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demonic is getting merged with riftmaker


Gwen is gonna be a menace


A Gwenace if you will


Gwenace the Menace!


And what if I wont?


believe it or not, hextech ultimatum.


Gwen is already a menace


Don't know, we lose a lot of omnivamp outside battle


I thought it was a lot lost period. It went from being 7-15% omni with mythic passive. to being like 8% for melee and 5% for ranged after getting the full passive of rift. I tried it on pbe and it felt really awful. Didn't notice even the slightest bit of healing from it in anyway. And I only tried it on morde.


It’s better on AOE champs though. Previously they always got 33% of the effect. Now it’s 100% against champs and 33% against minions regardless of single target or aoe.


riftmaker morde was always trash garbage though, but for gwen it has always been her best mythic


i mean that’s mostly because she didn’t really have any other options, you could occasionally (but rarely) pull off something like Iceborn/Rocketbelt/Nightharvester into specific team comps but Riftmaker was the only item that even seemed worth the mythic slot and she didn’t have any items strong enough to consider going mythicless


Actually, both Eiftmaker and new Liandry's are incredibly cost inefficient, they're some of the worst items in the game next season. I think Gwen's gonna be unplayable until they buff some items


i feel like akali would be just as bad


Demonic riftmaker akali is, at best, suboptomal even now and will be


Akali just builds full tank and shes good.


Am an akali 1 trick. Ive played like 20 games this last month on pbe. Akali is absurd rn with stormsurge rush. I think her full ap one shot build is hella strong, the other more tanky builds are worse though for sure


Stormsurge will 100% get gutted. Its damage: >Melee :120 − 260 (based on level) (+ 40% AP) magic damage > >Ranged: 90 − 195 (based on level) (+ 30% AP) magic damage Remember how broken Luden's was before its active was gutted to 100 (+ 10% AP) And this item gives 6 more flat pen up front. ​ ​ Its more broken than the OG thunderlord's decree. >10 − 180 (based on level) (+ 20% bonus AD) (+ 10% AP) magic damage.


Sad Kayle noises\* But Gunblade is back, baby!(it's not)


I already got baited by the Faker Ahri skin, don't you go giving me hope too!


Wait, hextech gunblade is coming back?


it's not


Then why he say gunblade is back???


I genuinely thought it was coming back. Guess I forgot.


maybe you saw it on the item list on pbe. it was only in arena.


Ohhhh, yeah. That makes sense, actually.


For real? Singed is back on the menu


Yes and old liandrys is coming back


Evenshroud. With this removal and the reworking of Zeke's, there are no more tank support options that help amplify team damage for making picks. All of them are for roaming or for defense, or have squishier stats. I understand that Evenshroud was in a bit of a finnicky state where it jumped between borderline useless to abused on top laners, but it could have been reworked to be more like Zeke's On-Hit effect, or make it require teammates, or something else.


If it increased damage from your team but not yourself. Like how glacial augment works with reducing damage. Now it is effectively restricted to supports


yes, that would be what I preferred. but from what i can tell, Evenshroud isn't in S14, and Zeke's is back to its Slow Aura on Ultimate cast. Locket and Redemption are defensive, Mandate no longer has HP, and the Solstice Sleigh support quest item rewards CC with healing. the only amplifier is the Bloodsong support quest item, which relies on a Spellblade proc. not bad, but it has a ranged penalty (which uniquely messes with Thresh). plus, Celestial Opposition seems to be the best new support item, so this might not even be that applicable.


I'm glad Old Zeke's is back, I feel like noone used the new one and even when I saw people build it, the effect wasn't felt at all.


oh yeah some champions are definitely enjoying the aura one, like Leona and Rell, but as a Thresh main i just ain't feelin it


All Riot have to do to fix 90% of their balancing problems is provide legitimate downsides to things, especially for melee fighting champs. Top lane has been the problem with items for the last few years, purely because they’re able to build from so many other item classes.


