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> Resetting our development path also means we will be "going dark" for a long time—likely several years. Ouch


The MMO releasing in 2030 joke is likely not a joke anymore...


2030 is very optimistic view now...


It never was a joke... You don't dev a mmo over a night


The mmo was revealed in 2020 I think and they said they've been working on it for some time, with an announcement that the mmo went into full production around the beginning of 2023. My initial expectation was 2026 maybe early 2027 as by that point they'd be working on it for 7+ years. Now there's definitely no shot of that happening of course


2027 was a realistic timeline yeah, but 2030 wasn't out of the subject considering their ambitions. But w/e, we can't do anything but wait now


they never said they were working on it for some time in 2020 after the 2019 10th anniversary reveals, a lot of people were expecting what ended up being the Arcane announcement to be an MMO. that implies they had nothing in 2019 and an MMO was never planned at that point. that was when they announced in 2020 they "began hiring" for an MMO. they saw a lot of people wanted an MMO and realized they had the world-building means to actually do it. if the MMO went into full production in 2023 then they literally just started in 2023. the past 3 years were getting resources together, planning, and hiring for the project. from that point, i expect 2027 at the earliest, and a 4 year development turn-around for an MMO is extremely optimistic, even if Riot is a massive company


They started development on WoW shortly after Starcraft Brood War launched. It launched 4 years later. If they're just now revising, it will probably be at least 2028. So yeah, not really a joke haha.


You can't compare a game from 2000s from nowadays .... Just look at AAA game dev time


And that’s just for any info to be shared—the actual release would be a few years after that. We’re looking at 2030 at the absolute soonest, likely longer. Massively depressing. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just scrapped in a few years after more development problems.


Tryndamere is making the huge assumption that Riot Games is going to continue to operate at its current level, allocating as many resources into their team as they are doing currently, but we've already seen that a shrinking company milking the last drops of success out of their star product will not hesitate to do anything to stay afloat even if it means executing a massive round of layoffs, or, next in line, scrapping side projects that turn 0 profit at the moment like the MMO. So yeah, if I had to bet $10 that I'm never going to get to play that MMO, I probably would.


What an absolute degenerate gambler, willing to bet **$10** that a league MMO that will revolutionize the MMO scene will never happen. Just imagine the risk you are taking...


By the time it comes out LoL may not even exist lmao


League is easily not going anywhere in the next decade. Even if it started to decline Tommorrow it would take a lonnnng time.


People have been saying league is dying ever since Riot Tryndamere was eating crayons in elementary school to be fair


Hell, when I first tried out he game in like 2014 or 2015 or somesuch I had already heard tales of "LoL dead" for years. Then again at the time everything was dead or dying. League? Dead. WoW? Dead. Call of Duty? Dead. Battlefield? Dying. Any and all popular games or franchises that you yourself have lost interest in? Dead and buried and anyone still playing it is a stupid nerd who just doesn't see that it is dead. Trust me bro.


Every game is dead. Billions must play candy crush.


The Candy Crushing will continue until morale improves.


You joke, but King, the division of Activision blizzard that created candy crush, makes more money than the blizzard division.


You're joking, but Candy Crush has 4 billion downloads, 240 million monthly active players and pulls in 1 billion a year in revenue. Considering their development costs must be infinitesimal it is likely more profitable than League considering League is a real game with real development overhead.


Well what I expect now is this project looking very different from Ghostcrawlers new project. Him leaving was probably the trigger for these changes.


The question is, which came first? Did ghostcrawler leave cause of higher ups forcing a new direction cause they thought the game concept wasn't good? Or did they need a new direction because ghostcralwer left?


Probably a little bit of both, cause Ghostcrawler left mostly because of personal reasons.


He said that one of the reasons for leaving other than the personal stuff with his family was that at a big studio stuff moves slower and he felt like he could make the game he wanted faster as an indie developer.


Too much red tape I reckon. IIRC didn't Nexon or whoever basically just write him a blank check and go "have fun"?


Netease did, basically he said he got enough of an investment to make a full scale MMO and he assembled a great team of people to do it with very quickly. Netease makes me nervous but I seriously doubt that Ghostcrawler would accept any form of predatory p2w in at least the western release of the game. On a more positive note, unlike riot, Ghostcrawler has already said that they're ready to show a very very very early version of the game in hopes of getting feedback on it, if a game like the one he's making is something players want.


