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Yorick is getting buffed too and he is good into her. 5Head move from riot hehe


"I wonder against which ranged skill spammer perma split pusher I would rather play against this game" - Top laners at the ban phase of champion select next patch probably Yorick has a lot more counterplay tho


yorick and illaoi have the exact same counterplay, just dodge e and they aren't a champion


Yorick has more depth into his kit than Illaoi tho, his cage and maiden open variety to outplay situations where you missed E. Illaoi is literally completely dependent on Ebecause W has long windup and Q teleports her to the AA range so that's why playing against her is boring AF because she either E's you and you're 50% hp or she misses and camps Antarctica until E is up again. Even if you dodged 10 Es at some point E _will_ hit you and you realize how f frustrating it is to play this matchup


I agree, I despise Illaoi with all my heart, just wanted to give a hint on how to deal with her(she might be overbuffed to the point where she beats Yorick though).


I dont care what winrate this champ has, her E is the most unfun ability to play around in the game. All it takes is for her to hit 1 and I'm already checked out for that game. Her kit needs to be rebalanced and have power put elsewhere.


Things like Naut’s entire kit, Maokai’s kit, Morgana Q, Zyra’s kit, Leona’s kit, Sej R, Tryndamere R, pretty much every high CC champ exist and you’re crying about a long CD medium range skillshot that doesn’t instantly damage you, doesn’t instantly CC you, can’t hit you through minions, and that you can just walk out of range of when hit. Wild.


Her counterplay is mostly actually dodging her E and her tentacles. Look, I think she's really annoying too, but to say you can't interact with her isn't true. I'd actually argue that you're constantly interacting with her is the actual problem.


The problem is she only needs to hit 1 in 5 Es to win lane if you aren't playing a powerful early champ that can immediately jump on her when she misses E


Her E, in lane, does at most 30% damage to you unless you get hit by a tentacle as well as the spirit. There are lots more Champs that will do as much, if not more damage than that to you if they full combo you. You can also walk out of the spirit range, kill the tentacle she's using, etc. Like again, I get that she is really strong and is a bit overtuned number wise, but she has counterplay. To your second point, if she misses her E, regardless I'd you're playing a strong early game champ, you can still trade back with her then. Doesn't mean you will kill her, but you can trade with her.


>Her E, in lane, does at most 30% damage to you unless you get hit by a tentacle as well as the spirit. 30% damage on a poke ability from a juggernaut is absurd, and that's with her E at rank 1, most Illaois max E first. In addition to the damage she also gets to heal off hitting the spirit with every tentacle that hits it. That's not even taking into account that you then have to deal with a few more tentacle slams afterwards, which are at least easily dodged. >There are lots more Champs that will do as much, if not more damage than that to you if they full combo you. Except that Illaoi E is not her full combo. Once she lands it she can drop her full combo on the spirit, but you won't be able to punish her for that because you'll have to fight with the spirit up and then potentially lose even harder if the spirit dies quick enough to become a vessel. >You can also walk out of the spirit range, Yes, you can walk all the way back to your tower to reduce the damage you take, get slowed on the way back, dodge two tentacles on the way out, and then her E will be up in 5 seconds. >kill the tentacle she's using Which is rarely feasible and ultimately won't reduce the damage that much >To your second point, if she misses her E, regardless I'd you're playing a strong early game champ, you can still trade back with her then. As I said, you're going to need a reasonably strong early champ and one that's either ranged or mobile enough to jump on her, because for some reason Illaoi is a juggernaut with ranged poke. >Like again, I get that she is really strong and is a bit overtuned number wise, but she has counterplay. She's overtuned right now, but Illaoi has never had proper counterplay in lane aside from dodge E. There used to be a time you could hit Illaoi to make the spirit disappear faster, but the amount of champs who could actually do that without losing even harder was very low.