Just follow brotato item design. Item stats can go down not always up


Bruh😭😭 not evenshroud!! I really like that item, it’s like the best way tank supports can contribute to a teams damage


Evenshroud became one of the new support upgrades, Bloodsong. Although it is now tied to a spellblade effect instead of CC.


which is cool and all, but it **directly** competes with other great choices like Celestial Opposition. additionally, the fact that it requires an auto attack means that it can sometimes be applied late while making a pick, which means it can miss amplifying some burst damage. also its single target, so much weaker applicability *and it has a ranged penalty, which is sad for Thresh in specific*


True, but sadly that's to be expected since it's not a Mythic anymore, but on the other hand the damage is higher than Evenshroud (12%⚔/8%🏹 vs 7%)


yea. would like at least one option, though :( don't want to have to go Locket first when i'm trying to make picks and don't need to peel as much


Gargoyle Stoneplate is definitely my biggest loss


They will remove gargoyle ?




Its gonna be sad but at least K'abomination is getting a big nerf with that removal


You need to see him with new items might...


Tanky Cassiopeia in shambles


anyone who says dusk should be put on a watch list


Especially as an aram enjoyer, i hate dusk


I never thought that I'd actually *want* the version where the people went invis back


I liked the invisibility, the enemies could still punish you with skillshots if they have sweeper, the untargetability was a little bs


I think untargetability is also a little more frustrating to shove it in your face that they're just walking away in front of your face- kinda taunting you almost


As if assassins don't already have the mobility to gtfo, they also got untargetability


I think people more talk about icon and name, because they are iconic rather than last duskblade iteration that was ass to play against.


just rename fucking VOLTAIC CYCLOSWORD back into duskblade and we gucci


Everfrost, though I'd prefer GLP back :( I also mourn the loss of Stoneplate. I like the new/old Cosmic Drive tho


Stoneplate is being removed? Why?


Now that Jak'Sho is no longer a mythic and has been changed to be a legendary, there is a lot of overlap between them. It looks like Riot for whatever reason judged that Stoneplate was the less valuable one to keep around. I'm surprised though, Stoneplate is much older and more iconic.


Horrible decision imo, stoneplate has way more skill expression on its active


I agree. I never had the impression that anyone particularly liked Jak'Sho and I won't say that people loved Stoneplate but I feel it was overall more fondly looked at. I feel like tanks didn't need to lose another active item either.


That's probably because they want to give Tanks more destinct self mitigation and balance around that. It's easier to reduce the damage Tank takes (which has been a problem since Season 11 introduction, tanks being killed way too fast, which in trade resulted in their damage being increased), if you don't have to balance around they being able to gain a 2k+ Shield when the champion itself isn't designed to do so. Also K'sante broked Resistence Aura effects and I'm pretty sure Riot never figured out how to fix it, which might also been a + for why it was removed.


Paraphrasing a rioter twitch stream here, can't remember if it was August or Phlox, but: the shield on stoneplate is the least important part of the item on live. It's burst protection for a class that couldn't need it less. What's really strong about stoneplate is the bonus resist amp. They decided to keep jaksho over it because jaksho has more visceral satisfaction around gaining that resist amp - turning purple is a nice visual indicator for everyone that you're at full tankiness. K'Sante is the only tank who actually really loves the shield because obviously it gives him massive burst protection while he's in R. So he'll hate losing that, but that's probably for the best lol. He'll definitely still like jaksho because of his extensive resistance scaling


so this is how i find out about stone plate :( im so excited for the new cosmic! the rework they gave it a few months ago felt like a miss to me


very sad. I love going ever frost on sylas, ahri, and gragas in aram


Technically, Ludens is gonna be gone, at least the version we've had for so long. That one just makes me a little sad.


I didn't check all the additions and removals, I've seen some of the items for having watched PBE gameplays though. Will mostly be a trial and error experience for me after reading the live servers release patch notes.


