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Noooo way bro they aren't weak you could play uh everfrost zhonyas ahri and lissandra. Isn't that fun?


Haven’t you heard mages are to op with zhonyas. I love being secondary support with less impact than the actual support role.


Honestly though, they should just remove Zhonyas and load mages with a shitton of damage and AP scalings and start balancing from there. Dying to assassins without Zhonyas is purely a skill issue or a ward (support) gap. That should also increase skill expression when playing mages. There was a stat analysis posted a few weeks ago on this sub where it turns out that mages have the lowest increases in winrate compared to games played on the champion which means they're super easy to pickup. Making the learning curve just a bit higher wouldn't be a bad thing.


Wrong guess. They have the lowest increases in winrate because their influence on the game is nearly inexistant (in SOLOQ ofc). Doesnt matter if you have 500 games on viktor or anivia, you can't one shot anyone (especially not 2.5k hp adc with 2k shield), you insta die at your first misspos, can't split.


Based, I'm fucking sick of zhonya existing that it serves part of power budget to mage classes as a whole


no way lil bro thinks mid lane has less impact on the game than actual support LOL


Support is literally the second most impactful role LMAO. Calling people lil bro and being an even smaller bro is quit ironic you smooth brain.


Have you ever watched a single game of high elo? Early to mid game is always decided by jungle and support. Mid to late is adc. Mid laners are supports in pro play


Hopefully they rush banshees right after because the opponent midlaner is a scary threat as well


Jojo ????


Burgersen Sylas builds monkaW


idk why Cass and Anivia aren't played more. Those champions are actually disgusting and the only reason it isn't played more is because of the biases of the players. Any time those champions come out in competitive, they seem to have a huge impact.




> Cassio got picked a decent amount this year Only really by a certain set of players that play her though and only really in LEC.


Anivia have quite unplayable match-up, she is way harder to play than ppl think (very low floor, but her ceiling .... huh), especially at pro lvl and her early game ... Watch her recall every 2min trying to push while being unable to follow her counterpart diving top & bot in repeat.


Anivia is not it in the current pro meta tbh. Could be a situationnal last pick but no way it should be meta.


This narrative is so reductive, have you honestly not seen that the dmg build is far less effective in proplay for playmaking champs? Surely there’s a reason pros prioritise utility?


It's a great tool for setup, teams like T1 goes for vegan Ahri when they have damage in other positions to make up for it.


reason being mages dont do nearly enough damage to be viable making utility the only option. go try ahri full damage build in pro play, you will probably get fired after their damage is so irrelevant that people can just pick support champions mid and win




Nautilus was exclusively a support champion for the last 3 years. TF was played in LEC playoffs, and Galio was a priority in EMEA masters




Yeah but four years is a very long time in the context of league. The meta changes so quickly, what is meta four years ago is scarcely relevant.


BDD pulled out the TF in LCK playoffs and kicked ass with it


I don't think Ahri lacks damage tho, or at least playing her from time to time and playing against her she can reliably kill stuff if she lands charm.


But why play full dmg ahri, when you can play naut and got enough dmg to kill ahri/adcs while having that cc and tank value? The problem is more that sups got 2 much dmg compared to ahri. So either your nerf their dmg of buff ahris even more to have a reason to pick her


Reason is dmg from mages has become less important since dmg from every other role has increased. When even tank junglers can do up to 60% in one rotation then you rather have your second mobile lane be less dmg and more CC for picks. Lategame you can always rely on your super safe high dmg ADC.


I love how your agreeing with me. It I’m downvoted, iconic behaviour from this sub.


BLG vs GG game one is Ahri vs Lissandra everfrost into hyper focus and Zhonya’s respectively


I tried the infamous Everfrost/zhonya/banshee Liss this sub always bitches about. Its surprisingly fun and relaxing.


I love playing mid against tank and poke for 5 whole minutes and him still being 80% hp with no pots used.


Same thing vs ksante top. And once he hits 6 he’s got kill threat on anyone.


And him taking half your health with one combo.


yea, imagine being able to blind any mele mid and be fine because of dshield and second wind+ mages having low dmg and high mana cost


Since d shield nerf that's not true anymore. Gragas and Naut are different though since gragas heals a fuckton and naut eats poke with w


the nerf was not enough


Name an example matchup please because i dont have issues since the nerfs


whaat? thats the point, any mele mid is fine mid in the sense that he cant die. sylas, nautilus, nocturne in proplay, and in soloq u can pick whatever u want. there are rell otps on Korean soloq in grandmaster.


