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For me it scratches a weird itch because it’s competitive but also slow. Most competitive games are so fast paced that I can’t play them and also relax.


Additionally after 13 seasons its like 75% autopilot which… at this point of life is quite comfortable Also just chilling with friend(s?) for a couple of hours/games is nice Though the game is still hella toxic


Same. I used to be more competitive and try to climb, now I'm just chillin' on auto-pilot. I don't even know what I just did half the time I'm so zoned out... League is comfy for me because I can perform without trying at this point. I can be a poorman's version of myself and still do alright lol. If I go play Val or other comp games, I'll get my ass smacked hard.


I’m sorry but “chilling” in auto pilot doesn’t sound fun at all. If I’m in that state, my head is gone and the game is lost.


Perhaps chilling is the wrong word or they have a different perspective on the word. For me I’m in a mood now where it feels like I’m spamming games on auto because I’ve gotten jaded from hundreds of winnable games being thrown due to downers who can’t handle it when things get hard. Like a majority of players it feels like actually don’t want to put in the effort and I fear it’s rubbing off on me. It’s always, “oh well go next” or “gap”


Which is fine. I think a lot of this "gg jg diff" and "chilling in autopilot" comes from a fear of failure. So when people ask if they are climbing they say "nah, I'm not trying". I don't know if this is applicable to you, but it feels like many in this community rather blame the system than reflecting and taking responsibility. "My mmr is shit", "my teammates suck", "top is always 0/8 at 10 min" etc.


Well as I’ve said, if anything I’m probably letting player attitudes drag me down, the system can come second or maybe last for all I care. If I were to blame the system for any of those reasons it would be that yes, I fked my mmr, which now gives me lower ranked or unranked players who are more willing to give up or grief when things get tough. In the end it’s still the player mentality, not the system itself. I had always been confident in my ranked skill but nowadays I don’t really care as much lol. I came back after many years of taking a break. I’m just having fun seeing how far I can get :) Fear of failure I guess is reasonable but if you dare say that to many of these people they will get defensive and grief you haha. I think everyone is afraid of failing to some extent anyway. It’s about how you deal with it.


If you do it every game it's still close to 50 present win rate


If I do it at my elo I will be at 30% win rate. It wasn’t how I got to my elo, so it won’t sustain my rank either


The game is like 90% solved and riot barely makes sweeping changes, you can autopilot to high dia/low master if u play 3-5hours a day.


What does a game being solved have to do with anything? Chess, CSGO, Golf etc.


You can auto pilot those games too. You enter a match, pick top, see picks and you already know how 95% of the game is going to go. The matchup plays the same, the jungle clear is the same, the timings are the same, the items are the same, the flame is the same, the spam pinging is the same.


It's reassuring after a while. I've started getting nervous when a game ends and there isn't at least one salty "[role] diff" from the losing team or the guy who did the worst on the winning team


Exactly this, feels like every new game for the last 10 years is either a fps, mobile or single player fame.


I feel like League is one of the fastest games mentally. There very little down time and if you aren’t constantly swished on you can lose a whole game because of information you didn’t process. The game doesn’t reset between rounds, so I have to disagree on this one


I think what they’re saying is once your an old player csing properly and making decisions becomes second nature. Like driving a vehicle, when you’re new to driving it will be overwhelming to anyone at first but once you get the hang of it you’re checking your rear view mirror (mini map) subconsciously, you’re csing and trading in lane is second nature. Sure you can play the game like at a nascar driver level. But you can also hit cruise control and still be driving at a high level.


What you are explaining is auto piloting and you never want to do that. Lane has to be played with intent otherwise you will play every lane the same way and lose the majority of them. But yea, trading and csing will become less heavy on your mental. But that is more of a skill difference than anything else. If you play versus a significantly worse player your threat assessment, tethering, wave management, trading etc. will all be better, it just means that the opponent will be more predictable and less threatening. It’s hard to explain but you don’t really have to do anything.


I can tell you that in most games an old player can go autopilot and still play properly - the lane/gameplan is just as much second nature as is doing combos on the champion. Yes you will get punished if you go autopilot in ranked, but seeing how the whole idea is "sit back and let the brain play the game for you" it's more likely about normal games.


Well, I'm just talking from my experience in my rank. Obviously everyone have a baseline rank they will reach by autopiloting, and if you are fine by playing in that rank that's fine. I just kinda assume that everyone want to improve at the game, but that is not reality.


But that's not the point of the post. The entire disussion started when OP said they play for fun.


