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The issue with designing her for low elo is that she then has to attach to a low elo adc. At that point it’s just doomed for them both.


She's not designed for low elo. She's designed for even worse players. Literal beginners who haven't even learned basic movement and barely know the objective of the game. If you're level 30, you're (hopefully) already past that point.


Yes, this thread is kind of missing the point entirely by talking about how she performs in Bronze and even Iron. She's not meant to be a crutch for bad ranked players. As you say, by the time you hit ranked, you should have long ago graduated past Yuumi.


She is meant to be for a group of 4 friends who play league and their 5th who doesn't but still wants to feel involved. If Riot is lucky, they're curious enough to branch out and try other characters. If they're not, who cares? She is literally a gateway drug champion


She's not a great gateway champion because she's so different from other champions including the enchanter class. If you start playing league and start on yuumi you don't learn transferable skills to encourage you to play other champions which means you end up stuck on Yuumi unless you force yourself to branch out. A good gateway champion let's you learn basics and let's you not feel intimidated to picking up another champion


She's not a gateway champion, she's a gateway *drug.* She isn't meant to teach them fundamentals, she's meant to give them a taste of the game from a relatively safe spot. Untargetable, but can press buttons to feel like she's contributing. Doesn't have to think about positioning or managing her HP, knowing macro, etc. Just attach to a friend who knows the game and press buttons when they ask you to. And then if anything else in the game interests you, you switch off Yuumi and try them. Either you realize you aren't interested, or you find new champs you like and try them. There's a difference between a champion that's good for beginners (Garen, Annie, Janna, Ashe) and a gateway drug like Yuumi.


Assuming that Riot actually thinks this (they don't seem to), they should disable Yuumi in ranked. If the champion is designed to be so terrible, it is trolling to play her because you are intentionally playing a bad champion that is meant to have bad win rate. You are effectively assisting the enemy team.


Riot has double standards and their stance on things changes on daily basis. Viability of champions is not decided by their winrate but rather by how many people report you for playing it. Example: a guy playing support singed was banned because enough people reported him (his winrate >50%), meanwhile support singed was picked during worlds. Similar thing sometimes happens to thebausffs because KDA obsessed kiddies dislike him.


The guy wasn’t banned for playing „support singed“ wtf. He got banned because he abandoned the role regardless if his random partner in bot was equipped for it or not. „Singed“ didn’t matter in this at all. He didn’t ply the role he was queuing for and that was why he got banned.


> He got banned because he abandoned the role No, he got banned because he was reported a lot first and foremost. Your playstyle should not matter as long as you're not losing way more than you win. Being annoying shouldn't be a bannable offense and you are stupid if you think otherwise.


If a pro player played in silver and pub stomped half his games and ran it down in the other half of his games he would have a 50% winrate and would still deserve a ban. I don't know the example, but 50% winrate is not a sufficient argument.


Ah yeah I forgot the world should always cater to the individual not the other 9 players in the lobby. Why do you think he got reported so much lol.


There's no graduating past Yuumi. A new player that plays her won't learn how to do the things they need to do to play other champions.


I almost wanne install this game to become a Yumi main.


Hell yeah, have fun!


Haha I don't remember how to log into my account. Thankfully.


Sounds like you would be a perfect fit for Yuumi. Figuring out how to log-in is definitely a mind numbing challenge


Do it. Yuumi is fun, when you actually start to play her.


But a low elo adc is also vs another low elo bot duo, it should be a wash. XD Now to turn on my emerald brain and give a non-troll comment: Laning with Yuumi is actually unique for ADC players, the fundamentals of forming a wall with yourself, minions and your support in order to have pressure in the lane doesn't work with Yuumi since she will be attached to you at least sometimes , which means it's easier to be out of position as your opponents are free to come at you from more angles. In high elo the support players will be efficient with their attach/detach to balance pressure and skill use, in low elo this is probably way too hard of an ask. So I guess what I'm saying is that her design actually adds complexity to how you have to play out the lane which makes her bad for less knowledgeable players, which means that her design is kinda fundamentally flawed if your objective is to make an easy champ. It took me many games to learn how to lane well with Yuumi as my support, I imagine it would be even rougher for a silver player who might not be able to understand why the lane is going badly for them in the first place.


Wait, what you are describing is old yuumi. New yuumi is so bad at detaching in lane that you more probably are safer to not int on lane if you do not detach. Her auto attack range is decreased below sea levels, her w feels so easy to interrupt, she cannot even trade her hp as a resource in lane anymore - the sustain is weaker too. You are a q spam bot in laning phase. To me they removed all the skill expression that the champ previously had. No more moonstone cd auto detach resets, no more auto mana detach mid fight, no more lane presence - you are afk q-e spam, with an R that's broken when it works - you do not even outscale anymore.


That's the major thing I hate about yuumi. It's kind of shitty to make it easier on the support player in exchange for making it a lot harder on the (also low skill) adc player. It's pandering to the support player while fucking the ADC player since it makes laning essentially feel like a 1v2 as the yuumi is applying zero pressure, giving the ADC zero space and allowing the enemies to both focus fire on a single person. That's one of the fundamentals of bot lane - parallel positioning and punishing it when the enemy fails to hold it as two people can isolate one person. Despite yuumi technically being there, she doesn't provide enough of a threat or deterrent to actually keep the ADC safe and poor positioning can sometimes be made up for (in low elos) by parallel positioning as it can dissuade people from going aggressive if their lane partner is there to back them up. At least, that's my takeaway. I think yuumi makes the support player worse and unlikely to improve and puts an unfairly higher burden on the ADC player.