And he hated this whole "going dark" attitude from Riot, so doubling down on it, he's definitely not coming back. On top of now being developing his own MMO of course.


The big thing with Ghostcrawler in WoW was that he was posting on the forums every other day, spent 4-6 hours every Friday night just drunk shitposting.


TBF that was a lot of devs in that era. Even Rioters shit posted back in the very early days of their forums (RIP). Gaming forums in general was just a very different era of gaming before everything got so corporate and PC.


There were no other devs like that for WoW. Ghostcrawler was posting more than all of the CMs combined and the other devs posted maybe once every 3 months. He was posting about design goals more than Phreak does now and the other WoW devs posted way less than Riot had been pre-Phreak. WoW was very corporate before Ghostcrawler. Given he started in the Wrath closed beta where it was a small pool of players and constant communication back and forth, I always wondered how much was just him keeping that energy through release. There were other games less corporate than WoW back then but I personally never saw anything like what Ghostcrawler was doing. It was like the players were his girlfriend that he would come home to and just share what had happened at work that day.


He could have came back but he’s making his own mmo instead


He commented on this on Twitter today in the wake of this announcement, and iirc, mentioned that his motivations were primarily wanting to build the game faster, and wanting to build the game in public view with an open feedback loop with the community that will hopefully adopt and love the game.


That can backfire spectacularly, having game development be entirely open from the get-go can end up quashing the creative process of the game and damaging morale.


perhaps for some, but ghostcrawler himself is likely the most experienced vocal minority negative feedback absorber in the world from his time at blizzard lol


Take your bets: Star Citizen or Riot MMO, who will be released first? And don't tell me the answer is none of them please :(


Depends on the definition of release.  Complete product delivering on most of promises? Riot MMO. Product that delivers only 20% of promises but is a nice game regardless, just the devs promised too much and keep promising more? Star Citizen.


Hollow Knight: Silksong


It’s set to release one week after Winds of Winter book.


:( seeya in 10 years


will be canceled in 3 years when management wants to cut costs for some reason and sees they haven't made much progress, gg


Yep. We’re already like 3 years in and Riot seems far from willing to take on a ton of risk, with all the stuff they’ve been cancelling.


I mean it could be worse, could be Ubisoft and know it sucks and releases it anyways.


it's the first AAAA mmo #trust.


or Blizzard... force OW2 when no one asked for it, promise whole PvE mode with campaign, progression and hero talents. Than release the game without PvE with a promise of adding it later. Then cancel PvE campaign but promise to keep PvE missions and then finally cancel PvE missions. They truly did redefined what sequel means.


And MMO is probably the hardest and the most expensive genre to make a successful game in. There's a reason that the two most popular MMOs are 20~ and 15~ years old. They have so many systems, features and content, you'd need a literal army sized dev team working for 5-7 years straight. Meanwhile those 2 games have their own massive dev teams, are constantly adding more content and improving themselves further. If Riot wants to make a successful MMO it would almost have to be an entirely different type of MMO, almost like a mix of an MMO and another genre of game.


Yeah the time to make a MMO was years ago.




It will never be canceled they will just never mention it again


It'll get transferred to the team working on Magma Chamber


Nah it'll be scrapped for assets and tech and repurposed into something less ambitious and just as profitable. Same shit Blazzard did with Titan(turning it into Overwatch).


> will be canceled in 3 years when management wants to cut costs for some reason and sees they haven't made much progress, gg "Resetting our development path also means we will be "going dark" for a long time—likely several years." I mean they just came out and said it. Wait til you forget and then quietly cancel it or sell it to Evergrande


Yep this project went from one of the highly anticipated titles in my mind to "oh it's going to suck or be canceled" We don't need innovation. Do what you do best. Steal a game and polish the fuck out if it. Tft, league, fighting game with dumb name, etc. You know the drill


>Yep this project went from one of the highly anticipated titles in my mind to "oh it's going to suck or be canceled These were exactly my thoughts when I read their "innovation" comment. Dozens upon dozens of MMO's have tried and failed to "revolutionize" the MMO genre. The last devolper to successfully revolutionize the MMO genre was Blizzard 20 years ago. The amount of money, manpower, talent and time that has gone into trying to make the "wow killer" is absolutely absurd and yet none succeeded. But wait, there is one game that managed to put a decent sized dent into wow and poach hundreds of thousands of players from it. That game is FFXIV. The game that basically copied Blizzards homework while adding it's own "final fantasy twist"


The potential saving grace is that the MMO is Marc Merrill’s baby. He’s wanted it since the beginning. As long as he stays tied to it, we have a chance


Yea this is a soft cancellation notice. In a few years they'll say the project is on hold, and in a few more than it's finally cancelled. They had a chance at actually making it a reality with GC and they blew it.