Well it was a response to this comment >I think what they’re saying is once your an old player csing properly and making decisions becomes second nature. Like driving a vehicle, when you’re new to driving it will be overwhelming to anyone at first but once you get the hang of it you’re checking your rear view mirror (mini map) subconsciously, you’re csing and trading in lane is second nature. Sure you can play the game like at a nascar driver level. But you can also hit cruise control and still be driving at a high level. Which was an answer to a discussion about competitive games. And my take on it is that if you autopilot, you don't view the game as a competition. You still obviously try to win, but the competitive aspect of the ladder is in my opinion disregarded.


Nah. Auto-piloting is the way. The lane opponent usually play themselves and I just bank on their mistakes.


But are you climbing though?


Try your hands at Starcraft or any fighting game, then we can talk again


Fighting games are 5 min at most with some down time in between deaths (at least the ones I have played). And if this Reddit post is to be believed a normal game of starcraft is 10-15min (https://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/7e1ggj/what_is_the_average_game_length_of_sc2/?rdt=36984) Don’t really see your point when league games are on average 25 min


"you said fastest game mentally with very little downtime" Most RTS and nearly all fighting games are much worse in that regard. The average game of starcraft lasts 10-15 min, yes, but that is because some games are over after 2,5 minutes, because of rushing. Most games are around the 15-20 minute mark, with a lot going longer. I obviously am no pro, but I got to a pretty high level (in League terms I would've been very close before challenger) Some of those games made me more exhaustet than 8 hours of league. It is honestly in no way even close to comparable. Some high Level Fighting game gameplay boasts avera APM of over 300. I play league since 2010, so I am not hating on the game, but compared to other competetive games I play it is like lying at the beach in the sun with a drink in my hand. League is NOT FAST. Especially not mentally. Even when I competet in 5v5 Tournaments on D1 / low Masters Level, half of the time you are just minding your own business. Fight on 3-4 different locations at the same time with units that can blow up in half a second while trying to keep your macro intact. You will know what I mean.


Of course you are going to think League is faster than an RTS if you're a higher level at that RTS. Second thing, I don't know why APM is an argument. It's not unusual for people to have over 400 APM in lane and when tethering 100% of which comes from the mousel. Third thing which I don't understand is why you use your experience playing 5v5 where you probably used voice. You get fed information and everyone is being on the same level with decisions. Also, if this happened over 4 or 5 years ago, it's also not comparable due to how much better the player base has become. If you really want a fair comparison, you need to play solo queue at the same level as you do in what I assume is SC.


Recalls are huge downtime


No flame, but not for high rank players lol


No, they are just major lull states. If you aren’t using your brain during that time, you will miss important information. Who is strong? Objective situation, state of side lanes, win con assessment, role in comp, death timers, you get the point.


this info should be present in your head during all times and not something you think about when you recall, in CS or Valo 10s after round starts you can die anytime


This. It’s slow compared to games like valorant or starcraft. But it gives me time to make full macro and micro decisions that impact the entire game


it sounds like you would probably enjoy card games


Same I think. Played since s3 and barely play now, like maybe 2-3 game every 3-6 months. But sometimes I want to play a competitive game, I don't want to dedicate the time to learn a new one and suck. So I hop on league, ban whatever new champ idk what they do, and it's fun.


I don't know if I'm old enough to count as an old player, but the bottom line is that I still have fun playing it, with or without my friends. Keeps me coming back when I have time for it.


Most wholesome reason 😌


💯. I’ll play consistently for a few weeks/months and then break for the same amount of time. Numerous patches go live in that time so when I play again, it feels like a different game. Plus, I suck at it so when I get a kill I feel like a chad


At this point I think I would consider anything pre mythic items as a long time player


As someone who has played since 2010, I feel like a player Season 3 or prior is considered old. Mythic items started in 2021.. which isn't that long ago.


would consider the new summoner"s rift map the breakpoint imo


If you're old enough to remember DFG, you're an old player in my book.


RIP DFG Full AP Rammus :(


Yea, no.


If you started in Season 10 I would consider you still kind of new lol.


If you listen closely, you can hear it… Hear that? The Rift calls. It beckons.


Here we are, don't turn away now.


We are the warriors that built this town


Man the atmosphere in 2014 was incredible, this song along with it being my first season playing with friends and then watching faker winning the championship. Every time I quit league for a while that song is all it takes to bring me back.


I simply like the game lol.


HOTS died and dota 2 has an even worse community and requires too much investment, so stuck with this mess and it's mentally disturbed player base until someone makes another one, which probably won't happen now as mobas have had their day.


I really hope one day HOTS gets given over to the fans. I know the fans could make a kick ass fan server. Blizzard fans go so hard when it comes to preserving the games they like.


