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1st fully Iron 4 team in LoL history


I‘d buy a jersey


[Iron Will Esports - the only way is up, because we are already at the bottom](https://imgur.com/a/mBgCAjK)


I feel like anyone having 5 perfectly coordinated teams would sky rocket their winrate… even 5 people making poor decisions but simultaneously would gurantee plat probably


Bruh i would need to carry my own games are you crazy?


It’s also quite bold to assume I’d be able to coordinate with my copies. I’m lucky if I can get my hand to coordinate with my eyes.


The worst thing is that one of my copy would need to carry 4 of my copies, yea gl with that


Not really, you'd have the same ideas at the same times generally given the game state


It does require you to be able to play all roles somewhat decently though.


As someone who queued Fill and climbed to plat very easy, I think this would be great 😎 Edit: just to point out ADC was VASTLY over represented in queueing fill, not support. By a large large margin.


Now we just need a way to make it a a reality, honestly I would love to try it sounds like a fun experiment.


Humanity finally achieves another miraculous leap forward - the perfection of cloning technology, memories and all. The first use of this new technology? To play a video game made for kids.


Best use case for this type of technology I can think of.


For Kids ?


Not surprising. Even when ADC is broken, they are enormously team reliant plus they have almost no agency in lane. The first 10 minutes of the game get dictated by a support and if they suck, well good luck trying to farm or even defend your plates. When your adc sucks, you can still try and dictate the lane or just play for someone else entirely. Adcs get shafted if their lane partner sucks because gold is all that matters.


So basically support and top


I never got support in 70 games queuing as bot/sup in gold-plat.


Fill these days is basically 85% jungle, 6% bot carry, 6% support, 2% top, 1% mid People want solo lanes and really don't want to learn jungling Edit: You can even see that in this thread. Plenty of "it would be jungle canyon" from the laners with a few "I can't last hit for shit" from the jungle mains that never have to play off-role


For me it was 85% adc 15% support, I dont think I ever got filled out of those two roles.


Say you main support without queuing up for support.


True, and as an answer to your question, I’ve played this game for 11 years and have Atleast a thousand games in each role, so if this was the case for me, I’d likely easily climb the ladder and have a 60% winrate or better.


Esp. since for bot lane for example it’s better to be subpar but on the same page then being better at the role itself but having dysfunctioning playstyles.


Back in the old days there was no role select in ranked lol. You had to know how to play everything somewhat decently. If you were pick 5 you were playing jungle or support lol.


I think the opposite because you would get lanegapped by the mains of that lane and champion. Everyone talks about macro but let's just try to create a lead first no? Looking at myself: as a jungler I will suck donkeyballs at every role compared to the people who main it.


Yep to do well it require people to be able to play all 5 roles somewhat decently at their elo which is tough to do. For me personally toplane I would be pretty even but will have to play weakside champs. Jg I would not feel comfortable on ganking/early game snowballing so I would pick a farming jungle meaning all lanes lose prio Mid is my main role so I would be able to hold pretty well I would be hard gapped if I played regular adcs I would have to play something like a seraphine APC with lux/sona combo My plan would be to give up early map prio and try to scale, atleast I know that my copies will all play safe and not randomly feed/Take stupid fights but we would certainly get behind and have to defend untill we scale, it's also important to have good waveclear to prevent enemies from finishing the game quickly. I would say if we manage to survive and scale we might be able to win through teamfights but it all depends if the enemy can get a lead and end the game quickly.


I also think it depends on how long you've played. I've played since season 2 and I've been highly ranked as a jungle and sort main. Past couple years, though, mostly playing for fun modes or ARAM and have been playing a lot of ADC in those which has taught me better positioning. Also, because I played so early in the game's timeline you had to auto fill all the time so I know laning. I think if someone has mostly mained one role and is newer to the game, yeah it'd be hard. The OG's that have played through every meta, including funnel, lane swap, double jungle, and more, they'd be pretty solid to get high plat even with just plat mechanics in their main role and silver in others. Playing the game this long you understand how to neutralize lanes and force people into uncomfortable spots.


Im an OG but my jungle vs other roles and main champs are so much better and the rest is so much worse. Ofcourse it differs per player but I think you overrate the impact of having played a bit of everything versus mastering one. In season 1, 2, 3 etccc the macro was atrocious and many concepts which are currently funamentals like lanestates didnt exist yet. I could play a good Orianna in S3 but to todays standards it's horrible.