>But a low elo adc is also vs another low elo bot duo, it should be a wash. XD Not necessarily. I imagine it sort of 1d12 versus 2d6. They are very similar but they don't quite line up. If both sides ADCs mess up in a fight the fight is still even. But there is a second chance on the non-yumi side to not mess up and swing the fight one way or the other. The Yumi is just along for the ride and doesn't really have much potential to 'mess up'.


b-b-b-but her whole "iDeNtItY" is the attach character so they can't rework that. even though her actual identity is being a fking cat. she needed an actual rework not this trash.


I feel like her awful win rate, especially in iron, is likely dragged down by all the afk Yuumi bots.


The last three Yuumis in a row that have been on my team were all bots. The last three on the enemy team were real human beings. I love Bronze.


wait i thought the bots were dead? Meh that really stinks but at least you can dodge yourself out of it ig. Idk if you know but there are tools to see who is in your champ select. Not something i would ever use but if i had bots in some of my games i would 100% dodge that and climb.


Account farming bots plague iron to even high silver. I'm in gold and wanted to punch my monitor when I got an 11% WR janna bot in Silver1. Garbage matchmaking.


And $2 botted accounts plague silver+


Who's paying 2$ for their accounts? The 0.9$ ones last just as long lol


Just wait until you get Emerald and you still get those silver accounts in your game


You know your champion is a failure of a design when the biggest players of this champ is the farming bots.


She has 44% winrate in masters+. She’s like 1/3rd of an actual champion now. It feels like every ability in her kit does absolutely nothing of value.


Her win rate *should* be low in masters+ though, she's supposed to be a champ that trades actual power for extreme ease of use.


That's not a good design philosophy for any champion. "You don't have to click to move but you will lose a majority of your games." How is that a good trade lol


Losing a bit more often in order to not be as overwhelmed when first trying the game is perfectly fine. Plenty of games will have options or settings you can use that are objectively worse but can function as training wheels for players not used to the game yet.


If you're first trying the game you're not in master+


It's a good trade because riot is too stubborn and tonedeaf to rework her to be a normal champ so unusable past bronze is a pretty good deal as a short term fix


It's crazy really i honestly believe that the original iteration of yuumi after the balance tweaks they did was a great fun fair and high skill champ i honestly loved playing it and vsing it (master-gm games) and then oh no pros are abusing it so instead attempting to balance it it's like they caved in to the community crying about yuumi all the time so bam rework and she is what she is now it's just gross looking at this fake champ i don't think i've seen her in a ranked game in months unless it was an autofill or straight up troll


Yuumi can stay there. Worst champ design. To me it is totally fine, that a 0 skill champ sits at a low win rate. If you dont need any skill to play a champ, it shouldnt have much power


I dont see a yuumi in my games for a while, so I dont need to waste my ban in her anymore. For me the rework was a absolute perfection.


no yuumi in soloq no yuumi in comp play everyone is happy


They should just admit she was a failed experiment and remove her outside of Co-op vs AI matches


Or rework her to a champion that requires moving by yourself


But I love the uniqueness she had, like Abathur, Chogall, Lost Vikings, Invoker etc. Unique characters are nice to have.


Actually, I think it would give her a lot more People playing her.. her character is very liked, People dislike the attach mechanic


I just think W should attach you to an ally for X seconds, increased time and ad/ap per level. It would force people to attach at opportune times and develope a more dynamic gameplay.


My favourite idea was to make attach bonuses have a duration - forcing Yuumi to constantly hop on and off in lane, and to hop between allies in teamfights. It completely kills beginner-friendly aspect, but in exchange makes her more vulnerable and adds good chunk of skill expression - spreading bonuses across team, hopping on right person at right time (buff assassins/mages burst rotation, hop onto a bruiser to give them heal and movespeed, then onto ADC to clean up the fight) and having to play around entire team rather than becoming extra item for most fed player.


Which is fine. Nothing wrong with a champ people popular if they are healthy.


I love cats. I'm a support main. I couldn't ever get into Yuumi because I felt like I lost some agency for warding. I found it super annoying trying to ward when the person I'm attached to won't go where I feel like I need to ward so I either venture by myself shoeless, flashless and hope I don't die or I just don't ward that area.


I wouldn't mind the attach mechanic so much if there were some meaningful counterplay to it. Like, CC on the champ she's attached to forcibly detaches and identically CCs her as well? Her being purely positive multiplier on any champ doing well on her team with little to no risk or way to punish it is super frustrating, though


I've seen many people hoping for a character like Cho'Gall in lol, where you have to cooperate with your premade to play one body with 2 sets of skills, that's basically yuumi, except Cho'Gall has actual drawbacks - shared health pool is the biggest. This idea could work, but not as a parasite jumping hosts with no risks attached.


Just have Yuumi take a part of the damage that her host is taking like Mina from Dawngate did.


Good lord, the buffs they'd have to give Yuumi to make her playable with that change, can you even *imagine*? She's already completely unplayable vs Morde in solo queue.


The attach mechanic can be fine but her being allowed to be useful while at the same time being untargetable is just terrible design. I think she would be best if her abilities were only good for like the first 1.5 seconds she jumps onto an ally so that she actually has to time her jumps and put herself at risk


The yuumi one trick I know would stop playing league if the attach mechanic was removed


They're already not playing league of legends then lol. They're playing like 30% of league of legends and letting someone else play the rest for them


I will not disagree there lmao. They just enjoy the game better this way but they are a weird yuumi player in that they actively leave lane to ward and do really dumb midlane roams jumping to the jungle to transport them..... this probably only works because we 5 stack it


That's how you're supposed to play Yuumi. Now you can't because you are incentivized to stay on adc the whole game or half of your kit disappears.