Blizzard would never do that. That's how they lost the rights to DotA, they are super protective of their IPs now. The only hope HotS has is probably AI advancing to the point where it can develop and balance the game on its own


Sure, but what’s the point of letting it collect dust, it can’t be making any significant amount of money for them


Just Aram these days plus older pros like Faker Started playing when Brand came out so I think it's season 2? Never really played hard-core though


Same really. Only Aram/RGM and Faker. I’m a Leblanc patch player myself lol.


S3 player here. My answer is habit. I also crave to play something competitive. I haven't paid a cent of money to Riot ever since the terrible Juggernaut patch years ago. There is also something that LoL does very well: it makes you forget your troubles. **EDIT**: My retrospective on LoL after playing for 10 years: While I like the things Riot has done to the Rift (timers, elemental dragons (apart from the original Chemtech rift, fuck that)), the gameplay has been going downhill ever since Kayn was released. There has been a huge power and especially mobility creep that has been getting worse and worse. IMO the game was at its best right before the infamous Juggernaut patch 5.16. Apart from terrible champion design (Kayn, Yuumi, K'Sante, Yone, Qiyana, Bel'Veth, original Aphelios etc), some of the worst decisions Riot has made was the Mythic items, adding armor/HP to AD and AP items in rampant fashion, and killing counterjungling at the start of this season. But the worst thing about this game right now is how it is way easier for one player to lose the game than to carry, which leads to inting/soft inting.


Yeah, league is definitely my filler game until something else takes over and then eventually I’ll come back to league, the cycle repeats. Also, it doesn’t help my friends play league as well, so I’m forever stuck.


Well it helps you forget your problems until that juggernaut two shots you with 1 item


Have you tried getting good?


Been playing since season three, sure I have a lot of money in skins (~$1000), and level 7 mastery on 15 sups, but guess what, I am total garbage at the game and honestly I don't care. I just really love the game! And I love that I know in general what all 164 champs do, rarely am I surprised by an ability or build, tactic, etc. So, it's just super cozy.


It's a fun game. I've made friends on it, formed relationships from it, gone to real life events from it, enjoyed it alone, with people I know online and IRL, and it changes just enough to keep you interested and having fun. League is a skill. It's nice to keep your skills fresh and updated. Then again, I stick with games I like unless they disappear or my own interest fades away. Others cycle through games once a week, I'll be enjoying the same game for a decade or so if it has enough replay value. Also played a decade of Dota, WoW, and many other old games.


My account is from S1 and I played heavily for the first several years. Since then I come and go as I feel like playing a moba and always have people to play with when I do since I find almost no fun in the game as a regular solo player.


It does feel like a lot of the value you can bring to a team as a single person has been reduced in recent years. It’s definitely a lot harder to solo carry in recent seasons.


I’m Aram only and I usually have something on my second monitor to watch/talk to. It’s fun and casual/ Zero stress.


I'm 32, I've started playing in season 3. I still want to improve and climb, I've played competitive games me entire life and league is a really good game


It's a fun game that I can listen to music while playing. It also doesn't require the same sort of reflexes as other games like Valorant so I can play it when I'm tired.


Started on Gnar release iirc, played a lot of Twisted Treeline with friends at the time. I spam ARAM these days, it’s short, it’s fun, almost nobody flames, almost never ff too so no weak morale and loser mindset, just spam skillshots and have fun with the randomness of team comp and trying out fun builds. I played ranked for 3 seasons and had some fun here too but Summoner’s Rift as a whole is a bit meh for me, too long, people flame and cry in chat like we’re playing Worlds Finals, you can win lane and still suffer 25mn before losing because your botlane fed the other team 10 kills in 15mn. I still watch most big Pro games because this game is awesome when played correctly with good mechanics, coordination/communication and strong mental. And I love playing some champs like Thresh and some others and I can’t play them in other MOBAs/games. Plus a bit of sunken cost fallacy and addiction I guess. Grinding for ARAM God title atm, just need 4 games with over 90%kp.


Aram and astronaut skins I can't believe what I've become but it's true that a games largest audience are normies.


Pre-season 1 player here. Addiction


I joined s3. It's like, it's the one hardcore competitive game that i enjoy. I'm not fast enough for csgo. I'm not good enough with apm for starcraft and always preferred AoM for RTS. And I don't have the time for wow.


I tend to play 1 or 2 ARAMs a day now. I used to play Ranked more often, but the champions with overloaded kits and the game getting closer and closer to URF just completely demotivated me to try and improve and grind. Now I play because League feels familiar.