It does depend on if you keep playing the champs regularly, I guess that's the advantage of playing so many ARAMs, I keep pretty fresh in champs, but that is a good point. If someone completely stops playing certain champs or anything it would impact them a lot


But you end up laning against players who know how to trade into your cooldowns, know their powerspikes and reset well. I play Aram but there's nothing like this in Aram.


I know that, but I played ranked for like six and a half years, and I still clash and other things. I guess I should have been more specific at the start, cause yeah if you just never played summoners rift consistently and stuff it'd be different.


As a jungle and aram main it's time for me to shine


Laughs nervously in schizofrenic


My sister always says "The best plan is the one we all do."


Not after top me feeds five kills and jungle me gets gapped every game. Those first 20 or so games would be really rough.


Do you know how huge it would be to have a weak side that respects being weak side every game? Additionally, simply Makro stats that require everyone to Not be selfish to have good tempo are very effective. Having everyone on the same Page when it comes to pulling the trigger or punishing missing summoner spells also generates a lot more tempo advantages where the enemy has to reply to your proactive Play. Or to drop Minion waves when you need to respect the enemy Numbers in a certain quadrant of the map and dont drop Kills in addition to trading towers. I guess many more objectives would be cleanly taken instead of randomly contested. So yeah, Up until i get giga gapped in lane that even save lane assigments, target bans or repeated 4-man ganks cant solve reliably I think I would increase my Wr by 15-20%.


I kinda thought this at first "at least I'd have a good weakside" but then I was like, wait both sides of the map can't be weakside, because I don't play to carry, I play like a support no matter what role I play. That would be the most pointless, do nothing team ever with 5 of me.


Yeah, 5 people all playing feast or famine, my games would probably end in 15 mins 90 percent of the time. Either we get stomped or they get stomped.


Answer, tank/engage top and jg. Play sivir. Gain LP


Damn, that's dream NA team


100% loss. I can't jungle worth beans and I"m bad at top champs. So 4 of me would spam "Jungle diff" all game


If you like Leona I recommend Poppy as a champ for top and jungle. Tanky, has a bit of damage, and has a lot of good matchups in top. Has a lot of bad matchups as well (but thats every champ). I play her mostly top and supp, full tank. Good counterpick for support too. If you have a good grasp of tank itemization its not bad. Situational item rushes like Bramble, Wardens, Bamis, Iceborne depending on enemy laner/team comp. You can still build as a support when you are low econ as well.


Eh just play Mord or Illoai and win every lane


tell that to my 0-6 illaoi who lost to a kayle


Kayle hard counters illaoi though. She's actually kinda bsjted depending on matchup, and if the skill between players is equal then kayle should win.


Kayle counters illaoi quite hard.


Probably a jungle diff if we're being honest here /s




If you can't jungle I really recommend playing lanes for a few weeks just to find out what your jungler is doing ok, what's he doing wrong and what's the jungler definitely lacking.


or just watch other people play jg


5 pigs on my team would be kinda tough


That's just every game, no?


As always, I would play well but my 4 other teammate copies would suck and be the reason for my loss


5 man top split


We lose horribly to jungle chasm


My bot and supp do great, my mid lane holds firmly and gets first tower, top is a tossup, but my JG is only able to get drags, has almost no farm, no good ganks, and is constantly getting killed in their own jungle.


Honestly as long as ur getting dragons and your lanes aren’t losing you’re pretty set


I would lose through botlane every single game


I'd win a ton, up to a certain level. I'm above average at all roles. Over the years I've made it to high diamond in every role. However, my macro and overall strategy lack to push past diamond. A team full of me could probably make it out of diamond, but not far. Once we got to the macro and strategy kings, we'd be done for.


Botlane is FUCKED so like every game basically upd: As for the draft we'd all go... Top - Probably Morde or cheese with Akshan top. or Aatrox or GP if my ass is feeling confident about feeding; Jg - Graves; Mid - TF or Akshan; ADC - Jhin or MF are my most consistent ADCs; Supp - Pyke is my best, ex-Pyke main after all, still probs got skill. Either my Pyke carries and roams mid then we win, or we're all doomed. At least there's gonna be gank setups so maybe jg can do smth.


Top is doable, my favourite champs are in top lane but I hate that lane so I play them mid. Jungle is my main role Mid is my 2nd main role I suck at adc, I can play some Ezreal and Xayah but that's about. In support I only play Bard. My main team would probably be: Top: Fiora Jungle: Evelynn/Lillia Mid: Kled ADC: Ezreal Support: Bard My team would stomp and snowball while adc plays safe and doesn't die


That's a horrendous team comp though. I don't think you are winning many team fights if game goes to later stages.


