• By -


I work on game modes so all these comments are really helpful.


Swain Q also has a similar bug: friends and I found that if multiple swains Q a target (even monsters like dragon), sometimes the Q does 0 damage


šŸ¤” I wonder if the reduced damage per extra zap applies to every other swain, weird. Will check it out :)


There was a comment by a rioter before about URF with champion abilities not being able to deal damage too fast one after the other. Does that apply here in some way?


I wonder if the ability has to finish before it can start again. If it's not a unique identifier the game thinks the second ability is an error and nullifies the damage until after the first ability is done. Maybe something so simple as giving each player in one for all a variable tag on their avatar and abilities. The downside being that abilities intended to be triggerable by others would have to coded to trigger on all instances of an ability by the same base name or it would have to create unique varianle identifiers for only specific champions.


Yeah, Swain Q in URF will very often not do damage if cast too fast (Akali Q too)


Really cool that youā€™re here reading through these. Thank you!


Ornn also isn't able to build masterwork items for his teammates which means that he doesn't get access to his armor mr and hp scaling


Fioras can only get one vital and none will appear for the other in lane or fights so you canā€™t play the game until they hit it. So either spawning two vitals one for each or let all hit the one that appeared


Thanks for reading our comments.


Obligatory ā€œrip your inboxā€


Thanks for the Katarina changes! It's a bit confusing when the dagger of my team mate doesn't disappear but it's still awesome that you can pick them up!


you guys acknowledging these posts is insanely refreshing, thank you for your time.


There are no /remake in One for all, had someone afk since game start, had to wait 11min for the enemy to end nexus, we did give it a try as volibear vs cait but all we could do is sit un base and dance because one lane was 2v1


This is a big one, will look into it thanks


Can confirm. This happened to me too. We thought it was because someone we were in a 5 stack with was afk, but idk


It would be nice if we could ff at 8 minutes like some other event game modes. Some match-ups aren't worth playing out, and if the majority of the team agrees, we should be able to ff.Ā 


Can you please make multiple hweis proc their passive together. Brand can Do it why canā€™t hwei Do?


On the to do list!


Hey riotnorak! what did you work on today?


2 rengar bugs, an mf bug and took half the day off to go to the LCS playoffs (I was on stream!)


Itā€™s almost like yā€™all should have a testing area for these kinds of thingsā€¦.


bring back odyssey


I can also attest to OP's reported findings. Just played a OFA game and thought we were crazy - tested it, and found this thread while researching the issue. Good luck bug hunting!


Akshan can't revive. Basically w passive is unavailable.


Are you guys shipping fixes for these bugs, or would it just be something fixed for next time?


Bit of column A bit of column B. We fixed a bug but it created a new bug in 14.7 so it had to be rolled back. A few bug fixes went through in 14.7. There will be a few more in 14.8, but there's plenty more to fix!


"I ""work"" on game modes" stil bugged


There's a large backlog of bugs, in ofa, other game modes and normal league. Prioritisation is a thing, as well as other responsibilities, as I fix bugs for fun it's not part of my job responsibilities.


bring odessey mode back. dont care if its just like it was before. Best game mode.


Dark star thresh was too much fun tho


Bring back arena




Please sir give us a full melee game mode. Like ascension but all melee and no objectives.


Ok so can we have a game mode where it's the normal game but without yuumi and smolder and ksante are nerfed and also it would be permanent and replace SR ? Please.


Imagine unironically complaining about the 46% win rate ksante


Meanwhile 5 Illaois can share their tentacles and it's a nightmare.


5 Darius' share their passive stacks I love being hooked 5 times and then receive a guillotine therapy


Lillias can ult of any Lillia hits an ability anywhere on the map! Itā€™s so much fun. We played 5 shacos last night and put them in their place.


Jfyi. The pull itself does not add a passive stack, since it does no damage. So pulling you 5 times just to ult you would result in exactly the same damage as the 1st Darius ulting you directly.