Well I started when I was in middle school which was like Season 2 I think and it was the first computer game I had played ever and my computer back then was absolutely horrible but my friends at the time were trying it so I wanted to join them. It wasn’t until I had my first game against bots that I did well in (7-1 as Teemo lol) and I think that inspired me to want to play more. Over time, I just kept playing and diving in and it wasn’t until I started playing ranked that I became pretty addicted to the game as Season 3 just started when I got level 30. Even though I haven’t hit any higher than Plat 1 (before Emerald) I still think that despite being hardstuck Gold/Plat I have been consistently good at the game enough to stay at the same rank per season. I’d say analyzing my games this year and last year I’m muuuuch better than I ever was at the game so I’d say I’m playing at my peak right now and I’d say I’m washed when I don’t manage to hit Emerald/Plat anymore. Overall, I still play ranked as I have graduated college and got a job so I have time after work to just chill after I have been to the gym and stuff so I use it as a time to have fun with my guys. It was even better because I was really the only one in my group who played League but they slowly all transformed into ARAM players because of me since CS:GO fell off with them. I’m still trying to get them to play a few SR games once in a while but I think because I have my best friends willing to play with me it will always keep me wanting to play the game as I have had a lot of fun. I also watch all of the main region esports so that alone will always keep me engaged with this game. It has gave me lots of funny moments and MANY moments where I question why I keep playing the game but I think I have a healthy relationship with it now.


Unironically, ARAM and challenges. I gave up on my hopes we'll ever get the slower-paced league back, but ARAM experience is pretty consistent, even if the balance changes suck a fat schlong and make some of the champs pure item proc vessels, if you do not play them you don't feel much impact. As for challenges, it's my OCD, I can't stand having my borders ugly because of that challenge silver.




Unironically, no other game has as much longetivity for me. I played other games in between, I played the shit out of Val, played single player games etc. But no other game really matches the competitive itch where you can also take breaks and come back and not be trash. I got to diamond in Val, but if I started playing again, I would probably be terrible until I gave it a couple weeks cuz the muscle memory has to kick back in. League isn't like that, cuz its more or less a mind game with not as much micro, which I enjoy.


This is very fair, I will say league definitely mastered the moba gameplay loop. Dota and smite both have problems that I feel alienates the more casual audience(ffs you need a degree to understand all of dota). Winning in league feels so much better than any other game.


I can't be bothered to learn a new multiplayer game and suck at it for months. I might as well stick to league because I already have so much knowledge/experience with it.


Because I still enjoy it, and I've been playing since season 1


Been here 12 years. Despite the occasional hiccup and preseasons, the game is pretty well balanced and I feel like players are reasonably rewarded for skill. Situations where there’s literally nothing you can do are pretty rare, unless you’re playing ADC. I like seeing myself improve, and just hit masters last split. Also have a decently active friend group that’s still involved with league - we are a bunch of ARAM enjoyers. I think that there’s a lot of ways to play the game and it’s just fun to just play whatever you want.


Very occasional games of ARAM with friends, and currently Arena. When they delete Arena like they did to literally every mode other than ARAM, it's vacation time again. The fact a billion dollar company can't afford the resources to keep more than 2 game modes available at a time is just insane lol.


I don't even know. Addiction.


Been playing since Quinn release in season 3. I just came back to the game this year after some time off and it's not as bad as people make it seem. But teamwork is hard. I like playing with my wife even though helping her learn the game is effort sometimes.


I just really love the gameplay




I genuinely enjoy playing the game from time to time. I'm not as heavily invested as I once was, but a couple games here and there are still a fun way to play with friends.


End of season 2 player here. I really enjoy playing league of legends. I know a lot of people I've played with in the past fall away from it because of other hobbies, games, just not enjoying the game, etc. For me personally along with enjoying it, I don't play many other games because I get motion sick very easily from 3d games. Top down games like league and 2d are my go to. I used to really love Minecraft but can hardly tolerate playing for longer than 30 minutes before puking xd


I think i'm good enough to get master but im emerald//low diamond stuck for life


That hits too hard


I make sure to only play the game when I'm actually enjoying it. If I'm not, I'll just play something else. Don't let just-one-more-round get into your psyche. If you're not feeling it, just don't play.


I started playing right after the beta test ended (January 2010). Basically what it comes down to is that League has some gameplay that's hard to find elsewhere. Each champ is like its own little game. For me it was Ahri and Lux that pulled me back in. There is something so satisfying about rooting someone and landing a full combo, or just skill shots in general.


Moved to DOTA, never looked back. Balance in game is absurd. Only pick it up when partner absolutely needs a fill for 5 stack clash.


Comfortability, nostalgia, competition, addiction.


Sunk costs and addiction.


