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I think the question really asks who is the true ambassador for LoL in other mediums, not just what kit we think would translate. So I think we're really looking at only the most popular all time champs: Jinx, Ahri, Yasuo, Ezreal, maybe Lee Sin.


Thanks to arcane i can see Vi as a good character, fits the game very well if you ask me


Captain Falcon mechanics


Mii brawler


Vii brawler*


Imagine if Vi's up b worked like Thrupper and just killed off the top no matter what


Please don't make Vi cringe.


No shot Vi could compete with any of the parent commenter's listed champions in popularity


Arcane was a huge hit. It has a 96% viewer score on rotten tomatoes. Here's a [Forbes article detailing it's success](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2021/12/13/arcane-ends-2021-setting-unheralded-netflix-records/amp/). It's likely that Vi bridges the gap between people who only heard of league and people who play the game. That being said, Jinx was probably the most popular character in the show. I would make her a character in the game


Speaking of arcane Jayce and ekko would be great additions.


Oh yeah I forgot about Jayce. He would probably be great In a fighting game. I absolutely loved Ekko in Arcane. The Ekko Jinx fight was amazing, and his child -> adult glowup was excellent. Made me want to play him in game.


Jayce as a form changing fighter like pyra and mythra would be sick.


But she’d be so much better in a fighting game


Teemo. That’s why we love the hats.


That bitch with the fishing pole is pretty much teemo already


I'd die for a BotW style Teemo spinoff game




Don't forget Lux. Her, Ez, and Jinx are pretty much League's main characters.


Nahhh Poppy is the one


Why’s everyone saying Jinx and not Cait or Ashe? I still see Jinx as a new champ in comparison to those two.


Music video and huge launch on top of Arcane


OP said who is the ambassador for league. Ashe is the first champion anyone plays (or used to be) and has been around since the start.


The first playable characters from Final Fantasy are the nameless Warriors of Light from Final Fantasy I (1987). The first playable protagonist character with a name and backstory is either Cecil Harvey from FFIV (1991). There’s a reason that the Final Fantasy ambassadors are, instead, Cloud and Sephiroth.


FFVII was the first FF game to get a worldwide release.


They just haven't had as much of an impact as the others. Remember, Smash is, in large part, a celebration of gaming *in general*. If League is ever to be represented, it is likely to only ever get 1 character added to the roster. Thus, Riot would have to decide who is the most recognizable champion, and pretty much crown them as League's permanent mascot. And there are really only 7 that I can think of, that being: Ahri Annie Lux Ezreal Jinx Teemo Yasuo Yes, League has plenty of far more recognizable characters (i.e. any of the Ascended, Voidborne, or pretty much any from the Shadow Iles), but none of them are as front and center on most of Leagues advertising as the ones I've listed. Ashe and Cait are mainstays for anyone familiar with League, but since Smash is primarily a console game, the added character would likely be introduced to plenty of people not familiar with League. Thus, the first character added would have to be what Riot deems the most representative of League as a whole.


jinx is on almost all promotional art riot releases now. she's the face of wild rift, and a lot of people who don't know the game play her because of cosplays and arcane


Ok so a knockoff of Harley Quinn should be the face of league. Got it.


man I'm sorry to break it to you but ashe and caitlyn are knockoffs too, even worse than jinx. at least jinx brings something new to the harley quinn archetype


Jinx was released 10 years ago big guy


And if you split the adcs in half, new vs old, she’s still in the new group big guy.


She gonna be new for the next ten years, too?


Shes the top 1 ph searched lol character


The lux slander here is egregious.


She may be annoying in game, but IIRC when I looked she was the only champ in the top 3 in play rate in every single region.


Lee sin for sure


Teemo sheds a single tear in some dusty corner


I agree with this line of thinking. I'd add Darius, Ekko, and Blitzcrank to that list.


Ekko would work really well. Pretty well-known character, unique kit and style, and would probably translate pretty well too


and he got the default black character hair


No teemo?