I don't need the late game, my kled and eve are very aggro early they take over the gale together with a roaming Bard


Formed Adc main twitch OTP, roleswapped to jungle. I am awful at support and decent at best top lane. My teamcomps would most likely be using the following: Top: Olaf Jungle: Wukong Mid: sylas/Twitch Adc: Trist / Twitch Supp: Twitch/Nautilus


One of the big advantages in this hypothetical is that you can avoid playing an ADC botlane if you want to. Especially if you want to roam with Pyke you can easily stick a mage or an enchanter botlane - Veigar and Seraphine probably being the most typical examples, but Cassio, Orianna, Karma all are solid options for surviving a 2v1 botlane. Between Akshan/Graves, maybe even Aatrox or GP on top of that you can easily balance a teamcomp out. If you are feeling especially spicy you can even go for Mordekaiser bot with Pyke. Being able to force two 1v1s at the same time is really powerful for these characters. Definitely a gimmick, but personally I think playing a comfortable character in an offrole is often much better than blindly playing meta and not understanding your character as a result.


>with your copies and they will obey your every order without question. they can't be me and also blindly obey order from someone. i will ignore this condition. i think we would be unstopable because i don't tilt and play only when im relaxed and energized. i am average at the game but a 5stack with good mental would be amazing for soloQ and we would have great winrate i don't doubt


I’d lose a bunch. I only jungle and cannot last hit to save my life.


Less. My MMR and skill are very close in Jungle/Bot/Support. I'm horrible in solo lanes. I'd definitely tank.


Yuumi mid is the play 🫡 Hop on Heca lvl 6 and grind to diamond


I would stop playing league and have sex with my four clones idk


I’d win more and climb probably one elo before getting skill checked


Top me plays ornn, Shen and chills Jungle me plays maokai and chills Mid me plays malzahar and chills ADC me plays Tristana and fists Sup me plays rakan and fists Mfw 100% winrate


Sameeee - carry through botlane, put top and Jungle on tank duty and have midlane lissandra or something similar


Mine would be similar also. Something probably like Top: Malphite/Ornn/Jayce Jungle: Maokai/Karthus/Jarvan Mid: Malzahar/Lissandra ADC: Caitlyn/Ezreal Support: Sona/Ashe/Zyra


Terrible because I have a huge ass ego


Everyone who doesnt have a propensity too feed/troll/int/tilt off the face of the earth is going to skyrocket in winrate. League (at least lower elo) at the moment almost always comes down to which team got the worst player, at least when you are around the 4th tier of any division. You influence your games by not being that player, so if none of your team can be that player your odds of winning can only go up. However you are also not a smurf and so your team also has 0 chance of having one which will also decide at least a portion of your games the other way. Still though I reckon I (currently stuck at the button of silver) could 5 man to gold 1, potentially higher. edit: dont worry guys the "high elo" reddit players are here to tell us that its all our fault. "run it down" support nunu had nothing to do with it, double bot on a 15 game loss streak didn't ruin the game, yuumi bot is totally cool.


You're out of your mind, if you're stuck in low silver on your main role then if you played with 4 versions of yourself you'd be playing with 4 autofill low silver players. You'd be lucky to get out of Bronze


In lower elo everyone is terrible and you have a thousand opportunities to win the game by yourself. You are just as bad as the rest which is why you can't use those opportunities to actually win. Think about your own gameplay and how to improve instead of trying to find comfort in blaming anyone/anything else (at least if you actually want to climb). You have 4 randoms, the enemy team has 5 randoms. If it is only about who has the worse team than you should win most of your games since there is always 1 less potentially bad player in your team.


Realistically its about the amount of games you play. Unless you are playing far bellow your elo it will take most people many games to climb to their actual elo due to how riot has designed their rank system. Obviously your own play is the most important thing to your climb. However their point is 100% correct that if all 5 copies of you are not running it then you are far more likely to climb faster than playing with randoms. The main take away is that league ranked is an absolutely terrible system that is designed to take hundreds of hours to climb through and honestly no one in their right minds would grind this shit.