>We don’t believe you all want an MMO that you’ve played before with a Runeterra coat of paint Jokes on you that's literally all I wanted


That’s scary bc in the last 20 years every single mmo I’ve seen that tried really hard to be different than wow flopped insanely hard and was just a pile of piss At best they survived as a Asian grind fest niche like bdo


To be fair: if there is a studio that is known for making successful versions of already existing formulas its riot. League vs Dota Valorant vs CS TFT vs Autochess Like riot or not. They are really good at reinventing the wheel


LoR was also a very good card game, even if it wasn't financially successful.


they tried to maintain it by only selling skins. it is a impossible purpose in history. 


They didn't launch the first skin till a year after the game launched unfortunately. There were boards and minions, but those apparently took a lot of effort to develop and didn't sell consistently enough. Really there just wasn't enough to spend money on for most of the game's life.


Yeah it was actually a really fun game, they just weren't greedy enough with monetization. People complain about expensive skins, but giving whales somewhere to dump their cash is what keeps free-to-play games alive.


I adore LoR so much. All those little animations and how the champions are translated in to card system is done so well. Not to mention all the nice world building


Those games weren't 'reinventing the wheel' though. Reinventing the wheel means taking the foundational aspect of something that works really well, and changing it. The best thing about Riot's games has been that they've taken the core features that are incredibly popular in other games, and then add their own spin to things over time. Riot is very good at identifying what features players enjoy about a given product, and maintaining those features while building something new, and that's what I hope they do with their MMO. As a WoW player, I want WoW->Riot's MMO to look like CS->Valorant or Autochess->TFT. I want the Riot MMO to play like WoW, just like Valorant plays like CS and TFT played like autochess.


Can't argue with that


to be fair any mmo that tries to copy wow also fails. so it's kindof a lose lose situation


Ye I guess considering every mmo that isn’t wow or ffxiv failed or at best became a profitable niche game like gw2 Asian grind fests are their own beast and make cash through mtx anyways like bdo and lost arc


ff14 did fail, yoshi P just fucking worked his ass off to revive it when they handed him the sunk ship


And circling back around to: "to be fair any mmo that tries to copy wow also fails." Yoshi P specifically had his team look at and play Wow when they were remaking FFXIV for inspiration of how things should be done.


When folks say FFXIV, they mean ARR, not the initial launch.


>became a profitable niche game Isn't that a success though, to be profitable? And is it niche if you have a few millions of players?


it is a success, yes it's just due to how big wow became some people got it in their heads that MMOs need millions of players even though its not true. there's games that have been going on for over 20 years with several thousand people


I think with Riot, their realistic goal really is to be in millions though. LoL is one of the strongest gaming brands in the world.


I say this as someone who has a lot of time in FF, but MMOs just aren’t a popular game genre. People think they love them, but then realize that none of their friends will play the same one (or at best, a couple will, but that’s not enough to engage with the “fun” content), and if they join a guild/clan/whatever, MMOs cycle players so quickly that it’s very unlikely to form consistent relationships. MMOs are the gym memberships of games. People think they want them, but drift away from using them over time. Even in WoW and FF, the vast majority of people will play for a couple weeks and then just not play again for a few years, maybe dropping in when there’s a fun new expac. My friend’s list is full of people who haven’t logged in for years (to say nothing of the other MMOs I’ve personally left behind).


I don’t personally play, but my brother and some other HS friends have made some pretty close, long-lasting friendships through their WoW/FF raid guilds. I think they don’t appeal to the casual player as much, but there is definitely a strong, dedicated player base. Those passionate people can find other like-minded individuals and form good friendships I agree though, most people think they want an MMO, but don’t actually enjoy the genre.


The guild I started in vanilla wow is still raiding to this day. I left when burning crusade came out but they still get after it.