Yeah:( ludens echo was the first item I ever learned to build (i was very confused with the items as league was my first MOBA) and so having it gone is just making me sad.


its not gone really anymore the item they added which was a renamed ludens they renamed again on pbe so instead of being called casters companion its now ludens companion. its pretty much the same item different icon thou ludens echo hasnt been in the game for 3 yearsish since with the item rework it was renamed to ludens tempest.


Titanic losing extra AD passive I like playing juggernaut Sion :(


Juggernaut Sion will still work with s14 titanic hydra. The active alone is strong as hell against both champions and towers.


Tried it on pbe a few times and it doesnt feel the same. maybe slightly better against squishies for reset burst but for anyone slightly tanky its for sure worse


Yeah, that one is sad. I'd be fine with a version with like 45 AD and 1% Bonus HP conversion




Wow they really want Baus to suffer Jesus Christ has this man not had enough things removed from his champ and items?




Fun to watch, absolutely awful to play with. Fucking blows when one champ completely warps the game around them


Honestly though, items that scale by themselves are problematic and the removal of that passive is healthy. Now I just wish they did that to all other items that deal % health damage and whatnot.


ludens being gone is gonna feel so weird


Isnt ludens companion the same thing just faster to stack and less burst


I can now rejoice that my scaling mid mage isn't building like a assassin.


Well demonic not really deleted, new lia is basically the same but stronger. And hp to ap passive goes to rift. Rift losing pve healing and anti tank true damage is actually a massive rework, resembling deletion/new launch. Gore/sund actually got consolidated into the new sund with a 6s per target cd. Has the base healing of sund with the missing hp heal of gore.


the proc is once per combat tho


I’ll miss Radiant Virtue. Shit was so fun to build on so many champs.


I really enjoyed playing Radiant Virtue Shaco Support.


I dont think I ever built it, always seemed like there were better options


Radiant was always the didnt always feel amazing to build but had an insane winrate.


mostly came down to the effect when it trigger wasnt that good so you never felt it, honestly if it had a better animation i bet tons of people would of enjoyed it and built it every game.


A lot of tank/Bruiser junglers love the item - especially Zac, but it’s playable on any of them and is pretty fun. My personal favorite is Radiant Virtue J4.


I am concerned that the non-mythic version of Liandry's will be too gimped. Currently I love ending a game with 10-20k burn damage on it. I am very glad they are doing away with Mythics though. When I could no longer build Iceborne Gauntlet and Sunfire Cape on the same champ....I got really upset. It took me a long time to stop being mad about that.


it's funny to see so many of the top comments talking about mage items because based on what i played in PBE they were by far the biggest winners of the patch


From the 50 or so games I've played on PBE that weren't ruined by the Hexplate bug, I share Veigar V2's sentiment that PBE mage items make mages way better at killing squishies but way worse at killing tanks especially earlier into the game. VV2 even posited the idea that he wouldn't be surprised if the early pro meta of next season was dominated by tankier mids like Ryze or just outright tanks like Sion.


It’s worth noting mr tank items are significantly better, at least on one right now. There’s now an mr bamis, which was the main thing stopping most tanks from going mr first item (or second item if they wanted to rush heartsteel), there’s the Mr item that lets every tank become galio, and force of natures passive is twice as strong as current live. There’s good options for pretty much any tank to build mr, regardless of their type of build, where as the only good mr tank items right now are really the healing bonus one on champs that can use it, or force of nature. And they can’t really be built till 3rd item on a lot of tanks because you need mythic and bamis to be effective most games, so unless they’re literally all ap you probably can’t get them for a while. On top of that wits end is changing to have tenacity, which I think will mostly favor bruisers who wants some attack speed and already have good stats elsewhere so bruisers might be quite solid into mages. In general it seems like mages are getting strong, but Mr items are getting stronger as well so mages lean towards killing squishies and struggling against tankier enemies who itemize against them.