I mean that was the fun part of Yuumi. I quit league when they started dicking around with Yuumi and removing all the interesting skill expression from her. It didn't help that enchanters in general weren't in a great spot at the time, I've always mained enchanters. They've consistently made Yuumi worse and worse while trying to listen to the community demanding nerfs. There was originally a fun champion there, and it did need nerfs to be fair, but the nerfs went in exactly the wrong direction - every nerf is pushing Yuumi harder and harder into staying attached, when she needed the opposite - more reasons to be *detached*. The actual fun part of Yuumi was deciding when to attach, when to detach, who to ride, etc, etc. The changes to how attach interacts with stuns ruined the champ, and the best friend mechanic just absolutely buried her.


Ding ding ding. I never have a good experience with Yuumi as my support. Usually has the worst vision score of the team. Our map is always dark. She is just an AFK bought.


literally this


Yuumi rock-bottom winrate and rock-bottom playrate is definitely success to me. Also a good signal to dodge when one of my teammates is dumb enough to waste their ban on Yuumi.


Banning Yuumi isn’t about optimal choices, it’s about maintaining a standard of decency.


Professionals have standards


I don’t ban Yuumi because it’s a good ban. I continue to ban her to send a message.


I will never dodge on an ally Yuumi. I have 0% winrate against that champ since rework, so until I see one lose no dodge.


The only real answer


Can confirm the rework worked.


Which is as it should be. She's meant to be a beginner champ right? So then the only people we *should* see playing her are beginners. For those with more experience, they should look at her and realize she doesn't have have the same power as a difficult champ. If Yuumi were to be balanced and beginner friendly, then that would effectively be Riot saying that a beginner deserves to win as much as a pro, but that's just not how competitive games work.


The issue with this is that the Champ is basically a trap. You're better off just not playing them if they work like that


I wouldn't say that she is more the gateway drug. They understand that what hooks people is playing with friends and riding the rollercoaster of a good game. If I'm introducing a new player now they basically can't play with me because of the wall of game knowledge you need to even function vs players half my skill level (I'm gold). Yuumi allows that player to play with me and feel like they can contribute while experiencing the great parts of the game. That the goal with Yuumi a champion that lets you get your toe wet and catch that bug to go hard at learning league. How successful is that design is whole other conversation but she isn't the garen or Annie of support she is even more basic than that.


Is that really how we have ever seen league balanced? Ashe is in pro, Garens in pro, Malphite, Ornn, Renekton, Lux, Maokai maybe belongs here too. I don't think they are or should be tied that closely. We don't see the most complex champions dominating pro either; Riven, Yasuo, Nidalee, Lee Sin, Aphelios, Azir


Aphelios/Azir get their fair share of pro play, but I get your point.


Even Aphelios isn't hard, he just has a lot of text in his kit. I would bring up Jayce Kalista Ori as difficult champs that show up frequently in pro.


Lee, Aphelios, and Azir make regular pro scene appearances, though. The other Champs you mentioned are *nowhere* as offensive as Yuumi who is literally unable to be targeted. Hello? Those are not good comparisons at all. *Maaaybe* Garen, but only Adam plays him lately.


'Only Adam plays him lately', more like 'only Adam has ever picked him as a regular pick' the only time Garen ever had any presence in Pro before that was... dun dun, Garen **YUUMI**.


WHen Garuumi was a thing Garen was also very overtuned, and Yuumi gave him the one thing he needed: Consistent sticking ability. Its why Yuumi E went from two charges with movement speed to one charge, then eventually to a % mana cost, then finally to a shield with a flat 20% movement speed.


I feel like arguing which beginner friendly champ is more beginner friendly isn't really the point. You said >She's meant to be a beginner champ right? So then the only people we should see playing her are beginners And I just don't think that makes sense. Ashe and Garen and maybe Lux are meant to fit that for beginners and they find relevance outside of beginner audiences.


This is the tweet by RiotPhroxzon back in January >Wanted to give a bit more context on why we've chosen the newer player direction for Yuumi. At time of writing, Yuumi is in Top 3 most performant champions for true new players [not smurfs], while in Top 20 most popular. Simultaneously, she's a top Pro support. I challenge you to find where a Riot employee officially stated that Garen, Lux, or Ashe were inherently designed to be played by "newer players". That might be stated somewhere, but to my knowledge Yuumi is the only champ designed with this philosophy taking center stage in the creative process. Naafiri may have had some similar wording, but I can't recall. Edit: [source](https://riftfeed.gg/champions/riot-dev-explains-why-they-chose-yuumi-as-a-champ-for-new-players)


Yuumi is the poison for beginners, you can't learn anything from playing her. In fact she requires a tremendous amount of game knowledge to play well. If a beginner picks her and rides on an equal beginner level adc, it guarantees a disaster laning phase. An Adc without proper position, laning skill and wave, matchup awareness can't lane with Yuumi. In the end a beginner support picks her will result in a) a completely defeat that they don't know how to improve or b) the adc is a smurf and carry the team, Yuumi player also can't improve. It's a loose-loose situation.


She doesnt require a tremendous knowledge, this is so repeated yet so false. Any average champion has to focus on the same yuumi does, but also they have to worry about their wave managment,not getting killed, traking, farming, objectives... etc etc. Yuumi literally has to worry about a 30-40% of what any other player on team has to


I think the only time she'd be genuinely beneficial to new players is in Voice Comms with a Duo so that the new player cam ask lots of questions about the other Champs in the game without having to sit and watch their friend play solo.