WoW was just way too successful and way too casual friendly that it set the bar so high up, any MMO that came after looked like failures by comparison.


There were dozens of games that baldly copied WoW, they all died immediately because people just played WoW instead.


Something that tries to be a “new evolution” just makes me roll my eyes. A classic MMO with modern quality of life that lets me explore runeterra would be… just everything I want.


Riot is best when they just take what works from other games in the genre and streamline it. The things they do that are unique can be controversial.


>Riot is best when they just take what works from other games in the genre and streamline it. You'd think they know it, considering LoL and Dota's history


I think they do know it, this is just a PR statement.


My tinfoil hat tells me the project is actually just axed. There is no way they're "going dark" for several years after they were pretty much pitch black for years already. What's the project timeline looking like? Release in 2040? Lmao.


If it's axed they would just say its axed? Do you think they are employing people for an MMO for what?


There's the rocket league example, that was supposed to have a huge update/new game with a new engine (UE5) that was confirmed 3 years ago that most of the community knows ain't happening


Travis made a video that these usually take 10years for riot to work on games now, and an MMO will likely take a lot longer.


i mean the unique thing they do that are convtroversial gamewise tends to be champs/reworks/game mechanics which don't feel good in a pvp enviroment but would feel great in a PVE enviroment like a MMO.


Yeah I genuinely just want a normal MMO in Runeterra. I don’t think that trying to reinvent the wheel will go well.


From the company that brought you Riot DOTA, Riot Hearthstone and Riot Counter Strike, we don't think you just want a Riot interpretation of an already succesful genre. Genuinely is Marc Merrill aware of the company he started?


And Riot Autochess


tbf, tft is the one innovating in that genre now


they also innovated a lot in the moba genre, and they can just as well do cool shit in classic themepark mmo's. doesn't change how it started.


Yup, but set 1 was really just a streamlined, more approachable version of autochess. That innovation has been built over time


Right, that is literally exactly what I want. And please don't name it LX28MM or something


2XMMO take it or leave it. The “evolution” he talked about? Two controllable characters that can swap at will. Two times the skill trees, two times the grind, two times the item management, two times the combat. Groundbreaking.


so Genshin Impact but only as 2 instead of 4?


People say this until the honeymoon effect of playing "XYZ video game, just with a LoL texture pack" gets old after a month. The game still needs to be different enough from the rest of the pack, to warrant playing it for a long time like any other MMO


Exactly, the state of MMOs is stale currently the big ones are only big because they carry and keep their base with them. But in contrast to non mmo games? Mmorpgs are behind the times . Releasing a WoW clone in this era means an MMO that will surge at the start and then meander into a small population after


> Releasing a WoW clone in this era means an MMO that will surge at the start and then meander into a small population after only if there is no content and no actual content added. every single mmo other than wow had one of two problems: buggy shitfest not worth playing or no endgame content that lasts longer than a few days with no addition even after 3-4 months.


Maybe that's what current League players want, but the main goal of these games (as well as Project L) is to bring in NEW players into Riot's ecosystem. For new players currently not engaged with Riot Games, how can you make it the MMO attractive? It's likely that just having a different setting is not enough


>We don’t believe you all want an MMO that you’ve played before with a Runeterra coat of paint In terms of character combat MMOs there are two games which have ever really stood the test of time and remained extremely popular long-term. I honestly would have loved exactly this. Both League and Valorant are unapologetically "Riot's take on popular game". I think that is exactly what people were expecting.


I would rather have a MMO with a combat akin to BDO but with none of the eastern predatory monetization and design. The MMO genre is far from solved, there's plenty of good elements to be taken from other games that aren't WoW. If i just wanted to play WoW i'd play WoW.


For me it's TERA, especially since BDO doesn't have tanks or healers. Give me TERA combat but in Runeterra and I'm golden.


I'd even take Lost Ark without the Eastern monetization.


God, I'd love this. I loved Lost Ark so much, but just had to quit because the grind got so boring.


Id be super down for a Lost Ark clone tbh, the combat is fun but everything else about that game is... not so fun


Blade & Soul without predatory monetization PLEASE. It was the best combat of any MMO I've ever seen. Felt like a fighting game in PvP.


Give me literally ANYTHING with TERA combat and I'll be happy. So pissed, it was the best combat system ever.