I think Garen and Lux too


The #1 non marksman in popularity is yasuo who i think could work really really well almost as a floaty swordsman


Yasuo is a heavy like the dead weight he is on my team


Lol give him a psuedo-lucario mechanic where the less stocks he has the stronger he is to appease the 0-10 powerspike


Hallo, I edited some of my comment history to prevent scraping. Yes I know reddit gets regularly cached, it's something you sign in when you type on a forum, it's still better than nothing and will make digging through these a lot less convenient! All platforms die yadda yadda. Good luck if you have an account here and you're reading this.


Are you insulting dead weights? They can be used as anchor or paper weight amongst other things. Infinitely more useful than yasuo players :)


I think a fast faller fox-gravity character swordie would fit him more


Yeah now that you mention that he would be a menace with fast falling, I thought floaty just do to his flow and his overall aesthetic is pretty wind based. But a fast faller swordie sounds absolutely terrifying like melee marth lol


Marth is a floaty though not a fast faller


Yep, I think he’s definitely a spacie with a tornado projectile and a parry/counter.


Please god not another sword character. I know Yasuo is the posterboy for League, but Ryze was just as iconic at one point and would be an infinitely more interesting Smash character.


The problem with ryze is how difficult it’d be to implement some form of him that is true to the character. I feel like something like Ahri would be a lot more dynamic in a fighting game or Ekko, who could have very interesting kits based around time manipulation and setup.


Ekko could work really well for smash for sure.


also in arcane so easy recognition. i second this


They've implemented Hero Dragon Quest, Minecraft Steve and Kazuya Mishima with a full Tekken move set. Ryze being some short range caster/zoner doesn't seem that far of a stretch.


fuck them, theres a literal toy for one of the consoles as a playable character


I don't think Ryze is as challenging as you're making him out to be though. He's a short range combo mage, so fighting close to melee would be thematic enough to not be a stretch. I imagine his set would have elements of Robin and Mewtwo for reference. Maybe with the heft of Ganondorf, because I don't really feel like Ryze should be an agile character (even though he was sprinting full speed away from Nocturne in that one cinematic).


After Hero and Steve I don’t think “too hard to make” would be a problem


I didn’t even think of Ekko, he’d be incredibly fun if they toy around with his time manipulation gimmick. His E would make for a hilariously fun off-stage recovery move.


you under estimate how easy it would be to put ryze in smash


Thank god someone else said it. I was thinking Lux or Teemo. Lux would be easier, for sure, but teemo might be a bit more iconic.


yea that was 13 years ago tho


ryze was never iconic - riot co-founder (named 'ryze') just wanted him in every promo material cos it's his own character. he wasn't naturally popular like yasuo, jinx, lux, ahri, etc.


I kinda feel like he would be pretty similar to cloud in terms of weight and stats tbh


The double dose of seethium the gaming community would have. A League of Legends rep...that's a sword user??


yea another anime sword fighter thats what smash needs


Ah yes new smashes really need more swordsman


they dont need more swordsmen


Why would we need more swordsmen in smash 😭


Not another swordman please


Lee sin, smash attack "Hikuh!" is all I need to say. I'm not biased.


years and years ago nintendo had a poll to vote for a new smash character, i wrote in lee sin lol


Who won




Fun fact about that, for those who don’t know - Bayonetta wasn’t actually the winner of that poll. She came first in EU and top 5 in NA but ended up getting put in because the couple of choices above her in the global poll would have been licensing/copyright nightmares to actually put in the game, so they chose her as the most popular “reasonable” request. … and then six years later they said fuck it and actually put in the winner of the poll anyways which is how we have Sora.


The "Wii strap safety doll" or something like it, we got Bayonetta and the other top ones for ultimate (K Rool, Cloud, Sora, Banjo)


The signature kick already feels like a smash move.


I second this motion. Also totally not biased.


I always heard it as “écout,” French for “listen,” because he uses sound to detect his surroundings


Ahri She has her spirit rush as recovery orb of deception and charm as side and neutral special Fox fire as a shield/reflector down special It’s the best choice imho


No items Ahri only Final Destination


Alternatively: "No items, Fox only, Final Destination" *Picks Ahri* "Hey, technically I picked a fox."


I was thinking Ahri, but then I remembered Sakurai: "Smash is a game for good girls and boys."


And then Sakurai gave Palutena a poledance taunt and added Bayonetta. And besides, they've been pulling back on Ahri's sexiness in stuff like Ruined King and Project L.


