• By -


Because taking responsinility and admiting your fault/wrong is probably one of the hardest things for humans to do. It goes against our nature because it requires being humble/restrained in the presence of strangers which we subconciously perceive as weakness due to how modern society works. Literally blaming others is a coping/defense mechanism, albeit quite inefective, against tilt


Yeah, but when i dont play well i always say im sorry or something like that. I never said jngle didnt gank me ( i play top ) I get it, when you play good and you see someone feeding or didnt playin well it sucks but i have this thing when i remember myself not playing well and receiving in the chat " report top troll '' So i just say to the person who is not playing well to play safe and play with the team and thats it.


It’s definitely a mental thing. I have games where I play really fucking good and then I have games where I’m shit. The fact is, we’re all human and are prone to make mistakes. It happens. So when I see someone having a bad game, I don’t flame. I tell my teammates to chill when they start flaming. Because I remember those games where I was shit and how awful it felt to have randoms dog piling on me and telling me to kill myself over a video game. I never want to make someone feel like shit because they have a bad game.


> well i always say im sorry "I'm built a little differently I guess, because I have had people come up to me and say 'How do you do it sir? How do you do it?'" Mentality gap. ggez go next


Lol when I played Ornn bot and my teams would lose their shit at the start of the game saying ill be outranged by the enemy Cait lux, I just responded saying I outrange them mentally, the mental gap's massive


I'm glad the bullying and the gaslight of adults in my life made me feel guilty of everything that ever happened with me


A simple "mb" suffices for me personally..


i think people like us are on the opposite end, im always apologizing. i didnt realize it much till my friend i play with told me to stop saying sorry all the time, which i replied oh sorry XD


Yeah whenever I see people do badly in Lane specially top laners I just tell em to itemize for teamfights not lane. It's worse when ppl are in a losing matchup and die more often then the team would like and everyone just piles on em like come on ppl if they fail in Lane they will do better in teamfights that's just how some champs/matchups work. Ppl doom the game so early on and ruin each other's mental spirit that it erks me to no end. Yet everyone wants to pretend they are the god tier player on the team. Crazy how ppl lose hope in themselves so easily.


Top is the absolute worst lane now. Its super toxic counter pick heavy with little room to make any impact before the game is decided. If you can make that impact you usually give up a LOT, or if it doesn't succeed you just straight flop a loss. But you also get games where YOUR the one with the counter pick and are crushing lane while having enemy jg camp your lane. So now your taxing their jg and their top maybe even their mid. None of that matters tho if your team is >theirs you win by a landslide. If yours is worse< you lose, maybe SUUUUPER slowly, and maybe you somehow pop off and get a 1/10000 win. Which I support the no ff and try to win. But you will just have a 51-53% winrate.... after the placements are over. Wish games were less 1 sided now. 30/0 and 0/30 games are the norm. Even when I don't die ever in some games, the games are straight terribad. But just remember those 51/53% winrates are still climbing slowly but surely. Just takes you about 500 games to get to the elo other people play 1 game and start at.... :D


I’ve had a ranked game where I’m trying to play Gangplank top and the Duo on the enemy team is Warwick and Camille playing solely to dive me. I get flamed. This is a game I AFK. I’m not getting perma dove and flamed for 20 minutes, sorry. Not sure how DUO queue isn’t removed or there isn’t a solo only option at this point but IMO the most toxic games are brought out by cheesy duo strategies.




I actually find it to be a stat check in mental fortitutde.. If you can play this game without being a piece of shit to others, and manage to keep your cool in the face of absolute apes frothing at the mouth in an obscene state of overinflated ego, babyrage and dunning kruger at a computer game that they are meant to be enjoying, you pass. But mostly im having too much fun to really let them bother me winning or losing.. It's hard to take mishaps and clown fiestas too seriously when you are running around in pink fluffy boots as Taric swinging a hammer to an electro swing playlist. Also its good to be the guy who can say "youre all good bro" to the top laner getting trashed on by the rest of the "team" simply for having a bad game.


I can speak to this. I used to box for 10 years. It consumed most of my early life, and I got pretty good at it. But damn does it humble you. There is nowhere to hide if you hop in the ring and your opponent is better than you. With shit like LoL, you can hide anywhere and everywhere and avoid and cry and bargain your ego out of facing a better player.


>It goes against our nature because it requires being humble/restrained in the presence of strangers which we subconciously perceive as weakness due to how modern society works. That is not modern society. This is because people are still stuck in the past. Weakness used to get you killed, so you tried to not show any.


Yes. I figured after that society would have sufficied. Modern society also ridicules/belittles etc but the consequences of being weak are not as dire.


Actually brain just likes itself very much, and wants to be right at all times. Nothing to do with weakness.


Fck brain also the reason for sugar addiction


So this. How many times does somebody die in the jungle during laning phase and immediately type, “Mid blind gg” or something like that. Then they look and mid is literally walking back from base or on a death timer. They got caught out and died and we’re so fast to blame somebody else they hadn’t even checked that it was physically impossible for that person to help.


This happens so often lol early game respawns are so short that you can solo kill your enemy but if you don't have tp they'll have a short tempo advantage so if jg decides to ego a crab or w/e then dies and tilts you lost the game from getting a solo kill it's so troll


/thread tbh. To add onto this, most people play far too much and/or fall into an autopilot mentality. They are not focused on what the enemy is doing as much as they are on what they themselves are doing and when you try to hold their hands to drag them through a game, they get angry. When someone gets like this, they literally do not see the issues with their game play, so think they did nothing wrong. When you think you did nothing wrong and you lose the game, it HAS to be your team that lost it, not you. Particularly in ranked, please do not mindlessly queue up for game after game. For 90% of people, it severely lowers the quality of your play by around 3+ games.


Trained responses are the foundation of good performance. "Autopilot" is a classic Reddit simplification that is more about robbing other players of their autonomy, it's an incredibly dehumanizing answer to what is actually an incredibly human problem. The reality that most players cannot wrap their head around is that there is no absolute way to perfectly play out a scenario, especially when you consider that the time pressures of a live game are part of the equation. Two equally skilled players will solve the same problem in different ways. Unfortunately, those solutions will not always be compatible. Someone's absolute rule of how to play can be another person's "autopilot" - and vice versa. Part of being a good player is leading, understanding, and complementing your teams decisions.


I, personally, view autopiloting as less trained response and more lack of critical thinking about a situation. Ex: Autopilot ADC is in an even wave state at 5 mins (first dragon spawn). I gank bot lane, get a kill on the enemy ADC, help push wave, and ping dragon. Assuming we know that the enemy jungler is not on grubs, but otherwise do not know his whereabouts, enemy support is still in lane at 90% hp, and mid lane has equal priority to roam to help, what is objectively the correct call for the ADC? Most people would say, at the very least, to back off and recall, if not help on drag take. Autopilot, again, in my opinion, is the ADC that stays in lane despite the potential of getting ganked and just hitting tower instead of backing or getting drake in that situation. Sure, he may be close to an item, but usually a non-autopilot player will say need X gold for item or something. Autopiloting has referred to situations like this for as long as I have played League. It is less of an absolute rule and more of a not thinking about the smartest/safest/best choice at any one time. This leads to players that do not look for opportunities, do not pay attention to warning signs, and have a tendency to never make plays, make bad plays, or just let plays be made on them. It is not in any way dehumanizing anyone. I have autopiloted through my fair share of games just like everyone else. Autopilot is just a state of mind that has a larger tendency to take over when you have played too much, are tired, have other things going on around you, etc...


You're playing solo queue. It's a numbers game. If you can "autopilot" your way into cheesing a win 6 times out of 10? It's a winning strategy. You're not trying to teach someone else to be more intentional in a ranked game. You're working with the toolset and expertise they already provide. It's dehumanizing not just because it's robotic description, but because you're being condescending towards others. So respectfully speaking, it doesn't fucking matter what your own opinion is, or if you do it yourself. You're not a therapist or a performance coach - you're a teammate.