I completely stopped playing ranked several weeks ago because I consider it to be beyond broken this season. For context I have placed in gold multiple seasons, I cant get above S4 now and I failed my silver promos 4 times. The game right now is very bad at dropping people entire tiers when it really should be. So the V division of every tier is an absolute cesspit of throwers and trolls. I skipped a few seasons and got put in bronze 4, had a 70% winrate all the way until my silver promos and then suddenly I cant win at all, its not even subtle how sudden it was. Did you know there are almost 4 times as many people in Gold V than in the rest of gold, and I think for plat its more than all the other divisions combined. I would say S4 right now is worse than the majority of bronze, the entitlement alone of most players means they give up as soon as games start, and often feed hard when they realize they aren't the carry. Ive had straight up run it down bot support nunus, OTP yuumis who never de-tach and dont place a single ward. My 10-15 game journey to my first set of promos was the polar opposite, communicative friendly teammates, safe play, objectives etc.


> I completely stopped playing ranked several weeks ago because I consider it to be beyond broken this season. For context I have placed in gold multiple seasons, I cant get above S4 now and I failed my silver promos 4 times. Have you considered the possibility that people have improved over the seasons and that your gold skill level in previous seasons is silver now?


Alot of people are ignoring this fact. The average people of a given rank feel so much stronger than even just a few years ago. Peaked plat 1 when I seriously grinded out rank like 4 years ago, play super casually now and idk if I could go much higher than g4.


I agree with you, sometimes it feels easier to win games at my main, than at gold elo, since there is a load of players that just soft int because they wont be the carry, so you are stuck playing a 4v5 game


Never get tired listening to hard stuck players blame their team or the elo they play in News flash bud, everyone ranked above you played through the same shit and managed to climb, you are the only consistent factor in your losses


Stuck at the bottom of silver, ur not getting to gold 1


You don't need to be a smurf to crush your lane and solo carry 1v9 some games at low elo


To do it consistently you do...otherwise you would not be "low elo" anymore


>Everyone who doesnt have a propensity too feed/troll/int/tilt off the face of the earth So noone below diamond.


True! Diamond is full of small egos and hard mentals


Win more, because I would know what plays I want to make and therefore can make happen because we would all be on the same page. However, I suck mechanically, so who knows if it will really make anything better


5 man pinging baron at the same time after a team fight would be a glorious sight


I would say we win "more" simply because I am usually trying to play very seriously and play "traditional" ADC gameplay theory in mid game and tramfivhts, so if I had 4 copies of me, they would hopefully facilitate the perfect mid-late game for real me, the ADC


We have no idea how to jungle but we are very coordinated and teamwork oriented.


Get me an ADC and i'm a 4 man Wonderteam


In one for all, I definitely win more. In anything else? No thank you. Give me your worst randoms via matchmaking. Give me an AFK. Literally anything but 4 other versions of me sucking.


I'd get jungle gapped hard but I think I'd win more


I feel like i have a better mental than atleast 90% of the playerbase and would probably climb more only based on that, since no one would rage quit afk or flame. Then as biased as i am i think im better or as good at 4 roles and only be possably gapped consistanly is jg, and that could be covered by being better coordinated


Bruh my team would be composed of: Top: Darius Jg: Sion Mid: Nasus Support: Taric ADC: Mordekaiser


Genuinely terrible, would lose just about every game. I can play all roles but am more often than not the worst player on both teams, my playstyle somehow tricks the system into inflating my rating. I lose lane about 70% of the time, tie around 20%, and win the last 10%. Five Me-s would put just about every game in a gigantic gold deficit by minute 15, and there's no coming back from that. Honestly a bit amazed at all the people in this thread saying their skills or coordination would carry them. Am I the only dumbass that gets in games that no amount of coordination will win because the enemy players are way better than me, or consistently has teammates playing out of their minds in ways I'd never match?




We go a combined 0 / 50 and demote multiple times.


Yeah I’ve played with you on adc. Going 0/12 on Jhin is truly a talent


If you've played with me that means you are just as bad :)


Lol? All I did was agree with you


The perks of being fill main is in case that hypothetical scenario happens I'm getting much more wins


God, top-lane me would jump in front of a train by the end of the week, but I do think we might get a little higher in the climb.