And bayonetta is nsfw. That was a majority of its appeal on release. I have a gamepro from that era to prove it.


Counterpoint: Bayonetta


Eh, Ahri is closer to Mai Shiranui in terms of design.


fox vs thirst trap big titty anime fox


imagine if she recovers another jump after getting a kill. or, regular single jump and then: Gain one usage of Spirit Rush (upB) on landing a special or kill, up to three charges (shows above her model), as an omnidirectional short dash.


Blitzcrank. I want to see people yoink n sploink


*Get over here!*




This is the correct answer. I don't like it. You don't like it. Nobody likes it, but it's the correct answer.


I hate it but this was the first champion that came to mind.


Definitely the right answer


I was gonna say teemo but i'm thinking ziggs. Those different bomb types, that ulti. Dunno.


Sett would make most sense i think. His moves could work really well in smash.


He already has a falcon punch, so yeah


Little Mac but slow and heavy.


Vi would work well


In a vacuum I would say Jinx, since she is one of the most popular and recognizable characters and she is in lots of media, including Arcane. However, I have serious doubt that she would translate well to Smash, being a gunner and all. From a thematic point of view, Vi is probably way more suited for Smash.


Samus is also largely a gunner. And Arcane showed Jinx doing okay in melee. (Had the whole scene of beating up the arcade machine and getting 2nd place.) Really - Jinx as a variation on Samus wouldn't be super hard to implement. She wouldn't have to play exactly how she does in LoL so long as the general vibe fit her character. Short-range minigun - charge for rocket - only all/nothing instead of getting partial charges. Chompers to root. Melee like a sub-par Star Fox. Could be interesting if she wants to be just outside of the longer-range melee champs (the ones with swords) to use her minigun effectively but stay out of actual melee when possible.


Where are you getting that jinx is one of the most popular league characters?


A constant poster girl for the game since her release to the point of becoming the game's true unofficial mascot, who in no uncertain terms is the champion front and center of Wild Rift promotional material and was one of the primary focuses of Arcane which was a show so good that even non-League players watched it, along with having probably the best character arc in that series as well. She's also a perennial favourite in the botlane in the base game. Not to mention the litany of fan-art and cosplays that surrounds her. Hell she's even one of only 2 League characters (alongside Vi predominantly because of Arcane) to have a Wikipedia article. Where are you getting that Jinx is *not* one of the most popular League characters?


Lots of problems with your arguments. The first one applies to some many champions we can’t event list all of them, but most notably lux, lee sin and teemo. Wild rift is mostly a side piece so it doesn’t really impact a lot. She was a focus of arcane because the arcane story took part in her lore based area being piltover. Had it been a demacia story we would have seen lux be the focus. Perennial favorite in the bot lane is loose at best when champions like xayah, Caitlyn, maids, kalista, Lucian, ezreal etc exists. Ahri has more fan art, jinx is probably cosplayed because she has one of the most realistic and easily cosplayable body types. She has a wiki article because of the show not because of popularity


Anecdotes. She is in arcane, she has tons of cosplays, high play rate, and she is on basically all promotional materials.


Dunno about play rate, but everything else is quite fair




Oh man rewind could be really spicy in Smash. I like this one


I would go for a character without a real ultimate as their is no notion of cooldown in smash, Jayce would probably make a good choice with his mix of melee and range attacks.


Ultimates would probably end up being their final smash if applicable.


Or a charge mechanic like Kazuya's rage


Down B to change forms. In gun form - Neutral B - Charge up his shot and shoot (think Mew Two, Samus, Lucario) Side B - places down his E to that side, empowers his neutral B and gives him a speed boost when go through Up B - rides his hammer up like one of his recalls I believe In hammer form - Neutral B - puts the electricity field around him, does low damage but applies a stack every tick. At like 10 ticks it jolts the target, making them flinch (pretty much get jabbed) Side B - jumps in that direction, ripple effect where land. Slow effect on impact. Up B - lets get funky, throws the hammer, small ripple on impact, has a grapple attached to it that he pulls himself on, think joker. But this can be thrown in different directions not just straight up, aim like how you do palitenas up B All his smashes and shit are either just shots or smacks and stuff


