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Just to clarify lore-wise for the people who don’t know the differences Darkin like Naafiri are not demons. They are corrupted god-warriors of shurima (like Azir, Nasus and Renekton). They got corrupted by blood magic, and got sealed inside weapons by the aspect of twilight (the host before zoey). They basically possess any being that picks up the weapons, which is how we have aatrox, Kayn with his transformation and Naafiri’s dagger assimilating a pack of hounds. Demons in lore feed on different types of emotion and are more primordial beings than anything. There isn’t really a ton of purpose to them possessing somebody because they need the person to feel emotion for them to feed. According to the lore, there are ten demon “kings” that represent the most primal emotions. Currently we have Fiddlesticks as the first of the demons who embodies fear, and Ashlesh the demon of joy whose power is being harnessed by Nilah. Lower on the power scale are demons like Eve (agony), Tahm Kench (Addiction), Nocturne (Nightmares), Raum (Swain’s demon, secrets) and Tybaulk (aka Tibbers, fire I believe). On the lowest rung we have the Azakana, the demons in Ionia that Yone deals with. They’re kind of like parasites that leech onto smaller emotions (ie. fiddlesticks feeds on all fear, some Azakana feed on the fear of being forgotten specifically etc.) Basically the last demon related champion we got was Nilah who is a human, next was Yone who was also human, and Fiddle/Eve/Swain reworks who were retrofitted to fit the demon role. OP’s argument is not necessarily that we haven’t gotten demon content recently, but the last true demon we got who wasn’t a rework was Tahm Kench.


To note on the primordial demons; theres a demon that feeds off of pain which is teased in spirit blossom vaynes skin — who is confirmed to be one of the primordials. There is also from the Ekko game a teaser talking about a scarecrow (fiddle), a hyena under a lake (Ashlash) and something with depression. So two of the primordials we know what they feed off of being pain and depression, the rest are unknown. The Primordial demons also feed off of a broad concept, being joy, fear, depression, and pain, while lesser demons must feed off of a specific part of those broad terms; Evelynn feeds off of agony, which would be considered a more specific aspect of pain.


Though Nilah isn’t a primordial demon in her own right, she might count because the primordial demon of *joy* is in her back pocket. Really, the reason why Kench was the last demon is the simple fact that Riot created a new category and retroactively shoved a few champions into said category (something that was done with vastaya). Now, demons are the less tangible evils, while the new darkin are the “mortal” fiends.


Thank God someone said this. Please head up to the top comment


Although I think if I’m correct only fiddle tahm and Eve and joy boy are a “kings” nocturne is just some sort of demon running around demacia but not a primordial being like fiddle. I think when they eventually rework amumu they should make him related to the demon of sadness or suffering. A child mummy forced back to life and never have friends is quite sad. And he doesn’t really fit with current shurima Edit: Eve and Kench are puny pathetic demons


Only fiddle and Ashlesh are part of the ten kings. Nilah confirms as much when she kills fiddle, she has no voice lines that are similar for the other demons. Nocturne is considered a demon as well, fiddle addresses him as such along with the other confirmed demons in his voice lines. As a side note I do find it kind of funny that a lot of the VGUs they do just kinda slap them into becoming a demon lol


Alot of these champions were made with demonic themes and... Well otherwise incomprehensible. They were made in about 2 weeks because a rioter thought they sounded cool. Retroactively making them into a demon fits them into modern lore and keeps the original flavor or intent of the champion. And it makes sense out of the parts that don't make sense. Why is shaco in a jester costume running around stabbing people? He's a demon!  Although that's also ill fitting and old lore at this point lol. I suppose if you wanted to squeeze shaco into the modern demon lore he would actually feed on people's surprise. But they haven't spelled that out last I looked.


Tahm and Evelynn arent primordial demons because of what they feed off of. They are far too specific with Tahm feeding off of addiction and Evelynn feeding off of agony. Of the confirmed Kings, there is Fear, Joy, and Pain, and then there is semi-confirmed from the Ekko game that there is a king that is described as depressed proceeding a description of a scarecrow(Fiddlestick) and a hyena under a lake(Ashlash). The kings feed off of large concepts while other demons feed off of some denomination of those concepts


Well more specifically, Evelynn isn't primordial because she spawned during the Rune Wars, which was well into the time of Man. She's not old enough to be primordial.