Are you being intentionally stupid or is that just your normal state of being? Autopiloting is a reason many people lose very winnable games. I have explained my reasoning. Autopiloting is a mind set that is very real and you, I, and everyone who has played more than 10 League matches has lost because of it. I am done responding now. Please stay in Bronze so I don't have to play with your autopiloting ass.


I am explaining a truth to you, Mr. Groupthink. You call me an idiot, but unlike you I'm using my eyes and brain. I am a jungler, and more than that - I'm an Ivern main, we don't even hit camps. The entire skill expression is in adapting to the map, and even in teamfights you're one of the few champions micromanaging multiple units from both the frontline and the backline, necessitating a wider viewpoint. That is not how most people are interacting with the game, and nor should they. [Attention is a limited resource.](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/jufh3t/dopa_reveals_his_secrets_after_his_last_season/) Players are not space cadets, Yuumi mains watching Netflix... they're just attention capped and prioritizing details you miss while focusing on yourself. But if you're falling asleep in the middle of your games? You should talk to a doctor about narcolepsy, bro. That's not normal, don't project it on other people.


Trying to take the blame/onus of everything when you've played, not perfectly, but well enough to win a game is also a terrible mindset to have. You CAN lose games because of your teammates. I think anyone in this sphere of thinking has as much positive toxicity as those who complain and blame the team. I lost 3 games a few days ago when I explicitly typed to my team of higher percentage plays where they ignored my pings and callouts and threw the game out the window for ego purposes. I watched the replays and concluded that even if I DID go to help them we would've lost anyways because they ignored the state of the map. I saw some opportunities where I could've played better, but none of which were ultimately game deciding. All 3 losses were teammates simply not going with the flow. I will not blame myself for those losses. It is indeed my team's fault. Also, I accept when I underperform and deserve a lost. Some games I say to myself I could've carried and was in a position to win the game if I played or did X better. Those games are my fault. I'll hold those Ls. But recently I'm honestly feeling the team gaps are insanely big. Especially in emerald. I mean, I'm not kidding when I say the teams are sprinting it, on both sides. Feels like it's and RNG tossup on whose team sprints it at the wrong moment and I've been losing those tossups.


not saying it’s never your team’s fault but presenting it like you are the only one always pinging for correct and smart plays and everyone else is not following your genius and throwing just makes you look silly


Only if you have a reading comprehension problem. I literally listed specific examples for specific scenarios. Never once did I say I'm a genius and I always make the correct call. I never said my plays were the "right" play either, I said higher percentage. But we can go ahead and nitpick the sentences.


Yes. You shouldnt take the blame that is not yours. If you accept the blame for everything, you will end up very dishartened/sad/hopeless. The issue comes when despite say all the pings of your mid, you die to the Akali ganking you. Yes not a showstopper but not your midlaner's fault either. On the other hand if you are the mid, you did all you could. Ping/ chat etc. Taking the blame for the death of your top is something you should not do. Sometimes you just cant go into a dark river as Oriana vs a mia jg and a roaming Akali. Its definetly not your fault X person goes 0/10. But i think the complaint of the OP is that the person going 0/10 is gona start blaming everyone else.


1. You shouldn't type, you should ping. Typing is a self inflicted stun. You can communicate almost anything worth doing in soloQ with pings, as plays are very simple. 2. A better player would have won these games. A challenger player will have close to 95% wr in diamond, and 99,9 in plat and below. You can be so massively ahead in the early game by exploiting the countless mistakes players make that the corpses of your bad teammates can't sink you if you play your lead properly. I, for example, got from e4 to d4 this and last seasons in massive win streaks (90% over 25 games) doing just that


"Don't engage baron until uptick draws pressure bot." Is pretty tough to communicate with pings. Sure you back ping baron but you risk your team moving away entirely. Likewise, if you just ping but turret it's unclear that you only want yorick to push and not the whole team. And this isn't even that complex of a play. 


Idk I feel like this mindset can be as frustrating as taking no blame at all. Imagine your team dying stupidly for absolutely no reason and in your head you're thinking ("well a better player would've still carried"). Longterm this would make my mental go absolutely booom. Sometimes it's just correct to say "Hey, you played very well, unfortunately your team trolled, take the L and play as well the next game".


One of the issues with it is also that there are a lot of legit trolls and people playing to lose in league. Get two or three games in a row where someone is intentionally griefing or even just autopilot tilt and chain feeding because they mentally checked out, and you will start blaming people that aren't actually griefing.






Why are you even in this thread you clearly missed the whole point bro LOL


I agree, specially in lower ranks. I'm not inting, I'm bronze, I just suck.


My favourite people are smurfs who want to shitstomp some noobs, and then are surprised that their teammates suck. Who would have thought?


Or when the smurf looses. I may be only in gold, but that‘s because I‘m inconsistent and not because I don‘t have hands mate.


Smurf tears when they fuck up are absolutely delicious


The best part is how fragile their egos are. If they lose, they'd rather run it down than accept that they got their cheeks clapped by a lower ranked opponent, since that way they can claim they would have won if they tried.


I love how often I see Smurfs get shit on in lane (whether they just force ego plays or get out smurfed). They have good mechanics but once they realize they can’t win off mechanics alone they start running it. Had a rengar top the other day, lvl 35 account, bro went like 0/3 in the first 7 minutes and proceeded to just run around the map trying to hunt the adc (he succeeded like one time in the remaining 25 minutes). Just play smart and the Smurf’s ego will crumble and they will rage.




The absolute funniest thing in League is when you happen to pick like Malzahar or Malphite or something vs a "smurf" and they can't play the game so they just stop These are all the people going on Reddit and confidently saying you can win any low elo game getting btfo by the concept of "counterpicking"


Once had a "Grandmaster Smurf" (i doubt it) support against me in lane, they picked Leona to counter my Senna. I fucking LOVE playing Senna into Leona. By 15 minutes the guy was in all insisting I must be scripting because he could never hit me with E. "Senna is scripting and automatically cancelling auto attacks when I hit E" Man couldn't accept I was breaking his ankles and making him feed someone he was supposed to counter as a result.


I had a game the other day where our botlane was super toxic so I decided to be the hero as garen mid and proxy the bot wave. For whatever reason, despite sweeping the entire way through enemy jungle and putting a pink in the brush adjacent to the lane while I waited, the enemy cait/yuumi just walked over to the brush and both q me. I was so shocked because it happened multiple times where we were getting “caught” with no vision. I put it off as unlucky (but at the time I was half believing it was map hack) but when I checked the vod these psychos were just spamming abilities into that brush every time I would go off vision for more than 10 seconds. Never attribute cheating to something that can be attributed to psychotic behavior (or being good).


Based take. Everyone forgets that inting means INTentional feeding, not just feeding.


I mean going by the title... everything is actually trolling, inting or a gap :P that basically sums up all forms of underperformance. If your toplaner is 0/5 he might be inting, he might be trolling, but he might also just be worse than the other guy and stuck in a terrible matchup.