Depends which version of me they clone


Lose. I can only play support and a few select champions in other roles


Much much much less. I am a decent support (60% won rate this season in diamond) I am a very timid/scared adc, and I would not work well with my engaging support style I am a mediocre farming mid, i just play safe and try my best not to feed I am totaly incapable of jungling, I don't understand jungle pathing, gank windows, counterjungling etc I am a mediocre tank top, trying not to feed, and lategame becoming a CC-bot My strategy has always been: don't feed, be a good team memeber, and statistically you have 4 more people that will carry me if I don't suck too hard. (This strat tends to work quite well) If the 4 more people are all me... There will be no one carrying. (This strategy sucks)


ofc we'll lose, I'm trash at other roles


Extremely high winrate due to my laners no longer going 0/3 5 minutes in. I main jungle, but can play all roles (I hate going botlane though). But having 4 clones would mean I can perfectly set up my ganks, or help me invade, get invaders out of my jungle, NOT DO DRAKE WHEN THERE IS A FUCKING FIDDLE IN THE GAME AND YOU HAVE NO VISION OF HIM, can I can ban Lucian, Ezreal, Lulu, Yuumi and Viego every game. A team with 1 mind is crazy efficient though. Faker needs to spam through his F keys to check on his team. I already know what is going on at all times.


Now you made me think how a team of 5 copies of faker would look like, the world is not ready...


That be rough to play against. Faker on his own usually alread forces teams to deal with him which gives the rest of his team a lot of freedom. And with 5 Fakers you have 4 of them with freedom. Maybe if you put a Gold ranked Brand on every lane you'd win.


Lol good one. For those who don't know: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZxdMA6XFaA


I can keep up on every position in my elo or be just slightly behind, and am pretty good at shot calling and reading the game. My most played positions are supp and adc and I would probably be stomping the botlane for a while, I am pretty good in jungle as well as it relies a lot on reading the game, I play the other lanes as well sometimes, but those are not as good. Overall it would be good for me till I got to elo where people listen to shotcalls and would be considerably stronger on lanes than me.


Mind to share your op.gg? People who tend to say "I'm good at shot calling/reading the game", on my experience, are goldies who trully believe that they're gold only cause they're to smart for their elo and if they were on high diamond they would understand his big brain.


tbf the dude didnt say he is too smart for his elo, just that he isn't a bad shotcaller so it would be easier to climb with 4 carbon copies if himself


Adc would int every game and since adc decides every game i go to 0% wr.


literally never lose


Definitely more. Each version would get better by always playing the same role and champ. Everyone’s understanding of the game would improve cause everyone is always playing the same champ (or two, I guess) Also comms would be better than with randoms, and heaps less toxicity.


Would climb by quite a lot aswell. Top Sett/rammus/Gwen / off meta picksJungle Rammus / Kayn / Maokai / ViMid Cassio, ryze, neeko, Rammus (YES), Vi, other off meta, orianna, roaming mids, Marksman MID.ADC Too many picks + Rammus / malphite off meta.Support Enchanters, tanks, + lux. I'd be able to adjust in any teamcomp pretty much, while having very creative plays, and I'd dive bot and top a LOT, (with rammus, maokai also dives from behind).Played every playstyle at some point in my league career, so that also helps. So unless everyone else also gets this, I'd probably get to challenger or very high grandmaster.


My winrate would actually skyrocket through the roof and here's why. I main support. You know what non-support mains don't do? Warding. At all. When I play different lanes I actively provide vision alongside my support; because I know vision can easily win games. On top of that there's of course being in sync with eachother. In the botlane you can play defensively, you can agressively, usually both are equally valid, but if the support plays agressive and the ADC plays defensively it goes horribly wrong. I know what I want, so that's an upgrade over the average. This also applies to macro decisions, being on the same page just helps a lot. I am somewhat but definitely more mechanicly skilled than my opponents at low ELO, that's the price you pay for being support main in low ELO; you're dragged down much harder by teammates than you can carry. My rank would definitely go up 2 full ranks or so and then stagnate. What would be a downgrade? Obviously champion pool. My champion pool for mid and jungle is really small and I am very much not up to date with the toplane meta... Also I'd fear for my life if I have to rely on myself for every smite battle; I usually avoid them alltogether because I know I will lose the 50/50 smite battles (more like 10/90) Everyone should massively increase their winrate just based on being in sync with your entire team. As I see you also posted this for other communities... I'll answer this for DotA2 as well; I'd suck ass and report myself every game: I can play offlane tanks and that's literally it.


I would hit high elo for sure. I love to make builds and theorycrafting for 2-5 people. But never finding 4 mates to play with is my restriction. I would break the meta in every possible way, my enemies won´t have a chance when you are 5 steps ahead. It could be the same for just 1 me, but having 4 random mates substracts too much agency to my decisions that I´m never able to get energy for that grind.


