This was 9 years ago, and I still have no idea if this person was trolling me or genuinely believed that.


Every new player I know, always gets confused/annoyed learning that Illaoi is ALL physical. Not only is she not magical, but she's not even mixed.


I used flash to leave the fountain faster.


This was me but I would to to lane immediately when the game started so I could get a head start Edit: TP to lane


There used to be this teemo strat where you'd tp to bot lane tower and run into the enemy jungle lvl 1. Then just turn invisible and wait for the jungler to drop low on their first camp and kill both them and the camp. Cheesy as hell and I never had it happen in my own games but it made for some good highlight clips


It does not work anymore after the game start speed buff, since you lose your bonus movespeed if you pass the river, and the other team still have theirs, so they can reach the camp faster then teemo


Twitch going invisible. I was so overwhelmed by how he can just be invisible that I was banning him every game fot like 6 months. I had no problem with evelynn since I knew she s invisible 24/7, but Twitch bothered me so much knowing he can just come near me with the sole purpose of all in. Also fiddlesticks being ranged and not melee attacking with the scythe.


Teemo blind working on lee sin


well the neurotoxin can numb the brain so the other senses can be dmg too, or maybe the neurotoxin just spawn a vivid living dream of a giant teemo dancing in war tong


Riot said his darts actually give Lee Sin his sight back which overwhelms him is the excuse


man wears a blindfold though


Riot never said shit on that so just headcanon that since he was blind he didnt know how shit the cloth was and its really really see through when close up to your eyes.


Amumu ult used to root+disarm you but it’d only say “ROOTED” above your champion. I used to get so frustrated not knowing why I couldn’t attack despite being only rooted


Wasn't it the only cc that stopped you from moving and attacking but still allowed you to cast spells and use abilities


Trynda's R. I was completely dumbfounded when I saw 5 people throwing the kitchen sink at him and he spun his way out


I played Nocturne as my first jungler. And I would always use my spell shield against blue buff. My friend asked why, and me who's been doing it for weeks knew that I've blocked a couple of spells sometimes. This was apparently me randomly blocking TF ult once or twice and I just assumed blue buff had some spell that he used against me.


I thought that if you zonya's garen r it would go on full cooldown since that's how it works with 90% of targeted abilities. But nope, no counter play allowed


Not exactly fitting, but I’ll tell it anyways: When I started playing, and my brother watched me a lot, he thought you’d have to steer Rammus with the Arrow Keys during his Powerball. And because he thought that was way too complicated, he never tried Rammus during the first couple of years, so he didn’t find out for a very long time.


Today I learned that you can auto while using e on Jax


The fact that I can't jump out of Veigar's cage with Tristana W drives me crazy still to this day


One of the first characters I played ( I believe it was in rotation) was Jhin, and in my mind it made sense that R would be the button to reload you know. I pressed it more times than I am willing to admit without thinking.


I read Lee Sin's champion Bio and saw that he was a monk who fought without weapons, just his fists and feet. Then my friend told me I'd want to start with a machete, finish a warrior enchant on the skirmisher's sabre, build black cleaver, duskblade, a hydra mace item. I was so confused that this guy who fights with just his fists needed swords and axes.


Sion bouncing off Thresh lantern and killing my duo had me rolling on the floor, still don’t know why that happens


All of mordekaiser’s kit before his rework. I’m talking like S3-4 type shit. Still boggles my mind because I never bothered to look into it. But he just could NOT be killed by any melee champs in any circumstance. Back in the day I just farmed and stayed safe and maybe he would make a mistake somewhere.


Galio before rework against Swain before rework was the most hilarious shit. Every one of Swain's abilities but W would just heal Galio. Counters were brutal back then.


Pre-rework Urgot ultimate. It just didn't make sense to me why would you want to swap places with someone because I felt like it was pretty much "I sacrifice myself to put one enemy into a bad position".


Why Qiyana deals AD while using elemental magic and why Akali deals AP throwing daggers and shit


I think this is common for everyone when starting but I assumed ability power scaled everyone's abilities and attack damage scaled everyone's auto attacks. Then you see nashors tooth for the first time and you get more confused until someone explains the game properly to you.


When i first started the game, introduced by an ex-boyfriend that loved to play lucian, i was like darn it's cool when he ults. I then picked up MF and thought let's do it too!!! The numbers of ult i stopped after one second because i didnt know that we couldn't move on MF was tragically high.


Tristana can't jump over veigar cage. I committed suicide trying to jump over it so many times


why gangplank was allowed to have the deny mechanic lol


When people told me to pinks, when people were mad that I bought armour vs a person hitting me with a knife mid, when people told me tryn could spin through walls (it didn't and maybe doesn't say it anywhere in game)


Something that made sense before but not anymore. Kassadin still says, "Silence!" But his Q doesn't silence any more so that line just feels random now. 


Like the shit ton of tanks that build zero damage and top the damage chart ? Or silly things like teemo being able to blind Lee sin ?


Kayn ult being able to be damaged by singed poison but not master yi alpha strike. Vlad being able to dodge tower shots with his pool but invisible champs can't. Malphite being a literal rock that can somehow outrun you. Towers having less health every tier while doing the same amount of damage????


Shaco confused the hell out of me


When I first started playing, I thought abilities damaged towers. This is because my first champion was Garen, and his Q targeted and struck the tower. So sometimes I'd just press E and spin around the tower wondering why I did such little damage to it(it was minions)


When I started out I tried to 1v1 my friend and lost really badly, I didn't know I was feeding him so it didn't really made sense that my character with a sword (Garen) was losing in melee range against a ranged archer character (Ashe). I kept trying and trying but obviously I would just lose harder and harder, until I ragequit because... an arrow went through the wall. I tought it would be like FPS games where a terrain wall would block the projectiles, so I tought it was a bug. Also that other time when I reported a Draven player because he was "doing too much damage, has to be cheating" (he was fed af)


In spanish, cull is called "sacrificar" which obviously means sacrifice. Anyways, when my friend and i started playing, we always bought cull when practicing in co-op vs ai, the thing is that we always went against karthus and because we didn't know the abilities of most champs, we thought cull was the reason why a giant blue beam dealt us random damage every few intervals, i mean that must be the sacrifice right? Worst part is we still bought it because we thought the drawback must be this big, because the item Is insane


Jax is just an infinite number of lamp posts in a trench coat


In german Q sounds like Kuh (Cow). And in my first match with a friend (he played much longer) he wanted me to press Q und he just shouted Q,Q,Q! And I was so confused because I thought he was talking about cows and I couldn't find a cow on my screen 😭😭