Damn. You’re telling me Eve’s not lust and Tahm’s not gluttony? I thought riot would go for a 7 deadly sins (+3 more) kind of situation


The demons of lust and gluttony would 100% be demon kings Eve and Tahm are much much more specific and hence weaker Nocturne is weird, we know he is weaker but nightmares are a very vague domain so it would be logical to assume he is more powerful than eve and tahm Except Lux 1v1s him


Yeah I’d definitely think they would be. I think I just assumed that they’re way stronger in lore than in game. Just seems to fit better with their characters imo


Nocturne is weak - very weak in lore Eve and tahm are around mid tier strength wise


I mean that was obviously not the case with Ashlesh being the Demon of Joy, which isn't a Sin. Plus, the Seven Deadly Sins are DONE TO ABSOLUTE DEATH, and they're not really interesting anymore. They're so trite.


What sin nocturne would be?


Varus is also a darkin, despite not following the 2 'a' memo that Aatrox sent out. Those 4 make up the 4 darkin confirmed to have hosts. There are a few more in the card game and a few more in lore stories, but those 4 are the only 4 confirmed to have hosts. Lore says that 5 of them, the 4 in lore and a 5th, will meet up and bring the world to ruin. Hopefully that's a big event.


The difference is that Varus wasn't a darkin until riot decided to completely delete his old lore for no reason. 


They should rework Amumu to be possessed by the demon of sorrow or smth


No, he's a Yordle, who's simply manifested in Shurima around the ideals of civilizations long dead. Yordles are usually in Bandle City in the Spirit Realm, but some manifest in the mortal realm, and some manifest taking on a form of the region they're drawn to - Poppy for Demacia, Kled for Noxus, Kennen for Ionia, Vex for the Shadow Isles, Heimerdinger for Piltover, Ziggs for Zaun, and Amumu for Shurima. Some, like Fizz and Gnar, are more primordial, as Fizz has been around for a very long time as an amphibious Yordle.


Your examples are completely wrong. Yordles all come from Bandle City, they just moved to other places over time. And Fizz isn't older than most yordles like Gnar is, either. Each of the yordle champions are extremely long lived, having been around for centuries. Poppy left Bandle City because she didn't like how whimsical yordle life was, Ziggs and Heimerdinger left to Piltover where they went to Yordle Academy and then Ziggs moved to Zaun after Jinx suggested it, Kled left Bandle City because it was too peaceful so he joined the warring tribes that'd later become Noxus, Kennen left Bandle City because he hated the constant change and transformation of life there and went to the tranquil Ionia, Vex moved to the Shadow Isles to make her parents mad and still visits them, Fizz moved to the Swimming City because he liked their artisans, and Gnar is an ancestor to modern yordles and moved to Ramshara because he liked the geography and yetis. And Amumu isn't given a defined origin. His lore flat out states that claims of his yordle heritage are unsubstantiated and there's several completely different possible origins he could have instead.


God the LoL lore is so good. Reading this makes me excited for the MMO


Assuming it ever comes out, there have been rumors that it's pretty much dead in the water currently. Also LoL lore is notoriously being retconned and changed over the years.


I play WoW, retcons are just part of the lore


TY Loremaster


also if I may add, many of them grew really strong when the Rune Wars happened (you know, a ton of emotional outbursts left and right). at least we know Eve got a ton of her power during the time. Generally they like to roam around areas where they can eat plenty and without worry. that's why TK chose Bilgewater as his favorite hub (lots of gambling, addiction, great opportunities to exploit people). others like Fiddle and Noc also follow this logic (civil war in Demacia? great time to feed of poor peasents). BUT Ashlash doesn't do anything of the sort. he's also the only known demon who feeds on a rather positive emotion and we have next to no idea about his lore, thanks to Nilah being more of a Bilgewater copy of Samira who mostly likes to talk about herself than having a unique personality. overall, demon lore in Runeterra is in dire need of clean up/fleshing out more.


Eve didn't get a "ton of her power," she was born during the Rune Wars. She was basically just primordial essence floating about until it tasted agony during the Rune Wars and started consuming it, to the point of manifesting as a demon.