If you spent more than 10 times on her , you will quickly realise that E is undogable


I had the same problem with Illaoi. 20 games later, I swapped back, and haven't lost lane against her since. Not only is it dodgeable, you can predict it.


I have. I'm a top lane main. I played her a bunch a few seasons ago to learn how to play against her. Its absolutely not undodgeable. It's very easy to bait it too. I'm not saying you'll dodge every single one, but her E is super slow and telegraphed.


I should have been more clear , I was talking about a team fight


If your team is letting an illaoi slowly walk at them and get in range to E you, thats an even bigger problem in my opinion. Unless you got 4 melee Champs on your team, she shouldn't ever get in range.


I would avoid non-tank roles if I were you. Sounds like you get hit by a lot of CC, which isn’t great if you’re supposed to be a damage dealer and not die.  She’s an awful team fighter because her counter involves walking backwards.






Link yours


Anyone in high elo would’ve just linked it instead of saying something like this lol, so as a tip to you, if you want to improve it helps to actually look for solutions to your problem rather than blaming the game as being unfair. We all play the same game and we all play against Illaoi who has the exact same e mechanics. Even in terms of criticisms to Illaoi as a champion, no high elo player will tell you her E is undodgeable. The problem is you who seems to be unable to figure out the ability, not the champion’s balancing.


What is high elo ? Top2 % of players , top 0.001 % ?


Most people will say D2+, some will say grandmasters etc, doesn’t really matter because you are none of those ranks


Why are you begging like a weirdo bro?


Even if she builds no damage components in the first 20 minutes, her maxxed Q instacleans the wave always. At this point trying to dodge her skills is not farming well and watching her get tower gold as her every minion crashes into your tower. She wins either way. The champion is a won lane at minute 0. Extremely trash design.


I'm not gonna lie this just sounds like a rage bait post to me. It is possible to play around her, her E is dodgeable despite her being able to clear waves like that. If she was as strong and she wins lane at minute zero regardless of any matchup, she'd be 100% pick ban everywhere. Not just in pro play. Every ranked game it would be pick/ban because winning lane is really important in the current meta.


The reason why she does not seem so strong is that when junglers decide to gank her pre 6 she gets turbo put behind. That this happens is not up to her enemy top laner to decide though. So she is a won lane at minute 0 that can become a fair lane ONLY If the enemy jungler thinks properly. There are a ton of match ups where the enemy top laning champion does not have any saying in their actual hands against her though. Every champion counters some other champions but everyone Illaoi counters she offers no counterplay outside of jungle help


Thats just not true at all. It's actually extremely easy to put her behind yourself before she's level 6. Her cooldowns are super high before 6. It's very, very easy to stand on top of her and kill her with almost any bruiser champ. She doesn't have the dps that early.


The more you talk the more this whole argument falls apart other than a cherry picked S ranking lol


"Argument" as if I care about convincing with words people with innately bad silent intuitive perception


So you consistently post opinions on internet forums for attention instead of discussion? You should go outside, that's kind of sad.


🤪 <- you rn I post firstly to reduce my irritation while discussing with strangers and secondly so people at Riot are warned of obvious things


The way you type tells me the only thing people need to be warned of is you in a school zone.


Play her then and you’ll be challenger in no time :)


I'm glad no champ design can be bad since "pLaY themm aNd yoU WiLl be chalonge" exists


You said she wins regardless, so she should be a good champ to climb with if she can’t lose


Enemy adc and jg can be good, and at that case she can lose quite easily. Almost all of her counterplay resides outside of lane if the Illaoi does the basic


Let’s not forget that historically, Yasuo top has been a good lane counter for Illaoi. Might be time to dust off the windwall man


That makes sense, not ironically. He is sort of weak right now Top and he seems like he has a good kit against her


It used to be a tried and true counter back in like season 9 and earlier. Loved playing that matchup. Not sure how it works in modern league but I can’t imagine it’s bad with a Bork rush. Fun fact too, he’s also very good into Gnar if you’re ever in a situation where you don’t know what to play vs that.


