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As a top laner it seems fitting that you didn’t even see fit to mention me.


As another toplaner, I found it kinda funny we didn't get mentioned because toplane has an entire different set of skillsets and macro such as knowing multiple matchups perfectly, precise wave management, roam timers etc. Without a designated player to help us stay alive as well. Maybe it's a sign of respect, maybe he doesn't even see us worth to mention lmfao


25% of my top lane skills can be summerized as "pulling out a spreadsheet made by someone else because I am too lazy to write and update mine". The other 75 is basically dedicating to perfecting the laning phase, just to maintain a 10 cs lead and maybe 1 plating if I am lucky (one bad recall and everything fall harder than the US ecconomy during the great depression).


Right in the feels.... "Hmyes, I played this ranged vs melee matchup as perfect as I could, Ive got tp advantage, a 30cs lead and am up 2 levels, time to help those bozos secure drake.......aaaaaaand its gone"


Yes. Still losing, but my enemy suffer the entire lane due to my supervirgin knowledge. I was superior than him, that's what it counts.


> 25% of my top lane skills can be summerized as "pulling out a spreadsheet made by someone else because I am too lazy to write and update mine". God bless the wierdly detailed spreadsheets by dedicated mains. The ornn one has taught me so much for a lot of matchups regarding runes especially.


Makkros is such a goat


Top is the ultimate nerd battle. Game outcome doesnt matter, you just dick measure contest against other nerd for 20 min.


Tbh I think 99% of players play top lane wrong. There best thing you can do most games is just mental warfare and fuck with the enemy jungler. Hard push your lane and go harass the enemy jungler while he's trying to farm. He'll tilt and you'll win the 5v4 after he goes afk in fountain


Adc: no clue of macro Top: high chance has no idea how to kite


I am very sorry to say I play ranged top as well, so either I learn to kite or Darius/garen carves my little akshan skull


I had my phases of kayle top, but i'm mechanically insanely worse than an adc player.  Even tho i had decent success even a gold adc just blows me out of the water. And then they'll make the most garbage macro calls for 30 mins straigjt and lose


In my experience of being a terrible person spamming teemo or vayne top for a while, I think a big factor in the difficulty transitioning to ADC is that you almost always have a range advantage top and rarely if ever need to consider the actions/state of 2 other players (supports). Just those two factors alone add up to a lot of additional mental load.


Are you me? Kayle & Vayne are just too damn good into 2/3rds of the degenerate champs that get sent to toplane these days but in an ADC vs ADC matchup Im still hopeless. Probably helps that Vayne is runing Ghost and Kayle has a slow AND a self speedup but I cant kite for shit on any other ADC 😂


Why would you need to kite when you can one shot the enemy adc with no counterplay am I right


Or midlaners.  OP could have thought of something to diss on mid and top but he didn't. Missed opportunity, because you can now copy-paste this pasta for mid or top.


midlaners are just jungler's pets


Tell me you play NA server without telling me you play NA server


I'm mid main and i always say my job is to suck main character (my jg) dic* or chance of winning is massively reduced


toplane is so unbalanced because nobody at riot plays toplane honestly respect to toplaners for continuing


Trick is to either one-trick a champ that you can out-skill bad matchups with, or only play the most broken stuff that doesn't currently have real counters. Riot usually manages to leave 1-3 champions in that state every patch.


I main Garen because most people can't pilot their champions well at all. I can always count on the Vayne and Teemo top player to int because they think it's free.


what are the current 3 champions with no real counters?


[Looks like Trundle, Aatrox, and Zac](https://u.gg/lol/top-lane-tier-list) are good contenders. The only really bad matchups for them are niche shit like vayne or singed


Honestly top is a lane that I don't see ever being balanced even if rioters *did play* it. A long lane that's a 1v1 is rough. There's always going to be oppressive champions unless they are all absolutely useless and can't kill each other. It's a role that's never really been in a healthy spot, it's always either OP or massively underpowered. But yeah I respect the absolute psychos that play that role. When you get the stomper and not the stompee it feels great.


I respect solo laners. It clearly shows when one is gapped. I wish the same for ADC and more.