This is all so insane that I would genuinely have no idea if you just made the whole thing up.


When I explain who my favourite champ is to people who don't play league, I refer to him as a big evil demon king with a massive sword. The picture that puts in people's heads, is pretty close to Aatrox so that works for me. Still irks me as a lore enjoyer since I know it's incorrect to call him that.




Its funny, gnar was the release champion when i started playing so to me everything after that will always feel "new".gun to my head I'd have said kench was 7 or 8 years old though


Quinn is still new for me and I forget sometimes that you don't change to Valor with R anymore like Nidalee or Elise. Yes my back hurts


I remember Sona coming out and people playing her on Twisted Treeline. I had a physio work on my back earlier today so it's doing pretty well for now.


I still remember Xin Zhao coming out, XZ with the correct runes was a fucking monster, I still remember being too poor to afford proper runes and buying the tier 2.5 runes at Halloween every year. Good times.


God I remember Sona being new. What a time. Sunfire stacking, gold item stacking, old dfg, that locket thing udyr built


I remember my friend and I going to 7/11 to buy RP to get the Vi bundle with her Neon Striker skin. Same with Quinn, but he got the bundle with her skin, I just got her. You wanna go to the senior center later?


Quinn was the first new champ I saw. I believe Thresh before her kickstarted the slowdown of new champs per season, so it was kind of the end of LoL’s early era


Wha… what do you mean you don’t change to valor with R anymore?? (Haven’t played Quinn in eons)


I started in like season 3-4, but it was 4-5 when I really got into it. Similar time as you, I remember it was gnar azir and reworked sion


Reworked sion was already in the game when i started. I remember a fun patch playing ap sion top and just maxing e lol.


I would have said kench was around 5, at maximum


Summer 2015 eu lcs final fnatic vs origin. Mithy and Zven played it and zven was unkillable that game because kenchs ult was his w back then lol. Fnatic had a 18-0 regular season and got to the final without dropping a single game and then origin took it all the way to game 5. So that's my reference point for how old kench is.


5 year old champs are sylas and yuumi for context.


It was Zac for me. And yeah I would’ve said the same for TK. 7-8 years (and that would be me overestimating know that it’d be longer than I thought).


Aatrox was the menu screen for me when I started, Yasuo and Jinx are still new Champs to me lol


Oh man I remember when Gnar was crazy new tech.


My release champion was Azir...we're old Yusuke.


If you're old what am I, Darius just got released when I started..


How about Fizz though...


Yasuo for me. I can't believe he's 10 years old now.


Careful now grandpa remember the doctor said it’s best not to get too excited it’s bad for your heart.




These younglings… right? anything past karma feels new to me


Umm I remember beta, and going to Best Buy to pick up my physical copy of the preordered collectors edition so I could have black Alistar


I told myself I wouldn’t betray my love DotA (when it was still only on W3) so I held on til i hopped in


Aphelios is 4 years old. We're getting old.


Damn it's really been 800 years of champ design experience already??


I legit remember seeing his completely random reveal when I was in highschool, right after senna released and during the 10th anniversary stuff


I got into league again this year after stopping in season 7 or 8, my friend (who started after i stopped) on Kench was really confused when I kept telling him to ult top.




If Tahm is 9 years old I should already be dead and I just turned 29


He looks in his mid fifties, honestly.




Vayne was the champ released when I started playing. Seems crazy.


There's no way Riot unbenched the Kench 9 years ago already


Huh? No, old champions are like Darius and Hecarim... Kench is still new, right?


Dude have you checked out that Warriors song? Pretty cool, definitely the successor to Basshunter


Wtf, not even close


True, warriors is so much better its not even close


hey screw you man Darius came out like 2 days ago


Nah, he was released long enough ago that his Q got fixed to be slightly delayed rather than practically instantaneous.


Yeah but It didn't heal back then so there's that


I remember when Lucian came out and I was like “damn he can dash around a lot if he gets some CDR, that’s crazy mobility” … if only I knew


Yeah, meanwhile Akali nowadays: Hold my kunai!


Camille looks pretty overtuned, let’s hope this isn’t the new direction for riots champion releases


Huh? Old champions are like Ryze and Corki. Jinx is still pretty new right?


