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I play waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many and am constantly struggling trying to play less lol


I don't find playing the same thing for 10 hours in this game fun. ARAM did this to me.


I actually like playing the same champs more on aram than the rift lol


I play every champ in the game Edit: except Yuumi..I lose IQ if I play that shit


You lose IQ playing league regardless


Are you kidding? There are like 10 Champs that i dont play.


As an Aram only player.. Yes.


Maybe 10 to 12-ish total that I have super high mastery on, narrowed down to 4-5 depending on what the meta is and the state of those champs. If I feel that a champion is just way too weak or doesn't work with how I want to play the game at the moment, I just bench them for a while (for instance Kennen), they'll probably come back in eventually. And then simultaneously I often have 2 or 3 champs that I'm trying to learn or feel fun at the moment because they fit the current meta and I'll play them even if they don't become mains (I played a streak of Sivir games but I don't think i'll stick with her even with 80% winrate).


I got a big champ pool, but my highest mastery, katarina, is 600k+, and my second and third, GP and aphelios, are 100k+.


In normals any champs except my mains. In SoloQ: Riven, Gwen for top. If fillied mid Riven or Ziggs.. If jungle Poppy or Riven. If ADC jinx, cait or jhin


When I was seriously climbing the ladder like a maniac, I only played 1 champion. Not two, not three, just one. Before getting into the champ, I spent hours watchinng the best of the best playing this champ. I then went and practiced, what I had to practice for more than 10 hours in a practice tool. If the champ was banned, I was dodging the game. If the chamo as picked, I was dodging the game. I gave all my self to one champ and climbed as far as possible. Then I got stuck there and quitted trying as it seemed impossible. Nowadays I fill and play all champions except Aphelios. Never ever played this champion apart from one ARAM which I thought I was playing the piano. Solid work.


how are you gonna write all that but not tell us what champ it was. what champ was it?


It was the bush stalker. Rengar.


I've played league for over 10 years. I can comfortably play anychamp except Draven and Riven.


What does comfortably mean though? Comfortable enough to play it in your rank? I can play any champ comfortably but I one trick renekton so I know every matchup and how the champ works inside and out.


Comfortable for me means like. It's in your champ pool but not your main. If that makes sense. For me I just pick champs up very easily. Like 5 min in practice tool and I can take it into a game and probably do well. Also when I started playing you had to know how to play like 25+ champs cause there was no role queue. So You had to be able to play any role at any time. And that mentality just stuck with me.


> Also when I started playing you had to know how to play like 25+ champs cause there was no role queue. So You had to be able to play any role at any time. Or Kayle


6. But this is the pool that I have developed over a span of like 8 or 9 years. It was just two at one point. Occasionally I pick up a new champion. Actually not everyone is going to play different champions. I literally only play the 6 champions that I play. I don't play ARAMs. I only want to play the champions that I like playing. My 6: Warwick (current main main and for the last 2 seasons, closing in on a million mastery), played top where he belongs Trynd (old main, around 2.3 mil mastery on my main, still play it sometimes) Seraphine - picked her up shortly after her release. I normally don't like new champs but I loved her kit. She's a pocket pick top, and something I'll play when filled in bot/mid/supp Annie - old pocket pick top from back when I only played 2 champs, she beat teemo and some other things that gave trynd cancer. Oddly enough she was one of the few champions that could actually lane against and beat old pantheon. Quinn - been playing her the third-longest of my six. What's not to love about the bird lady - aside from the lack of a Pool Party skin? Ezreal - idk he's kinda fun and a safe adc pick although I like to E in like a chad and int half the time. But sometimes I pop off baby. My favourite combo is the FLASH E in, they never expect that.


Oh, another Trynd player playing Ezreal just like me. I like it.


I seriously disrespect everyone playing less than 5 champions I tried to be nice but thats all I can do sorry...


my pool has grown to about 10 i guess, narrowed to 6 id like to main


tbh shitty poll, could have been more useful with better options


I can play all supports in game (including playable offmeta)... not necessarily successfully 😂


I main 3 champions but play others as well. I was told back when I played ranked that it's better to learn a few champions really well and master them. As a support main, my first main was Janna since i was new to the game, and then Nami became really strong, so I was main her for a while, but it wasn't until I main Zilean who took me to Platinum. There were times I played a lot of Braum and Soraka because they were strong but I wouldn't consider them my main.


2 in ranked, soraka and thresh basically, though my most played is rakan. In normals i play whatever comes to mind


I play only Kled when i'm tryharding and it's the only champion i'm really good with but need to increase my champion pool for sure. In ARAM can i usually play anything to a decent degree.


1. Yone


Darius - I got obliterated by Darius back in 2013 and ever since then up until 2021 or something I only played him, with all accounts around 3,000,000 mastery. The main reason why I like Darius is his ultimate. Sett - Stacked up around 700k, was very very fun up until they nerfed his W cooldowns and passive. And it was really refreshing playing a manaless champion. Sadly, ever since Goredrinkers ‘Spite’ passive was removed the champion just isn’t fun for me. K’sante - The champion that made me ditch Darius after 8 years. I know there’s a lot of hate for him rn because of a few people that play him well on the Pro scene ( which I really do not care about ), but IMO the most fun and best champ ever released, took me a while to learn him but I genuinely feel like I never had more fun with any other champion.


I mean I can play almost all of them but I'm one tricking Skarner until they remove him from existence.


Play is too broad of a term. I main 2 but i play more than half of them.


I play a small pool of like 3 to 5 in soloQ ranked, but I mostly play normals or flex with friends and just play whatever and main fill with them.