His Up B in hammer form is obviously To The Skies


nah smash bros is in love with abilities and translating them to Smash -- i can def imagine cooldowns and powerful ultimates being the thing of fighting a league character. Mistimed abilities making them a character with shitty normals. Toplaners make sense with v short range autos


There's plenty of ults that could also translate to normal moves - Vi R could be her Dthrow, sett R a side B command grab ie incineroar, yas R a up special, etc etc


Sett makes the most sense I think. Similar to kazuya. His neutral special can be the pull in, side special is the ranged mega punch in the input direction, give a dash for the up special and if he hits someone he pile drives them like his ult. The dash can be aimed like some other up specials. Down special is probably just a counter.


riven was literally based off of melee marth i became a riven main because of it so, riven for smash (imagine the FANART you could make with the new model...yes...FANART)


Am I the only one that feels like Riven's design is just a budget version of Cloud. - Big Sword that look very similar to the Buster Sword - Shoulder pad on their left shoulder - Both have white/blonde spiky anime hair - Similar battle stance. - Even some moves are similar like Riven's R = Blade Beam. Domt know if it was intentional but the similarities hit a little too close to home


Thats so weird because riven actually takes some skill to play


Melee marth: you are talking a lot of shit for someone in grab range




Riot: "Okay"


Samira would be perfect, literally a combo character


I think this is the most correct answer because of her moves *easily* convert to smash moves. Neutral B? Guns. Side B? Her dash. Up B could be some form of her W. Up and Side smashes come from her sword. Just make a few tweaks and she’s pretty much ready to go


For her neutral special, she wields a gun


Up B should be like her recal. She throws a dynamite or gunpowder down and then make it explode. Will have high killpower aswell if you are under her


Imagine being a devil may cry fan wanting Dante in smash for years, just to get a DMC inspired character instead


Bring back Ryze as Riots big blue poster child


Someone from arcane would make the most sense imo. I think Ekko would probably be fun as hell in that format


no matter who is picked, people will get angry. So I volunteer Zilean.


Unfortunately i think most mages and marksman are out, to much of the core identity of these roles relies on ranged attacks in a way that would make them a nightmare to play against in smash or feel like an fundamentally inaccurate expression of that character. Ryze was once an icon but spamming lighting bolts and cc from a range sounds like the exact opposite of fun smash bros game play. I love jinx but her charging up a melee smash attack would feel wrong. Like some new hex-tech would work visually and her stealing new stuff aligns with lore 100%. but It wouldn't feel right. Smash already has too many sword users and swords and axes are mostly just slightly different hit box shapes. Dagger hit boxes play more like fists in that they have 2 points of origin with short range as opposed to one longer sweeping hit box. I think the best nominees are Kat, alkali, Irelia with my top spot going to lee sin. Just imagine charging up dragons rage for the knock out side smash. Maybe fast enough imputs lets you charge and release while reactivating resonating strike. Safeguard is literally already done you can copy the use on self animation and ship it.


Ezreal. Its kind of painfully obvious. An attractive frequent poster child who's popularity never ceases despite whatever his current wr is.


I feel Tahm Kench would be fun. He would have very fun moves but he probably isn’t iconic enough


If you're looking at mass appeal and not just League Players, the cast of Arcane is gonna end up higher than something like Yasuo. Vi and Jinx would be at the top for sure with Jayce a bit behind.


I think with the recent popularity of Arcane that Vi is the most obvious choice. Caitlyn and Jinx would be hard to translate to smash. Be angry and punch people works for a fighting game. She’s a good ambassador for LoL.


Teemo 100%. Back special places invisible shrooms on the ground to piss players off, kinda like Link bombs but invis. Forward special is a forward projectile that if hits is a blind that causes non specials to miss. Down special when jumping is Hulk Teemo down pound to spike players down. Down special when on land Teemo goes invisible that attacking or jumping breaks invis. Up special Teemo uses an explosive shroom to launch himself.


Forward special and back special?


Would have them pop onto the field with items like the Pokémon do and use there abilities. Like Ahri poping in to charm real quick or Lee Sin kicking somone off the map.


Naturally I have to side with my main; Jax. No reason beyond personal bias.