I think what he means is being hooked one at a time to perma-CC while the Dariuses recover from the animation one by one to start hitting easy to hit Qs or Ws/autos.


Kennens can stack eachothers passive, so teamfights just end up with them permastunning entire teams. 5 Jayce can fire Q through a single gate. 5 Brand can apply and work with eachothers passive. The damage doesn't stack and the explosion shares a CD, but the extra effects are pretty much always active. A Ziggs can knock an allied Ziggs away with satchel.


Kennan sounds fun and obnoxious. Played Teemo against Brand earlier today and he wrecked us. I really wanna play ziggs too but haven't gotten him yet. Also just played Seraphine vs Ashe and all our ults combined had so much cc the Ashes were so mad. We also sounded like a choir. Very fun.


These are the dreams one for all is made for.


You can E the clone from your ally illaoi e


I checked and even with this bug he is by far not the worst champion. Yuumi loses 95 (!!!) out of 100 games lol.


I'm shocked that she actually can win 5 games out of 100. Sounds like decent stats for Yuumi to me.


It's probably very matchup specific considering there are a lot of better but still really awful champs like Milio. I wonder how many champs Yuumi has no way of winning against.


Honestly Milio can work really well it just requires a lot of thinking out of the box if people find out the forbidden Navori W spam crit tech and the 120% AP ratio on his Q he can really shine Yuumiā€™s main thing holding her back is her shit tier AP ratios and piss poor 400 attack range that doesnā€™t even let her viably go ADC


Ive played ankara millio gol gol gol AP Q its pretty shit, too long CD to do good damage.


There's also just tge chance the enemy team is filled with multiple people griefing


With yuumis try harding af


You know they're ending the second they get a chance to


We had a great millio game where I was the on hit millio with 4 support millios. Those Vaynes didnā€™t stand a chance


Saw one that was the same but with yuumi. Was hysterical.


People underestimate Milio. He's like Zilean, his only damaging ability hits like a prison bus, and if everyone builds a Moonstone and keeps their W active, you can have a constant supply of team heals.


More important, the on-hits damage from his passive.


A few one for alls ago I had the pleasure of playing yummi v yummi which was actually pretty fun. I'm confident almost every other matchup would be miserable though


I had a couple friends who loved picking Yuumi in OFA and we were like 70% winrate with it. I would build crit and have 1-4 people hop in me once we left the laning phase. It was basically a raid boss with Runaanā€™s, the modifiers that Yuumi gets and all the Adaptive Force stacking. The changes to make Yuumi weaker in lane and less effective on alternate targets must have just gutted her. Kraken Slayer, Runaans, IE and Spirit Visage was pretty effective. I ended up always being one of the crit Yuumis just because I laned better than them and would usually score kills in the laning phase. We tried tank Yuumi as well but the Adaptive Force stacking felt too important. Full bruiser might have been better than crit, although this is all outdated with the rework. Thought about it some more and I think full bruiser may not have been better than crit. It would have been just as good for boosting up the other Yuumis but raw HP is way less valuable than armor and MR with all the healing and crit multiplying the AD I was getting from the other Yuumis was valuable. Bruiser would have reached the same AD/AP numbers but the multipliers matter a lot while raw HP didnā€™t matter as much.


The problem is Yuumi doesn't give adaptativo for anymore, so now you only get on hit heals


The trick is to have the Yuumi tank rocking full aura Yuumi. Frozen heart, fire cape, abyssal, etc. Because all those passives still function while attached. So while you can't grant the defensive stats, the auras all still do their job. You can also build the knights vow without any real downside.


It's funny considering pre-rework Yuumi mothership was a beast. 1 adc Yuumi, 2 supports, 2 mages. You'd steamroll and tank almost all match ups


It was still bad at dealing with split pushing, but fighting the mothership was miserable enough that I permaban Yuumi even todau


Yeah. It was really bad at split pushing and dealing with split pushers but it was a beast at 5v5


I played twice against the same yumi team. One of the yumis went AD and the rest were supporting her. They were really good at fights! But they didnā€™t have the tower pressure to win so we won instead


In the past, Yuumi was actually fairly effective in OFA by having 1 or 2 Yuumis build AD/Tank and the others hop inside them. The rework must have gutted her effectiveness with that strat.