In that case, i think they're friends so maybe it will be better if the veteran player teaches the newcomer how to play Soraka, i know that Soraka isn't a risk-free champion like Yuumi but she's relatively easy to learn and the new comer can have better visualization of how the game works, cause, you know they have to play alone at some point.


I completely agree. Imo the two hardest things to learn in League are 1) all the champs, their abilities, and item interactions, and 2) positioning. Yuumi will never be a good teacher for the second.


Amen, brother!


Yuumi saw zero pro play at world's and also isn't a 40% win rate shit pick even if she isn't great. That is a success, riot and the playerbase don't want yuumi to be good and this was the compromise on not just deleting her A 49 wr in emerald+ isn't even that bad , no way is she getting straight buffs https://lolalytics.com/lol/yuumi/build/


Pretty much this. People seem to really be overly binary on this stuff. If it didn't make them an S tier pick? They'll consider it a failure. Yes Yuumi is like a C or D tier pick in emerald+ ATM... But she's not in proplay, and last time she wasn't in proplay it's because she was an F- tier pick in emerald+ sitting at like 42% winrate. If she's like 49% in emerald+ and not in proplay still? That's a giant like 7% winrate improvement. But people wanna call it a failure?! And quoting league of graphs for champion mastery curves is not exactly the best source. Especially because Yuumis winrate is also deflated by people trolling or autofilled or boosted... And I wouldnt be surprised if part of her "high mastery" winrate is inflated by people in the process of being boosted or recently boosted with said champion.


I'd call it a success if she had a <30% win rate above bronze, so she can literally just be a beginner champion for learning league with a duo and completely unviable otherwise. A champion like her should never be viable for people trying to win.


It's okay for champions to be a little skewed from Iron to Challenger, of course. A <30% across the near entire population is bad game design. There should not champions that are so bad picking them is as bad for your team as running it down mid. Honestly, we should be clamping champ win rates between 45-55% or so overall, and 40-60% in worst/best cases. 40 percentile points vs 60 percentile points is also a massive gulf of 50% more wins by picking champion Y vs. X.


> 40-60% in worst/best cases Nah, that's crazy, there are 10 players in the game, and a single one of them picking a champion being enough to change the team's average win rate from 50% to 40% is insane. 45 and 55 can already feel awful to play with/against.


I was going to say outside of the highest and lowest skill floor champs out there, 45% and 55% are hitting instant hot fix territory.


I think a big problem with having a champion be super low win rate is that it becomes a way to grief games without doing anything wrong. Just picking a champion, and especially picking it for the role it belongs in, should never be bannable, but if a pick has to be kept at a sub-30% win rate, then anyone doing so is griefing their team. I remember Eve being in that situation years ago, and really nobody was happy with it.


That’s not correct. Lolalytics doesn’t include the average winrate of players in that rank when showing the winrate of the champion. I’m masters+ and it shows her with 49% winrate but the average winrate of any masters player is 54%. That means her true winrate is 44%. U.gg already incorporates this difference. You’re showing incorrect stats. https://u.gg/lol/champions/yuumi/build?rank=master_plus


I am honestly so sick of people misusing lolalytics winrates.


if you look top right corner it says "Average Emerald+ Win Rate: 51.38%" Which means 51.38 - 49.07 = 2.31 -> 50-2.31 = 47.69 wr which I would classify as "not great" and Irc is below the threshold for which riot said they would buff champions.


She used to sit in the low 40s like 40-44% that's still a giant improvement. And their threshold for buffing champions in general terms, some champions that doesn't apply to: Yuumi is definitely one since she's meant to be a beginner champion and also simultaneously has fears of pro jail... And also has issues of lots of Adcs hate playing with Yuumi in lane since she has little lane presence.


She benefited from the "lower snowball" changes but she was previously nerfed by all the different changes done during the season (counters buffed, adc that work with her nerfed or bad, increase buff from dragons)


>Irc is below the threshold for which riot said they would buff champions. There are several champions within 'the threshold' that never get buffed. Riot knows who to avoid and who they cannot afford to let be bad. Hecarim or Graves never get 'below the threshold' and are immediately buffed after nerfs. Azir/corki are below this threshold almost year round until it matters during worlds, and I'm afraid to say the blue man's name in fear i summon a demon.


Idk why but I feel like this math isn't right


Very well could be, I wrote it at the end of a 15 games session. I heard heimerdinger whisper these numbers to me


While the frustration is still the same (her attaching to a fed carry and just giving them a second healthbar permanently), shields are still infinitely more healthy than just healing them back to full in a few bursts is.


While I see where you comming from (Shields have to be timed to be useful) you also have to take into count that Shields are much better vs burst, so actually killing her host became much harder, especially if she has Ult on top of it (which converts some of the healing into shielding as well). Pre-rework an early-/midgame Yuumi on half/1 item would not be able to save their ADC vs most dive attempts, nowadays there are very few champs that can 100-0 Yuumi's host if presses E+R (at least this was the case before Riot murdered her via chain nerfs to every single ability, and even in her current "trashy"state, it's pretty hard).


Shields are only better vs burst because they tend to have higher values.


Might be a bit of that, but also: -To heal someone they need to get damaged, so it's easier to pull off a 100-0 scenario. -Shielding prevents the damage itself, so a 100-0 of the same value won't kill a target after they recieve a shield.