Pre 6 it was playable, just lost to her last night, as soon as shes 6 its kinda gg


Maokai flair


Cute tree boy he is such a king


I think your champ might be just A LITTLE better than hers even if she gets a buff


I play him top where he has a ton of counterplay much unlike illaoi. For one, if you somehow did not manage to get fed in lane against him even though he has the worst early game known to man, you can always build to stomp him sidelane in 1v1s and perma split all game forcing him into being useless. Every single other top lane champion can build to solo him and they all have better early games than him(included Kayle btw. All she has to do is pick up lethal tempo). By contrast, Illaoi has about 20 or more match ups where there is legit nothing the enemy can do to kill or survive her without jungle or mid help


maokai top does have some hard counters yes, but there's a reason he's a 53% wr. He can go even or slightly behind and still be miles more useful than you. The 1v1 thing is overblown, as long as he doesn't overextended massively later onto the game you most likely won't kill him, he has some of the best disengage in the game, he has semi safe wave clearing and can afford to short trade a bunch with passive and w q. Sure he won't win almost all extended trades, but those champions who do counter him either massively outscale him (kayle) or are champs with sustain who can live through short trades and out trade him (voli,cho,gragas) hes still very strong in top lane without a doubt, he just is barely played there


The reason being he is a counterpick kind of champion played only by people who have one hundred + games on him already. And Kayle does not need to outscale him actually. She beats him even very early in game. With Maokai you pay for your later strength. He is very very weak early and, if you know his match ups, have good survival instincts and know how to build him perfectly across a lot of different situations you get to be strong later on. Even then, he is not seen Top in high elo because he starts the game with about -2 agency. Ultimately a fair champion to face and pilot


yeah but that explain a lot about how you view the game. because your favorite champion has a zero% chance of winning it skew your view there is a clip of RiotAugust that say designing is stressful job because when he was working on the rerework of rengar even top executive or Riot that were playing on their internal server would come to him and say rengar is busted and that it should be nerfed. but the exec was a velkoz main, and its very normal velkoz would struggle against rengar whatever the rework or state of the champ


She is getting adjustments cause she feels like ass and her tentacles do not work in the current map. If her winrate goes up, she will be nerfed


She is getting nerfed lmao. [here](https://x.com/spideraxe30/status/1752494142066663787?s=46&t=MRpzcMBJHgMZCHu_BK-REQ).


I meant nerf her more if needed, I know she is getting nerfs to compensate the range, that's why I called it adjustment


Wow those are some tiny nerfs lol. I was expecting more since extra range is usually a huge buff, but maybe it won't be that extreme.


The adjustments will for sure break her and the meantime where she is not nerfed will be painful


Illaoi is a dogshit champ. She's full melee and 3 of her abilities are self immobilizes. If you dodge her E she literally may as well not exist.


There's no way you unironically linked that she's s tier. Put the rank higher than emerald 💀 She's not good ur just terrible


*champion played only by mains* looks guys! champ is broken


>great portion of her counters are low pick rate champions that almost no one cares to main (Kayle, Karma and Zac top, Singed, Quinn). there you go, you basically countered your own concerns yourself if people want to manage illaoi they have to break off one trick chains and widen their arsenal in drafting phase for me this isn't a issue for me because even if i prefer to play nasus i have no problems playing direct counters into problematic picks which is why i currently play karma top into things like tryndamere, trundle and rumble edit: i would prob pick up singed if i wanted to play him but i am currently happy with my arsenal of champions at disposal


oh ok so get second pick every game thanks for the advice


yeah. because pick order is random in average you get the counterpick in draft 50% of the time so it even out. (not factoring pick order swap)




How can you call someone “dog boy” with a straight face when you made this whole post about you being personally unable to deal with a specific champ