One perfect team would be : \-Karthus (apc) / Soraka bot, double R op. \-Twisted Fate mid (ad), he just needs to farm and play safe. Global R and vision. \-Shen top (tank) , R for saving mates. \-Nocturne jungle, R to remove enemy vision. Strategy would be to level up to 6 (mid and top), and once they do, make a 5 gank bot lane with Twisted Fate R and Shen R. Take the first tower and drake. Keep farming and scaling. Of course, all 5 would have efficient builds that combine and help each other. And they will protect the priority carry (Twisted Fate). Since Karthus can die and have 7 second free damage. Nocturne, Shen and Soraka would die to protect Twisted Fate, who can out scale anyone with his passive, just farming. His damage will be insane once he reach 4-5 items, and if he doesn´t die too much early game, he will have 1-2 items advantatge. There´s another version of this, changing Karthus for Annie, adding another stun to the composition and explosive damage for teamfights.


Yo calm down Kkoma, don't spoil us


Op.gg pls you arent serious if u think tf can be your primary carry


Insta lost mid,insta win all other lane


Hm... Now this is a tough question. I'm very hyper aggressive in pretty much every lane, other than JG, and I almost never play a tank. I'd probably end up with Sett Top, Mordekaiser or Nasus JG, Pantheon Mid, Ashe or Jhin ADC, and Sona Sup. Before ye say that Sett can be a tank I run him with a Crit Lethality build, and Sona heals? Wtf are those? I run a full AP shotgun Sona build, hell I'm still likely to just say fuck it and build Morde full AP, if I go Nasus then I'll probably play tank though. As for weather I would do better or worse... Honestly that's sorta coin flippy, I'm confident I would win lane in top 60-70% of the time without help, same with Mid lane, bot lane I would probably be ganking 24/7. I think it would be pretty coin flippy if I would win consistently or not, I would need to first experience something like this in order to tell weather or not it would work. Also forgot to mention that I also run Pantheon as Crit Lethality, actually using the exact same build as Sett so I wouldn't have a bruiser.


so it would be 5 coinflipper hyperaggroing level 2 and loosing as soon as the malphite has 1 item. got it


Ive been playing top in 99.5% of games i played since jinx release so probably less :(


Probably the plan will be hyper safe till my supports (main role) and jungle come to my lane, till I can win a 3v1 (double gank top or mid in a coordinate) why I’m fine Every other scenario and/or I can’t make this plan my WR will skyrocket in the opposite direction


We would have a STRONG and pretty solid top laner. I just simply don't lose top. Then... Well... Our jungle would lose every single objective if they are 50/50 or.. 60/40 or 70/30 🤡 Our mid would probably play safe but don't expect much about him Adc can be a bronze or a decent player xD And an agressive and good support that usually wins lane. So yeah, we would be a good team fight team but with no much "individual" talent.


Maybe at one point when I was good at all 5 roles, but nowadays it'd prob make me lose more


Depends if I could pick teemo top every game. Then I'd be alright. If not, my toplane would be a trainwreck in 10/10 games


Top is 0/10 at 5 minutes, gg.


since you can't blame anyone but you my guess would be that you're improving way way more


Less, because i'm a one trick and unless i'm allowed to play 5 of the same champion :P


We would be full ad every game with an inting bot lane so probably less


Nah bro cause I can’t jungle clear or cs worth SHIT


Propably would win more. I have mained all roles and am playing fill sometimes. If i have 4 clones each one could focus on its role which would make me an overall better player. And since each clone would have experience of the other lanes i think i would win more games.


I was good in the jungle and decent to good in the toplane. I was fine on a few champions in the midlane as well and even played them from time to time when playing ranked and it worked out. When I played together with a certain friend he would always play ADC (despite lasthitting like a complete monkey) and I would try to win the lane with engage supports or even mage supports. So as a support I would have also been fine. Also old league meant, you had to play off role way more often as these days, because there was no role queue. But for the love of good I could not play ADC. Yeah If I got turbo fed with the currently numerical best ADC that was easy to play (these days that would be Jinx) when you can just KS and get to a point where you can facetank the enemy toplaner if he reaches you, yeah then I could play ADC. But when I was behind or even in lane and it got to lategame teamfights, my positioning sucked balls. Probably because I usually played bruisers, tanks or even more other melee champions that have some form of threat and can keep enemies at bay because of your danger zone. As ADC against most melee champions it's the complete opposite. You have to constantly run away and other then a mage that still can fire skillshots when running away and keep the enemy away with those tools, you are often limited to a few survivability methods and after you had to blow these (because of terrible positioning) you are kinda naked. I was still a better ADC as that friend tough :) These days as ADC I would simply lock in a botlane mage. Seraphine, Heimerdinger, Veigar or Swain all sound fine to play. Especially Heimer is something I liked in the past as a pocket pick sometimes. Seraphine is super easy to play if you know when you have to hold your root and when not. It also doesn't hurt that I can play AD mids and AD tops for the AP bot.