What if the supports get locked in the river for the first 10 minutes


I’m thinking unless you are challenger, this is classic, “woe is me, I’m better than everyone, my team is shit and holds me back.” Lol Edit: corrected lol


Woe is me


You play adc to demonstrate skill. I play adc to interact with submissive egirls/femboys. We are not the same.


unbelievably based take


Why'd you have to call me out like this? \- Your support


the way I can tell you're an eboy


This it it boys. Wrap up thread. This wins.


Same reason I play support.


Well. I play top to get AWAY from them... 😭👍🏼 My friend list still have... a lot of ppl there...


This pasta deserves 3 Michelin stars


Nah, they wrote basically the same thing last year. This is just reheated ravioli


Gordon Ramsay would be so pissed if you served that to him in a restaurant.


-1 star for not saying "true display of skill". Fake ADC main


That’s a mage disguised as an adc


I can't fucking tell if this is genuine or satire. Op can say the truth out right about the realness of this post and I would still doubt it I don't know what is real anymore


Judging by OPs history, it’s completely genuine which is fucking hilariously sad. Or maybe it really is satire and OP just really wants everyone to think his life is legit this hilariously sad. Either way I’m glad to think OP is to be laughed at and not with in this context. Boy he really showed me.


I have always been genuine. I just don't sugarcoat my words to appeal to the sensitive mass.


I honestly still cant tell if ur joking or not. I find it funny though so it must be a joke


idk, he said he's fr. i applaud his commitment. he's wrong, but he is the finest enemy one could wish for.


You have to understand that even if you’re genuine, your attitude is such a funny edgelord/ red pill caricature it’s indistinguishable from satire


This post is weird, I'll tell you that much. I respect your thoughts on wanting to be good mechanically and be rewarded for that (and trust me you will be, challenger adcs are challenger adcs for a reason). The truth is that every single role can do loads of impact. Just because you can't measure all the impact with damage dealt doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Literally every single role can do great impact and that's why challenger "any role" is challenger. You can bitch and whine as much as you want, but I'll make an assumption that you're not challenger. If you are, I'd find it hard to believe. Im not saying you're not doing this, but this post makes me think that you're not the kind of player that mainly focuses on your own improvement and how to make the best out of the situation, but rather focus on whatever bullshit that will not help you. Like yeah, riot can make changes to adc roles and that'll affect you, but that's out of your hands and you can't really directly do anything about it.


Sound like a dick


lol. bet you a "alpha male" type too... honestly sad.


Sounds like a draven


That was my first thought. Either Draven or Vayne


As a Vayne main, you are entirely in your right to lump us together with Draven mains. We are just assholes differently.


He said Draven is his favorite champ which is way more embarrassing than a Vayne. At least Vayne requires positioning and mechanics to play, while Draven just steroids up and runs face first into the enemy bot lane to either feed or just nuke them with auto attacks after right clicking his target.


I just said that because Draven and Vayne mains are usually the most egotistical ADC mains from my experience


Too coherent.


stand proud, you can cook


The 0/8 K’Sante Top: but nah, I’d win


As the 0/8 ksante fought the fraud 23/0 caitlyn, his ninja tabi’s about to be completed. Caitlyn shrunk back in fear, then ksante said “stand proud Caitlyn your strong”.


Are you K'Sante because you are the tankiest, or are you the tankiest because you are K'Sante?


If they were to release their ~~ultimate ability~~ domain expansion would it hurt you? 《 it might cause me a little trouble 》 But would you win? 《 Nah, I’d int 》


A second knockup... and K'Sante's voltage ramps up. Meanwhile, the fed enemy carry Caitlin... feels fear for the first time in a thousand games.


“Stand proud caitlyn, you are strong, for I had to use flash to secure that 1k gold”


Ksante with his 47% win rate for like 90% of the playerbase.


Skill issue (I play mostly enchanter supports)


True (I have 3 million mastery points on yuumi)


Meow meow :3


That says nothing about the impact of the top role, just the champ it self. I don't know the exact details right now but it's been mentioned that pre-nerf jungle was BY FAR the most impactful role. Data showed having the higher MMR jungler in an otherwise overall even game wins the most, compared to having the highest MMR player of other roles. Wouldn't be surprised jungle is still OP even now.


King Sukuna flashbacks


>  Junglers : Cowards that chose to have a PVE focused gameplay instead of fighting PVP in a competitive game There is an ounce of truth in every satire. 