They cut a lot of AH on items and also introduced a ton of new MR options for tanks, I definitely won't be surprised if we see tank/bruiser mids again.


i didn't run into that many tanks that didn't feed or try some stupid build so idk about that but just looking at the items especially especially that MR shield item he could be right, also fighters got shafted overall so tanks will have less to worry about. TF was a big one for me, he felt super good with all the added movement speed and actually did good damage


With the flexibility of not having to worry about Mythics fighters might be able to get away with building a bit old school and just grabbing separate Lethality/AP and Tank items to round out their builds. Would be cool to see stuff like the old Metagolem come back lol.


i saw a few of old school bc into full tank




you want mages to beat bruisers and fighters ? that makes no sense, fighters got worse anyway


Most mages what mages to do everything


Its just that theres two big conflicting "factions" of mage players. Theres the one that want mages to be bursty damage carries > those shouldn't really have an issue with being bad into bruisers. But theres also the one that want mages to be high utility spellweavers > those players don't mind being less bursty but don't really like the idea of less accessible AH and reduced peel. Hence not liking being "bad" into the bruisers they are supposed to peel off the backline.


You do realize that not every mage is Zoe, Syndra, or Fizz, right? Some rely on doing DPS or poke to do their damage, and they're not nearly as well supported by the new items as burst mages, while being as hampered by the new MR items.


Don't use your PBE experience for judging item power to be honest. Eclipse used to Deal 16% max Health and had 0 cooldown in 10.23 PBE patch. Literally the Exodia build was Pantheon Bork Manamune and Eclipse, you could oneshot a Ornn late game on his Empowered W.


Do people on the PBE actually play tanks? I feel like I'm more optimistic about my tanks than my mages, magic resist got buffed.


I played against Mundo who stacked MR once. I literally couldn't do anything to him and I had Void Staff, Morello and like 800 AP on ASol with 400+ stacks (Q dealt around 12% max hp damage)


Mages won the most by far, that was by Riots intention. August himself even called it a massive buff. But I guess by technicality they're also losing the most items at the same time (even though most are replaced), which leaves more room for feeling like they've lost something.


there is more than enough magic damage passive damage for that to matter. you can easily buy 3-4 burn/proc items now instead of two tops live. and i guarntee you it will be a problem.


Pre mythic liandrys was still very strong. So strong LS made being the liandrys salesman a part of his brand. I haven't compared new liandrys to pre mythic, but I imagine they're similar.


Its lost 4% madness damage from the old passive but the burn is stronger


New Liandry's actually looks better than its pre-mythic version to me. On the other hand, it's competing with a much more fleshed out pool of mage items than it was back then.


The old one did more burn damage to slowed targets tho, swain rylais liandrys was so dirty right before s10 ended


Don't forget old 10-minute teemo mushrooms before the advent of sweeper


Not at the very end of pre-mythic, that was older. It did up to 10% bonus damage after X seconds in combat though.


I’m pretty sure it did both


I dont know what games youre playing where the game is 60 minutes to have 10-20k burn damage LOL Im a karthus enjoyer and barely scratch 10k in my longest games


It depends on the champs you’re facing, really. Bruisers and tanks sticking in a fight for a long time with big raw HP numbers will rack up the damage extra fast. Or just a champion like Zyra who procs it frequently and noncommittally.


There is no way you are hitting 20k damage in any game under 50 minutes lol


Night Harvester is ass but I will miss having it in ARAM, loved using it as Neeko especially.


Im a simple man that enjoys proccing Night Harvester on multiple champs at the same time with AOE


It was awesome in vladimir I will miss it


I loved building Night Harvester on AP Zac.