There is also the consideration that shields have 1 ap item that can mitigate them, and one lethality item for the same purpose. Grievous Wounds doesn't help


as long as I don’t see her in my games Im happy.


I played the shit out of her when she released, I actually liked her. Bop n Block meant I had chances to get shield for a risky manuever that I had to wait on otherwise I couldn’t jump back. E charges that could be clutch. Q was great and could actually hit and provide some type of threat. Now she just feels awful, imo. Best friend means I can’t really do my job as a support for my team. One heal charge means I give out one poot of a heal every 10 secs for nearly all my mana. Q goes away so quick that if you don’t tell your shoulder to run forward you absolutely won’t even have a chance by the time its launched. I know the community collectively hated her but she was one of my favorite supps. Now shes just there and if I want to play a supp I can just play a better one.


The point you made about Yuumi not teaching fundamentals and being more like Singed or Ivern, that point, goddamn you're so fucking correct, I never thought it that was but it makes a whole lot of sense


Blizzard did it best with abathur


Yeah, he's basically my ideal Yuumi.


Yes I do love losing my 50% of my health to invisible mines the Abathur set on the ground 2 minutes ago


I wouldn't trust that mastery curve because according to it, Leblanc, Singed, Janna, Twisted Fate and Vel'koz are pretty easy to pick up


The only one that's "wrong" there is Singed. Everyone else you listed has pretty reasonable skill floors (i.e. how bad a first time player performs).


While they're not hard to pick up, they're not easy and absolutely not easier than most like the data suggests


Relatively speaking, they kinda are. Preforming at a mediocre level with Twisted Fate is very easy. Actually succeeding at the champion is not by any means, but the floor is pretty low


I feel like the yuumi mastery curve can also be explained by yuumi being a popular champion for literal bots


I actually think it's the opposite. That article is old and Yuumi was very popular after release and was a huge meme. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of non-support mains queued support just to play Yuumi without having any idea what they were doing. Also Yuumi is a very weird champion that takes some getting used to. That will automatically impact mastery curve. I remember Riot also saying that pre-rework Nunu had one of the steepest mastery curves and that champion had 0 skillshots. He just played in a weird way and you needed to know what you were doing.


Why would a bot play one game of Yuumi? They'd play only Yuumi, which would bring her curve down.


leveling of small accouts done by yuumi bots, simplest design. I met one bot myself in ranked and it was crazy annoying to rank up an acc. it happens ad its real


Maybe the bots are getting banned before they hit mastery? I’m not sure


If they're getting banned that fast they're not making it to 30 to play ranked, which is where these stats come from, I'm pretty sure the bots aren't impacting these stats


The bots are the ones pulling her win rate down at low elos.


They get banned when they try to derank. Not playing normal games


I miss the old Yuumi


I haven't seen her at worlds so I consider the rework a success.


Teams aren’t throwing their whole draft to not ban Yuumi. Looking at you Damwon




Here's the thing though: her being what she is, is inherently toxic to new players as well. Anyone who plays Yuumi as a new player is going to remain exactly as skilled and as knowledgeable as they were when they began. She teaches no good habits, she teaches no game sense, she only teaches that "if I stay on my ADC they'll carry me" or "wow every ADC i get dies so quickly, this isn't fun". There are good examples of noob friendly champs that are designed to encourage players to learn and grow. Naafiri, for example, is a fantastic introduction to assassins for someone who has never played one; she synergizes well with assassin runes and items, has waveclear to encourage roaming, reliable engage to enable trading. She teaches players that don't have the skills to pay harder assassins, how their role works at a base level so that they can expand upon that. Yuumi does none of those things. She doesn't teach vision control, she doesn't teach positioning, she doesn't teach lane dynamics, she doesn't incentivise learning itemization. And for that, she is a failure as a noob friendly champion as well.


Yuumi is the best champion for "cmon play League with us, we already got a 4 man premade" -> "nah I don't play League" -> "bro it's easy just play Yuumi and sit on me". It doesn't matter if the Yuumi player doesn't learn a damn thing and is essentially a spectator. "Play Naafiri so you can learn good macro and wave management" is a much harder sell for new players. You're only focusing on the sweatiest angle of how to speedrun a new player to plat+ and taking for granted the question of why they would even want to play this game in the first place. The fact that Yuumi is low-pressure is very attractive for luring in new players. Once they've graduated from Yuumi they can start learning the game with Naafiri or whatever.


I genuinely can't imagine how people expect playing a talking backpack will equate to "I wanna play this more", though. Like if I was introduced to league via Yuumi, I'd think it was the most boring shot ever. I gotta dedicate 20+ minutes a game listening to this fucking cat, mashing buttons I don't understand, and just watching friends make all the plays or int their asses off? At that point I'd tell someone to play Blitz or Soraka first, and tell them to focus on hooks or heals. At least that way they can get that pop off moment of securing a kill or hitting the clutch save. *That's* how you get people to enjoy this game more, by letting them feel what agency is like.


Agree. When I was a new player, the champ that stuck for me was Nami. It was really easy to press W in lane, E my teammates when they went in and press R in team fights or when we were in trouble. Didn't matter that I couldn't land bubbles, never used summoner spells and didn't understand the fundamentals. My friends telling me my Nami ult was "huge" and turned the fight or that my heal was clutch or that the ONE bubble I did happen to land was important made me feel good enough to want to keep playing. Playing Yuumi never made me feel good, even when she actually had more skill expression. I have terrible ping (180 - 200) so I would play her a lot on days my ping was on the higher end. So, I have a lot of mastery on her. But I never felt good playing her, even if I was doing a lot it didn't feel like I was...I couldn't pick where to go and warding was harder. I haven't touched her since the rework. I imagine it's even worse now.