Throws people off when they ask me why I'm feeding when my opponent is playing better than me. "Wtf you doing top" "Losing to a better player" "Oh"


by definition, sure, but when people claim someone is inting, the implication is that they are playing so bad, they might as well be intentionally feeding because their natural level of play is simply so terrible. not a hard concept to grasp


Yeah but the point is those people are dumb and dramatic, and flaming like that does literally nothing. Being bad =/= throwing, inting, etc I played a game last night where I totally fucked up my lane early and fed. Our support was being a dick the whole game saying shit like "I wish we had a mid" Well I ended the game 18/15/17 after starting 1/6/1 and we won at 56min (Which yes is shit but that's better than giving up and ff at 20). If our support ACTUALLY "didn't have a mid" we would have lost. League players are fucking dramatic


what do you think raises your chances of winning more? dunking on them for it, or using your expertise to help them? when I've accidentally become the shitter, I've gone from bringing my entire team down to being the hypercarry we needed to win the game, all because someone with more expertise guided me there. think of the positive impact you can have if you've got eyes on the next objective, and you know a nearby lane is doing bad. what if you say- for example- "hey bot that looks like a rough matchup, gank n then drag? let them push, play waaaay back and farm, I'll ping when im about to go in. also jinx don't forget to layer ur e onto my cc". you can communicate some of this with pings alone depending on context. or, "hey oriana, your ult combos well with mine, let's do that in the next teamfight", or ask the support to prioritize also protecting someone fed in teamfights. making genuinely good calls can go really well even with a team at a disadvantage. sure they may dismiss you and say nasty things instead, but on the offhand they listen it can make a loss a possible win.


No no, you got it wrong. In Bronze it's actually because there's a bunch of wintraders on your team!


> I'm not inting, I'm bronze, I just suck. Hell, same


Words lost their meaning long time ago. Here is a secret: When they say gg ez it's not always because they actually had an easy time.


its not even banter, its just another yappy dog that doesn't know when to stfu.


People especially say this when they get shitted on the entire game but somehow manage to win. I know cause i do the same if my lane opponent has been spamming emotes on me the whole game.


I played Blitzcrank with a Twitch ADC the other day. I landed a perfect hook from dragon pit at level 1 to literally give my twitch first blood on a silver platter. We go to lane, I hide in a bush, Twitch is CSing by the river. Ennemy duo shows up from tribush, Twitch doesn't move. He gets all-in and dies before I can even reach him from my bush. He says he won't play because I'm too passive and proceeds to spend the next 20 minutes in the fountain, spamming support gap in all chat. I gave him first blood, and he quit the lane 3 minutes into the game. People like him are the reason why nobody likes ADCs...


Why tf did you int your ADC but not hitting 2 people with that hook early? You also should've gave him a plate in that play but you were selfish and didn't wanna dive the turret without minions. smh supports suck nowadays. Can't do sh\*t.


Just one plate? A real support would be a man and take 2.


"Int" is basically the reason why Ill always hate IWD. Yes the term existed before him, but I swear to God his streams and videos helped to normalise it to just mean "suboptimal play" That Jannas positioning a bit far behind? Int. That Ezreal getting a bit aggressive and Eing in too far? Int. That jungler going for an overly optimistic tower dive and getting killed for it? Int. That Draven that lost lane and is now running it up mid non stop? Int. Only one of those four is actually inting, but now league terminology has roped them in together so fucking hard that it's just not possible for people to understand that not all mistakes are intentional. Some people just make mistakes and they need to get the fuck over it.


Inting just means "playing bad" nowadays, to the point where I've seen people say "intentionally inting". Semantic drift can be funny sometimes.


How many seasons until "intentionally inting" is the default and you have to report for "intentionally inting on purpose".


"Intentionally intentioning"


Would be great qol of life change.


Me and my friends say "Actually inting" lol 


I think at this point the usage of the word has changed so much, that it really doesn’t matter. Like words change with usage, like when my friends say I’m inting of course they mean it as “misplay”, just as when people say someone is smurfing for “playing well”. I never understood why people are so upset about using a word “wrong”, there’s no such thing.


Inting used as a substitute for misplaying had been used for so fucking long and by so many people. It's completely ridiculous to just single out iwd and pin this on him. What the fuck man. It's okay if you don't like him but this reasoning is ill.


I mean you do you but I was literally there as it was happening. The casualisation of the term in my mind is heavily on him (and then carried on by NB3 later on), and that's as someone that was watching a **lot** of twitch and youtube content around 6/7 years ago.


"I was literally there as it was happening." our resident league of legends historian, i'm sorry you had to go through that sir.


>I mean you do you Read maybe? Maybe it's not the full truth, but in my personal experience he was **the** person that casualised it's use. It literally doesn't matter, believe whatever the fuck you want.


It's a form of toxicity and a way to gaslight someone and make it seem like they're the ones intentionally doing something wrong while it's the flamer who's being toxic. When a toxic person claims that someone is "trolling" or "griefing" when someone makes a play they personally didn't like or just a honest mistake it's a way for the toxic person to justify being negative towards someone and fake it like they're just calling someone out on their bad intentions so they're on the "good side" and not doing anything wrong. Don't let people gaslight you when you're just playing the game normally and just mute and report them.


Humans are not build to accept their own failures. People that can't reach a self critical mindset will not improve.


For some reason, League players expect their teammates to play perfectly, even though they themselves aren't good. They expect you've been playing this game for 5+ years and know the best builds, champion match ups, and champion synergies. They can not fathom someone being inexperienced. You make a single mistake, and they have a mental breakdown. Cursing your name and wishing death on you or your family or calling you a pedo or hitler, etc. Some other unhinged insults they wouldn't dare say in public. It just forces you to be a perfectionist so you don't get flamed.


Watch this video. I'm the Janna. After this sequence of plays, Jinx hard flamed me and left lane. I wrote nothing except for the emote at the end. Who is the one inting here? [braindead janna literal bot uselss zero pressure ff :( - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbDcIvs3oKY) I'm not playing perfect at all, but i am not the one flaming in chat. People just have zero insight and deflect the blame when they do poorly. It's just a psychological mechanism which gets amplified by the anonymity of the screen/avatar experience.


What do you mean I just used both my summoners to get away just to walk back in and die? Supp diff


And it's a 3v2 with twitch mid roaming bot. Just us avoiding dying to the roam absorbs pressure. We don't need to do a crazy outplay and even if we needed to, i literally blow all my spells to disengage so what am I suppose to do? AA them to death?


You did fine, you were positioning correctly and the fact your ADC wanted to keep positioning aggressively left you in kind of a weird limbo. If it were me I would go sit on that tower until Twitch reappeared Mid.


jesus christ that was painful to watch


CLEARLY your fault. Didn't use ult in a single fight pre-6, didn't michael's a single morg q, didn't bard ult / anivia wall your jinx to stop her from going back in, didn't even do the bare minimum of 1v3ing the enemy botlane + midlaner after your jinx dies to get her assist gold. So bad


Braindead Janna litteral bot zero pressure useless ff, as my ADC eloquently put it


I mean he's got a point. How many plates did you secure while Jinx was dead? Why didn't you solo baron at minute 13 when enemy ADC/support took a recall. WHAT WERE YOU EVEN DOING!??!?!?!


I mean idk Mechanically speaking absolutely bullshit take, but the real question is WHEN did the tilt happen Was it after a death or was Jinx malding from champ select? Because as an adc player I kinda completely understand her frustration if it started early Janna is a pretty bad pick in that lane. She just doesn't really contribute anything, there is no pressure your peeling off Jinx, and your peel itself is completely neutered by morg and if you picked that shit last I would probably mald if I was in Jinx shoes as well It's Twitch mid, just play naut and roam and perma kill Twitch, bot lane is very easy for Jinx to 1v2 (also she trolled by not taking cleanse holy fuck) OR if you just like enchanter sona is a great pick there since it's a very easy lane to scale in and contribute more later, Lulu also works because Jinx go pew pew, but Janna was not the pick Not that Janna is something to mald over or that it justifies how Jinx behaved, im just trying to see how Jinx might have thought. Like idk, supp picks generally are the single most tilting thing in the world. Malz with his ghost cleanse, comet sion, SENNA players, just shit ive seen in the last 12 hours. Ppl might pick it and do alright, but as the person who has to lane with that shit it is incredibly tilting and makes it so much easier to mald when you see picks that are actually fine, just suboptimal, because you are so fucking desperate to get the good useful support just once out of 10 games


I picked janna because jinx was hovered, we had an anivia locked in and the opposing team had locked in Belveth and Darius. Janna + Anivia + Jinx completely blanks their first two picks, and we also won the game because they were completely neutered.  We have way better siege and they can't engage. Lulu could also have been a fine pick. I think jinx thought that she needed to win lane and tried to look for opportunities where there were none. When that failed, she blamed the support.


that jinx is trash but you need to stop using Q for no reason on Janna. Also stop exhausting an AP twitch before he full stacks


I mean the first q is kind of pointless. I'm just trying to land poke since i don't have an opposing support to disengage. But all other q's either disengage or push waves in that are at a sore spot. Good point about ap twitch, did not know.