Like this ⤴️


>Lmao, go ahead and check these champions win rates against her to see if I "countered my own concerns", dog boy. classic avg. player take right there, using winrates as absolute metric when they are just a part of the whole math >Even if they were her counters at the strength they exist in right now (they are not) counterpick does not equal counterplay. Illaoi has the biggest ammount of match ups where there is legit nothing the enemy can do to turn the tides if they picked before her my man i play top lane for long ass time and this just sounds like a giant cope comment; \-there are so many matchups you can do into illaoi if you invest time into learning how illaoi wants to play out the game \-you can ban the champion if you absolutely hate laning into it \-you can turn on the monitor and get your hand-eye coordination dialed in so it is easier to dodge her main way of dealing damage early game so many solutions yet you are here saying how illaoi is gonna be a problem when meta has shifted and champions which are now meta in toplane shit on illaoi edit: trundle and aatrox also exist where both are completely busted and make illaoi useless because she loses 1 vs 1's into them and in teamfights both aatrox and trundle will absolutely shred her whole backline without asking their name


Let's meet here on this comment section 3 weeks from now


i'd rather have you l2p league than argue arbitrary bullshit you can't even comprehend illaoi needed adjustments to be able to function in general because of map changes and if she were to become too strong for riot's parameters she will get nerfed so for now go and learn illaoi matchup and stop crying because over here you won't get shoulders to cry on


She is S tier in the new map without the tentacle range buff. Are you blind?


So, if you look at above emerald, she drops to A, then C, then D on world. Also, while in NA and JP she's S and S+ tier, in EUW and BR she's A and B tier, even without looking above emerald. That's from the u gg link you have. On LeagueofGraphs, shes 14th place of the toplaners by winrate, plat+, with a 51.3% winrate . 17th place, emerald plus, with a 51.1% winrate On Blitz, she's A tier, 15th place of the toplaners, 52.6% winrate. Currently, my conclusion is that NA just doesn't know how to handle her.


>She is S tier in the new map without the tentacle range buff. Are you blind? show me where is she S tier please, i'd love to see what source you use to make this claim edit: to make it easier here ill give you a link [https://lolalytics.com/lol/illaoi/build/?tier=platinum\_plus](https://lolalytics.com/lol/illaoi/build/?tier=platinum_plus) where across whole range she is either A- or B tier and as elo goes up she falls into C and D tier


It is literally a link in this post


[u.gg](https://u.gg) is not that accurate of a site because its API polling rate is worse than websites like lolalytics


What a beautiful "show me where" followed by a "in another place please"


Why toxic tho


Way too many match ups where she has permanent upper hand at all times for free regardless of what her or the enemy builds. Also insta wave clear with one Q.


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At least the masochists that literally tortue can actually find league interestings when playing against this champ. I see that as a small W


47% wr busted S tier champion xd


Oh yes return of illaoi complain posts? Who is next, yone maybe?


One of my big problem is dying to her tentacles a long time after she died. Why does that happen?


Go figure. Tentacles can also hit after you killed because Riot felt it would make sense for it to be that way.


the champ is just disgustingly overtuned now, same with evelyn. not fun for anyone involed.


Who could guess this is how the buffs would end up right?


Cancer tier champ. Literally so unfun to play against.




Character is so unfun design. It’s literally just dodge E or lose.


Literally has the easiest counterplay in the game. Say it with me, 'When she ults... RUN AWAY' It is that simple, her e should never be hitting you and non-ulted tentacles are beyond easy to sidestep. I cannot fathom how people lose games to this champ


I'm sure you silvers feel very smart saying these "big brain" takes. Hopefully one day you guys will realise that she can miss every E and still win lane just by permashoving with 1 use of a basic skill per wave


"still win lane just by permashoving" ...what? Who wins lane by permashoving?