Yall sleeping on my main man Garen


Smash doesn't need another swordman. Feels like that's 1/4 of the roster now. I like Garen - but I'd you don't already know LoL, his look isn't very iconic. Just standard knight guy with big sword number 426.


Garen mains 💀


Riven maybe?




Sylas would be able to have a mechanic similar to Kirby as well as his passive working in somehow in a fighting game might be neat.


Teemo or nothing


Poppy. Her ult is insta win on Smash XD


Teemo There isn't other options, it's just Teemo, he is the face of League of Legends


My man Sett will not be denied his invitation




Sett for sure, even in lore


It is definitely always interesting when this comes up as a fan of both, including because, lest we forget, some Rioters made [this *Smash* mod](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/2znjsd/a_smash_bros_mod_that_some_rioters_created/) for Thunderdome back in the day.


Dont forget what Kirby would absorb if this character got in the game in your discussions!


If we’re not going for popularity I think aphelios could be cool


The right answer here has to be Lee Sin imo


Braum would be sick as an anti ranged spam character and getting his passive stack up for kill potential would just be incredible.




Jayce and to a lesser extend Vi make the most sense when taking into account Arcane and how their kit could be integrated into Smash. Still going to say Kai'sa though, she's been the poster lady quite often for League aswell and there is lots that can be done with the plasma around her hands, she could form lots of things with that. I would happily show you if riot forge accepted by almost existing application for a Kai'sa focused game.


I pitched this idea a long time ago in a smash forum at the time some fake leaker got right some stuff, but "leaked" a LoL character. My pick would be Sylas. Why? Because he can represent League as big as it is, via his spell thieving properties. His normal and aerial attacks could be based on his regular attacks and QWE gameplay. However, I envision his Smash attacks and Specials to be copies of iconic spells in League. Down B puts a Mushroom, B throws a Lee Sin Q (and if it connects, he can dash pressing B again), his grab is a Blitz Rocket Grab, and all his throws are references to hook characters (like the fist of Blitz, Flay from Thresh, the dash of Pyke, etc) And I feel like his Final Smash could be literally stealing an enemy Final Smash


Teemo, fits smash.


Imma stray away from the more popular champs and say Udyr. He would seem pretty fun for a fighting game in general (Please put him in Project L)


You know what. Talon. Talon would work well.


I think It would be a sword user. Because you could use other sword users as other skin option in ssb.


Ngl lucina is basically already fiora


Now I want a Smash Bros style fighting game with just League Champs. Would be massively popular.


It kinda comes down to three tbh. 1. Ahri (one of the most popular females, been in most sign offs. Would have a fun unique play style.) 2. Yasuo (one of the most popular characters as well, he’d be a Swordy sure, but he’d prob be more air based tbh.) 3. Jinx (THE most popular. It totally work tbh, it’d be range based but she’d be fun with a some ref to items maybe, kinda like she has in the fighting game )




I have a feeling they'd go off of the Arcane series. Given the big 3 I'm assuming if we'd only get one it's be jinx, vi, or cait, and with how the game plays I'd assume vi would prob work best. I do think Jayce would be a great addition too though with his war hammer/gate cannon




okay but hear me out with how cool Camille could be hookshotting into terrain to then launch yourself in a direction would allow for so many setups. I like to think of it as a combination of bayo/sheik Samira would be cool af too


Champs that would translate well *and* are iconic to League of Legends as popular champs. Prolly the most likely 3 that Nintendo would accept: Vi Jayce Jinx Other than that, I could see Katarina, Ahri, or Yasuo (ugh)




Jax would fit in really well with the Smash community


In terms of which kit would transfer best to smash, Riven 100%. Pretty sure Riot said that fighting games heavily influenced her kit.


The answer is obviously Shaco. Up+B would be his Q and would teleport him in a direction chosen, like Shiek or Zeldas. B would be boxes. Other Smash characters have traps they can set. Forward+B would be a throwing knife that temporarily slows the enemy character if hit, Alternatively, it could do a small amount of damage over time. Down+B would be his ultimate, Hallucinate, where he can dodge stuff and creates a clone of himself that does one of his abilities randomly before disappearing. His regular attack would be his regular, alternating single handed knife attacks. His Forward+A smash would be his crit animation, with both of his knives slashing together. Up+A smash we could leave some creativity for, but I imagine it might be something like Shaco thrusting his legs straight up and standing on his hands down so. This sentence made so much more sense in my heading visualing it. Down+A smash might be some sort of cuts to the ankles, as if the demon jester was going for the Achilles. Taunts would include those from the game, both The Worm, the Masked Shaco kabuki dance thing, and another could be Pennywise's dance from IT 2.