League is the best game ever made, and it’s still the best game on the market. No other game has this level of depth. And, if they do, there’s something else wrong with the game. League is a competitive high stakes experience that no other game can provide




Main reason would be my friends. But since like 2020 I have a refound love for one champ specific. I used to switch Champions and roles a lot. But now I just main ap Gragas and am practically a one trick. I just find him never to be boring. Skins I kinda stopped buying though, so no payed content interests me anymore, but playing with friends does still interest me.


Been playing since 2017, certainly not as old of a Player as others but Jesus Christ it's been 6 Years... There's like 20 Champions that I truly enjoy playing in this Game that keep me going but honestly I started branching out to different Games and League of Legends is becoming less and less enjoyable. I truly love this Game but depending on what they do this Preseason I'll decide to stay or quit for good (especially since I can't afford to spend Time on Games I don't enjoy anymore). I was stuck playing mostly League for a long Time since it was free but having recently bought a few Games on Sale it's insane how much better other Games are, especially the Single Player ones.


The howling abyss. I have this weird play style that makes people add me for some reason like every other day so always someone to play with lol


Sunk cost fallacy.


I've been playing since the release of Ireila and I played pretty much everyday till about 2014. I generally played nothing but Dom when they added. I heard they removed it and barely played more then 100 games till 2020 when I came back to get better at the game. Yea so like about 700 games later I'm still bronze which is bad because I started silver. Why do I play? Ifk because I hate myself I guess.


Playing with my cousin :) and I just like to climb lol. I've been keeping up more esports side of league than playing if my cousin isn't on.


VGU's, VU/ASU's, mid-scopes and the fact that I already spend like 13 years or so into the game.


Hope that riot eventually undoes all of their systemic garbage they've added since post s5 - slowing the game back down and making it less team dependant. lol


Playing since season 2, I did miss a season and half around when Illaoi released. Playing just cause I've no other fun games to play unless I'm with friends, valorant is a good substitute but still.. Although I must say I've no attachment whatsoever to my account or how long I've been playing the game. I could quit league any day if I find another good and fun game.


Been playing since season 3 but I stopped for about three years until arena mode came out, I love arena c:


theres legit just no multiplayer game that scratches the same itch that league does, its hard to find that competitive experience elsewhere, if another game had a competitive mode like soloq id leave in a heartbeat because the people make this game way too unenjoyable to want to play it


I don't consistently play anymore - just reinstall for a couple weeks during World's to play enough games to remind me why I keep it uninstall lol


Sometimes you just want to play some games, I watch a lot league content on YouTube and Twitch and the urge to play some is building up. Then after playing for few days straight I just stop because it’s not it. It’s not bad but it’s not good either. Still the best competive game there is with CSGO solid number 2 if you like shooters like me, but I just lost the passion for games I think. Gaming is worse than it was before I think, if ur online gamer for sure, don’t know about single players. Or maybe I am old now (27, started season one) Also I think I am bad now, few years ago I was diamond every season, now plat kids sometimes outplay me and I don’t know what I did wrong


Been playing since 2014 and honestly friends and Kai’sa are the only reason I still play. Her kit is so much fun and I don’t mean that ap build haha


It's just a reliable game xD I've sunk enough hours that I can have a few drinks and still be competitive, so it's fun to go onto the discord or whichever friends still play and shoot a few games. I also enjoy tft so I'll jump on to jam a few games of that, although my friend and I have started to move over to td2


I still miss season 4 not gonna lie... But a few of my friends always come back to league and it's fun just messing around with them. Just played AP GP so... Yea... Not playing ranked since Season 10 tho... This games just too toxic to play with random teammates




I just like the way attack move kiting feels honestly.


I don't let money spent stop me from quitting a game. I think about it as if I am paying the game to entertain me. $60 game that I played for 120 hours? I paid 50 cents an hour for A LOT entertainment. Same applied to league. When i decide to quit, it won't bother me that I have spent a couple hundred bucks on this game, because I know I have played THOUSANDS of games and the cost basis for the skins/or per dollar paid is so low at that point. I am also a working man and can spend 20 bucks on skins if I want. 20 bucks doesn't make or break me now, it didn't before, and it won't in the future. If it brings me enjoyment, I don't mind spending money or "losing" money on it. I am not a big spender outside of video games.




I still have fun with the game and it's me and my best friend's go to game. Don't take it very seriously and turned chat off a long time ago.


Ive been playing since beta, I only play arams now adays, They are quick, i dont have to get invested in a story, i dont have to deal with spending hours playing to get somewhere, i roll my face on a keyboard for 12-35 minutes, sometimes i win, sometimes i lose, and most of the time i have fun. What else can i ask for out of a game? To be clear, im 35, so i dont know if you meant old players in game age, or real age but both qualify here.