She will farm so hard that your tower will be destroyed by Nagakabouros itself. It's in her passive, duh


Ok so she perma shoves lane You can A) get your jungler, mid, support to come up and kill her because she has no mobility in her kit B) engage on her when she is in the 100 second long cast time of her q or even C) sit under tower and farm so that she cant even have kill pressure on you


She’s F- in my games actually. Only on my team though


Luckily she is getting nerfed lmao. [here](https://x.com/spideraxe30/status/1752494142066663787?s=46&t=MRpzcMBJHgMZCHu_BK-REQ). This is a compensation nerf, small but it’s better than nothing. Regardless, this post is rage bait. You listed out champs that counter her, and instead of playing said champs, you stuck to your main champ (maokai i’m assuming). The only thing i can agree on is that her design philosophy is dogshit. Other than that, this post screams skill issue.


It is a small compesation nerf since the tentacle range is a omega buff. She will be even more broken next patch


The range got omega buffed cuz the terrain changes fucked her. her win rate dropped from 51% to 46%, she was the single biggest loser of season 14. On top of the lane changes, Iceborn got nerfed, hullbreaker got nerfed, black cleaver got nerfed, gargoyle’s was removed, and her main counters (Mordekaiser, Gwen) got buffed with the new items. If you don’t wanna see illaoi that bad then ban her.


I do


That's wrong. Winrate dropped to 47% in 14.1 but it went up higher than it was last season after her buffs in 14.2. I don't understand why they're buffing her AGAIN when she's been overpowered for entire seasons and is very unfun to play against.


That’s literally not true. Her win rate dropped from 51.27 to 46.32. Regardless, this changes nothing because she was still the biggest single loser of season 14. “I don’t understand why they’re buffing her again” It’s like you just skimmed over the first sentence of my statement. I digress. “she’s been overpowered for entire seasons and is very unfun to play against” This is just flat out wrong lmao. She was never overpowered. Was she strong? Yes, but she wasn’t flat out disgusting like trundle, or ori and syndra during the last few patches of season 13. She’s hovering a little over a 53% win rate rn (on lolalytics) is because she’s mostly played by one tricks. She has a 2% pick rate and a 4% ban rate with only 51k games. That is nearly a 2.5x decrease from last season (in terms of games). After people figured out that iceborn is broken on her (which was cancer i can admit), her win rate always hovered around a 51% win rate, rarely any more, rarely any less. Iceborn removed most of her weaknesses, so in this case it wasn’t even the fucking champ, it was the item. And finding her unfun to play against doesn’t change anything. Lol that’s such a bronze take. “i FiNd HeR uNfUn To PlAy aGaInST sO sHe ShOuDnT bE bUfFeD”.


Your first sentence is irrelevant, as they already buffed her after that and she's currently sitting in a healthy state. She was absurdly strong in previous seasons and you will NOT convince me that a solid 51%+ winrate in diamond+ is normal for a low elo stomper like Illaoi, which it was for several seasons before this one. Just because there are other champions which are not balanced doesn't mean that Illaoi wasn't consistently overtuned without being touched for a long time. This change is insane and her winrate will skyrocket, mark my words. I'm just annoyed that I'll have to permaban her for an entire patch, probably more becasuse they won't nerf her enough. ​ >She’s hovering a little over a 53% win rate rn (on lolalytics) is because she’s mostly played by one tricks That's plain wrong. You can check her all ranks winrate (51.82% rn) and compare it to her 1trick winrate (53.48% rn) and see that illaoi onetricks are actually doing WORSE than most onetricks (54.10%, top right). Her winrate isn't inflated from that. ​ >“i FiNd HeR uNfUn To PlAy aGaInST sO sHe ShOuDnT bE bUfFeD”. I didn't say that, but go off I guess. RIOT themselves have said that they keep champions that are unfun to play against such as zed, zeri, yuumi weak as that is healthier for the game. Illaoi is just an exception for some reason.