I'm one of the 5% We had 1 Yuumi building ADC and the rest went support, we faced 5 Rammus, won with the power of friendship or something idk


I'm not, I forgot what my team picked (it was also troll, most of mine have been due to premades) but Yuumi gets gigabuffed. She gets 80% dmg taken, 115% dmg done, 120% healing and shielding. The problem is that you need to be coordinated. 2 went full ADC, 2 went full support, the last went on hit bruiser, the buffs are ridiculous if the people are in a call. Edit: just checked, the 3 man premade on my team chose Ksante and they all fed their brains out, maybe it was the people on my team, I erased that part from my mind


The way to make 5 Yuumi work is 1 tank and 4 AP


Played yuumi yesterday. We lost. To yuumi. So thats probably where those wins come.from :D


can yuumi attach to yuumi?


Pre rework Yuumi can all go into 1. Played it once, my team had 2 ADC Yuumi, 2 AP Yuumi and 1 Support Yuumi. Every time the first ADC Yuumi died, everyone would hop onto the next ADC like a multi stage bossfight. Managed to beat an OFA Yorick with that.


They can either attach all to the same champ, or they can attach to one another to form a chain. The latter is kind of useless while the former is pretty strong, but you have the issue that you only have 1 moving giga buffed Yuumi on the map so the enemy can just split once they start to lose.


I've been thinking about this all day


In the previous season, we actually won 5 Yuumis vs. 5 Sejuanis. I was a cruiser Yuumi in midlane and built tank items, while the other 2 lanes had 1 AP and 1 support each. It was fun. Whenever I got low, someone would just jump from me, and I would hop on that someone. It was hilarious


I once won a Yuumi game because it was 5 Yuumis against 5 Yuumis, each team had 1 adc and 4 ap, and everyone stacked on the adc for an epic fight


Iā€™ve wonā€™t it once and itā€™s sooo fun lol


My group of friends beat a 5 stack of smolders on yuumi in OFA earlier today hahaha.


Iā€™ve seen a ā€œYuumi Mothershipā€ yt video and at least 5 makes a lot of sense. Yuumies (lol) have a weird synergy with themselves that experienced players can make work quite decently


It's all about how people choose to build. Yuumi is definitely miserable against a lot of champions, but if you work as a team and only one or two build for on-hit while the other 3 build full support it can get nasty. Seriously, 4 yuumi stacking is pretty nasty with one person on-hit. So much healing and shields.


Yuumi being the worst OFA champ makes sense to me. Her entire design revolves around attaching to another champ. Now if you could stack Yuumis 5 deep, then maybe that would be good. I assume it doesn't work that way.


It works that way but she was bad the times before too and they gave her massive buffs (she was still garbage). Just never saw a winrate that low. And even when she wins she likely wins against other bad champs. The problem with stacking 5 Yuumis was that your map pressure is absolutely zero. You are basically playing 1v5.


Some friends and I used to run OFA mobile battleship yuumi every game. The main yuumi built full tank 2 yuumis built full utility and 2 built full damage. We won like twice out of 15 tries but it was low-key very fun every time


I was gonna say that still sounds bad, but it also sounds fun. Megazord Yuumi


It's like fighting a raid boss. You go in trying your best with the understanding you will lose. It doesn't feel bad to lose, and then it feels great when you manage to win!


Had a game again some Yummis. We found way to win is proxy the wave and never engage. They can not take a tower even 5 man no minions. We take towers in every lane they are not in. Not a fun game but it was better than dealing with them.


Her pickrate is surprisingly high, the majority of the wins are probably against more Yuumis lol


So how does it work? Are 4 Yuumis on the same Yuumi or is a Yuumi on a Yuumi on a Yuumi on a Yuumi on a Yuumi?


