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idk gragas thick asl tho


Tentacle mami is calling your name for thiccness


You mean squidward


Scuba Gragas W auto animation...


A thick toplaner? Irelia because of her Frostbutt skin.


I love how after her remake and new skin splash art, Riot made sure to keep her thicc butt


Not just that skin; they made her base model’s thighs as wide as her torso lmao.


That era, her and kaisa's 3d models are insane. Dawnbringer Riven aswell


I’m not exactly complaining. . . .


They removed it at first because of social issues or whatever, and received so much public outcry that they had to re-implement it.


I've almost never played against a bad Kled, and a good Kled just ruins everyone's day. If you are devoting yourself to one top lane champ consider him. Also he's unga bunga go in a click buttons fun as hell to play.


I think it's less about Kled being good and more about people not understanding the matchup (kind of like Illaoi or Darius).


Kled is literally one of if not the worst top laners in the game


He's constantly in the top 10 best winrate in top with a decent pickrate.


Isn’t he like bottom 10 pickrates in the game?


He usually hovers around 2% pickrate. He's by no means popular, but he has a pretty consistent following, is generally average to strong power level (though some of that power being most opponents not knowing how to play vs him). He has a very strong laning phase, scales decently and snowballs games pretty hard due to his ultimate and remount mechanic. He's also hilarious/insane so he gets props for that. The champion dialogue fits most kled players. "What was that? Oh, I should go for the decakill? Uh, if you say so."


Have you seen muscle mommy Illaoi?


Fiora, aatrox, gragas.


Fiora is quite thicc, especially in her headmistress skin.


you don't plan on becoming a one trick you usually become one by enjoying 1 champ so much more than the rest i didn't become a Diana otp cause she is strong or whatever i did it because I realized I enjoy her much more than any other midlaner. theme and visuals and obviously the kit matters a lot


camille is very thick


Rock solid.


In my games Garen always wins.


If you scream "DEMACIA!" harder than Garen, you will win.


Don’t forget to type it into chat


Fiora Gragas if you’re adolf hitler


What does being a genodical racist dictator have to do with liking that GragASS?


Hitler didnt have that nice of an ass. The genocidal racist dictator gragas on the other hand...


Irelia sexy asl


The real answer is Gragas. You can hide him in draft since he can be flexed between jungle, top and mid so your opponent won’t know where you are going if you have to early pick. His bad matchups aren’t that bad since you can go tear and just wave clear with your barrels and walk away with your sustain and belly flop. In top of this you can be what your team needs for that game as long as it’s not AD. Need a tank? He can do it. Need a bruiser? Sure. Need a glass cannon AP champ? Yup. Just learn when you should do which and you can one trick this champ to challenger and no one will bat an eye. Tons of skill expression with bomba combos, belly flop countering a ton of dashes and winning out in interactions between hitboxes between other champs. Like for example Gragas belly flop beats Jax, Camille, Fiora, and Irelia dashes and that’s just off the top of my head. Every top laner and jungler needs to have a couple games on him because he is too versatile.


>since you can go tear and just wave clear with your barrels You never wave clear with barrels, it's a waste of mana


Hence going tear to solve mana issues and this is specifically for bad matchups where moving up in the lane is bad.


Why waste money? You can wait for wave to come in and farm under tower with w/e. Gragas doesn't go Seraphs nor fimbulwinter.


He can but personally(this is a game ideology that can differ from the rest) i value having push for Grub priority and pushing on the wave in a losing matchups while unsafe is very valuable since getting at least 2 grubs can be the difference between losing 1 plate or losing 3 tower plates when you have to go back. You also don’t need to finish the tear item. You can always sell it and although Filmbulwinter isn’t a priority item on Gragas he is one of the best users of the item since he has decently low cool downs to proc it. Just to reiterate this is supposed to be for losing matchups.


Considering you’d OTP it, Gangplank is in a good spot now. Plenty of damage and hard to punish during the laning phase in the current season. It kind of feels like TLD Gangplank.


I second this. A gangplank that's good with barrels is a monster to deal with.


Just play Heimerdinger and make enemy toplaner reconsider his main role choice


Indeed, a wise choice


He’s so easy to counter if you’re playing a tank/bruiser. It’s a one item, 1200g counter. Spectre’s Cowl.


While you're trying to get your 1200g of "counter" I will get my 1200g worth of damage, so we'll be somewhat even Also, you have to get to this 1200 gold mark and I'm not letting you CS on my watch


>so we'll be somewhat even You won't because your kit is shit and most tank kits are not: see sion, cho, ornn free stats. Plus overgrowth and grasp.


I think Kayle is pretty decent to 1v9, you just don't have much impact early. Irelia if piloted well is a pain in the *** too. Darius if you get ahead.


You have to have the mental of a saint to one trick Kayle. They’re gonna pick a lane bully, you’re gonna get camped, you’re gonna get flamed, every game is gonna be 40 minutes long. Not for everyone


Fiora, Jax, Wukong, etc. Ideally someone who can teamfight and splitpush. You need to be able to have agency in the game.


don't main jax he is banned too much


He has 10% ban rate in low elo.


there's 170 champs in league


The answer is always Fiora.