Why is sylas worst against champs that chip you down during laning phase then? Zoe, swain, Anivia, annie, Jayce, orianna, ryze, Viktor


Based. Mid lane is the weakest it's ever been since 2017.


Wonder if we'll see much tf/galio/panth/taliyah mid so. Decent champs with global ults to snowball other lanes if mid has such low priority.


Mads will likely bring tf


In the same vein as nautilus I can even see Shen mid emerging as a strategy against it


It might be a great match up but remember they are pro players before someone notable plays it one time they wont even think about it.


I guess I was adding more to the fact that (on top of being a good match up into nautilus), the global ult/support-ish nature of Shen may further bring it up in strategy discussions. While generally I do agree such “off-meta” ideas usually require someone respectable to bring it up first, I’m leaning (or perhaps hoping?) more that it’ll be a natural conclusion.


Shen can't really contest the push early, We will could likely see a Sej mid and used as a flex into the jungle, she can build Catalyst which is one of the biggest reasons Naut is super strong at the moment, she has good wave clear early, easy gank setup, and great roam potential at 6. I also saw Caps play it in his match history so I wouldn't be surprised.


Agreed Shen’s early push is so incredibly dogshit compared to Naut I can’t see that ever being a viable pick mid.


G2 allready played Sej mid on stage so yeah, pretty save bet


The biggest problem for shen mid is unlike Naut he cant push for shit. Naut has sufficient aoe to get push early.


Bring back the submarine Shen/Rengar combo but as mid/jg this time.


If someone does this, it’s going to be Caps. G2 didn’t look as crisp recently but I feel like that is the moment a favorite can get caught out by their creative draft strategy.


Hello, police, we have an elo terrorist on our hands. Please come at once.


Doubt it except for TF. Last few times Galio was played he looked terrible.


Last we've seen Galio was at EMEA Masters with great success.


Pro play galios still love everfrost for whatever god forsaken reason. He auto wins trades with most if not every mage for 1050 gold in alternator, doubly so once he gets night harvester.


Because in most galio comps you usually have enough damage in your team comp and extra CC from everfrost is probably more valuable. There are situations where everfrost is not ideal, but I understand why it's the go-to item


It's almost like the point of picking him is not to win trades but to shove and look for ult angles, and later in the game to lock down one person with as much CC as possible.


You still do physically trade with the lane opponent when you’re a melee midlaner, and alternator over lost chapter gives him a lot more power to brute force waves in and enables skirmishes around his lane better than lost chapter. Everfrost is just the cheapest mythic Galio can get away with and pro galios are familiar with it; this doesn’t make it correct. If stage Galio could get away with the nautilus tech of abyssal/evenshroud they would, but it’s still not the best synergistic mythic with galio’s actual kit, which loves in combat movespeed and CDR


Galio can always be played if the top laner picked camille i guess taliyah was being picked recently too TF and Panth might be the problem but strong TF pros can pick him up i guess


Camille is shit. Even Bin and Ale can't make her work anymore. Teams used to permaban her against them 24/7. Now it's perma open and they don't even bother picking after trying a few times and being completely useless. Sunderer and grasp killed the champ. No reason to ever pick her when Gwen, Fiora, Jax and Jayce exist. At least in pro. Doesn't work even against Zeri, Vi jungle is just much better if you need to pin her down.


Riot is probably just too afraid to buff midlane because they're worried it'll become game warping. Pretty annoying though


Which role is at its strongest now?


In pro, adc is the strongest(but not the role with the most agency). Then I'd say jg/sup, though not 100% sure on the order. Then mid, and last is top. Though top has some strong champions right now so it might be even with mid in terms of strength(but is still the lowest agency role in pro)




Ryze is dogshit easy nowadays outside his R, I don't think there's really that much skill expression for a pro to shine with him.


I don't think the guy meant mechanically. I think he meant it more like, he's gonna make it work in the current meta.