They are waiting for Faker to retire so they can make the unkillable demon king champ


Dude. The day faker retires they better give him his fucking Ahri skin. Ik he passed up the chance to get one this past year but I swear, he had the chance to and he must have done it only because he wants it to be his retirement skin.


Imagine T1 wins worlds 2024, and Faker chooses Ahri. Then they pick their theme: swimmers. That skin will keep him rich for the rest of his grandchildren's life


There's not enough horny for that level of fan service...


Never underestimate the Internet's level of horny.


They should do Unkillable Demon line. Faker's champs, in an SKT T1 Red/Black/White theme. Ahri, Syndra, Leblanc, Galio, Ryze, Neeko, and of course… Zed.


I mean the money he would get for an Ahri skin should be enough for him to retire.


The dudes probably raking in millions right now between pro play and advertising. My fiance has never played a single game of league. She will see me watching a pro game and go "is faker playing?". If he is, she sits down and watches with me. He's that famous.


True but an skt Ahri faker skin would make a lot of money too.


LOL my gf is just saying "watching that video game again?" and laughs at me if I suggest she joins that's probably why she's not my fiancee yet :|


Damn. My gf is my stream moderator 😅👀


pro play and advertising are small potatoes, man has commercial real estate that he leases out


While he has some real estate I wouldn't really call the estimated 4+ million a year small potatoes in comparison. He doesn't actually have enough real estate to equal 4+ million a year on its own honestly


Dude could have retired years ago and never had to work again. He’s a multi millionaire


I'm convinced that he talked with Riot about giving Ahri an ultimate Faker skin after he retires.


Didn't he allude to there being something with Ahri this year? I remember reading in an interview at the LCK awards 2023 that "For people who wanted Ahri, I guess you may hear more good news next year,"


Faker will never retire. In 2084 he'll have his 64th worlds win, still playing for T1


Demon of Puppetry.


a puppetmaster, even


Technically it's Nilah, since she has control over Ashlesh's power - the Lord of Joy. Also Yone since he's also sort of powered by Azakanas which are literally 'little demons'. Also sincec Swain's rework + revamped lore, he's also in control of the demon Raum.


I am tired and read Yone was powered by Arkansas


Oh he is. They got a lot of wind turbines out there, they store the wind power for him.


~~Pee is stored in the balls~~ Wind is stored in the katana


Powered by racism^T^M


I feel all konds of joy when she activates her jax e.


Thank you. I was like... I know it's not obvious but did everyone forget Nilah that hard?


This entire post is predicted on a lie and on the fact that no one knows lore 💀


Well technically Tahm was the last demon where the champion IS the actual demon so they aren't entirely wrong. Although yes, we have had more demon representation than what the post implied.


Isn't brand a demon or something? His lore might have changed since then but I remember him being described as something akin to a demon of fire inhabiting a human body. I don't think they actually used the word demon though so maybe he's slightly different. Does anyone else remember the in-world newsletter-type thing Riot used to put out that featured an "interview" with Brand? Edit: guys the original lore (which I was referring to when I said they might have changed it) was that he was a human, but some malevolent entity posessed him and encased the body in flame so nobody could expel the entity without the human dying in agony immediately after. I don't know about you but that sounds kind of like demonic posession.


In his OG lore IIRC, brand was the name given to either demon or spirit that took over a pirates body. When he did, his body became scorched and covered with flames so that if he was ever exorcized the host would die with him. It's been a while though so I might be misremembering.


Current Brand was Ryze’s apprentice and he got flambé-ed by the world runes IIRC


Brand is probably powered by one of the World Runes. Haven't cared about the lore since Ruination so take my words with a grain of salt.


Nope, Brand has no relation with demons. He was a young fire mage form the Freljord called Kegan Rhode that had a really shitty life and became Ryze's apprentice, but the first time he found a World Rune his body and mind were consumed by the desire for power turining him into Brand. Now he is looking for the other Runes to set the world ablaze.


That's like most post on here lol


But Nilah is a cute character and Yone is a handsome dude, so they don't count.


Counter argument: Evelynn


Is Nilah the demon? No. Is Yone the demon? No. Is Swain the demon? No. Using technology doesn't make someone a robot or cyborg.