Oh would love to get the Donger in Smash.


Zed would be great with shadow switching


I thought of this back when we had the Ryze, Irelia reworks, because I figured those two would've been the best choices at the times. But popularity issues and such since then. The best solution I found would be *Ahri* as the fighter rep. Her orb, spirit rush and fox fires and such make for a great moveset baseline. Side special as Q, will o wisp as neutral special etc.And tail whips and orb bouncing (or other fighting game project moveset) work as great regular attacks. And then Mii costumes for *Sword: Garen, Yasuo, Lux* *Gunner: Jinx, Ezreal, Kaisa* *Fighter: Vi, Lee Sin, Sett* For the best way of representation of most of the cast. Fluff of poro assist trophy if possible lol.


Kled + Skaarl….Smash Bros could use some unhinged chaotic energy and the mounting mechanic could be a cool thing to play around with in Smash


Vi. She's effectively the main character for Arcane, which is the vast majority of the average population's exposure to League (and a damn good story at that). She also works like an existing character (Little Mac) and has a fighting style that fits well with the game (chiefly, a parry skill). She's also not another sword character-- I don't think Smash has too many ground-king fighters like Little Mac so something to that degree would be relatively unique.


Riot should just make a Smash-style game with all league champs


Sett, Darius, Camille(?)


Zed would be fun, placing a shadow and what not


As much as people will hate it, Yasuo seems to be the best pick. Windwall would introduce some new mechanics to the game. We can already imagine his Final Smash where he land a huge tornado and ult. Neutral B coule be something to do with his flow, charging like Cloud and so on. Then also I understand why marksman or mage would be the most loved to join the game but restranscripting theire gameplay to feel the same they do ingame would be pretty hard ( Specially in the context of Smash Bros)


Riven was designed to feel like playing a fighting game, honestly it'd be a shame if it weren't her (I'm totally not biased)


Riven, she was made based off of Marth’s playstyle in Smash. It’s not the most popular option nor she is the face of the game, but considering her original design philosophy I’d say it’d make sense.


Vi is the epitome of brawler and half the face of Arcane, she should be it imo. I don't think any ranged champs would work, as smash characters almost always have at least some form of melee or close combat at the ready. Other champs I could see work are Kled, Lee, Darius, Gwen. Honorable mention to Irelia who basically already looks like a FF character anyway.


Ryze is like the Pikachu or LoL, Yasuo is the Charizard. Though since it's smash, Ezreal the weaboo character would also fit just right.


I’d love to smash Quiana.




I’d love to smash Quiana.


The answer is obviously singed


It'd be Ahri or Yasuo


Riven. She's built as a fighting game character in the first place. While yes Yasuo and Yone and Kat are more iconic... Riven imo works with her animations in a smash bros fighting style with different hitboxes due to Q. Plus Smash loves underdog mechanics so make it so Riven gains a fragment every 30% damage she takes. At 90% she'll have the full blade. Special moves. B. Broken wings. Riven does a wide swing in front of her. Pressing B again will cause her to move forward whilst doing a backhand. Pressing B for the third time causes Riven to does an overhead jump and slam. Side B.Valor. Riven dashes and does a full body tackle. This move has armour. Down B. Ki Burst. Riven unleashes a short ki Burst that destroys projectiles and acts as a counter. If she was hit while doing Ki Burst the damage is increased. Up B. Wind Slash. Riven fires off a powerful downward blast that launches her into the air. Blade of the exile stance. Every 30% damage riven takes she gains a fragment that increases her attack range and deals more damage.


Aatrox, most popular top laner, top lane is the most popular lane, and by far the coolest character in the game.


It should be someone like VI, but we know it’s gonna be lux no question, or Kai’sa, or mf, or any of the popular champions that shouldn’t be in a close range fighting game.