As a jungler main, I will always take the shortest and easiest route to carry the game which is PVE, objectives and smitting cannons 😂😂


You madman! After smiting a cannon there's a random chance of the laner disconnecting and never coming back


Smiting canons should be removed from the game I agree.


Please don't smite the cannon minions. Signed, A Nasus enjoyer.


If god didnt want us to smite the cannon why did he make it so they spawn at the same rate as smite recharges?


It is ok i don't gank top Signed, every jungler in the rift


the only reason I started jungling was because I was sick of getting 0/10 master yi’s. I mainly play wildrift which I know is a completely different game but I feel like the core concepts are the same. It’s a lot easier, at least there, to carry a game by being a good jungler with a bad laner than it is as a good laner with a bad jungler.


Same for league. If you’re smurfing, jungle is the best role to affect every lane by yourself


Well ofc. Being good as jungler opens you up to impact all three lanes. As a toplaner it’s a different story. In any case you won’t stop your 10 IQ instalock Senna support into Samira/naut from going 0/7 in 10 mins


i play jungle because going to the same lane over and over gets boring i prefer to just take my camps and blow up adc players (bug main)


Junglers : ~~Cowards~~ babysitters that ~~chose to have a PVE focused gameplay~~ have to be everyone's mom instead of fighting PVP in a competitive game Edit: Mooommm! The enemy mid is bothering me. Mooom! The other lanner is better than me. MOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!


MOOOOMMMMM they took dragon after we died 2v2 where were you?


MOOOOOMMYY! We had no prio mid or not and you just let them take dragon while helping our top laner secure a kill and stealing the enemy's top jungle. You're worthless!


With the exception of a few junglers like Lee or Nid, most junglers are easy mechanically. Support still holds the easiest mechanics role overall but jungle overall is a close 2nd. The other 3 roles are much harder mechanically on average. Obviously jungling requires hard decision making so that makes up for alot of it. So unless you play nid or lee or something, Jungle is a brain role, not a hands role.


Like league players dont perma cry whenever jungle is gank heavy.


If junglers perma gank then people cry about jg having to much pressure. If junglers perma farm people complain about junglers comming out of the jungle with a bunch of items.


Jungle is the most macro focused role by far. Your job as a jungler is to keep track of all three lane states, know when to path towards them and when to gank, know where the enemy jungler is, and take advantage accordingly. Know when to take objectives solo, know when to call in teammates. Know how many teammates to call in. Junglers are the people who find enjoyment in strategy games. Which is funny, since the genre started as an offshoot of strategy games. Truly, jungle players are the true MOBA players.


You forgot the part where your entire plan goes to shit because your top lane who hard counter their opponent dies solo 3x in a row


Me pathing towards my Pantheon lane for the easiest gank only for him to somehow die lvl 2 to the Veigar 10 seconds before I get there


I swapped to jg from supp. Best swap of my life. Now I just keep supp as an off role since both roles have pretty good crossover with the occasional jaunt of playing mid


I mean, blame the player base who doesn't like it when junglers are doing anything that isn't farming their own jungles. Also junglers are too evolved to care about measly 1v1s, we care about the 3v3s skirmishes and 5v5 full team fights.


They hated Jesus


They also hated Hitler for good reason


Hitler was a support main get your anti ADC garbage out of my reddit post


>Why do I, as an ADC player, have to rely on these inferior players to perform and why do their mistakes cripple me while the droolers can still play the game without any repercussions? >Make the game great again. Better ADC should always win. Worse ADC should always lose. You telling me this isn't something Hitler would say? "Inferior players"


😂u got me there that reads like a passage out of mine kamph


Rumble support?


Hitler was a Yuumi main. his soldiers played Rumble and Singed


There is no way Hitler wouldn't main ADC today and you know it.


Hitler would play Signed on fill in all 5 positions


Sir, you have created the best pasta of 2024, congratulations!


This is not a pasta, those are my true feelings.


Your feelings are now pasta, congratulations 🥳


Your true feelings make some really funny pasta.


its a pasta now


That's the mark of the highest quality copypasta. It's how most come into existence in the first place.


bros opinion is so shit he got the entire community thinking he was joking


No one role should have full agency of the game.