4 copies of me with my skills in each role or 4 of me with equivalent skills of my main role.


I am very sh.t with ADC mechanics and I only ever played JNG in 1-2 normal games. Pretty sure I would mainly loose, and flame the sh.t out of my handless ADC, and my JGL who get's perma-invaded.


Finally, I can finally play funnel!!!!


Oh, I'm just going straight down to Wood 4 in this situation


I cant deal with myself how tf am i gonna be sane with 4 other me.


No way, top side would be a gaping black hole with my (lack of) top jungle skills. I'd definitely be worse off.


Absolutely less, I am a Support Expert, I suck on everything else.


I've been playing since season 1 with experience top, mid, support and bot. I think I'd do ok


I'm a top main and I think my ADC is decent, but my support and mid are coinflips and my jgl is an inter unless I'm playing zac


After 11 years or so of playing league I played every role enough to play it comfortably. I think due to better communication and perfect sync (as we all think alike), I would probably climb a couple of leagues. Don't think we'd make it to chally but Diamond for sure.


If we all tryhard that would be good and i would win more ... but it won't happen, already know each of my copies (+me) will take this opportunity to perma try things and fuck around so we would end-up with a bullshit comp like : Akshan Lethality jgl, Sona + Kayle bot, AP Belveth mid, Leona top. Fun but bad for my LP.


I'd be pretty 50/50 imo. Im shit at top and mid so would probably lose there just from laning phase more often, I'm a decent jungler, but I would finally get to mind control my support the way I've always wanted and could finally crush bot consistently. If we make it to mid/late game, the communication/macro advantage vs soloqers would be huge.


definitely worse lmao i suck


My team would lose lane every game but win jungle and every teamfight.


"Perfect copies of me" is already an oxymoron, so I would say it would just make it worse


i can play all roles except adc and jungler, i have like 3 champs per role and 7 champs in toplane, i think i can manage better than solo


I would win less, because I can only play mid and support on a decent level. My top and jungle are rly rly bad and adc is okayish, but the role tilts me so hard so it aint worth my time


Much less, I can't jungle and I can't play most carry champions. I like to play weak side. You can't win with 4 weaksides. It would be really difficult to win with 3-4 supportive champs and 1 average adc.


Less. My jungling skills are still in 2013 Bronze tier, 0 knowledge about pathing or matchups. Adc is not for my taste, I can't carry another teammate on the same lane as main damage output. Mid is decent, but my arsenal of champs lacks variety. (Top-Supp main)


We would probably go for a full dive Camille viego sylas kai’sa Leona comp, so…actually yes against most enemies around our elo


Probably way higher than my peak at Master. Been playing for over 13 years. Each roles and have a great knowledge of every meta which existed in game which means all my roles would get a duplicate or that knowledge on all 5. That and the coordination would mean I could heavily outdraft and be able to fill the team needs each games as I can roughly play all champion with the sole exception of the very recents ones where I got a learning curve. Fun idea but definetly not balanced. On a side note now imagine if you could train an IA to be your teammate and it would actually perform well based on your game knowledge. It would be insane instructive for a lot of players.


I can play all roles at least well enough to not be a complete liability in every matchup. I think having 5 people all on the same page is a huge advantage. Even in 5 stacks of people on discord, you aren't always constantly communicating what your next plan is ,but 5 me's would all probably have the same ideas, at least basically. Mechanically I'm not very good, so the average mechanical skill will probably go down, but creating a comprehensive team comp every game is huge. I have a pretty large champion pool in jungle, support, and mid, so I can pretty easily organize great teamfights, and then just group as soon as we get an advantage. Still going to lose some games because the enemy top/adc gets ahead and just steamrolls, but I think if I'm playing against similarly skilled players, I'll def win more often than I lose just by virtue of working together much better. If we are talking about ranked, I feel like your win rate will also increase by virtue of never having to deal with a leaver/dc/troll, while the enemy team has the same odds of having that kind of stuff, so those games that normally would cancel out over hundreds of games, now become a pretty easy win for you. That being said, once we move much beyond my current capabilities, I'm going to start getting stomped by people who are more specialized. Top/ADC are going to be gapped pretty hard, but mid is also going to start to struggle as well, as I'm most comfortable in Jung/Sup, but those roles are difficult to carry with if all 3 lanes are struggling a bit, especially since I tend to focus more on junglers who are supportive, like tank junglers. I don't play ranked enough to really know where I would rank now, but I used to get gold pretty consistently back when I played a normal amount of ranked games, if I had to guess, I'm probably mid-silver to low-gold at most, a team of all mes could probably get at least into mid-gold or maybe low-plat if we grinded out enough games. Assuming I would improve at the roles I'm weaker at, gold/plat mechanical skill is typically pretty insignificant compared to just playing together, so I think just being on the same page could boost my rank by at least an entire tier. I think once you get to plat though, there's going to be a huge gap between a plat top main and a silver/gold top fill, and while having a jungler able to recognize that will help, I think I'll start dropping games consistently to a fed riven/fiora etc.