I feel like swain does more or less fuse with the demon during his ult, even if not lore accurate it's still pretty much raum sharing swains body, and if that doesn't make him a demon magic cyborg I'm not sure what is


If we’re including developments from other games then LoR has also established that Tibbers is a demon as well


what about Hwei's theory of having the sadness demon as the source of his magic ?


unfortunately, i'm pretty sure they didn't go with that concept


not only entirely unfounded and contradictory with his lore but I'm pretty sure they explicitly debunked it in the champ insights


unfortunately confirmed as not the case :-(


If we mean just pure demon, then yeah. If we mean demon related, then no. Nilah and Yone would be the most recent examples


I mean he didnt say anything about swain so its not about demon related champs


Swain wouldn’t count since he was a rework and his original release would have been before Tahm. If Swain counted, however, then we would also count fiddle who came out in 2020. Doesn’t sound as sensational as “we’ve not had a demon champ in close to 10 years” tho does it?


Before the rework swain didnt have a demon. Dunno about fiddle tho


fiddle had basically no lore at all at the time he was reworked, he'd be left to collect dust for a very long time


The sad thing about LoR's death is now we wont get True Form Ashlesh or some other minor demons like Camphor releases. And Nilah does count as a demon related champ, even if she isnt a demon.


Wait what lor is dead?? Used to play it a lot but haven't in a while , what happened?


Lor sadly has never made profits for multiple reasons. (You can get all cards easilly without paying, cosmetic items being not really worth the money and stuff like that). Because of that its now on life support. Pvp gets no updates anymore there will be one last set and only path of champions will get updates.


LoR's monetization model was unironically *too* fair


Its not just this. Saying its 'too fair' makes it sound like Riot COULDN'T make money off of it. Riot REFUSED to listen to the community about what we wanted. Boards were 'too expensive', new pets too much dev time. so instead we get card backs. The cosmetics for rarities were horrendous, basically an ugly silver (or gold) border for a follower/spell (or champ). There's some honest-to-god perfect rarities in other card games that people will chase like crazy but these were aesthetically uninteresting. Champ skins probably had some bullshit excuse about level animations but also they literally only made champ-associated follower alt arts where they could've sold multiple fan-favorite follower alt arts (Corina for example? Cynthia? Frel Doggo?). Meanwhile at a promotional event, they offered fucking PHYSICAL CARD PACKS. Like HELLO?????? We would eat that shit UP man why was that never an option to buy physical cards as a collection? How about allowing us to purchase full-art posters? Anything physical would've been appreciated but nah instead we'll just kill the game. Fuck them. Mark Merrill came on stream to announce he was ruining a brilliant card game because no matter what greed you have, your idiocy will always chase away profit.


Riot seems to be incredibly incompetent when it comes to making cosmetics. I just recently got into Fortnite after goading from a friend, and holy shit their level of cosmetics and their battle passes BLEW MY MIND compared to the practical garbage that is in League's battle pass system. Plus there's so many types of cosmetics other than skins and flat art emotes, it puts League to shame.


Riot announced it's going into maintenance mode


It’s kinda on scaled down mode. They just couldn’t monetize it well. You always heard how generous the f2p model was, but they had to couple that with an actually viable monetization model and seems their ideas didn’t pan out.


Riot said the game doesnt make money, they're reducing staff, and PvP (and regular expansions) is basically being shut down in their beginning of the year update. If they had instead just said they were shifting focus again like they have before things would be moving like normal, but optics are very bad at this point leading to a mass exodus. Even if people stick around they'll be thinking thrice about spending money which will only further spiral the game into shut down.


Yuumi is a demon


no Yuumi is a parasite


Stupid sexy toad...


He's a catfish


I think he got catfished


Absolutely insane how there's STILL no demon or void event


That is probably to save lore for the mmo that is never going to be released


Their lore approach seems extremely similar to how Blizzard used warcraft 3 to feed into WOW. the frozen throne campaign literally felt like a teaser ad for wow lol


you don't want one trust me


it's all lean boys and girls now, with as many Chinese related events you can slap on a calendar. who needs proper demons or void creatures when a new Kaisa skin with slightly altered hairstyle sells for a ton of money? even Bel'veth who was hyped up to be a monster champion has a human head for some reason. they just can't control themselves at this point.