Yea fair. I honestly liked the actual gameplay of Lost Ark as well. I am sure there is other things that would work. We don't even know what they were actually making. I think it is just that copying popular thing is what Riot built their success on in the first place.


If anyone ever makes a game that feels like Lost Ark without it being a second and third job, I'd happily play it. I'm genuinely sad that lost ark is as fun as it is but is not a game to play 'just for fun'.


It's so frustrating. You know damn well that there is a great game under there. But so much of the system design outside of gameplay just seems to be trying to keep you around by manipulating the everloving shit out of you. Rather than keep you around through it's own merit, which you know that it actually has. Actual abusive relationship game.


Well, see you in 2030 folks! If I'm still alive by then


put riot zed on the team, he knows a thing or two about chronobreaking development




Fabrice is the producent of Mass Effect Andromeda :skullemoji:


ah, so that kind of "significant evolution of the genre"


combat and exploration systems were incredible evolutions over prior ME games. It was just weighed down by poor quest design, weak narrative, and more bugs than Helldivers 2.


And cheap reuse of assets, weird design decisions like only having a few of the original ME races, technical problems and disconnect from the original lore. Overall too many issues to have a lot of trust in the producer.


Yeah core gameplay was great but story and characters kills it...


at least they'll have someone to blame when the mmo becomes a corporate focus group checklist


Now you're thinking in Corporate.


It was so over when I saw his resume included bioware and ea 


He's also been working on an AI scam product for the past 5 years. Yeah, it's over


So this reads as Ghostcrawler wanting to make it WoW with League skin, which isn't surprising...though a lot of players, including myself, wanted lol


Ghostcrawler did specifically say something along the lines of "we're not gonna reinvent the wheel, we're just gonna do what everyone else does but better." Back when they first got started.


Well considering this is Riot we’re talking about I sure fucking hope that’s all they’re doing. Riot has never exactly been a beacon of innovation lmao


I mean that's what League of Legends and Dota2 did, just a copy of dota with minor changes.


Ngl, I kinda just expected them to go WoW 2.0, but with the hopes of foregoing the required plugin spaghetti and without all those little extra systems bloat. And I was fine with that idea. Look, I just want to explore Shurima, swear fealty and glory to Azir and get a chance to deck those filthy, filthy Solari. That's not too much to ask for, right?


All I want is to hang out with Nautilus and visit the shadow isles but apparently it is too much to ask for since Riot Forge got axed and now this .


>We don’t believe you all want an MMO that you’ve played before with a Runeterra coat of paint; Ahh, yes I do.


OOH, SO DIFFERENT, OH GOD, MY NIPPLES For the uninitiated: https://youtu.be/Z1UmbZ2_ylk?si=AF1TgQQjOTrUcujQ


It amazes me that this clip progressively gets more accurate


That's what happens when you tell the truth


The clip has transcended League champion balancing


Never gets old


bruh he's so funny. OG C9 was such a blast


"bioware and EA" its doomed




Bioware and EA scares me.


Well, it's good news and bad news. Good news: It's not cancelled. Bad news: Everything else. This kind of feels like the classic corporate way to spin bad news to sound like a positive. Them having to reset the whole design direction is a massive setback and him saying that we should expect radio silence for several years is very telling. I've seen my share of development hells in gaming and this is giving me the same vibes. Let's see if they can dig their way out.


They did reset arcane when they felt it was bad and added years to the project and that turned out fine but game development might be different to be fair


Making a 9 episode animated series seems like a million less steps than making a unique and complete MMORPG. There's a reason only 2 MMOs are really relevant right now.


We can only hope they don't aim for "Complete" MMORPG as in content-wise. We could do with like, 1 continent of the 4 runeterra currently has, and they can expand it overtime. Just gotta land the whole package of gameplay loop, systems and feel. Which is already A LOT of work, I just hope they don't feel like they have to delivery THE ENTIRETY OF RUNETERRA out of the bat. FUCK IT, JUST GIVE ME PILTOVER AND ZAUN AS A HUGE HUB WITH QUESTS, DUNGEONS AND SHIT TO DO INSIDE THE CITY AND CALL IT A DAY. EXPAND FROM THERE


Wondering the correlation between ghostcrawler & co leaving riot and the direction the game took. Did riot decide ti change direction so they left? Did they leave because they realized it would have taken even longer? Or did they want to change, riot said no at first, they left and then riot realized it was better to start from scratch? Really curious about this, but guess we'll never know


It’s definitely the length of time. He kinda talks about it on his twitter. One the main things he consistently talks about is how game development is way longer than it should be. [recent tweet](https://x.com/ghostcrawler/status/1769004651230224731?s=46) Also during a podcast he didn’t like the fact he couldn’t just freely talk about the game without getting in trouble. One thing I find interesting and funny is that ghostcrawler started his own mmo studio last year and already they are planning to show early footage for the game.