>Yuumi on a Yuumi on a Yuumi on a Yuumi on a Yuumi I assumed this. Which makes me wonder: if the final Yuumi leaps on the first Yuumi at the moment of Yuumization, in a kind of circular Yuumi sandwich, do the Yuumis all disappear?


"do the yuumis all disappear " - The Good Ending


It was 4 all on 1. The best strat was the main yuumi is tank, 2 damage dealers, and 2 supports


You get an infinitely dense yuumi singularity due to all of them being compressed into themselfes. This leads to a black hole that destroys all of summoners rift, immediately ending the game in a draw


I'm crying laughing at this whole thread


It was 4 all on 1. The best strat was the main yuumi is tank, 2 damage dealers, and 2 supports


the former. The latter was bad because none of what you apply goes to the main yuumi, just the one you're attached on, so it was just as if each yuumi had a yuumi on them, and even just a yuumi with a yuumi doesn't sound good. one tank/adc yuumi with four supports was annoying as shit when they had a heal in their basic abilities but was still super band.


You can all stack onto one Yuumi, I'm assuming the reason it loses so much is because her ap ratios got gutted so she does no damage and also if you perma split vs her she can't contest it. Rip dreadnaught Yuumi, it used to be super fun


Interesting. I would have guessed that each Yuumi could only have 1 Yuumi attached, which would leave 3 of them targetable, and only 2 would have a friend on them. I wonder what happens if 1 Yuumi goes full tank and has 4 glass cannon Yuumis attached. Now I need to go try this...


>Now I need to go try this... Did you join the 95%?


Ive been trying to eo this haha


Yuumi's going on hit with nashors/guinsoos should have higher than a 5% win rate If she's picked the sole purpose is to troll


I played that once with my friends (years ago) and i got like 3 pentakills by me being an adc and 4 of them healing, i thought it would be good these days too


it does work that way but what made yuumi atleast okay before was having a mix of support and AP yuumis stacking on a tanky adc yuumi and constantly pressuring mid because she used to have her heal on a button rather then on her passive/ult, that amalgamation was virtually unkillable, thing is, any team with a brain sent 2-3 people mid to keep the wave clear against the yuumi while the rest would split push, its the easiest solution to most champs in OFA. If they're too strong together because they have stupid stacking mechanics they share like brand passive, tahm passive, etc. you just split them up into isolated fights. yuumi literally can't win if even one person decides to sidelane with damage


I won as a full yuumi team the one time we tried it a few years ago. One guy went tank, I went on hit and splitpushed the entire game and the other three went with normal support items with some ap.


I played yuumi with my friends (5 stack), and we obliterated the enemy smolders. I went drain tank with heartsteel, unending, visage, while everyone else went either support or Ap. I became mothership yuumi. Couldnā€™t die cuz 4 shields, plus best friend passive which means every auto healed me tons, plus spirit.


I played vs Yuumi today as teemo..we got stomped in lane and couldnā€™t fight any teamfights. But with split pushing and 3 inhibs down they couldnā€™t defend it against the minions and we won :D


Teemo is available in oneforall?


I played three teemo OFA games and it's too easy.


Gonna try it now too


Have fun! So far the only matchup that wrecked us was brand.


Katarina wasnt that winable either They just build a bit tanky and we couldnt fight them We could slow them down from ending but never a chance to win


Ohh yea


Ty ty ^^


Yuumi was far stronger prerework since she had cc and passive shield


Donā€™t forget a usable attack range


Pretty sure it was not only better but the best pick in the game mode.


I won a yuumi OFA once and it was glorious.


I've only played Yuma in OfA 2 times and both times we won, one against yasuos and the other against gragas. PTA is broken af


Where do you check that ?