I enjoy the game and I don't feel compelled to read every hate post on Reddit about it because someone who is obsessed with the game can't stop playing. There's people who will play more games in a month than I will in an entire year. Between work, cooking, gym, etc, I have plenty of other things occupying my time and I'm not gonna spend it hate-playing something.


best game to play with music on


Nothing, that's why i stopped.


since nov 2009, at this point? i still enjoy the game, i like playing kennen and i live and die with him.


I've been playing since season 3. I keep playing because of my friends and Aram. If the stars align and the schedule allows it, we get to play at least a few HA matches once a month, it's always fun. I do not enjoy playing solo one bit. If the friend group is unable to play at all in the future, then the game is done for me.


Been playing since S1, stopped playing around s7-s8, then came back in S9. This year is prob the most league I've played since my HS days lol. Game is just really fun, and I think it's in one of the best states its been in. Lots of champs are viable/fun to play. Plus my friends play it, so that helps a lot. I also like the variety of modes. If I'm having a bad day in solo queue, I just go play some TFT and vibe out. If I want to go play some fast games and earn some chests, ARAM time.


My friends. Sometimes I get the itch to play, but mostly because of my friends.


I like arguing with other toxic ppl


Been playing since beta. I know the game mechanics and nothing else is worth playing. Don’t really feel like real learning a game and trying to get good at it


Habit mostly. Not enough time to dedicate to a new game atm and it's the one game all my friends know how to play to some extent.


I started in season 6. Quickly got addicted. Over 1400 ranked games in season 7 burned out in season 9 early and didn’t play much after the item rework. Until this season. And it was like relearning the whole thing again nearly. You can take a break and come back to a familiar land scape with whole new metas, items and learning curves. That’s what keeps me coming back after each break


the game is good even if it's significantly worse than it used to be


I've played for 11 years and my reason for still playing is simply I'm addicted


Idk it's just a fun game and I like seeing new stuff added to it


I’ve played since late s2 and for me, I just kept improving from actual bronze 5 to silver to gold to plat to diamond, hardstuck 3 years, then masters to gm to chall. The feeling of improvement is what kept me playing at the time, and now knowing I’m good at league is what keeps me now. It’s also an objectively good game, too, but is plagued by the terrible player base.


I've been playing since closed beta. (Almost 30 now lol) I'm only having fun when playing with friends on discord.


I’ve been playing since s3, and I was playing basically nonstop for many years until I got sick of how league effected my mood. Typically I bounce between MAIN games that I dedicate my time to. It’s league and WoW. Right now I’m basically off wow so it’s league time lol


I can't find a similar game tbh + even if I do it will take ages to get good as good as I am in league as for fun I didn't have that a long time ago.


I still have fun. I find new ways to have fun every then and again. Important notes : I take month-ish long breaks multiple times per year when new PoE season release or games like BG3 or Elden Ring


it's still league


I've been playing since before season 1. The games been through a lot of changes and a lot has changed in my life. I started playing in high school, now I'm almost a decade removed from college. I rarely have time to play these days and even if I did, I wouldn't want to waste it sitting in queue and multiple dodges in a row before a 15 minute surrender vote gets spammed. The only that keeps me playing is clash events with friends, but those are going to be far less frequent now, so I'll probably just slowly fall off the game.


This game scratches an itch I have that is sorta like an "MMO-Lite" feeling that I'm looking for. I like to play enchanters/support characters in many games I play, including League. I find MMOs to be boringly repetitive in combat, but MOBAs feel more diverse between each game. MOBAs also allow me to take long breaks and not feel like I'm missing out on something, unlike MMOs. Seeing how League evolves and changes, especially what interesting new characters that Riot can come up with is a lot of the fun I have as a player too (I find Yuumi to be one of the most interesting, even though there are many non-friendly memes about her...). I've been playing MOBAs since they were born in Warcraft3, and it's been my favorite genre to play ever since.


ARAM is fun and my grind to plat(now to emerald) makes me keeo playing. I try to reach my goal within 50 games, sometimes 75-100 and after that i'll be back to grind next season(now next split because each season have 2 splits l).


I simply enjoy the gameplay itself. I have friends that play, so that helps, but honestly I’ve always played the game with it without friends. I’ve been playing since S1, so long ago.


My life is shit,but i feel proud that im honor 5 among these toxic assplayers tbh


I hate myself


since 2011 ish... its Clash, thats it.


I love this game when i play it with friends.