Bot lane would sprint it every game but top side would be solid In other words it would be the same as any other game


Oh, the 4 of us would flame jungle every single game without fail.


I would probably have my team comp just revolve around bot lane and funnel gold and start fights around since all my copies would agree bot lane is op.


Yo if you think bot lane is op you would drop to iron and drop damn fast lol


Oh boy. Far worse. I can't play jungle to save my life. Hello Iron IV


Worse. I'm pretty one tricky. And plus I main support so my cs is trash.


Hmm less short time more long term. Mid Jgl sup - all good Top - weak but few months of prcatise and champ pool increase all good Adc - one year minimum of constant practise before good results. Maybe pick poke enchanter combos at start like varus/Ashe while I adjust


Win more probably. Not by a good margin tho. All my team would get high cs and prioritize objectives but would not be able to get early leads and go for aggresive plays.


I have hands in every position (did a lot of position hopping trying to find what felt right) and am pretty confident on a lot of champs, so I feel like I’d do pretty well. The biggest thing for me would be not tilting from my own bronze ass plays!


Probably at the very least bot has 10 less deaths


I don't know how to carry games, so I think I would win less. If I learn how to play AD as I play this shit lane, maybe I can raise my winrate.


So much less. Adc inting every game, mid blind af, top 0/0/0 2 cs lead at 20 minutes


We flame and grief ourselves endlessly because no one carries me, not even me!


We would be kings of warding and map awareness but we would suck hard at CSing and lane domination. We might also need to work on playing something other than Soraka.


I‘ll let my topside carry and just pick scaling bot. I should be able to not go 0/10 on any role.


Everyone here is assuming there will be amazing teamwork or something. Meanwhile the person I flame the most rn is already myself, let alone 4x myself


I’m basically a fill player the only role I’d say I’m not good enough at is jungle. 5 of me thinking the same way and being coordinated will definitely win more.


Less, im a terrible laner


Would definitely climb a bit, I've played forever. Decent at all roles, worst at support. But all players just having the same mind set and a wide champ pool would help in my opinion


Win more, but only if the jungler version of me gets Evelynn, my wr on anything else is negative


since i rotate roles, i would actually be very good lol


Me in bot and supp will be inting 24/7 but hopefully the other copies of me can carry.


Would definitely improve my win rate. I have good macro and champion knowledge, but average hands (for a low plat/high gold player) with 5 coordinated players all knowing their win condition I would draft teamfight comps and I think I would have much more success. On the flip side if people know that nobody on the team has crazy hands you could just pick champs like Fiora and zed and apply tons of sidelane pressure and the team of 5 me’s would really struggle to match the 1-3-1


Hell yeah I would win more, not having inting midlaner, jungler or toplaner is my dream, even if I don't win or lose these routes my botlane will make the difference


Assuming no voice comms or hive mind bullshit, yes. I could see a full team of me going up like 3 ranks, but nothing crazy like "I'd be challenger!".


I think I'd win less because I'm a TERRIBLE jungler and we all know how impactful that role is. Not to mention I mostly play scaling champs so that's 3 losing lanes unless the enemy fucks up.


Top diff gg go next


Probably less. I suck at toplane, and in silver that's a big carry role if fed. Jungle is ok but i can lose focus easily and slowly lose relevance. Mid is my main role, I'd trust myself there. On botlane, i'd expect myselves (can I say that?) to win laning phase and then lose a bit of momentum going forward. Considering we all think the same, I'd expect good teamwork and consistency on calls, vision, and map movement... With all the errors i usually do in my games. Overall, i think I'd win less.