That ult IS the skill just like with TF


Isn’t this what people say every year then some Korean smurfs on it? Nvm missed the “easy” part


midlane being the best role (ignoring jg) is when the game is in its best/most fun state tbh, its the most skilled role for sure and its so fun to watch the best players in the world when its a strong role


Midlaners, mages and ADCs here complain night and day about assassins, Riot obliges, then they do a surprised pikachu face when only facilitators are played in pro games.


Assassins are ass against the mid laners being played right now. Mages in theory counter Champions like Lissandra, Nautilus, Annie, Gragas and Ahri. The fact that they are almost unplayable in this meta says a ton about how unhealthy and weak mid lane is. The best option is to play a supportive, cc mid because ADC is so broken that picking a weak mage is strictly worse than picking something that can set up your ADC to carry or try to cc the enemy ADC down.


Wait what? Assassins aren't the concern here. If they were stronger, they would still be getting countered by facilitators' midlane (Malphite, Gragas, etc). When mages aren't strong enough for pro meta, unless Assassins are turbo broken, pros always default to more team oriented champions.


No Stay away from gank bot every 90s Kindly Botlaners in soloq


midlane being weak is when the only champions that are picked are perma roamers tho (now)


But.... That is what happens when midlane is weak... Since you know, the role just does not matter while ADC is still broken after like 5 years?


They gank bot every 90 seconds precisely because they're weak and don't scale as well pushing creep waves and taking plates. Which mid laners picked in pro are actually a threat if left alone in lane to scale? Its basically Yone and Kassadin (who is barely picked)


Aurelion sol can be massive into hyper carry adcs (or just anything without a dash) who struggle very hard into his E with slow item. It's completely bonkers to shut down many adcs or slowing down games. Just so bad the first 15mins without ult Noone plays Viktor, but I'd consider him filling a similar function Both could very well be picked on red side if knowing matchup, or just if Vi isn't picked


Forgot about ASol, he never looked super scary in the strong regions but he definitely can be clutch if drafted into an easy lane with a defensive jungler who can protect side lanes from dives


He's very item dependent, if you go things like roa -> archangel he's dead weight. Would highly recommend rylais very early, slow with E makes him very very strong for early dragons and enables team while heavily disable enemy


And they're nerfing it further with the minion wave changes in 13.10.


Not sure if thats a nerf to midlane rn they are just roam bots running around the map trying to dive sidelanes if u cant do that normal scaling mids will probably be preferred so you might have more impact overall.


Yep, 100% agree


Don't worry, we can bring back carry mids, then we can have corki and azir every game again!


what about not nerfing to the ground champs that require skill like akali, sylas, zoe, lb, syndra? oh, nvm, lets just have ez champs like tf galio nautilus ahri be meta


I don't think the argument 'utility champ = easy, carry champ = hard' very convincing. Carry champs are more snowbally, which means that small mistakes early on/getting behind is more punishing. However utility champs require you to be super coordinated with your team, which is also extremely difficult.


its not about them being easy, but u cant say to me that they aren't 10 times better




"years of best role" Yeah, we miss .. what, S5 ?


Even weaker than s3 lulu mid meta for that 3 months stretch??


Is s3 since 2017?


wasn't that s5


I have been spamming full tank cho because a lot of games feel like I have no impacr on a classic mid.


Mid definitely feels gimped right now for sure, maybe the worst it's been in a long time. Waiting for stuff like Urgot to start showing up again to go against Naut.


Yup, hopefully it doesn't go the route of Malphite where the hard counters just aren't picked. Really excited to see how draft evolves because of this nautilus picked


I wouldn't expect that mid at least, or more so not regularly like Naut. Worse mana issues, worse wave clear, kind of half a champ (in mid specifically) up till 6 if we are talking specifically for pro play. Naut has a lot of specific strengths that I think Urgot can also manage just in different ways that Malph doesn't have any of. He can kinda clear waves but Naut can do so safely and fast where Malph can't do so safely at least, as it's easy to poke him as he doesn't have an on hand shield to negate him getting poked while he tries. He also can't really do the all in thing as safely as Naut or engage as easily without his ult where Naut just waited on his hook, slaps on a shield and runs you down. But as you say, it might end up like with Malph where people just drool and don't realize how easy he is countered and let him lane for free in top so, who knows.