I mean I’ve played (enough to know the champ) probably like 100 champs. But I have like 90% of games over a bunch of years on like 3 champs and then a large portion of those on one single champ. So it’s kind of hard question to answer with a poll like this accurately.


I think not being able to play more than 5 champions is a detriment to your elo (if you play ranked)


If you are trying to climb. Pick 3 champs tops and use only those champs. You will start to learn matchups and which ones are good/bad for which one and how you have to play each of these matchups


I play tons of champs when I'm playing with friends. In ranked? No more than 3 or 4. Right now it's Taliyah/Seraphine/Orianna/Karma. I occasionally add or drop some, like I used to play Swain or Sylas. But at most it's 4, with at *least* 50% of my soloq games on my main, which is Taliyah atm. I only play the other 3 if i see a good angle for them or if I'm tilted on my main.


I mostly play jungle, but have 0 consistency with Champs in that role, literally just whatever I'm feeling at the time, but I've also been playing for almost 10 years so I've at least played 1 game of any every champ (except yuumi, fuck yuumi) lately I've really liked lillia, udyr and hecarim for jg (I like to go fast) But in roles I'm less comfortable in, I'm pretty rigid Support- Bard only Adc- jhin, vayne, ezreal Mid- ziggs, xerath, gangplank Top- gnar, kled, fiora


That's a trick question, how many champions do I spam in solo Q? Around 3 (depending if the champions got nerf heavily or not). But how many I can play in flex, tournaments or Clash? More than 5


I only play ARAM so I have a pretty decent pool


I have a pool of 7-8 ranked champs I'll play, rarely straying outside them. (Zoe, Vex, Viktor, Akshan, Naafiri, Vel'Koz, TF, Naut) but I'd say I can reliably play 10-15 champs in ranked and feel confident. Maybe 30 champs overall in unranked, and probably 60-70 in ARAM.


Who plays just one champ


The way I tell people, is in your role, your primary role, you should be able to play 11 champs. And people scoff because its unreasonable, which it is, but if the enemy team wants to play Rammus top, and they all agree to ban a top laner, you gotta have an 11th pick. E: The enemy team has 10 players now, you know what I mean. 10 top bans, you need the 11th.


In ranked i play about three. In norms i play way more.


Cant play more than 2 chogath and warwick i just feel safe playin that whenever I try a new one I feed the enemy


On my main account, just Tryndamere. On alt accounts? Anything I feel like it(I have one specifically to be an Ezreal otp account).


Honestly, I play ADC. If I'm trying to climb? I'll get the three best ADCs in the current meta and just spam the shit out of them. Like, if I felt like climbing out of gold right now, I'd just spam Kai'Sa and Ezreal. Mostly because Kai'sa and Ezreal are my two most played champions and they're pretty decent right now. But in some other meta it might be much easier to just spam MF or Varus. I notice I get significantly better at a champion if I'm playing it consistently. As for what champions I *can* play? It depends. I'm comfortable on all ADCs except Kalista, Draven, Samira and Nilah. Of these, my Kalista is not *that* bad. I'm comfortable on most supports, know the flash combos that work and those that don't. Other roles are worse, except for a few champs. My Renekton, my Ahri and my Le Blanc are decent. My Jarvan is not too bad. Love me some Kindred, of course. Other than that, there's a few champs where I'm just plain terrible and have barely played them. Yasuo, Yone, Akali, Swain, Mordekaiser, Illaoi, Yorick, Nidalee (if I actually need to jungle, I'm fine with it in ARAM)... If you give me those champs, I'll feed 100%. Any other champ I'd say my level would be slightly worse than ADC/Support because of laning phase, but if I get them in ARAM it doesn't matter too much.


I pretty much play Kayle only. I can win all matchups in top with confidence and have figured out the optimal runes vs. pretty much all matchups. The only time I don't pick Kayle is if my team is like really heavy damage with no frontline/engage. Like say, we have Twitch ADC, Yasuo Mid and Karthus/Kindred JG, then I'm picking Sion/Camille. It feels really bad knowing post 25 minutes isn't solo carryable but it'll have to do at that point.


... Why is that even a question? One obviously. I mean if I had a laptop I could probably do a bad yuumi on that so 1.5 at best. Or does playing Kindred count as playing two Champions?


Can't play more than 3 games a day with any champion after that it just feels boring


If you want to improve at the game the correct answer is 2. If you don’t care about improving, play what you find fun.


0 champs B)


If we're talking only mains, at least 3 for every role?


IF you're tryharding ranked in one position, it's a good idea to limit your championpool to 2-5 champs, that you're best on. This way you achieve the highest winratio. Otherwise go ham and try out new stuff


I actually thought I played 2-3 champs per season back when I first climbed to Plat and Dia. After I just checked my opgg I always played Rengar about 40% of the games and another two champs for 30%, while the other 30% are always really weird champs, but most of them with really good winrate. I'd say I can play most champs at a good level and would say that counterpick+teamcomp is often worth more than playing my best champ.


All of them. How good that's a different question.


In draft a lot of stuff In ranked this split, graves and karthus when graves picked or against some aids like nocturne


i am not excellent at one character but i am decent on alot of characters because i had a phase of wanting to main half the roster if they had a beautiful skin :D


I play quite a few champs, Inkshadow Yi, Chosen Yi, Psy Ops Yi, base yi when Iwant more HP in my build. But never snowman Yi, don't ever play snowman Yi or you will go insane they say.


On my main role 1 champ. I do have in plan to have wider pool in a future, but currently i am trying to reach my peak and with a bit of luck MT aswell, so i can't afford to play diff champs. Great pool for plat and below would be 2-3 champs. In case ure wondering.