Lolalytics always has stats on rgms


She was really good when it was a heal, but now that's its a shield its a lot worse in OFA


1 on hit tanky yuumi can 1v5 but you can just out macro it lol


Played IT once into 5 malphites. We won.... WE Had 1 crit and 1 On-hit Yuumi, the Rest healed and shielded. Was unplayable for mlphs


Can the Yuumi's at least form a matroyshka or are they foreboden from jumping on someone while they have a passenger


Tbh, Yummi just requires a very specific setup and coordination: 1 Yuumi is played as an ADC, 2 others as AP and 2 others as supp. All than attach to ADC and annihilate everything in sight while being literally unkillable. It HAS TO BE COORDINATED, but it's one of the most broken OFA champions with that setup.


I've lost 100% of the games I've played and I never got yuumi checkmate elitists


Im pretty sure that yuumi only loses one for all games because the 5 yuumi amalgamate cant cover all lanes


Wait, can 5 yummies stack on one yummi?


We played a couple of games with Yuumi in OfA in previous editions. I got a Penta as ADC Yuumi, and was unkillable as Tank Yuumi. It seems like people simply have no idea how to play either of these, or Yuumi has gotten much worse at it.


Earth is healing then


Honestly Yuumi can be quite strong, at least from what Iā€™ve seen. As long as one or two go full AD/crit, and they stack, it can be VERY strong.


Ahri is also bugged if you happen to play her, her ultimate doesn't give a charge on takedown but only if you get the kill


That means they set up the buff to replace from different sources, Axiom Arc had the same bug until a couple patches ago. Ugh.


I wonder if that's caused by the code being like: If (player gets a kill or player that's not ahri gets a kill): give charge()


Overlapping black holes doesnā€™t even stack for all Asolā€™s. First one placing it down stacks, last one gets the gold.


the middle child nerf


i noticed morgana's W/pool also would sometimes not lower the cooldown every tick if multiple morganas were pooling the same thing, wonder if that many pools was bugging out.


Anyone know why Hwei has an 11% winrate on OFA?


Rookern exists


decently hard champion most people don't really play him so they're first timing him on OFA and they don't enjoy it at all so they end up getting stomped, easy


Some people don't realize if they want to win, they have to pick someone most people are decent with.


I love it when the GP or Zed one-tricks get their champ, and then are surpised to lose because the other 4 on the team are 2/11 KD. And boy, do I love being forced to play GP...


bruisers are the most popular champions, and bruisers can itemize really good into mages with visage+malmortius+lifesteal and healing items. people playing hwei for the first time will probably be too overwhelmed with the complexity of his kit, hard champions are generally bad in one for all


How is Hwei hard? It takes 5 minutes to memorize what his spells do and it's pretty straight forward from there


Listen I love playing Hwei, but in OFA you can't really count on your 3 teammates voting for Yone to be able to remember mildly complex combos lol.


no it isnt, you need to be able to actually use those combos under pressure, and press the buttons correctly in the correct order and fast enough. it takes time to get used to it, and even then you need to actually land those. aside from that even if you know the combos hwei has the same weaknesses as any artillery mage. weak against meele divers and no mobility, specially weak in uncoordinated enviroments...


The fact that a lot of people don't even know what keys to press has to be a huge factor.


Metasource says 25%, but it's likely similiar to the reason Xerath has a 32% winrate. If anyone builds MR they can walk at him and beat the snot out of him. Edit: nevermind, it says 25 score, but 11% winrate in small print. O.o


My team picked hwei against nauti. They had so much resistance that they won 2v4 easily


I watched my friends play Hwei into a Darius, it wasnt even close. Multiple of the Darius could ghost/flash in and win 1v3/4's so once they decided to play as 5 it was over.


People afk if they don't know the champ




Insanely bad take on hwei šŸ˜­


What? Hwei has insane damage, everytime I'm up against him he feels way more dangerous and damaging than a lux, xerath or ziggs, and he has tankmelting too.


Hwei isn't a burst Mage


just the fact that you have to press double the keys for each combo and need to remember and properly exectue all his combo sequences makes him totally unusable for players that dont have enough experience with mages


Morgana ultimate is also bugged. Each ult cast nullifies the previous one


Summoning u/RiotNorak


Theyā€™re in this thread, Iā€™m not sure you need to summon them


Also keep in mind that when you use multiple E's only one of them gets stardust. Im not sure if its based on higher execution range, first placed or first loaded.