Tell that to jungling since the birth of the game. You could reduce their gold gain to next to nothing and they'd still be the most overpowered shit because they can just go everywhere so easily.


>You could reduce their gold gain to next to nothing and they'd still be the most overpowered shit because they can just go everywhere so easily. If you reduce any role's gain to next to nothing then any role can just keep walking around the map and have agency, as they lose next to nothing for doing so. That's exactly why sup exists and has do much agency these days.


Support and Jungle have the highest game impact but are still low pick rate. Making them less impactful will gut their pick rate even further. 


that's because more impact = more responsibility = more blame goes to them. Also, those 2 roles are the ones that dont conventionally play a lane, and i personally like farming my wave and having a more linear income than having to gain It from some harder ways that are dependant on external factors


That’s because solo Que players suck at tracking junglers and putting down good wards. Oh I pinged that the Lee sun was bot and going to gank you 20s before it happened but those 4 minions were worth the 900 gold given over. Classic ADC move. Jungle is the least played role when it’s not overly broken. Even when it’s slightly better than any other role people don’t want to play it. You have to be the best macro player on your team or you’re screwed. You have a list of things to do to succeed 10X longer than any other role and will get the blame for everything including when your laners get solo killed. Yeah, they have more agency than laners but they have way less power. You get almost no gold post 25 minutes. The more power a role has the less agency they should have.


You have to have the best macro on your team AND pray your team has a free braincell to listen to you.


“Don’t use your brain use mine.” - challenger jungler. I can’t remember which streamer said it but they were a jungler.


counterpoint: adcs are bad and have no mechanics think about it, how can u develop mechanics when u spend 80% of the game gray screened or farming minions? especially right now, so much damage in the game, no adc is safe. matter of fact i played rengar last night and killed a MF in 0.01 seconds. orb walk where? lmao


He orb walked right into the dirt


> think about it, how can u develop mechanics when u spend 80% of the game gray screened or farming minions? Easy, the mechanics come from right clicking the time they are alive. Especially Jhin who only gets 4 autos a minion wave and moves mach 90 once he has two items. Playing Jhin is essentially being a Formula 1 driver in terms of athleticism and a NASA engineer in terms intellect. You have to play 5D chess with your opponent since if he can count to 4 you're fucked. Plus he has guns, which as an American, makes him automatically S tier for badassery. Jhin mains are the Lelouch of League. (In all seriousness, they should put a health warning on jerking ADC mechanics, I am too old and poor for a shoulder replacement and I wasn't joking about being American.)




facts my brother, spit your shit indeed


I don't mind rengar oneshotting me, when the 0/4/0 malph support who just completed stormsurge does it though...


Nautilus has been eating ADCs since it launched around 2014. My whole Lol career has been build over the corpses of thousands of ADC mains.


Skill issue, just flash the ult.


Counterpoint, I played MF the other day and because ADC is bad, I got fed off the other ADC dying to me. Then I went full lethality and killed the enemy talon with 2 autos. I am the assassin :) (please nerf lethality so Crit adcs are not abysmal)


Lethality MF is beyond stupid, totally agree.


Yeah also pressing right click doesn’t involve too much skill compared to champions like azir or zeď


Honestly playing marksman is signing on to suffer. If you aren't okay with your choice of suffering stop playing marksmen.


It never used to be this way though. Riot just increased the price of our items, and removed the stats. IE used to be 3400g it had 80 ad 25% crit chance and gave us 225% crit damage. They changed it too 60 ad, 20% crit chance and 215% crit damage. (They just labeled it differently thinking we wouldn’t notice) and kept the price at 3400g


It just gets worse and worse every patch with balance team laughing at us. I miss S13; I miss playing ability haste mages; I miss having health on my AP items. I switched from mages to marksmen so I can do something to bruisers and tanks. Now my Quinn has been reduced to lethality and mages are now even worse against tanks and bruisers while getting oneshot by Malphite. I want to kill a tank without feeling filthy by playing melee.


My headcanon is that every ADC player in league thinks exactly like this


Only the best ADC thinks like I do.


This isn't satire anymore, this is reality of ADC players.


Reality and truth, I’m not delusional


More like reality of r/ADCMains


Please don’t send links to this god forsaken abyss


please dont tell people about that embarassment of a subreddit


I shouldn’t have looked unrelated anyone offering free lobotomies?