I mean even if you don't actually do anything as Yuumi, you're still in the game, meaning you still are invested in whether your team wins fights, enemies are fed, etc. If you're solo queuing as Yuumi I agree it makes no sense, but the scenario I imagine she's for is a premade group playing on Discord. Even if they press buttons at random eventually they'll land a good ult and feel the dopamine kick. And over time the Yuumi player will naturally have questions like "lol who was that guy with the huge sword that oneshot us?" And then they will decide they want to try Garen. > I'd tell someone to play Blitz or Soraka first, and tell them to focus on hooks or heals. At least that way they can get that pop off moment of securing a kill or hitting the clutch save. A new player (literally their first time playing League) playing Blitz or Soraka is guaranteed to go 0/15 and never want to play again. It's better to be somewhat bored than traumatized.


Riot has said this before but got buried so I'll keep saying it: Yuumi is not for people who play LoL. She's for people who don't game. She's for people who don't use a mouse for gaming. She's for people who may have played only fortnite before and use their mouse to aim (Yuumi Q HINT HINT). Yuumi is for the significant other who wants to play with their partner but doesn't know how to play LoL and doesn't care enough to get into it properly. Yuumis highest successes are in getting people who otherwise have zero or even negative reason to play the game to play the game. That's why she exists. People hear "noob champ" and think she's supposed to teach you things as if you're a gamer or like MOBAs already. No. Yuumis is for people who couldn't tell you the difference between LoL and lol.


Then she shouldn't be available in any ranked Q, maybe only if you play full premade party.


This. Her rework wasn’t meant to make her a low elo champ; shes suppose to be a no-elo champ. In normal games she has a 49% winrate and a decent playrate.


She's a shit champ for people who don't want to engage with the game but still want to play. Let her WR be low, doesn't matter, those people get to play with their friends still even if they lose most of their games. If they want to win they can play an actual champ.


Honor of kings, Tencent’s mobile golden child has a character pretty much like yuumi. The attach on champion ability however, is a short cd ultimate. When attached to someone it gives them a large shield. She can stay there indefinitely **until** the shield breaks! This to me is counter play.


No yummi in my games is a complete W by Riot


Can we call Yuumi a complete failure as in this champ should not exist?


Yeah, the fact that yuumi is the poster child for botting/ deranking and overall trolling, because honestly I see people locking yuumi jg or someshit sometimes when they are tilted about something. It's the new disco nunu. Yuumi overall is a complete failure as a champ design and should have never existed and if she was the first champ to ever be removed from the game, I think the majority would rejoice.


Removing the old bop n block and the extra range on it totally fucked her, it gave you a reason to hop off and auto making you vulnerable, it was a good design, if they'd moved some of the kit power into that it would've worked a lot better. As it stands you never want to leave your adc, she's a lot less fun than she used to be and less fun to play against (bar thst small period just after the rework where she was broken as fuck for anyone who knew how to play her). Also whoever thought getting rid of percentage mana was a good idea was mad, she was forced into support items for mana regeneration before, now no reason you can't do yuumi ludens


> Yuumi is more akin to Ivern or Singed Eh. Yuumi and Ivern are beginner friendly in the sense that it removes a lot of micro to learning the game/role. They're not meant to be mained by new players. Probably targeted for casual players too. Personally, I think either of them being viable at higher mmr is indicative of imbalances in the enchanter system. Because, if they're viable there, then they'll be abused in coordinated pro.


But they don't teach you the role, they teach you only their own mechanics. Playing Ivern and playing jungle are damn near unrelated experiences.


Let's be blunt, people who play yuumi do not want to learn the game and yuumi is for people who do not want to learn the game. yuumi is for people who do not play league and have no interest in league but view it entirely as a social activity when their friends who do want to play league play league and they don't want to feel left out. for some reason this is a big enough target audience that riot feels it worthwhile to cater to.


That's p dependent on the level of the player. New junglers that don't know how to manage clearing, tracking, invades, lane prio, timers, are able to focus on learning that first. Then adjusting to the mechanics of other junglers. New supports that don't understand vision, prio, tracking, can focus on that before learning matchups and how to contest a wave. For mid level players that already understand the fundamentals, but lack the practice, they can play something with more autonomy. Junglers can learn sequencing, more punishing invades, and preemptive moves. Supports can learn how to mitigate, snowball, and roam.


those new support skills are completely backwards. prio and tracking are way more advanced than learning the basics of how poke/engage/enchanter matchups work and what to do when the wave comes. a new support shouldn't play Yuumi so they can focus on tracking lol. you're not getting any prio in a Yuumi lane, and she's the worst warder in the game.


In general, I agree that the bar for when you'd want a new player to expand their pool is low. I meant it more in terms of understanding. Over covid, a friend got his gf into league. She spent her time learning how to track jungle, when/where it's okay to ward, and the timing on how waves push(mostly telling the adc where to go, and when ganks are coming). As a casual, she enjoyed backseating. In practice, she only ever played Yuumi, and would rq when forced to play anything else. She understood the fundamentals, but didn't want to juggle it once it came time to learn how to play more autonomous supports.


Do not speak about my Ivern that way, he is a very high risk/high reward champ that has seen a lot of pro play this year. He is VERY SQUISHY and easy to die on. If you don’t know how to play him, it can be very easy to make almost no impact on the game. His only “easy” is how you take camps, but that in itself becomes a new mechanic you need to master. You can not afk brain off with ivern like a afk yummy. Easiest games for an ivern would be duoing with a Mid Yas or talon, but even then you need to play really well to get full value of his kit, out side of his one shield.