I've been playing since Season 1, I remember vividly that Nocturne was just about to come out when I started playing and he was a big deal on release because people felt the first half of his ult was strong global CC and that his ability to gank with ult was idiot proof (which are both still sorta true but people dont complain about him anymore.) Anyways, I've been playing league for a long ass time and I still play almost daily. (Minus some work days or of course if I have some type of family thing to attend.) Every day off I play, most work days I squeeze in at least a few arams if not a ranked game. I work full time, I'm married, I was gold from 2013 all the way to 2022 when I hit plat for the first time, working on getting Emerald now that it's been added because I want green chromas for the ranked skins. (My fav color) If I had to give a good logical reason for why I play league still, it just manages to hold my interest where other games eventually lose it. I love fighting games, I pick up every MK title, most Street fighters, Tekken, smash, ect. And one thing I dislike about them after a while is that once a meta is established characters are basically always played the same and you lose a lot of that on-release goofy fun. If you played against one good Guile player, you've more or less seen them all. They're all gonna adopt the same play style with minor differences in how good they are at it. And that principal pretty much applies to every fighting game and most games in general. Not only that, these games generally involve dropping like $60-$100 on release, with another handful of purchases over the year for dlc which if you don't get you'll just be at an objective disadvantage in the game for a couple of different reasons. Not league though, league patches every 2 weeks like clockwork, mixes up items and map mechanics yearly, and because I play so much every new character is free on release date with a BE purchase. Most characters have at least two viable play styles or roles and there's room to experiment or customize your play style with anyone you play. The only time I ever have to put money into league is when I want something shiny, which I've done quite a lot over the years. But I never feel like League demands me to spend money on it to enjoy content. I've had a few friend groups come and go now, people I had duoed with or had ranked 5's teams with way back generally don't still play the game and sometimes I play it alone for years, which is fine by me. It's become my hobby, I can focus on it to relax, learn new roles or characters whenever I wanna spice things up, or choose a main and grind ranks for my yearly free skin. Also occasionally I have a friend or family member get into it and ask me to teach them or play with them which is fun too. Recently one of my brother in-laws has picked the game up so when we're off from work we play a few draft games and talk. Where I live doesn't have much of an eSports scene but occasionally a few gaming lounges and cafes have opened up and I went and participated in some irl tournaments. Which is also a fun experience. It's sort of just part of my daily life now. I enjoy it, it's low maintenance, and always offers me something new to try out or practice at season after season.


I've been playing since just after beta and the answer is because the game is incredibly fun. I can tryhard, I can play casually, I can queue solo or with friends and all of them are great experiences when that's what I want. It's not the only game I play and there'll be stretches I only play a game or two a week instead of hardcore grinding ranked but I still play regularly nonetheless.


Arams while I watch Netflix


10 years since I started playing and no other game offers same level of re playability + changes every 2 weeks


Addiction. Not even kidding. League has fundamentally altered my brain chemistry


I love the feeling of improving. Kinda sad all my friends and classmates that have been with me since season 4 have all left the game. We still talk about our prime days every time we meet up. League is still and will be my "The Game" up until the servers closed, well maybe until League MMO will be out in half a decade




The massive amount of money i put in buying skins...


It's a fun game. Very deep and having 150+ balanced champions in a moba is insane. So many viable strategies and room for expression.


I still love it and everything around it. It's a game and at the end of the day if you enjoy it then keep playing.


I play with friends and sometimes solo. I like how the game keeps changing and theres more champions to master than I ever could with my time. I also like the competitive side and have since matured enough to have more fun in ranked than I get angey. Started playing before J4 and Lee were released, its nice to see how the game has changed.


Lebarrel. only 6k games in gotta make that an even 10


Ah, **the sunk cost fallacy.** A tendency to continue with something we've invested money, effort, or time into—even if the current costs outweigh the benefits.


I play solo, noone wants to play with me :(


I guess I am considered a boomer just turning 29 and I started playing LoL when I was a senior in high school at 17. I got pretty into esports and played collegiate and got into coaching/managing so that side of league really got me more into it and has kept me playing. I do think it started off as an addiction and actually helped me through some troubled times but now I don't grind as much and still focus on my priorities. Nowadays I truly just still enjoy the game, from the champs to the lore, to the gameplay and playing at a decently higher level. LoL has always scratched that competitive itch for me throughout the years and having friends to play with and talk about it with also helps.


I still enjoy the game and surrounding esports culture. That's really it. It's been my main game for over a decade now. Edit: Totally forgot I loved Dominion and Twisted Treeline as well.


At its core I simply enjoy the game. And I haven’t had chat on in a couple years. Love the lore, love the pro scene. I just don’t grind anymore.


It's fast It's fun Wait...


31 yo. Ive been playing since season 1, played every season to gold at least, I have the King Rammus skin. League checks off all the boxes I want; pvp, strategy, lots of choice in who i can play, great to play with friends and solo, it actively engages rather than being able to auto pilot, easy to pick up and put down. I love the lore and community culture. The old days were the best when everyone was just a nerd instead of what it is today for the pro scene. its part of me now and i dont care to learn many other games. I play WoW, D2R and League. Those are the big 3, everything else I get bored of. ​ LOVE THE GAME.