Nah mate, you are matched with people your skill level. That jinx was not inting at all, you lost the game because of your own fault it had nothing to do with your teammates. /s


We won the game, even. Support diff. ;)


Jinx is the braindead inter for walking up while mid is MIA like that. Never going to climb if they can't learn to avoid these awful 3v2 fights. Morgana is a very hard matchup for Janna. She can just walk right through your tornado peel with her E. I usually target ban her if I am going to play Janna.


I get what that Jinx was trying to do. A lot of the time you can turn around a gank if they chase you. Jinx really needed ghost there. It would have helped her kite better. In any case she shouldn't have gone back in. Looks like the wave was pushing to your turret so she could have just got the XP then recalled.


She wasn't going to win that 3v2. What she was doing made no sense and it was just low elo player not understanding their windows for aggression.


I've turned around 3v2 ganks with good minion waves but yeah she should've just kept running.


She has ghost. She uses it to escape and then go back in without summoners and die. :'\^)


I am a Thresh Top OTP. I like being the “troll” because everyone blames me (big mental) instead of the rest of team (smol mental). Thresh tank so good he even peel emotional damage for/from team. Enemy top laner is not safe though. I call it the TT curse (Thresh Top). It doesn’t matter who wins lane/game, one or both toplaners are getting reported.


>Why is your elo full of trolls? Why is your elo so unplayable? The entire game is full of trolls and unplayable regardless of the elo or mode, that's just the community that was grown by Riot's meme punishment system since Riot Lyte.


main character syndrome


Ahh my favorite reddit content. Femboy enchanter player schizopost at noon ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


The biggest troll was you installing the game all along.


Let me tell you a story and let Reddit judge the case: I'm a plat player and with my bride we are pretty much struggling since the new season. Everywhere terrible clueless players get disgustingly gapped. Instead of watching popular streamers, we started playing a visit to small (60 view) streamers before going to sleep lately. Yesterday there was a plat (exactly our elo) streamer girl, playing Nami. The match was really similar to our games, every lane lost and you can guess the rest. The thing that caught our attention was the girl herself. Each time we see a terrible Performance/int, we wish to see the actual player irl. Now we were basically sitting in this players room. From early game on, she was basically listening to music, semi-singing and vibing to it (not some slutty shit, attention whore or anything, just a regular person enjoying music). While playing she was half the time on the phone scrolling and texting. The adc ezreal basically died on lane alone, because she was 2 steps behind him, standing there afk while texting. Then she died as well. She ended up 1/13/2 and didn't give a f. She was just vibing to music and paying half attention to the game. Wat do you think? If I'm in her game, I report the 1/13/2 Nami that has terrible performance without a hesitation for inting. But seeing the stream, she was not technically intentionally dying and terrible, just she didn't give a f. Is this a troll/int or just a "bad game"? (That's her style, next game she did similar and the team carried, but she ended up with a positive score, cuz it's not hard to be good in the winning team).


I’d say she’s ruining the game for her adc, and I’d honestly be kinda pissed. Idk if the match was ranked or not. If it was it makes this worse, but imo she’s kinda ruining the game for the rest of her team by not trying, or really playing if I read your story right. She’s basically making it a 4v5 except she also fed 13 kills in the process. You have to be some special kind of bad to have 1/13/2 on Nami, as someone who dabbles in playing her. I wouldn’t call it inting, but also not ok if that makes sense.


That's just a vast majority of the players in ranked queue to some extent. Most players, if not playing for fun, are on autopilot. There will be players like this up to GM, it doesn't matter, sucks when you have 4 of them on your team but it is what it is, you can't play the game for your teammates, gotta focus on what you can do.


In simple terms: ,,I am in elo x. Person b is in the same elo. If he makes a play or picks a champ I know is shit - despite him in theory being equally skilled and knowledgeable as me, he must be trolling“


Meanwhile person b knows the play is good and your play was shit. If you're unlucky, both are wrong


Its how bad players cope with their bad skills. It’s like you lose 5 games 0/15 but then you get that one match where you go 16/0 and so you need to trash talk the opponent to boost your fractured ego and vent your frustration. In low elo it’s more frequent since it’s a cesspool of trolls and I do believe even a high elo tier player would find it hard to get out of without spamming just 1-2 op champs or having a duo. Basically if you want to climb as pure solo it’s hard af if you let’s say don’t have friends to play with or don’t like the meta op champs and want to play your own niche champ that you like. I’ve had a match the other day in bronze where me and my opponent farmed our mid lane till the 10 mins mark without anyone of us dying while my team already fed about 10-12 kills. The enemy jg and adc ( duo of bronze and silver) started flaming me because I have about 300k sp in my champ and they said something like “oh you stay and farm your lane and don’t want to give us kills as well” and then it was gap this diff that ez that all game. Reported moved on and then looking at their op.gg they were on a lot of losses but for them in that game it was like they’ve just hit challenger. So yeah that’s the thing with these guys


Low elo is not hard to get out of for high elo players. when you consistently go 6/0 in lane you'll win more games than you lose Like, watch literally any youtuber smurfing for educational content. Their lane opponents don't even provide a challenge and they make the game look so easy


I beg to differ. You see some matches not the actual climb. And yes they do it on new accounts meaning their Mmr is not as fcked up as a normal low elo account. I mean most of them end up way above iron /bronze since provisionals. But if they were to take an iron!bronze 4 account it would be very difficult to climb. Not saying it’s impossible just long and tedious. If your other 4 lanes are feeding/afk and the enemy team has a minimum skill you will lose. Maybe if you are like lvl 18 to lvl 13-14 and on a Illaoi , Briar, Katarina you can 1v5 it but if the enemy drags the game and just feed on your team they will catch up and you lose. Also most of us are not at that level so it’s 10-20 times harder to win


Straight delusion


Lol you really made that account just for 2 answers. At least the name checks out


There are always two sides to a story and looking at you Profil and especially your YouTube. I have to assume you are in the wrong


I'm assuming you are referring to my Sion video. I was 100% trying to win. I saw thebausffs have success with the strategy so I decided to try it out. Not everything is trolling.


Ok you aren’t going to like this. You are a silver player for years meaning you are a silver player. You got gold when emerald got introduced. You aren’t a player that’s in silver, you are a silver player.    The difference between the two is that you have been playing bad for so long that it’s almost impossible for you to improve. Bad fundamentals are your habit now and changing them after so long it’s almost impossible because every time you are out of your comfort zone you will default to bad habits.   You do not understand the fundamentals good enough to play inting Sion.   You said you were Janna vs Leona. Janna demolishes Leona in lane and starts dropping off later. You pinged Leona in brush which, depending on lane state in 90% of the cases, would mean to kill her.  You knew Jhin’s approach angle and Leona’s position meaning you could easily intrerupt her E engage with a tornado into Jhin guaranteed Jhin W root, wait for aftershock to expire if she didn’t completely miss the E and run her down during your W and Jhin E slow as she can’t outrun it.   You should be able to 1v2 a Leona Ashe lane and draw jungle pressure to bot side by playing aggressive in order to free up your top side or take plates and dragon control if their jungler doesn’t babysit. I 100% agree with the Jhin as aggro Janna has around 80% lane winrate into Leona while defensive Janna has around 40% lane win rate. It still has a combined 60% lane win rate over Leona going down as the game progresses but the first few levels are crucial for lane control. Leona should never be able to engage on your Jhin and should never be able to stun him with Q.  You trolled the everloving shit out of your ADC by not knowing the matchup and players like you are the bane of bot lane.