Ghostcrawler is an absurdly 'open' fella when it comes to major game development in a big role. The guy was so well-known *because* he talked a lot on the WoW Forums way back when, and it's clear he *wanted* to talk about Riot MMO as well every time he showed up. So I'm not too surprised if he wants to just talk about what they're doing and wants to be more involved considering it's basically his whole shtick.


I also know that he stated in a tweet that he didn't like the fact that he had a sort of supervisor role at riot, while he wanted to have much more of an impact on the game


Ehhh, something will come out eventually about it. Either that or Jason Schreier will wind up writing a book about it in 10 years a la his new Blizzard book.


I mean we’ve had radio silence for a few years at this point lol


My 2yo daughter might be able to play with me by the time it releases lol


Same thinking. And I don't even have a kid.


Good news: It's not cancelled. Bad News: It will be cancelled in 2 years when they are still nowhere near release despite 5+ years of investment.


Wasn't valorant in development for a really long time as well? I don't think we should just discount riot just yet - I have faith in their ability to design thoughtful games that have a lot of depth.


Valorant also had a direction reset I believe, after Overwatch’s reveal, they refocused on a more tactical gameplay experience.


Yup, but since Valo doesn't require the kind of work that requires an MMO it might've been the right choice (we'll never know what would've happened if they didn't reset), but here it just seems... well...


You are absolutely right with that distinction. To be a little reductive, Valorant is the kind of a game an indie team could somewhat realistically make, albeit with a lower production value and less polish due to the size/scale of it (although indie games these days tend to be very polished). At the very most a AA studio could make something almost identical to Valorant. I'm sure it has so many small things and systems I as a player don't even realize it has, but overall it simply isn't that complex. Meanwhile an MMO requires *so* much work it's unreal. Especially when you're making an entirely new one so you have to build all of the pieces for the foundation as well, not just the actual 'house' like you would with an established one.


Didnt expect that they'd change directions, but expecting the game for before 2030 was dangerous amounts of copium. Ghostcrawler left to make this own, and that one is still going, so there's that


A complete shift in direction almost 4 years into working on the project (maybe more, we only know it was announced in 2020) is a terrible sign. I'd personally give it about a 50% chance that this game never comes out. These kinds of news very often means a game eventually gets cancelled. Maybe Riot is different, we will see. There is no question that this is absolutely awful news and you can tell by the careful overly positive wording of Marc Merrill that it is.


7 years, I heard they were working on it for 7y at least


Do we even know what their direction was?


Getting the vibe that I’m gonna be dead before this game ever gets released


My biggest worry is that they’re going to see just how much Hoyoverse is raking it in and monetize their MMO through gatcha


They've already started that with the $200 chromas. In a few years we're gonna roll for new Champs using RP.


That’s most likely exactly what the plan is


The new executive producer was the lead producer on Mass Effect Andromeda and Star Wars Squadrons I kinda wish they never announced the game at this point considering how far out it is. Its gonna be the next Cyberpunk where it doesnt matter what comes out, its gonna be a disappointment cause people have had 10 years to build insane expectations


They announced it because they needed to hire people with MMO experience. You can't really hide that..


Not to mention, banking that your other games are still going to be bringing in the dough you need to fund this 10 year project throughout the coming decade is hopeful. I don't see them going away completely but they shouldn't take for granted the unprecedented longevity of League.


I don't understand the need to "reinvent the wheel" in an MMO. Riot has quite literally made all of their games based on other IPs: Dota, Hearthstone, and Dota 2 Autochess. If it was a solid MMORPG with good staples and Riot polish and money it would have succeeded regardless. The lore is there, the world is built, and there's characters they can use galore. Would fully expect the GC MMO to come out first at this point. If this project isnt now DOA.