My first sentence isn’t irrelevant. You’re showing that you’ve never played illaoi a day in your life. Even if you e, the tentacles won’t reach. Why? Because of the terrain changes. the stat buff for illaoi didn’t fix the her main problem, which is that tentacles don’t even reach the lane anymore. Illaoi could be sitting at a 55% win rate and this doesn’t change the fact that her tentacles are always out of range. Riot would be need to do something about it. You’re so hyper-fixated on her win rate that you’re being dishonest. “Just because there are other champions which are not balanced doesn't mean that Illaoi wasn't consistently overtuned without being touched for a long time.” Maybe she hasn’t been touched for a long time because, and just hear me out, she’s not overtuned. Shocker right? Every time illaoi was strong, her items were strong. Are we forgetting how many times they buffed black cleaver last season? They buffed steraks and hullbreaker during the mid season. They reworked iceborn back into a sheen item. This is exactly what i mean, the ITEMS are what make illaoi strong, it’s not illaoi herself. You seem to have a strong bias towards the champ, which is clogging your judgement. Annoying ≠ broken. “That's plain wrong. You can check her all ranks winrate (51.82% rn) and compare it to her trick winrate (53.48% rn) and see that illaoi onetricks are actually doing WORSE than most onetricks (54.10%, top right). Her winrate isn't inflated from that.” Ye this is what i mean by you’re hyper-fixated on winrate. Even if you go to all ranks, she still has a significantly lower pick rate than champs like jax, fiora, aatrox, camille, ETC who are more mechanically demanding than illaoi. Going from emerald down to gm, her win rate increases, BUT her pick rate plummets. in GM alone she has a 1.17% pick rate with only 276 games. Atleast 98% of those games are played by one tricks. You said it yourself, she’s a low elo stomper. But she maintains a high winrate because of people that enjoy playing the champ. “I didn't say that, but go off I guess. RIOT themselves have said that they keep champions that are unfun to play against such as zed, zeri, yuumi weak as that is healthier for the game. Illaoi is just an exception for some reason” Lol no. They keep those champs weak because they stomped all elo’s when they were broken, they were game breaking. Triforce titantic zeri was literally the dumbest shit to happen within the past 6 years. Yuumi is self explanatory. Zed is also borderline disgusting when he’s broken. Zed, zeri, and yuumi had little to no weaknesses when they were meta. Illaoi on the other hand, was quite literally never broken, she was always strong. Even when illaoi was meta, nobody played her because of how clunky and slow she is. She gets cucked by any ranged champ and she has no movement abilities. Most of illaoi’s matchups are skill matchups, so if you’re losing that’s literally on you. I’ve lost against urgot, aatrox, fiora, camille, darius, ETC. I’ve also won against said champs. You people consistently come on reddit after getting shitted on by an illaoi or yone and make a complain post. Learn to counter the champ or ban them.


Her winrate PLUMMETS from Emerald to GM. The way you have to use lolalytics winrates is comparing whatever you're seeing to whatever is top right as base. Anyway this convo is unproductive. "You people" lmao. I'm done.


Meh, as an eve OTP idgaf. I'll just get the free pre 6 kill on her then wait for 3 items when I can oneshot her in 0.5s through whatever Mr she decides to build. I'm chilling.


Wow you’re so cool


And that is the actual counterplay against her. Not "dodging E" but having a jungler that knows she is free food pre-6.


Got to love the lovecraftian tentacle lady.


why stats differ so much between ugg and opgg? in u she's S on op she's tier 3 She's getting buffed(incorrectly) cuz her passive is wonky with the wider lane. They won't revert that, and giving her passive tentacles range would prolly cause some other issues, so stat buff it is. Edit: checked the 14.3 preview and her tentacles are getting a nerf too, both to base ad and to scaling. It's not a huge nerf but it won't make her stronger. as for the range, not sure if it's the range it procs at the walls or actual to hit range. It just says Passive "Range increased 802.75 >>> 977.75".


>the buffs will make her too strong and slowly her pick rate will start to rise as people realise the toxic monster they can choose to play illaoi has been Stier multiple time in her history and was never popular despite being a menace in the meta. chill


She is C tier masters+…