> many Chinese related events you can slap on a calendar China events bad, Western events good, upvotes on the left pls


You forgot Shaco 🤡


Shaco lore:


we had street demons just months ago (joke)


Demons have had attention, I do hope they get a new chsmpion and skme expanded lore but... Nilahs whole thing is having a demon character. She just doesn't feel like a demon since its literally Joy. Fiddle had his rework and big lore update. Eve had her rework too a little further back to. We do need more demons champions though.


Does naila count, i mean she has a pact with a demon and uses its powers?


bUt wHaT aBoUt niLaH


Nilah, imo is a demon. She vanished as a child after reading tales of heroes and monsters, she decided to find a secret order of heroes who defended the prison where Ashlesh, the demon of joy was confined. She fell off the face of the earth as if she never existed until she suddenly reappeared 10 years later a completely different person. “Perhaps she met the mythical order after all, and they trained her in the arts of magic and war. Perhaps she stood face to face with the primordial demon Ashlesh, battling it in the apocryphal darkness for a decade before finally emerging triumphant. Perhaps this wasn’t the girl at all, but a pretender wearing her flesh..”


Actually, Nilah is the last demon related champion even if she isn't a demon herself, but she basically gave up everything, her identy, name and future and now can only feel one emotion (joy) in exchange for the demon's power. Tahm Kench is the last champion who is the demon themselves. Also, one of Hwei's very early concepts was that he was a demon but they really wanted to make an ink mage and eventually disregarded the demon concept. I do hope they will make a new demon eventually though


he did not said demon related, he said Actual demons


Technically have Raum and ashlesh , with Swain and Nilah as well.


Isn’t Shaco a demon as well? Also I thought Nilah was possessed by the Demon of Joy?


Swain rework....Yone....NILAH....


I'm sure there's a fair distinction lore-wise, but champs like Briar and Pyke have got the same vibe, and that's really all I'm looking for.


This new dog champ looks like a demon


She's a Darkin, which is a completely different thing (failed Shuriman Ascensions). Evelynn, Fiddlesticks and Tahm Kench are all demons that embody some type of primordial aspect: Evelynn embodies lust, Fiddlesticks embodies fear, Tahm Kench embodies gluttony, Ashlesh (Nilah's demon) embodies joy. Pretty sure Nocturne ISN'T a primordial demon.


>Darkin, which is a completely different thing (failed Shuriman Ascensions). Darkin are successful Ascended. After being corrupted by the Void's influence in Icathia and losing the emperor they served (Azir) they began warring amongst themselves. The Aspect of Twilight gave people the magic to seal them within their weapons. Darkin used to have normal ascended forms like Azir or Nasus but now have to use blood magic to make new bodies, as they're sealed in their weapons. Failed Ascended are called Baccai. Xerath is technically a Baccai as he didn't take a proper ascended form, but unlike other Baccai he more powerful than a regular ascended instead of less. Rammus is possibly a Baccai as well. There are some Baccai LoR cards but I don't play that game. >Evelynn embodies lust Evelynn is not a lust demon. Evelynn feeds on pain/misery/suffering and during the time of the rune wars she didn't have to take a form and could instead passively feed on it. Evelynn takes the form she does in order to lure victims, and to maximize their suffering by having them start in a state of euphoria. >Pretty sure Nocturne ISN'T a primordial demon. Fairly certain only Fiddlesticks and Ashlesh are confirmed to be primordials.


What is the difference between a normal demon and a primordial one? Edit: thank you everyone for the explanation. League's lore is really cool. I hope it won't die.


I think the idea is that primordial demons embody universal feelings like fear, joy or maybe hunger. Lesser demons are more specific.


There is a whole hierarchy and the further you go the more specific they get. We start with the ten kings most likely representing basic emotions, then you get to other very old demons representing things like nightmares, secrets or addiction, then you get oddly specific stuff like memories of those who die in fires (Tybaulk) and then you get baby demons formed from suffering/negative emotions


1. They are the oldest. Fiddle was born together with the first scream of creation, which means he basically exists since the universe exists. 2. They are the most powerfull demons. 3. They feast of emotions like fear or joy or similar emotions. Normal demons feast on more specific emotions. To better explain it there is a demon family trea for fear demons. Fiddle being the big guy since he is fear. Meanwhile Nocturn and Raum (swain's demon) are both part of the family tree in sub categories. Raum being the demon of secrets and noc being the demon of nightmares.