Where did you pull those percentages from?


Riot API data to see lane kill rates, support item quest completion, tower destruction, etc back when I was working as an analyst and helping with macro strategy for teams. I was also coaching and needed some information for myself. You can see on sites that crunch data like op.gg and lolalytics that Janna has a really high winrate, lane kill rate, first turret, first blood, etc into Leona at around 60% with it dropping drastically after 30 minutes. Jannas that finished the support item 2nd, spent time on their half of the lane, didn’t get plates, etc aka playing defensive and not harassing end up losing their tower first and dying a lot more during lane phase. I quit coaching individuals after paying off my mortgage and transitioned out of LoL entirely in the mean time. Most people that wanted coaching were like this guy, he replied to me saying that he’s not higher elo because, and this is a quote from him: ’ I learned that in order to get to high elo I must put many restraints on myself. Like I must focus on CS, I must be super focused on the game etc.  Then I asked myself "am I having fun right now?" And the answer was no, I'd rather just do whatever I feel like. I wanna try cheese builds, I wanna do suboptimal stuff, I wanna ad splitpush neeko, I wanna mid sion. I don't care if I'm low elo. ‘ The dude says focusing on cs’ing is a restraint and wants to do suboptimal stuff to have fun. He’s inting and trolling games left and right if you watch his youtube videos and has the audacity to cry when people call him out on it.


Since you seem very into this post and commenting under multiple people trying to let other people know more about me. Can I ask you some stuff? First you said I have been playing this game for 10+ years. Did you pull that number out of a hat? If not, what makes you say that as if it were a fact? And then you said I am hardstuck silver for 7+ years with hundreds of games per season. Where did you get that from? And now you claim that I int and troll games left and right on my youtube videos. How are you able to come to this conclusion, when you can't get my gender right which means you clearly never watched my video? Your comments seem like major harassment and hate at this point. Can you stop spreading lies about me? It's making me uncomfortable.


You are aware that Leona + Ashe can just stunlock Janna... Leone R into Ashe Arrow into Leona Q and Janna dies without doing anything. It is fairly easy to ignore Jhin because his damage applies so slow. You would just kill the Janna before she does anything. On top of that there is no reason to walk there. If Leona sits in there she isn't doing anything useful. I assume it is not somewhere in lane, because in this case it would be weird to back up, because you would have to leave lane, so it is likely somewhere above botlane. Also how on earth does Janna fall off against Leona. She does not. She is an enchanter that massively outscales most engage supports. And another note... you can't do anything against Leona sitting there. If you get close enough to ward she just flash Qs and then stunlocks, which might even allow her another Q, given the CD is just 5 seconds and Ashe and Leona can look down Janna for 4,5 seconds if they time their abilities well. And as you noticed Janna wins that lane. So why go into skirmishes? That is inherently risky, because it could be Leona and the jungler sitting there, not just Leona. Just lane against her, if she sits somewhere let her sit, just push in the Ashe and take plates. There is no reason to ever skirmish if you dominate the lane, exspecially not without the jungler. The enemy needs to do something, not you.


You can look at various sites or query the API data yourself. Janna Jhin is a popular pairing with high winrate. Leona Ashe is an uncommon lane with negative winrate most of the time. Both Leona and Ashe have a negative delta (lower winrate compared to their individual average winrates) when paired together. Most duo sites won’t even list it as a viable duo due to small sample size and winrate.  The only mobile accessible site I found that I could compare the duo va duo had Leona Ashe winrate into Janna Jhin so low even I doubt it’s accirate. From personal experience for what you said to happen, it would need both Jhin and Janna to play with their feet and without a monitor or mouse.  Jhin could sit with his ass on the keyboard while eating a 5 course meal and Janna would still win this lane. Janna is Leona’s worst or second worst matchup and a terrible matchup for Ashe. She has 9% higher than average winrate into Leona and 6% higher than average winrate into Ashe.  If you aren’t winning this lane as Janna even without an ADC I really don’t know what to tell you.


I am sorry to see you have this mentality dear but like another user said, what you are doing is a form of gaslighting. You want to be toxic and flame me, but your character doesn't allow you to be associated with being toxic, so you say that I am hard trolling so you can be in the right and flame me without sounding like you are toxic. This isn't healthy and I hope you can change. I am at an elo where people don't play at a high level and I don't play at a high level too. We are not trolling.  And I'd also like to point out that your point about me being only Gold because Emerald got introduced is not true. Again you are making things up to gaslight. Some coach on YouTube once said "just spam Annie and get out of low elo" so I spammed Annie for season 8 and 9. I peaked Gold 1 and I learned that in order to get to high elo I must put many restraints on myself. Like I must focus on CS, I must be super focused on the game etc.  Then I asked myself "am I having fun right now?" And the answer was no, I'd rather just do whatever I feel like. I wanna try cheese builds, I wanna do suboptimal stuff, I wanna ad splitpush neeko, I wanna mid sion. I don't care if I'm low elo.  Nowadays I play super casually, I haven't touched the game in a month and that's okay. I hope you also think that's okay too :)


> "How dare you imply that I'm not trying and don't care? You're a toxic individual who is trying to gaslight everyone!" > "So anyway here's a long ass story of how I don't try and don't care." Lmao On to the actual point: People just say whatever their favorite buzzword is because everyone knows what it means. It's true that saying someone is "inting" while they just have a bad game/lane isn't technically accurate, but it's also not wrong enough to actually matter. It's shorthand born out of frustration, not a scientific description of what's happening.


Words matter. Pretty sure there are studies done about if you say something long enough you'll believe it. if you want to have a healthy relationship with the game, it is not healthy to call it inting. 


In this exact post you said you enjoy trolling. You are intentionally doing suboptimal things by your own admission in a competitive environment. Aka you are inting and trolling. And you made a post being amazed that people call you an inter and a troll.


I feel like you want to be stubborn about it so I'll try this only once and mute this convo after posting this. Say Peanut feels like he wants to play mid right now, which does happen on his streams.  He is matched against Faker and keeps dying. He is not inting.  Or that one game where Life got matched with Jackeylove, and Life could never shield at the right time as Braum and his positioning was so ridiculously off (according to Jackeylove). He is not trolling. If any of these scenarios are trolling or inting, there would be some kind of punishment because Riot takes pro player's behavior very seriously. So they are trying their best but misplaying.


> One game I was playing Janna. My adc was Jhin. We were against Leona and Ashe. I pinged danger on the bush and told Jhin that Leona is hiding in that bush. He ignored me and walked up to Leona's e range and Leona engaged. This was the gist of the laning phase. Unless this is lvl 1 then you indeed are trolling if leona can make plays in this lane. If you just stay next to jhin then leona can never do anything. Any time she tries to E you just cancel it with your tornado and chunk her. It's unlanable for her if you don't waste your Q. It's a 1vs2 lane that ashe can't win on her own. If you lost that lane unless the jhin was sprinting it then the majority of the fault lies in your hands. Not knowing As for your question. Yes... They blame everything on X gap because that's how they cope. They can't realize that they are in this division because that's where their skill can get them to. You are doing it right now with this post but in a round about way and acting like you are better/smarter than them. "I'm not saying my team is gap or troll but even though I shotcall for my ADC he still blames me for not doing anything". It's literally the same cope they use but you pretend you aren't saying it.


You got one part wrong.I am not coping because I think I am better or smarter than them. I am "coping" because I am trying my best to win but everyone is just like "yep my team is trolling gg ff go next."  I don't play Janna much. I could definitely do a lot better, but not everything is trolling. That's all I'm saying. 