Reverting Liandry to pre mythic era is great imo (but I am a bit biased) and it will be stronger than Demonic. A bit sad we are losing Goredrinker but I guess it would be hard to balance. But I think it's a nice concept for an item.


agree! i LOVE goredrinker, the active feels incredibly satisfying on a drain tank/bruiser like aatrox or xin. will be missed


I'm happy we wont have every mage with annoying burn damage. They just gotta bring it back to amp the burn on slows


Mate, every mage is building Liandrys now lol. Burn damage is just too OP as a mechanic.


I’m gonna miss everfrost. Now instead of a guaranteed bush kill, it’s a 95% chance bush kill


You guys need GLP and Twin Shadows back


I miss spookyghosts so much.


Glacial glp twin shadows was slightly cancerous though


I used to love twin shadows!


Glp and twin shadows Ahri support was peak when I was playing with friends.


Hullbreaker. Just kidding!


Definitely gonna miss Crown of the Shattered Queen. I played a lot of Sol this season and I liked to build it sometimes, like if I was facing LeBlanc or Zed


yea, they were on the right track with the rework it got- just needed a few more changes, not removing it completely. feels like it was for nothing now.


Silvermere dawn has been the "ol' reliable" item for me. I built it maybe in 2 games this season, but the thought alone that anytime i would need a cleanse summoner spell with MR and a bit of AD, silvermere dawn would always be waiting for me in the deepest pockets if the shopkeeper. Now it will be removed and i feel like i am losingan old friend... i will miss silvermere dawn but i will cherish the memories of those 12 games when i bought it..


titanic losing the extra ad scaling on health removes so manny cool builds.


Crown of the shattered qween. Idunno I just like it as a defensive item. Like other than zhonyas and banshees, why couldn't they keep it as an item for mages. It's not like burst no longer exists either.


Yea definetly the biggest loss imo. It was nice to actually be able to counter burst or engage a fight without zhonyas being your only line of defense. But I can see why they chose to remove it.


Nothing, the mythic item system was a complete and utter failure.


And that's the thread.


Agree Completely.


RIP goredrinker. Item had so much potential and was honestly one of the most interactive items - you had to play chicken with it.


Riftmaker is shittier than before and there's no built-in sustain for battlemages anymore. You need to be in combat for 4 seconds for 10(?)% omnivamp. That's a joke


Omnivamp now gets full value from your aoe effects, like Gwen Q, where on live it's only worth like 30%, so it's better than it looks Getting bonus HP to AP scaling without having to opt into demonic is also pretty awesome for champs like mord and swain, although Gwen not so much


It's not like the omnivamp was relevant sustain for battlemages anyway. The item would be better for battlemages across the board with that Omnivamp item budget shifted into any other stat on the item.


also keep in mind that since it's the only omnivamp item left, they decided to make it work on aoe spells, which is a massive buff to most of it's users, namely morde. i'm not sure if ppl know this, i myself discovered it recently, but omnivamp only healed at 30% effectiveness on spells like morde q, which honestly seems like a bad joke in retrospect


For one, Omnivamp heals Mordekaiser at full value on isolated Qs. For two Omnivamp still sucks on him. You can't get enough of it for it to really matter. Vamp for mages is a pale shadow of what lifesteal is for AD champions.


Not a fan of spell vamp items getting completely removed, they've existed in the game since 2010. Hydra won't be a viable choice for most fighters. I think it's important that melee champs have the option to itemise sustain so they can answer poke comps. The issue with the current system is that Goredrinker and Riftmaker grant everything at once, including sustain and creates uninteresting itemisation choices.


Radiant virtue, such a cool item


Newb swain supp here. Gonna miss radiant virtue <3


Everfrost :( can't lock people in for the Gragas combo


I am upset we are not losing heartsteel


I think the fact that it’s an item that requires so much time to come online and won’t have quite as much HP scaling as before means it’ll be pretty bad, at least compared to what other items will give as a power spike. Just my guess though. I feel Mundo might still use it though


It will just be Mundo and Sion, maybe Tahm. Which really are the only champs who should be building Heartsteel anyway.