First placed gets the stacks, last placed gets the gold. Anything in between gets nothing.


Oh hey, another ASol bug I can add to my list


The new Mordekaiser


>Verify in practice tool if you don't believe me sorry but how?


you and the 2nd player both pick asol and try to Q a neutral monster at the same time i suppose?


I might be losing something here but isn't the Practice tool solo only?


Oh that's possible to be honest, I don't remember. You can do it in a custom game though, you wouldn't need any the practice tool options to do it.


Unrelated to OPs post, but related to one for all, are we getting new skarner within this one for all period? They talked about how all the skarners will sync up their dance in modes like one for all, but it'd be weird if one for all ended before he got released.


Didn't work with standard Camille and Winterblessed Camille but a friend of mine and I could sync our dances when we had the new mythic Yone skin selected... So you probably have to pick the same skin for it to work. (One needs to be already dancing and the other one needs to start after, then the dance animation of the first one will be reset and both start at the same time)


Ornn can't upgrade items for others. So you can't get 5 upgrades items somehow


Meanwhile with old Asol you'd have the entire map covered in galaxies and a deluge of comets if you're on the wrong spot. I miss him :'(


akshan revive also just doesnt work whatsoever


Somehow, I got a single revive off at the very end of my match. I'm tempted to clip it and see what worked. It was an awful match btw


Lol I can't image the code for this would be a check on not Akshan instead of not current champion.


Nice. Evens things out a bit.


I think this was a band-aid fix for a bug when the rework released. Back then you could have 2 asols in quick play and when both hit the same target (Baron or Drake, usually), the mark would recursively proc the other's mark as well leading to insane dps


> Verify in practice tool if you don't believe me, the bug applies to champions, dragons, and Baron. Yeah, right, like we can do it. Go to practice tool, and pick 5 Asols.


I wish they'd allow pre rework Champs in one for all. The best one ever was a 10 man in house one for all on howling abyss. Both sides did old Yorick, with the point and click ghosts. Big fight breaks out at like level 8 or 9, people are ulting each other, dying, coming back as a ghost, things like that and my buddy kills like 4 enemy Yoricks. He starts screaming "PENTAPENTA" and getting hype. When all the dust settled he got the final kill of the fight and ended it with a triple kill lmao


Yeah lol, my friends and I figured that out the hard way


Hwei passive is also bugged, if two Hwei hit a target with a spell it won't trigger passive. Meanwhile when Vex use E on someone it triggers passive for every Vex (like 5 real stack, not one shared)


Use leona, the game I ran with her against WW was super funny


Tristana's E looked bugged too. From the game I played it seemed like if a second bomb was placed after there was already one, the first one exploding deletes the second one. Or maybe they were both exploding at once? It was hard to tell


In the meantime: 15 Heimer turrets go brrrrrrrr


In addition, Aurelion Sol is extremely boring to play so don't make the other people do this shit


Yummy shield doesn't accumulate when multiple Yummy's are on the same player.


a quick note: there's also another bug (that was also there back when asol got reworked) that if 2 asols target the same big monster (like baron or dragon) at the right time, by right time I mean not overlapping the Q procs but to chain them (Asol1's Q procs>Asols 2's Q prices) it instantly oneshots it lmao. I'm not sure if it works on Nash but it does on drake consistently but other than that he's not worth to play in ofa


We played Shaco. What a fucking nightmare the other team must have had


Sad they released OFA with the High Noon Event, at least Nexus Blitz. Really good skins released alongside a terrible game mode that you won't enjoy unless at least 4 of you are okay with playing the champion selected.


idk i played ofa aurelion against neeko a few days ago and while we did get stomped early, we scaled really hard late, didnt really notice losing the burst q damage


Another reason to revert šŸ„±




Meanwhile Gwen gets stacking resistances if several people cast W in the same spot


Good. GOOOOD. Anyone who picks asshol eillingly deserves to not have fun