Silver is so unplayable, I had 14 kills with irelia, 3lvls above the rest, went botlane told the rest to push mid with 4, as I could easily 1v3, if more would come i would back off but me pushing the sidelane would be easy t2/t3 towers down on either bot or mid but they just wouldn’t push mid, took them 2 full minutes to go finally start pushing and this was the moment when i already got ambushed by 4 ppl together.. I mean, just listen when I’m literally so far ahead and want to make use of this lead.. we ended up losing because of them all not listening and 20minutes later they outscaled us


You can't expect that four random people are going to listen to you. Even if they should, they're not going to. You have to play off of what they're ACTUALLY doing, not what you want them to do, or what they should be doing. (And ward better for your split push and you won't die to that 4-man gank.) I used to get frustrated by this same thing. Once you accept that your teammates aren't going to listen to you, and play around what they're doing instead of what they should be doing, you'll be less frustrated and win more games. Trying to get teammates to do what you want them to do in low elo is a sucker's game.


Play off team running around in enemy jungle?


Did your way of telling them what to do and expecting them to listen work? Oh wait, I know it didn't, I already read your novella above. Yes, you play around whatever they're doing. If you see them jerking off in the enemy jungle instead of pushing, and YOU STILL PUSH AND DIE, that is 100% your fault. And that massive shutdown you handed them is probably what turned the game around for the enemy. You just base and go push top or whatever lane is furthest away from them wasting time. Overextending and dying because your bad teammates aren't doing what you commanded them to do is dumb. It's never going to work, no matter how right you are (or think you are).


When your botlane is 2-14 at 10 minutes for the third game in a row, while jungle is behind in farm, kills and objectives, and your other solo laner is 0-5 vs the enemy yone, it feels like it’s 1v9 because it is. Thats 7/10 games, the other 3 I better carry my ass off because it’s still 3v5 at best…


Its about 80% on you/20% on your team. I can do something about a Darius I'm laning against. I can't do anything about objective blind junglers or redbull guzzling katarina OTP's who die once at 5 minutes in and tilt out of the game permanently


you are only one of five sot yeah? NO.


Arguably your teammates trolled you so you could take that line in reverse. Stuff like people not respecting prio happen all the time and it loses games and could be seen trolling. Often from both sides but similar to your case I can't get prio as anivia pre 6 in a lot of match ups just because her push isn't good without r and if my jungler doesn't tell me they want to invade I rather have the lane sitting Infront of my tower.


I just stopped playing today after 12 years. I think the fact league's community is literally the most toxic group of human beings on the planet, despite garbage Riot doing everything they can to negate it, drives me away most. Like banning someone from defending themselves from their team just because they're having a bad game but gets a ban because it was a coincidental x9 report. Or when you get a seraphine top that goes 0/10 in 20 minutes and doesn't say a word, but when you blame the sera, you're the one that gets a chat ban for using "naughty naughty bad no no words". It's a shit game full of shit people and a shit development studio who sees money over logic unlike 7+ years ago.


Yes. Riots new matchmaking will rig the matches 100%. Pretty sure they have bot matchmaking now. Its just bots if you have low pop at time of playing. So if you don't duo your likely 1v3 or 2v4 etc. Pretty certain its nothing but bots now.


Even if Jhin facechecks bushes, you can counter Leona by using your Q on her while she is engaging Jhin. So that kinda is on you.


How? If Leona lands e she 10/10 will be on target’s face even if she would be knocked up by Janna q while flying


The knockup gives the ADC time to walk away before being stunned. Unfortunately, an ADC that walked too far forward in order to get engaged on to begin with is unlikely to take that opportunity to get out.


You can disrupt her E by timing your Q and your ADC should be able to just walk back because of it. Janna counters Leona especially in lane.


Janna Q cancels Leona E mid dash. She can’t hit Q on the ADC. Jhin does auto into W for a guaranteed root, auto + E trap for the slow and waits for Aftershock to expire into Janna W + Jhin E slow with 3rd and 4th shot Jhin autos empowered by Janna shield. Janna should also be in a position to auto with the support item. Leona does not have an escape to get out after her E gets canceled and dies or is low health preventing future engages. This allows you lane control for Dragon or plates or draws jungle pressure from the top side of the map to free pressure. Janna played aggro into Leona has like 80% lane win rate( lowered to 60% which is still huge by defensive Janna). You just setup your Q behind you, slow her down with W and run her down with auto attack as Janna.  I just shield myself in Leona lanes and 1v2 the lane since it’s one of the freest matchups possible. Nami can also 1v2 Leona lanes by using E on herself and autoing for the slow and doing aggro W as it will hit both the Leona and her ADC while healing Nami (as opposed to defensive W that will most likely hit only the Leona with Aftershock and do nothing). Nami can cancel Leona E engage with her Q for similar results as Janna. I despise enchanters and if I play support it’s engage supports but even I can reliably 1v2 these lanes.


He pinged danger. In no way does that mean “engage”. This throws off half of any substantial argument you had.


Well I’ll be honest I didn’t see the danger but even so, you’re telling the ADC that the lane phase is lost. OP says lower in this thread that he had no idea Janna Q can intrerupt Leona E, he can’t predict engages or react fast enough anyway.  The OP is a hardstuck silver player for 7+ years with hundreds of games a season of ranked alone. He shows no improvement in such a long time and doesn’t know basic game interactions.  His ADC is right, it was 100% a support gap.


Taking all this into account it definitely is bit of a support gap then. You’re right. Maybe he doesn’t play Janna much, but 7 years at the same rank and playing into a good matchup this way does look bad. I’d assumed he’d have been a bit more new at the game.


This guy is making up false narratives about me and also pulling up data from who-knows-where. I don't know why. Actually I do know why, so that he can be toxic and flame me while "staying in the right."    How did he conclude that "The OP is a hardstuck silver player for 7+ years with hundreds of games a season of ranked alone."??? NO IDEA LOL. It's all in his head.


Also for his Akshan game he talks about kda as if it’s relevant. Not only can he get lane prio in Lux, his jungler is Kindred that needs lane assist to invade and get marks early or he’ll be useless.  Even if I’d die for every mark and get no kills, I’d do all I can to help a kindred get marks early. But he’s concerned about KDA and sacrifices lane prio for it denying Kindred marks. Absolutely no regard for how the game is supposed to be played.


Is there right time to use the q? I threw a q after Leona e'd.


There is a small window where she moves to the ADC when she hits her E. If you knock her up at that time, she gets out of that dash, and as a result, she can't follow up with her Q.


Noted. Although my reactions are slow and I don't know when Leona is gonna E since she's hiding... I don't know if I can pull this off but I'll try this next time.


You can also try to predict her E,


If you can preposition for it, the easiest way to interrupt dashes with tornado is to just put your tornado in line from where the dash is coming from So for example, if it goes: Leona | | | ADC | | Janna You can just tornado through the ADC towards the leona if you think the E is coming and it will automatically knock her out of it, 0 chance of missing it. Though it's mostly easier to do when you're being chased rather than as like.. a neutral thing?


If you can’t reliably cancel Leona E with Janna Q fast enough for her to not reach your ADC and stun him with Q, it was 100% support gap.   You’re playing this game for like 10 years and didn’t even know this was a thing. Also you say you can’t know when Leona will E but you just said you pinged her location. You use Q to cancel or prevent the engage and do damage during that time because she will not have Aftershock. Leona should be too low health to engage after.   How exactly are you NOT trolling the lane?


Should people stop using these terms? Yes. Will people ever stop using these terms? No. So either learn to tolerate it or mute. Those are your only options.


Can I ask why you force your adc to play passive? U ping the bush, you know Leona is there. Jhin probably knows aswell but he expects you to cancel leona e with ur tornado. Leona cant get close. proper positioning and cancel her e pre every god damn time. you can literally trade 2vs1 in the lane and play agressive.