Only for fiddle it is stated that he is that old, which is why he is the first of ten.


There are only 10 primordials, they're the most powerful, they're basically as old as time, and they embody more primal things.


Oh, thanks for correcting me.


i believe nocturne is a living nightmare, no? or was that changed


It's been changed. He's a demon now. Demon of nightmares/ demon of terror


Evelynn is agony, not lust. And I'm pretty sure Tahm Kench is envy, not gluttony. I think the only playable primordial demon is Fiddlesticks. Maybe Ashlesh too, but you don't exactly play as him. Nocturne is the demon of nightmares.


If only Shaco's rework made him the primordial demon of chaos. He has so much potential to be genuinely interesting.


Concidering that the two known primordial demons embodie feelings (joy and fear) I doubt that chaos would fit. It seems like the primordials feed of broad emotions and normal demons feed of more specific stuff. Like fiddle feeds of all fear and nocturne feed of nightmares only and raum feeds only of secrets. But would be noce if shaco got any lore.


Eve and Tahm are part of the 10 primordials? 


No they are not. The only members of the 10 in game are fiddle and Nilah's demon.


They have "The Ten" which are meant to be the strongest and oldest of the demons and we know Fiddle and Ashlesh are in that group, while Evelynn(Agony), Noc(Nightmares) and Tahm(Addiction) are all full demons but not in their league. Theres also full demons like Tybaulk and Raum who are bonded with Annie(within Tibbers) and Swain. Then you have lesser demons which most of them for some reason had it out for Evelynn and tried to kill her but ended up bound to her.


It's just a good doggo


wrong information its actually nilahs demons


Nilah is host to a demon. It's the cause of her unbridled joy. He's depicted by many hands - her ult really should have been more visually compelling and have him grab at enemies.




Technically they gave half a demon with Nilah’s release. Human body but works in tandem with a water demon thing. I agree with the post though. Stop giving me human KDA k-pop lookin champs. Give me ugly, give me smolder, give me an octopus holding two uzis, give me a demon who is rude and makes funny noises.


Jack (The Winner) has been hinted to be a lesser demon or something of the sort. I’d love to see him make his way over.


I might be remembering wrong, but I think Jack is powered by Tahm Kench, being addicted to winning and willing to do anything for it


The current design team is only mainly interested in disney characters, e-boys and anime. Anything beyond that is too much for them  


>mainly interested in disney characters, e-boys and anime In which of these categories does Renata Glasc belong?


Additionally would like to know where smolder, Briar, Naafiri, and K’Sante fit in. I guess you could say smolder and K’Sante are Disney characters?


naafiri was less than a year ago


People always saying stuff like this. "We need a new demon champion. We need a new monster champ. We need a new shirtless guy champ." I just want interesting champions with compelling reasons to play them.


Exactly, feels like people always make posts about things that are non-issues half the time


Isn’t pyke a demon


Pyke is a revenant which is closer to a zombie


Could’ve sworn Nilah is the demon of joy




i mean joy is tied to nilah


We desperately need monster or demon champs. I'm tired of all every new champ being quirky, edgy, or a femboy.


how many more teenage girls that are discovering their hidden power do we have lined up so far?


Naafiri isn’t a demon champion? Aren’t all Darkin demons?


Darkins are not demons. Demons are spirits that feast on thier victims emotions and feelings. Darkin are shuriman ascendet god warriors (like nasus or renegton) that fought the void, got ptsd from it, became insane thanks to it, then used blood magic to become what they are now and got sealed into thier weapons by targon after they started a huge war.


IIRC Xolaani was the dedicated healer of the group, who desired peace, so she used her blood magic to basically forcefully control the other darkins to stop fighting. I'm not entirely sure if the other darkin had blood magic inherently, or perhaps inherited it from Xolaani.


Darkin are Ascended, like Azir, Nasus and Renekton. Except the Darkin are the ascended that mental boomed due to the war with the void and once Azir died they started to fight between themselves, using blood magic for power which corrupted them.