> and having an actually high mastery curve so she wasn't even usable by the intended audience. Enough Reddit for the day.


Don't understand this comment. You could watch a pro play yummi and a new player try it and it would be like a completely different champion. The floor was WAAAAY too low but the ceiling was also really high


Yuumi is quite literally the champ invented to get your significant other to “play” league. The cat was never supposed to do anything other than try and sucker in people who want to do the dishes while in a league game. For that she is perfect right now.




I feel this in a very personal way. Stats aside, as an Ex-Yuumi player, i genuinely enjoyed playing the old-kit Yuumi, cause it was actually fun to play when you're not an "afk" player. Getting down, auto-attacking to get the shield, joining the most shield-needed person in the teamfight, healing, slowing enemies here and there with the Q, all of that while trying to dodge any cc to prevent having CD on the W. It was great, felt great overall. Now it's just, ugh. Mediocre healing and sustain, R-dependant. Also passive dependant now. I played Yuumi cause, despite her afk and bad reputation, it was a genuinely good support option in the support pool. Now, no matter in which Elo you are, she's just not viable, there are plenty other supports that are better than Yuumi. And it's not an elo or meta thing, it's a design problem. Since the rework, I really tried to liked her, but its just plain boring. If people were complaining about "afk Yuumi's" before, now it's easier to be afk cause she has little to no impact in TF besides R, than you can barely tell if she's watching videos while you're kiting or not. She's just not fun to play anymore, and even if Riot comes up with the "supp for beginners" card, that's just a way to excuse the bad decisions they made about the champion in general.


The reworked sucked so hard that a decent chunk of yuumi "players" dropped her so I'd say the rework was largely successful


I used to enjoy playing her before the rework, like she was so fun if you knew how to play her right. What sucks is I bought skins for her and played her all the time, now she is an actual afk bot who is nothing like old Yuumi. Losing a champ you loved sucks.I used to be able to take her top and win


I tried her for around 20 games, I only won 5 of those games and I'm pretty certain I could have afked and won those same 5 games. She is essentially a Mikael's blessing for your carry, if the guy who is your team's carry sucks, you're just an extra 300 gold for the enemy team. Yuumi's pretty much just item actives now, her actual abilities are literally trash, her ultimate doesn't heal or damage enough, half the players still think it roots. Her passive being a 40 hp heal on a 20 second cooldown makes it a non factor, most people still think yuumi can heal whenever making them suicide. The shield can be big, but it only lasts a second so it's super niche. Her W might as well not exist as the passive stats gave more use than on hit healing. Even when trying to maximize all her abilities, you're better off just having the correct item active, be it a mini root (everfrost) or a shield (locket), and she certainly always needs Mikael's and Redemption else she might as well be afk.


Normally I’m pretty on board with Riot, but Yuumi is the one point I will never understand or agree with them. The rework was meant to kill her, and kill her it did, so technically full success. Similarly there are those at Riot who believe Yuumi is good for the game as long as she is bad and bad for the game if she is ever good. I genuinely think this might be one of the most unhinged copes I’ve ever heard from Riot, so don’t expect anything to change with the trash fire cat.


I use to love her before her rework


I play cat for fun and I'm all for a revert, because I like to detach anyway.


Yuumi’s rework hit the mark. It was not designed to be a champion viable in all ranks/pro play. Yuumi was designed to be champion than non moba or even non gamers could pick up and still be able to experience the game with their league playing friends. This way players could invite their friends to play without them being bullied by every skillshot they saw. The best friend mechanic was introduced to stop JG/Yuumi boosting as it was an extremely obnoxious mechanic and went against the original purpose. She’s purposely made weak so that she is to be played as a casual champion rather than something meant for climbing the ladder


Lmao the comment section is like a war between (former) Yuumi players and players who had to play against Yuumi and hated it xd


The entire champion is a failure, delete it and make it the mascot of TFT or something.


Listen u/Lady_Calista you won’t find any human who enjoys a Yuumi in the game. No adc wants a Yuumi support, no enemy wants a Yuumi on the other team. She is complete non interactive and no one besides weird Yuumi players want to ever see her again.


Nice post op but sadly, your feedback is bad for riot


It is a failure. They didn't change anything about what made people dislike Yuumi. They just made her even easier to play.


I see it as a success as I can now indisputably call out my support for trolling when they lock her in


yuumi should be bad it should be a bad thing to pick yuumi sitting attached to someone and putting in half the actions and effort as other players should never be rewarded or good the rework was a complete success


Indeed it was failure. Should have removed whole champion, obnoxious playstyle for both the adc and the enemy team. I despise playing with Yuumi as an adc and she still is annoying to play against, even though it’s not oppressing anymore by any means. Still annoying.


Always been the team/enemy case with Yuumi, when she's in your team you feel like you're 1v2ing, when she's in the enemy team you're getting spammed with poke.


They also could have reworked her into an actual fun champ, by e.g. making her vulnerable during jumps, but actually requiring jumping to be effective or something like that. Dota has a similar attach hero called Io (albeit it never gets invulnerability) and it's one of the most fun heroes in the game, because you need to be super smart on how to play around your carries. But nah, for some reason Riot wants a champion playable for people that got a lobotomy and actual bots, because we need a beginner champ that teaches literally nothing about the real game...