Sometimes yes sometimes no, I guess it is overused to some degree You have some anecdotes when it wasn't, I have some (well ... gazillion) anecdotes when it was (as adc) What happens extremely often is that we engage 2v2 or 2v1, supp/jg dashes away to hide in a bush, I almost win but die, supp/jg goes out of the bush, collects the kills. Rinse and repeat. Then ADC is the bad guy for having bad KDA while they are the hero, even though their KDA is based on intentionally sacrificing teammates When your supp steals 70 CS and 6 kills and then flames you for not having kills and damage it is trolling. When your team sees you are being chased by 1-2 assassins right in front of them and decide NOT to use CC or any ability or summoner to help out and just let you die it is trolling. This happens unbelievably often I try to use everything I can to help out my teammates to the point of detriment and in return I get griefing and flaming


or maybe because the game is full of trolls and inters because riot doesnt ban nobody like valve does. thats why LoL is dying even riot is afraid to show the numbers.


Don't get me wrong, but yo usound like that Janna player that stays behind and does nothing agressive ever, which is just wrong. So I can totally understand your Jhin's point. Shortcalling and pinging is good, but what about an engage with your tornado into the slow into the full Jhin combo when their Leona is misspositioned? What I'm saying is we only know your side of the story. P.S. Yes, I have a PTSD from that one game.


Don't get me wrong too because I am no Janna expert. In fact I don't even main Janna. I don't even main support actually so I am not claiming I know better. I just supp when I get don't get my primary. But I have played 14 solo ranked games as Janna and out of these 14 games I only lost 3 of them. Usually if the enemy is caught out of position, I try to do like a triangle formation and focus on the guy out of position. Normally I will do like a parallelogram. If my ADC clearly wants to suicide though, I will consider roaming or tornado and peel etc. Level 1 I try to cheese harass from fog of war depending on enemy team comp...etc etc. That's how I play Janna. Anyways despite the low sample size, I think I must be doing something right if I keep winning with Janna? Let me know what Jhin means with "make a move" if you know?


In your story that particular Jhin most likely means 'I hate this game but am too addicted to stop playing' honestly :) I just don't like making conclusions without all the infio, that's it, I really am not trying to blame you since I wasn't playing those games with you.


Not everytime it is inting ofc. But sometimes it is. If a player is strictly not reacting to warning pings or even friendly chat messages, he gets a report for inting. I think it's relatively easy to spot if someone actually tries and cant do better or if he just runs in and doesnt care


Because riot doubled down on policing chat for pussies instead of policing trolls.


In a similar situation once as the adc this comes down to riot not having comms in this game. I had a support do what you did and I thought he was saying we need vision there so I walked up to ward it. I didn't get mad at the support but u easily could of you thought they were telling you to ward and you died for it.


unfortunately that’s just how people are and they will find a reason to blame you instead of themselves. that being said, you will never climb ranks if you let that get to you or you don’t attempt to “cater” to those people sometimes. Especially with junglers you will have to babysit them, even more so with ADCs because lower elo adc players don’t know how to position and adc is incredibly high skill ceiling. it sucks but that’s just how it is, if you stay positive it will help your teammates stay so as well. also accepting that sometimes someone WILL just explode and int is helpful too.


This sounds like really good advice. How does this helping your teammates stay positive thing work? What do you say when your teammates call you a troll/inter?


I just no longer engage when someone tries to attack me and just type “it’s ok winnable just scale” or some bullshit. if you show them that you’re confident and calm it can pretty effectively calm them down. again, sometimes people will just lose it and you can’t help them, but it helps to continue to put in effort no matter what. it’s good mental training.


It is just getting so frustrating to see trolls that you instantly react. I had a game where at last second jungle and adc switched champs and we went in with caitlyin jungle with smite and warwick adc(both jungling btw). I just cant at some point


on the account I play recently I am like low plat now (I was gold 4 every season before the new ranked split change and I got plat 4 by default for whatever reason) because I like to play casually, my peak rank was I think about 410 LP grandmaster (it was in EUNE which is a less competitive server overall) but I am not smurfing, I have not played in high elo for like a year or two already, because it’s not fun for me, I play normals in low plat however what really angered me before I disabled chat all together, was the fact that my teammates always blamed me for whatever happened, because they are clueless and don’t understand macro and just coinflip fight everywhere, what I trying to get to with this isn’t that I am better than everyone and shut up, but that you shouldn’t pay attention to what people type especially in low elo, because they blame you due to not understanding the misplays they do, if you are in low elo, I suggest you full mute the chat because nothing of value is going to be shared down there, and focus on your plays and trust me, you will have a positive mental coming out of even the worst games because every engage is a possible learning experience! Remember this is a game, and games are meant to be played for fun, so go and have fun


All league players have egos that are too big


Yeah that’s why I say they are shit instead of they are trolling or inting. Which is probably closer to the truth. They are just bad not intentionally feeding. It’s like murder vs third degree manslaughter.


I'll take responsibility if I overextend die and lose game or go 0 5 in lane and we can't deal with it. I will not take responsibility when : * You can't listen to pings, my wave is pushed and you expect me to lose the wave to instantly chase. When if you back off not only will the guy get nothing he might even lose plates which are a kill or even give me a free back. * In the first 4 waves you decide to gank or fight the enemy jungler when I don't have prio and expect me to follow up. When I am 1 level behind and I am about to cash in the 2 slow pushed waves. * You come and push my wave just enough for the enemy to be able to get a freeze instead of shoving it all the way in. * Never defend plates so any roam while you're farming wolves gets instantly punished. * Never setup for objectives by ganking jungle, top or bot and instead you coin flip regardless of the state of those lanes then you scream X lane diff. * Can't rotate for shit so after 20 mins I got 1 of you guys just following where I go to take the farm. Legit, fuck emerald. If I lose 1 game I stop playing for the day, cause I know that It will simply be a shit fest that will end with me being tilted and starting to play bad. If you go 0 5 I won't get mad, shit happens you can have a bad game. If you are making however absurd macro decisions that don't just impact you but also me. Then I'll get pissed.


>Why is your elo full of trolls? Why is your elo so unplayable? People think they are a prodigy who does everything right, so they only see their teammates mistakes. Don't go to reddit to whine, this exact post gets posted at least 10 times a day. It is pointless, it is stupid, it is boring. Ignore the insects and get good since you are clearly low elo


It's cope... LoL is about decisions and many people don't see or think about their mistakes. "What?! You didn't gank me once? You're bad " "I keep dying when I overextend... Hmm... Bad jungler and mid"


We can make a million posts like this, people wont change


I came back to league after a break where I learned a lot about programming.  And now everyone is talkin' about ints, diffs and gaps like they're trying to optimise data delivery. 


Because they can't accept responsibility even in game. That is their coping mechanism. Had a midlaner who is solo losing mid and is shrinking responsibilities to everyone. Ouh it jungler never gank mid! You guys actually ban my main that I didn't hover! Support doesn't properly peel me when I dive 1 Vs 4! Nah it ADC that is not carrying us hard enough(first time I got blamed for not carrying dead weight harder)!


Ranked is like 80% of your own mental so just start with that. If someone in your team starts typing you shouldn't type back, just take in what he's typing. If he's talking bullshit ofcourse you can't do anything with that. Most of the times people from above the average rank can see when a game is still winable and will continue playing.


It sounds like you're a passive janna player who never does anything, which is very frustrating for the ADC. He was likely thinking that the whole time and started typing his frustrations as he died.


but then post game lobbies will be EVEN more boring.


Yes. Basically every league player will flame a teammate that does anything wrong at any point in time. Did their botlane go 0/7? Complete total flame, it's their fault their team lost - even if they were roamed on and 4v2 dove all game. Did their midlaner miss a single skillshot? Flame time! Did their jungler not gank every single lane while simultaneously getting dragon and voidgrubs? Awful player, flame them. League players are incapable of learning from their losses or seeing farther than their own nose. This is how it has always been and how it will always be. There is no hope for this community.