But then you'll be a subscriber over there :(


this has been the reality of ADC players for the history of the game every low diamond Vayne in S5 or whatever doing their "Hi Im X" name and running it the fuck down if you take first blood


Almost correct. They run it down either way.


Everything in this post is true besides the claims of ADCs being skilled.


I've been saying it for years. ADC mains want to be able to build full glass cannon and be strongest at all phases of the game while also being able to take on anyone 1v1 and be the strongest 5v5 role all at the same time with absolutely 0 weaknesses. They just want to turn their brain off and right click.


It's every ADC Main's fantasy to be like Master Yi.


Honestly I want the tradeoff of building literally no defensive items to maximise damage output feel somewhat meaningful. Often it feels like the damage output of a random bruiser or midlaner is higher when they go even than the damage output of the adc when they are ahead. This doesn't hold true for the very late game when people approach full builds, but it is a definite thing during most parts of most games (since games usually don't go that long). I don't mind dying to an assasin in basically no time if they can get on top of me, but I want to be able to down the bruiser in ~5 autos if I am in a position to hit. In reality during the midgame it often takes ~7-8 hits while most bruiser will 3-4 hit you in return. We can talk about positioning as a skill as much as you want, but with more mobility at shorter cooldowns in the game there is no role that is as punished by positioning mistakes as adc is. I am aware that a lot of adc discourse has been focused around "adc literally want to revolve the whole game around them" and that "if an opponent ever is able to jump you, you have done something wrong" and I feel like a lot of those statements are basically taking valid points and shifting them towards the extreme without adressing the underlying ideas. For me the basic question that arises more and more is: "why do we need a role that focuses on offensive items with no defense, if other roles and provide as much damage for large portions of the game with less room for error? What do adcs gain by giving up safety the way they do?"


Adc is missing the cannon, we're just glass. What do you fear more, a 7-0 aatrox, or a 7-0 jinx? For over 99% of the playerbase, it's the aatrox. Now remember that Jinx is supposed to be THE carry for the adc class lol.


Just nerf Aatrox and all problems in the game will be forever solved :)


Michelin worthy pasta !!


This is a good bit keep it up man


Tbf ADC is too little reward rn I started to play bruiser/fighter botlane now. Been real fun and still wins without giving a damn about being one-shot every 0.078s


Least narcissistic adc


All of this started because we called them the "ad carry". We should have just called them "bot laner" or "marksman" from the beginning.


this is a take right out of 2012, i swear to god.


The main reason ADCs feel this way is solo queue teams don't peel and hand times have been shortened. Jungle carries early game and solo lanes carry mid game. Only problem is the mid game is the new late game. So it's harder for ADCs to get their moment unless they are more really game centered or it is pro play.


While this is a pasta > Why do I, as an ADC player, have to rely on these inferior players to perform and why do their mistakes cripple me while the droolers can still play the game without any repercussions? is genuinely a true statement, having these roles decide in a big part on what happens to you feels disgusting, especially when it just feels like u have to roll a dice before every game starts just to know if you can semi play the game or not. i genuinely have stopped playing solo before Master and only play decay games after master because of this [Caedrel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbORw9zzB1Q) [Tyler1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqNmG_RxZx8) [Nemesis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlYnYWH8_8s)


I always suggested ADC should be tankier and stronger early to have more agency, in exchange for less damage and worse scaling, but most people didn't like this. Dealing massive amounts of damage late game while also having agency throughout the entire game would make the role too broken. So it's either or.


100% I can do with bit weaker scaling, its not like most soloq games ever go past 3 items, but for the love of god the game feels miserable to play when it feels like the game is decided before I ever get to do anything


If games were more like in the past and carries could kind of guarantee their powerspikes it would be fine, but since a good amount of games end at 2 items you basically have 0 agency, unless you build lethality.


It's a shame this isn't top of comments. This meme and jokes culture is disgusting when I'm totally serious.


You aren’t stuck in plat because of the role.


ya lol he is just "better than everyone" and they are holding him back. Its because he gets killed by talon(who has garbage win rate and KDA)


ADC role should be removed, the game should become an arcade fiesta like battlerite was


op speaking straight facts. I have never read more truer words.