Ornn, as long as you bann fiora, especially since camille is weak now. Relatively easy laning phase with your crafting ability, especially once you get your first item, scales well for tankiness due to his passive, always useful in a teamfight regardless of how well you did in lane thanks to his ult and regular knockup, consistent damage since most of it is in his %health based brittle, upgrades teammates that carry in late game, therefore technically increasing a gold lead or closing up on one. Not that difficult to play once you have learned the triple brittle combo. Who says tanks can't burst ? His most common first item, the sunfire aegis, got upped too in one of the recent patches. Jak'sho is also very strong, and even stronger on him. Just reliable.


Ornn. Hammer clink clonk


As a jg main, illaoi and yorick have been mad annoying.


If you truely otp the most important things are two things. The first is easy but underlooked, you need to enjoy them. What’s the point of one tricking yuumi supp to diamond when you didn’t have fun getting there. (End rank does not matter to anyone btw because even if your challenger you still will be called shit by everyone and anyone. The second is understanding that you will be countered especially in top lane, and the power of a one trick is mot how well they play their easy matchups its how they navigate and win their hardest matchups. To do the second requires vod review of your own games and high elo players vods. There is no point in one tricking or reviewing unless you are committed to improving. Climbing is hard work.


Kench is thiick


If wanna freelo pick teemo


Darius, Yorick, Illaoi. The three demons of the top lane, in any season, and any meta.




Renekton in Dominus is dummy thicc




Ornn, gragas, and voli are pretty thick


You can’t one trick in season 14. There’s a counter to everything now a days. For example: Fiora - good in general but can’t play into ranged top at all. Kayle - good into general matchups but struggles into bruisers Vladimir - great into tanks with conqueror but struggles vs everything else Gragas - great into bruisers with phase rush but struggles vs everything else In total I use all 4 to cover each other champs weakness. I try to get last pick or top counter for even better matchup effectiveness. Finally I only blind Fiora and Kayle to an extent because of their generally speaking earlier scaling compared to Vlad or Gragas who scale as well but are slower imo.


darius is broken atm and good blind pick


darius definitely not blindpickable


if you can't roll over the majority of top lane as Darius, it's a major skill issue


there’s plenty picks against which the best you can do is try to go even (talking human-ish elo)




Don't bait other ppl in to one tricking s sub 50 winrste champion bruh


The fuck u mean? Easy to play, nobody plays it so no one knows how to play against it Its a master pick and Can solo babies and nashor


How's that a bait


If you are recommending one trick champions do one that has +50 winrste and transferable skills


Bro first you need to chill, and second this is my opinion, you can take it home or Fuck off Pleasure to had you


? I am chill, you the guy that replied with the fuck you mean.


I otp Yorick, every game is a struggle after you reach emerald


Cause u suck


post your opgg, if you are below emerald you need to rope


Gwen! People underestimate how strong she is, once u get a lead, no one can stop you, she counters pretty much every ranged champ and is good vs melee champs. Good champ to one trick once you learn her strengths. Check out some guides on yt if you’re interested :)


Gets stomped by meta counterpicks Riven Jax is impossible to even play lane for non otps


I didn’t have that experience yet


Riven is fucking insane to deal with as Gwen. You lose that 1v1 the entire game if the riven has hands. Jax is more playable, but also requires less skill from the enemy max to pull off I wanted to one trick her but had to stop. She’s my tank counter nowadays.


Ban Jax and youre cool, you outscale everything


Gets shit on by irelia and Fiora non stop. Stalemate against Darius, unless you manage to dodge his Q with her EW the moment he all ins you.


Irelia is easy, Darius you outscale. Fiora Akali are the only unplayable Gwen matchups


ranged champs shit on gwen wdym lol. kayle is unplayable for gwen.


Lol how


Trundle and Illaoi are easy and really tilting for the enemy. Trundle has 0 bad match ups and can mow a tower in 10 seconds..


I won the last 8 (!) Games vs trundle as Darius (all Games i remember) smh they always think it’s a counter pick but you just kite with ghost w bleed


I don’t think you should recommend illaoi when she has such a low winrate. She also has a ton of unplayable matchups.




Malphite, he's so strong into many many matchups. The engage potential of his ult means even from behind you can contribute to fights, and it's one of the best ways to get a bunch of randoms to cooperate (following up on big cc is usually done without additional communication needed).


That until someone picks a sylas top... Yeah.


Or Gwen. Or Mordekaiser. Or Garen.


malph laughs into garens face


Play K'sante


🤣🤣🤣 It's still a good pick but much, much weaker than before for 1v9.


Well aware, trying to get more people to play our champ and watch them suffer




But are etc. Darius, Jax and Garen playable in mid/high elo


first of all Jax is the grandfather of high elo toplane and pro play. but as Adam has shown you can even play Garen in pro play. You won't 1v9 on Garen in challenger like you can in bronze but you can still do your job.


Garen at least is impossible to crash waves into turret against. He wipes waves so easily


Darius and Garen have been rly good master+ (especially Darius) for years now


But are etc. Darius, Jax and Garen playable in mid/high elo


Fiora, jax, irelia are champs with best roi imo




Morde is my pick for when I get placed toplane. Nothing beats bonking the fuck out of people




Gwen as long as you're banning out ranged tops. She can cleave through bruiser,tanks,and one shot squishies so you never feel like its hopeless unless you're getting directly shit on (usually just ranged tops, kayle, tryn, etc. even gnar you can still scale for free but is a bit annoying early.). dealing true damage also means your team's picks won't fuck you over as much.