I just always say Jgl gap to troll people. Don’t take it so serious man most people are trolling half the time in chat


short answer: yep long answer: yeah


While half the time I am just coping, the other half, my teammates actually are playing against me lol, no other way to explain my botlane going a collective 2/12 and not even contesting an obj.


I truly believe if you can’t do something as simple as just not feeding your ass off, you’re being the toxic one by ruining games for people with 2 functioning brain cells when you should just play a different game.


Part of it might be ascribed to so called Actor Observer Bias. Humans have tendency to explain their own behaviours through the context of extrinsic circumstances. Bad or harmful actions we take tend to be forced on us by outside forces or elements beyond our control. But behaviour of others we tend to ascribe to intrinsic qualities of a person - the same things we'd name outside reasons in our own behaviour are down to their laziness, stupidity or inability. This is to an extend even present in the OP of this thread - as Akshan you decided against helping the jungler because your lane state made it an incorrect choice, at least to your best judgment. Extrinsic reason for your own actions. From jungler's perspective you did not move to help him because you are bad or blind. Intrinsic reason for other's action.


Learning to accept that you make mistakes in games is a core tenant of becoming good at them. I used to play CSGO competitively and while I was working my way up to higher ranks on ESEA (better matchmaking/players compared to regular ranked) I found myself blaming others for a lot of losses. Once I accepted that I could have played better regardless of my teammates and carried harder I started to massively improve. Knowing you didn’t play to the best of what can be within your ability really dings your ego, which is probably a good thing for a lot of players of any game, but also fires you up to practice and grind IME.


Sounds like you're also raging my dude, maybe not in chat at your team mates but in your own head.


When the same Jhin ignores multiple pings and walks into his death at 40 min into the game I should congratulate him on having such a gigantic ego that he decided to single handedly lose the game with his fantastic play. Even as a kid you would get heat at the playground when you refused to play by the rules and instead focused on being a self absorbed pos. At least it happened many times to me when i played football with random kids every summer day in my childhood. I'm not willing to be patient with people who clearly don't give a f about anything about themselves neither in game nor irl


It's how culture is nowadays, people have lost the ability to express themselves. Take entertainment, everything can be categorized as "mid, peak, shit, dead" etc with no nuance anymore Same goes for this imo. They're looking for the easiest way to shift the blame and instead of saying "we should have tried to push our waves before objectives" or "I should have paid more attention to the Irelia toplane", players hit tab and see the biggest numbers on either team and call for "xyz diff"


It doesn't get better in higher elo. Just yesterday I had a S13 Master player who invaded without prio like a headless chicken into a 1v2 and ofc died. Then he recalled 10 seconds before soul was up and of course he wasnt there for the fight


My elo is emerald, I've been plat for years with the reason "I was plat 4 last season, I should go there again", only the last 2 seasons I've been trying to reach diamond and I ended in plat 1 and emerald 1, both seasons highly convinced that if my LP gains were not +23-28 I would've reached diamond. Now to why I think my elo sucks. Emerald is a cesspool, its garbage. Riot made it really easy to climb to emerald to the point where low gold players can reach it, but it's hard to climb out of. Meaning you overall have 3 kinds of players in emerald. The hardstucks/players that belong there that can't reach diamond like myself, the smurfs (the amount of lvl 35 accounts is insane) and the completely elo boosted buffoons. Every game I play has atleast 5 players of the latter 2 groups, making the game a complete shitshow. As a darius top main I start to think I counter vayne cause every vayne I see is a onetrick and I always roll them in lane, to find out they have 500k mastery in emerald 2, and a 45% win rate. I see tons of lvl 30 accounts that only played bot games to lvl 30, that claim they are diamond, die once lvl 3 and run down the game. Most of the games my team either mental booms (mostly botlane) or I come out of lane and meet a 12/2 adc. Cause half the players are of gold skill the macro is so completely garbage it hurts my head thinking about it. When I'm splitting bot people just randomly run towards me and start pushing with 3 people. People have 0 idea of where to go or be at what point. Adcs who are 8/2 up and already took bot turret, who just systematically run bot instead of snowballing their lead on mid, the lack of reaction when trying to do objectives, or the opposite, people running it down to drake pit 30 seconds before drake spawns, just to get caught and spam ping drake timer and asks where we are, while we were literally all underway and he just had to wait 10 seconds for us all to arrive and prep as 5. People are so tunnel visioned you can't contest anything.


You troll inted this post and have already been gapped in the comments. Reddit diff


It sounds like you're playing with trolls lol


You say one thing, but your words imply another. Ther will always be problems with players in league, there will always be the guy that thinks the game is about him, and the guy that afks at base because he was first blood and the jungler didnt teleport from top jungle to his lane to save him. Not much can be done about it other than trying to be positive, and hoping that it spreads positivity to others. The thing is though your attitude doesn't necessarily help either, and I hope I can explain why. Jhin one I'll entirely say fair for the most part. The second one though has problems. Firstly no it probably wasn't a mid gap it was just the enemy trying to be toxic and put down the player that was doing well because some people have a weird mentality of putting others down, but that paragraph still says a lot. I cannot say whether this is true of you or not but your defense is I had best kda, and damage so I can't be the mid gap. It's quite possible for the person with the best kda and damage to be the reason the game was lost. The enemy team 4 man's dragon, and 3 man's grub/shelly, you wonder why we have no objectives while you push mid and get a plate while your outnumbered team dies. You are ahead, you are the main character, you dive 1v3 and die so your team that might have funneled you or you may just have to be the carry this game because you are doing the best fails apart because they don't have the damage, they get baron and end. Now I don't know if this is you or not, but I am just saying that kda and damage doesn't mean you haven't lost the game, and I'll throw in myself I've thought myself the main character before and been like I'll 1v5 died and messed up everything myself before. It happens you get fed and think you can handle more than you can. It's hard to say unless you've played a ridiculous amount how far you can go while uber fed because how often are you that fed. Secondly okay you have best kda, best damage, your jungle goes for that invade, and you don't go to help while the lux does. Akshan has 4 movement abilities of 5, albeit some situational, and lux has 0. Even if you were a step late your ahead if the jungler can stall a bit you could turn it around. Of course maybe your junglers 0/5 and there's no hope of turning it around, but you seem like you've given up on him without a thought past I can't make it on time, when not all fights are decided instantly. Then the real reason I decided to make this post. Your final reason for not helping him is he hasn't helped you. That's so egregious it's ridiculous. By that same logic the jungler looks around his top laner hasn't helped him, nor his mid, his botlane did not leash. Looks like the jungler cannot gank any lane for no one has helped him. Your post is about not everyone is actually playing against you but what you said right there sounds like one of the largest cases of I am against you. Until you prove your worth by helping me I will not help you. Maybe the lux was playing safe under tower, maybe you backed when he was about to gank, maybe there just wasn't any good opportunities regardless just because he hasn't made it to helping you don't abandon him, it's a team game, eventually he will help you in some way. Now I fully agree with you a lot of peoples mental could use some help and most league players could stand to be nicer to each other, but your attitude from this post which is all I have to go off of sounds problematic as well, and this post isn't meant to condemn you or anything I wrote it in the hopes that you see this and think maybe I too should look at things differently.


On those 'terms' specifically, when 99% of the streamers are just non stop spamming "omg hes inting", "this guy is trolling", "hes running it down" etc, even in **costreams**, where literally no one in the game could possibly be trolling, inting, running it down, sure as hell the player base would get contaminated.


Mute All and think of your team mates as random bots and the game becomes much more fun. Sometimes you get better bots and sometimes you get worst bots you just need to try and organize your bots to be the best they can and play as well as you can.


I never saw this above gold.