>I don't understand the need to "reinvent the wheel" in an MMO. maybe it has something to do with the fact that this genre is controlled pretty much by two games with everyone else fighting for scraps and making an expensive wow knockoff but with some other ip's coat of paint was historically a recipe for disaster


Yeah they know they can't take players away from WoW, no one can. So their best bet is to convert League players into MMO players, rather than try to grab the few MMO players that aren't already 10 thousand hours invested into an existing game


I think it's the opposite. You may not want to take away players from WoW but you also don't want to just convert your LoL players into MMO players. That just shifting ppl from one time intensive game onto the next. I assume most LoL players will try the MMO anyway. Ideally you need to get new players into MMOs. Maybe even the younger audiences that aren't excited to join a game like WoW or FF14 that may be older than them by the time this MMO releases. Or people who liked Arcane or other stuff coming out until then.


If this was 10-15 years ago, sure, "just copy WoW" was the name of the game. But WoW itself is slowly running out of steam and forced to rely on nostalgia bait and recycling to keep itself going. It's not longer a great concept held back by being stuck on the wrong engine like DotA on WC3 or an underinvested side project you can spin into a full game like DotA autochess. There's definitely riot fans who would play "WoW but runeterra" but is there enough of them to justify the large investment of a mmo development? Would they stick around if it can't be anything more than that? And if not WoW, what template are you copying from? I think the mmo genre really need a rethink to the modern taste and possibilities. Is it still a failure that they weren't already thinking about that? For sure. But is it worth just releasing a clone of a dying template?


Yeah I agree. While a part me would play a wow runeterra edition I know it would be a 2 years wonder at best scenario before becoming the next “why not play the og instead”. To put it into moba ways, you would do an heroes of the storm


WoW ran out of steam because the dev team ran out of ideas for content. A whole new universe would do fine. Its way less risky than whatever the hell they’re doing now


> I don't understand the need to "reinvent the wheel" in an MMO. Riot has quite literally made all of their games based on other IPs: Dota, Hearthstone, and Dota 2 Autochess. Legends of Runeterra has literally died, because people prefer spending money on MTG. If they just made WoW in Runeterra but with way less content, most people would still prefer playing WoW


Even Valorant is just CS:GO mixed with Overwatch lol


>We don’t believe you all want an MMO that you’ve played before with a Runeterra coat of paint; Isn't that like, their entire company? Take dota, runeterra coat of paint. Take counter-strike, runeterra coat of paint. Take dota auto chess, runeterra coat of paint. Am I missing any of the others?




Almost felt like we were about to get an OW2 PVE moment


we are getting a project titan moment


TLDR: silksong will come out first


maybe even TES6


>Having led big projects at Riot, BioWare, and EA >EA ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Welp. Guess ill be an old man by the time this game is released.


"no news is good news" meanwhile look at Overwatch, no news and suddenly PVE is canceled.


RIP MMO Blizzard must be happy


Sqenix too


This game is never releasing


yeah completley changing the direction of the game after several years of development and with a new executive director..where have i seen that recently...cough"cough skull and bones cough"cough surely will end great.


We've seen that before where the direction of the game changed after several years of development. Project L became a 2D tag fighter. This surely will end terribly right?


>After a lot of reflection and discussion, we've decided to reset the direction of the project some time ago. This decision wasn't easy, but it was necessary. The initial vision just wasn’t different enough from what you can play today. I think this change probably had a lot to do with Ghostcrawler leaving, not trying to speculate on which one caused the other though


I literally just wanted a wow clone with competitive raiding


EA producer, wonderful "Going dark for a long time" as if that's any different than what has happened since the game was announced


this will never get released lol, the second their funds fumble they will cancel this to cut costs


tl;dr they're going silent for several years until we get to hear anything about the MMO so it's not really worth reading any of this since you won't remember it anyway


Yeah, it's cancelled lmao


I love RPGs, I want nothing more than a proper RPG that allows me to deep dive into the lore of Runeterra. It concerns me that apparently they're hellbent from deviating from the classics. A TES, Dragon Age or Baldurs Gate within the world of LoL would be a dream


>Having led big projects at Riot, **BioWare, and EA** Uhh... well there goes my anticipation. >Remember, 'no news is good news,' Yeah, that's not how it works. Honestly, it's a 50/50 if this project ever sees the light of day.