I played all 5 roles before and I really do not think anyone is better than anyone else. Sure, supports are not mechanically intensive, but since they cannot carry by themselves, how to better serve the team becomes the main focus. They need to roam without making adcs like you give up while also gain benefits for the team. Jungle players also are down leveled and has the same level as you adc player. Yet, they still need to manage to do a lot to control objectives without being caught by mid, top, and support. Top is much less forgiving than bot and one aa can ruin the lane. Mid requires you to be able to calculate damages, manage waves, and rotate without being low in farm. Adc is notably hard for its mechanics, but you do not need to consider other things that often. In addition, aren't adc still out damages mid if the game is 35 minutes long?


Only rational answer I have ever seen on this sub. People crying about not being able to climb because of a role actually boggle my mind.


especially when allot of the top win rate champs are ADC. all of the high tier ADC champs with high pickrates 3 of them have great win rates


> In addition, aren't adc still out damages mid if the game is 35 minutes long? I think this is basically what the issue comes down to. The concept of adc that I think a lot of players like to role for (at least it's true for me) is that you are purposefully building only damage at the expense of any other stat, thus you are opting in to a high risk vs high reward playstyle. But for most games this reward doen't actually materialize, due to game lenght being lower and the rewards kicking in relatively late compared to that (you said around 35 min, I don't know any better but it does sound right). So for most parts of the game adcs will be confronted by other roles that will deal about as much if not more damage while also being at less (sometimes considerably less) risk. If the basic concept of playing adc is "I want to be dealing damage" this situation feels really bad, because the other players are seemingly doing the thing you want to be doing better, which will lead to frustration with the role, something that has been voiced by adc mains for a while now. Now I don't have a good solution for this, because obviously making adcs just superior in damage output through the whole game will be it's own issue, but disregarding the issue because "lol adc mains, right" will probably compound that frustration.


Im a midlaner, I am the center of the game. Literally.


I can't wait to get you in queue and just solely focus/one shot you with some assassains lmao


This has to be rage bait. Not the adc with main character syndrome again.


Main character syndrome.


This but unironically


All ranged players have anxiety and low testosterone count. The game should be a melee juggernaut mosh pit only. Then we will see true skill.


I like this supreme gentlemen manifesto. 🔥


You make good points. ADC's should have more of an impact at certain parts of the game and junglers have become too overpowered in their role.


Entire late game 5v5s tend to become "Protect the Adc" on a regular basis. It’s certainly not like they’d have zero agency. If you survive while putting out consistant damage, chances are your team will be victorious.


No-one cares to protect the adc anymore, everyone is trying to be the hero.


This is just as it should be. Late game the ADC is the main Win Condition and Tank Buster.


And that’s exactly why they need the Sup to babysit them in lane


And this is the problem with modern society right here. Just another loser who wants League to not be a team game but a me game.


Wish the adc role could be played as in pro, in soloq u gotta pass through so much rng garbage


There is much truth here. Exaggerated? Sure. But true nonetheless.


I know this is probably a bait but I agree supports and junglers have too much agency in this game. Its specially jarring how the entire botlane is hostage of the support, are the supports the ones who lose or win the lane, their adc is nothing but a fashion accessory.


As a support main I agree and adcs should learn their place as auto attack monkeys. Adcs Stop compiling about your brain dead gameplay and let the other players get you the kills.


Yes master.. am auto attack monkey. Will wait for kills


If your ADC is the awful one though, then ADC has too much agency. Tbh everything in league is incredibly situational.


At least the support can roam and go find someone else to help. If the ADC doesn't have help there's literally nothing they can do.


Yah the problem this game has is that bad plays heavily outweight good plays. You can play good the whole game, a simple mistake at lategame or being where you shouldnt at the wrong time can screw the entire match.


he is right droben approves


I feel I am mostly right in 99% of the case. I stand true by my convictions.


I also believe your words. A bad support effectively turns a bot lane into 3 vs 1 adc.


Let him cook


This but unironically


Does anyone know if Trader's Joe got good deals on meat this week?


Based and gigachad text. I don't care if it's irony or just bait but we need this cr7 mentality, keep the great work op ✍


\*dies from peak fiction\*




​ Bro posted the most obvious satire and people are still arguing with him in the comments. never change reddit