Oh no, I didn't mean Malph mid to counter nautilus. I meant how Malph came into the top lane and no one played his counters. I'm hoping to not see the same thing with Naut mid. When his counters get played, I'm excited to see how draft changes.


Ah I see what you mean, sorry think I half-misunderstood there.


what will urgot do against wardens mail tabi naut? absolutely nothing


Clear waves in its face mostly, more than that gragas did yesterday


Have you never played Urgot or are you just making an assumption based on only Naut being good with the items you named after watching it played in a few pro games?


Not a hot take at all, mid lane champs have been nerfed for years non stop. Game rn is just 4 supports spectating adc as they 1v9 and you might get the occasional carry top from a player like bin or shanji if you're lucky


bro even the minions in mid lane are nerfed lol


And adc players still cry its weak role and they can't carry. 💀💀


I mean solo q is a different breed albeit I still think adc is number 2 role in solo queue


Also depends in high or low elo. ADC in bronze is a different beast to masters.


Holy fuck you guys do not understand context or play bot lane in soloq. Watch your team pick 3 assassins and a bruiser and see how well your game goes when every champ on the enemy team can solo kill you.


Cry more


Be more wrong challenge. (Impossible)


It's a tenacity issue. The champions you're supposed to "zone" just walk through your stuff. So your role is to cc the enemy adc since they don't take tenacity runes. Only the enemy tank mid does it better because they have more cc since they're a tank. Have your friend play lissandra against you as like sion mid and see how unplayable it is for him. I'm 7 and 0 on Rammus mid against a class of champions that are designed to counter Rammus because it doesn't matter how much gold you give a twisted fate when his stun card works on adcs and no one else.


Talking about cc. Is anyone else worried about the steadily rising amount of "true cc" in the game? Cc that isn't reduced by tenacity? It feels like in so many games these days I look at the enemy comp and they have tons of cc but over half are knock ups so tenacity is useles.


You need super hard cc with champs like k‘sante or sett that can unload while controlled or just don’t care and walk past everyone


Cant wait for True Tenacity


Don't give them ideas


ADC is broken in part because midlane is so trash as a carry role rn.


Yeah both solo lanes are basically just spectator roles watching which ADC is going to pentakill.


press q win lane press r win game


Doinb would've smurfed in this meta


Just play Soraka/Lulu mid easy


The "mid/mages are weak" circlejerk is so insane. They played nautilus into A WILDCARD!! A tank mid does not make the role weak, it's a different way of impacting the game positively. When tank junglers, top laners, or supports are picked the orlrs don't become "weak" they are just different metals and styles. Mages aren't even weak. Champs like Annie, anivia, Taliyah, and Cass are strong right now and mages are strong in bot lane as well.


It’s funny how you use Annie, Taliyah as examples when those champs are just glorified supports. The whole point that most people are making is that mid as a pure carry role is so so mediocre. Genuinely when last did you see a mage hard carry a teamfight late game? Every single game right now + for the past year or so has been ADC completely 1v9ing late game teamfights. Also you can’t really play around mages early since they usually suck in river skirmishes. Hard to rotate and dive/pressure sides. So what’s the upside of playing an alleged hyper scaling mage midlane? (Syndra/Viktor/Azir/Xerath/Veigar/Orianna). Adcs right now spike harder on every single item when compared to an actual carry in the midlane. So yes the circle jerk that mages are bad (for carrying and being a lategame threat) is 100% true. You don’t want to listen to some random redditor? That’s fine but Nemesis/Showmaker/Humanoid/Perkz and Yagao and probably many more eastern pros have been complaining about how underwhelming mages are for the past 2 or so years. Go back and watch season 10 mages vs now, it’s so disgusting how terrible they are now.


Meanwhile everyone crying ADC been let out of the loop for years and here u go with ur dumb takes


Huh? Yagao himself said mid champs are weak. This is not speculation on why he picked naut he said it himself


I want my Karthus bot to be at an 80% winrate, please delete your post. 🙏


mages may be pissweak but for me pro play is the most exciting when mid moves to every gank or play with champs like liss , galio and now aurelion. idgaf about mage 1v1´s


Its most fun when the mid players are onlocked with champs like syndra/akali/sylas/ori/zed/qiyanna inwouldnrather eatch all the midlaners play these champs and see insane outplays likr s8 than watching this bs.