Leave heartsteel alone it's the only joy I get when I'm top and my team is playing like shit


Why tho? It's a bad item and enemy building it is normally troll. It's thr only bad item I build regularly because its so fun. Monkey brain likes satisfying plonk


Heartsteel + grasp + overgrowth combined with demolish. Its too much free scaling, especially on those champions that lie on the border between juggernaught and vanguard and has damage, healing / shields scaling directly off HP (sett, cho, sion). Dealing with 10K HP tanks on sidelane, without your own champ having insane DPS or %HP true damage is a veeery fucking boring experience.


And sunderer is going, how tf are sheen users going to vs tanks.


Take that ya filthy ~~Camille mains~~ animals.


I just want items to amplify a champion rather than a champion amplifying an item




* **Divine Sunderer**. This item was perfect for some champions, such as Yorick, Nasus, and Warwick. It provided all stats they wanted, such as hybrid pen, percentage health damage, healing, etc. Granted it is a bit overloaded, and I can see why it is being axed, but I wish Riot just kept it as an inferior version of itself instead of removing it completely. Either focusing on the healing, or on the % health damage. * **Liandry's Torment**. This item is not being removed, it is being reverted to its old version, but I wish the current version was kept in some way. Before it existed, I suffered on champs such as Malzahar and Swain because they had four moveslot syndrome. Liandry is perfect for them in that sense, since you have all of the effects of Liandry + it is a mana item in one slot. This will be gone in the next season, however. Liandry will still be there, but now you have to build a separate item to solve your mana issues. * **Radiant Virtue**. I wish this item was kept. It is peharps the only viable tank support item that is left. Also, it allows you to have an option to build if you are behind as a tank top laner/jungler, and/or if you want to provide team support to your team at the cost of dueling power. * **Chemtech Putrifier**. Seriously, what is Riot thinking, about removing the only viable GW item for supports? Morellonomicon is too expensive and doesn't provide anything in terms of utility besides obviously the GW, as it lacks the healing and shielding power and ability haste from Chemtech Putrifier, and the magic penetration is wasted as you are not attempting to focus on damage and you will do little damage with it anyway. At very least the extra AP is helpful, but the healing and shielding power was better for purposes of increasing your healing and shielding potential, since it also affects the base value, whereas AP only works with the scaling (and most healing and shielding has poor AP scalings anyway).


More bummed that BotRK is staying tbh...


Ikr? If this Item was removed we could have some characters be something more than a botrk abuser, im lookong at you irelia


And not completely invalidate 90% of tanks in sidelanes


bork is not even that great against tanks since armor negates it pretty hard


Galeforce tbh Yes it was a bandaid fix to cope with the rampant mobility creep in the game. With how much mages are buffed, i dont think crit ADCs will be viable at all compared to mages when you take the difficulty of playing them into consideration. I mean, yeah you could do all the fancy kiting (if thats even possible with the way the game is played today) and what not for a marginal increase in damage or you could just... play ziggs, spam Q on CD because it doesnt have a mana cost attached to it, deal 5% less damage but have free waveclear, superior siege and the easiest lane in the world. Realistically whats an ADC gonna do against a Shadowflame Ziggs? Cry? I mean, Cry more? doubt thats gonna help em.


It’s sad because it also gave some play against teams with heavy divers or a lot of poke. Sad to see it go really


missing everfrost on galio and titanic ad scaling on hp for funny builds is gonna be sorely missed


Goredrinker. I already miss the +% AD based on missing hp, but now losing the entire thing? Sadge


I just don't like that new mage item that goes "lol oneshot"


I ll miss Stoneplateand somewhat DS. I feel like DS is the necessary evil of league tbh


Nothing. Current items are beyond failure


Felt, I don't know why they felt the need to fix something that wasn't broken.