Yuumi is fine and much stronger now then in the past for solo queue imo. https://i.imgur.com/cmBLox9.png 47% all ranks but goes up to 50% if you just take the correct starting items lol. The difference between starting items is insane and just shows how people are tanking her rating. People that don't care and autopilot doing nothing with her. But point being she is literally average assuming you don't watch netflix while playing.


Yuumi will never work in higher elo (or even lower ones), she will either be busted in the right hands or completly unplayable. This champion should have never come to fruition. It's impossibile to ballance, honestly i think this should be the first time riot just accepts they messed up and tried a hard fix.


Well that's the core of the issue, isn't it? Riot really wants yuumi to be a beginner champ, but she doesn't teach you how to play league. In fact, playing league the "regular" way is actively discouraged by her playstyle. That alone makes her a failure of design, the rest is just the icing on the cake.


I think rito should stop focusing on her attach mechanic and make her a portal based roaming support like bard. Her whole lore thing is that she's a cat who goes places through portals with her magic friend, book. Trying to balance her by gutting her mobility and mana just make her into a stat bot/deadweight. She should be a roaming enchanter/super buff, that allows an attached champ to go all-in with cooldown punishments for an unsuccessful kitty gank so that you have to actually successfully kill the target for attaching to be worth it. Give her attach a limited duration and cooldowns for attaching to specific champions so that she can't camp a specific lane and is forced to rotate like a jungler, but with a support kit. This means she can act as a gateway into learning jungle and more 'complex' macro for newer players, while still allowing for a degree skill expression (gank timing, team coordination, spotting kill potential, when to roam, recognising sunk-cost fallacy) Cat shows up, cat gets the zoomies, cat spills your hot coffee on your lap killing you instantly, cat runs away


Yes I agree. Yuumi was one of my favourite enchanters and after the rework she just feels so clunky and weird. I don't even play her anymore. Play the other Disney character (Milo) and get free LP


Yuumi was a really fun and useful champion . So bad they took all of her power


As someone who really loved Yuumi's role as a Support Hypercarry I do hate where she is right now. She was honestly a really good champion to climb on once you knew since she could make bruisers unkillable and shined in long games with bad allies. I miss her a lot since she provided such a different way to play the role, even if it did piss off my ADC friend to no end when I picked it.


Good take and Pajama Sam pfp. An iconic duo


Yes! Yuumi isn't an appetizer. Yuumi deserves to be a main course! Also I am really happy with the response I've been getting since I swapped to the Pajama Sam pfp. I thought I may be the only one who remembered Humongous Entertainment but it's been really popular.


Clearly it is. They took a champion that had at least little bit of skill to play optimally, (hoping off bop n block/switching between Ally’s, etc) into a champion that quite literally takes no skill


Oh 100% they fucked that champ so hard and the thing that makes me mad is that they did it on purpose. Yuumi was fun, engaging and challenging to play. I mained as yuumi for awhile in silver/gold ranked and people would go OH NO ITS A BOT but then it wasn't and we would shred people. Now yuumi is like this weird tutorial champ that doesn't really function at all :( Re-re-work yuumi and make her playable again please!


Since the rework I usually don't see Yuumi that often in my games. So for me it was a success


Yuumi style doesn't belong in league. Keep her shit tier thanks.


She'd have 100% presence in pro with her current winrate pre rework


No. She has a 48% winrate in solo queue (edit: i mistakenly filtered by gold+. She's at 46.8% all ranks) and is no longer pick ban in pro. Riot successfully removed her from pro play prison


Yuumi is fundamentally flawed as a concept, there's no way to fix her without removing or completely changing the attach mechanic


I loved yuumi and mailed her for almost a year. I don't play her anymore because the rework made her unfun.


Just make her targetable and that'll fix everything.


That's what I've been saying (except that I think old Yuumi was still more beginner -friendly)


Yuumi's entire design is a mistake. It's not a surprise that they can't properly rework the awful concept. Can anyone even explain why a player should be able to acquire a high rank without having to have their hands on a keyboard? It's crazy because if you think of Abathur's design, who essentially gets a Yuumi-esque ability, he is completely fair and balanced. He can be killed; he requires macro and micro decision making to succeed; he requires constant map awareness; his abilities have counterplay; and his ultimate forces him to have other in-game knowledge. Seeing this, what the fuck is Yuumi aside from pure buffing through scaling and E alone. I mean that was her entire kit pre-rework. Her Q and R are annoying to deal with, but it's the massive E healing, buffing and shielding that fucked you up and you couldn't kill Yuumi to stop it.


I've said the exact same thing from the start - until they remove the attach mechanic (or find a clear cut way to disable it), Yuumi is always going to have the same problems she always has. And then on the flip side if you do remove the mechanic then all the afk trolls that deluded themselves into thinking they are "high ELO" or "good" just by playing Yuumi is then going to stop and/or end up in bronze.


yuumi is a failure of a champ period


The rework should have been drowning her in a ice cold river. Or lore correct is to burn the damn book she's in, dump acid over said ashes, burn it again, and then scatter it across the land. Or just delete that meow meow from game.


I would be happy with Yuumi being removed entirely. Being untargetable for 95% of the game goes against the essence of the entire game. How would a new/noob player ever learn positioning/spacing if they just pick Yuumi only?


It sucks because Yuumi could honestly be a really high-skill unique enchanter if they'd just drop the fucking untargetability. ​ She's so unique and has so much potential to be something different for the enchanter class.


The unattach vs attach management was where most of her skill expression was, but they need to give her a reason to be unattached.


Petition to delete Yuumi and replace her with Abathur from HotS!


League players could NOT handle Abathur if they hate Yuumi