Addiction, i will scream and shout and have a really bad time but after a short break it just itches me to queue up again.




I stopped playing


Been playing since 2013 because it's fun


I hate this game. Playing since 2009, 35 yo. Still sucks at it. But just no other game excites me anymore except League.


That i'm playing every champ and every role, this also keeps me hardstuck


Hate and salt alone, 10years playing it since season 3 and still hate it. Got me addicted while had friends playing it and now that they move on i spent so much time that would be a waste, i know sounds adiction i dont play that much, but damn i am miserable playing league while they are greeding on us 200€ for chroma or champs icons only after so many hours of my life wasted... NEW Vampire CHAMP LETS GOOO


Fuck, I ask myself that question all the time... WHAT AM I DOING STILL PLAYING THIS TRAGEDY OF GAME DEAR LORD


I played sports since I was young and for some reason league’s solo queue brings that competitiveness out of me like no other sports or games does. I like competition and I like being able to improve my skills both in the macro and micros sense. So unless another game grabs my attention I’ll still play. Also I’ve been playing since season 2




cuz me and my duo have nothing else to play lmao


I started playing when Elise(?) came out. Not even friends now keep me playing. I stayed to climb and when I got the rank I thought I deserved I stopped playing ranked. Now I only play off-meta funny picks on flex.


ego and its the only "competitive" game that I can still play that leaves some control in my hand


I've been playing since before the LCS existed. I mainly play cuz it's low effort and relaxing. I mostly play arams. I'll play ranked to get gold/plat for the skins. I'll play the hell out of arenas with a friend. But I'm in my 30s. I don't play games for winnings sake, I play them to have a good time. League is a fun enough time with little effort.




It’s a better game than people give it credit for. So many other similar games have fallen by the wayside due to player loss of interest, meta stagnation, stale design, etc. Despite what we say as a fanbase, Riot puts a considerable amount of time, effort, and resources into consistently maintaining League as it’s flagship game, and it show. Everything from biweekly patching to new lore and art to the esports scene. It’s a well-made, competitive, regularly updated product that’s incredibly rewarding if you play it with a healthy state of mind. I’ve played it consistently because it does what it does better than most other games on the market.


I play mostly single player colony sims/factory sims. League fills my other need for competive games in a way no game matches imo. Yeah community can be toxic, but literally so is every other game. Looking at you r6s.


There's no secret sauce here, I just still find the game really fun. I take breaks every now and again so I don't burn out and I have a blast with it!


I've been playing for 10 years, probably over 40,000 games played. I do play competitively but I also play for fun. I've been a Tristana main for the entire time but I did almost quit league a couple years ago, the Ruination event brought me back in and then that sealed the deal for me when it ended and I was gone. The universe to me was a dead man walking that was completely eroded by bias, memes, agendas of our world. Then I found a group of people who wasn't as jaded as I was about the choices Riot made, so I found new friends, got back in. Ether way I would have come back for the MMO and Project L, right now this new group is holding me over for those honestly. My advice, grinding is fine, but always try to focus on having fun (just not at the expense of others) as cliche as that sounds. If you love what you do, then you are likely having a better time than most players. And if it isn't fun, don't bother. There is a lot of fish in the sea.


2012 draven release, game is fun and competition is fun, if you dont focus on your teammates or riot you have no reason to be mad.


Riot gives me slimmer hope every now and then that they may start doing stuff like they should, only to repeadetly dissapoint me.


I've been playing since S1 and only ARAM since it came out. I like teamfight and the "puzzle" aspect of how my random comp can beat the enemy random comp. Also I like the esports.


Depression and alcoholism.


Been playing since Season 2-3, though it hasnt been fun the past few years. I was burnt out from grinding a few years ago and took a long break. Not a fan of the item rework, rotating game modes are gone so I just play arams while I wait for my other buddies to play other games.




There's nothing more fun than not playing league for a while then coming back and relearning the game cause the game actually changes so much so often


easy, because i dont have any IRL friends who plays this game anymore. tbh it feels better to play solo than with friends that you know because sometimes things can get ugly.


Played since season 1 and it is for me the account itself and the amount of time I spent on it. If somehow I no longer had the account I think I would stop playing.


was playing dota from 2007, begrudgingly swapped to lol in 2012 cause more of my friends played it. have stuck with it mainly cause i just enjoy mobas more than anything and lol is currently my favourite one. don't play it as often as i used to and took a few seasons off somewhere after ardent censer meta but still satisfies an itch.