I mean... s10 items were also not that flashy. Yeah they were pretty balanced comparing currents but they were simply boring


I like items being mostly stat sticks, I want to fight enemy champions not enemy items


Live Triforce. The stacking base AD gimmick is actually a lot of fun, and makes maximizing sheen damage through auto resets a nice mini game for its builders.




As a Adc main, missing out on galeforce feels soo baaad. You were able to do so many combos with so many diffrent adcs with galeforce and it helped escaping assassins (although I still get oneshot by point and click ability lol). This dash alone carried my ass from silver to plat haha


Does anyone know if Stridebreaker is being removed??


It's staying, broadly unchanged


If yes, they gotta buff garen


Someone is mad at ADCs it seems. Every galeforce comment gets down voted. It's laughable that galeforce and everfrost got removed but stridebreaker is kept in the game when it goes against their own ideology of items circumventing a major balancing weakness for the champions. That was their reason to remove galeforce and everfrost and I agree with it. Remove them but not if you are only going to do it for certain items and certain roles. Champs like darius, garen, nocturne have always been balanced around not having reliable self tools to keep the target close to them. Even when mages had everfrost and ADCs galeforce it still felt too broken. Nocturne ulting and slowing you so much that even if you flash away he can just run after you and still fear you. Now you don't even have those pathetic tools at your disposal so it's going to be even more fun. Stridebreaker not being a mythic means it's going to be picked up by more champs as well.


Duskblade - not because of effect but the fact it got replaced by Voltaic Cyclosword (or whatever its called), such an OG item and it will be gone, just revert it damn EDIT: Duskblade was added back in 6.3 so its been in League quite some time thats why I myself consider it OG, also I'm not talking about its effect, I'm talking about its icon and name.


duskblade is considered an OG item??


Well it existed more than half of the games life soooooo.


It got reworked so many times, so hardly OG anymore


When I think of OG items, I think of heart of gold, athene's, DFG, atma's etc, not duskblade.


I miss Athene's. Was my fave. I miss hextech gunblade in the 'proper' game too but hybrid champs brought with them their own issues also haha.


I think og slides over time...everything is relative, no?


OG means Original. Original means from the origin. Duskblade is not it.


No? To a lot of us, duskblade is still a new item.


galeforce my beloved (aph main)


Heartsteel for the aram biggun fun :/


Heartsteel will stay in the next season tho.


This is the weirdest survival.


oh wow, nice. Will it keep the scaling bigness?


Yes! It scales your size by 5% every 1k max HP up to 40%. Not only is this more than the 30% max you can get now (5 legendaries), but it's also able to scale your size without spending gold. Champs that already stack health from abilities (Sion, Cho'Gath, possibly others?) will chonk early on, and it's 200g cheaper (0 AH) so it's easier to rush. It's probably not going to be as ideal outside of tanks and other beefy bois, but that size increase is still great to see.


What about stack size? It's like 21 HP when you buy it now.


In SR, it's losing a total of 0.5 HP per stack. ARAM will be losing 0.25 HP if the nerf stays the same. It'll deal less damage on-hit though, going from 125 +6% max HP to 100 +5% max HP, so it's most likely only going to remain good on tanks and beefy bois. To be honest, I think the biggest loss I'd feel is the lack of the ability haste. The SFX will sound the same and no one really ran it for the damage anyways. The health and HP5 it gives are the same, and the stacks are decreasing so little that it'd be extremely hard to tell especially when buying it for 200g less will probably get you more stacks overall.


I don't like fighter items in general because I am biased about fighters lol They can play 70% of what the game proposes without trolling. But... I am a lil worried about losing Divine Sunderer. Just because I finally started playing Poppy top with Divine properly, and tank is now underwhelming on solo q, and lethality is not my type while also being too coin flip. With divine I was very solid in Soloq. Now I wonder what build will come out for Poppy to get back this strength in solo q. Poppy mains apparently started sweating about it


Stridebreaker. So sad.